Thursday, August 12, 2010

My new favorite, non-Palin rumor.

From Politico:

Since Obama has expressed admiration for the portrait of Abraham Lincoln that Doris Kearns Goodwin paints in “Team of Rivals,” he could do the 16th president one better: He should name Hillary Clinton as his running mate in 2012. That would be both needed change and audacious.

There are a number of reasons that I LOVE this idea:

For one thing it would absolutely make the GOP crap their pants! 

I don't believe that the Republicans believe they have much of a chance of beating Obama in 2012, but they are undoubtedly convinced that in 2016 the White House will be theirs again.  However if Hillary were to to be the Democratic candidate, the Republicans would be ill-prepared to defeat her, especially if the Obama administration has the kind of successful eight year run that I anticipate.

It would mean that the Republicans would not get the chance to IMMEDIATELY start screwing up all of the progress that the Obama administration had made, and instead we would have the opportunity to see some of the things that Obama manged to get through Congress fine tuned by the a Clinton administration.  Could you just imagine how much better the health care program might be if Hillary Clinton was able to tweak it a little bit?

And finally it would be extremely gratifying if, after making those 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling, that Hillary would be the one to finally crash through it. Yeah I know that Sarah Palin thought that Hillary softened up that ceiling just for her, but of course we all realize that there are not nearly enough cracks for Palin to wiggle her crazy ass through.

Besides Palin can't even get through an open door unless God shows her where it is first.


  1. London Bridges5:46 AM

    IMHO this is a very poor idea. The Clinton's failed to prosecute Iran Contra, the second biggest crime in American history, and they are now complicitly part of the Bush crime family. It remains to be seen whether Obama will prosecute the Irag-Afghanistan war crimes.

    Hilary has already been campaigning and acting like Al Haig.

    Clinton was also partly tocause for major deregulation and sending jobs overseas.

  2. Anonymous6:01 AM

    London Bridges: BILL Clinton did that. He and his wife are separate entities...

    I'm not so sure Politico is the best source. However, I wouldn't be surprised if this were true. It didn't get discussed a lot in '08 -- pretty much because McCain probably didn't want to talk about age and he CERTAINLY didn't want to talk about suitability of VP candidates -- but Biden has some serious, serious health problems...He had some strokes that should have been terminal, and he's no spring chicken.

  3. I think its a great idea, even tho I admire Biden tremendously. I believe Hillary would win the presidency in 2016 if Obama were to make this move.

  4. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Leave her where she's at. She's been a kick-butt SoS, and to be honest, I think she's never been happier. It's pretty obvious that she enjoys this role. In this complex world we live in, she's even more influential than POTUS.

  5. Anonymous6:13 AM

    London Bridges, if you are talking about Gramm-Leach-Bliley repealing Glass-Steagall, Congress had the votes even with a Clinton veto (about 90/senate and 360+/house).

    As for sending jobs overseas, it was going to happen anyway. Corporations being declared real people by the Supremes is only putting on paper how Congress has been treating them for decades.

    Yeah, Bills got an ick-factor, but it ain't all him.

    I like Biden, but bringing Hillary on board would make a formidable team (bring back those Pumas who held their nose for Palin) and create the next step for 2016. Maybe with someone like Anthony Weiner or Alan Grayson as her VP running mate.

    Worse things in life.

  6. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Gryhen, I too feel this will happen. Clinton will personally destroy Palin, for Obama.

  7. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Every single picture of her should have this quote BY HER under it. Every time she makes a peep about debt, budgets, etc. it should be run beside her name.

    "Americans were kind of shaking their heads like going, wait a minute, how did we run up a 10 trillion dollar debt in a Republican administration?"

    Hear the eco?

    10 Trillion dollar debt...
    Republican Administration...
    Republican Administration...
    Republican Administration...

  8. Anonymous6:44 AM

    I agree with London Bridges. And I do not trust either of the Clintons in positions of power. I think that putting Mrs. Clinton in the #2 role would open the door to Bill's influence. Also I don't think she would be happy relegated to the background as VP. She has more visibility, status, and influence on her own as SoS. Plus she and Pres. Obama are both strong leader personalities. You can't have two "chefs" in the kitchen.

    AnneG in Colorado

  9. Anonymous7:03 AM

    "The Clinton's failed to prosecute Iran Contra, the second biggest crime in American history, and they are now complicitly part of the Bush crime family."

    First of all, "Clintons" is plural, not possessive. The apostrophe is unnecessary.

    Second, the Obama administration DOJ has not only failed to, it has refused to even investigate, much less prosecute, any of the Bush administration's many war crimes. Of course, it really can't without drawing more attention to the fact that the Obama administration is committing those same crimes.

    Hillary Clinton was not part of the Clinton administration; however, she is already part of the Obama administration. So to be fair, you really should consider expanding your guilt by association parameters to include President Obama for choosing this criminal to be his SOS.

  10. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Personally, I would love, love love it if Hilary was the vp candidate, even though I really like Biden. I've often thought that the deal from the beginning was for Biden to step aside to make way for Hilary in 2012.

  11. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Love her or hate her, Hillary has a huge and loyal base.

  12. Lynne7:42 AM

    I sure like the idea of an Obama/Clinton ticket. They would be a formidable team. As likable and occasionally amusing as Biden is, the idea of him stepping in as president in an emergency (or in 2016) doesn't feel right to me. When I visualize that, it makes me uncomfortable. Maybe it's just personalities, but it seems like he isn't right to follow Obama.

  13. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I think someone in need of money should write the "Book of Bidenisms". That would be entertaining and a sweet tribute. He seems like he's incredibly easy going and congenial

  14. Enjay in E MT7:51 AM

    I like her as SoS Clinton, and believe she'll make an excellent President. She (and Bill) set aside their own goals in 2008 to put Country First and bring the country together in supporting Obama. Biden works well as VP - I don't see him running for President in 2016.

    Clinton yes, and perhaps by then enough time will have passed about Bill Clinton's presidency. Am sure if it comes down to it, Obama will give HC plenty of time to campaign for 2016.

  15. Eunice8:01 AM

    I recently read Jeff Sharlet's book, The Family. I was stunned to discover how closely Hillary is linked to these people. I could never support her.

  16. AKRNC8:11 AM

    Anonymous @ 6:01 a.m., I'm not sure where you're getting your info but Biden has NOT had any strokes. However, his son, Beau, who was only 41 or so at the time of his stroke, has recovered completely. Biden is in very good health according to his most recent physical.

  17. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I'd love to see Clinton debate Palin, she would wipe the floor with her in a manner no man could get away with. Palin may claim she wants to be treated like an equal but you can bet that if she's the V.P. nominee again, she'll be screaming about unfair treatment if she's running against a male. Clinton's knowledge against Palin's lack of it equals a wonderful debate!

  18. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Politico has a lot of ties to right-wing think tanks - as do many cable news networks. When was the last time you heard someone explain who The Heritage Foundation was backed-by, e.g.

    Though I like Biden, I like Hillary as well and believe she should be judged on her own merits.

    As much as any one of us love and like our spouses, significant others or partners, would we really want to give up our individual identity to be judged only as a clone of them? I think not, nor should we.

    As for debates, Clinton would wipe up the floor with Palin - but would they debate? Considering it is usually candidate level to candidate level (Pres to Pres candidate and VP to VP candidate), I doubt they'd be paired-up in 2012.

  19. Forever Anonymous8:42 AM

    I looooove this rumor, just musing about the possibilities gives a sense of substance and level of civility that is missing in a Palin candidacy, tv show, or just everyday life event.

  20. Anonymous8:47 AM

    The reason I said Hillary would debate Palin is because I don't think she stands a chance of getting the GOP nomination. She has proven herself to be anything but Presidential, however, someone may still be stupid enough to want to bring her back as V.P. again. I'd rather not see her in any form in the 2012 race. She should be history by then considering the stunts she has pulled, especially quitting as Governor.

  21. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Oh god! What a great idea. I do love Biden though. Think the two good swap jobs? Hillary becomes Veep and Biden secretary of state?

    If the Republicans were to run Palin, this would be perfect. Then let's hear Palin whine about the media treating her badly.

    Great by they way Gryph:

    Palin thought that Hillary softened up that ceiling just for her, but of course we all realize that there are not nearly enough cracks for Palin to wiggle her crazy ass through.

    Besides Palin can't even get through an open door unless God shows her where it is first.

  22. Anonymous9:27 AM

    7:03, yay! save the apostrophe!

  23. Anonymous9:31 AM

    and perhaps by then enough time will have passed about Bill Clinton's presidency.

    Enjay in E Mt, frankly I don't think we need any distance from Bill's time in office. He is still very beloved among Dems. The Repubs wouldn't vote for any Dem anyway, so it doesn't matter whom they like or dislike.

  24. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I'm an independent and I believe that Hillary Clinton has the chops to become President some day. She has impressed me greatly.

  25. Anonymous9:53 AM

    If Palin does decide to run in 2012, I seriously doubt the men are going to go after her the way they go after each other. Palin plays dirty pool and old guys aren't comfortable getting in the muck with a female. It just isn't natural for them. (I'm still surprised the DNC came back at her with their priceless reply about the vetting issue. Maybe one of the cooler youngs came up with it. Hopefully, this is the first of many such rebuttals....)

    However, another woman, such as Hillary, with even bigger cojones, may be the best antitode to the immature antics of Palin. Hillary wouldn't be afraid to call Palin out on her lies and ridiculous behavior.

  26. Anonymous9:55 AM

    It would be such delicious karma to have Hillary be the attack dog aimed at Prez candidate Palin!

  27. emrysa10:19 AM

    I am not a fan of either clintons.

    I didn't have much of an opinion of hillary until she ran for senate in a state she never lived in. "oh I can win here let me run." don't like people like that.

    she ran a nasty prez primary campaign that really showed her true colors.

    don't much like her as sos but whatever. the clintons are part of the "club" and we're stuck with them.

  28. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Just make sure Palin declares first, then bring on Hilary. The repub would be to smart to run Palin against her but they could run her against a man and probably be successful. My favorite wet dream would be to see Hilary and Sarah in a political debate.

  29. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Gryphen~ I usually agree with most every post you write. I think every one for that matter. But I don't agree with this one. A few reasons why I think it may not be good.
    First~ Biden is so lovable. Why would we want to replace him? He also has the Foreign Policy creds.
    Second~ While I absolutely adore Hillary, she would be taunted as bad, if not worse than President Obama is! Remember when Bill was President, the crap Hillary had to take? They had rumours going around that she was a murderer, a lesbian, a controlling bitch, name something nasty and the right tried to make it stick. Don't forget about the witch hunt with Ken Starr, too.
    I do think that Hillary would make an excellent POTUS. And if she does run in 16, she will have my support and my vote. But even if Biden wanted to resign for real, the right would make it seem as though he were getting thrown under the bus.
    I think she can still run in 16. Why wouldn't she be able to??

    Mary B
    (I'm having a hard time logging on to post!?!)

  30. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Hilary wouldn't be at the top of the ticket, so she wouldn't be calling the shots, but she is not one to "play nice" and I believe there's a chance she'd go after Palin if given the chance. And in Presidential campaigns it's all about going after the top of the ticket, so Palin would find herself as the object of (legitimate) attacks.

    SP got off SO easy in '08. That's why I don't think she'll run (*maybe* announce, but then quit) in '12. JMO.

    That being said, I won't hold my breath on this one but I kinda hope it comes to pass!

  31. BAustin11:10 AM

    I think it is a great idea! I don't think palin will get GOP nodd and be top of the ticket....but I do think some brain dead yahoo may ask her to be vp.

    Debates would be MUST SEE TV!
    after Hillary SPANKS Sarah....that should pretty much knock Sarah off the national stage for good!

    Please please please

    PS give joe a nice cabinet position!

  32. Umm... No.

    There are still many good reasons not to choose Hillary as a running mate. The Hillary-bots are second only to the Palinbots, in my book.

  33. Imagine what would happen if Palin is a VP nominee again.

    That means that Palin would be debating Hillary!!!

    Who among us wouldn't buy tickets to see that live! As is, we'd all be glued to our sets and ratings would skyrocket.

  34. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I don't think the enjoyment of seeing Hilary crush Sarah in a debate, as exhilarating as that would be, is enough to justify her as VP. I remember when there was talk on the blogs of an Obama-Clinton ticket after Obama won the nomination in 2008. There was a reason he picked Biden instead of Clinton then, and I think it still holds true. I will not forget her behavior toward Obama in the primaries. And as capable a SoS as she is, even so there is something about her (and Bill) that I just don't trust. And make no mistake, Mr. Clinton would be part of the package.
    AnneG in Colorado

  35. London Bridges2:37 PM

    This is a good article on Shrillary:
    (From a progressive site, to boot!)


    Must read!

  36. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Biden will NOT run for president. People, he'll be 70 in 2012, and 74 in 2016.

    I was the one who said he had strokes...I stand corrected. He had two aneurysms.

  37. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Palin will have to do more than wink at the camera to get through a debate with Hillary, and she can't call her Joe!

  38. The Clintons are affiliated with "the family", need I say more? I have been appauled at some of the hawkish things Hillary has said and the shyte stirring she has engaged in against several countries. When Bill Clinton was running for president my whole family was angry at me for supporting Jerry Brown. I would love to have a woman vice president or president, but my highest priorities are peace, health, economy, education, ecology, decrease in imperialism, and integrity.

  39. emrysa8:22 PM

    celia I voted for jerry brown, too! couldn't vote for clinton either time.

  40. Unless we wake up and are somehow able to elect real people to office we are sunk as a nation.

    Hillary ain't it.


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