Friday, August 13, 2010

Author Geoffrey Dunn calls Sarah Palin out on her attempt to revise the history of her relationship with our recently deceased Uncle Ted.

From the Huffington Post:

Palin can fabricate the status of her relationship with the dead all she wants. Only earlier this year she did the same with the late Wally Hickel, who told me last summer that Palin had "lost her ethical compass."

The record speaks far more honestly than Palin's hollow and vacuous sound bites for Fox News.

During Stevens' darkest hour -- when he was convicted by a federal jury on seven charges in October 2008 -- Palin, then running for vice-president on the GOP ticket, plunged the stiletto into Stevens' back:

"After being found guilty on seven felony counts, I had hoped Senator Stevens would take the opportunity to do the statesman-like thing and erase the cloud that is covering his Senate seat."

Even though Stevens' aides begged her to back off, Palin didn't stop there. "Even if elected...," she declared, plunging the blade deeper, "Senator Stevens should step aside to allow a special election to give Alaskans a real choice of who will serve them in Congress." There were many who speculated that Palin's position had everything to do with her own ambitions for Stevens' seat. When Stevens lost to his Democratic opponent, Mark Begich, by only a few thousand votes, many Alaska Republicans pointed the finger at Palin's 11th-hour betrayal as providing the difference in the outcome of the election. They were livid.

I encourage all of you to read the rest of Geoffrey's post.  As usual it is spot on and very well written.

As I mentioned before I had my own issues with our Uncle Ted, but I always gave the man his due for how he provided for my state and its people.  He certainly did some bad things too, many of which the public will probably never learn about, but when weighed against all of the billions of dollars he brought to the Last Frontier it is impossible to say the guy did not do the job he was elected to do.


  1. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Stevens was a crook.

    Palin is a charlatan.

    They can sit next to each other in hell.

  2. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Like everybody else in power who met 'mama garbage-bear', she threw Ted Stevens under her bus in order to leave her the opportunity to claim his seat. What a POS!

  3. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Golly gee, how do people REALLY feel about Silly Sarah's endorsements, also too, you betcha!

    She would be fuming if she watched that! The claws are coming out all over the place it seems, and it's about damn time!


  4. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I'm going to go out on a limb and say I think Sarah could do great things for affecting world peace. Look at the effect she had on the leaders she met in 08. Hear how endearing she can be. She'd bring femininity to the position, which would shift the status quo and tone of the world. I just watched a couple old speeches and I was near tears. You can hear emotion and possession in her voice. You don't hear that from any other political force. I'll give her that.

  5. Anonymous3:18 PM

    That was sarcasm, wasn't it, Anonymous 3 p.m.

    If it wasn't, it should have been.

    No one could really mean what you wrote: "Hear how endearing she can be. She'd bring femininity to the position, which would shift the status quo and tone of the world."

    With her voice - endearing?

    Oh, she'd change the status quo and tone of the world that's for sure - to her Dominionist End Days vision. Her inner mean girl would relish stirring things up. She's always talking about how she should attack Iran, shouldn't help the Palestinians, and the like. Goodness gracious, 3 p.m., her little world leader meet & greet was a charade.

    I hear emotion and possession in her voice, too - of course, I am talking about hatred, cruelty, and racism and being possessed by the dark side of the spirit.

    I sure hope you were goofing on us because, if not, your view is downright scary.

  6. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Sorry, Anon 3:00. SP had ample opportunity to bring peace to Wasilla and extend a hand of compassion to all the citizens of Alaska.

    But all she wanted was the authority of the office, the perks, and none of the work. She COULD have done so much good, what a pity.

  7. The good that Sarah could do is not what she has chosen to do.

  8. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Good article. I remember those events happening and also remember being utterly disgusted with Sarah Palin's bizarre reactions and flip-flopping. Such disgraceful, self-serving behavior.

    Reading the comments on HuffPost, I especially like that people are commonly referring to Sarah Palin as WGE (Worst Governor Ever), her new title. For this longtime Alaskan, that description is right on. Alaska deserved such a better spokesperson than her. We deserved a good person. The vast damage that she has wrought these last few years will never be undone. To the continuing detriment of Alaska, she will say anything to remain in the limelight. She is devoid of integrity and morals.

    Senator Ted Stevens was the opposite of Sarah. The immeasurable benefits that he fought for shaped this state. He put service and Alaska first.

  9. Sarah Palin is not the only person in Alaska trying to revise their history with Ted Stevens, some on the left are even jumping on that band wagon. As a person who has lived in several states the main thing I have issue with is working to pay federal taxes and then having huge amounts of the taxes shifted to one state. Many states in the lower 48 charge citizens a state tax to help fund the state. In Alaska the oil money is given to citizens while people in other states pay state and federal taxes. That is very wrong. Alaska has used it's politicians to take from others all the while proclaiming they don't have to follow those federal regulations and don't want to be "socialist". Many people are wrongfully charged with crimes and wrongfully convicted due to prosecutorial malfeasance, but someone like TS gets off because he had the money to hire decent attorneys to expose it and most likely he threatened to expose some information he knew. There is evidence that much of the charges were well founded. We have a two tier society and justice system. There is my un-PC view.

  10. Very Big Eye Roll3:48 PM

    Is it not enough that her chubby cheeked daughter got a corner of People Magazine while sniveling over her lame boyfriend on Chelsea's spotlighted CLASSY wedding? Does the attention whore have to edge in even on Ted in his time of death? Must we listen to her even now? This woman doesn't know when to shut her mouth!

  11. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Remember she wanted his job. But, she forgot about the changed laws because of Murkowski. It was all about the Palin. White trash.

  12. Why must we see this?3:50 PM

    Just wait until Levi runs for mayor-- 20 years later he'll claim to have knows everyone, too, and been their best friends.

    Sarah Palin has done much to hurt mothers with big families who have any ambition.

  13. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I have to agree with Cecilia. As a person living on a Coast who has gladly paid my fair share of federal taxes, it really burned me to hear about the federal funding in Alaska and then be told I'm not a "Real American" by the person elected to lead Alaska.

    That said, I can't wait for Dunn's book to be released. When is it coming?

  14. Rick HIll3:51 PM

    Who says Ms Palin can't make a difference?

  15. Did Greta slip in at 3:00PM?

  16. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Message to Palin: Hey Sarah the Wyoming governor's race really need YOUR endorsement for the very BEST repiblican candidate! You need to act SOON to ensure your endorsement is noted by Wyoming voters.

  17. Anonymous5:31 PM

    New fun game, go onto facebook and flag evey single stupid comment of Palins page. Enjoy!

  18. nswfm5:51 PM

    Thank you Celia Harrison. As someone who has lived in the two biggest donor states, pays my taxes ON TIME and in FULL, bravo for speaking frankly about this.

  19. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Anonymous 3:51 PM -- Amazon's now saying that Dunn's book will be out in Feb 2011. I've got mine on pre-order!

  20. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I remember when she threw him under the bus. I was sickened when she made her facebook statement and when is this charade going to end? She has made $$$ so she can go away now. Oh and take those rotten kids with her.

  21. Anonymous6:40 PM

    A courageous person is anyone who loses a child and can still get out of bed in the morning.

    I found this quote to be interesting. article is from early 09 I believe.

    Theres a part of me that believes Bristol lost a child (premature or whatever reason) and also that Sarah's miscarriages were real, as she looked pregnant in early 2000

  22. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Celia and the rest of you non-Alaskans need to read the Alaska Statehood Act.

  23. DebinWI6:47 PM

    OT -- TMZ has the child custody agreement -- The last line in the article is really odd -- it will prevent anyone from any negative talk in front of the child or publicly any access to the child -- so prevents Palins and Johnstons from speaking out. check out

  24. Anonymous8:09 PM

    I wonder how Steven's widow feels about Palin. If she isn't invited to the funeral but crashes it anyway, will the family ask her to leave? If I recall correctly, there's no love lost between Palin and Ben.

  25. nswfm9:26 PM

    Anonymous‬ said...Celia and the rest of you non-Alaskans need to read the Alaska Statehood Act.6:45 PM

    Does the Alaska Statehood Act say anything about not paying taxes on your favorite vacation house when you are an elected official like $P? Anything about how to be a member of the Corrupt Bastards Club?

  26. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Provided for your state? How about took the money of all other American taxpayers to fund pork, which kept him in office for 4 decades?

  27. Ratfish8:25 AM

    "I wonder how Steven's widow feels about Palin. If she isn't invited to the funeral but crashes it anyway, will the family ask her to leave? If I recall correctly, there's no love lost between Palin and Ben."

    Sarah Palin proved that Ben Stevens was right when he called her "Valley trash."

    Kathleen Gustafson for first annual Authentic Alaskan Mama Grzzly Award.

    Palin for Alaska's Worst Governor Ever Award (oh, I forgot- she won already).


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