Thursday, August 19, 2010

Poll shows that more Americans than ever believe that President Obama is a Muslim.

From the Washington Post:

The number of Americans who believe -- wrongly -- that President Obama is a Muslim has increased significantly since his inauguration and now account for nearly 20 percent of the nation's population.

Those results, from a new Pew Research Center survey, were drawn from interviews done before the president's comments about the construction of an Islamic cultural center near Ground Zero, and they suggest that there could be serious political danger for the White House as the debate continues.

Among those who say Obama is a Muslim, 60 percent say they learned about his religion from the media, suggesting that their opinions are fueled by misinformation.

Even a blind man could tell that this is the result of a concerted effort by the GOP and Fox News to spread disinformation about President Obama. And it goes hand in hand with the recent "controversy" over the community center in New York as well.

The plan is simple and hateful. Steadily increase the number of Americans who believe that the President is an adherent of a religion other than the acceptable "Christian religion of our founding fathers" (Which of course is ALSO disinformation), and then constantly link that religion to the terrorists who murdered 3,000 of our countrymen on 9-11.

By doing this they are tapping into a very primal feeling of tribalism that all people have lurking deep in their psyches.  This fear of the "other" that binds communities, religions, and ethnicities together to ward off those who are different.

It is the same method used to dehumanize enemy combatants during war time by calling them "krauts", or "gooks", or "Japs", or "rag heads".  Once you identify them as unlike "us" then it is easy to treat them as if they are less than human.

That is what the Republican party, through its mouthpiece Fox News, has been doing since the beginning of Obama's term.  While the President has been calling for harmony and unity to help us work to solve the problems facing this country, the opposition has been pointing at him and saying "Fear and distrust the black Muslim who is trying to take away your birth right as white American citizens."

And sadly that tactic seems to be working.


  1. Anonymous6:22 AM

    What Obama needs to do is launch an investigation into what REALLY happened on 9/11. Yes, I know a lot of people think getting the truth out there would be bad for the American psyche. But the hate that this cabal has stirred up is not good for us, either.

    So, Mr. President, help us find out who was really behind those attacks. Even if it leads back to the Project for a New American Century and a dick called Cheney.

  2. Anonymous6:30 AM

    More Americans than ever are total morons.

  3. angela6:37 AM

    I am so very sick of religion meshed with politics in this country. The founders were correct about the separation of church and state.

    I hate it all . . . .

  4. Anonymous6:39 AM

    The people that believe this listen and watch only the right wing news.Seems like everything they are told,they believe.I have heard some nutty stuff from my friends.
    And so what President Obama is Muslim?He is getting the work done.
    Whether President is Muslim or not,he has accomplished so much even with all the Republicans fighting him in congress.
    If you like what Obama does,there are great volunteer opportunities with OFA and the Democratic Party.If a lot of people could do a little volunteering it would be great help,make lifelong friends and make you feel like you were making a difference.And those people don't believe the myths/lies!

  5. Where is this crazy church and can we gather locals to protest this non-sense? I would be happy to call the church and complain. I see the phone number, but what is the area code?

  6. Anonymous6:55 AM

    He is a Muslim - no doubt
    His father was a Muslim
    His step-father was a Muslim

  7. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Only 20%. That's actually pretty good since 40% of Americans don't know their ass from a hole in the wall.

  8. Anonymous7:00 AM

    This is one of the many reasons I have zero use for religion.

  9. Anonymous7:05 AM

    As with any poll, it is only as accurate as the sample taken. The question is who did the poll, who did they survey, how large was the sample etc.

    The same group probably also said they thought that President Obama was born in Kenya.

    Who is funding this campaign? Are they also funding the anti-moque at groundzero campaign?

  10. Anonymous7:06 AM

    So many of our founding fathers were Masons, and while most people think of Masons as just your dad or your granddad hanging out with his buddies at the club, the higher level Masons are basically practicing what many people call witchcraft. They believe that they are here to bring down certain entities/energies for the betterment of all, but they also use esoteric symbols and rituals that echo earlier practices that came out of ancient Babylonia and the like. We're not talking Bible thumpers in any way, shape or form. Think more "Harry Potter" for a better understanding of the real magic these guys were focused upon bringing into the US.

  11. womanwithsardinecan7:08 AM

    This is why I despise organized religion. It is our most tribal of impulses, to turn everybody into us/them. Humans are spiritual beings, but instead of bringing them together with a sense of community and commonality, religion drives a big evil wedge. The people who behave well within their respective religions (caring, reaching out, helping others, building community) would do so without religion too, because they are simply good people. But NO religion is free of the other people, the assholes, the xenophobes, the ignorant haters, the tribal fence builders. They ruin it for everybody.

  12. This is it. Thanks, Google.

    Spirit One Christian Center
    For more information: Spirit One Christian Center 1515 E Harry Wichita, KS 67211 USA (316)303-0095. Fax: (316)303-0286 ...

  13. Anonymous7:10 AM

    From Canada, I have to ask,

    WTF is going on down there?

  14. Thankyou Betsy---- I called and spoke with a Cheryl--fairly ignorant. She claimed that just because Obama has Muslim blood he must be bad since the 911 terriorst were muslim as well. Honestly, not making this up. We just don't have enough straight jackets in this world.

  15. Anonymous7:21 AM

    During the presidential campaign, a man I met at a networking event (he had my biz card/contact info)- started forwarding me emails that were out and out lies, about then Senator Obama- that he was Muslim. The way it was written, sounded authoritative. I had to explain to this man, the truth. He would still send me these disgusting, misinformed emails, and I finally blocked him from my email. It was downright ugly, disgusting, stupid, and full of lies. He was sending it to everyone on his email list. I'm sure these are going around still. We should counter? Make sure the subject line is written so it will grasp the attention of the idiots, so they will read it.

    On the bright side, I hope all Muslims in this country - all of 'em- go and vote for President Obama in 2012.

    I am so glad my grandson who is 16 now, will be 18 when its time to vote. Another bloc of young people will turn out for Obama. My grandson, in small town Alaska, is the first in our family who told us about Senator Obama. He has internet friends around the country. He tells me they all can't stand Sarah Palin. Yes for Youth! :-)

  16. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Anon at 6:55:
    To follow your father was a man, my step-father was a I am a man? My husband and three children and 7 grandchildren will be surprised to learn that.
    I am constantly amazed at the sheer depth of stupidity of too many people in this country!

  17. nswfm7:43 AM

    The correct response to "He's a Muslim" is who gives a shit? He was elected to be the President. You practice your religion and he can practice his own. This is a free country."

  18. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Anon 7:10

    Lots of crazy - and we're trying to stop them!


  19. Anonymous7:50 AM

    This is nothing but hate-mongering.
    Regardless of the fact that President Obama has already established that fact that he is a Christian, his religious beliefs are irrelevant!

    This is still the United States of America is it not? It still is a nation founded on freedom of religion, is it not? Is not Islam a religion?

    What did hate-mongers say when JFK was elected? What would they say if we elected someone of the Jewish faith? What about a Morman? Now tell me the difference?

  20. No big surprise here and no reason to get our panties all in a wad. The Washington Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch. Nothing to see here, move along.

  21. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Anonymous 6:55 - And what does this have to do with ANYTHING?

    Besides, idiot, he was raised by his mother and grandparents....Are they WHITE enough for you? We all know that there are no WHITE Muslims!

  22. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Thanks, Betsy S!

    Will be letting those folks know what I think of their signage.

    I do not see what religion or lack of religious affiliation our President has or doesn't have could be a sin against anyone or anything as long as the President is doing his or her job and upholding the Constitution.

    Those people are dangerous loonies and certainly not real followers of Christ.

  23. Anonymous7:56 AM

    6:22 - you are not alone in your suspicions. Cheney has cast a long shadow of hate and manipulation for a long time.

  24. Anonymous7:57 AM

    This entire anti-Muslim movement has the stench of Carl Rove, Newt Gingrich, and Dicky Cheney all over it.

    Oh, and I'd throw in Franklin Graham, Sarah's pal.

  25. First, I have no problem with the President being Muslim. But, he is Christian. It would help if he were seen going to church regularly, and therein lies the problem. I used to criticize GWB, that "great" Christian for not going to church. Then I found out why. The sad truth is, the President of the United States can no longer attend the church of his choice because of security and the press. The few times the Obamas tried the result was chaos instead of worship. So our Presidents worship at the base chapel at Camp David. Occasionally they will attend unannounced one of the churches in the DC area, but any other way turns into a circus. I consider it extremely sad.

  26. Anonymous8:15 AM

    @6:55 - You are a racist moron, no doubt.
    I donated to Pres. Obama's former church in Chicago in your name.

  27. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Exactly, Gryphen!

    Dehumanization is dangerous and needs to be addressed as sooon as it's spotted.

    Here's a link to an article from Counterpunch on dehumanization, violence, and scapegoating by Lucia Dailey. It talks about the ongoing damage and trauma these things bring to all of us.

  28. Anonymous8:20 AM

    It is working, this disinformation mess. It is working because it would seem that most of my fellow countrymen have the brain power of a slug. Stupid is as stupid does never better fit a situation than this.
    We are a stupid country.

  29. Anonymous8:26 AM

    It just proves that at least 20% of Americans are too stupid to live.

  30. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Lord have mercy. What's wrong with being a Muslim? And so what if the president doesn't go to church. Churchgoing doesn't seem to have improved Americans' intelligence, compassion, or religious tolerance.

  31. Anonymous8:37 AM

    So Christianity is the religion for the white brethern and Islam is the religion of the brown brethern and that's why all this fuss?

    Wow! One would think that we lived back in the days before Christ, where hate and misinformation reigned and the Pharisees thought they would be the only ones in heaven.

    Do Chritians believe that God's heaven will be comprised of only white Christians? If their God really created heaven and earth and all its inhabitants, then their God is apparently quite diverse. Who are they then to hold themselves superior? It all boils down to race. Plan and simple.

    The don't like a black man being president over their white America. No matter how brilliant and poised and concerned for ALL people in this country. The hate just gets the better of them.

    God has place for these people alright, and it aint heaven.

  32. Anonymous8:38 AM

    To 7:10 a.m.

    We must look like complete idiots. Now you see just how ridiculous U.S. residents are about race.

  33. This is almost, but not quite, as embarrassing for the right as 9/11 truthers are for the left.

  34. Enajy in E MT8:47 AM

    Just the other night Chris Matthews made a point about JFK being Catholic. And how the fear card was raised about him putting the Church over Constitution.

    Besides, how many ppl are raised in one religion yet convert or adopt another? Just like being raised in different countries or cultures....

  35. Randall8:58 AM

    Obama believes in the wrong invisible wizard in the sky!



  36. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I called that number and spoke with Cheryl, who answered the phone. Patiently advised her that Muslim is not a race (see comment stating she says that the Pres father and step father were Muslim and its in his blood) and askd her if she thought only white people were going to heaven. Then I advised her that if she were to make it there herself, she would find heaven a pretty diverse place, so she'd better be preoared. She didn't say one word.

  37. Linda Arizona9:33 AM

    I've written to the pastor of the church.

    Write the church. Tell them it's a lie. Keep speaking out. This is another flame in the wildfire of fanaticism engulfing the uneducated minds of Americans.

  38. Anonymous9:38 AM

    PA_John here....

    As many of the posters have said ... the President's religion should be a non-issue. He was elected to lead this nation, and he has done an admirable job. Whether he's agnostic, a Jew, Muslim, Christian, or whatever, should not matter.

  39. Somebody followed an earlier posting of mine on this blog, calling me down for hinting that today's "churches" have way too much going on in the manner of POLITICS rather than RELIGION...and that the SANE among us need to pass a note to our minister/preacher/whatever, to stop defiling our religious institutions in that way.

    The criticism was that only "a few" of the mega-churches were like that.

    Sorry: every person I KNOW who attends church, has mentioned how they are being turned off by this trend of their house of worship becoming a Republican Party Rally Center.

  40. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Also from Canada:-

    After the craziness of the Bush years were put to rest with the election of President Obama,
    we had thought perhaps Americans
    had regained their sanity.
    Looks as if we may have been wrong.

  41. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I am sending an email to the Church stating that Timothy McVea
    was of the Catholic faith...does the fact that he killed womem, men and children make all Catholic's like him

  42. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I think there are two main reasons why people believe such drivel: 1) Many people are afraid and 2) many people are too lazy to think for themselves.

    Thanks to Fox News to instill fears into people and then to provide easy answers, all within an entertaining half-hour show. The reason why Fox News would do this is simply to obtain power.

    Same old story. This technique as been used down through human history and has created hordes of unquestioning religious followers. Reason doesn't have to enter into the discussion. Message: Go forth and procreate ad nauseam because the cause du jour must become more powerful with more willingly ignorant people.

    Intelligence, reasoning, and the earth's resources are the victims of these human failings.

  43. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I think the really story is that over 80% of Americans do NOT believe this bunk.

    So what's the big surprise that a small minority of people who are racist idiots will believe any nonsense shoveled at them in their little echo chambers? Those beliefs are like sucking their thumbs and holding their security blankets against the scary black Democratic President. Grow up, morons.

  44. nswfm2:04 PM

    Anonymous nswfm said...

    The correct response to "He's a Muslim" is "Who gives a shit? He was elected to be the President. You practice your religion and he can practice his own. This is a free country."

    7:43 AM

    This guy put it a little more nicely than I did:

  45. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Just proves that 20% of the population is just uneducated and STUPID.

  46. Posted to Facebook with contact info for Pastor Mark Holick.

    Thanks, Betsy S.

  47. I believe many of these folks who profess to believe Obama is Muslim don't actually believe it themselves.

    They just want to spread the hate, knowing weak-minded people will eventually believe any lie that's repeated often enough.

  48. You know, this is so ridiculous.

    The same people who tried to drag down Pres. Obama with Rev. Wright, a *christian* minister, are the ones who are now saying Pres. Obama is Muslim.

    The facts don't matter. They make it up as they go along. They spread whatever rumor generates the most hate. It's a big push to get the crazies out to vote Republican in 2012.

    It's because they don't have any decent candidates to support in a positive push for votes.

  49. It's always the same 20%.

  50. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Anon at 6:55:
    My mother and father were Catholic.
    I was born and raised Catholic..but am Catholic no more..haven't been for many years now. Does that STILL make me a Catholic??




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