Tuesday, July 06, 2010

You know you have been wating to see it, and here it is, Bristol Palin's entire scene from last night's "Secret Life of the American Teenager".

Now just in case you have trouble differentiating Bristol from the wooden door she is standing beside, remember the door is the one showing the most emotion.

Okay all snark aside I forced myself to sit through an entire hour of this horrible program, and I have to say that for Bristol to stand out as the worst actor on the show is, in and of itself, an amazing achievement.

The storylines are so convoluted and full of extra dramatic drama, that the entire program is virtually unwatchable.  It seems that every single teenage girl on the program is either knocked up, or about to be knocked up in future episodes. NO wonder they tapped Bristol to make an appearance, the entire program looks as if it could have been filmed in the halls of Wasilla High, the "get knocked up capitol of the world".

Well at least it appears that Bristol is bright enough to realize that acting is not for her.

Asked if she wants to pursue an entertainment career, she tells UsMagazine.com, "Not acting. I like doing speaking engagements and stuff like that. Right now I'm just focused on raising Tripp," her 2 1/2-year-old son with Levi Johnston.

By the way how come nobody can ever seem to get Tripp's age right? He was born in December 2008, he is ONE and a half years old.


  1. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Just imagine how bad her speaking engagements will be.

    If she ever gets paid gigs

  2. Anonymous5:56 AM

    It certainly is awful all around, isn't it? Awful writing and awful acting. Why on earth would they name her character "Bristol"? What a stupid idea. That's akin to saying "we don't really care about characterization, we just want publicity. Honestly, we're just trying to make a buck off other people's suffering."

    But who isn't, these days?

  3. Lynne5:57 AM

    Wow, Gryphen, you've been busy really early this morning. I just had my first sip of coffee, wondering if you had posted anything new yet. When do you sleep? Yeah, I know...it's always daylight at this time of year. Hope you had a great 4th! (No need to post this as it's not on any blog topic.)

  4. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I won't dignify that show with my viewing. Not that I'm above raging teenage hormones. I'm all for family planning, Sarah should have engaged in that practice herself if she was having marital relations with her husband at her age and level of responsibilities to her existing children and the citizens of Alaska.

    "I like doing speaking engagements and stuff like that." and what not?

    Your heroic 18 hour work day as a receptionist and raising Tripp should be a time suck as it is, instead of pointing your condescending elitist superiority (for accomplishing nothing) over your boyfriend's sister and mother. You may be pretty, but you also too don't have enough charisma like your psychotic mother to pull off speaking similarly or worse, paid or what not.

  5. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Wow, People actually watch this? BP is like a tree, wooden.

  6. FEDUP!!!6:46 AM

    Is it because they all seem to think that TrG is her (first) son?

    (And is THAT why nobody seems to want to go after the Grifter-extraordinaire, $P - they simply ASSUME by now, and accept, that she faked her pregnancy

  7. Where's Sarah?6:54 AM

    The plotlines are more complicated than the Federal Tax Code of the United States government. They are also just as dull. To surmise: Amy is at pregnant mothers band camp in New York but her boyfriend Ben is at home, worrying about his one-night-stand Adrian who is pregnant and thinking about getting an abortion. Adrian is bffs with Grace who is an adamant Christian (though she gave in to peer pressure and lost her virginity in the worst sex scene in the history of television last year when the writers got in a rut and needed something for her character to do) and she refuses to allow her ex-boyfriend the jock named Jack or Jake (I think) live with her when his parents move to Arizona but he shacks up anyway with her brother and they get high on marijuana brownies in a scene so bad it is an insult to the 1970s. Ricky, who is the father of Amy’s baby and looks identical to Ben but is no relation, goes to her house and kisses her little sister whatsherface but realizes he was wrong but still can’t take back the smooch so that’ll surely stir up another story which can later be added to the Guinness Book of World Records for Most Boring Storylines Ever To Air On Television. Adrian’s father doesn’t want her to get the abortion and fights with her mother who supports her decision and Adrian runs away to Ben’s place where his father (an actor who used to be in the freakin’ Sopranos!) says something so boring my brain could not interpret it beyond blaaaaaah and Adrian and Ben share a moment where he says he supports her even though he can do nothing and I have to literally stick my thumb into a light socket because my heart has stopped beating.

    Oh, and Bristol Palin pops up but she didn’t move her face once so I’m pretty sure it was just a cardboard cut out sliding in and out of the room.

    What happened to Sarah? No tweets to the troops, just send money to troopathon?

  8. GermanGoodness7:03 AM

    What the heck, Gryph?! Are you trying to torture your readers?

    ; )

  9. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Did ABC want to bring attention to the fact they have one of the worst shows of all time? Not only that... it is so detrimental to youth. What happened to all the parents? No one is complaining to the networks about the poor quality and what they promote for teens? What mother would like their child to be part of this disgraceful travesty? Teen pregnancy is a serious social issue, people wake up!

  10. Anonymous7:18 AM

    OMFG! That is the worst, the very worst "acting" I have ever seen! The Door DOES have more personality!!!!

  11. Anonymous7:22 AM

    So it is Bristol taking care of her 2 1/2 year old son. I hope that he is also getting good therapy, and that he will soon be eating solid food. I wonder if he plays with his 1 1/2 year old little brother? The only comment we've heard about them playing together is that Trig can sign, "Stop." Isn't that cute!

    When the clip of Bristol's "acting career" was first posted on the internet, people wrote that she is no actress. Well, she must have thought that she was convincing when she uttered such immortal lines as "Mom, I don't have sex," and "Mom, I'm not pregnant."

  12. Anonymous7:50 AM

    What speaking engagements? Do you know of one? If so, does she actually get paid $30,000.00?

  13. I lost an hour of my life for that crap! She didn't even appear until the end.

    I read some reviews on other websites they all said it sucked. Except the Palinbots. Of course because I said it sucked I hate Sarah, am jealous of her, and am a flaming lib. I take it they don't take criticism well in Palin land. LOL

  14. Is it wise for Bristol Palin to appear on "The Secret Life of the American Teenager" as a teen mother, particularly when her appearance added nothing to the content of the show?
    Bristol Palin politicizes teen pregnancy in ABC's The Secret Life of the American Teenager
    This issue will undoubtedly take the forefront throughout the 2010 midterm elections, since Sarah Palin has endorsed Carly Fiorina, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in California.

    Bristol is the Palin news cycle this holiday week end while Sarah and Todd are a best kept secret. We all know how Sarah loves and celebrates that special beloved day. Don't forget how she paddled to make sure that Willow was born on the Fourth of July. It didn't happen. President and Mrs. Obama were blessed with a daughter born on the Fourth

    I don't understand why the foreign policy manifesto and war promo from her pac, a cheap shot out for the twitter troopa money grab and nada for the real men and women who are at risk fighting her neocolonial war. Filming the family fishy business can not be that consuming. WHAT ARE THEY HIDING NOW?

  15. Lisabeth8:26 AM

    Has she actually been booked for many or any speaking engagements?

  16. emrysa8:30 AM

    I would be thoroughly embarrassed if that was me. absolutely terrible.

    I'll say it again - this show is bullshit. it glamorizes teen pregnancy, and everyone involved in making and promoting this show should be ashamed.

  17. Isn't Trig actually 2 1/2? I am constantly surprised at the amount of accurate-inaccuracies that have been published recently.

  18. Where's Sarah? said...

    The plotlines are more complicated than the Federal Tax Code of the United States government.

    Your post made me laugh. :-) Just watching the end was enough for me. LOL

  19. Test test..... I'm hoping I can post now.

    Palin.... jeez! They will just about do anything for a buck.

  20. Anonymous8:39 AM

    No video shows up on for me.....

  21. "By the way how come nobody can ever seem to get Tripp's age right? He was born in December 2008, he is ONE and a half years old."

    Time seems to be kind of nebulous in Wasilla. It seems to run in kind of the same fashion as it does in soap operas. Characters in soap operas will have children, and when they outgrow the cute infant stage, they tend to suddenly become 10- or 12-years-old. Then they're old enough for a legitimate speaking part, or to be shipped off to boarding school; whatever is most convenient for the writers.

    Either that, or journalists are just all confused and flustered by all the conflicting lies, fibs and half-truths told by the Palin family.

  22. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Nooooo, I have not been waiting to see it.

    But something else just came to mind here. Could it be that Palin will out herself as damage control before making her run for pres or VP? If not then some Repub running against her would probably do it covertly in order to destroy her I think. Not a good position to be in when you are politically motivated!

  23. Only slightly OT: ran into a great Sarah Palin line in Anthony Bourdain's new book "Medium Raw." Discussing the need for parents to provide boundaries for their children, he notes that if being a cool parent means letting your daughter's boyfriend sleep over, then Sarah Palin is a cool mom!

  24. Enjay in E MT9:46 AM

    Yep - door had a more presence in that scene.

    Did they pay her for that ??

  25. Anonymous9:51 AM

    In my best Soup Nazi voice (to Bristol):

    "NO ACTING FOR YOU! Back of the line!"

    BTW, isn't Molly Ringwald, one of the best teenage actresses ever, involved in this TV goop melange as well? This show appears to be an After School Special on a double dose of Ambien.

    Love and knishes...

  26. nswfm9:52 AM

    FEDUP!!! said...

    Is it because they all seem to think that TrG is her (first) son?

    (And is THAT why nobody seems to want to go after the Grifter-extraordinaire, $P - they simply ASSUME by now, and accept, that she faked her pregnancy

    6:46 AM
    That's exactly what I thought. And what the hell does she have to say that is worth 2 cents, let alone 30K for crying out loud?

  27. Anonymous10:11 AM

    "Why would they name her character Bristle?"
    This is mean of me, but maybe she inherited her mother's knack for remembering names. O'Biden?

  28. The show overly hyped Bristol's brief cameo appearance. I had false hope for BP the publicity personnel sent out the wrong clip of an out take. That was a flat line performance. Maybe putting forth effort was irrelevant and a means to the end to go to the swag party..to get as much as they could and give nothing in return?

    FencePaylin: In Palin world and Palinbots it must be great to be delusional everything a Palin does is awesome then call people names, hurl malicious false allegations when others don't share their delusions of grandeur and distortions of reality. This acting debut has nothing to do with Sarah except to Sarah and the Palinbots to glorify Sarah. It ust be sad for Bristol and the other children to be used as proof of how magnificent Sarah is.

    To the rest of us this cameo role is about Bristol, an opportunity she had and what she did with it.

    I can't wait to see Sarah Palin's "documentary" of Alaska the Palinbots decided the reality show is going to be. Their queen would not do a reality show so they sent fact into their warp and distortion machine coming up with a proper "documentary" to promote AK:)

  29. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I guess the conclusion about Bristol's acting and public speaking career is "don't quit your day job."

    Let's be honest. The only reason that she was put in the show was to boost their sagging ratings. She never showed up on the View to promote the show. Originally, Bristol was going to be a host (hostess), then it was just an appearance. This week's lineup doesn't feature her, either.

  30. phoebes in santa fe10:49 AM

    I'm not going to watch that show, particularly after reading the synopsis "Where's Sarah?" provided@6.54am.

    But I have one question. With all the teen mothers in the show and music camp (or something) does it show the babies at all? Does it show the drudge work in taking care of a baby 24/7? I'm just trying to get an idea here. Thanks.

  31. how does she manage to speak without moving her face? has she botoxed already?

    i read an article that some parents are letting kids as young as 17 begin "preventative" botox so they can make it to 30 without a single suggestion of a wrinkle. as botox is available in "spas" and at "parties" they can easily find someone willing to administer it teenagers.

    i can see sarah encouraging bristol to get some "bristol, preserving your looks is the most important thing you can do for your career options!"

    i'm personally against botox, the wrinkles on your face are proof that you've experienced human emotions in your life....... not to mention that injecting the most potent toxin (by volume) that we know of into your face is an icky thought!

  32. Bristol "not realistic"10:57 AM


    I haven't heard of any speaking engagements. They are trying to sell her brand and no takers, wait until they see her acting debut.

    In the real world it would be huge for a name brand not to show up for the promotional part of their contract. The Palin name obviously has special clout at The View where they didn't even say boo about Bristol's BIG NO NO. Most people are convinced she did have a good reason not to speak and most of all not to be viewed.

    Just a reminder. Bristol about May 6, 2010

    A few weeks later....Bristol “I’m Not Going To Have Sex Until I’m Married” Palin was last seen in public May 18, 2010. Umbrella groups: Care Net, Heartbeat International and the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates:

    The photos might explain both Bristol's NO SHOW on The View and why the total black out when she quit.

  33. Anonymous10:59 AM

    I think she played her part (herself) quite well -- fake.

  34. "focused on speaking engagements and stuff"...

    I thought she had a full time job in a Dr.'s office? More bullshit.

  35. Anonymous11:36 AM

    So, like if I get knocked up I can go to bandcamp for, like, free? Totally cool!

  36. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Bristol is a first class jerk and stupid also, too. Obscurity can't come soon enough.

  37. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Where's Sarah: As I read your comment all I could hear was the voice of the Charlie Brown cartoon parents...whawawawhawa..

  38. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Although she carefully doesn't come right out and conclude anything, Audrey at palindeceptions questions Bristol's pregnancy appearance during the campaign. Was Bristol actually pregnant during the campaign? Audrey notes that photos of Bristol during the campaign show her walking and moving in a way inconsistent with a woman in her stage of pregnancy. Photos also show Bristol's belly changing shape almost daily in a manner also inconsistent with a true pregnancy. I mention all of this because if Bristol faked a pregnancy during the campaign (to 'prove' that Sarah gave birth to Trig) and if Bristol really was pregnant in late 2007 (as has been reported) then the baby born in late 2007 would be 2 1/2, not 1 1/2, and that baby could be Tripp. That Sarah is nuts enough to be presenting at least three different Trig's to the world (three different sets of ears!) I'd believe anything from her or her family.

  39. Anonymous12:06 PM

    That episode was awful. Actually, the whole show is awful & pathetic.

  40. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I thought rules were pretty strict for television appearances. Did Bristol have to get a union card? Was she limited to a certain pay scale? I'm sure that if she got to bend (or break) the rules and got a hefty paycheck for that piss-poor performance, those *real* actresses who have paid their dues (so to speak) would be feeling rather unkindly towards Bristol.

  41. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Ok, that clip looked like the start of a baaaad porno...

  42. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Please tell me this teen soap opera doesn't represent rill america. My kids are grown up, in their 20's and I don't recall them or their friends so immature and dramatic.

    Now how did Bristol Palin get this job? I hope she doesn't think this promotes her abstinence agenda, because it doesn't. Would be like Pat Robertson doing a bit part on Dallas. The part might be a preacher named Pat asking JR to change his devious ways. Would that be believable, or change the viewer's heart?

    Who thinks up these schemes anyway. Do they think we are stupid? Bristol's efforts don't impact the real world by acting a few lines in a fictitious "teenage angst with issues" show.

    Wonder how much she got paid for that little job?

  43. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Bristol should win a purple heart for that effort.

    When does she go to Hollywood to get her Oscar or Emmy?

  44. Buffalo, NY12:58 PM

    Darkefang 8:56 - you hit the nail on the head. There are so many kids, and so many stories that they have made up, they can't keep them all straight.

    Or is Bristol purposely letting it slip about Trig's real parentage and real birth date (2 1/2 years ago was 1/7/2008 - not 4/18/08 as Sarah and the 'wild ride' says).

    Maybe she's tired of all the lying and wants to put the truth out there, but doesn't quite know how to do it yet, so she's letting little things slip here and there.

  45. Anonymous1:49 PM

    When Lisa Lampanelli was asked for one word she would use to describe Sarah Palin, she responded with the following...MILF (Moron I'd Like to Forget, Governut, Rogue Kill and OK, I'm not even going to say the last one! Lisa is very crude! LOL


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