Monday, August 16, 2010

Keith Olbermann's Special Comment tonight is about, you guessed it, the proposed Islamic cultural center near Ground Zero in New York.

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There can never be too many voices speaking out against religious intolerance, hate speech, and racism.


  1. He hot this one out the ballpark, especially the part when he put the words of Martin Niemöller in their proper historical context.

  2. Anonymous8:54 PM

    You are so right! We all have to speak out against the craziness. If anyone's been sitting on the fence, it is time finally to come down and choose sides - the people who understand and love this country or the ones who merely scream loudly in hopes they will convince themselves and others that they understand and love it. Sad to say, the crazies screaming has come to this.

  3. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Damn that man is a genius! I would love to have the right wing nutballs hear this... however, he does use far to many "big words" for caribou barbie!

  4. Anonymous9:04 PM

    God, How i Love Keith O.

  5. Anonymous9:05 PM

    God.How i love Keith O. Thank you for speaking the truth.

  6. Out of all the media I think he said it best. They came for the Jew but I was not Jewish and so forth. So true.

  7. Irishgirl9:55 PM

    Thank you, Keith.

  8. KO's special comments are usually too dramatic for me but I really appreciate the one today.

    OT - highly recommend new Vanity Fair article, "Washington, We Have A Problem".

    "How broken is Washington? Beyond repair? A day in the life of the president..."

    This excerpt, a quote from Axelrod speaking about the President, is pretty spectacular:

    "‘He had a vision that made sense, and he didn’t play by the crazy rules of that game.’” In this view it doesn’t matter so much whether polls show the public hated the stimulus plan. What matters is that it saved jobs and helped get the economy going again. It doesn’t matter so much that the public is skeptical about health-care reform. What matters is that people start getting access to better options."

  9. I've been wrestling with this thing...I heard this thought form in my head:

    I have a perfect RIGHT to tell you I think you are fat and ugly, if that is my opinion.

    On the other hand, if I want to continue thinking of myself as a gentleman, I won't utter such an awful thing.

    The folks building this "center" close enough to the toppled towers to piss off THIS many people, should think it over in that context: its their RIGHT, but it is quite obviously also such an incendiary issue, that it just doesn't seem WISE.

    Of course, the objections should have been made PRIOR to this stage, now that they undoubtedly have a lot of money tied up into the project already.

    I noticed on one of the talk shows tonight, that one of the screaming Foxheads, is on video saying it seemed a fine idea, just months ago--but now that its fashionable to act indignant, she has done a 180 (which may go down in future history books as a "Republican Twirl"--now that its as common as a sunny day in August.)

  10. Enjay in E MT10:55 PM

    I believe that EVERY religion organization should build a facility within walking distance of the planned 9/11 memorial. For after visiting the site, we should walk down a NY street to see the Catholic, Jewish, Baptist, Mormon, Methodist, Buddism, & Mosque etc, next to each other, side by side, to show the world the US and its citizens will NOT be divided by religious differences. We stand WITH our constitution.

  11. Keith Olbermann does it again. Wish more Dems & Independents would have his guts. Wish most Repubs & TeaBaggers would have his brains & integrity -- yea brains that can learn & think for themselves. But what I see here is a giant charade. Corporate America is stampeding their prey over the cliff with fear, various harbingers of doom (death panels) & lots of noise (NY Mosque). What's left at the bottom of the cliff will resemble DAY OF THE DEAD; a nation of cannibalistic zombies ready to serve their corporate masters. I just can't fathom the apathy, ignorance, intolerance, & cowardice of a people who in the 50's were proud, brave, hopeful & united. I know the 50's weren't perfect but really -- our middle class is being neutered by corporations & their puppeteers including media, esp FOX & paid politicians. I'll fight it how I can till my end & even then I guess it'll still matter so how do we maintain our humanity & dignity? Sorry, had to vent. My excuse --3am.

  12. Anonymous3:51 AM

    With all the other items recently noted that should have also riled up these Cordoba House hate mongers like the another Muslim Mosque nearby, Muslim vendors at ground zero, Muslim Mosque at the Pentagon's 'hallowed ground', plans to build a mall underneath the NY 'hallowed ground', new commercial buildings to replace the Twin Towers, the strip clubs nearby ... any of that should have also been in their 'sites' one would think , but not one peep of protest to these other items. Me thinks this is really an orchestrated righteous outrage campaign by a political party as to keep the News and public's attention away from what's going on in Washington regarding the topic at hand, Jobs/Economy. The GOP's plan or lack of a plan for Job creation and stimulation is to do nothing...via obstruction, in an attempt to make the President fail or reflect negatively to the public. The Cordoba House campaign is one of their red herrings that they hope to carry thru into Nov. Should the Cordoba House pack it in today, we will likely see another orchestrated righteous indignation campaign in the very neat future...again to divert the attention from GOP obstructionism in Congress. Sadly, in all of this, real bigots and folks blinded by hate have crawled out from under their rocks to take the bait and keep the pot boiling. MSN media also has a part to play in this as well... many reading from the same page. I know many of us can keep several important issues on the radar simultaneously. I'll be holding my 3 GOP Congressmen's feet to the fire on their obstruction as well as their participation in stirring this pot. I in no way make light the of the Muslim hatred that has surfaced and escalated and want to put an end to this intolerable practice.

  13. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:07 AM

    "First they came for the building permits..." If this statement doesn't slap people clear across the face, I don't know what will.

    But the hollow Reich Wing/Palinbot zealots either have no idea what significance those few words have, are in denial that something like that can happen again if we're not careful, or are running after the subtle Neocon carrot of a "pure" America where everyone, everywhere is just like them.

  14. love full metal Keith....thanks for being one of the voices of common sense, Gryphen.

  15. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Interesting that the right assumes everyone else uses their dirty tricks (dog whistle 'messages') to stir up the base. I guess when you are surrounded by hateful, lying bastards, you just sort of assume that's how everyone is. Why would any sane person want to be part of this cult of ugliness? KO is absolutely right about Niemoller and his quote. I fear it falls on deaf ears now, as it did back then.

  16. Exactly right, thank you Keith.

    This isn't a matter of sensitivity or not - because the First Amendment stands regardless of emotion.

    If militia members can hold a rally in Oklahoma City, brandishing their guns on the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing - then Muslims can build a community center near WTC. If Muslims can build a community center near WTC - then comedians can make fun of Mohammed. Comedians use the name of Jesus in vain all the time - they don't get arrested so why should any other religious figure be exempted?

    If you are offended - you have the right to be offended too! But you do NOT have the right to tell OTHER AMERICANS to give up exercising their rights.

    Sarah Palin will never ever get this - because she only loves the Constitution when it applies to her and the people she likes. She is thoroughly un-American.

  17. Anonymous8:53 PM

    It is remarkable, it is a valuable piece


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