Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Republican Congressman tells Sarah Palin to butt out of Georgia primaries!

From Human Events:

Appearing on "America's Morning News" with John McCaslin and Amy Holmes, Georgia Republican Rep. Jack Kingston urged Sarah Palin to stay clear of endorsing candidates in the primaries. "What she's doing is dividing the Republican Party at a time when we don't need to be divided."

Kingston's objected to Palin’s decision to endorse Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel in that state’s GOP governor's race. "Why Sarah Palin decided to get in the race is beyond me. I don't know why she feels compelled to get into primaries all over the country, but fortunately Georgia voters are doing their own thinking on things like this."

He continued: "Karen Handel is a very decent candidate, but she's clearly the more moderate person in the race." Asked by the talk-show hosts if Palin should just butt out of primaries in general, Kingston replied, "I wish she will."

As you all know by now Karen Handel lost this primary, so Sarah's endorsement was not as magical as her supporters had hoped it would be. Bummer.

Interesting. I wonder how the Palin-bots will spin THIS on.


  1. Anonymous4:12 PM

    No..she needs to keep planting her Kiss of Death...

  2. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Palinbots are rabid dogging Kingston & his office...or as a true GA'ian would say rabid-dawging Kingston & his office.

  3. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Man, spinning for Sarah is a never-ending job! They have to go at it 24/7. Always having to have their guard up. Never knowing when Sarah might break protocol and let something fly that wasn't pre-approved for her to say. Thankless, endless drudgery.

    Sarah, you really should give 'em a break. Shut up for a change.

  4. Where is Ram Sarah's response?

    I always found it odd that Palin was endorsing people everywhere. I mean who is she? She " holds no title"-lol! I don't see her Fox comrades endorsing people.
    Sarah is one sick megalomaniac, so full of her own self-importance. Look ar her on that video with the Alaskan teacher or her conversations with Bill O'Reilley.
    She's truly INSANE and thinks she is Gods chosen one. It's about time people told her to sit down and shut up.

    Who wants to bet $ 100 she won't follow the STFU go away advice???

  5. Olivia4:33 PM

    Oh, please Sarah, keep working your magic. Don't listen to them, they are just jealous. They all REALLY WANTED you to get involved, not just as a celebrity but as the person who is out there fightin’ for Americans to be able to have a Constitution protected so that we can have free speech.

  6. Here's a link to a Palin 'Kiss of Death' Endorsement Tracker Map

  7. In this case it would have been better for Georgia if she had stayed away. Handel's opponent is infinitely corrupt. In fact he was named one of the ten most corrupt in Congress, leaving to run for Gov. just as an ethics investigation was about to get underway.

  8. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Many of the more reasonable Republicans in MN were very upset with Palin's endorsement of Emmer the night before the MN primary. Emmer won a very close primary the next day over Marty Seifert, a strong candidate. Many thought Seifert was the best candidate and is also squeaky clean. The funny thing about this is that Emmer's campaign in in disarray. It seems that Emmer tried to get DUI penalties lessoned in MN but neglected to present his conflict of interest, i.e. he has two convictions for DUI! He also thought it was a swell idea to decrease minimum wage for wait staff to help his state succeed. That didn't go over very well with some angry waitstaff.

    No one knows if Emmer can beat Dayton for the governor position. Most would admit, however, that Marty Seifert had a much better chance to beat Dayton than Emmer ever will. Sarah may very well be the Democrat's best friend with her endorsement!!

    See what you think of the candidate Sarah endorsed. I'm thinking slimebucket!

    Even if her candidate won a primary, it doesn't mean her endorsement was a success since her candidates may be the easiest for Democrats to beat.

  9. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Don't people know that Palin isn't looking for the candidates who are the "real" conservatives? She's looking for someone who is ahead in the polls, or who can do her a political favor, or someone who has a uterus to be added to her collection of grizzly mamas.

  10. Forever Anonymous4:58 PM

    Romney isn't Georgian either....

    Kingston needs to step down for his disloyalty to the GOP and his disgraceful chauvanism.
    Today, 15:04:49
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    And 3 more
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    Oh, and it isn't Sarah who is dividing the GA GOP. It is Kingston. Statements like his are what makes some people want to "sit it out" this Nov. It doesn't help Deal look any less good ole boy and right now the GOP is going to need every vote.

    Nice going Kingston.... Now say sorry and step down!
    Today, 15:09:09
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    sarah palin rocks
    [This user is an administrator]

    Comments like this make me almost wish Palin had done what the more extreme folks wanted - push a 3rd Party. Imagine their snit if she & some of her base bailed on the GOP.
    Today, 15:14:44
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    sarah palin rocks
    Dan C
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    Today, 20:35:45
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    Step down? Riiiiight.

    I don't think Kingston was speaking only for himself. The Establishment just can't handle Palin...pure and simple.
    Today, 16:22:22
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    sarah palin rocks

    Oh, and this, of course.

    I say flood Kingston's office with phone calls and emails until this dirtbag apologizes. Kingston, I wonder if he was pulling for Deal. Shame on Kingston. This typical Good Ole Boy behavior.
    Today, 15:03:56
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    Ted Torgerson
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    Tell him that he is part of the problem, not part of the solution......

  11. imnofred5:21 PM

    I'm sure Sarah will have some kind of rebuttal to this on Facebook claiming she is not dividing the party but how she is helping.

  12. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Dam.. I can allmost see that PEA in her brain exploding over this!!!

    I was once told the mother of the groom should sit down shut up and wear beige...

    It seems they told Scerror to sit down and STFU!!!!!!

  13. Anonymous5:32 PM

    F I N A L L Y !!!!! It is about time that someone (especially a Republican) tells SP to get lost.

    I was so impressed with the coverage of Ted Stevens' life and politics, that he was a strong supporter of education, the arts, Native issues, public radio, and to boot .. he was strongly pro choice.

    Perhaps he is the real maverick?


  14. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Kiss of Death is right.

    One voter's comment to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:

    James Kern of Buford cast his vote for Nathan Deal at Hamilton Mill Christian Church on Tuesday afternoon. He cited Palin’s endorsement of Handel.
    “She’s just too loud and obnoxious,” Kern said of the former Alaska governor. He also cited Palin’s decision not to finish her term as governor.

  15. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Gee, if little Sarah still had the title (and job) of Governor, maybe politicians would speak to and of her more graciously. "Butt out" might have been "MYOB", but citizen Palin gets the blunt truth.

    However, as far as I can tell, John McCain still likes Palin's butt.

    BTW, how was the Georgia heat and humidity? Good for little Trig?

  16. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Agree with Leah @4:32 PM.

  17. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Gosh, Sarah, doesn't John endorsing Sookie as being too pretty for jail just make you feel so special?

    From the way McCain reacted to Sookie, we now exactly why he chose Sarah - guaranteed. John, John, John, didn't someone ever tell you never to judge a book by its cover? Mainly, because pretty covers often are put on putrid books.

    Now that everyone is starting to see what's under your cover (which, BTW, isn't what it was in 2008), they are beginning the process of throwing you into the clearance bin.

    Brace yourself, Sarah, it is going to get worse. Your bots can only operate in Emergency mode for so long before they burn out.

  18. Anonymous7:00 PM

    For the eights years of misery that marked the Bush-Cheney administration reign of terror and destruction, we had to endure their die-hard supporters covering for them.

    But they were never, ever this nasty, this vile, this mean. She could tamp them down if she wanted to but I think she gets off on their ugliness, their viciousness and their threats of violence. What a perfect match they are.

    Glad someone in the GOP has finally said "enough." However, he too will learn what her bots are like.

  19. Anonymous7:56 PM

    This link from 8/09/10 shows the bots busy maligning KG by insisting she is not a teacher, is rather a band member dressed as a drag queen participating in a nonwholesome performance. Too bad the illiterate know-nothings missed the information that Theater Tech is indeed the title of a drama teacher, she does sing and direct performances, and the photo they refer to is of a performance of a well-known stage play. They gleefully take on the persona of dimwits if it provides them an opportunity to defame "the other side." Aggressive ignorance and illwill in this attempted character assassination take on a wildly bizarre twist. I can almost see the spit flying out of their mouths.

  20. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Did you see the rally with Handel the day prior to the primary?
    Palin was screechy and fake with a capital F "Ya'all"!
    She also told some more whoppers - like the one about the tax increase that PolitiFact had already rated her "Pants on Fire" for telling. And, some more BS like, "they're attacking Trig in GA, that's why I left my commercial fishing job to come all the way to Georgia."
    She can't go 5 minutes without lying!

  21. Anonymous9:15 PM

    I read on a blog over at ADN that Ted died doing what he loved, fishing. I would agree that Ted died doing what he loved and that would be taking gifts, such as that flight and fishing trip. RIP Ted but you were still guilty as hell

  22. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Sarah/Snookie 2012 !!!

  23. Olivia1:04 AM

    I am waiting for them to back off the statement and say they were misquoted. If that doesn't happen, it could be a signal that Sarah's little light is starting to fade.

  24. Virginia Voter2:34 AM

    In Maryland, Palin facebook endorsed some no name Republican in the GOVERNOR'S race. He doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell, but it gave him two days of press. This will certainly be another endorsement fail, as Bob Ehrlich is the only Republican in Maryland with any name recognition.

    The candidate said in interviews he never met or talked to Sarah Palin, ever, and he was extremely surprised by the endorsement. Of course this gut is your typical RW nutjob. Ehrlich had some priceless comments about the Queen...she would never endorse him because he is pro-choice, and a "moderate".

  25. Buffalo, NY2:42 AM

    Worst governor ever!
    Worst mayor ever!
    Worst VP candidate ever!
    Worst non tax payer ever!
    Worst per diem abuser ever!
    Worst fake, fraud, liar ever!
    Worst mother ever!

  26. angela2:55 AM

    Sarah won't shut up because the powers behind her are trying to rat*uck American politics and it's worth her while financially to even divide the GOP. She doesn't care. The idea that Sarah Palin knows ANYTHING about any of the people she endorses is ludicrous. She gets faxed some talking points from her puppet masters. And let's face it her biggest fan, Bill Kristol, is a stupid man who is always wrong.

    Palin didn't know how to be the governor of one of the least populace states in the union (she hid most of the time). She sure as hell doesn't know what's going on in Georgia. . . . .

  27. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Another person Palin endorsed lost this week. In Steam­boat Springs, Colorado, Scott Tipton defeated Bob McConnell (Palin's choice) in the GOP congressional primary Tuesday.

  28. Anonymous4:08 AM

    $p likes to rile up unstable people, and put others in danger. But she is such a coward she surrounds herself with thugs for protection.

  29. Anonymous4:20 AM

    She's more like one of the Sirens, luring Republicans to their death on the rocky shoreline by the shrill sound of her song.

  30. Handel is probably more like Palin than we or she knew.

    The count was extremely close, about 2,500 votes. Still outstanding was provisional, military, ie other votes. A boat load of those not counted was from her county, which has been strong behind her. She QUIT and would not ask for a re-count. Her campaign was so negative, mud slinging it actually hurt her. Then check when she channels Palin again.

    Republicans closed ranks around Deal, with Handel leading the way. There was no mention of her campaign attacks when she labeled Deal "a corrupt relic of Washington." The best thing for our party is to rally around Congressman Deal as our nominee in the fight.

    lets see yep, quitter and a liar. I believe that covers the most bases.

  31. Libby5:52 AM

    Part of the reason the GA R's are upset is that Roy Barnes, the D candidate for Gov, is much more likely to win in November against Deal. Handel might have given him a run for his money and, as far as we know, her skeletons are still tucked in a closet somewhere. Deal has ethics issues dripping all over him and the D's, while attempting to maintain some semblance of Southern manners and Genteel sensibilities, will do their best to eat him alive. Sarah should have stayed out of it if she truly wanted a conservative in office. She did the Democratic Party a huge favor.

  32. Anonymous9:52 AM

    And, 2:42 am Buffalo, NY:

    Worst "Wild Rider" ever

  33. emrysa10:31 AM

    hahahahahaha didja hear that sarah? YOU'RE NOT WANTED.


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