Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Jon Stewart and the Daily Show are on a roll!

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Hurt Talker
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

I don't now about you but hearing the "N-word" over and over again is very disturbing to me.  And yes I realize that is the point.

But I have to say, that was a BRILLIANT smackdown of Sarah Palin!


  1. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Jon Stewart ROCKS! That was spectacular! The peebrainbots will be out of their 'minds' over this. Most likely foaming at the mouth.

  2. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Bwa-ha-ha. Palin is an idiot - First Amendment guarantees that others will not take offense to the racist spew out of Smelligers mouth.
    Palin did not really go to college, did she? Did anyone ever see a diploma from U of Idaho hanging on her wall in her 18 months as governor?

  3. Best commentary ever. Wish Jon Stewart would take up some of the many questions about SP: where's the diploma? How was the mountain climbing trip? Birth certificate? When are you going to meet Margaret Thatcher? Where's Bristol these days? Who takes care of your kids while you're 'on the road.' And so on. . .so many questions, so little truth.

  4. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Twittyhead is a quitter, a phony, just a plain ole media whore.

  5. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Slightly OT...
    No one will have the guts to do it, but I hope someone -- anyone -- charges Sarah Palin/Newt Gingrich with incitement for this crime:

  6. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Sarah Palin would take extreme umbrage to this piece, she prefers to use 'Sambo' when referrin to a black.

  7. Ha! The NASDAQ ticker is hilarious. I'm glad he aired some of the context surrounding her n-word rant. It was just as damning as the rant itself.

  8. Anonymous11:31 AM

    The Daily Show is usually worth watching, but this clip is AWESOME. Jon Stewart totally calls "the mean girls" out on their racism and ignorance of the First Amendment.

    SP did a very, very foolish thing when she approved of "Dr." Laura's n-word rant. She must have been really bummed out she wasn't the center of attention at Ted's funeral, and had to vent somehow.

  9. Anonymous2:18 PM

    One of Jon's best from beginning to its Monty Pythonesque ending.

    It put a stake in both those women's stone hearts. And nailed Palin on her hypocrisy.

    Once again Sarah is all superficial reaction and no forethought.

    In one fells swoop she showed hypocrisy, lack of logic, racism, lack of understanding of the Constitution, and publicity wise the wrong side of the PR curve, and the lack or real gravitas to her public expressions.

    She forgot about the R word because that was all about momentary PR. It was not about what she really believes or stands for and so was easily forgotten.
    "Deep down in side he [she} is really shallow." - Molly Ivins

  10. Though Jon Stewart is awesome, her hypocrisy was stated much sooner. Actually nearly the same day. Just shortly after all that happened, Rush Limbaugh did the same thing. And she defended it!!! On Fox News of all places!!! It's 'political satire' when it comes from Republicans according to her.


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