Thursday, September 02, 2010

Arizona Governor, Jan Brewer (and another Sarah Palin endorsee), damn near implodes before and after political debate.

Check this out at the beginning of the debate:

What do you think? Drugs? Too much botox? Or perhaps a malfunctioning earpiece?

Now afterward Brewer is questioned about her claims that decapitated bodies have been found in the Arizona desert.

Wow! First Sharron Angle scampers away from the press and now Governor Brewer.

IS THAT what they teach these candidates in Teabagging school?

"If the questions get too tough y'all just run for it!"

Come to think of it, isn't that exactly what Sarah Palin did about a year ago while standing in front of Lake Lucille?  "Sorry Alaska, gotta run! Beep, beep, zip bang!"


  1. Anonymous11:22 AM

    sad thing is those idiots still get voted back in

  2. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Yep Sarah taught her well. Just pretend they didn't ask the question and walk away. When she lost her train of thought in the first video I suspect she was thinking about all the shit that is about to rain down on her over the tie between CCA and the SB1070 bill. Talk about a conflict of interest.

  3. Virginia Voter11:46 AM

    Jan Brewer took a page right out of the Sarah Palin debate handbook. Only answer questions with pre-rehearsed talking points.

    Seriously, how the f did this woman get to be governor? She can't speak without getting her tongue caught up in those huge fake chompers. Was she actually the Lt Gov under Napolitano?

    Anyway, she is one scary looking old lady. Halloween's not for two months yet, yikes!

  4. What on earth? I have no idea what to make of Brewer's behavior in the first video.

  5. Anonymous11:56 AM

    No drugs. My guess is that her best friend is Jose Cuervo.

  6. mommom12:01 PM

    Sarah's been sharing her meds?

  7. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Has she written crib notes on her fingernails? She keeps looking at them before answering.
    Too many senior moments waiting for the synapses to fire up.
    Not merely a bit long in the tooth, she seems to have some else's dentures.

  8. WalterNeff12:04 PM

    reminded me of Pirro in NY. Good times.

  9. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Has an earpiece, most definitely. And whoever was "feeding" her before and after probably threw up their hands after trying a million times to E N U N C I A T E the ANSWERS to her and because she's so sloshed, she just couldn't understand. Either that or Palin was feeding her word salad into her earpiece and we ALL know how hard THAT is to comprehend. Jan baby, do us all a favor, keep on keeping on. Heckofajob jan!

  10. Anonymous12:22 PM

    She's a fear mongering liar. Keeping people frightened is a time honored tactic by those on the far right. AZ is not under siege like Brewer would have people believe. It's as safe as it's ever been (maybe more so). Why doesn't New Mexico report similar problems that Brewer says Arizona has? Hint: because there are no problems. El Paso is one of the safest cities of it's size in the U.S., and it is right next to the most violent city in Mexico. Brewer is Arizona's worst enemy.

  11. "We have did everything we can do"???

    Jannikins probably saw Rachel Maddow's top of the hour segment last night about her campaign consultants' ties to the private prison industry!

  12. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Well, I guess they subscribe to the strategy that when the questioning gets tough, you scoot out.

    Seriously, this is unprofessional conduct. Sharron Angle says she believes the press should only ask questions she wants to answer and showcase her in a way that gets her points across. Sorry, babes, that is not the name of the game.

    They made a conscious choice to become public figures. They need to answer questions directly and completely. If they are unprepared to do so, they should say so and tell reporters and the public that they will do so as soon as they do further research - and keep that promise.

    If they want our votes, they need to earn them.

    Cutting and running is not allowed. We cannot do that at our jobs, why should these politicians?

  13. I have to repost a comment I saw posted after the NYT article:

    Technic Ally, Toronto said,

    "Yet another empty vessel riding a sea of public fear and ignorance."


  14. Anonymous12:35 PM

    That first clip - wow - she really came unglued - it's as if she spaced-out and then got so flustered that she couldn't regain a solid footing.

    Caught that "I have did the very best . . . ." Why is it that so many ultra-conservatives cannot use the language properly?

    I realize GW Bush lowered the grammatical bar dramatically, but that's no excuse for keeping it so low. This woman is an embarrassment - for herself, her state and for all female politicians. How sad that she is so unprofessional.

  15. Anonymous12:37 PM

    "I have 'did'?" Great use of the English language. Why would anyone vote for her? She was a disaster and is one from everything I've read about her. What is wrong w/the folks in AZ for putting someone in office like her? McCain?

  16. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I don't think she is unable to answer questions, I think that she is unable to support the lies she spews. Same as Palin. That is why she runs away and Sarah runs to the lamest of all lamestream media - Fox News.

  17. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Jan Brewer appears to be in a melt down. She is obviously losing it and her opponent is looking better because of it. This debate has hurt her and it will be interesting to see if she does another one.

  18. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Now go see Sarah in The New York Post.

    Do these people know how to construct a complete coherent sentence???

    As a secondary school's embarrassing.

    "“I don't read some of it because I know that those who are impotent and limp and gutless, and then they go on, they're anonymous, they're sources that are anonymous, and impotent, limp and gutless reporters take anonymous sources and cite them as being factual references,” Palin said.

    Oh're presidential timber alright.

  19. Linda Arizona1:21 PM

    I am soooo embarrassed living in "EmbArrizona."

    Here's the thing: Brewer stepped into the governorship because Napolitano was chosen to head Homeland Security. It is an Arizona succession thing.

    You can see by watching these videos why Napolitano left Arizona. Imagine how she had to work with these types every day!

    Brewer is the poster child for Arizona Republicans. Since most of our population is in the Phoenix area (mostly Republican, too), we here in the southern portion, and in outlying areas (mostly Democratic), have no voice and are continually gob smacked by these uneducated, narcissistic wannabes.

    I've voted for Terry Goddard before and hope he wins in November. He is as exciting as un-buttered toast, but he's competent and experienced.

    Now you see what is really happening in AZ. It's a lot like Alaska, yes?!

    Thank you for this post.

    Btw, I've heard that McCain doesn't publicize his speaking events. He sends out private announcements a few days in advance to his supporters. He makes sure that those ten or so people who show up are shown, but not how small the group is. This way, he keeps protesters away and that awful "lame stream media."

  20. Linda Arizona1:34 PM

    Oh, and another thing...

    Bad grammar is an ingrained habit here in Arizona. The news anchors talk this way. The reporters talk this way, and the people they interview are usually the most uneducated folk speaking with bad grammar.

    Even school teachers are notoriously remiss with their grammar. And, I don't mean little typo-like mistakes. Consistently, they have trouble with saying "there are..." with plural nouns, and mostly say "There's things...There's people...There's lots...etc."

    Brewer's "We have did..." wouldn't raise an eyebrow in this state.

    It drives me nuts. Rarely, if ever, are there interviews with any men/women on the street who are articulate. There is a definite pattern.

    Perhaps it is a part of the psychosis of Brewer and Palin types.

  21. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Terry Goddard should be astonished that the Media doesn't give Palin the Brewer treatment: make her answer the question! Wow, for a second there, I thought I must have been dreaming the last 10 years of sound asleep journalism.

  22. FEDUP!!!2:17 PM

    $arah, Jan, Sharron, Fiorina...
    YOU ALL ARE DISGRACES TO WOMEN EVERYWHERE!!! You put women issues back into the 1900s!

    Why is it that the reTHUGliCONS come up with such imbecile candidates? (And why is it that those imbeciles actually have a *chance*(!) to win?!???

  23. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Residents of AZ and AK are ALL embarrassed with the likes of Brewer and Palin.

    Good God Almighty!!!

  24. Yep she'd been drinking.

  25. Anonymous4:50 PM

    OMG!! She can't speak English properly. She repeatedly said, "We HAVE DID..."

    This is a truly pathetic representative of any state in the U.S. A real embarrassment. Really?!!? This is the best the Republicans and AZ can do?

  26. This is A REASON TO CELEBRATE. The MSM finally did their JOB!!! They pressed Brewer to answer the question. They forced her to demonstrate that she is a LIAR. Perhaps the tide is turning. With this lovely performance, the Vanity Fair article on SP-- who knows what's next. I am delighted and I wish everyone here a safe and happy Labor Day Weekend. Let's keep shining that light!!

  27. aj weishar5:44 PM

    Well, at least she didn't call Mr. Goddard limp, impotent or any other new Palin political term.

  28. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Can you imagine Alaskan or any press throwing questions like that at Sarah Palin when she was running for Lt. Governor? Governor? VP?

    Or how about not letting her wag the dog by treating her FB and tweets as printable, verified political dialog?

  29. Chenagrrl6:03 PM

    No union boycotts. Many union conventions in Phoenix over the summer that went on despite members' anger over the illegal alien legislation with jokes of "take your passport."

    But there are no boycotts, yet. (reservations were made and paid)

  30. wakeUpAmerica6:06 PM

    Gryphen, every time you post a video, it is off-set upward and to the right, partially covering the title to your article. Is that just my computer? I use Safari on my Apple. Anyone?

  31. Anonymous7:43 PM

    If she talks like this in public what does she sound like in private? I think she is adding credibility to the story by her choice of words.

    Does she talk like this to her son and her husband? And what is she teaching her daughters?

  32. wakeUpAmerica8:55 PM

    Definitely under the influence.

  33. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Thank you "FEDUP." My sentiments exactly. This crew of dimwits--Sarah, Jan, Michelle, and Sharron--have taken us back to 1820. What happened to the likes of Barbara Jordan, Shirley Chisholm, Faye Wattleton, Betty Friedan, and Gloria Steinem?

    Women of America, turn off Snooki and Real Housewives. Cancel those Botox appointments. It's time to return to the fight.

  34. I am convinced she had an earpiece, and it wasn't working. You can see her just waiting for somebody to feed her a line, and it wasn't coming through.

    Google "George Bush earpiece" to see the many videos of Shrub trying to use one, also, too :)

  35. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Is Brewer SP's mom or maybe Grandma? What a buffoon.


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