Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Comedian makes joke angering the only Sarah Palin supporter in New York City.

That is pretty deep voice.  I had no idea that Meg Stapleton was even vacationing in New York.

Wow, a Sarah Palin supporter in New York City sitting in the audience listening to a black comedian, what are the odds of something like that?  However it is NOT surprising that the person cannot shut up long enough to let the man do his job, now is it?  After all, who does that sound like?

Here is a link to the transcript for those who cannot get the video to play.


  1. Lynne7:03 AM

    Those jokes were even funnier when you consider the definition of tea bagger in the gay community. Fortunately, the one objector didn't ruin the act.

  2. Anonymous7:18 AM


    Thanks Gryphen! Great clip!

    @Lynne .. LOL


  3. laprofesora7:23 AM

    Probably just some tourist who was lost or was handed a free ticket to the comedy club in Times Square. Toto, you're not in Kansas anymore.

  4. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Wonderful! When comedians start in on a politician and audiences respond so well, it usually marks the beginning of the end for the politician/celebrity (poli-celeb?)

  5. honeybabe8:43 AM

    the really wonderful thing is that this young comedian now has fans all over the WORLD!

  6. Anonymous9:31 AM

    OK Gryph: You have had me LMAO twice today and I thank you.
    Young Mr. McBee deserves praise for touching anything SP, and he did it very well. May he find that upward spiral to fame and keep honed the edge of his comedic/satirical sword.

  7. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Excellent!! I have a child with DS and totally loved his comedy. I get annoyed when people through around the R-word casually, but certainly appreciate when it's used appropriately :) LOL!

    Gryphen - have you seen this new book "Palinisms"? I found it on Huffingtonpost and had a good laugh. Thought I'd share the joy.

  8. Anonymous10:18 AM

    He's cute. I hope he makes it big.

  9. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Where is Sarah's shit? She always has some stupid shit to say to stay in the news. It's Wednesday already, damn, Where is Sarah's shit?

  10. Anonymous11:16 AM

    This is Quitty's true calling - to provide tons of material for observant comedians.

    As Anon 10:41am wrote, it's Wednesday, where's is Sarah's stupid shit?? You need manure to grow beautiful plants, so in the vast scheme of things, she does have a purpose.

  11. Anonymous11:20 AM

    IF any IMM'ers need to pick up a gift for a like-minded friend, you might want to consider these:

  12. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Palin IS the joke.

  13. Anonymous11:30 AM

    There is a difference between
    a person with special needs & someone
    who is retarded. Someone with special needs will often surprise you with what they comprehend or can accomplish
    & like everyone else, are eager to learn new things. Sarah, on the other hand, is stunted, & content to remain so.

    Sharon TN

  14. Pat in MA11:33 AM

    She's butchering the English language again in her inane tweets:

    Who hijacked term:”feminist”? A cackle of rads who want 2 crucify other women w/whom they disagree on a singular issue; it’s ironic (& passé)

    cackle? really? and as if she has a clue what irony means, what a moran.

  15. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Screechy's latest FB post
    First, ladies, it’s hard to take a critic seriously when they lecture you wearing a bear suit. So, it’s difficult for me to drum up much outrage at this latest ad. But, really, lying about a sister while wearing an Ewok outfit is no way to honor our foremothers on the eve of the 90th anniversary of their victory. But, that aside, I’d love to know where you got those get-ups. Halloween is just around the corner, and Piper and Trig would look adorable as little grizzly bears.

  16. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Sarah Palin the Cackling Retard

  17. Anonymous1:28 PM

    She is such an idiot. She is an insult to all women who have broken the glass ceiling by education and hard work, not by a wink and snarky comments. She does not get it that feminism is about women's freedom. And anti abortion takes away that woman's freedom to choose what is right for her. I can't stand her.

  18. Lynne1:55 PM

    I had to go back and watch that video again after I read all the comments. Gryphen, where on earth do you ever find these things? I went to You Tube afterwards and watched several more Charles McBee videos. He is a really funny guy. I haven't checked yet, but I think he has a Facebook page.

  19. Anonymous4:29 PM

    "So, it’s difficult for me to drum up much outrage at this latest ad."

    You've got it RAM/Sarah ... go put away your drum... go put it in that closet along with your gun sites, bull-eyes, blackberries, servant's heart, pit bulls, pink elephants, poor man's teleprompter, grizzly feet, fence to nowhere, and ALL the faux flag pins. Your drum doesn't beat anymore!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.