Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Unbelievable! Sarah Palin tweets "Don't retreat...reload" after Dr. Laura quits her show due to racist rant. Update!

"Jesus! Can somebody take that Blackberry away from her?  She is embarrassing ALL of us!"

Has the woman come completely unhinged?

Here is her latest tweet:

Dr.Laura:don't retreat...reload! (Steps aside bc her 1st Amend.rights ceased 2exist thx 2activists trying 2silence"isn't American,not fair")
5 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

It appears that the tweeting twit is unhappy that Dr. Laura decided to quit her radio show after embarrassing herself, her listeners, and her advertisers by using the "N-word" over and over while talking to an African American woman who was calling to ask for help and understanding.

Apparently Dr. Laura suffered some well deserved blowback from certain groups, as well, I assume, from everybody with half of a brain who found her completely insane rant to be incredibly offensive. So she went on the Larry King show and announced her retirement from broadcasting.

Now I have no idea what Dr. Laura meant by saying that she wants "to regain her First Amendment rights" and say what "is on her mind and in her heart".  Does that mean she wants to have the freedom to use racist terms without having to worry about losing her job anymore?

But anyhow, in my opinion she had no other choice but to apologize and leave the air.  Just like when Michael Richards went on a similar rant and had to apologize and lay low for several months. 

When your inner Klansman comes out on radio or television you simply need to go. That is NOT normal behavior for your average person.  That is the kind of thing that issues forth from an individual who has a deep and ferocious anger toward a certain ethnicity. And once a person like this fails to keep their inner David Duke under control, I feel that they are forever tainted by that revelation and can no longer expect to be accepted by society as anything BUT a racist.

For some reason Sarah Palin does not agree with me on that point. SHE thinks that Dr. Laura is being denied her First Amendment rights to say ignorant hurtful things to African Americans, and suggests that instead of making the mature choice and leaving the airwaves of her own accord she instead needs to "reload." WTF?

Is there any way NOT to see Sarah Palin as a racist here?  Am I just being too hard on her?

Update:  Sarah has unleashed another tweet about Dr. Laura:

Dr.Laura=even more powerful & effective w/out the shackles, so watch out Constitutional obstructionists. And b thankful 4 her voice,America!

about 2 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

You know I think using a term like "shackles", while defending a person who used a negative pejorative about African Americans, may not be helping to helping to "refudiate" the idea that you are a racist Sarah. 

I am just saying.


  1. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Once again, right on the money.

    That photo illustrates exactly what I do and how I feel when Sarah says anything, tweets anything, or "writes" anything on FB.

    Thanks for using that photo!

  2. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Sarah doesn't get the racist aspect of Dr. Laura's rant because she herself is a racist. Of course, all racists are stupid, and Sarah, if nothing else, is the Queen of Stupid.

    We'd pity her if she wasn't so cruel in her stupidity.

  3. Well, if $arah the Quitter thinks that using the N word is okay, then it is certainly okay to call $arah a Freaking RETARD!!! Because she is.

  4. Anonymous5:35 PM

    If you're not a racist, you probably shouldn't associate yourself with someone who said the n word. And of course Sarah isn't right? Because teabaggers aren't racist! (please note, sarcasm) I'm thinking Sarah is trying to expand on Nixon's southern strategy until it's toast.

  5. Anonymous5:36 PM

    That's our Sarah, using violent imagery again! The little twit tweets the most dumb ass things and then feels proud about them.

    Goodness, she is so lucky that progressives and moderates to believe in reloading and applying Angle's "2nd Amendment solutions."

    But that's because we didn't major in Ignorance, Bigotry, and Cruelty. She's made that her life's work.

  6. Anonymous5:38 PM

    she is going to keep flaring-off hoping to get 'news' back on her.

    and, she's on a sugar high.

  7. Anonymous5:40 PM

    I wouldn't say her support of Dr. Laura means she is a racist (although I wouldn't be surprised if she was), but it shows she clearly doesn't understand the 1st amendment. She seems to believe it gives only HER and people LIKE HER the right to say whatever they want with impunity, not from government action, but private criticism.

    What surprised me is that Dr. Laura is just as dumb and seems to believe this as well.

  8. angela5:41 PM

    Not only have I always known Sarah is a racist, but the fact that she can't even pretend makes her a deadly dangerous racist. This is no dog whistling. This is no using euphemisms.

    When Obama was elected we all said it would be just a matter of time before the gauntlet fell. It would be just a matter of time before the N word would be bandied about in what used to be responsible forums.

    I wonder if Michael Steele will defend Palin now?

  9. Anonymous5:42 PM

    What about when she called out Rahm on the retard comment? Does she honestly not see her hypocrisy?

  10. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Shouldn't steve douchey be saying this woman has to weigh in on everything like he did the President? She does know that Dr Laura is Jewish doesn't she?

  11. johnie2xs5:44 PM

    It's statements like this that the MSM needs to chip away at,whenever they tumble from that malicious maw of Palin. They need to hammer her no end, showing how infantile and venal her pronouncements are, to say nothing of the hateful and vitriolic
    nature, of them.
    She is providing the fodder, quite readily, for her self-destruction. She just needs to be rewarded for it by having her personage become persona non grata, coast to coast.

  12. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Well, good, I'm glad Sarah did this. Kinda hard to claim she's not racist now.

    If only SArAH would have a public meltdown like this, and show her true colors for all to see.

  13. Anonymous5:47 PM

    What the hell happened to her at the funeral? She was not even thinking about Sen. Stevens!

    To support Dr. Whack Laura? Nice time of reflection Sarah.

  14. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Dr. Laura and Sarah would screech and holler about their first amendment rights while denying those whom they offend the same rights. Sorry girls, it cuts both ways. You can say what you want and if it offends me, I don't have to by products or spend my money on those who sponsor you. That is my right. Besides, don't you realize that only the GOVERNMENT can infringe on someone's first amendment right, not a fellow citizen. Palin sure knows nothing when it comes to government. Didn't even bother research, just jumped on the bandwagon in order to stay relevant. Ignorance, thy name is Sarah Palin.

  15. Anonymous5:53 PM

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: "Sarah! Don't 'drunk tweet!''

  16. Anonymous5:53 PM

    I'm surprised Sarah Palin would weigh in on anything having to do with Dr. Laura. On Sept. 2, 2008, Dr. Laura wrote on her web site "I am extremely disappointed in the choice of Sarah Palin as the Vice Presidential candidate of the Republican Party." As far as I know, Dr. Laura has not changed her mind.

    The link to the complete blog is here:

  17. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Palin is a retard. Over and over and over.

  18. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Isn't she supposed to be at a funeral?

  19. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Soon the GOP won't need a tent, just hold the umbrella above their head. Thanks $arah, keep it up!!!!!

  20. Olivia5:55 PM

    We really need education in this country about the Constitution.

    The First Amendment says that people have the right to speak freely without government interference.
    It says nothing about being able to say anything you want anytime about anyone or anything with no criticism or no repercussion.


    The First Amendment gives the press the right to publish news, information and opinions without government interference. This also means people have the right to publish their own newspapers, newsletters, magazines, etc. It does not prevent you from being accused of libel if you print lies.


    The First Amendment prohibits government from establishing a religion and protects each person's right to practice (or not practice) any faith without government interference.


    The First Amendment says that people have the right to appeal to government in favor of or against policies that affect them or that they feel strongly about. This freedom includes the right to gather signatures in support of a cause and to lobby legislative bodies for or against legislation.


    The First Amendment says that people have the right to gather in public to march, protest, demonstrate, carry signs and otherwise express their views in a nonviolent way. It also means people can join and associate with groups and organizations without interference.
    It does not say that you can do these things without being challenged about your opinion.

  21. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Sharron Angle, and Laura Schlessinger are hell bent on undermining the reproductive rights of all American women. Should they succeed in making women second-class citizens again, then they could tackle eradicating evolution or promoting cave-dwelling.

  22. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Like the free speech her group stomped on in homer when they tore the sign down on private property. besides from media matters As John Ridley pointed out in response to Dr. Laura's claim, this argument is "absurd" because the First Amendment "pertains to the government impeding freedom of religion, freedom of speech. It has nothing to do with what I feel like if you want to protest or things like that. No one's impeding her First Amendment rights."

  23. Anonymous5:57 PM

    What has Sarah Palin done for this country?

  24. Anonymous5:59 PM

    No, you are not being too hard on her.

    Dr. Laura exercised her 1st Amendment rights by expressing her views. The public exercised their 1st Amendment rights by expressing their reactions. That's what America is all about.

    Dr. Laura was not fired. She resigned, because she can't take the heat. Sarah resigned, because she couldn't take the heat.

    My mom always said 'don't start something you can't finish.'

  25. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Sarah doesn't understand because she's a fucking retard.

  26. Anonymous6:05 PM

    The grifter's latest tweet is the worst of all:

    NY Muslins:don't retreat...reload! Don't step aside just bc racist hick bible-thmprs trying 2silence..."isn't American,not fair!"

  27. Anonymous6:06 PM

    You are not to hard on her Gryph. Many have known $$ was a racist as soon as she opened her mouth several years ago. Remember she is paid well by the neocons to spew her hate, and is never held accountable for anything she says. That is why she taunts MSM. She knows no one is really going to speak against her because of who owns the media.

  28. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Does anybody else remember that scene in "Witches of Eastwick" when Clyde finally got sick of her shit and their misery -- and killed his wife Felicia with a fireplace poker? Somehow I get the feeling good ole Tawd might eventually find himself in that state of mind.

    Not kidding, either.

  29. laprofesora6:19 PM

    Man, she is really going off the deep end. Loving it.

  30. I guess sarah forgot that Dr.Laura chastised Palin (on the air!) for accepting the VP nomination when she had a special needs baby at home.

    Surely, in Palin's pee brain, Dr. Laura MUST have been part of the "lame-street" media for voicing that opinion, no?

  31. I think we should all follow Dr. Laura's example. We should tell other persecuted people they're being overly sensitive and do it with lots of inappropriate slurs.

    Example: "Those people aren't homophobic. You're just being overly sensitive. Everybody says {multiple anti-gay slurs} these days. You're the one with the problem."

    Example: "Those people aren't antisemitic. You're just being overly sensitive. Everybody says {multiple antisemitic slurs} these days. You're the one with the problem."

    All kidding aside, I don't understand how someone so out of touch could have a radio show supposedly giving advice to others. Who listens to this looney?

  32. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Ironic that Palin is aligning herself with "Dr. Laura" just days before she is to appear at Beck's ill-timed and ill-spirited convention at the Lincoln memorial.

    Palin, you're dumb fucking cow, aren't you?

  33. How does she figure that Dr. Laura didn't, are can't exercise her first amendment rights. She exercised her right. But why any one thinks it gives them immunity with out any repercussions is beyond me.

  34. Anonymous6:26 PM

    So is that what she was tweeting during Senator Stevens funeral?

  35. emrysa6:30 PM

    wtf? her first amendment rights ceased to exist?

    I'm starting to think that sarah's handlers have dumped her.

  36. AKRNC6:33 PM

    Dr. Laura was looking for an excuse to leave and this came in handy. It's also not the first time she's insulted a group of people on air and had to apologize, she's insulted people with special needs, single mothers, women who have been cheated on, working mothers, and....well, there just isn't enough space to list all the people she's insulted. Nobody has taken anything away from her, she's just looking for attention. From the time $arah started complaining, she reminded me of DL. They are both guilty of the "look at me, pay attention to me" type of speaking and will do whatever they need to do to get it. They are both known to be vicious, lying bitches and yet DL does not approve of $arah in any way. She thinks she should be home with her kids, fathers being with them doesn't count with her. Although, hypocrite that she is, another trait they share, that is exactly what she did with her son when he was little.

    Let's put them in a boxing ring and let them battle it out!

    $arah has also ignored the troop withdrawal, twittering away about the funeral and DL. She's not going to say anything that might reflect positively on President Obama, what an ignorant bitch she is.

  37. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Sarah's idea of First Admendment Rights is SHE can say whatever she wants, but if you disagree with her point of view, you have no right to say anything!

    Sarah has shown herself to be a racist in the past, her treatment of Alaskan Natives and her comments about our President during her campaign speeches are just two examples. The only reason she hasn't put on a white hood is because it would mess up her wig!

  38. Oh...I don't know if the tweets show racism. Stupidity...Yes!

    "isn't American,not fair" ??? Aw, holy baby Jeebus! I never think she can say something worse and then there she goes.

    I think she may still be incensed by the Emily's List criticism and possibly feeling defensive after all the talk today about Uncle Ted's commitment in word and deed. She's been wronged and is identifying with dr. Laura.

    It's bad enough that dr. Laura or any American doesn't understand the 1st Amendment; but how in freakin' hell does someone who ran for VP and has been in the national political eye for 2 years still not understand it.

  39. Anonymous7:03 PM

    As I've said numerous times, $arah is a plain old fashioned grifting money whore.

    She's not after the office of POTUS, she's all about getting her tentacles into as much pie as possible.

  40. Anonymous7:05 PM

    I like to put my foot up this dumb bitches ass!!!

  41. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Protecting 1st amendment rights?

    That's rich coming from someone whose entourage ripped down a private citizens banner just last week.


  42. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Sarah, just because I am a good person, I am going to share a quote that might save your a$$ if you will take the time to understand it.

    “How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” Wayne Dyer

    You dear heart are creating some very bad karma for yourself.
    Listen up: calm down, step down, and step away.

  43. Anonymous7:07 PM

    You stated earlier that we now know that Sarah writes her own tweets, after she tweeted about feminist and then immediately sent another tweet trying to nuetralize that tweet. It wouldn't surprise me if another tweet soon follows trying to neutralize the damage this tweet created after her handlers realize what she just tweeted. She absolutely has no brains. I'm not joking about this, but may be she really has had a mental break down.

    Sarah certainly now will be labeled as a racist by the majority, but she also may get the more racist Tea Partiers behind her. As far as I'm concerned she has just written herself off for any potential future political office. The Republican Party must be cringing after reading this tweet. What is FOX thinking about this?

  44. Aussie Blue Sky7:07 PM

    Sarah Palin herself wants to chant "niggerniggerniggerniggernigger" over the airwaves.

    And we'd all know who it was directed at.

  45. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Palin & Laura

    The Quitter Twins.

  46. Anonymous7:14 PM

    You are hilarious Gryphen re: "shackles" not "helping to refudiate" the idea she is a racist.

    It is one extreme or another for Sarah eithre retreet (nothing) or "reload" or ramp up the violent, hateful and fear mongering rhetoric. Palin has no limits or boundaries. Meanwhile she preaches she represents "sensitivity" who will put her hooks (or claws) into anyone including Dr. Laura using them as red meat for other vultures to feast upon.Palin is an opportunist. She is a first class Jekyll and Hyde personality.

    Palin is mentally ill.

  47. I wonder if Palin is talking about Dr. Laura because perhaps she got an inside scoop from Greta that FoxNews has offered her a job?
    Just wondering.

  48. Tweeting during a funeral is plain trashy.

    I am not surprised at all by her behavior. She is just trash.

  49. Sarah and Laura don't seem to understand that the First Amendment only protects their right to say something stupid. It doesn't prevent others from exercising the First Amendment right to call them out for saying something stupid.

  50. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Correction: I made a typing error at 5:36.

    The pertinent sentence should read

    "Goodness, she is so lucky that progressives and moderates don't believe in reloading and applying Angle's "2nd Amendment solutions."

    Sorry. I was editing on the fly without proofing before I hit submit.

  51. Anonymous7:29 PM

    The twittering twat thinks it's OK to use the *N* word because she's a racist. She's shown us that time and time again. Keep tweeting before thinking you twat, those tweets will be saved FOREVER. She's forgetting the tweets and facebook rants will be around FOREVER. She can delete them all she wants, they aren't going anywhere. Keep showing the world what a moron you are! She makes it so damn easy!

  52. I don't care about what Sarah has to say, but I love that picture!

  53. Well she certainly seems hell-bent on painting herself into her little irrelevant corner doesn't she? I seem to feel that she will attempt a run in '12, but then she keeps doing stuff like this that will alienate her from any possible voter other than her rabid hounds of hell. I don't get it. I can't even pretend to understand what her warped little mind is thinking.

  54. Anonymous7:35 PM

    I think we need an unoffical No Reaction (no comments)to Palin week which will trigger her to seek more attention and escalate dividing people. She gets perverse kicks hurting people and being a political pyromaniac.

  55. Anonymous7:38 PM

    I wonder if Stupid's fellow dimwit-in-arms Adrienne Ross will still sleep with her pillow in the shape of Stupid's ass tonight, seeing as how Stupid has basically said it's ok to call black people the N-word. No need to worry, having racial slurs hurled at one doesn't cause any figurative 'stabs to the heart' -- but there will be hell to pay if someone uses the word 'retard' because everyone knows that ANYTIME that word is used ANYWHERE and in any context, it's a jab at Sarah's grandson Trig.

    Not to say that the use of either of these hurtful words is ever ok, but the hypocrisy of this ignorant woman is just breathtaking.

  56. On 2nd thought...No, you were not too harsh with the racist label.

  57. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Have you seen the Ted Stevens Memorial Service Program? Colin Powell, Bill Ayers, Henry Kissinger and more were in attendance... (no SP on the list, no wonder she is riled up tonight).)

  58. EX Cat7:52 PM

    So the attention whore feels offensive slurs etc. shouldn't be criticized? I wonder how she would feel if someone refered to her oldest daughter as, oh I don't know, maybe a slut or something like that, I'm guessing the gloves would come off at that point. At least dl is smart enough to know that she crossed the line and by resigning she is possibly coming as close to an apology as she can muster . apology

  59. English Teachers 4Ev-AH7:55 PM

    Her use of numbers "4" words is gr"8"ing.

    She is over 12, isn't she? She needs to stop even if it Twitter.

  60. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I think that Dr. Laura should exercise her first amendment rights to say whatever is on her mind, where ever she may be. Here are some suggestions:
    Start in New York's Harlem, and try that N-word rant.
    Go down to New York's Greenwich Village and call out all of the gay people for their life style.
    Go to San Francisco's Castro District and try the same thing.
    Dr.Laura should head over to the proposed site of the New York Mosque near Ground Zero and start insulting any Muslims within ear shot.
    Seriously, Dr. Laura is a racist, and insulting people may be a constitutionally protected right, but she should remember Sarah's tweets about the mosque. Dr. Laura can say anything she wants, but SHOULD she???

  61. Anonymous7:59 PM

    I attended the funeral services for Ted Stevens this afternoon and sat three rows behind and to the right of Sarah Palin and the lovely Toad. If I was into wagering, I'd bet that Sarah was checking her Blackberry or texting during the service. She looked down onto her lap for a very long period of time and then eventually leaned to put something into her coat pocket. She did not sing along to some standard Christian hymns and neither did she participate in the responsive reading selections and/or the Lord's Prayer. Do you suppose she really does not know the words to "famous" hymns and can't follow along with paster-led readings and congregation responses??

    After the service, the Palins tried to make a fast get-away out a back/side door. The security personnel, however, disallowed this and she had to walk out with the rest of us.

    I felt like she hated being at the funeral. She was clearly not the center of attention and had to behave like all the rest of us common people. She did not stay for the coffee and cookies afterward.

  62. Since when does Sarah support free speech?

    Wasn't she trying to shut down Dave Letterman a while back?

    Didn't she pitch a hissy fit over the word "retarded"?

  63. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Tom and Lou says sarah's treatment of Native Alaskans proves she is a Racist and a bigot.She closed her eyes to her constituants plight when they were facing a decision to eat or heat.She is a Monster without equal and as unbelievable as it may be she continues to be rewarded for her deceptions.To say she's Evil is an understatement.

  64. What I don't get is Palin not recognizing the Laura did exactly what she did. She QUIT so she could be "more effective" and "do more" etc.

    Hasn't Palin been given enough rope yet?

    When will she be firmly entrenched as comic relief?

  65. mommom8:18 PM

    First amendment rights do not apply to using the word "retarded".They only apply to using the word "n****r".

    Mrs Paylins rules.

  66. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Keep Tweeting and talking Sarah..we need as much fodder as you can supply to keep you out of the WhiteHouse..

  67. Anonymous8:23 PM

    We all know her for a race baiting bigot but isn't it nice of her to actually confirm it..

  68. mommom8:29 PM

    "I’m stunned - couldn’t the Republican Party find one competent female with adult children to run for Vice President with McCain?"

    The one thing I can agree with Dr Laura!!

    I guess Mrs PAYlin never read this.

  69. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Is it any wonder Palin defends Dr. Laura? Family values, my ass! She was married at 25 but had two extramarital affairs before divorcing. The second affair was with a married man with children, and she lived with him for eight years before divorcing their respective spouses and marrying each other. One of her ex lovers sold lurid naked photos of her. Her soldier son was linked to a lurid website. The MySpace page included cartoon depictions of rape, murder, torture and child molestation; photographs of soldiers with guns in their mouths; a photograph of a bound and blindfolded detainee captioned “My Sweet Little Habib”; accounts of illicit drug use; and a blog entry headlined by a series of obscenities and racial epithets. Her mother was found decomposing after being dead for two months in her apartment. She has been estranged from her sister for over 40 years. She calls gays and lesbians "biological errors".

    They are two peas in an ugly racist pod! I couldn't care less what someone does in their personal life but if that same person is going to preach family values and have Ms. Palin defend her, it is a completely different story.

  70. Enjay in E MT8:48 PM

    Not a good Wednesday in Palin world.

    She didn't get to be the Queen at the Stevens funeral - instead of acting link a resposible adult and tolerating the service; she twittered away like a bored teen-ager.

    Then Emily's List has the nerve to use furried women to say they don't agree with "Momma Grizz"

    A 9-11 spouse comes forward to say "the President is right"

    Dr Laura QUITS! (didn't the FCC get on Iman(?) a few years ago for racist comments on the radio) Using the right to free speech is one thing - but by using PUBLIC Airwaves is a no-no.

    And the combat troops are out of Iraq......

    I think she's stressing out from not being able to bitch about Levi while Tripp is at the compound.

  71. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Sarah seems to be in a very manic phase based on her Tweetie Bird rants in the last four days. Has anyone seen recent interviews?

  72. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Dr. Laura does speaking engagements just like Palin. If they can find an audience that wants to listen to them so be it.

    However, talking as they do on the air waves is a different story. Radio stations have sponsors, and if these sponsors hear from an angry public they pull the plug. They do not violate First Amendment Rights. It's business.

    Palin, you really are an ass.

  73. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Her 15 minutes are almost over! She can't get past this.

  74. Gryphen I don't agree! Laura was a little strident and both women interrupted each other, but it was no racist rant and I do understand why she would say she needs to regain her first amendment rights.

    Laura most certainly did not use the N word and it is extremely misleading to state in the header of the article that she used it 11 times. Laura merely asked if blacks can use it, then what about whites?
    Now, I don't see that whites can use it almost ever, like maybe in bed if you have a black lover/spouse, but her question is still legitimate.

    If either of these women had quit interrupting each other they might have got somewhere.

    I do score her fairly low on the sensitivity scale, she really did a shitty job because she attacked and was strident instead of gently leading her caller to be more humorous but she should not lose her job and she did not make racist comments.

  75. WakeUpAmerica9:51 PM

    Love the graphic! Again I ask, has anyone checked the Tundra Turd for the mark of the beast?

  76. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Absolutely amazing...

    It's OK for "Dr" Laura to say the "n" word over and over, but Rahm Emanuel can't say "retard"? What about Rahm's First Amendment rights, $arah?

  77. Oh, this is great: I tallied up all the people the right wing has alienated over the last while, on this blog, and it came to almost 50% of the population.

    Can we now add in all the women who use their brains and can detect how Palin truly discounts them as being worthwhile?

    If so, we are well on our way to counting on pretty well EVERYONE but old fatcat white guys, interested in keeping their tax cuts over any other issue, as feeling they've been let down by the Republican lunatic fringe party.

  78. Anonymous10:11 PM

    What a fucking idiot!

  79. angela10:31 PM

    Ummm--onething . . . .

    As you are trolling and just about everything you have said is creep crawly nonsense and makes me want to hurl, just ask yourself . . . .If I called you a nasty ho and kept saying it, then told you that you needed a sense of humor to deal with people who kept calling you a nasty ho, and then I got into some stupid maze of idiocy about why it was okay for some and not others to call you a nasty ho---and I did this on the radio. . . . .

    Do you think I should keep my job?

    Now would you like to keep peddling the amazing pile of shit that you are trying to pass off here as a rose?

  80. onething - Audio of Dr. Laura's controversial rant is being played with the 'N' word bleeped out. So, you probably didn't hear it; but she did say it...11 times. Even Dr. Laura isn't denying it.

  81. Anonymous11:12 PM

    So Sarah is backing Dr Laura, does that surprise anybody?

    What "N" word do you think the Palins were using when a man named Mr. Obama stomped on their chances of getting into the White House besides taking the 5 cent tour?

  82. icstraights11:20 PM

    When will she be institutionalized? Let's start a pool...

  83. Some people seem to conflate the government restricting our rights with individuals criticizing one another. The former is unconstitutional, but the latter should be encouraged. I once had an argument with a Mormon during which she accused me of restricting her freedom of religion. This is a similar case.

  84. Anonymous11:49 PM

    SO....Sarah is offended by and wishes to ban the R word - from cartoons especially! The R word just must hit too close to home but actually I suspect it was just yet another divisive subject for her to latch on to for the media attention she craves. But yet she defends the N word! She should be president......of the KKK.

  85. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Dear Sarah,
    Have you completely lost all reason about Bristol Bay, Dillingham, Western Alaska, the Eskimo people and indigenous First Nations of Alaska and Canada, even while you invite a film crew into that heartland of indigenous existence?

    Really? You can defend someone who uses the word "nigger"?
    Even when you personally know that there were signs in Anchorage that said "No dogs, No Natives" and that the Fourth Avenue Theater wouldn't allow Natives to be seated with white people, just 50 years ago. Really?

    This cannot be tolerated. It's time for the Alaska Native community to take a stand.

  86. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Maybe Sarah wants Dr. Laura to stay on the radio so that Dr. Laura couldn't become Sarah's competition. Dr. Laura has a more advanced strain of racism than Sarah so Dr. Laura would be a far better fit on Fox News... Although, Sarah looks a lot better than Dr. Laura... But, Dr. Laura is an actual doctor who can mostly think and speak at the same time... But, Sarah has that Alaska thing working for her...hum...

    Oh hell, Rupert Murdoch would probably just buy up more news stations and put 'em both to work spewing propaganda. Can't wait.

  87. Anonymous2:07 AM

    NPR had a good story about this issue:

  88. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Palin's supporters are all wee-weed up about "political correctness". So I gave them the example of "retard" and explained to them that intent mattered. Someone thought I wasn't being civil. lol

  89. Anonymous3:34 AM

    Dr. Laura's father was Jewish and apparently she converted, however she said that she never "felt the love" from Jews. Apparently she missed the lessons on compassion.

  90. Merry3:37 AM

    Dr. Laura is free to be as racist as she wants to be, to say pretty much anything she wants to do short of shouting "fire" in a crowded room.

    The great story here is that her sponsors decided that she wasn't going to do it on their dime. Certain rights go along with sponsorship and capitalism, too.

    I deplore the racism. I applaud General Motors and Motel 6.

  91. Anonymous3:40 AM

    are tweets time stamped? Did she really send these during Ted Stevens' funeral? Disrespectful idiot.

  92. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Anon@7:07 PM, the quitter twins. More than just quitters, being ugly inside will make $$ look like Ms. Laura after botox fails. Or whatever is injected falls. Yuk.

  93. Anonymous3:54 AM

    $P is losing.

    Now when is she going to shut her piehole?

  94. Anonymous3:55 AM

    i wonder if $P knows that DR Laura once told a caller with an autistic child to put him away so she could have a life! Yea, choose life.......

  95. Pot calling the kettle black. AGAIN SARAH---- Complaining about the Muslim community center in NYC, is that not obstructing the constitution???? Maybe Sarah needs to have her hearing checked since she does not appear to comprehend what she says, perhaps if she could hear what she says.......naw......that won't work either.

  96. What a headline to wake up to! Quittypants is showing her true color - WHITE!

    Someone should take her Blackberry away from her. On second thought, let Quittypants continue to blab out her racist idiocy for all to see!

    That woman is an idiot!

    Quittypants - The Ultimate MEAN (& STUPID!) Girl.

  97. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Bark, bark, bark. Growl. Snarl. Bark. Growl. Teeth knashing. Growl, bark, growl.

    These two bitches need to be muzzled and medicated or put down.

  98. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Suggestion that will have these fools backing away from the only constitutional right Sarah adores, i.e. the second amendment. If all the non-white people showed up at Glenn Beck's rally packing guns, the tables would turn!

  99. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Dumbass's tweets are the lead story on Huffpo. 15 minutes of fame are almost over!

  100. Sarah the first amendment isn't about forcing people to pay you to say whatever you want. If they are paying you, it is because you are a useful tool. If what you say means you stop being a useful tool, they will no longer pay you. So sure Dr. Laura has to leave her job is she wants to continue to spew racist garbage, not because of the first amendment but because of capitalism.

    Where the first amendment really enters into this was people who used their first amendment rights to tell Dr Laura's sponsors that she was a racist bitch who was driving away their customers.

    As to Dr. Laura becoming more powerful, well Sarah, I don't know if you have noticed but it is becoming obvious to the world that you are really Crazy Uncle Hal. You know the crazy Uncle who can't keep a job and says outrageous things that upset a few people but that made most people wonder if he was going to take his meds and get a real job.

  101. Anonymous5:08 AM

    In her twisted mind, was this an attempt to sway Laura's large audience to Sarah's political ventures or future shows?

  102. Anonymous5:10 AM

    while i don't agree with anything sarah says or thinks, i do have to agree with the Dr. on the selective use of the n word. her comments about HBO were correct. if it's such and ugly offensive word,, don't use it.
    and that means everybody.

    bill in belize

  103. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Dr. Laura lost her sponsorship. The Constitution of the United States does NOT require ANYONE to sponsor Dr. Laura.

    If Pslin wants Dr. Laura on the radio, then she can fork over the cash for her radio program.

    Palin's desperate attention seeking indicates her medications are insufficient for her mania. Her twitter trail is going to be required reading in advanced pysch classes.

  104. Beldar J. M. Kohnhead, IV5:16 AM

    "shackles", "cackles", "hackles", "spackles", blah, blah, blah... SARAH, SHUT UP ALREADY!!! Every time she opens her ugly yap she's more awful than the time before. And if she thinks the n-word is a helpful thing to say in respectful public discourse, she would love to hear the words I use to describe her. See you next Tuesday!

  105. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Oh, boo frickin' who, "Dr." Laura.

    And, Sarah, your cries of "constitutional obstructionist" would hold more water if you weren't simultaneously trying to block a whole religion's first amendment right.

    What a pair, these two are. What a couple of psycho a-holes.

  106. Mickey75:16 AM

    I think we are seeing an epidemic of full blown CUD (consequence understanding disorder) on the right. Because they are unable or unwilling to acknowledge that actions--particularly their actions--have natural consequences, they act victimized or like their rights have somehow been trampled when they inevitably reap what they sow. There is nothing more unappealing than privileged wealthy white person claiming discrimination when the rest of the world simply and accurately points out they are acting like an a$$-hole.

    Palin's people would be well advised to keep her idiot fingers off the keyboard for at least 48 hours after any incident so they have time to figure out the implications and explain them to her before she makes a fool of herself--again. Now she should be asked whether she supports 'Dr.' Laura's (PhD in physiology, not psychology) position on institutionalizing special needs kids who pose challenges for a family. WWMGD? (What would a Mama Grizzly do?)

  107. Anonymous5:21 AM

    After reading her crazy tweets about President Obama last week(end?) it occurred to me why I feel "weird" about reading what she writes. I feel like I am a voyeur reading a teenagers diary (that is meant to be read by no one & for good reason). What she writes sounds like stuff a teenager would say. It is just too weird to be written by a grown up (maybe that is why she does so much stuff through facebook as well). Honestly are we really sure that it isn't Willow writing on her Blackberry?

    How her follower can't see that she is immature is just beyond me. Of course I have said this many times & I am sure I will be saying it again.....

  108. Mickey75:21 AM Plz explain y 'N' word ok, but 'R' word grndz 4 treason?

  109. 10catsinMD6:44 AM

    I can't stand Dr. Laura. She is a freaking symbol of outright nastiness. She preys on people's guilt with the false semblance of helping them. Make them feel worse so they can get better.

    She and Palin are two of kind. Let the grizzly get both of them. Reload? They probably couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Ignorant retarded racists!

  110. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Dr. Laura Follows Sarah Palin, Offers Dumbest Quitter Excuse Ever

    “I want to regain my First Amendment rights,” she said. “I want to be able to say what’s on my mind and in my heart and what I think is helpful and useful without somebody getting angry, some special interest group deciding this is the time to silence a voice of dissent and attack affiliates, attack sponsors. I’m sort of done with that.” – Dr. Laura Schlessinger to End Radio Show

    The lady wants to be free to be as bad as her toxic self can be, free to hurl “n” word invectives into the void without being called on her vile agenda while she does it. Good riddance. Her departure cannot come soon enough.

    The decaying medium of wingnut radio has shed one of its most toxic voices. After an “n” word blizzard, Dr. Laura is calling it quits when her contract ends later this year. Like Sarah Palin, who finally admitted to Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller that she just couldn’t take the media pressure, Schlessinger is running as fast as she can off the radio stage.

    “This is the era of the Internet,” Dr. Laura admitted on Larry King’s show last night. A sign that whatever talk radio is today it’s long past its zenith and on the decline.

    Readying to move onward, the worst “advice” talker on radio has finally been revealed for what she is. Another toxic gasbag who is lauded for opinions that have been foundational to our moralistic June Cleaverism, which should have died out with the turn of the century.

    Having been tangentially involved back in the ’90s in opposing Dr. Laura’s TV show, when John Aravosis and I first crossed paths on this campaign, though we didn’t know it until years later, I took on Dr. Laura in my writings back then. Her anti-gay tirades and moralistic judgments on women as insulting as the “n” word monologue that caused her demise on radio.


  111. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Maybe the fake Dr. Laura can prescribe for Palin what she evidently needs:


  112. Anonymous7:12 AM

    ...On the same day Sarah Palin trashed the "cackle of rads" who "hijacked feminism," she also came to the defense of a staunch anti-feminist, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, on Twitter.

    Early Wednesday Palin attempted to declare herself a feminist, to celebrate the 90th anniversary of women's suffrage. She tweeted: "Who hijacked term:"feminist"?A cackle of rads who want 2 crucify other women w/whom they disagree on a singular issue; it's ironic (& passé)"

    But about five hours later, she embraced the defiantly anti-feminist Schlessinger, tweeting, "Dr.Laura:don't retreat...reload! (Steps aside bc her 1st Amend.rights ceased 2exist thx 2activists trying 2silence 'isn't American,not fair')" Then she added, "Dr.Laura=even more powerful & effective w/out the shackles, so watch out Constitutional obstructionists. And b thankful 4 her voice,America!"

    Digression: It's scary to think we just had a vice presidential nominee who doesn't understand the Constitution, who thinks Schlessinger's First Amendment rights "ceased 2exist" because she was criticized for haranguing a black woman who called for advice, using the word "nigger" 11 times. Again, Gov. Palin, the First Amendment protects us from government infringing on our speech rights; it doesn't take away other Americans' right to criticize.

    But it's also funny that Palin goes from pretending she's a feminist to embracing the anti-feminist traditional-values preacher Dr. Laura, who is herself to family values what the four-times-married Rush Limbaugh is. (That's no surprise; the two wealthy entertainers clearly live by the "Do as I say, not as I do" maxim.) I guess when it comes to Palin, right wing politics will trump feminism every time.


  113. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Thank you. In addition to being profoundly ignorant, arrogant, smug, stupid, fearful, and all around pathetic, Sarah Palin is a racist. She is so vile.

  114. Anonymous8:57 AM

    She's just pissed because she wasn't mentioned in the Sen Steven's memorial program. However VP Biden and Sen Murkowski was on the program. She's becoming more insignificant by the day.

  115. Mickey710:55 AM

    Apologize if this has already been posted, but in case it hasn't it's hysterical. Here is Dr. Laura on Sarah from 2008:

    "I’m stunned – couldn’t the Republican Party find one competent female with adult children to run for Vice President with McCain? I realize his advisors probably didn’t want a “mature” woman, as the Democrats keep harping on his age. But really, what kind of role model is a woman whose fifth child was recently born with a serious issue, Down Syndrome, and then goes back to the job of Governor within days of the birth?"

    Just how stupid is Palin that she would race to endorse a woman who thinks she's an idiot?

  116. Schlessinger rights111:15 AM

    * Now I have no idea what Dr. Laura meant by saying that she wants "to regain her First Amendment rights" *

    That is the same old meme Schlessinger has been saying for years. It goes back to Tammy Bruce, who now says the same for Palin. They are out to make it known to all that the "activists" are un-American and taking rights from Mama Grizzlies. Don't fear Mama Grizzlies, come together with two strong Mamas who are standing up for their amendments.

    September 2, 2008 on 1:35 pm | "I am extremely disappointed in the choice of Sarah Palin as the Vice Presidential candidate of the Republican Party." Dr. Laura

    "Dr.Laura:don't retreat...reload! (Steps aside bc her 1st Amend.rights ceased 2exist thx 2activists trying 2silence"isn't American,not fair") " Sarah Palin

    Schlessinger is all about family values and role models. It is women like Bristol Palin that she would berate as "sluts."
    Track Palin and Deryk Schlessinger are the pride of their mothers. Both role models are core to the Mama Grizzly rhetoric.

    Now that Schlessinger is going to retreat to the internet only, it would be the right thing to study her past rhetoric and how she has "helped" callers like "Jade" over the years. Just because the right wing propagandist want to control the discussion by saying this is about First Amendment rights doesn't make it true. They want control and they do not want to further discuss what happened. Most people don't know anything about Schlessinger. They think she is a theraphist and a medical doctor with a strong moral compass and she gives good advice and help. She just wants to be free to be able to speak her mind for things like family values and going into, remaining in Bush/Cheney forever wars and Schlessinger has her concerns about the Wikileaks as well.
    Soldier Who Leaked Documents Betrayed Our Country July 29, 2010

  117. Schlessinger rights211:15 AM

    After the Pentagon destroyed the evidence Deryk Schlessinger was never cleared. That is NOT CLEARED, as many think he was.
    It is important misinformation to keep the public in the dark about the Pentagon participation and go on as if he was cleared.
    "The 82nd Airborne Division in Afghanistan shuttered the pages on Friday. The Pentagon managed to immediately cleanse all evidence of the MySpace pages, including whatever copies and cached versions were kept by Google and the Internet Archive."
    August 31, 2010: Military Investigation
    The Deryk Schlessinger incident is just one more where the right wing blames "activists." They claimed this was a plot by "environmentalists, gays, liberals" to hack her sons account to hurt a strong GOP voice for war. No one investigated or interviewed Deryk's college friends. They had been on the internet with him years prior, they knew him and what he is like. His mother went on to do war promoting "charity" events and get an award from the DOD.
    July 30, 2007
    One month later and the Deryk Schlessinger court martial investigation was dropped without clearing Schlessinger, Chris Santory, Jon Moldovan and the others the military indicated may have been the ones to do that racial rant and the pedophile cartoons.

    "Dr.Laura=even more powerful & effective w/out the shackles, so watch out Constitutional obstructionists. And b thankful 4 her voice,America!" Sarah Palin

  118. Anonymous11:21 AM

    I heartily disagree with Dr. Laura in her use of the "n-word" on the radio. BUT, I've also gotta admit that she was completely right in making the observation that Black people use it to each other all the time (my friends who are Black use it in an affectionate way when talking to each other). And, they use it publicly in a friendly way on HBO.

    That was Dr. Laura's main point. And, a quick glance at current movies shows that she's right. She expressed her point in the wrong way.

  119. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Tell me it isn't so.... "So is that what she was tweeting during Senator Stevens funeral?"

    Dr Laura is not Jewish.

    She was caught yatching on a Sabbath and quit being Orthodox Jewish. By birth she was born to a Catholic mother and Jewish father. Neither were practicing their religions and this is where Dr Laura had a bad childhood. Dr Laura blamed her mother, Yolanda Schlessinger as to why she was abandoned and her corpse was left rotting for months, she also did not understand that she needed to get the body from the morgue. She blamed the morgue for not telling her to get the body.

    Dr Laura beleives that people of different religions should not marry. People of mixed race should not marry in the Dr Laura rule book. She is not actually anymore religious than Palin. They both use religion. They do not practice except for show or money.

    Both Palin and Schlessinger are war propagandists. Both have the same people who back them up. Think Murdoch, the same book sales crap.

  120. Palin.Schlessinger 201212:20 PM

    The more Palin and Schlessinger are Mama Grizzling together the better. Schlessinger is free enough to be her VP!!!! I can't wait until Schlessinger debates Biden!!!!

  121. NO GUNS 4 GIRLS12:34 PM

    Dr. Laura does not believe that young girls should be taught to shoot guns like young boys. She has to be careful about her beliefs about women in the military and she doesn't elaborate on the subject.

  122. the bruce factor12:45 PM

    Sarah Palin and Dr Laura are not a surprising duo. Don't forget Tammy Bruce is now doing exactly what she did for Dr Laura years ago. It is all the same lies, the same rhetoric, they change the names. Check out Bruce's books and her friendship with Schlessinger. Bruce is now working with Rebecca Mansour and the Mama Grizzlies are feminists, the real American feminists. Dr Laura claims to be a feminist, Palin does the same. They are standing up against "political correctness" and the vicious attacks from the left. That is what they are selling and you have to join in or your rights will be taken by the evil doers.

  123. WTC analogy1:01 PM

    Dr. Laura loved calling women sluts and she used that word over and over to degrade her callers. It was ugly but people got accustom to it. Had Bristol Palin called Dr Laura, or Sarah had called about her daughter they could have been ripped a new one by Dr Laura or called SLUTS!

    The First Amendment, Dr. Laura and (yet again) the WTC mosque
    "The analogy of this to the WTC mosque should be clear. You can tell people that they're stupid or wrong to be offended, and, in truth, only a fool takes offense when offense isn't intended, and only a bigger fool takes offense when it is intended. But we live in a touchy world where we treasure our right to take offense, and it takes a bigger person than most of us to get over the fact that someone else holds us in contempt. The idea floating around that the mosque debate is all about the First Amendment is idiotic. Consider it this way: I have the right to say "nigger" whenever I please, and, even if I declare my complete freedom from racism, I doubt that warriors for the First Amendment will find my use of the word merely a First Amendment issue. They wouldn’t find it inappropriate that I be censured or even, as many wished for Dr. Laura, hounded from public discourse. My protestations and invocation of the First Amendment probably would fall on deaf ears. Anyone who says that the mosque must be built near the WTC to show respect for the First Amendment and who doesn't demand that Dr. Laura remain on the air for the same reason treats the First Amendment only as a fetish."

  124. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Who tweeted about dr Laura during or right after Ted Steven's funeral? Was is Rebecca Mansour, Sarah Palin or another SarahPac?

  125. Anonymous2:21 PM

    "to regain her First Amendment rights" and say what "is on her mind and in her heart".

    She was acting as a counselor, despite that fact that she is neither an Md nor a psychologist, and therefore neither trained nor certified as a counselor.
    So saying what was on her mind, and her heart would not be appropriate in the position of counselor.

    Screaming insults at your "client" isn't a 1st amendment issue it is a professional malpractice and abuse issue.

    I have to wonder if St. Sarah knew about the racist rant.
    If she did then she has answered any lingering question about her own racism and bigotry. She's got em.

  126. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Patti, I like your logic so well I will repeat it.

    "Well, if $arah the Quitter thinks that using the N word is okay, then it is certainly okay to call $arah a Freaking RETARD!!! Because she is."

  127. Anonymous2:24 PM

    They are more than racist. Both of these fakes use African Americans to make all Muslims terrorists. That is the bigger picture that both promote. "no-rights4Mama=President=Muslim=terrorists=oil=war"

    8:56 PM Anonymous " Dr. Laura does speaking engagements just like Palin. If they can find an audience that wants to listen to them so be it. "

    Dr. Laura does have an audience, thanks to the FCC, her sponsors, the military, GOP and radio stations that promote her berating of sluts and everyone else she hates. She is a relationship expert who abandoned her own mother. If you want to have nightmares learn about what happened to the physiologist's mother, Yolanda Schlessinger.

  128. never ending misinformation2:51 PM

    Dr. Laura and her son are vindicated? "According to Dr. Laura’s handlers he is a victim of identify theft. The Pentagon backs up that story reiterating that terrorists are using MySpace to propagate hate and violence."
    Military Investigation of Dr. Laura’s Son Complete The Army said that Deryk Schlessinger was NOT cleared. They went on to indicate that Chris Santory, Jon Moldovan and other friends were not cleared. The Army did not back up a Pentagon story reiterating that terrorists are using MySpace in particular to the Deryk Schlessinger account. The Pentagon made their terrorist are using MySpace to propagate hate and violence remarks in general. They did not clear Deryk Schlessinger.
    Did they explain why the Pentagon shuttered the account for the Schlessingers?
    Did they mention the Pentagon backs up Dr. Laura’s handlers?

  129. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Dr. Laura Caller Speaks Out

    Nita Hanson is the caller known as "Jade"
    Video and interview.

  130. Anonymous3:52 PM

    VIDEO: CNN’s John Ridley echoes my thoughts:
    First, in a move that basically makes Schlessinger’s half-hearted apology invalid, the talk-show host is attempting to paint herself as a First Amendment martyr while attacking those who express outrage over her comments.

  131. Anonymous4:17 PM

    In my humble opinion I say that the "Sarah Palin" tweets were from RAM. The conservative spin is too much like the old guard, Tammy Bruce. Today Palin, RAM and Bruce are the leaders of the conservatives with their Mama Grizzly campaign.
    Special Tammy Radio Guest Today: Rebecca Mansour of SarahPAC
    Many of you know Rebecca as @RAMansour on Twitter. She is also the Founder Emeritus of Conservatives4Palin and she joins us at 12:15pm PT to discuss a variety of Palin related issues, a well as other news.

    "Is it about Dr. Laura being "snarky" or about freedom of speech and calling the leftists out?"
    "I think you're right, Dan. This isn't about Dr. Laura, but about accusing conservatives of being racists...."
    "We have always known Gov. Palin has a special place in her heart for the under privileged, the less fortunate, and the underdogs. It is why Fairbanks supported her so highly. It is why she endorses underdogs. And our media has never seen it. She gives the voiceless... voice."

    Caller to Dr. Laura's radio show: "It's still very hurtful"

  132. Dear Angela, who said:

    "Ummm--onething . . . .

    As you are trolling and just about everything you have said is creep crawly nonsense and makes me want to hurl, just ask yourself . . . .If I called you a nasty ho and kept saying it, then told you that you needed a sense of humor to deal with people who kept calling you a nasty ho, and then I got into some stupid maze of idiocy about why it was okay for some and not others to call you a nasty ho---and I did this on the radio. . . . .

    Do you think I should keep my job?

    Now would you like to keep peddling the amazing pile of shit that you are trying to pass off here as a rose?"

    Except that your scenario has no relation to what happened. Did you actually watch the clip?

  133. Curiouser,

    Yes, the version I listened to did have it in. She did indeed speak the word nigger several times. But she did not "use the N word"

    She said, when I listen to black comedians I hear them say "nigger, nigger" all the time. So why can they say it and not a white person?

    Now, I happen to think that is a somewhat stupid question, but she did not call anyone a nigger.

  134. Anonymous4:48 PM

    This is what Dr.Laura had to say in 2008 when McCain choose Palin:

    "Couldn't the Republican Party find one competent female with adult children to run for Vice President with McCain? I realize his advisors probably didn't want a "mature" woman, as the Democrats keep harping on his age. But really, what kind of role model is a woman whose fifth child was recently born with a serious issue, Down Syndrome, and then goes back to the job of Governor within days of the birth?"

  135. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Dr. Laura's comment in 2008 when McCain choose Palin:

    "Couldn't the Republican Party find one competent female with adult children to run for Vice President with McCain? I realize his advisors probably didn't want a "mature" woman, as the Democrats keep harping on his age. But really, what kind of role model is a woman whose fifth child was recently born with a serious issue, Down Syndrome, and then goes back to the job of Governor within days of the birth?"


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