Thursday, August 19, 2010

Songwriter Sheryl Crow sends message to Sarah Palin in new album.

Courtesy of Geoffrey Dunn at Huffington Post:

"Say What You Want To" -- a driving fusion of funk and country rock -- opens with a direct and unambiguous denunciation of Palin and her role as a paid, political pundit on Fox News:

I saw you ranting on TV today
I heard you tell me to reload
You got a lot of nerve to talk that way
Someone unplug the microphone
I'm tired of all the fighting
Cynicism and back biting
Can't even hear myself think
You pour the Kool-Aid and then we drink...

You can hear a preview of the song by clicking here.

Well that pretty much sums it up now doesn't it?  And this was BEFORE Palin sent the incredibly ignorant and divisive tweets that she went out yesterday.  Just imagine how much blow back she will get from here on out.


  1. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Now they have a song to play before all her nutty news clips. Good job Sheryl!

  2. Anonymous5:38 AM

    My only comment is this: to blame Sarah for all or even any of the fighting and divisive politics is maybe the most stupid idea ever conceived and proves those people know nothing about the history of politics. With that said, I feel that given the platform she's been handed, she could successfully work to bring sides together. But I also feel it's not worth it because to succomb to one "liberal" ideology, we succomb to them all. and THAT is just not good for America.

  3. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Palin is just another toxic emission.

  4. Anonymous5:48 AM

    This from a woman who wants to tell the American people how much toilet paper to use? Maybe she will feel more at home in Venezuela since they seem to want to ration water for bathing.


  5. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Is Levi going to be in her music video too?

    Will they do a bed scene?

  6. BAustin5:54 AM

    nasty tweet from Miss Thin-skin in 3..2..1...

  7. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Can't wait for SP's tweet about this!

  8. Anonymous6:42 AM

    I wonder when the Sarah Palin "Boycott Cheryl Crow" will start

  9. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Anon@5:38 AM, succomb?

  10. carol from Minnesota6:47 AM

    I hope the whole world is beginning to see Scara for the hateful and disruptive person she is. Sarah, I could respect you if you were trying to bring people together but you seem to be trying to cause nothing but chaos and rile up peoples basest feeling. We do not need that kind of activity. We need to pull together to get through this deep recession. We live in America Sarah. Land of the free. We believe in religous freedom and that means muslims can worship their god too. What are you doing interfering in NY situations anyway? They can handle this just fine without you messing it up and causing problems for them. Thank god you are not our Vice President. What a negative role model you are.

  11. angela6:59 AM

    I find it interesting that people like Anon 5:38 seems to not want to truly admit what is happening.

    Sarah Palin does not want to bring ANYONE together,
    She's even split the GOP. She is a tool of Rupert Murdoch (his publishing house prints her garbage and his network lets her babble.)

    And if you are a true student of history you would admit that there has been much evil done in this world by ideologues like Sarah Palin. And that has happened on the left and the right.

    There is nothing Sarah Palin does that is good for America.

    And Anon 5:38 you better not pick on Venezuela--Todd Palin is sponsored by a little company from there for his IRON DOG races. See how international Sarah and her family are?

  12. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Yesterday I questioned when where Sarah's shit. It was Wednesday and she had to do something stupid to get her name on the news, damn where was her shit. I found it last night - she shit all over the constitution.

  13. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Loved Sheryl before, and love her even more now.

  14. Anonymous7:03 AM

    If Palin were a different kind of person, she could have really made a difference for special needs kids. I can never forgive her for ignoring this opportunity.

  15. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Wow - 5:38, back so soon?

    The giveaway? "to blame Sarah for or even any of the fighting or divisive politics is maybe the most stupid idea ever conceived . . . ."

    We're not saying Sarah is responsible for the entire history of dirty politics or even for this round of it, but sure is a player in it.

    Honesty, none of us believe she is smart enough to be responsible for conceiving or directing it - but she knows how to play her part in it.

    There is no way in hell that Sarah Palin "could successfully work to bring sides together." She doesn't understand the concept of working together - she hasn't even shown that she knows the concept of work, period.

    BTW, it is "succumb" not "succomb." Ignorance is not good for America either, but that's one thing Sarah is very good at promoting because she is very, very stupid.

  16. Anonymous8:26 AM

    If Sarah needs something constructive to do, why isn't she keeping her word to help Alaska?

    If she spent less time poking her nose into local situations in places like NYC, she'd have more time to promote Alaska, to meet with all those money men who back her and convince them to invest in Alaska.

    That's work, though, not fun like playing with Blackberry buttons for Tweeter and telling your ghostwrite what to do on FB.

    Sarah doesn't like work. Sarah runs away from work. Sarah cannot keep her promises if they entail work.

    Poor Sarah, see Sarah run - away from work and run away from promises. Sarah is a runner. (and a quitter, also, too).

  17. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Congratulations to Sheryl Crow.

    Leave it to the comedians and the folks singers. They nail the creeps and cowards every time. They say and sing the truth for all of us.

    Thanks for the song link.
    There is little doubt that it was pointed at Sarah.

    Sarah's fame is fast becoming infamy (an extremely bad reputation).

    Thank you Sheryl Crow.

  18. mommom9:16 AM


    What happened id that other Right Wingers paid attention to the fact that with no plans,no policy,no ideas,no ability and no intelligence,Mrs PAYlin was able to use the anger and fear of her constituents to go so far.They copied her playbook,and the country changed,almost overnight,from a hopeful,forward looking nation,to one of fear,anger,hate,and backward looking leaders,whipping their growing crowd of paranoia affected drones to a frenzy.

  19. Anonymous@5;38, you're in the wrong blog. We can tell mostly by the misspelled word [you figure it out.]

    But the dead giveaway is your boneheaded notion that somehow the Double-Breasted Alaskan Ding Bat has a "platform she's been handed." Really? By whom? What platform? The one she hunts from?

  20. Mickey710:49 AM

    Off topic, but I thought you all might enjoy this British parody news site's take on Palin and the mosque controversy:

  21. GrainneKathleen11:13 AM

    i'm not a fan of crowe's but i am now a fan of this song.
    and anonyomous @ 5:38 am, HUH?!? who handed sarah what platform? you are reading too much word salad - it lowers the iq, you know.

  22. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Sheryl Crow wrote:
    I propose a limitation be put on how many squares of toilet paper can be used in any one sitting. Now, I don't want to rob any law-abiding American of his or her God-given rights, but I think we are an industrious enough people that we can make it work with only one square per restroom visit, except, of course, on those pesky occasions where 2 to 3 could be required. When presenting this idea to my younger brother, who's judgment I trust implicitly, he proposed taking it one step further. I believe his quote was, "how bout just washing the one square out."


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