Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sarah Palin's entire CSU speech. Remember to take you antacids before watching kids, it's a doozy.

Isn't that just about the cutest little protester you ever saw?

(You can view the entire speech right here courtesy of the Modesto Bee)

Palin starts of the speech by attempting to make a clunky joke about bendable straws and what she says are made up reports about her contract at CSU.  It is truly painful to watch.

In this speech while referring to the students who came to protest her visit Palin uses an old Reagan joke in which he said "They look like Tarzan, walk like Jane, and the smell like Cheetah."

Of course since this is Sarah Palin she gets the quote completely wrong and fails to recognize that Reagan was actually insulting a entire generation that he absolutely despised by saying  "A hippie is someone who looks like Tarzan, walks like Jane and smells like Cheetah."

What Palin said was mean spirited and non-sensical, but what Reagan said was dismissive and hateful.

Since Palin hopes to soon have her picture taken with the barely coherent dementia riddled Margaret Thatcher she also made a point to invoke her in the speech as well.

She also cannot resist insulting the students who found parts of her contract outside of the school in the dumpster by calling them "political operatives" and "dumpster divers". She tries to make it sound like a joke but the expression on her face reveals her anger and frustration at the revelations the students provided.

Later in the speech Palin resurrects the "joke that will not die" by once again looking at notes on her hand and referring to them as the "poor man's teleprompter", even though she is clearly reading off notes on the lectern in front of her.  I have to ask who exactly this joke works with since Palin was paid in excess of $75,000 to make this speech, has made over 12 million in the last year, and lives in a bizarre compound in Alaska?  In what way does that qualify her to call herself a "poor" anything.  Well besides "poor speaker" of course.

Right around he 23:00 mark Palin attempts to use big words, that she clearly does not understand, to argue against entertaining differing points of view in our country, and seems to blame the intellectualism of America for the continued existence of communism in other nations. Of course this leads her to making a reference to Ronald Reagan's less educated worldview and giving it credit for the collapse of the Soviet Union. (I wonder how Mikhail Gorbachev feels when credit for all of his hard work and sacrifice is handed to the man who during that time sat in the safety of America denying the AIDS epidemic?)

This is followed by another lame joke and nasty remark aimed at college professors and the intellectuals on campus. Damn she just hates the smart people doesn't she?

Believe it or not, and I had to watch this part twice to really digest it, Palin suggests the a University education could be replaced with "good old common sense".(Go to the 29:40 mark on the video to see this for yourself) WTF?  She actually said that in a speech on a university campus!

This was a ridiculous speech, and for those who believed that with the media allowed to film it she would do a better job, I hate to disappoint you but NOPE!

If what said is correct that "the more Palin tries to raise her profile, the less popular she becomes", than THIS speech might very well knock her down to single digits. (By the way if you are having trouble accessing the Politicsusa website it is because they are under DDoS assault by conservatives angry at their reporting. THAT is how the followers of Sarah Palin celebrate free speech!)

Update: I just received an e-mail form Politicsususa.  They said that the rumors of a DD0S assault were greatly exaggerated.  They were just suffering from too much attention and the traffic slowed them down to a crawl.  Sorry for the misinformation.


  1. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Most people know that education is their hope and their children's hope for a better life. Not that everyone has to go to college, but we all need to learn and grow to survive and thrive.

    Education is not a guarantee of achieving the "good life," it is a path to understanding how to enjoy life. The more you learn, the more you understand. The more you understand, the better you can cope with whatever comes your way.

    Sarah will never be a happy person because she refuses to learn. She will always see life through a lens of self-interest and limitations, envy and deceit, bitterness and hate. She refuses to embrace education on any level.

    That is not only sad, it is tragic because her willful ignorance and jealousy of those who have embraced the magic and joy of learning affects us all. Her self-hate is so strong that she wants to destroy everyone and everything around her.

    She first has to learn to understand herself - why she is driven to hate, so entwined in negativity, and so unwilling to let go of both. She is pulling that darkness tighter around her in hopes of becoming something more powerful, but she is strangling her own potential. She will go down in history as a very sad, angry, pitiful woman who wanted to bring down everyone else to her level. She is sinking in the mire of nasty and has only her own arrogance and desperation to blame.

    Those of us who want something better refuse to join her. Our ranks are growing as she sinks deeper. Only she can help herself. No one around her seems to give a damn with good reason. They don't really want to become what she is. Who in their right mind would?

  2. Thanks Gryphen.

    I've been patiently waiting all morning to read a post about this. As usual, you did a fine job.
    Reagan really was the begining of the dumbing down of America. I think even he would be outraged about Palin having anything to say regarding politics.

  3. Anonymous7:09 AM

    All that comes to mind is the world 'retard.'

    I hope the idiots who arranged this get fired.

  4. Aussie Blue Sky7:12 AM

    Gryphen, you left out a U in politicUsusa. site is back up

  5. Anonymous7:13 AM

    The politicsusa site is running fine for me. They were under attack last month by ignorant followers of Palin, though. The article about Palin's approval rating is based on an NBC news/WSJ poll. So, no question that it's true, if you believe the poll.

  6. Aussie Blue Sky7:15 AM

    sorry, my mistake - it's only half functioning

  7. Anonymous7:15 AM

    I cannot see how an incompetent,incoherent individual like Palin, is taken as any type of political expert. She's a joke!

  8. Anonymous7:15 AM

    LOVE that pic!

  9. Lynne7:21 AM

    Thank you, Gryphen. I didn't know about that website. I just finished looking at it. It's great!

  10. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Hmmm, denouncing intellectualism while advocating the replacement of higher education in favor of commonsense (while giving a speech at a university no less)...sounds kind of "Nazi" to me, Sarah. What's the matter you fucking jackal, afraid that people smarter than you will find you out? Unbelievable stupidity and arrogance.

  11. sewnup7:26 AM

    If I'd been in any small way behind the fact that she was there, giving that speech, I'd go home and pitch my cookies.

    She is definitely disconnected from reality (and that's the very least of her issues, IMHO). She can't even take a plane or bus trip by herself, for cryin' out loud; always has to have her babysitter along, and I don't mean for her kids, I mean for HER.

  12. Anonymous7:36 AM

    She just had to throw the people who brought her under the bus. The Foundation affiliated with the university must be feeling rather sheepish, I hope. Instead of promoting the university, they allowed Palin to verbally puke all over it and them. Way to go, Sarah, bite the hand that fed you! Stupid, selfish b*tch!

    I'd say she is too full of herself, but who could possible live containing that much bile?

  13. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Keep 'em stupid, disinterested and uniformed, and Sarah Palin looks like a sooooper geeenius.

  14. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Cannot get to current page of politicsusa.

    Can anyone assist with information?

  15. I wonder how much I'd have if I had a dollar for every time someone thought this after hearing a Palin speech?:

    "Now I know the dumbness doesn't come from just sound bytes."

  16. Anonymous7:45 AM

    As usual, Palin is her own worst enemy.

    Some folks claim that Palin will be running for president in 2012- after this performance, all I can say is...BRING IT ON!!

  17. And the dumbing down of America continues with the help of a Ca University Foundation. Nice work guys. The biggest donors of the event were the Board members of the Foundation. The Board President, Bob Swanson, who raved, & raved & raved about Palin as an introduction, donated $50,000. Quite a few others Board Members donated $10,000 each. Swanson was clearly bewitched, dazzled, & bewildered, and undoubtedly horny. Scuse me please. :)

  18. Anonymous8:00 AM

    EXCELLENT excellent observation. I'm not worried about myself falling down to her level of course...but GD so many, many Americans are doing just that.
    I am absolutely looking forward to Dunn and Joe's books to come out, with the hopes THE TRUTH will wake some of her bots up.

  19. Anne In DC8:00 AM

    I read transcripts of the speech that Politicus.usa provided, and it only does more to prove that she is a bonafide headcase. So many things she said were so off the wall that it's hard to say which of them is the worst. She managed to insult students protesting her presences, as well lobbing the ugliest insult I have heard her make about Democrats (the reference to them believing in FGM). I also noticed that she alluded to Ronald Reagan at least 5 times. That's not surprising, given that she wants to be his political heir.

    I tried to get back into politicus.usa, and this is not the first time that the hard right has attempted to shut it down. I firmly believe that's part of the pattern of trying to ram this idiot down our throats. Since she has no merit, they resort to attempts to silence media that actually tells the truth about her. They are for free speech only when it suits them, as shown with the Tea Partiers and FOX NOISE.

    It's laughable but no surprise that a boneheaded dingbat like her holds education in such disdain that she would say "good old common sense" could replace a college education. The remark only shows that she is the one who is totally lacking in common sense. Who else but a prize idiot would say something like that?

    Her stupidity could be written off as a bad joke, if she weren't such a nasty, hateful piece of work that about 25% of Americans, according to the poll, actually view as a positive political force. I'm grateful, however, that there are members of the media who will not hesitate to tell it just like it is about her.

  20. emrysa8:08 AM

    well gryphen I watched that screech last night. several beers made it possible.

    I found that man's introduction of sarah to be very frightening. dude's got serious hero worship issues - and what makes it worse, is that he's worshipping a myth that doesn't exist. that was seriously bizarre - just unreal. his introduction, and the cheering in the audience at the arrogant & ignorant rantings of a sociopath, makes that school look like shit.

    furthermore, the first dude who spoke was bragging about "clearing 200 grand?" is that really something to brag about? that's pathetic! especially when you consider that 2 board members donated 80 grand of that money. does 200 grand even cover a week's worth of operating expenses? that's embarrassing really.

    sarah was pathetic, but I certainly wasn't expecting any better from her. what a mean nasty bitch. I'm surprised she didn't wish her evil daddy cheney a speedy recovery. that woman is the antithesis of everything that is good and righteous.

  21. Anonymous8:12 AM

    I read right here that she would not give this speech, that she would back out because of the presence of the media.

    I read right here that, if held, this event would be a flop and lose money.

    I read right here that thousands of protestors would shut this speech down.

    Of course, I read right here that Palin's book wouldn't sell, that no one would want her as a speaker, that her political career was over, that she would shrink into obscurity.

    Don't you folks ever get tired of being wrong?

  22. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Great summary Gryphen. I can't believe anyone would pay her $75,000 for that gibberish. The first 10 minutes were about her, and her victimization. Then the long 20 minute ride into the various quotes, interspun with the words, freedom, next generation, values, constitution, founding fathers, democracy, but never making a point. There was no direction, it was like she threw all these words in a bag and shook it, poured in on the table and just winged it. Shake and bake coating speech.

    It sounds like a woman with no identity, who has been programmed or hypnotized. Of course, she wants them to think her message is to stop socialism, but it's not coming across as being her real conviction. Her reliance on everyone else's quotes, the absence of own observations based upon her public career is nil.

  23. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I was curious about the remarks you mentioned where common sense was emphasized over curriculum, so I actually watched that portion. I found it interesting that she said that parents wanted colleges to teach their children the "Three R's". No, Sarah, children need to learn those *before* they get to college. This is very insightful as to her personal views on education.

  24. Anonymous8:19 AM

    The people who held the speach donated 90,000 when it looked bad for them.

    the closed down the campus with chain link fences, would not allow the students in, or to linger when outside.

    Don't think Gryphen was wrong.

    It was a collosal flop.

    Her speech stank, stunk, smelled.

  25. scarlet/oregon8:22 AM

    "Fox affiliate won’t apologize for mistakenly broadcasting reporters trashing Palin".

    This was the 'highlight' of last night's latest word salad speech by $arah!!

  26. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Anonymous 8:12, saying "I read right here" over and over again doesn't make it true, or even plausible, that anyone other than a not-very-thoughtful commenter wrote those things, even as speculation. How about providing some URLs, so we can read for ourselves what was actually said? Straw men and exaggeration do not an argument make.

  27. kraftysue8:40 AM

    Apparently our little $arah had an open mike problem with some of the reporters and techies commenting on her speech.

  28. Lady Gag8:46 AM

    SP is about her ideology twins getting an education.
    Kristina Lazzaro♥Wasilla and tweeting Joe McGinniss

  29. Anonymous8:47 AM

    8:12, guess you didn't go to politicususa and watch the clip of Fox reporters commenting on her speech, with an accidental open mic on stage.

    Here, I'll give you some samples:

    During the live mic drama at the end, the reporters said now they know that her “dumbness doesn’t come from soundbites” and wondered if she had finished ONE statement, but decided, no she had not. They laughed derisively and made jokes about having to text their conservative friends about this.

    Other various comments:

    “I feel like I just got off a rollercoaster.”

    “She didn’t finish a statement.”

    “I don’t know how you’re gonna make a story out of that.” “Well, that’s the story.”

    “Did she even make a point?”

    “Lots of Reagan.”

    “Just put as many random quotes in as you can.”

    Read the rest here:

  30. Anonymous8:54 AM

    OT, but it occurs to me that if Sarah set up her Alaska Legal Fund claiming she had $500,000 in legal bills and collected money to pay those bills, isn't it proof of fraud if we now learn that there were no legal bills and that nearly half of that money simply went to admin costs? Seriously, isn't it fraud to collect money based on a lie? Major fraud? And now she's doing it again.

  31. womanwithsardinecan8:55 AM

    Since I refuse to listen to that idiot, or take her seriously in any way, I did not listen to her speech or look up the transcript. The best idiot lines will appear in comedy form over the next few days. I did briefly look at the livestream last night to see her appearance, in case I want to do a barbie version of the speech. What I noticed made me laugh. Think Gretchen Carlson. Sarah's hair is taking on that Fox look now. Instead of the bumpit look, it is becoming the Fox helmet look, with the precisely placed bangs and some precision streaking. I am amused.

  32. Anonymous8:55 AM


    You are correct. It is about time someone called out the Gryphen bots on their never ending quest to be wrong every single time.

    Someone was making fun of the event for only clearing $200K? That was the most successful fundraiser the foundation has ever had. It was all made in one evening. If anything this will make more universities consider bringing her in to give speeches. All the hateful students should send her a thank-you for helping the foundation raise so much money for scholarships. They don't deserve them, but they will receive them.

    I'll go ahead and call this event:

    Team Palin-1, haters-ZERO AGAIN!

  33. Anonymous8:58 AM

    8:12, go to your piggy bank and break out another $100 and send it to sarah's new defense fund, she needs the money.

    BTW, she shrank to obscurity a long time ago. And will continue to shrink (look at her latest poll numbers) as long as she stays in hiding away from Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, Katie Couric, Rachel Maddow. She is afraid to face anyone except her cronies at Fox News with pre-screened questions.

  34. Anonymous9:03 AM

    To Poster 8:12 AM:

    I'm amazed by the Americans like you who have been brainwashed by this dolt. She's an imbecile, an incoherent fool. She's poorly educated and willfully ignorant. Yet, you and your ilk believe she's qualified to be president.

    I recognize that you guys are actually participating in a racist backlash disguised as a political movement, but can't you do better than Palin? What about that black guy from South Carolina, Tim Scott? I think he'd be great. He's a teabagger, a self-hating black man a la Clarence Thomas, and he loves Strom Thurmond. He'd be the perfect replacement leader. Plus you can then pat yourselves on the back for choosing a black.

  35. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Sarah Palin was 2 hours late to the speech? What was the excuse and what is the truth? Palinbots will say it was wonderful and what a brilliant move. That does not sound like someone who wanted to preform. Perhaps she needed more time to build confidence and to look alright. What is happening with her lip?

    *** 8:12 AM ***

    It was a con job. The donors that would donate to scholarships put their donations toward this partisan gig instead. A manipulation to make them look good. They are not about an education for everyone. You have to think like them.

  36. Anonymous9:03 AM

    She is clearly psychotic. She is raising money for a University foundation (including scholarships to said University) and insulting students, professors, education, intellectualism, and college in general.

    And yet, here is the requisite Anon (8:12AM) continuing to believe this woman is capable of anything but being propped up to spew.

    A speech like this will alienate, not only liberals, but also moderates, and many conservatives who believe that education is important.

    Yup, that's a winning strategy there, all right all you deluded Sarah-sucking anons out there.

  37. Anonymous9:08 AM

    @anon 8:12 I'm so glad that you are right, and Sarah got to give her speech. The best part of the evening was after Sarah quickly gathered up her papers and fled, while the recording microphone was still on. What we got to hear was the best review of Sarah's speech by the camera men (or journalists standing nearby). They didn't just dis her; they laughed at her on a live Fox feed which was heard by how many people???

    Right now, only 29% of the people approve of Sarah's politics. Yes, she will always get bookings to give speeches to that group of people, and they will always spend twice as much money and generate terrible publicity in order to have Sarah speak to them. Even her fellow commentators at Fox have grown impatient with her. As long as we're throwing around numbers and politicians, 15% of the people think that Richard Nixon did no wrong and was hounded from office. Sarah will always have that 15%.

  38. Anonymous9:20 AM

    8:12 why are u here? To gloat about your goddess of conservatism who is vile and disturbed? This is what is real:

    We know the facts are she had to be paid $75K plus expenses to give a rambling incoherent speech.

    We know she had to bring along a child to shield her from people who would dare to call her out on her many many misquotes and hate speech.

    We know she came dressed inappropriately for a black tie event. Such disrespect for her contributors!

    We know if she had ANY honorable intentions she would have donated her fee (even a percentage) to CSU's scholarship program.

    What the fuck do you know?

    BTW has anyone checked madame quitters school records to see if she graduated from college?

    Before you ask 8:12, I have a degree in Business management with a minor in music. I made the dean's list while working a full time job. It took me over 20 years and only 3 colleges (snark). I had to work in between college years to have money. I made it on my own.

    What did your goddess do? Oh that's right slid by on her looks. How common and trashy. But that is her mo: do as little as possible and grift off others.

    Class dismissed. Now fuck off.


  39. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Anyone else find it ironic that the school's motto, displayed prominently behind Miss Wasilla 1984, translates to "Speak the Truth as a way of Life"?

  40. mommom9:35 AM

    She makes 12 million dollars and Toad had to go fishing to make money?Why not leave the fish for those whose wives do not make millions?

  41. emrysa9:42 AM

    anon @ 8:54 sez:

    "Someone was making fun of the event for only clearing $200K? That was the most successful fundraiser the foundation has ever had."

    I just had to thank you for this comment.

    The 2010 operating budget for stanislaus u is 90 MILLION DOLLARS. divide that by 365 days in the year, and you get $246,575.00 PER DAY.

    THEY DIDN'T EVEN NET ENOUGH TO COVER 1 DAY OF OPERATING EXPENSES. but somehow that's good? $200 grand is a fucking joke for a university with a budget of 90 million. mickey fucking mouse would have brought in more than that. but just keep telling yourself how awesome palin is, lmao.

  42. mommom9:49 AM


    Use the brain that the good Lord gave you and actually listen to the speech.Hear the words,hear the tone and inflection.Listen to the hate,the soundbites,the slogans,the unrelated uninteresting quotes strung together by RAM,delivered in a staccato hot mess of fumbled ,rushed words. Then think about why a millionaire needs you and your friends to send her more money.(her own personal bail out ).

    You will be ashamed if you really listen to her.

  43. The reason Palin wants to try to convince people that common sense is better than a university degree is she, one of the most poorly educated individuals to ever rise to the national spotlight, hopes to run against one of the best educated Presidents we've ever had, and perhaps one of the 100 smartest people in this country today.

  44. Anonymous10:02 AM

    @ emrysa @ 8:54

    You should have your head examined. You are comparing the entire universities annual budget to what the foundation raised in one night? I didn't realize the foundation was supposed to raise the entire 90 million the university needs to operate for a year.

    The foundation is only a small (separate) part of the university and not responsible for the entire budget. That comes from California tax dollars and the students paying a portion of their expenses as well. I don't think you can expect Palin to raise 90 million to support the university for the entire year. That is just plain ridiculous.

    How much do you think Obama would have raised? He certainly isn't filling stadiums these days.

  45. Anonymous10:03 AM

    350 tickets sold at $500 each = $175,000. Minus $78,000 for speaking fee; minus $13,000 for her and Willow's travel expenses; minus the costs of food and drink, security, extra security, and more security (to keep those pesky students out that might actually ask a real question of her) another $50,000 roughly = $34,000 net.

    They only cleared $200,000 because some university fat cats donated huge amounts to their own university to try and save face after the fact.

  46. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Oh God. Before I had to turn her off and pour draino in my ears I heard two special things. She wanted to tell the audience an "anticdote" about Margaret Thatcher, and earlier she talked about how great it was that Ronald Reagan went to California's Eureka College and then stayed and went on to become governor.

    Eureka College is in Central Illinois.

  47. sandipants10:11 AM

    Matt Swanson and the other organizers should have their asses handed to them by the university's alumni. I wonder how many alumni were in the audience compared to Sarah-supporters? It would be interesting to have Matt and other alumni who attended explain why someone who insults university professors, university curriculum, and students is the right person to feature at a 50th anniversary party for a university? Why is this worthy of clapping and a standing ovation? Does Matt and other alumni not value the work of their own foundation, or the work of the university, or even education? There is no way those two things can be reconciled - key word - intelligently.

    I think Matt and his buddies used their positions within the university's system to stage a lovefest. They have embarrassed this university, this foundation, and themselves.

  48. Am I the only one who noticed how short her skirt was? I do believe it's the shortest I've ever seen her wear.

    I also think it was meant as a distraction. Look at my legs, don't listen to my word salad, think about my legs, don't think about my crazy talk.

  49. So I wonder who the heir to SP's commercial fishing business will be--she says it's the kind of family business, like farming, that gets passed from generation to generation. Track?? surprise to me. Probably not Bristol--preoccupied. Willow--yeah, right. Trig someday?? I mean, I see no evidence whatsoever that anyone's being groomed to take it over, and SP herself uses it only as a photo op. Another phony notion she pulls from thin air to appeal to her audience. And the nitwits love it.

  50. Anonymous10:36 AM

    To Anon. 8:54 - The bots think that Palin critics are just being mean, and can't appreciate what she does at these speeches, but the "veritas" is that she's putting in all this university's time, energy, security, chain-link fences effort for a measly $200,000 at their end.

    And, from $450,000 total raised donations for this speech, Sarah's take is 20%. The hypocrisy here is that she hates big government which would require increasing taxes, yet she herself takes a big wedge of the pie for herself. She preaches individuals giving to charities instead of government, yet she scrooges an educational institution charity by taking way more than she ought.

    There are many "unnamed" people who have donated time energy and volunteering for the better, for the good, and they reap no money whatsoever. Sarah Palin gets exaggerated praise for doing nothing more than "talking" the talk, picking up the cheque and walking away til the next event.

    She'll take 20% for speaking 30 minutes, but would deny families from getting health care because it would raise taxes. She's the Queen of hypocrites.

  51. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Sarah's usually opens her screeches with a "How do you like your FREEDOM?" Didn't hear her say that last night but saw the "freedoms" her appearance necessitated: the chain link fence that had been erected to keep the students and professors away. I've never seen that happen before, even during the 60's and 70's. Saw the yellow-shirted security guards. Read that the students and professors were not admitted to hear her speech or go to their own library.

    Freedom according to Sarah Palin. Un-F-ing-believable.

  52. This woman's persecution complex is something else. The California legislator is not trying to silence her; they were challenging the college for wasting resources on a speaker. Any speaker. And her swipes at Barack Obama are intolerable. This man has inherited a perfect storm of problems. He's making haste slowly. What would she do? Attack the oil spill with a bendy straw. My head starts steaming every time she makes another appearance.

  53. womanwithsardinecan11:40 AM

    As I look forward to KO and Jon Stewart making fun of her dissing college and students and professors, I continue to check out her hairdo and clothes for my future barbieness. I notice in a shot of her at the dinner, and the feed of her leaving the mic, that her hair is still longer, and mildly bumpity, but that she had the front curved forward in the helmet style. Perhaps she's testing the response to that look before she gets a trim. Her hair changes more often than her nail polish.
    Don't mind me babbling on about the hair. Considering how often she changes it, I believe that it is a major part of who she is (shallow, vain, and narcissistic). I mean, there's not exactly much UNDER the hair.
    Aside from salon stylists, teenagers, and reality show crazies, who spends that much time changing hairstyles?

  54. What the hell did this woman's mindless anti-intellectual, anti-education blathering have to do with the alleged purpose of the 50th anniversary of a respected higher education facility? What an absolutely inappropriate topic to ramble about for $75,000+.

    As the first person on either side of my family to attend college, every over-priced word out of her mouth infuriates me. I was enormously proud to get my degrees and consider education to be vital. Those should have been the kinds of things she discussed during this speech, not indulged in yet another recitation of how mean everyone is that dares to admit they disagree with or question her.

  55. Anonymous12:53 PM

    That university president who escorted her in--Hamid Shirvani--that sounds like one of them A-rab names. She pallin' around with terrorists now???

  56. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Go Sarah!!!! We need a politician other than an elitist... to represent the people... mi hente!

  57. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I cannot believe for a second that anyone could excuse a speaker at a celebration of a University (and meant to raise money for that university) making disparaging remarks about the university's students and faculty as well as higher education in general.

    How many of the students at that regional university work their asses off to afford their education? How many of their parents have skimped and saved and sacrificed? How many of those young people are first generation college students whose family are celebrating the accomplishment?

    For Sarah to suggest that a college education could be replaced by "common sense;" for her to cry out at intellectualism while celebrating a university's 50 year anniversary; for her to call the student protesters (members of the university community) nasty names is the height of hubris and an insult to CalState, it's students, staff, faculty, alumni, and parents.

    Anyone who thinks otherwise should have their heads and/or ethics examined.

    I was certainly no fan of Ronald Reagan or Margaret Thatcher, but each had redeeming qualities as leaders. Sarah Palin is the worst of both of them without any of the positives.

  58. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Her cadence and speed stinks. All that looking down makes her depressing to view. Then she does the hand dancing.

    She slams Mrs. Reagan by using her dead husband. You know how Nancy Reagan feels about McCain. Northern California has an uber wealthy clinque that back hate radio and Palin types. Reagan was propped up by his "kitchen cabinet." The Bloomingdales and the mistress and murder. Not saying Reagan but that crowd loves to play dress up and do wild things at their elite secret gatherings.

    Track inherently knew to join the military? You gotta see the fruit.

    34:02 VIDEO - YIKES! -

  59. Anonymous1:35 PM

    ~~~ 1:03 PM

    If you live in California you know that she is talking to some of the most elite in the country.

  60. icstraights1:37 PM

    She is as relevant and useful as a bump-it on a log...
    Yesssss, this would have happened a looooong time ago had the press been allowed to cover all of her word-salad speeches. Now everyone will get to hear first hand just how dumb she really is.
    So P-bots, how is that for making stuff up? Ha.

  61. She has her propaganda written for her, she is trying to be more focused but her eyes dart when she is not reading the script. She is not a good speaker, they don't care since they use her to spark the old men and women to do their men.

    They already scrubbed a Turlock news article mentioning Willow. Freedom of Speech. Photo? The fence to cage the students was hideous and oppressive. Very cold and isolated.

    Elitism and exceptionalism.

  62. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Anon @ 10:28 said
    "Am I the only one who noticed how short her skirt was? I do believe it's the shortest I've ever seen her wear.

    I also think it was meant as a distraction. Look at my legs, don't listen to my word salad, think about my legs, don't think about my crazy talk."

    Yep, I noticed it and thought it was horrible. It might be (slightly) different if she had good legs but she doesn't. That was terrible. She's 46 years old! Also, too, noticed from the entrance photos as she paused to speak to people, that she looks...well she looks slutty. The messy hair, bad extensions or wigs or whatever it is that she does.

    If she was in town early enough to have her hair done, then why was she late for the speech? Whatever was she doing? Rock star diva.

  63. Anonymous3:36 PM

    "If she was in town early enough to have her hair done, then why was she late for the speech? Whatever was she doing? Rock star diva."


  64. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Alfred Bloomingdale, Ronald Reagan's confidante and the Beautiful Bad Girl: The Vicky Morgan Story
    "Mesmerizing and filled with powerful lessons."
    Vicki Morgan, mistress to department store heir and Ronald Reagan confidante, Alfred Bloomingdale, lived beyond her years and died before her time—the victim of a brutal murder. Seething with power, intrigue, sex and obsession, it's a ringside seat into the darker habits of the world's rich and powerful.

    While in Los Angeles, 54-year-old Alfred Bloomingdale began an affair with 18-year-old Vicki Morgan. For 12 years, Bloomingdale kept her in a luxurious apartment, showering her with expensive clothing, jewelry, and cars.

    Princess Chigi, Prince Dimitri, Muffy Miller, Ambasador Leach, Arianna and Dixon Boardman with Joan Collins
    Betsy Bloomingdale, Kathleen Hearst, Jane Bloomingale, and Sarah Basile; Caroline Whitman, Princess Ira von Furstenberg, DPC, Ann Rapp, Esther Williams' Million Dollar Mermaid in the Pool Room, Deborah Norville, ,Rona Jaffe, Valesca Guerrand-Hermes, Princess Firyal of Jordan, The chairs from Wall Street made with Brooks Brothers' shirts, Les Moonves, Julie Chen, Henry Silverman, I counted 21 desserts including Jelly Doughnuts, Birthday Cakes, Devils Food Cake, Chocolate Velvet Cake, Strawberry Shortcake, Blueberry Cheesecake, Key Lime Pie, Praline and Lemon Crunch, Rum Babas, Chocolate Brownies, Raspberries in Chambord, Lavender-scented Crème Brulee

    Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre (1,100 ha) campground located at 20601 Bohemian Avenue, in Monte Rio, California, belonging to a private San Francisco-based men's art club known as the Bohemian Club. In mid-July each year, Bohemian Grove hosts a three-week encampment of some of the most powerful men in the world.

  65. Anonymous4:14 PM

    "She also cannot resist insulting the students who found parts of her contract outside of the school in the dumpster;;;"
    St Sarah the dysmentaled still hasn't figured out that when she does this kind of thing she just remind everybody of what the students found, and looks like she is having an adult/childish tantrum all at the same time.

    That is not an endearing act and is not the behaviour of an leader.

  66. Anonymous4:34 PM

    About that reported $200,000 profit from the event, it’s important to note that 3 Stanislaus Foundation Board members each made a $10,000 donation…and the board president himself gave $50,000.

    So, that’s $80,000 of that reported $200,000 right there. And it's very likely those were not the only dollars from the Board. Clearly, they were just trying to cover for their colossal mistake in hiring the $P Grifter!

    What’s more, at least $10,000 of that money was from a donor who had given in the past to the Stanislaus Presidential Scholarship fund–which was discontinued this year due to economic hardships. So, $P’s appearance did not generate that money.

    Plus, the Stanislaus event organizers couldn’t possibly have known the final security costs: $P was 2 hours late. That’s a lot of extra hours/cost for all that personnel. Not to mention the upcoming legal costs to address the AG’s inquiry into violations of disclosure and other statutes applicable to CA public institutions.

    Ha! $P is truly a loser…in every sense of the word.

    [see palingates blog for great info!]

  67. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Palin wnats to knock college students and call them dumpster divers.

    Funny, ya got a 3rd grade Palin girl still learning what 8 + 2 equals. Ya got another Palin girl breaking into vacant houses, ya got another Palin girl who tries to get pregnant and is now using that kid to make money and there is the other Palin-Menard kid who was forced ta join the service for vandalizing school buses. Ya gotta bunch of real winners their Sarah. The only Palin kid not in trouble is the one with DS.

  68. Ditto everything anon @ 4:14 said.

    Her contempt for students and faculty of institutions of higher education was plain. She did the virtual equivalent of taking my diploma and spitting on it. So color me shocked if I react to that.

    It isn't me who's the hater, Sarah Palin hates. She hates anyone who has learned more than she has, so therefore all college professors and students are her enemy.

    Hey Sarah, easy answer, don't accept speaking gigs at institutions you hate. Much easier for you.

  69. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Good Lord, just take a look at THIS picture. A Dangerous Diabolical DUNCE is what comes to mind when I see her lately. Can she think that this is attractive or cute or something. It's just so lame to keep repeating the old, worn out victim jokes. Gotta get that jab in there Sarah. Couldn't just speak to the kids there. Speak to what matters to THEM, not what matters to you getting into the news cycle another round of bashing of the 'elite', and disrespecting our President with your sore loser attitude... well you ARE running with the elites now, you stupid fool.

    You won't ever be one of them, as hard as you might try. And they snicker and snigger at you behind your back, but you're too in awe of the temporary limelight to see it or hear it.

    You won't ever be any more than trailer trash with a wicked, sick and twisted father who you feel some deep seeded need to gain approval from (I have my suspicions why, but I won't go there on this round).

    You had the chance to say something important to those donors, about those kids, and how important it was to continue to provide the education for all our kids that makes us the "exceptional" country you always are speaking of.

    Our exceptionalism is because we've been the leader in so many areas, but now we're not and that's the most important reason to ENCOURAGE our young people to become as knowledgeable as possible. But no, you take the low road, the snarky, nasty, bitchy, shallow road that only satisfies your little girl ego...and only for a moment, since you seem to strive for meaner and darker, and to thrive on the venom like an addict with her fix. If the media had not promoted you, you would be a no name grifter, instead of one we have to look at and hear about every single day. Yuck.

  70. Lynne8:47 PM

    I couldn't bring myself to listen to her speech, but at the end I noticed how pathetic the applause was. It may have been a standing ovation as someone here mentioned, but her "crowds" are getting pretty sparse. Looks like she's on a downhill ride to me.

  71. Anonymous12:05 AM

    The commercial fishing business:
    - is not Sarah Palin's.
    - is not Sarah Palin's family, the Heaths. They don't fish.
    - Sarah doesn't fish.
    - Sarah's children don't fish.
    - The Palin kids do. Blanche Kalstrom's children. Not Sarah. Not Sarah's siblings. Not Chuck. There's no Heath family history of fishing.
    - It's Todd's family. Todd's brothers and sisters and their offspring.

    Do we all get that yet?

  72. Martha2:14 AM

    Q. What has 1000 legs, 27 teeth, and smells like ben-gay and used depends.

    A. Sarah Palin's audience.

    Q: What’s the first thing Sarah Palin asked the doctor when he told her she was pregnant?

    A: "Are you sure it's mine?

    (To which the doc replied, Nope, think it's your daughter's!)

    To which the doc replied, Nope, think it's your daughter's!

    Q. What’s the nuttiest thing found in Sarah Palin's hunting jacket?

    A. Sarah Palin.

    Glenn Beck was visiting Sarah Palin in Alaska and he asked her if she’d take him bear hunting.

    “Yeah, sure, you betcha!’” she said and soon the two were off in her truck loaded for bear.

    They came to a fork in the road on which stood a sign that read, “BEAR LEFT".

    They turned around and went home.

    Q. What's the difference between Sarah Palin and Ashley Dupre?
    A. One is a prostitute who services politicians for large sums of money, and the other is Ashley Dupre.

  73. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Shout out to all Dumpster Divers out there!!!
    May you continue your perseverance and determination to find the truth no matter how much stench and obstacles you encountered.
    May we all stay safe as we continue our daily Dumpster Dives to eliminate that Stench from Wasilla.

  74. Anonymous10:15 AM

    $p should be shunned by all. Clearly she cares for no one, not even herself. By the way, someone complained about using Anon and said Anon users are cowards. I have not been able to use other kind. For some reason my comment will not post unless I use Anon. I am not a coward, and my name is Lee. I do type that in when I think about it. To the person who said Anon users are cowards. do you use your real name?

  75. Anonymous12:09 PM

    As I read the posts I am struck by the sheer negativism and outright hostility to Sarah Palin. Yet she is being condemned for saying nasty and hateful things. Not taking sides in this debate but the rhetoric in this blog seems to using the same tone and language for which she is being derided.
    Just sayin'.

  76. Anonymous2:25 PM

    $arah said that Reagan went to college at California's Eureka College. $arah you moron Eureka College is in Eureka Illinois! If you worship Reagan so much you should at least know where he matriculated. Check out the video at the 4:47 mark.

  77. Anonymous6:55 PM

    A few facts about Reagan.
    #1 As someone who loves Reagan so much you would think Sarah would have know
    where he went to college. Well lets see Wikipedia says he went to Eureka College. Okay there is a Eureka California.
    Therefore he went to College in California. Nailed it. Oh boy don't I look smart. NOT!!!!!
    #2 As governor of California during his first term he raised taxes to balance the budget.
    #3 He also signed the Therapeutic Abortion Act which led to about two million
    abortions manly because of the well-being of the mother provision part of the bill.
    #4 When the SLA kidnapped Patty Hearst and demanded the distribution of
    food to the poor, Reagan joked, "It's just too bad we can't have an epidemic of botulism."
    #5 At least 128 people were hurt and one died in the Bloody Thursday
    that Reagan unleashed against Berkeley students and residents. He was the one shutting down freedom of speech
    by having cops shoot at the protesters.
    #6 Reagan said "If it takes a bloodbath, let's get it over with. No more appeasement." In response of student
    #7 In 1968 Californians tried to recall him unfortunately it didn't work.
    #8 As President, Reagan raised the taxes four times between 1982-1984 and 1986 he imposed the largest corporate tax increase.

  78. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Anony 8:47 - Good point -
    You may also want to mention that the big Palin commercial fishing gig is a set net site. A set net site is located on the beach or river bank. While still fishing, it is very different from having a permit to fish with a boat in the waters of Bristol Bay. In fact, most set net sites are granted to Alaska Natives. You do not have to be an Alaskan Native to have a fishing permit.

  79. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Im unbiased and not a fan or hater of hers, but she raised $200k for that school how could they protest? So what if she doesn't have the same views as you it is America remember, we need more then one view.

    The thing is she did more for that school then the idiots out side protesting. If they can raise more then 200k its fine to say something but until then Shut up.

    And for Jerry Brown to waste my tax money to take it to court is irresponsible and wasteful. With the budget in CA does he really think this is a good use of the money? Maybe that is why we are going broke.

  80. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Im unbiased and not a fan or hater of hers, but she raised $200k for that school how could they protest? So what if she doesn't have the same views as you it is America remember, we need more then one view.

    The thing is she did more for that school then the idiots out side protesting. If they can raise more then 200k its fine to say something but until then Shut up.

    And for Jerry Brown to waste my tax money to take it to court is irresponsible and wasteful. With the budget in CA does he really think this is a good use of the money? Maybe that is why we are broke.


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