Friday, July 09, 2010

Recently defeated Republican Bob Inglis blames Sarah Palin for destroying credibility of GOP. Of course that may not bother her as much as learning that she does not rate that high among Facebook users.

From CNN Politics:

In an interview with the Associated Press and confirmed to CNN by his office, Inglis targets the "death panels" phrase made famous by Sarah Palin when the former Alaska governor inaccurately claimed the Democratic-backed health care legislation would ration health care for the elderly.

"There were no death panels in the bill … and to encourage that kind of fear is just the lowest form of political leadership. It's not leadership. It's demagoguery," said Inglis, who lost his primary challenge to conservative Trey Gowdy by 42 points last month and faced heavy criticism for voting in favor of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) in 2009.

In a series of Facebook posts last summer, Palin repeatedly suggested the health care legislation would amount to rationing and coined the phrase "death panels" to suggest government bureaucrats, not doctors, would determine the type of health care one receives.

The de-bunked phrase was quickly repeated by detractors of the bill and is credited with spurring heated opposition to the measure.

Inglis said such words amount to "preying on [voter's] fears."

"I think we have a lot of leaders that are following those [television and talk radio] personalities and not leading," he said. "What it takes to lead is to say, 'You know, that's just not right.'"

As I have stated before if Republicans don't start calling bullshit on people like Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh,  they will find themselves with a party that simply cannot pull together well enough to agree on a coherent message.  Right now it may work for them to simply be the opposition party, but if these guys start to win, especially the Teabagger contingent, they are going to be expected to produce.

But produce what?  Currently all that they seem to produce is lies and anger fueled defiance.

Hey I support the two party system!  I don't often vote for the Republican ticket but I am aware that without the Republican Yin to the Democrat's Yang that we could have a totalitarian government that would only make policy that benefits them directly with no checks or balances to make sure that the people were represented.

By the way, speaking of Sarah Palin, did all of you notice that the "Queen of Facebook" did not even make the top 50 hottest people on Facebook?  I keep hearing how all of these new people are flocking to join Palin's Facebook page, but there are not yet enough to make her even more popular than the guy who beat his girlfriend, the guy who cheated on his wife, or the chubby guy from the movie "The Hangover."

By the way President Obama is ranked #4, only beaten by Vin Diesel (WTF?), Lady Gaga, and the recently deceased Michael Jackson.


  1. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Great post. Loved the FB rating for SP.

    Just read an article on HuffPo about what's happened to Colorado Springs after they bought into the slash tax mode. There was a state slash tax bill and then the city added their own.

    Things are so bad now that the City turns off the street lights at night! The police don't, as a rule, investigate crimes against property unless a crime against a person is involved (that means house trashing, break-ins - hello, Willow - and car vandalism et cetera just get a phone-in call and case number - that's it!). The fire department has been routed so there are not enough resources to cover the city.

    Can you imagine how the insurance companies are going to react? First, raise rates because the risks will go up dramatically, and secondly, not cover damages to property because, well, no investigation was done. Having worked in the insurance industry, I wonder if they were instrumental in pushing the tax slash bills because they will benefit big time from the consequences.

    Also, pools and parks can only stay open if volunteers staff them and then only on reduced hours. A whole host of city services will be greatly reduced or cut altogether - all in the name of Tea Bagger and ring-wing Republican fanaticism.

    When will they learn that if we all pay a little, we all save a lot and get better benefits for ourselves and families?

    I bet big businesses will pull out of the city because they will not be able to attract and retain quality employees.

    I think the loss of moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats is a loss that will cripple more cities, states and even the entire country. We literally cannot afford the no-tax or slash tax politicians. Besides, they never cut their own salaries, do they?

  2. Off topic but watching Chris Matthews. Apparently Grizzly bear Conservative women are only strong when they want to be.

    Sharron Angle claimed that Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) aimed to “hit the girl” in the race for his Senate seat. Did we ever hear Hillary Clinton complain?

    Hm isn't there another Conservative woman who complains a lot?

  3. Anonymous4:13 PM

    The "new" recycled radicals on the right are being led by people like sarah, beck and rush. Those 3 plus others are taking advantage of the people who are used to listening to the fundamentalist preachers and other people who want things to be simple.

    Sarah, beck and rush are laughing all the way to the bank. If that was all it was we could look the other way and say "buyer beware"; but we are talking about our country and how bad it can get if they actually enact some of their beliefs. There does not seem to be a good way to reason with them. I know because my brother is "one of them". He gets going and soon he will not listen to a word that anyone says to contradict his belief that he is right and the rest of us are not only wrong politically but going to hell too.
    There is no reasoning with someone who believes rather than thinks and then calls their belief common sense. God help us.

  4. Irishgirl4:27 PM

    I joined her FB to ridicule her. I did manage to get about three hours of fun out of it. I'm sure RAM must have been at lunch that day. I was then banned. But I bet they still have me listed as a fan!

  5. Anonymous4:44 PM

    THIS is even funnier:

    #35 - 'General' Larry Platt (aka 'Pants on the Ground')


  6. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Sarah Palin plans to be the first presidential candidate to run via face book and twitter, and never answer a direct question from a real reporter. Her appearances will be limited to Friendly Fox News and soft-ball interviewers like Oprah (who needs the ratings). If Michael Jackson is more popular than Sarah, and he is dead, that doesn't say much for Sarah's chosen media of face book.

  7. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Yup, she's way more pissed off about the FB thing.

  8. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Good for Mr. Inglis. I wish he has spoken up sooner, but still appreciate his willingness to do so now.

  9. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I venture over to the peezoo once a day and they actually track how many facebook followers she has, how many she gets in 24 hours and then calculate it the minute. Today, I think it was 2.7/minute.

    LOL! I think someone is furiously creating new accounts and signing up new "friends" on a 24/7 basis. I think there could be a bunch of them doing it. What a bunch of losers. They think having 1000 new friends in a couple of hours is going to mean she will be their new President.

  10. emrysa5:32 PM

    you know, if the republicans had any sense they'd get rid of the demagogues. atleast that way, the republicans could actually build a party from the ruins they are in now - they might actually attract new people to the party. well I guess I shouldn't give them any ideas.

    but if you think about it, something like that could be the beginnings of a multi-party system, which we desperately need.

    and gryphen I had the same reaction as you when I saw that facebook list earlier - vin diesel? wtf? I had no idea that guy was so popular.

  11. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Sarah seems to forget (or maybe she just doesn't want to face the fact) that a lot of the her so-called fans follow her to mock her or to see what lame things she does that they can rebut. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer, right?

  12. emrysa5:44 PM

    anon @ 4:56 pm sez:

    "LOL! I think someone is furiously creating new accounts and signing up new "friends" on a 24/7 basis."

    that's exactly what's happening. and these new accounts all become friends with each other so as not to look like they're fake accounts.

    I really wish those who "liked" her just so they could read her rants and laff would just unlike her. given that she places so much value on those numbers, it would be best if they wouldn't participate in her fantasy.

  13. Anne In DC6:26 PM

    Bob Inglis is a winner in terms of the integrity and intelligence so lacking in many of his fellow Republicans. He paid at the polls for his honesty about where his party is headed. Of course, there is plenty of blame to go around not just for Palin, Limbaugh, Beck, Sanity, Coulter, and other talking heads. There is also a lot that their enablers have to answer for.
    The RNC may not see Palin as the party's future, but in league with the GOP, they have no one to blame but themselves for the Frankenstein they have created by feeding her delusions about her leadership qualities.

  14. GrainneKathleen6:30 PM

    i half-heartedly joined $arah's facebook page so i could make critical comments about her rants. i was thrown out after a maximum of three comments. i'm sure she's keeping me amongst her numbers, though. i wonder how many other people joined just to debunk the stupidity of "drill baby drill", or to refer folks to some to some trusty sarah-critical blogs.
    how's that freedom of speechy thing working out for you, sarah?

  15. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Politifact checked some of Sarah's statements... not surprising what they found

  16. Gryphen said:

    "I am aware that without the Republican Yin to the Democrat's Yang that we could have a totalitarian government that would only make policy that benefits them directly with no checks or balances to make sure that the people were represented."

    Unfortunately, this is wrong. No matter which party has the majority or the White House, this is a government of the corporation, by the corporation, and for the corporation. Especially Halliburton. The Supreme Court said so.

  17. Anonymous7:07 PM

    There's probably a good percentage of Palin's FB fans who are reporters, journalists and media personnel who are determined to get the latest pile of ridiculous shit she spews so they can break another embarrassing Palin story.

    It's like when Brittney Spears was acting her craziest is when the press hounded her the most, so they could sell the juicy details and make money off her wacky antics.

  18. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I never friended/joined Palin's FB page (ugh! why?), but if I had done so and was banned, I'd do this:

    1. Check my friends list. If she is on it, defriend (unfriend?) her. Poof gone!

    2. Check my pages list (since I never joined Palin's FB page, I'm not sure if she is set up as a friend/page to fan). If her page is on my list, then delete it.

    Don't let Palin's FB managers control your FB. DUMP HER!

  19. I do NOT believe in a two party system. It's not enough. Americans cannot all be squeezed into just two ideologies. This forces the candidates to do a lot of lying and pretending. But more importantly, two parties are too easy to buy off. If we had 3, 4, or 5 legitimate parties, there would be less corruption.

  20. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Hey Gryph, have you seen this clip? Palin being schooled by O'Reilly AGAIN!

  21. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Anonymous 7:26 PM - I do the same thing. I check "her" page to see if any of my "friends" are listed. (Your friends are listed at the top) and if they are, I remove them from my friends list.

  22. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Anon @ 7:26 said...

    As you pointed out, I De-friended Palin and made sure that I hadn't fanned her. I do have her on Twitter - didn't FOLLOW her because I don't want to show up in her numbers. I watch the messages on TweetDeck where all the tweets posted to her twitter account come up. (#SarahPalinUSA and #Palin). At least half the message posted to those two twitter accounts are anti-palin. Pro-palin messages are repeats of the same messages from same palinbots posted over and over. That's the best way to say what you want to say to her without it being deleted.

  23. OT and HEADS UP!
    BREE IS BACK in an exclusive interview with Floyd Orr re babygate!):

  24. I would bet money that way more than half of her Facebook "fans" only fanned her page so they could post opposing views, for which they were banned from posting. They just never bothered to unfan the page.

  25. So, Bob Inglis finally joined Bob Bennett and Dede Scozzafava in going “full Bulworth.” I’m conflicted…

    While he expresses opinions that are clearly shared by a significant portion of what remains of moderate Republicanism, I have to stop short of calling him “brave” for stating them.

    Brave will be a politician that lets us in on what they’re really thinking while they’re STILL in office, not after they’ve left, or as a lame duck. When that starts happening, we may get somewhere.

  26. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Let me point out that Bob Inglis is from South Carolina and that he lost his primary because he had bucked the GOP on important positions. Quoting the Charleston SC Post and Courier: "Respected for years as a conservative ...Inglis angered constituents by voting for the 2008 financial bailout. ... He further upset some residents by suggesting they shouldn’t watch the Glenn Beck show. ... Inglis also broke with party orthodoxy on some important issues. He believes that climate change and global warming are real and a present danger, a viewpoint not universally shared in the GOP. He was one of only 17 Republicans to vote against President George Bush’s 2007 troop surge in Iraq. He voted to reprimand fellow South Carolina Republican Joe Wilson for his “you lie!” outburst at President Barack Obama during an address to Congress, a vote shared by only six other House Republicans."

  27. Anonymous7:52 PM

    It agree, this amusing opinion


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