Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Painfully Pathetic Politics of Palin.

Courtesy of Politico:

There's still no doubt that a Palin endorsement raises a candidate's profile, significantly. But now, after a string of defeats for Palin endorsees, the question has to be asked: Was Palin’s brand really so strong that she was swinging primaries in her favor?

“I have said pretty consistently that these endorsements are fairly meaningless,” said Republican strategist John Feehery. “They were meaningless when Palin was on a hot streak, and they are meaningless when she is on her losing streak.”

Tuesday wasn’t a great night for the former Alaska governor.


Media Over- Estimates Palin Mama Grizzlies.

Yet another Palin loss in Georgia…… The media dubbed “GOP kingmaker”, huh? More like a Mama Grizzly slinking away with her tail between her legs.

The Washington Post:

To the extent that Republicans follow Ms. Palin down this path, they will find it leads to a very snug tent, just big enough for the hard-core partisans who refuse to deviate from checklist politics for the sake of character, pragmatism or victory. You could call that principled. You could also call it a political strategy so narrow that it amounts to self-marginalization.

So, as many of us anticipated, the bloom is off the Palin endorsement rose.

It does not mean that she will not still have some impact, for surely she will.  But it does mean that she may start to receive less media coverage for her endorsements than in times past, and that will translate into fewer dollars and less support coming into SarahPAC. At least until Palin makes HER announcement to run for office in 2012, which I still believe she is planning to do.

If you want to watch how Sarah's endorsements are fairing going forward in this primary season, there is this great tracker that the Washington Post provided which shows the current status of all of Palin's political picks.


  1. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Did Bristol move back to Wasilla so she is qualified to run for mayor against Levi?

    Will Sarah endorse Bristol?

  2. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Beware of the Palin Plunge.

  3. angela7:00 AM

    I'm sorry I really want to put a caption to this photo of her and John McCain—but I won't.

    This endorsement crap has always been a joke. Sarah Palin knows nothing about real policy. It's all a money game encouraged and backed by the neocons. I just hope she keeps marginalizing these candidates and the entire GOP goes up in flames and the new incarnation is pre 1980s republicans who weren't insane.

    When Hoffman lost in NY and the seat went to a Democrat for the first time in 140 years that should have been a bell weather. Palin's endorsements do more harm than good by splitting the GOP. They are self serving (look at me, look at me) . They mean nothing because Sarah is a moron who knows NOTHING of the candidates.

    Keep on funding her Rupert-- publishing fake books that she doesn't write. Keep on advising her Mr. Kristol--have you ever been right about anything?

    I guess the question is what has the GOP ever done to the neocons that make them want to destroy it with this lunatic woman in tow?

  4. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Okay then.

    We should still keep our eye on her, because stranger things than Sarah getting the nomination have happened (GW Bush, e.g.).

    However, considering that Newt and Michelle Bachmann are both pulling in more money for their PACs, perhaps we need to keep closer tabs on them. After all, Newt has been backing Sarah.

    What really worries me is that I believe that the GOP could have a dark horse in the wings, just waiting for a last minute appearance and will catch us all off-guard. Perhaps it will be Jeb Bush, Pawlenty or someone else whose profile is much, much lower than Palin's but whose character and agenda may be very similar.

    That's what I am beginning to get nervous about - someone who is a clone or nearly so of Sarah but has not been monitored as closely by people like us.

    Glad to see that last line of the last article you sited: "a political strategy so narrow that it amounts to self-marginalization." Sure hope it defines all the GOP and Tea Party folks.

  5. I love the picture with this story. I can just hear her saying, "I once had an idea th-i-i-i-i-s big!"

  6. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I wouldn't vote for anyone this woman "hand picked." And other than her small insane base, neither
    would the rest of America. She gets a lot of media but that doesn't equal followers and supporters. She's merely a circus side show.

    Kudos to Georgia for finally smacking her down.

    Now who's next?

  7. nswfm8:03 AM


    Since you have a way with alliteration, you might appreciate this blogger:

  8. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I believe that was her 'hand' pie chart she's trying to show everyone. She didn't have any color markers on 'hand', so she had to improvise. The metric of the hand chart is her way of showing folks how much she really cares about the military... or the Constitution .. or Alaskans .. or Special Needs .. or America in general.

  9. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I don't think that we should be picking on Sarah Palin just because someone she endorsed lost. On the contrary, we should encourage her to keep on screaming "Bring it on!" (even though GWB admitted that phrase was a mistake).

    Sarah cannot resist the spotlight. Good publicity, bad publicity, just as long as they spell her name correctly. She is a devisive force in the Republican Party, so for that reason alone, she should be encouraged.

    She is also a bithering idiot. When she goes off script, she says (and acts) in a really stupid way. Rolling her eyes and shaking her head at the word "teacher" shows that Sarah cannot control herself. Katie Couric made a point of saying in an interview that she was careful not to let her "affect" interfer with her interview of Sarah Palin. That is the difference between a pro and a wannabe.

    Sarah will always be the wannabe, the immature mean girl with nothing constructive to say. So please please please, Sarah, keep on talking. Every time that you do, you show more people that the correct choice was made in 2008. That, and the fact that Sarah quit a job that she couldn't handle shows that the limit of her ability was acting as Mayor of Wasilla. Even then, she need the help of a City Manager. Today, she cannot speak without the aid of a ghost writer.

  10. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Loved angela's comment about hoping the GOP implodes and becomes reincarnated a "pre 1980s republicans who weren't insane."

    Gosh, imagine a whole generation (or two) have never experienced a non-insane GOP - and yet many of them still vote for the nutsy one.

  11. Anonymous8:17 AM

    If I were Murdock or Newt, I would worry about backing this woman because everyone and everything that embraces her gets thrown under the bus sooner rather than later.

    Hey - maybe that's how we will finally get rid of the pox that is the Murdoch controlled-media empire. Maybe Palin's curse will take him down as well. It's worked every time before.

  12. Anonymous8:29 AM


    Yup. Sums her, everything and everyone around her up in one little word.

  13. Anonymous8:29 AM

    The WaPo comment absolutely nails it!

  14. It occurs to me that if I put on a blindfold and throw darts at a dartboard (with candidates names on it), I would likely have the same "success" rate as Palin with her picks.
    I honestly don't think SP cares if her candidates win or lose - as long as she gets to horn in on their campaigns and shout "LOOK AT ME ME ME ME ME!"

  15. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Sarah has jumped the shark. People are using YouTube to beg Sarah to quit killing republican chances and to act like a decent person:

  16. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Do you have it on good authority that she plans to run in 2012 herself, or is that just a personal guess? She would have to be a complete and utter idiot to attempt it at this stage, with so much questionable material already circulating and more just below the surface. Any GOP bigwigs or conservative media types would also have to be complete idiots to keep pushing her, also. I guess they have been that stupid so far, but still.

  17. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Mama Fizzly.

  18. Anonymous10:52 AM

    She and her bratty kids are doing a great job at showing what lowlifes they are.

  19. Anonymous12:17 PM

    @Anon 10:35 said:

    "She would have to be a complete and utter idiot to attempt it at this stage"

    Do you know who we're talking about? "Complete and utter idiot" doesn't begin to describe her.

    I think she make a half-ass quittypants attempt at running so she can say she was forced out by the men. And while I'm making predictions, my magic 8Ball also says that they will take her down like a big dog. She's got no real $$ backing like W did. He was an idiot but a useful one. Her? Not so much useful - just an idiot.

    We'll see, won't we?

  20. emrysa12:50 PM

    right now I don't think sarah is going to run for president. she has the perfect excuse: the media would never portray a fair picture of her (as if).

    when others start to announce, I bet palin comes out and says "ya know, I'd really like to run for president because I'm such an awesome leader but the media has lied about me for 2 years, and there's just no way I can correct the record so americans can see who I really am." totally bet this is the excuse she uses for not running. the funny thing is that she will think she's being clever, but she's still going to look bad blaming others yet again.

    the bots will be there for her but no one else will. sarah's got one more year to make money. after that, she's fucked.

  21. Anonymous12:54 PM

    There are lots of conservatives who wish Sarah would just disappear. Conservative political commentator Michael Savage thinks Sarah is totally unelectable:

  22. carrieoki1:37 PM

    Anon @ 9:38 AM Thanks for the YouTube links.
    The (DaniDinkable) young girl's statement that Palin is a "glorified political monkey" was spot on.

  23. angela said..I'm sorry I really want to put a caption to this photo of her and John McCain—but I won't.

    You and I both.

  24. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Is she measuring Mc Shame's wienny?

  25. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Palin, it just isn't your week. You are circling the drain.
    Palin and Gingrich, for fear mongering against the proposed Islamic center in vicinity of Ground Zero, get dissed by 40 religious leaders.


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