Saturday, July 31, 2010

Okay I know this is wrong, but then why does it feel so right? Beware, NSFW language and graphic violence ahead!

From Bleeding Cool:

Apparently this is a comic about a guy who hunts zombies, one of who looks suspiciously like a certain half term governor we all might recognize.

Now just so you know I have NEVER hit a woman (Well except when I was teaching self defense classes, and that was just by way of demonstration, and they were encouraged to hit me back. Which believe me, they did.), but I have to admit if I was attacked by a Sarah Palin looking zombie I might just enjoy the opportunity to drop it on its ass. Okay, I would LOVE it!  Is that so wrong?

But before anybody gets their panties in a wad, let me assure you that I would NEVER injure, or encourage anybody else to injure, Sister Sarah. Unless of course she turns into a zombie, and then all bets are off!

And speaking of enjoyable things concerning Sarah Palin, you just HAVE to read this new article by Sarah Jones over at Politicususa.  Here is a sample to wet your whistle:

As is typical among the incompetent, Palin is a rabid back-seat driver who can’t seem to let a day go by without desperately inserting herself into the national dialogue, in a transparent attempt to both equate herself with the President and get his attention. President Obama had Palin’s number from day one, and he’s never given her the attention she so craves. He’s dismissed her with a respectful nod, rising above Palin’s crude tactics.

Palin uses drama and conflict to gin up support for herself. She isn’t actually running on ideas and can’t run on her history of governing, so she has to run on feelings. She stirs up the Tea Bagging base by getting them angry. They read her anger and rage and contempt as strength, but it really comes from weakness. It’s all Palin has.

Palin uses her contempt to mask her fear of the Press. She uses her anger to mask her envy of the President. She uses her rage to mask her disgust that a black man beat her (this is how she sees it, never mind that she was not running against Obama).

Wow! Reading that is almost as much fun as punching a Sarah Palin looking zombie in the forehead! Well almost.

Do yourself a favor and read the whole thing, you will not be disappointed.


  1. angela1:41 PM

    Well, I've always thought the zombie option was the reason Sarah knew only vestigial english and was clueless about social cues.

    Love POLITICUSUSA. Sarah Jones is always right on.

  2. Thank you for the link.
    This one IMO nailed Palin's personality also

    The author made excellent points about the facial expressions of rage, envy and contempt so obvious in the immigration interview.

    OT, the writer commented Steve Schmidt spoke out although what he came out saying about Palin was a career risk for him.

    I believe after the Couric interview in which Palin would not prep for then later railed blaming Couric and others for her abominable interviews,followed by not prepping for the debate the McCain staff grasped Palin was not who they thought initially.

    People end up needing to bend over to prevent Palin from combusting even for A VP debate. All they get is Palin ranting no one stood by her, no one did anything for her blah blah BS the opposite of reality.

    This author also wrote Palin portrayed Obama "pallin around with terrorists" when she slept with a secessionist! Well, Steve Schmidt went under the bus for saying No they can't lie about Todd being a member of AIP. Anyone who won't repeat Palin's thrown under the bus and run over and of no use to her Jekyll Hyde self.

  3. Anonymous2:06 PM

    This author Sarah Jones pegged sista sarah to a tea.(lol). this was a great article, wait til c4p writes about it. Hope sp is paying those folks a lot of money, cause it must take a lot to keep defending her day after day (for the barf medicine alone).

  4. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Angela @ 1:41 - LOL! : )

  5. How much do you wanna bet Bristol comes up with another announcement of some kind. Wedding's off. Wedding's on. Something.


    Because Chelsea Clinton is getting married today and that's driven news of her and Levi down the page. So she will have to do something to steal back the limelight.

    So like her Mother.

  6. CorningNY2:39 PM

    Gryphen, did you read the comments? The one that literally made me laugh out loud was this: when one commenter said, "But hey, I could just be biased by the fact that I would *not* kick Sarah Palin out of my bed for any reason...", another commenter replied, "Not even if she opened her mouth and said something?"

    Love it!

  7. Palin really does embody a lot of brain dead ideas. That's the life of modern day "polebrity's" or "celebriticians". Personally I see her as a polebrity. It seems to fit better due to her polarizing politics and her hailing from our only polar state. Hence, Sarah Palin:one time politician, wannabe celebrity and now just another polebrity fouling our national discourse.

  8. If this zombie thing proves to be true does that mean that we can dispose of her in true zombie fashion? This makes me think of the movie "Shawn of the Dead" where the zombies overrun the quiet little british town and the townspeople are all holed up in the local pub; the greatest scene is when the zombies break into the pub and one of the guys pulls off a zombie leg and beats another zombie in the head with it.

    We might need some actual Voodoo lessons if la Palin truly has gone zombie: I don't want to freak out but I live 5 miles away from the compound and I like my brains and don't want to give them up to a brain eating Palin zombie...then again, she could use some brains, perhaps eating brains will make her smarter, but other peoples' brains, not mine, not willing to sacrifice.....

  9. womanwithsardinecan3:21 PM

    Call me uncivilized, but I would happily smack the twit given the chance.

  10. London Bridges3:43 PM

    Today's Doonesbury nail it! How about a bumper sticker that says. "Sarah does it for money!"

  11. Anonymous4:47 PM

    I'm kind of new to all the Palin-baby-gate-fake-pregnancy story so this is kind of OT but I just watched a two-part movie over at the other Palin place, whose name I shall not mention (we're all working for the same outcome, though) and I was shocked by what I saw. I used to love Bree Palin's blog and all the commentors would always be talking about Sarah's "strong abs" during her "pregnancy" with Trig and I never fully understood where that came from and so finally in this movie Sarah is talking in an interview about how she was able to fool everyone (she says she wasn't trying to fool anyone, yea, right)as she is beating her stomach/square pillow and saying that she has strong abs. I just wanted to reach through the screen and slap her. She had an evil smirk on her face as she said it, too. With that, she was daring all of us to prove her wrong. I say we do it; the sooner the better.
    Sorry this is so long but I had never seen this interview and I thought that I had seen them all!

  12. Anonymous4:52 PM

    I feel that after Litbrit's great post (thanks to Jim Benton aka "Prup")about Sarah's ten questions, Sarah answered (b), and all of the other crap that has been going on for the last three weeks that it is just a matter of time before the phony fraud cracks.
    Sarah Palin! Get thee to a psych ward, STAT! Palinspeare

  13. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I agree, anger and a number of emotions that are attached to it, like throwing people who helped you and were your friends and supporters under the bus, it St. Sarah's energy source.

    How that she can ratioinalize her hatefulness with the Beatitides, and still call herself a Christian is a pretty good measure of just how near insane she really is.

    Don't ever leave her and Breitbart along together, if they bred, it would be Rosemary's Baby all over again.

  14. Anonymous7:24 PM

    absolutely everyone should read Sarah Jones' brilliant analysis. Spot on.

  15. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Spot on description of this nitwit! A zombie puppet of her puppet masters..they prob go into a fetal position every time Granny Quitter takes to Twitter without her ghostwriters.

  16. Anonymous4:48 AM

    I also enjoyed Sarah Jones' article. A bit O/T here, but didn't Sarah Palin lose the Miss Alaska 1984 title to an African-American woman? Even though she played her little heart out on a flute?

    Please correct me if I am wrong.

  17. Anonymous5:37 AM

    "A bit O/T here, but didn't Sarah Palin lose the Miss Alaska 1984 title to an African-American woman?"

    yes. she's a loser all around. She lost to a black woman then and she lost recently to a black man. It bites and she feels the pain. She'll never get over either loss.

  18. Anonymous7:43 AM

    And we would know she's a brain dead


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