Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Chris Matthews lays out how Palin could win the GOP nomination, and he is absolutley right. And the people who should be the most frightened by that prospect are in the GOP.

The question of whether Sarah will, or won't, throw her Naughty Monkey Pumps into the ring is now academic.  She will.

She cannot win the general, and I seriously doubt she will win the primary, but she is DEFINITELY going to run!  That is why there is such a push to tie up all of the loose ends in Wasilla and to get Levi back into the camp.

I am currently scouring the state looking for REAL patriotic Alaskans willing to come forward and tell the unvarnished truth about Sarah Palin.  If you are one of those people, or know one, please contact me at I will be more than happy to listen to your story.


  1. Anonymous8:52 AM

    This latest detente with Levi is an obvious but lame attempt to clean things up before she runs. I say, "Go for it, Scarah". I will love nothing more than watching you be brought to your knees by your own party. In your own words, "Are you naive enough" to believe that the GOP has forgotten NY 23??? I want you to run so badly I have half a mind to contribute to your campaign. You are a stupid, ignorant, delusional, manipulating liar and I will relish every nanosecond of your blazing defeat.

  2. Let her run and get the nomination - then let all the truth come tumbling out for all to see.

    Might as well make it as easy acampaign as possible for our President to get re-elected so he can focus on the major issues facing our nation.

    I can't say I'm shocked by Levi's decision - I think most of us saw it coming, but it is still a disappointment. I agree with what other's have said here - there won't be any one strong enough to stand up to the Palin grinding maching - but Romney or others from the big political machine will eventually chew her up and spit her out.

  3. And all Non-Alaskans: Start gathering your quotes, YouTube links to videos, and transcripts of things Sarah Palin has actually said/written. Get screen shots of the e-mails. quotes from her book, etc. Use only Her Own Words as to why you do not think she is capable of being president, because if you try to use anyone else's, your argument will be bashed as 'hating' by her rabid fans, and the undecided could still buy into the meme that she's being 'picked on'.

  4. Aussie Blue Sky9:07 AM

    I've always suspected that Chris Matthews spends "personal time" in the bathroom with a picture of Mrs Palin.

  5. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Gryphen, on ADN's article on the Levi apology was this comment:

    HelenKennedie wrote on 07/06/2010 07:33:21 PM:

    Let's have a little chat with SARAH about Sheep Creek Lodge and the Fork's Roadhouse.... (yupp! some of us remember you before you were NOTORIOUS!)

    Do you know anything about what Sarah did at Sheep Creek Lodge and the Fork's Roadhouse?

    Note: ADN has now blocked the above HelenKennedie comment.

  6. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Palin might run, she might even win a primary, but if she does, she will be CRUSHED. There is NO WAY this country will elect her. So yes, the GOP should be scared, very scared, because if she does make it into the primaries she will drag the GOP down to levels that the party may never recover from. Which could be a good thing?

  7. I recall how badly Sarah was disappointed in 2008. I look forward to seeing her doubly disappointed in 2012.

  8. I just have two words for you, Sarah.

    Katherine Harris

  9. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Anon @ 9:22:

    Very interesting! Let's hope that is a nugget that Gryphen can pursue. It's also noteworthy that the poster used (presumably) their real name...

  10. Anonymous10:16 AM

    The nightmare marches on. Chris Matthews is oh so correct. Hate to say this but I don't think Romney or Huckabee will attack Palin. I think they'll stand back in confusion, thinking that she'll always come in 2nd or 3rd in each primary, that she can't get the nomination and then it will be too late. If she crashes, her own mouth and actions will cause her crash but so far, my theory isn't working. Whoever is behind her, pulling the strings very well may have a plan in the works to steal the general election. That's what scares me.

    The wingnuts like to say "libs are scared of her". Hell yes I'm scared of her. I'm also scared of rattlesnakes, copperheads and psychos like Charles Manson. Not to mention the Bush family, Cheney, Malek and those unknown others.

    Mercede is a remarkable young lady. My heart goes out to her and Sherry Johnston. John McCain, Steve Schmidt...any shred of "heroism" and integrity remaining?

  11. Anonymous10:24 AM

    whats sad is she knows she offers nothing good for the country but doesn't care.
    just wants the attention and glamor,, at any expense.

    bill in belize

  12. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I go back and forth on whether I want her to win the GOP nomination or not. On the one hand, I think she'd be easy to beat; then I remember W and I get scared. She is so divisive and spews so much hate that a Palin candidacy would poison this country, perhaps for ever. I also am petty enough to hate the idea of the endless fame that would be hers as the first female presidential candidate from a major political party, and selfish enough that I wish she'd just go away because she irritates the hell out of me.

    That said, she has POWERFUL people behind her: neocons, oil industry tycoons, militaryindustrial establishment billionaires, Zionists, evangelical Christian dominionists. Read her recent ghostwritten Facebook foreign policy manifesto and you can see quite clearly who is behind her, and why. She is their puppet, bought and paid for. Remember what Chuck said: she doesn't make the decisions.

    The question is, will the OTHER people in the GOP let someone they know is mentally ill run as their candidate for president, or will they leak what they have on her and take her down? I think we can count on the GOP putting the interests of the GOP ahead of country anytime. Selling out America is what they do best.

    Add in their smear tactics, voter machine shenanigans, and all the other standard GOP dirty tricks, and the possibility that this woman could make it to the White House scares the hell out of me.

  13. Let's not get too cocky just yet.

    Palin may be unpopular with the majority of the country, but she does have the support of about 20% of the population that is absolutely certain to turn out on election day. Will Obama's supporters turn out to vote with the same fervor, or will they be disillusioned about the lack of unicorns and rainbows generated by the White House?

    It's a mistake to underestimate true believers, especially those who're convinced that Palin is going to lead them to the Rapture.

  14. wakeUpAmerica10:46 AM

    Aussie Blue Sky, your comment adds to this conversation how exactly?

  15. Anonymous10:50 AM

    This should turn out the independent, moderate and undecided votes for President Obama. Honestly, even if he were to do everything wrong between now and the 2012 election, if Palin is running, any patriotic, thinking person would vote against her.

    All we have to worry about are the electronic voting machines.

  16. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Please, if you know anything about Palin that could unravel her lies, you have duty to contact Gryphen.

    Remember, if people in Texas had told what they knew (Mollie Ivans tried, but few would listen), we could have avoided the eight disastrous years of George W. Bush.

    Sarah Palin has none of the redeeming qualities of GW Bush even if those were few and far between.

    She wants to start a third war - with Iran -can we really afford that in terms of lives and money. No.

    Regardless of she thinks, God did not chose her. She is mentally unstable as she have proven repeatedly.

    If you are scared of her now, think about how scared you'd be if she were President.

    Please come forward NOW.

    We have to nip this in the bud to save our country.

  17. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Why isn't Larry Flint putting Sarah fodder into his standard $1 million dollar offer for the goods on political figures falling off their soap boxes?

    There are a lot of greezy stories about party gal Sarah, married Sarah and momma grizzly Sarah that are easily shared in Dillingham and Anchorage. Guess the MSM don't know where to look or who to ask.

  18. Shadowfever11:19 AM

    The Forks Roadhouse probably refers to what has been termed her drunk snow machine weekends at Peters Creek.
    This was in a comment on ADN in 2008.

    Maybe someone can find a reference to what was going on at the Sheep Lodge too.

  19. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Aussie Blue Sky made a valid point: Why else would Chris Matthews have Sista sayrah's image in the daily Hardball opening script, showing her even before the image of the POTUS).

    I believe that for Chris and many other American men who think with the wrong head (Levi included), the thought of Snarah is more than just a "tingle up one's leg."

  20. Anonymous11:22 AM

    If Gryph has a lot of "stuff" on the Palins, it's time to publish "I heard that.....". One of these rumors per week and let the blogs blog all about it. This way, he isn't stating it as "fact".
    Then maybe the MSM will pick up a couple of nuggets and run with them. Otherwise, all we read here is innuendo, and nothing will ever come of it.

  21. Anonymous11:36 AM

    If Sarah were to win the nomination, I think President Obama would be hard-put to directly attach her because of her Victim-hood persona.

    Attacking Hillary was relatively easy because she was and is a strong, independent, very intelligent woman. That cannot be said of Mrs. Prissy from Wasilla.

    Those in the Republican Party or other power brokers are going to have to rethink their goals if they think they will have another George W to manipulate. Palin will throw them under the bus to do "God's calling" to wage wars and begin the end for the Second Coming. Even the Dominionists who share that calling might be surprised because her view of that calling is her own delusional ego. It's really Sarah's calling. You tell what to do, she will do the opposite just to spite you.

    Please folks, contact Gryphen. Give him leads if nothing else - either he will try to follow them or will hand them over to well-funded journalists once she declares.

  22. Anonymous11:47 AM

    But doesn't she someday have to take an unscripted, non-prescreened question? Or answer questions from a non-Fox reporter? Or hold a real news conference? Surely it's not possible to run for office just on Twitter blasts and Facebook announcements?!

  23. Anonymous11:49 AM

    DO SOMETHING, GRYPHEN!! You promised you wouldn't let this happen!!

    I disagree with the poster who said that Romney and Huckabee won't attack her. Getting their party's nomination is way too important - I think they will attack her any way they can, either directly or through others, if it will eliminate her. Tim Pawlenty from Minnesota is planning to run, too. I saw an interview he gave where he was asked about Palin. He basically dismissed her as a viable candidate, but the look on his face said, "The woman's an idiot, she better stay out of my way."

    I would love to see a debate between the people running for the GOP nomination. I hope when Palin decides not to answer the questions she's asked, like against Biden, the others mow her down!!

  24. Repeating a previous comment, "All we have to worry about are the electronic voting machines." That, and whoever or whatever is keeping the Palin Soap Opera alive and running 24/7.

  25. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Newsminer archived this comment regarding the "Forks Roadhouse" from a November article about how sarah didn't know Bristol was sexually active:

    "How in the Hell did you ever convince Todd he was the father of your first born child after you celebrated all those times up at the Forks Roadhouse ??"

    Gryphen do you have any snippets regarding her "times" there?

  26. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Men, what is it about Sarah that is so sexually appealing? Curious.

  27. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Sheep Creek is in Willow AK, no? Who else wants to bet the Palins totally named their children after the places they were conceived in - school track, Bristol Bay, Willow AK, Todd's seaplane...

  28. Anonymous12:11 PM

    It's been awhile but its good to see the left is still heading towards the abyss led by bloggers.

    Wasn't Palin supposed to have a shelf life of five minutes after her resignation?

    Wasn't it the firm conviction of this blog that Levi Johnston knew where the bodies were buried and would inexorably be the mole to bring down Palin.

    Palin is still here. Johnston has admitted "youthful indiscretions" as the reason for lying about the Palins
    and now the sages are unanimous in their delusion that Palin will be trounced in a general election.

    It's as if the history books read by the left have deleted the word "upset" and "miscalculation.

    I suppose it's comforting if you are a liberal to forget that the United States Hockey team in the 1980 Olympics was given no shot of victory against the far superior Russion team; not by any analyst or many americans.

    I suppose its merely a curiosity that the 1969 Super Bowl was one by the Jets and not the 19-point favorite colts.

    And I suppose the battle of Agincourt never happened and the horrifically outnumbered British Army led by King Henry never defeated the French.

    Palin again confounds the insiders and Beltway pundits by her staying power but all is well. She is a train wreck waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting to happen--if not tomorrow, then next week; if not next week, next month or next year or in two years.

    It is astonishing you people still believe your judgments to be infallible.

  29. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Sheep creek lodge?
    Running for the brain bleach!


    See something interesting?
    See something curious?

    The first thing to do is screen grab- then maybe comment about it somewhere.

    Gryphen should do a post on how to screen grab- everyone should be doing it.

    It could be bogus, or it might be at least partly true.

    Sometimes the bogus is more revealing than the true, especially if it has been deleted.

    If it has not been screen grabbed, do it.

    Sometimes the importance is not revealed until long after it has disappeared.

  30. Anonymous12:21 PM

    God, you gotta love the logic: Hillary was an easy target for Obama because she was so damn smart. Palin is a lot tougher because she's an idiot.

    That's a concept that you won't find in "The Art of War".

  31. mommom12:27 PM

    The reason Palin has made some deal with Levi is obvious to me---the "wild ride" story is getting more traction,the media is starting to pay real attention to baby gate.Silly Sarah needs Levi to deny the rumors of Bristol giving birth to Trig.

  32. Anonymous12:49 PM

    All I have to say is an Obama-Palin general election is THE kiss of death for this country!!!

    His endorsement means nothing, her drama is quickly unfolding. Personal drama doesn't have to mean professional drama, but it certainly doesn't help. All I know is her FB fans are growing by the minute

  33. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I think so too, Aussie Blue Sky.

  34. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I did a person search for a "Helen Kennedie" and came up with a "Helen Kennedy" living in Fairbanks, AK. I wonder if that was the same woman who posted on adn's comment board about the Scarah's Trapper Creek Lodge and Fork's Roadhouse rumors.

    There is no way of saying if this is that same person, but Helen Kennedy did have a myspace page with pics of a group snowmachine outing, ones that would probably have been similar to the ones done at Peters Creek from Forks Roadhouse.

  35. Anonymous1:08 PM

    what exactly has palin done to discredit herself as Governor/Mayor/Council Member/leader? I've found no sources or research thats not biased against her repub agenda. I see a woman who fought unethical people, who knows how to achieve results and not be politcally killed because shes an attractive woman in a man's game.

    She's kind of what this country needs if people weren't so gullible

  36. Shadowfever1:11 PM

    hahaha the comment mentioned by anonymous 12:09 was written by someone with the nick "sarahsexfiend"

    Perhaps there is a big reason as to why she was named in that divorce by Todd's partner after all.

  37. Seriously, people, time to share what you know.

  38. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I think it's a long shot that she would win SC ... allot has changed since the McCain/Palin days and the Haley win as the SC Governor Republican Nominee really wasn't because of Palin's endorsement, but because of the alternative candidates are considered Good old boys which people are tired of and for some, Haley means another 4 years of Mark Sanford's (sitting gov'r) policies. Haley is Sanford's protege. Palin got very little attention when she stumped for Haley in Columbia, SC. There were around 100+ people and good bit were press and other Rep candidate representatives. Based on the comments in the local paper and political websites, people are wise to Palin's issues (ethics, lack of education, cowardice, grifting, lack of subtance,experience, mental issues, etc..) I think Matthews just took the lazy way out and made assumptions based on the 2008 election results and hasn't done his homework. IMHO...allot indeed has changed in this country since then and Bimbo Barbie is not on some voters' radar as far as being a serious,legitimate candidate. She only gets more press coverage and news saturation because she's creates controversies and her looks, and it's really all about entertainment and ratings. Matthews, like others, just keeps stirring the pot to justify his 'news' show.

  39. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Sarah Palin remains "mentally unstable" as the McCain campaign staffers found her. She resigned her governorship. She is unelectable.

    Chris Matthews knows Palin is an idiot but he needs a horse race to boost his ratings. He'd promote Aimee Semple McPherson if he could. Is it treason? Possibly, but Matthews thinks he can get away with it.

  40. emrysa1:18 PM

    I think matthews has it wrong. the only way sarah will win that primary is with a sympathy vote - and how is she going to get that? well take a big fat f-ing guess.

    sarah starts the primaries, after 4 states she wins sc but loses the others. things don't look good, so now is the time to play the card. trig will die from his heart defect (not in reality, but that's what we'll all be told). then there will be all this drama - will she continue? will she drop out? then a big announcement... she's gonna stay in it for trig! "this is for you, trig, my beautiful baby! (sob sob) this is for YOU!" it will be The Campaign for Trig, his face will be all over her propaganda, it will become all about trig.

    yeah you heard it here first, july 7 2010.

  41. As I told my husband after a Sunday church service in which the Senior Pastor of my church basically endorsed Sarah Palin from the pulpit:

    "If Palin runs in 2012, 2008 will look like a teddy bear picnic. Make no mistake - it will be God's People vs The Heathen. All who do not vote for Palin will be deemed false christians, misled, stupid, naive or worse."

    I have half a mind to move back to my home country NOW.

    What's that about fascism coming to America wrapped in the flag and bearing a cross? Yes, indeed.

    Are you scared yet? If not, you should be. A "President Palin" is nothing short of disaster for the US and the world.

    It's not because Palin is even close to being qualifed or that she will garner enough support during the general election. It's the people behind her, pulling the strings, blinded by their ambition and lust for power. They think they can control Palin. They will find out soon that they can not.

    Palin is all about Palin - nothing and no one gets in the way of her fame and money. God and country be damned.

    Wait and see - if she runs, the GOP nomination is as good as won.

  42. Yes, Mittens and Hucks will attack her. But how much of that will stick? She will just play the victim and sexist cards and her supporters will rally. Those 2 won't have a chance.

    Campaign management will be the biggest challenge but come on, how many opportunists out there in the GOP won't be itching to hitch their star to her wagon? Look at the McCain staffers - it's not like they have trouble finding work after the 2008 disaster.

    I agree - there are lots to consider and lots to hinder her but I think it is inevitable that she will somehow win the GOP nom.

    I mean, come on - we (including GOP) all thought she'd be toast by now. Yet still she yammers on and continues to gain traction. Something is terribly amiss here.

    There is no way in hell Palin is good for this country or ANY country for that matter. I hope to all that is good and pure that people wake up to this charlatan. And soon.

  43. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I cannot believe that the Republican party would allow her to move toward the primary nomination. McCain and others know WAY too much about her (negative)and I just can't believe they'd keep their mouths shut. But, they (as a party) are in such a mess, who knows?

  44. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Don't forget folks, that Palin is the lady, that when 'half governor' in Alaska actually stopped giving press conferences because she could not answer the questions - even though they were 'very' soft ones from our Alaska media. Our only paper in Anchorage, Anchorage Daily News, doesn't even allow negative writings about her in 'Letter to the Editor'. Our current non-elected govenor, Parnell, has a hold on the newspaper as did Palin...they wouldn't provide current Alaska information to them unless they stopped allowing negative press - for Palin - especially. Parnell is doing some of the same stuff she did - using Alaska money to attend some christian conference in the lower 48 that is going to help him in governing Alaska? What about combining church and state?

    I'm very sick of the Republican party in Alaska and hope they are voted out this upcoming election.

  45. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Really, Anon 1:08?

    You really don't know?
    Makes me wonder where you have gotten YOUR information.

  46. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Men, what is it about Sarah that is so sexually appealing? Curious.

    12:10 PM


    She's got an easily used vajayjay?
    She's a GILF? An MILF?

  47. Anonymous2:03 PM

    emrysa, I believe you are on to something there with the sympathy vote and how it comes about. Kills two birds with one stone for her doesn't it? And I wouldn't put it passed her for doing it.

  48. Anonymous2:16 PM

    "Why isn't Larry Flint putting Sarah fodder into his standard $1 million dollar offer for the goods on political figures falling off their soap boxes?"

    For Larry Flint this is not the standard situation.

    Larry could offer the 1 million now, or maybe offer a lot more AFTER she announces her candidacy.

    Now Larry is a smart businessman and maybe he has a good idea what is on offer for him to buy at the right price.

    Sister Sarah- Larry's Lurking!

    For Larry Flynt there is no hurry.

    For many of those in the frozen north- $2 Million or $3 Million will be enough "Rill Monies" to 'git r xpozed'.

    "There are a lot of greezy stories about party gal Sarah, married Sarah and momma grizzly Sarah that are easily shared in Dillingham and Anchorage. Guess the MSM don't know where to look or who to ask."

    MSM doesn't know what to do with this- Larry does.

  49. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I stopped watching Chris Matthews a long time ago - he was too pro Palin and it drove me nuts. I even emailed him/them and told them to vet her in Alaska and I don't think he/they did it. She is good for his ratings which have been dropping. I much prefer the smartness of Rachael and Keith and their proof sourced findings.

  50. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Chris Matthews has a thing for Princess Dumbass. I stopped watching his show a long time ago because he’s annoying and he talks over his guests. There is no substance to his show and I consider him to be another clown receiving millions of dollars to spew nonsense. So everything Chris says, I take with a grain of salt. Rachel and Keith are the only ones that I watch. They are the best in the MSM. Keith may not have opposing viewpoints on his show; but he always points out the facts. As far as Rachel, what can I say, no one can top her.

    Now back to Princess Dumbass. There are too many skeletons in her closet; one of those skeletons will come out eventually; it’s just a matter of time. Also, there is too much soap opera drama. Republican leaders like Mitt know Palin is not fit to run this country and I’m guessing many others. They will eventually use whatever they find to convince Palin not to run; if they haven’t already. In the meantime she will make people believe she is running, so idiots can continue contributing to her PAC. Palin realizes she doesn’t have a snowball chance in hell to become President or the intellect or stamina to solve the many critical issues facing our country. Now I could be wrong, she may run, only because she has to follow through with all that PAC money. However, during the primaries, she will be eaten alive. Of course she will play the victim; but there will be one thing that will bring her down and I’m sure one of those Republican candidates is waiting for the best opportune time expose Dumbass. What goes up must come down. Don’t stress too much about it Gryph, all good things come to an end and eventually dumbass will fall off her pedestal.

    As far as Levi, I don’t know what to make of it. I’m going to sit back and let this one play out. It’s too many twists and turns. Bristol may be pregnant; but I believe there is more to this story. Princess Dumbass is quiet and Levi’s attorney is silent. Something is Rotten in Denmark and I don’t believe the Gods will be on either side

    I pray the kids involved; Levi’s sister and mother will not be in the middle of the crossfire. If I was Mercedes, I would lay low, continue writing her blog, don’t get involve with the drama, and take care her mother. Also, stay in school and stay focus. Mercedes is a beautiful person inside and out and sometime wonderful will come out of all this ugliness; just wait and see. Be patient!

  51. Anonymous2:40 PM

    The nice thing is that british columbia is very similar to where I currently live on the west coast so there will not be such a great culture shock when I hop the border and become a happy ex-pat. Of course there will be so many liberals there fleeing from the united states of palin that I'll feel right at home.

  52. Anonymous3:29 PM

    a yahoo address? Oh, yeah, that just screams security.

  53. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Regardless of what Palin does regarding the 2012 elections, she'll be toast after that.

    Her looks won't last. Her alleged beauty is a huge reason why she's on the national stage and she won't have that asset (sorry) for long.

  54. Anonymous4:10 PM

    I still say she won't run.

    Let's not forget, this loser debated once in 08 with Biden and she was hopeless.

    In both the DEM & GOP primary races, there were double digit debates. And if we all recall the GOP were like rabid dogs on each other, esp. Mitt v McCain.

    Palin is McCain camp...the Romney team has $$$$ and will go nuclear on Sarah, not to mention the others who will run such as Pawlenty, Huck and any number of loons.

    Huck and Palin in the race guarantee a split vote.

    But the real fun comes when the GOP throws out the robocall dirt on Sarah and then we'll see the rumor mill in full action.

    She has a 1% chance of winning the nomination...if she does, she's a bloodied and bruised tomato by the time she gets there.

    If there is a god, I hope this god makes Sarah run.

  55. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Have you considered looking for the source/origin of the empathy belly(i.e. the smoking gun)? For example, there has to be someone who either saw or heard something while working or being a shopper in one of Alaska's materninity shops. Something to investigate.

  56. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Probably why Dunn moved the release date of his book to Feb. 2011. Good move.

  57. HollyP5:24 PM

    I do think she'll run. Those who say she knows she hasn't got the brainpower or hardworking attitude are wrong... in her addled brain, she does.

    While she does have a very committed base, they are too small group to sweep her to victory. Plus Huck'll split down the religious right vote.

    There is a flip side to the strong feelings she raises in people. As a divider, she also has a very high unfavorability rating. You either love her, or hate her. And there are enough whose strong hatred will move them to the polls.

    I may research the requirements for Canadian citizenship to hedge my bets though.

  58. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Chris Matthews loves political drama. Period. Palin is the current drama queeen, so Matthews tries to spin a plausible scenario.

    She may try to run because of her insatiable ego and handlers/ fans who are stroking that ego, but she would be the biggest, most embarrassing flop in political history. Actually, it would serve her right to learn about reality for once in her deluded narcissistic life. She's a moron who doesn't know or admit that she's a moron.

  59. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Cool !!!

    If she runs, there are many who will chant:

    Quit, Baby, Quit

    it is a chant that all political walks of life can shout with glee!

  60. Anonymous6:24 PM

    4:21, that belly (in the "Gusty photo") is not the kind you find at a maternity store to use to try on clothes if you're not that "far along". I know from experience. The ones in a maternity store are just little oval pillows and don't look real at all. Whatever Sarah was wearing in the Gusty pic was the real deal - i.e., realistic-looking and probably what is used in movies/on tv. Wonder who paid for it as those things are not cheap (and Sarah is when it's her $). Regardless, I'd bet it was ordered online by Palin or someone else.

  61. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Lets not forget that Sarah did debate Andrew Halcro and Tony Knowles and it really didn't matter if she knew anything or not. she has money and power right now and she is dangerous. Looked what Geroge W. did.

  62. Purple Alaska8:32 PM

    bill in belize . . .

    truer words were never spoken.

    She is too ignorant to realize how stupid she really is.

    What a tragic indictment against the USA (Divided we Stand).

  63. Says anonymous,

    "But doesn't she someday have to take an unscripted, non-prescreened question? Or answer questions from a non-Fox reporter? Or hold a real news conference? Surely it's not possible to run for office just on Twitter blasts and Facebook announcements?!"

    That's just what I am beginning to wonder. Fascism is descending fast, and the media are bought and controlled. If they weren't, they would have not pretended all this time that she has any business being in the political arena.

    There's no way Palin could prevail in any presidential campaign that has ever been run in this country so far - but maybe they will just totally change all the rules for her, all the while acting as if nothing was strange or different.

  64. Me personal? I can't wait for her to get trounced in the ALASKA primary!

  65. Randall8:41 AM

    As far as her debate with Biden, Sarah has claimed that the McCain camp was THRILLED with her performance.

    Hey Sarah - they were thrilled that you didn't shit on the floor like a prize horse in a parade.

    re: criticizing Levi, remember: there's a kid involved. A father does what he has to in order to be with his son. All this crap will pass, dude - be with your son.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.