Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!

You know I was thinking about what a great country this is and how many wonderful contributions we have provided to the rest of the world.  And I started thinking, if only there were just ONE picture that totally summed up all that America represents.

And then I found one.


  1. GrainneKathleen4:15 AM

    my breakfast all of a sudden looks less appealing.
    i would rather eat chocolate covered ants than defile chocolate with bacon.

  2. ...and for dessert...deep-fried Twinkies?

  3. Lynne5:55 AM

    Or bacon with chocolate...

  4. Anonymous6:18 AM

    All it needs is some scripture somewhere and it is quintessential Americana.

    Real America that is exceptional and hard working too with boot straps and common sense, also. Progressin our faith with no apologetics and with a mandation in our servants hearts with thirsty energy independence.

    Can we also point out too, that Bristol has just exposed their elitism in her slam to Mercede on FB? It makes sense that the Palin's make fun of people on food stamps. Even though Sadie is not on it. That isn't the point. Nasty folk, the Palin's.

  5. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Photo is nearly perfect. I'm sure the 2nd amendment is represented, just can't find it.

  6. emrysa2:40 PM

    I don't know where you found that pic gryphen, but it sure looks like something you'd see in my region of the country.

    chocolate and grease... don't know about that combo.

  7. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I have a sister to whom bacon and chocolate are like icons of worship, but to combine the 2 is culinary heaven. Love that pic!

  8. That actually sounds good. LOL I can't eat bacon anymore but I love chocolate chip pancakes. My dirty dark secret. shhh


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It just goes directly to their thighs.