Sunday, August 01, 2010

Bristol sighting in Wasilla. Update!

From TMZ:

Amidst reports that she's broken off her engagement, Bristol Palin grabbed her son Tripp and did some quality bargain shopping at a Target store in Wasilla, Alaska the other day.

Well I guess at the very least this confirms that Bristol and Tripp are definitely living in Wasilla.  (After all we have a Target as well, and it is much easier to remain incognito in Anchorage than in Wasilla.)

However the rumor of her most recent pregnancy remains just that, a rumor. Though in my opinion these pictures certainly do nothing to put them to rest.

What do you think?

Update: As one of my viisitors pointed out, make sure to go through ALL of the TMZ photos they are very telliing.  As is this photo of Bristol's left hand.

If there was any doubt that Levi was sporting tread marks from the Palin family bus I think we now have sufficient data to put those doubts to rest.

And it is a good thing too, because if to Bristol's jeans are any indication she may have been setting Levi up to support Ben Barber's child for the next eighteen years.


  1. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Where is Levi? Under the car or stuffed in the trunk?

    TMZ is a shill for Sarah. Do not believe any Sarah or Bristol story they post.

    Van Flea uses them for propaganda.

  2. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Those are Paige jeans she is wearing. And they do make maternity jeans.

  3. Anonymous5:31 AM

    don't think she is pregnant

  4. Anonymous5:32 AM

    The Palins are too weird to think that she didn't take care of a secret problem. If she has an eating disorder why not come out and be clear about why she is struggling? Pregnant is not out of the question either. Where did TMZ get the photo? Is the time right?
    TMZ could be duped. It is hard to trust any of them.

    Sarah drags Trig out undressed in freezing weather. Bristol has jackets for Tripp in July. He wears shoes! Makes me think that photo was staged!

  5. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Van Flea uses them for propaganda.


  6. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Bristol just cancelled her recent engagement which came on the heels of her announced engagement that cancelled her last announcement of her cancelled engagement that followed the news of her 2008 engagement.

    The couple is not shopping another magazine cover to announce their next engagement.

    Following that convoluted statement, she is beginning to sound more and more like her mother.

  7. Anonymous6:01 AM

    TMZ said the picture was taken on a Friday. July 30, 2010 Normal is between 69 °F 49 °F in Wasilla Our summer is cooler this year. At 5:00 AM I'm not dressing that warm outside. I work in the yard and don't always wear shoes either.
    The Enquirer just went with the Lanesia Garcia lies. They did not check their sources. There is no way to tell if this is not the same type of a plant. A plant like that is for c4p to believe. It does not clear up the if she is pregnant questions.

    It is very important that Nesia stand up to the slander and lies told about her. Please help her find an attorney that can ask for a retraction. That is why Sarah gets by with so much. Not enough standing up.

  8. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Sarah is campaigning now. They are trying to make her look official with some "talking head" show on Fox. As if she can handle unscripted television.

    This picture of Bristol is part of damage control from a campaign. It looks like tabloid entertainment but is shows the abstinent-only princess thick but may be not pregnant. What happened to Lanesia was from a campaign. Can't we let the publishers they are using know we are on to the propaganda tactics?

    Bristol must get out in front of this in ways that aren't typical propaganda. She must show us she is not a fraud with unquestionable photos of her condition. If this is only about a weight problem, she must not hold back any longer. Meanwhile, keep track of the Bristol propaganda this campaign is spewing. They have barely begun.

  9. Well, if TMZ is a site used by Palin that explains the poor choice of photos. From the back, car obscuring? With a $25,000 bounty out there for a pic of Bristol pregnant, who'd take these pics?

    Since they aren't clear shots of a clearly not pregnant Bristol, no rumors have been debunked in my mind.

  10. Anonymous6:43 AM

    The only way Lanesia Garcia and Levi can clear their names is thru a DNA test once the child is born.

    Sadly, the Palins won the PR battle because Levi retracted his comments about the family. Levi thru away his credibility.

  11. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Someone posted this on PG!

    Bristol's TMZ pic jeans?

    These are the fancier maternity jeans with the hidden stretch band available at Bloomingdale's for $190:

  12. London Bridges6:54 AM

    The staged cancellation of the engagement, the Lanesia dirt, and the communicating by text only quote, may be designed to give Bristol enough time for a clandestine trip to some place like NYC to white out some health problems which recently sprung up for Bristol. Let's Levi be out of the loop, just like and earlier scene.

    Once, Lanesia denied stuff, Bristol had to say it was Britta, not Lanesia to buy a little time to be able to dupe Levi.

  13. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Who's the woman with her?

    She's not pregnant

    There was a comment on her fb page about a diet

  14. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Who is the woman helping bristal???

  15. Anonymous7:21 AM

    If possible, you might want to show more of the TMZ photos (there are 44 in all) that show Bristol looking distinctly pregnant in her Paige maternity jeans.

  16. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Bristol Palin was campaigning when she invited Harper's into her condo.

    With her work ethic and all we know she is driving to work and back each week day. Why can no one get a photo of the obvious?
    She claimed to not be dating anyone. Ben Barber, close friend to Track and pals with Todd, stated he was with her since December 2009. The family seemed to approve.

    This workaday life is interrupted when Bristol steps into her other shoes, as an ambassador for the Candie's Foundation, which combats teenage pregnancy. (She has been compensated for some appearances.) One day she might be shopping at Costco, and the next marketing abstinence on Oprah, Good Morning America, or the Today show.

    "I'm on my own," she says, in between constant texting on her BlackBerry. "I'm really proud of it. I'm a hard worker."

    "I want to pursue the opportunities I have now. I want to do public speaking and cause campaigning. I want to write a book."

    Indeed, if the campaign spotlight finds Bristol again, version 2.0 will be tougher. "There's been so much misreporting and lying about me and my family, it makes me sick," she says. "It proves a lot of reporters just report lies and rumors, so I'd push for more accountability." Meanwhile, she and the rest of the world are speculating about Palin 2012. "I don't know if my mom will run, but she should."

    Unsurprisingly, she's no Obama fan. "I think he is making more Americans become dependent on government, and he's acting like government can and should take care of everyone. That is completely contrary to what made America a great nation. We should be expected to take responsibility for ourselves."

    After all, though Bristol is finding her own path, she is still her mother's daughter: "I just want Tripp to be happy and healthy. But it would be fun if he was an athlete," she says, before picking him up and giving him a hug. "I know I'll be a hockey mom."
    (15-month-old son April 2008)

  17. Facebook Lurker7:29 AM

    I am with 5:31 anon, those are Paige jeans, they look new and very dark, and they do make them in maternity. Bristol's fuzzy purple jacket (what is it with these Palins and fuzzy purple) is very loose around the middle, she either has a huge pooch, or the beginnings of a baby belly, I would say 4-5 months along.

    This picture does nothing to prove Bristol is NOT pregnant.

  18. Hmmm. The photos neither confirm nor deny pregnancy.

    But the peripatetic nature of Palin family daily affairs is truly mind-bending. Weren't they just recently reported to be on an RV trip? Isn't Bristol supposed to be at some "teen award" thing in California: Where do they really live? How do they really spend their time? Are they ever just "at home?" It's no wonder they seem more like a traveling circus than a family.

  19. Anonymous7:33 AM

    These pictures confirm nothing, except Bristol is no longer living in her own apartment.

    Is this only temporary, or is the apartment about to be offered for sale or rent?

  20. These photos are old!

    1) this is NOT the same girl we saw just a few weeks ago in Us Weekly. It is not possible to lose that much weight in 2 weeks. THAT girl had very chunky arms & legs. THIS girl does not.

    2) I thought Bristol has a truck now - she no longer has the Jetta, right? They are loading groceries into her Jetta.

    3) She is not wearing the engagement ring we all saw. I guess she could have taken if off if they really broke up. But my guess would be that she'd still be wearing it.

    4) they are all wearing winter-ish clothes.

    5) Tripp looks smaller to me than he did in the Us weekly pics.

    Who is the lady with her?

  21. Anonymous7:43 AM

    She is so skinny when she is not pregnant.

    You would think Mama Grizzly would have her be fasting over her sins and of the others in the clan, and adopt her Diet Red Bull and energy bar diet - and induce brilliant PR campaigns with sweat sanity thigh burnin runs.

    Yo-Yo weight Ma.

  22. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Sarah never had that big big wedding with the white dress, walking down the aisle and Chelsea Clinton sized attention. I bet she is one jealous lady this weekend. Levi told us that instead of governing, she liked to sit in front of the TV, dressed in her Walmart jammies and watch wedding shows.

    Well, Sarah could have had her TV reality show wedding, but nooooo, she really couldn't find it in her heart to forgive Levi.

    If Bristol and Levi and really wanted to make up and have a solid relationship do what is be and do what is best for Tripp, then nothing is stopping them from just going to City Hall like Sarah and Todd, getting old people out of the retirement home as witnesses and just getting married.

    The fact that they were shopping around the idea of a reality show, excuse me, entire season long series, makes it look as if they would get together if someone would sponsor their reunion, engagement, wedding and married life. That seems to have more to do with Bristol and Levi staying in the public eye than anything good for Tripp.

    So, let's be clear about the Bristol pictures, staged or not staged, pregnant or not pregnant. This was Chelsea Clinton's weekend, and not the Palin's. Sarah needs to stay in the media at any cost, even alerting TMZ that Bristol wore a purposely bulky purple top to have people guessing: is she or isn't she.

    And, if Bristol broke up with Levi because of some more manufactured rumors, then Sarah is still pulling the strings, jerking those kids around and running their lives. At nineteen and twenty years old, they are old enough to grow up, start acting like parents and take charge of their own lives. The bottom line should be what is in the best interest of Tripp.

  23. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Paige makes both regular and maternity jeans. Sadly, they are indistinguishable just from the pockets.

  24. womanwithsardinecan7:58 AM

    I don't really care, but she doesn't look preggers to me. As for the jacket, it was often about 65 degrees in Anchorage the summer I lived there. Anything below about 68 I wear a jacket, because i"m cold blooded. This stuff is so irrelevant. Sarah is spewing her ignorant crap about our president while we look for baby bumps. We all know Bristol will end up with 3-5 kids. Big whoop. If she's preggers, it will eventually be obvious. If not, she will be preggers eventually. Bristol is a hypocritical skank with no brains, but she is not on Fox spewing hate like her mom. She's just tabloid trash that we don't need to follow constantly with bated breath. Snarky "news" roundups a couple of times a week are more fun than this constant obsession. At least for me. I'm getting pretty bored with Bristol. She is essentially a very boring young woman.

  25. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Ok, I looked at the rest of the TMZ shots. Some of the photos show the rear of the jeans all the way up to the belt loops - these are therefore not the Paige maternity jeans. The maternity jeans have the stretchy stuff where the belt loops are. Do we have confirmation on when exactly these photos were taken? Three possibilities, in my opinion: 1- If she is pregnant, these were taken a while ago and are a plant 2- She had an abortion 3- She is not pregnant.

  26. Mama Duck8:04 AM

    Holy largeness! If Bristol isn't pregnant, she has gained some major weight. Look at the pics from #39 -44!!!
    I don't know but, Syrin's blog says at least 6 sources confirm that Bristol is pregnant. Syrin's in Wasilla right?
    I don't trust TMZ, they are connected to Van Fleas. These pictures could be a few months older or staged somehow.

  27. TMZ Staged these, no doubt.

    We are witnessing the result of the successful dumbing of America started a couple of decades ago. Sadly ... it worked.

    We're doomed. Sigh.


  28. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Bristol is really starting to look like adult Sarah and not teenage Sarah anymore

  29. Mary in San Antonio8:14 AM

    Anonymous at 5:32 said,

    "Sarah drags Trig out undressed in freezing weather. Bristol has jackets for Tripp in July. He wears shoes! Makes me think that photo was staged!"

    Exactly! And if it wasn't staged, why do both Bristol and Tripp have on jackets, yet Bristol is wearing sandals? WTF, you usually wear sandals when it is hot and jackets when it is is much cooler, not both at the same time. If you look at all the TMZ photos, you can plainly see the sandals in the full length shots. Just saying...

  30. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I don't know about the jeans. Paige also makes nonmaternity jeans that look pretty much the same:

    I think it's likely she may be pregnant based on the circumstances (rush engagement to someone she'd dissed repeatedly, planned speedy wedding, abrupt move to Wasilla from condo she'd been boasting about, and obvious recent weight gain). I don't think the jeans prove anything, however.

  31. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Bristol, if preg. could become unpreg,very easily. follow her Mothers example and have a white out miscarriage. If she hasn't already

  32. Anonymous8:26 AM

    While Paige does make both maternity and non-maternity jeans, it appears from the cut of the yoke on the back that these are indeed the maternity version. In the maternity version, the back yoke is cut narrower between the waist band and horizontal seam to fit under the belly. In these jeans, you can for a number of months wear a loose top and have the waistband and crotch show as though you are just wearing low rise jeans. At some point, your belly obscures the crotch but she is not there yet. This is based on my own experience.

  33. Anonymous8:29 AM

    I enjoy almost every entry on this blog - with the exception of the ones that insult a young nineteen year old girl. Please, she's barely out of childhood. I would expect this kind of meanness from rightwingers; not from a good liberal.

  34. Anonymous8:53 AM

    These photos don't do anything to disprove the existence of FEMA concentration camps.

    I don't know why people insist on buying those little bottles of water. They're terrible for the environment, not to mention a waste of money. Fiscal conservative my ass.

  35. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I try to stay away from the rumors thing, but obviously my effort got squashed. Since BP asks the public to believe her stance on abstinence, it's the public's due to keep her honest.

    The purple jacket leaves much room at the waist and bottom to cover a large tummy. Whether there is a larger tummy or not, hard to tell.

    Wonder if she liked being photographed while shopping. That's the life of a celebrity. Can't go anywhere without lights flashing. Her mother and father voluntarily opening this can of worms for their daughter and grandson. Bristol's privacy will be forever encumbered. The future young man in Bristol's life will have to have "cajones" to deal with her papparazzi, and mom-in-law Sarah. Wonder how many honest trustworthy caring guys will be lined up to be the next Mr. Bristol?

  36. Anonymous9:05 AM

    ** Sarah is spewing her ignorant crap about our president while we look for baby bumps. **

    I am totally bored with Bristol. This has little to do with her. Some of us are interested in political campaigns and tactics. Forget the names, some of us are also interested if this is another hoax and that person is part of a fraud scheme. To each his own.

  37. Mama Duck9:06 AM

    Could you call the Target to confirm when Bristol was in there store? Were these pics recent or from earlier in the year?
    It would be good to know if TMZ is working with the Palins to cover up a new Bristol pregnancy.
    I'm sure the whole store notices when a Palin comes in.

  38. Anonymous9:10 AM

    These do not look like recent photos to me. Tripp looks like he is less than a year old here. These were taken earlier and saved for a rainy day. Bristol doesn't look pregnant here, but she probably does in real life real time.

  39. Anonymous9:11 AM

    To anonymous complaining about insults about a 19-year-old girl: This is not some "random" 19-year-old girl. This is a woman who appears in ad campaigns, television shows, on nationally syndicated talk shows, and in interviews with nationally known publications like Vogue and US weekly.

    This makes Bristol Palin a public personna, just as Britney Spears and Lindsey Lohann were public personnas at age 19. Where were all the calls not to talk about them?

    If this 19-year-old girl did not want people talking about her, then she would not call up US Weekly, People Magazine, and Vogue to give statements.

    When you decide to become a celebrity, you lose the right to dictate the terms of how people talk about you, and if you are as rude and as unpleasant as Bristol Palin has been (particularly her public comments about Levi Johnston), then you should expect to receive what you give.

  40. Tyroanee9:17 AM

    Alaskans please help me out... don't you live in one the most pristine areas of the world- yet we see Bristol Butt buying hoards of bottled water?
    What gives here, I am completely baffled at the waste, and use of excessive plastic EVERYWHERE!
    Geeez, it's called a water filter, I think the wicked witch of the Wa-silla

  41. Anonymous9:19 AM

    If she is on a dies, she shouldn't drink regular pepsi. If she is pregant, she shouldn't drink diet pepsi ..hhhmmmmmm....
    These are older photos, Tripp looks about a year old or a little less here, originally i was thinking about ten months old, based on my kids.
    Anyway, these were probably on file, and released the SAME TIME as Chelsea Clinton's wedding day, to appeal to sarah 's bots. :
    Look, my kid didn't get a 2 million dollar wedding. Here she is working hard, a single mom, taking care of her kid, with some anonymous older woman lol!!

  42. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Gryphen has been very protective of the young nineteen year old girl. It would have been easier to get a picture of Bristol at her condo before and during Levi.

    Gryphen did not post her address and everyone treated Bristol well. A few photos of trucks at the condo was all. Neither Gryphen or Mercede did the photos.

    After 18 we send what Sarah calls sacrificial soldiers to war. We train them to kill. Look at what happened to Bristol's best friends brother, Jeremy Morlock. Bristol has her own LLC and works in public relattions, she is the poster child for abstinence-only and she is a political operative in her own rite. Gryphen would be remiss not to do what he is doing. The whole "leave my family alone" meme is DONE.

    When team Sarah wants to take Bristol out of the limelight and stop the questions she can only do that by being direct,up front and honest. Bristol can directly confront and answer questions and make a statement about leaving her abstinent-only and political positions. Until that happens someone must investigate the fraud.

    Criminals under 18 are still investigated and go to jail. No Palin should is an exception to that.

  43. Anonymous9:33 AM

    If it looks like a plant and smells like a plant it is a plant.

    TMZ can come out and prove without a doubt the date of the photos. Expect that to happen before the sun goes down this evening.

  44. Anonymous9:35 AM

    those pictures were not taken in July of this year. They are OLD pictures and are being recycled to make it appear she is currently slim and trim.

    She is Tripp is a little older and bigger than the photos show.

  45. Anonymous9:46 AM

    If the National Enquirer is printing disgusting lies about Lanesia Garcia I have no doubt that TMZ is willing to do worse for a political campaign.

    Too bad Lanesia is coming off as a flake and not having them retract the lies. Now she appears to have slept with 3 possible baby daddies and both she and Levi have no credibility. If Lanesia isn't part of the National Enquirer scheme she needs to act like a responsible adult and get a retraction. I suppose there is no one in Alaska that can help a struggling waitress?

  46. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Her wearing flipflops mean nothing. I live in new england and wear them year round - unless there's a major blizzard

  47. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I'm an avid fan of this site but the gossipy speculation about Bristol's jeans and is she or isn't she pregnant, when the photo was taken, does she have a jetta, yadda, yadda, yadda, demeans the purpose of this site, IMO. Bristol's just a confused kid with a messed up mom and probably doesn't know whether to turn left of right. Isn't it better to focus on mama grizzly?

    What I really don't understand and what I think Mercede could make a killing on is writing a book about growing up in Wasilla. Why does every young High School girl have a baby on their FB profile? Not one of my friends has a child who had a baby before graduating high school or college.
    I don't get it and would love to gain perspective on this and insight into what it's like to be a teen in Wasilla. Mercede can really write an interesting book without having anything to do with the Palins.

  48. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Those bottles are used to make a quickie meth product. They are quite the status symbol and rage in Wasilla.

  49. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Anonymous at 7:59am. I can't tell if there is a belt loop or the maternity panel in the picture that shows her bending over. I did some picture editing with different contrasts, etc. It doesn't appear to be a belt loop, and there also seems that the panel is showing on the edge of her jacket. I could absolutely be wrong so would like someone with better photo software to render an opinion.
    When you look at the back of the maternity jeans vs. the regular jeans, the maternity jeans seem to have the tops of the pockets straight across while the the tops of the pockets for the regular jeans seem more downward slanted.

  50. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Target is not likely to give out information about a customer. Who is to say they wouldn't cover for a Palin? TMZ has the information on the photos. I'm not clear if they took them or they out source someone in Alaska? They could prove in a court of law what the pictures are. They can instantly release the information and the photographers name. This does not have to be drawn out.

    If what TMZ has on the photos is to Sarahs liking the information will be forthcoming SOON. If it is a plant, expect the same old "leave the kid alone."

  51. Anonymous10:24 AM

    I find myself wondering if the US engagemenet announcement was a hoax to make money. It is because of the Palin habitual lying.

    I do feel sorry for people who were not in on nor ever suspected a juicy story of personal drama be concocted and acted out for financial profit. Hell, it's easier then going to school, studying, test taking, a degree and getting a job.

    It seems the Johnston family and extended relatives were set up to expect a marriage, blindsided, put through the ringer and two innocent young women were publicly humiliated as one slut and one howe wrecker (Briana) along with Mercedes(condemned home wrecker also) set up to blame why there be no wedding. Levi did make a public apology destroying his credibility.

    Ben Barbesr, why it's his word against Bristol's claims she did not date anyone in Harper's.

    The Palin's WIN, probably they perpetrated this hoax setting people up, postioning Levi under the guse they would be happy ever this and say this..then we can be a happy family.

    There really are evil people in this world who will claim they love you, lie to your face while executing their secret agenda behind your back.

    I am in favor of dropping speculation of probable cause e.g. Bristol is pregnant. Who cares, really?

    Name one person who did not end up discredited from this tawdry highly paid questionable engagement? This will end the same as ever, that BP is the victim. Meanwhile so many will be putting the pieces of their shattered lives, reputations to even out money (?Lanesia) to restore their reputation.

    The Palins do not skip a beat, they'll go on as if nothing happened. They are incapable of caring how their means to their ends destroy lives nor the tears shed. The Palins create a tangled web that is never ending. This their MO, how they get what they want at the expense of others.

    It's no accident IMO this was timed to distract from the Clinton wedding.

    If some tv company offered a big deal reality show perhaps Levi might hve been allowed to be 'cast' and gotten a longer run.

    Now, the Palins succeeded in tying up loose ends and made over 100k between People and US. BP, poor Bristol is the only decent person and was forced to return to Wasilla, has no income's all the fault of levi..his Johnston, sluts and liars of Wasilla..manufactured pyscho drama.

  52. emrysa10:25 AM

    given that these pics are published in the preferred palin propaganda outlet tmz, I don't trust that these pics are very recent. they could easily be 3 months old.

  53. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I don't know about every style, but the version of Paige maternity jeans I own have beltloops

  54. She doesn't look pregnant to me, especially in pic #15.

    Excellent sleuthing identifying the jeans, though, I don't think that's what Bristol's wearing. It looks like the tags on the maternity jeans are sewn on the seam between the pocket and waist or right above the seam...assuming she didn't cut if off...and there's no tag showing in the TMZ pics. The regular jeans have the tag on the waistband.

    Here's the link for Rex's ETonline interview that I forgot to leave last night:

    Do you have any thoughts on why Rex would give this interview and go out of his way to contradict Lanesia? The interview seems more harmful than helpful to his client.

  55. wynsplc10:30 AM

    She doesn't look preggers to me. But I am at the point where I am skeptical of anything I read or see from any source.

  56. Anonymous10:35 AM

    This is about a 19 year old criminal. Harris-Moore targets the rich. The Palin victims are often on limited incomes or they are very young. Bristol targets the latter. Is it less important to investigate her because she is after children?

    I don't care about her sex life or if she has 10 bastards. I don't get why some people don't want to investigate potential fraud?

  57. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I don't think it matters if the pants on fire are maternity or not until TMZ tells us the date and photographer. That can be cleared up within 24 hours.

  58. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Bristol looks every bit as pregnant as Mama Grizzly did in the 7th month of carrying Tri-G.

  59. Anonymous11:02 AM

    To 10:08, I would love to know who you think would actually PUBLISH a book written by Mercede Johnston about teen pregnancy in Wasilla that didn't mention Wasilla's most famous unwed teen mother of all.

    Because I highly doubt anybody (but you, apparently) would be all that interested in purchasing it.

    I know I wouldn't. The only unwed Wasilla teen mom I'm interested in is Bristol. And yes, I am interested in every bit of dirt on Bristol that can be dug up and turned over. She put her own self in the public eye, and now she must deal with the consequences. It's not all big paychecks from tabloids and fashion mags for staged photo ops.

    As far as these particular photos are concerned, I certainly don't see any evidence in them that she is NOT pregnant. She could well have a baby bump under that purple jacket. It does appear to be bulging in some of the pictures where she is leaning over.

  60. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Her make-up and face remind me of the magazine photos taken in the designer gown and cooking in the kitchen. Could these photos have been made around the same time?

  61. Anonymous11:18 AM

    She does not appear to be wearing maternity jeans. In the picture comparison provided on the Alaska WTF blog, you can see the bottom seam of a non-stretch waistband above the seam of the yoke when she bends over. If she was wearing maternity jeans, there would be no visible waistband seam there. The denim material of the jeans would simply end where the black stretchy material of the maternity band would begin.

  62. Buffalo, NY11:26 AM

    C'mon people, if she was not pregnant, Sarah would be all over Twitter and Facebook and TV, and proclaiming that you all are idiots and my daughter is not pregnant.

    But, with all the pregnancy rumors flying everywhere, what do we here from Mama Grizzly ?

    Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

    Silence speaks volumes.

  63. Isn't it summer in Alaska.

    Wouldn't July/August be the warmest days of the year?

    Is there a reason she's wearing such a warm coat all zipped up?

    I mean, any other reason.

    I still maintain that if it's Barber's baby and he's so in with the clan, why isn't he stepping up to the plate to marry her?

    They better think twice about throwing Levi under the bus. No way they'll survive Bristol having another kid still unmarried. By a second babydaddy will kill Palin's political aspirations.

    Too late for D&C?

  64. Anonymous11:40 AM

    If you compare picture #5 at TMZ with the picture of Sarah in a similar type jacket in the babygate update at PG, you can see that Bristol appears to have more of a pouch than the allegedly pregnant Sarah.

  65. Anonymous11:41 AM

    The jeans Bristol is wearing are not maternity jeans and here is the proof.

  66. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Beware of TMZ photos I'd say. Isn't that who mysteriously had Paydaylin's in Hawaii pics? It seems they have an in with the family. Where's the Escalade?

  67. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Thanks for the link to "Levi's attorney's" interview with E. Did you notice this person was only referred to as "Levi's attorney" - nowhere is a name given. I would really like to know why the name is covered up. Is it so "Levi's attorney" can't be held accountable for anything "Levi's attorney" says? "Levi's attorney" all but accused "the young lady" of lying for money. She wasn't actually ID'd by name either no doubt so she can't sue "Levi's attorney's" ass for defamation.

  68. honestyinGov11:57 AM

    Barb Dwyer and others have commented that the the foliage on the trees does NOT match what is in bloom as well right now. They say.. probably May. Someone in particular pointed out... WHERE is all the Fireweed that is blooming.. NOW..? It should be there in the pics.
    TMZ works with/for the Palins. TMZ even deletes or moderates out negative comments in their comment section... they did it twice to me just last week with a link to a story. They/TMZ are CONTROLLING the story.

  69. Anonymous12:08 PM

    You know, it's ironic: Several things I've just read are talking about the Palin-media attention whore-family is working it this weekend because it's Chelsea Clinton's wedding. I'd bet my last dollar the Clinton's couldn't care less about how much press 'their' wedding is getting. Not knowing them at all and basing this on how the whole event was handled (private vs public info), I would also bet they are only thinking about the event they should be.

  70. Anonymous12:34 PM

    im with womanwithsardinecan

    if the palins were trying to detract from the clinton wedding, all they've done is show poorly by comparison.

  71. Anonymous1:18 PM

    The picture is recent. Look across the top of her head in the first picture and you will barely see the purple fireweed across the street. This dates it as July - probably late July as fireweed is out a bit later this year. Fireweed grows along the edges of our roads (actually everywhere) and is the only common wildflower with that exact shade.

  72. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Sorry to disappoint everyone, but this is what July looks like in Alaska. "Summer days" are few and far between - especially this year.

  73. Anonymous1:29 PM

    This may very well be a recent photo taken of this insipid Palin. She is searing sandals.

    And she does look a little plump around the middle.

  74. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Lined winter jacket in July! Well, I just don't know why she isn't wearing a SCARF like her mother did when she was "pregnant".

  75. Anonymous1:41 PM

    We will know for a fact if the National Enquirer does a retraction and restores Lanesia's good name.

    What about contacting TMZ to track down the date the photos were shot?

    IMO the pants don't mean a thing without an indisputable date.

  76. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Since cameras are rare in Wasilla no one can go to the Target and take photos of how it looks today.
    It would be darn high tech to compare TMZ with today photos.

  77. emrysa1:56 PM

    some of the paige maternity jeans DO have belt loops and visible waistband seams - here's one example:

    not saying that this is definitely what she is wearing, but it is possible.

  78. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Which TMZ photo shows the FIREWEED?

  79. Anonymous3:21 PM

    guess you can't take the redneck out of the palions... but we are talking about "nouveau riche" now aren't we, guess she can't break the habit of Tarjay... in spite of mommies millions...rofl...

    $200 dollar jeans on her ass, but less that the best quality food for the family... hmmm... her priorities are a bit whacked methinks...

  80. Sorry Gryphen,

    I have to say it. Bristol does not appear to be pregnant. These photos would put her at what, 3-4 months along, according to the the rumors?

    As much as I'd like to see her exposed as a hypocrite (like her mother), I don't see a smoking gun here.


  81. Anonymous8:36 PM

    So what happened to that special forgiveness that Sarah was bragging Bristol practices?

  82. Anonymous5:01 AM

    those pictures were taken a few months ago, not recently. Most women don't show in their first trimester.

    Maybe she's like her mother and doesn't show at all during 9 months of pregnancy...ROFL

    as if......

  83. Gryphen,

    I can't tell if it is pregnant or not pregnant at this point! I left Mercede and Lanesia a comment. August 1, 2010 at 10:03 am. I'll see if they can respond. I've heard mixed messages about the fireweed. Is it in bloom or not?

  84. 10catsinMD6:18 PM

    It's the way her jackets sits/fits. Look at the lady with her. Her jacket falls straight down, front and back.

    I am somewhat overweight with a tummy in front and can't get anything to fit me unless it is way too big. they tend to ride up in the back like Bristols'. can't hide the bulge.

    Bristol definitely has a baby bulge in front.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.