Sunday, August 01, 2010

Message to Sarah Palin: This is how your children turn out when they are loved and nurtured and NOT used as political props!

From the Huffington Post:

Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky were officially married on Saturday night. Former President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton released this statement:

"Today, we watched with great pride and overwhelming emotion as Chelsea and Marc wed in a beautiful ceremony at Astor Courts, surrounded by family and their close friends. We could not have asked for a more perfect day to celebrate the beginning of their life together, and we are so happy to welcome Marc into our family. On behalf of the newlyweds, we want to give special thanks to the people of Rhinebeck for welcoming us and to everyone for their well-wishes on this special day."

Gee no strategically placed sash to cover an embarrassing baby bump, no camouflage vest for the groom, no child born out of wedlock serving as the ring bearer, and no shotgun to make sure things run smoothly.

I guess this is about as far removed from a Palin family wedding as one could possibly imagine.

By the way for all of those interested in checking to see the state of Sarah's mental health, she will be on Fox News Sunday tomorrow.  Shall we take bets on how big her wig is this time, and now many times she makes those odd grimaces while listening to the questions?


  1. Mama Duck2:26 AM

    Chelsea looks happy and her dress choice was cute. What a grand wedding! I hope they have a happy marriage.
    Off-topic -
    TMZ claims these pics from Target are from the "other day"

    Bristol looks heavy, may or may not be pregnant. TMZ didn't date the photos, that's shoddy or deliberately misleading.
    And, why is Bristol wearing a fleece jacket? Isn't it summer in Alaska?

  2. Buffalo, NY2:47 AM

    Bristol is probably super-pissed that this white trash Clinton with no title has upstaged her.

    I can hear the little hamster in Bristol's head running in circles trying to think of something to get Bristol back on the front pages and in the headlines again.

    Maybe she could suck another $100,000 out of US Magazine by announcing that she and Ben Barber have announced their engagement, and their upcoming parenthood.

    Then, 2 weeks from now, she can dump him too and move on to the next dummy stupid enough to plant his seed in her.

  3. Anonymous3:25 AM

    Yepper, that's what I said yesterday. Class vs. trash.

  4. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Play nice. Be attacking her like this, you also attack every other working parent by blindly assuming they have no free time to spend with their children. I truly believe she has them accompany her so she can (ya know) spend time with them, not use them as props.

    A lot of parents when faced with the RNC would have left their pregnant daughter at home because theyre ashamed (that has happened to gay teens). I'm proud of Sarah.
    Just wouldn't vote for her for the same reason I didn't vote for Obama.

    And Bristol is NOT the only bride to want camo in her wedding. That was insulting to the majority of the southern united states.

  5. Anonymous3:30 AM

    Somebody sure looks preggos in these pictures.

  6. Gryphen! OUCH....but as it is often said ...the truth hurts.

  7. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Gyphen, over the top, these Grifters remain. I'm sure Bristol misses all those hundreds of gifts sent from fans around the world for Tripp and with Chelsea's weddin she has visions of sugarplumbs coming in the mail to congratulate the pending blushing, single-mother hard-workin bride.

    Matching camo vests, out-of-wedlock son ring-barer, his special needs 'uncle' a few months older than him, a matriarch with a delusional sense of givernin skilz and a granite jawed, blue eyed Eskimo patriarch with a pup-squeek voice only completes this Alaskan royalty image.

  8. angela5:23 AM

    Okay Anon 3:29
    I laughed a little, threw up in my mouth a little, and grimaced a little at your comment, but mostly I howled with laughter.

    And by the way, SARAH is not ashamed of anything--she's a sociopath. She ignored her pregnant sixteen year old's discomfort. A good parent thinks about their child's comfort--gay, straight, pregnant or riddled with acne. If the kid is okay--the world is ok.

  9. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Anonymous says
    I was a married working mother of 4.
    I worked F/T as a school nurse, took 2 grad courses at night and was on the school board.
    My daughter was married this March, no baby bump.
    None of their friends became pregnant before getting married. Only one has been jailed due to drug problems.

    My husband and I are committed to our marriage and our children. We are proud of them and their choices. We do not always agree with them, but we love and support them.
    If I had had an unmarried pregnant TEENAGE daughter, I NEVER would have accepted a VP nomination.
    i would have left her at home, to continue her education and I would have paid for babysitting so she could have continued her education.
    Not only would I have not wanted my daughter subjected to that glare and spotlight, but I would have known that I would never have been able to support her and her child to the best of my abilities, always torn between the office of VP and my child and grand child.
    That is why I feel that palin is a hypocrite and liar.
    She is not supporting her daughter by flying all over the country giving speeches and making money.
    Isn't that what she rails against calling us elite liberals?

    You see, us elite liberals, we care very much about our children and all other children. We care about their education and the quality of their lives.
    We didn't and don't leave them in their hour of need, to promote ourselves, give speeches and makes gobs of money bad mouthing others.

    Given the fact that palin had Bristol plus a special needs child under the age of one, I feel that her actions as a parent were derelict. And if that were not enough, you would have thought that Willow getting in trouble would have been the final bell.
    That is why I thinks she is a liar and not very smart.
    She is living the life that she so nastily accuses us liberal elites of leading, making money at the expense of being with our children.
    She reaps what she sows.
    And she has a whole lot of heartache ahead of her, the kind that money can't fix.

  10. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Gryphen, just a guess here, but suspect the former demi-guv'd rather her kids drink irresponsibly, fernicate promiscuously and have lucrative careers as tabloid cover models and reality TV skanks than marry a Joo. And a prediction: 15-20 years from now, people will be marveling at the classy, successful Obama girls looking beautiful at their own weddings.

  11. Anonymous6:07 AM

    What is BP's title? Or her ma's? Quitters

  12. Anonymous6:42 AM

    I have my doubts about whether BP's wedding was ever going to go through, or if Grifter Jr. and Levi hatched the plot to get some quick $$$.

    The other thing that's interesting is her contract with Candies. Dontcha think there's some kind of clause in there about BP having return her moolah should i turn out she becomes preggers outside marriage?

  13. Anonymous6:43 AM

    "Family Values" aren't universal.
    My family valued higher education and family planning. My cousin's family valued NASCAR and the 700 Club.

    They wrote me off because I didn't start work in a factory after high school and didn't laugh at "the coloreds".

  14. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Such a beautiful couple. The Clinton's did an outstanding job. They are wonderful parents, by instilling values, love and plenty of nurturing. Also, they kept Chelsea out of the spotlight. The Obama's are doing the same with their daughters. I imagine the Obama girls will go on to college and become successful, just like their parents.

    Oh BTW, I love the Vera Wang wedding dress. It is absolutely stunning.

  15. Facebook Lurker7:23 AM

    Everything anon 5:50 said is right on "Target"...he, he. Chelsea looks beautiful, and she is a successful, independent woman, and looks like a happy bride.

    And you know what? So was Jenna Bush (now Hager). I am going to give props to George and Laura Bush for raising two lovely, educated daughters who managed NOT to get pregnant and 17, and who actually have real jobs.

  16. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Good for Chelsea. I remember the ugly comments Rush Limbaugh made about her during the Clinton administration.

    You know, RL has been really quiet about how wooonderful SP is lately; I wonder if he saw her interviews with BillO and is beginning to wake up.

    P.S. Agree with Angela - Sarah is not "ashamed" of her brood's trashy behavior. Sociopaths are more about envy (the attention Chelsea is getting, classy wedding) and anger (Bristol upstaging mommy with engaged/not engaged news).

  17. Randall8:39 AM

    The "class vs. trash" line is right-on.

    The "Wasilla Hillbillies" line is wearing a little thin, by the way.

    The comparison seems to be to the cute'n'cuddly although ignorant and uneducated "Beverly Hillbillies" or "L'il Abner" when in reality the Palin clan seems to be more of the genus of those creepy, dangerous, inbred guys in "Deliverance."

    Don't believe me? ...just listen to her speak.

  18. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Concerned Women Are Concernified About Chelsea Clinton's Jew Husband-To-Be as Joe.My.God blog opined

    "Concerned Women for America aren't too happy about Chelsea marrying a Jew.

    In their bible based bigotry mindsets: It won't even be a real Christian marriage anyway!"

    (The force of spiritual constipation is strong with them. Hence, the very Jewish Jesus they idolize wouldn't receive their blessing to revel in the morning after with one of their own uber-Christian spawn-etta)

    The church ladies:

    "If doctrine is more than just cultural observances, there is no way it can merely be a casual, insignificant part of a believer’s life.

    For the true Christian believer, this means a life lived in light of Christ’s singular claim that He is “the way, the truth, and the life.”

    Taking His claim seriously, that He is the only way to the Father (John 14:6), means that all decisions are made in light of His teaching and commands.

    This includes His teaching that marriage is intended by God to be a life-long covenant — not just between the couple, but sealed by God and witnessed by fellow believers in the couples’ church community. That said, real Christian marriage includes a commitment to follow Christ, both in lifestyle and in childrearing.

    ....Inevitably, a lack of unity in faith entails multiple problems on both the little and the large issues that couples continuously encounter as they face the task of building a strong, meaningful, harmonious marriage. How could it possibly be otherwise?

  19. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Bristol was lucky that Sarah meddled and the cult deprogramed her. Calling off that camouflaged wedding disaster she claimed to be planning is the best thing she has going for her.

    I am still trying to figure out what title that Bristol holds. Is her title apropos for the wedding she discribed?
    She might want to check out the Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky wedding for her third wedding plans.

    "class vs. trash" succinct and says it well.

    Chelsea is breathtakingly beautiful and the family radiant.

  20. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Chelsea radiated joy and looked beautiful. Congratulations to the newlyweds!

  21. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Chelsea is great. I am not a Clinton fan, but I have admired the entire family for how they have handled the media.

    I was bracing myself for a Palin tweet about something to set everyone off but she either said nothing or was ignored if she did.

  22. AKRNC9:33 PM

    The Clintons have every right to be extremely proud of their lovely daughter, not only on her wedding day, but every day. She was a good kid, went to college, received a great education without getting busted for drinking, drugs, etc. and is now self-sufficient, with a great job. Did she benefit from her parents' affiliations? Absolutely, but she made us of them in a way that made them able to look at her with pride. Bristol has the nerve to talk about how she is "paying her own way" and how people should not be dependent on the government. The hypocrisy of the statement considering she receives health care from the state and a healthy sum each year due to the state's oil & gas reserves is overwhelming. She would have nothing if it wasn't for her mother's notoriety and her simple inability to use birth control.

    The Bush daughters are also doing well, despite a couple normal college partying mishaps. One of them is happily married and working in her chosen field. The other is working with the underprivileged as her sister did a few years ago. They have not taken the easy way out, either. Their parents can also be extremely proud of them.

    As someone else said, I wouldn't be surprised to be able to say the same about the Obamas' daughters in years to come. They have a normal, stable family life despite the glare of the media. If one of them were to go through the same thing as Bristol, you can only imagine what the media would do to them. It would make their comments about Bristol look like a love-fest!

  23. M from Colorado Springs2:14 AM

    Anonymous @ 5:50 wrote, "If I had had an unmarried pregnant TEENAGE daughter, I NEVER would have accepted a VP nomination.
    i would have left her at home, to continue her education and I would have paid for babysitting so she could have continued her education.
    Not only would I have not wanted my daughter subjected to that glare and spotlight, but I would have known that I would never have been able to support her and her child to the best of my abilities, always torn between the office of VP and my child and grand child."

    Yes, that's what a loving, conscientious parent whose children were top priority would do. And it would seem like the responsible, dare I say even "commonsense" approach--be a good parent first, then a politician. But someone who thinks she has a personal mandate from God can't/won't let anyone, including her own children, stand in the way. After all, Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac when God told him to, and Jesus said to forsake family to follow him, so she has all the biblical justification she needs.

    Also, a lot of evangelical, fundamentalist, not necessarily even dominionist Christians base their votes on just a few issues--abortion, homosexuality, and the war--and if a candidate has the "right" position on those, they're willing to overlook a heck of a lot else. Those people may not like SP at a personal level, may even have ethical problems with her, but if she runs in 2012 they will still view her as the better alternative to the "Communist Muslim who isn't even an American citizen that we currently have in the White House" (to quote one of my relatives).

    I'm not scared only by Palin herself, but by the fact that so many people are willing to overlook all kinds of issues for a candidate who votes their way on a few key issues.


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