Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Unbelievably Sarah Palin provides criticism of Brian Williams interview with President Obama!

Transcript courtesy of Politico:

"My first reaction was listening to Brian Williams and wondering, 'Brian, that's some stealth reporting. You're not even going to follow up and ask him what in the heck is Barack Obama talking about. What is he insinuating?'

"I was pretty appalled at that notion that Brian Williams was just letting him get away with that kind of false accusation that there is some kind of suggested right-wing conspiracy again, especially knowing that the media still — the mainstream, lamestream media — they're in his back pocket, still."

Just when I think this no talent moron cannot get anymore arrogant and filled with self importance she says something as unbelievably arrogant as this.

Listen lady that is Brian "freaking" Williams!  He is the anchor on the highest rated evening news cast on television!  The last thing he needs is advice from a woman who went to FIVE different colleges before finally emerging with a degree in journalism, only to work for a brief time as the weekend sports girl at KTUU in Anchorage.  I mean when THIS is the example of your journalistic experience you do not have the right to judge ANYBODY on how well they conduct an interview! You ignorant, ignorant woman.

And the REASON that Brian Williams "let him get away with that kind of false accusation" is because there is NOTHING false about it!  And you damn well know it!

Maybe the next time you want to judge somebody for their performance you should pick something you actually know how to do. like play the victim, or take credit for other people's hard work, or convince uneducated people to donate their money and then use it to buy stuff for yourself, or raise a house full of dysfunctional children and lie to everybody about what saints they all are, or blame every stupid thing you say on the media.  You know, things like that.

Or, here's an idea, you could just SHUT THE FUCK UP!


  1. Anonymous1:55 PM

    SP doesn't even bug me anymore. All her rant does is prove to me that this was a great interview for President Obama! Both he and Brian Williams did a great job. Obama came across as an actual grown-up and better still made clear that he's staying focused on what he wants to do for this country and not what the radicalized right is saying about him. That's really what pissed her off. She can't get to him while every little random criticism gets to her. She knows he is better and wiser and more intelligent than she is and she hates him for it. :)

  2. Bootsy1:57 PM

    She just gave me a freaking headache! How dare her! I think of an old movie called "Scanners" and the guys head blows up. Someday maybe hers will!

  3. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Don't hold back Gryphen, tell us how you really feel. :D

  4. sewnup2:00 PM

    Good advice, Gryphen!

    You'd think, after her consistent non-performances, as well as the recent performances of those of her ilk, that she'd have sense enough to keep her mouth shut, but she can never resist the chance to make a jab. My kids got over that by about the age of 7 or so. She'd have been smarter to show her butt as she makes herself scarce, like her bud Sharon.

    If she kept her mouth shut more often we might not notice that she can't even get her bumpit on straight. The last 3 times out of 3 that I've seen recent pictures of her it's been on cockeyed.

  5. Irishgirl2:01 PM

    Have a look at her latest FB rant. That will make you even madder. She's getting extremely arrogant. I wish she would STFU too.

  6. Anonymous2:05 PM

    I have to ask; does she actually have a degree? Has anybody seen one?

    All I have ever seen was a picture of her, standing all by herself, not another soul in site, holding a CLOSED book, and another photo of her, alone again, in a parking lot, throwing her hat.

    No diploma in site. I wonder.

  7. Rick Hill2:07 PM

    Let her keep talking! Most would forget just where these folks are coming from without this loudmouth ignoramus.

  8. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Bizarro World, anything Sarah criticises is a reflection on herself. Yep, the arrogance, the spectacular narcissism, the lack of hubris and humility.

    She is an unbelievable joke.

    Calamity Sarah.

  9. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Sarah is a shrew who won't be tamed. But, with every single "critique" she espouses, she brands herself a nag, so I hope she keeps it up. Soon enough, her "one-trick-pony" show will be stale, and she'll be forced out.

  10. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Palin is Pavlov's dog, and President Obama is the ringing bell. All that's missing is a close-up of Scarah salivating at the mention of our President's name.
    -AnneG in Colorado

  11. Anonymous2:29 PM

    President Obama has learned a lot from Sarah.

    He will start his speech tonight just like she does... "Americans, do you LOVE your freedoms?"

    then again maybe not.

  12. Anonymous2:33 PM

    coming from the woman who is to cowardly to talk to anybody unless the questions are prescreened LOL...what a moran ;)

  13. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Is it possible to feel sorry for Fox viewers? And how do the other pundits feel about not being "mainstream"?

  14. Anonymous2:39 PM

    She's a fucking retard. What did you expect? To see her dancing... oh, wait, that's the retard Jr.

  15. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Poor Sarah, nobody is paying any attention to her. She has stamped her foot, stuck out her tongue, screamed until she is hoarse, and still, no one has paid any attention to her. What does a gal have to do?! Put her unwed teen daughter, proud mother of a little boy, on TV as the spokesperson/actress/dancer for teen abstinence? Pick another fight with Levi Ricky Hollywood? Accost a teacher with a critical sign? Accost a man taking pictures in an airport? Help, I'm running out of ideas.

    Here's a good idea for Sarah. Her new BFF, Glenn Beck, is launching some new kind of website called "Blaze." Glenn is a former pothead, and blaze means pot smoking. Look at all of the publicity that Paris Hilton has been getting, just because she and her boy friend attracted the attention of a policeman in Las Vegas, all because of a little pot smoke in their car. It wasn't Paris's fault. She borrowed someone else's purse, which had Paris's money, ID, credit cards and someone else's cocaine in it.

    Sarah, it is time for action. Look at all of the attention that Lindsay, Britney and Paris have gotten. It is time for a cocaine bust. OK, I know Wasilla is known for a different drug of choice; you could get busted for having that going on in your backyard, too. I guarantee that you will get headlines for days.

    Better yet, if Sarah would really like to capture headlines for the next month, tell the true story of the birth of Trig. Take a voluntary DNA test, along with Todd, Bristol, Levi and whoever else could be involved. Tell us the real story of the Wild Ride. Tell us (with the appropriate tears) how you adopted a Down Syndrome child that someone was thinking of aborting. (How dare they!). Tell us how you saved that child, choosing to raise him as you own rather than let him suffer that terrible fate. Sarah, with that story, I guarantee that you will be on the cover of every newspaper, magazine, tabloid and website that you couldn't remember when Katie asked those terrible gotcha (followup) questions.

    Sarah, if you do this, they will nominate you as the Republican candidate for President and you won't have to sit for any interviews or stand for any debates. Even though Brian went easy on Barack, he will have his claws out for you (Katie has been talking behind the scenes). So, with this new "I adopted Trig" story, you will be headed right for the White House. Do it!

  16. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Sarah... This Week, Meet the Press, Face the Nation or STFU!

  17. BAustin2:46 PM

    Maybe Sarah would sit down wig Brian williams and allow him to do a follow up question....like maybe "how much cash are you and beck getting fro
    The Koch brothers" or " whats up with all of bristols pregnancies?"

    She is getting crazier by the moment...self implosion is imminent!

  18. Pat in Branson2:51 PM

    Amen brother!

  19. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Let's also too examine every speech and interview she's done that never challenged her pitiful, ill-concieved, poorly constructed and ineffectual answers. And that doesn't even touch her hit job on every hater and self-glorification in Going Rogue.

    I dare her to "Meet the Press" but she wouldn't, because she's built such a defense against MSM, aka LSM so that even innocuous and reasoned questions are considered unfair.

  20. First of all-

    Noone has ever really vetted her degree.

  21. Great smackdown on the Crap Magnet!

  22. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Or, Sarah, Obama should have whined and moaned, endlessly, that Williams even asked him such questions to begin with? Almost 2 years later and you're still crying over your Katie Couric interview.

  23. Facebook Lurker3:00 PM

    While I am tired of this ignoramus and her fame hungry family, you have to admit that Sarah is her own worst enemy. Meghan McCain is out on her book tour slamming Sarah.

    Bristol is now being stalked by TMZ who is asking her if refudiate is a verb . She is playing in the big leagues now...they are relentless with the entire DWTS cast, and wait for them outside their homes, Target, rehearsals, and after show parties. It already started tonight. Mark my words, Bristol will pull a Palin and quit half way through... she won't be able to play the game.Mommy will send out nasty tweets and RAM will facebook rants... I can't wait

  24. Anonymous3:02 PM

    That woman is an idiot and should shut her piehole.

  25. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Well said, Gryphen.

    Sarah Palin lacks the intelligence, the class, the compassion and patience that President Obama has in his pinkie finger.

    She is a dreadful mother, speaker, half-ass politician who has never finished anything she's started.

    She even quit parenting years ago.

  26. Can't we just all agree she's a moran? [their word, not mine]

  27. ...anything to remain in the news, this from one of the worst people to ever grant an interview, as limited as they were...

    So Bristol is a member of the S.A.G.? Now they are calling her an actress...so is her Mom

  28. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Sarah's is mad because she didn't win the election! Nana-nanana!

    Sorry Sarah, you LOST!

    Gee whiz Sarah, "sticks and stones will break our bones, but names will never hurt us".

    Sarah, you're not the boss of us!

    Sometimes, one has got to talk to Sarah in her own schoolyard bully language.

  29. Anonymous3:48 PM

    WOW! she looks like a Hag in this picture.

  30. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Can she really be that dumb to think that we didn't automatically know what news organization Obama was talking about? Noone can could possibly be that dumb can they can they? Sarah makes so many dumb comments that I would think her handlers would take her Blackberry away and tell her to shut up before she does herself anymore harm.

  31. Anonymous3:50 PM


  32. Mitch who lives in Kansas3:58 PM

    Find somebody to sacrafice themselves and be done with this woman.

  33. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Gryphen, great post.. straight and to the point and it made my day!

    I suspect that Uneducated Sarah will be blessing us with a new persona very soon. Her many past attempts to brand herself as a fierce warrior woman has fallen so pitifully flat but have provided us with so much humor. I've always seen Uneducated Sarah as the chi-wah-wah woman... a little yackity-yak ankle biter, clinging persistently to any trouser leg that passes within its sights, wailing endlessly and needs the shi$t kicked out of it for making such a constant ruckus.

  34. angela4:21 PM

    Palin has become crazy Aunt Sue at family gatherings.
    She says incredibly nutty things. Lies about people and situations to make herself look good or seem wonderful. Then she talks with her mouth full of food while she criticizes and complains that people are being unfair if they bring up the fact that she doesn't know what she's talking about.

    Then someone takes her back to the quiet place she lives and we don't have to hear from her again until the next brain blitz.

  35. Aussie Blue Sky4:21 PM

    WE THE PEOPLE voted for you to stay well away from national politics, Mrs Palin. Don't you remember? WE THE PEOPLE took a vote and decided you do not speak for us. WE THE PEOPLE sent you packing back to Alaska, and WE THE PEOPLE have not changed out minds about you.

    If you rear your messed-up little head again and nominate for even hall monitor you will find WE THE PEOPLE not quite so generous.

  36. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Well said but there's one thing I would have done differently...called her "ignorant woman" 11 times, like her racist cohort Laura.

  37. Anonymous4:32 PM

    ...and Sarah triples down on arrogant stupidity...

  38. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Luv it...STFU! We should send thousands of this blog to her!
    Crazy idiot human.

  39. Lynne4:46 PM

    Hey, wait...WE the Alaska people don't want you back either.

  40. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Not to delve too far into 'Birther' territory, but I do wonder if her degree has ever been confirmed by the MSM or any others, and if so has the evidence been presented.

    I wonder if there is an official way to determine the veracity of her degree such as records from the University of Idaho. I also wonder what her grades were... now THAT would be interesting to see.

  41. I am with you on that. Sarah shut the fuck up.

  42. Anonymous5:05 PM

    It's pretty bad when the Momma Grizzly theme starts to seem inoffensive compared with Sarah Palin's current display of shockingly stupid and ignorant spewing.

    The train wreck can't happen fast enough.

  43. Hey, Sarah - here's an idea: why don't you do an actual interview with Brian Williams, and just tell him yourself? Oh, that's right. Because you are scared shitless (but somehow your head never runs out) of doing an actual interview with an actual journalist. I forgotted (just call me "Shakespeare").

  44. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Epic rant, Gryphon!

  45. Anonymous5:30 PM

    The funny thing is, what she accused President Obama of saying, he never actually said. I saw the interview. If anything, Brian Williams, who I am a huge fan of, kept harping on this theme of, do you feel targeted by the right wing media? Do you feel the need to explain yourself? I don't know about you, but what I saw the President do was minimize the statement that he is being targeted (which we all know is TRUE!) by saying that he has more important things to focus on and he can't be bothered addressing it all the time. You know...a grown-up response. It must have infuriated Sarah Palin to see him not take a VICTIM stance, which of course, is her GO-TO position on all things.

  46. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Anon 1:55 I agree with you 100%. I've learned not to allow SP get under my skin. She's just a brainless twit with a big mouth.

    I'm following the President's example of staying cool and rising above the fray.

  47. mommom6:34 PM

    Palin acts incredulous that anyone would think that the Koch brothers,Faux News,Murdoch,Beck,etc are spreading misinformation,but according to her and her rabid cult members every person fed up with her phony made up lies who started to blog to fight against the misinformation is a paid operative.

  48. imnofred6:39 PM

    It's friggin amazing hearing to Sarah talk about Brian Williams not questioning the President when she refuses to do an interview where there is even the remote possibility of an unscripted question. Hell, she goes on Fox all the time an spouts lies and is never questioned on anything. It's not like Fox News isn't the media wing of the Republican party.

    Can you spell HYPOCRITE, Sarah??

  49. icstraights7:29 PM

    2:43 PM
    That is what i have been thinking: Just as she might just finally stfu & disappear, she'll release the 'real' Trig truth. Just to stay in the limelight...

  50. Annie Goolihy9:15 PM

    I was wondering if you were drinking heavily, as I don't think I've ever read such an angry, venting post from you. Even after reading the transcript, I thought you were going a bit "overboard". But after watching the clip, I'm as pissed off as you are. She's ranting about our President making false accusations about false accusations being made about our President?! My brain hurts.

    STFU Sarah!

  51. Catherine2:03 PM

    How intolerant people are. SP has the right to speak up her mind. The fact that you dont like her political views, does not give the right to call her all sort of names. Its a shame to deride her family. If anybody knows for a fact that she has done wrongdoing, then go to a court of law and denounce her. Its is very easy and cowardly to criticize hiding behind a computer or blackberry. This is America, not Cuba or venezuela, where to speak your mins is a crime. Shame of you.Be a man or woman.


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