Thursday, July 15, 2010

Make sure to watch the Inside Edition tonight for Sherry and Mercede's response to the news about Levi's engagement.

From the Orlando Sentinel:

Johnston’s family has taken its reaction to “Inside Edition.” They aren’t happy, and you can see at 4:30 and 7:30 today on WKMG-Ch. 6.

Sister Mercede Johnston (left) complains: “You would think that a normal family would call you and say, ‘We’re getting married.’ We found out through the media, which is heartbreaking and rude.”

What about being invited to the wedding?

Mom Sherry Johnston (right) tells “Inside Edition”: “I would be absolutely devastated if I wasn’t invited to the wedding – it would be the last straw. They should elope if they can’t have the Johnstons and the Palins together. But don’t leave us out of it. That would kill me.”

I believe it might be a good idea to have hanky ready for this interview.

I am very glad that people are really starting to see just how poorly the Johnston family has been treated by the Palins.


  1. Anonymous11:38 AM

    My bet is that there won't be any invitations coming to Johnstons which just shows trashy the palins are; including the idiots Sarah and Bristol!

  2. I think their weepy, feel-sorry-for-me attitudes are making Sarah very happy. They should cheerfully wish the loving couple all the best and tell them that the door is always open.

  3. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Ya know, I'm starting to think all of the media events Bristol et al do are all just a part of a big eff you to the media in general. They all (purposefully) contradict each other and they all mock something. We all know sarah palin is not stupid or naïve. And now the johnstons cannot claim they're victims since they have been putting themselves in the spotlight right along with the palins

  4. Anonymous11:53 AM

    I think they'll have to invite the Johnsons - Sarah's handlers will see to that.

  5. honeybabe11:55 AM

    under the whole "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"... i wonder how that will affect the palins. this show is not over yet!

  6. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Bristol is so scared to tell her mom she is getting married, why not elope?

    Everybody or nobody!

  7. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Hopefully, this appearance will help Sherry and Mercede overcome a bit of their financial woes.

  8. Anonymous12:01 PM

    And by usweekly being a policial stunt, would sarah really approve the usage of "chickenshit" in a publication?

  9. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Nobody tells Sarah what to do! In this case I think she will have to deal with the Johnstons.... like it or not!

  10. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Exactly Albert Lewis @ 11:44. I'd look at it as one less gift I'd have to purchase.

    No need to worry ladies, Levi will come crawling back to you after he's been chewed up and spit out like so much moose snuff.

    I'm betting he'll return sometime around November 2012...

  11. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Does Stupid Sarah remind anyone else of Bill Heslop from 'Muriel's Wedding'? I bet she harangues those kids of hers up and down about not being 'up to scratch' and messing up her deluded 'political career.'

  12. The segment just aired here. The biggest fib the IE people told was stating that Sadie's blog bashes The Palins, which it does not do.

  13. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Wait - are Bristol and Levi going to be on Insider too? The clip didnt mention Sadie and Sherry but only the couple, and prefaced it all with Levi in a towel

  14. Virginia Voter12:33 PM

    Well, it's posted on Us Weekly with a link to Mercede's blog...looks bad now if they don't get invited.

    BTW, to all those who say you can't get wedding invitations in two days, I have news for you...there's always evite, and you can print tack invitations right off your computer!

  15. GrainneKathleen12:33 PM

    i am so glad they are speaking out. i wish the media would interview more people who have been thrown under the bus. the johnston's definitely are at the top of that list.

  16. Anonymous12:36 PM

    If they were smart (he he he) they'd invite the Johnstons. If they don't they will look like such trash. But hey, they're not smart and they are trash, so it's anybody's guess. If the Johnston's are invited it will certainly be because her handlers (if she has any and it's pretty doubtful at this point) insisted.

  17. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I have feeling they had the invites printed 2 weeks ago. its the first thing you do to officialize an occasion. they dont take that long.
    Just take a piece of camo printed paper, scrawl out "Hey guys, we're getting hitched and you're invited. BYOB and gifts to ___." and have a moose stamp its foot to seal it.

  18. Sad and shameful. But, even more sad and shameful is how long the Palin family's charade of fake pregnancies, lies and cover-ups has gone on;
    and it appears they are going for cover-up #2 with AlaskaWTF reporting that the pregnant status of Bristol has been confirmed by their source.

  19. Anonymous12:43 PM

    "Palin" is just another way to say Hypocrite.

    Family values? My ass.

  20. wakeUpAmerica12:46 PM

    It's a sad, sad situation. I hate to see it being played out in the media, but my sympathy goes to Sadie and her mom. Sadie has stayed classy in her blog while the Palins have only tried to shut her up and trash her. Ultimately I blame Levi. These are the two people who have supported him through thick and thin and he is treating them like so much garbage. God, it's disgusting how everything the Palins touch turns to poison.

  21. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I love how people had condemned the Palins for allowing Levi to stay at home with Bristol (if it happened), yet according to Mercede, They hung out in his room A LOT! Is that proper parenting on Sherry's part? DOUBLE STANDARDS work both ways

  22. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Albert Lewis - have you read Mercede's lastest blog entry where she does just that. I imagine being interviewed and hearing her mother's pain probably moved her to tears. My goodness, cut Mercede and Sherry a little slack.

  23. icstraights1:03 PM

    Has anyone noticed how SSPalin does the BS craziest media stunts when Stewart/Colbert are on long breaks?

    Scarah was totally behind this whole thing and Rupert Murdoch/Roger Ailes are milkn' her teets while they still can before she dries up. With all the con money she has made, she'll be broke with all the hush money she has had to dull out...

    So trashy; like mother like daughter. (Shot-gun weddings, multiple paternity...etc)

    Uncle Gryph & Joe MG: PLEASE make it all go away. We want our state back.

  24. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Bristol and Levi: A match made in Hell.

  25. Gryphen - Ben Barber interview at Daily Beast. There are some gems, including this one:

    It sounds like the Palins would have been happy to have Ben part of the family and there's a shocker about Levi's attorney.

  26. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I agree about the invites not taking weeks to order up anymore. Four years ago, I used a local print shop to order my invitations and received them in about a week. They were very simple, but elegant.

    I think it's funny that Stupid won't invite the Johnstons because she considers them white trash -- what exactly does Stupid think her family is again? They certainly aren't paragons of 'litist excellence.

  27. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Gryphen, save that article in the Daily Beast since it has the timeline right there in black and white:
    "Barber says he and Bristol got together just after Christmas last year, and only broke up two months ago. He maintains that Bristol did not leave him for her former flame—though he acknowledges that Bristol and Levi did begin dating anew about six weeks ago."

    It will be hard to claim that the baby's Levi's when she's obviously more than six weeks pregnant already.

  28. What's truly sad is Sherry even thinks she needs an invitation to her sons wedding. When my son got married, there was never any doubt that this proud mamma would be there. It didn't even occur to me to wait for an invitation. Please cut the Johnsons some slack. They are entitled to be weepy. It would cut me to the core to not be in my sons life. Levi should be ashamed of himself. Girls come and go, but a mother always loves you, even if you are a stupid easily manipulated grifter in training.

  29. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Sherry can't go to the wedding, she's under house arrest for felony drug dealing.

  30. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Sherry can't go to the wedding, she's under house arrest for felony drug dealing.

  31. Anonymous2:38 PM

    My money is on another breakup, but not before Sarah makes another attempt to self-glorify herself and move into the White House. At least that's how long her handlers were previously able to maintain the Levi/Bristol facade.

  32. Anonymous2:57 PM

    12:49 = stupid fucking typical Palinbot idiot who can't tell the difference between a private citizen whose views on abstinence are unknown and of no influence if they were, and a half-term governor/failed VP candidate who publicly promoted abstinence for everybody else's kids while her daughter was getting knocked up.

  33. Big mess-up on my previous comment. I was going to leave a quote from the Daily Beast article but then didn't. Apologies.

  34. betsy smith3:54 PM

    Guys, guys, guys! This is all such a scam! SPs handlers have figured the whole thing out ages ago--we're being strung along with inane and ridiculous tabloid nonsense until the entire country becomes fed up with SP, the GOP, all the Tea Baggers and the Palinbots--then, surprise! They'll bring out Jeb Bush as the Republican candidate for President--to what will then be considered relief, if not utter delight!!

  35. icstraights4:46 PM

    I concur Betsy Smith!!!
    Smoke N Mirrors people...and a bunch of tabloid trash.

    I still can't wait for it all to go away forever.

  36. Anonymous9:14 PM

    To Betsy Smith:
    I agree with you. Except rather than Jeb Bush I would have (guessed) Scott Brown since he's bouncing back and forth between teabagger and moderate.

  37. Anonymous10:55 PM

    To Betsy and friend,
    I've had the same thought. Let the crazy rain and then they will trot out someone who appear sane. Jeb, Mittens, Tim P. What a great smoke and mirrors act.

    The only problem could be that the whacko elements don't go back quietly under their rocks.

    Get the popcorn ready and fasten your sear belts, it's going to be rocky.

  38. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Anonymous at 11:52 AM says: "We all know sarah palin is not stupid or naive."

    Speak for yourself. I think Sarah Palin is one of the stupidest and most naive (with respect to the larger world) politicians I've ever witnessed in my long years of watching politicians.

    While it's true she has celebrity or notoriety currently, the majority of that attention comes from people who don't like her, and are following the flaming debacle of this dimwit, some for laughs and some with a critical eye to make sure she never makes it anywhere near a position of political leadership.

  39. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Quyana, Thank you anon 2:57, even though the Johnstons are a 'broken home' Sherri still shows a very obvious and loving heart with her children. And she's never tried to be something she's not or try to run the world with her agenda.

    She has no agenda other than to be involved in her young and stupid son's life.

    I thought it was Vally Trashy typical for her to celebrate the news that her baby boy (not even having graduated hs yet) was going to be a daddy, but she's more honest and has more class than that horror of a Mama Grizzly Sarah.

    I wonder if Sherri had to get a shut-gun wedding too, just like Sarah and Bristol? And Sadie's sex life is blessedly unknown. Keep it that way Sadie, you are class and grace head and shoulders above those Palin gals.

  40. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Bristol does NOT like Sherry or Sadie, about equally.


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