Sunday, September 26, 2010

Bristol Palin's appearances do far more harm than good for impressionable teenage girls.

From Visalia Times-Delta:

"There's no doubt that her [Bristol's] celebrity helps to promote abstinence," said Bill Albert, spokesman for the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. "She is the most famous unwed teen mother in the world today."

This statement absolutely boggles my mind.

Bristol Palin has achieved fame and fortune by getting pregnant, and while her spoken message to teenage girls is "say no", the more obvious message she is sending is "Look what saying yes did for me!"

Bristol is being paid for the speaking engagement, Kesterson said, though contract privacy provisions do not permit public disclosure of exactly how much. It is known, though, that 800 tickets have already been sold for the event for an average of $65 each — making the event worth $52,000 so far. Single Source Speakers, which coordinates Bristol's speaking engagements, is paying her between $15,000 and $30,000 per engagement, the company has disclosed.

How do parents attempting to tell their young daughters to either wait to have sex until they are married, or to use protection if waiting is not realistic, when Bristol Palin is appearing on television and making thousands of dollars for speeches SOLELY because she got knocked up by her teenage boyfriend?  

Doesn't ANYBODY see the hypocrisy of this?

Some critics have said Bristol Palin, born into a family with relative affluence and ample child-support resources, misrepresents vast numbers of unwed teen mothers who wrestle with poverty, neglect and abuse in dealing with their pregnancies. Albert, though, said statistics speak otherwise.

"Studies show that by far the largest percentage of unwed teen mothers do not themselves come from single-parent or poor families," Albert said. "Most single moms are from stable two-parent families, and families that are 200 percent or more above the poverty line in income."

Well there you go, THAT is exactly what I am talking about. 

So knowing that how do these organizations justify paying Bristol Palin to so completely misrepresent what it is like to be a teenage mother in the REAL America?

As for the Tulare-Kings Right to Life organization, all that counts is the child.

"She had the baby," Kesterson said. "That's our primary concern. Everything else is secondary."

I have no words.


  1. Trying to find a comparison...

    An anti-drug campaign with a junkie spokesperson.

    The junkie gives speeches saying "Don't do what I have done. Just say 'No' to drugs."

    The junkie is paid well for his speeches. What's wrong with this picture?

  2. Anonymous2:33 AM

    I'm reminded of a line from the movie "Arthur":

    "It doesn't suck".

  3. Heidi12:34 AM

    Gryphen - Could you please identify this "Kesterson" person? Is he with the "Tulare-Kings Right-to-Life" organization? It could very well be a hopeless endeavor, but I'd like to send him a sentence or two about the hypocricy of it all. Thanks

    And you're right...there truly are no words for this mindset.

    P.S. Suggestion: It would be great if we could "reply" directly to other people who leave comments on your blog.

  4. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Young girls ALREADY think it's cool to have babies - very frustrating.

  5. nswfm3:00 AM

    Dude's on crack.

    Those are my words for these anti choice idiots.

    I went to a wedding for one of my friends since we were 2. Our "mentally gifted minors" teacher from 1st and 2nd grade was there. She amazingly hasn't changed a bit. I talked with her and it turns out one of our class mates from back then who got a 4 year complete scholarship to local boys prep school did not go on to become a Catholic priest as planned, but came out and unfortunately wasn't accepted by his family and now lives in VA/WDC. I remember having a very HEATED argument about a woman's right to choose when we were in 4th grade in front of our kindergarten class.

    No one else gets to choose what I do or don't do with my body. Period. End of story.

    But let idiots breed. The world needs more idiots to fleece.

  6. Up is down, black is white, positive is negative. The Palins are living evidence that Orwell was right.

  7. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Until govt assistance programs cease, there is little hope for postitive growth. The education system is key. There is NO reason why anyone should need or seek out public funds when sooo many people support themselves and dig themselves out of their hole of poor decisions and unfortunate conditions. Thats why private charities exist.

  8. London Bridges4:22 AM

    Palin in today's comics:

    Quitter humor!

  9. Anonymous4:39 AM

    If she wanted to set a good example she would work at a real job and go to school. She would welcome Levi into the baby's life and provide a stable living environment. I foster two girls in Africa that are doing just that. One is an orphan and will be graduating college this year.

  10. Anonymous4:56 AM

    who are the 800 idiots that would pay money to hear her speak?

  11. London Bridges4:57 AM

    Here's Bristol!

  12. Anonymous5:08 AM

    It will be interesting to track teen pregnancy statistics for the immediate future. What's most troubling to me is Bristol's vindictiveness towards Levi, and the message that it sends. It takes TWO people to make a baby, and her disregard (and public disrespect) of Tripp's father (Levi) sends a message to girls that they can have a baby and then banish the father, if they choose. Everything about this girl sends the wrong message.

  13. Facebook Lurker5:09 AM

    Well, on Bristol's "official" facebook page, she posted a "thank you" and pictures of her with some nuns. WTF?

    The sad thing is, Bristol is again only speaking to her mother's "base"...white evangelical pro birth folks who pay big bucks to hear her speak. Bristol is even wearing a Sarah like outfit...big hair, tons of makeup and short skirt. She is lining her pockets with tons of money, spreading her message of lies and hypocrisy.

    Bristol, how about speaking to some inner city youths at a high school and tell your story? You would be laughed off the stage. How can you stand there with a straight face and tell young girls not to do what you did when you are making hundreds of thousands of dollars off the birth of Tripp? You and your little blond bastard are made for tabloid covers, the photo ready image of pro-life white America.

    Ugh, it makes me sick how she uses her baby for personal gain....but like mother like daughter.

  14. THANK YOU!5:19 AM

    The whole thing leaves me speechless. I detest how corporations are on board with promoting these horrendous mixed messages under the product name Bristol Palin. Why does anyone in their right mind buy any of their garbage?

  15. pursang5:23 AM

    "Everything else is secondary".

    So if the child lives in poverty, in an unsafe environment, etc. it doesn't matter. As long as that fetus isn't aborted then they've done their job and who cares how the kid lives, or dies.

    I'd be inclined to take these people somewhat seriously if they spent time, effort, and money on setting up a solid adoption network. Or a network to help these women care for the children they were forced to keep to term. But they don't, all they care about is controlling peoples lives and forcing them to do things they don't want to do.

    It may be a cliche to call these people the American Taliban but sadly the term is true. If they had their way they would control the citizens of this country the way the Taliban control the Afghan citizenry.

    Sorry but I'm not going to live in a theocracy and will fight to keep religion out of politics and law.

  16. Anonymous5:47 AM

    There's a really good chance that Bristol and the organizations that work with her don't give a fuck what you think

  17. Anonymous5:47 AM

    I thought Kesterson was doing satire, the dude is seriously perilous and deluded. Bristol is raking in the big money and celeb status with the help of her mother's contacts. Brand Bristol is not as advertised. What do teens actually think of this? She appeals to fundy parents and the most vulnerable, Piper's age group.

    Bristol Palin and Sarah Palin: Dancing With The Stars Publicity Stunt
    Jeff Kane September 23, 2010
    The controversy surrounding Bristol Palin and Sarah Palin has turned into one big Dancing With The Stars publicity stunt.
    It is clear now that Bristol Palin and Sarah Palin are nothing more than a huge publicity stunt for ABC and this season of their hit dancing competition, Dancing With The Stars.
    Hot off the heels of a very successful, controversy filled, first week Dancing With the Stars looks to be keeping the publicity stunts coming. When I say they are continuing I am referring to what was clearly now a publicity stunt when the producers said that Sarah Palin would be attending the live two hour season premiere of Dancing With The Stars Season 11 to watch Bristol Palin dance. The headlines were packed that day with stories of all the extra security that would be needed for both Bristol and Sarah Palin. Metal detectors were being brought in and both cars and bags would be searched. ABC security was briefed on what to do in case of a breach and then… Sarah Palin went home to Alaska to watch her daughter, Bristol Palin on TV.

  18. bristol is a fraud just like her Mother - if she really wanted to help young girls she would address the real reasons she got pregnant in the first place - which was to play house with her own baby instead of playing mother duck to her younger siblings. Teenager girls do this all the time to get away from mothers like sarah palin who are more interested in their lives outside of their homes, than what happens in their home.

    One look at the issues of the Palin children show just how absent a Mother Sarah Palin has been! America women, especially Mothers, see right through this Palin fraud!

  19. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Think about 5 yrs ago when that controversy in the NE where girls would make pregnancy pacts to have babies together senior year or just post hs

  20. Anonymous6:12 AM

    They are telling us that Bristol Palin is an activist. Is that correct? I've never heard about her doing anything at a grassroots level or for her own community. Her activity is around corporate sponsorships to promote Bristol/Sarah Palin. She doesn't address the sex allure that the Candies Foundation advertises to hook children. She only makes an annual appearance each year for them and it is hype. That so-called PSA she did was for her benefit more than getting a message like "pause" out to raging hormones. Does anyone believe that helps in anyway? Did Nancy Reagan's "Just say no" stop drug addiction? No, the phramacueticals made it possible to have legal addictions. Getting over paid to practice an abstinent-only speech is not activism, it is the worst side of capitalism. Yeah, she can earn 30 grand a pop!. Yeah, she is the world's most famous unwed nit wit mother! Yeah, her parents have the contacts to set her up! The Bristol sham must be exposed. Stop them! Love your children! Bristol Palin is not an activist and she is giving real activists a bad name.

    Sadie was so right about this one.

  21. Anonymous6:18 AM

    I remember a couple years ago, when Jamie Lynn Spears was the most famous unwed teen mom. She was a successful actress at the time. I remember the outrage over that. Conservatives were horrified, and basically wanted her crucified in the media. Now we have darling re-viginalized Bristol. She's famous for being an unwed mom, nothing more. Jamie also kept her baby and wed the baby daddy. No kudos for her. Bristol kept her baby, trashed the baby daddy in the media. Bristol gets paid speaking gigs, DWTS, and lots of tabloid time. Bristol, if you didn't have your Mommy, you'd be another stupid girl working at Walmart, getting fat, and having another kid within 2 years by a different baby daddy. Those are the facts.

  22. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Now the media is talking about Bristol's dance partner visiting Alaska and how they're shooting a special episode of him visiting her mom and seeing AK. What does this have to do with DWTS and can't everyone see that it's Sarah's way of putting the attention back on her and gagging the viewers with more of her hypocratic life?

  23. Kelly Osbourne knows a thing or two about being an underdog on Dancing With the Stars. So, the season 9 runner-up knows just who she's rooting for this year.

    "I have a real soft spot for Bristol Palin. I really do. I think she's going out there and trying, and to not have a family member in the audience is the hardest thing in the world," Osbourne, 25, says in an interview set to air Thursday on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.


  24. Anonymous6:30 AM

    I wanna know what she says to paying audiences to make them all cry. This is a girl who thought she was untouchable, its never gonna happen to me type. She had no long term relationship and no future worries. She was young, dumb, and selfish. It seems like an abrupt change from just a year earlier. Becoming a high schooler changes you. You lose friends, join new cliques, try new things, start pushing family rules away to make room for your own person. Sarah tried to parent (take away phone, involve her). There's no talking down a strongwilled teen. Teens need first hand experience.

    And its crazy to say past druggies shouldn't be advocates against drug use. Esp dangerous ones. The ppl with the experience are the most influential.

    Case in point. Kids don't decide to have sex or get pregnant based on one celeb. The problem was there all along

  25. Randall6:52 AM

    And next... F*cking For Virginity

  26. "She had the baby," Kesterson said. "That's our primary concern. Everything else is secondary."

    That very concept is so aggravating, idiotic, have the baby but we don't give a shit what you do with it after it is born.

    These young ass girls get pregnant and keep the baby, either by pressure or them being clueless and all of a sudden there is no one to help anymore or it is too tough.

    Then we get to read about them in the news or see them on t.v. Until these stupid son of bitches get to work a case that a child has been drowned,burnt,hacked or suffocated they have absolutely nothing I want to hear. If only more people would challenge them on "What happens now"

    Stupid damn idiots that is all they are, pushing the agenda no matter of the consequences. In my opinion that is the number one problem we are dealing with, no one wants to have to answer to anything.

  27. Anonymous7:05 AM

    "Everything else is secondary"

    When these nuts have the Banana Republic they are striving for people may start to stand up to this madness. I am not anti-fetus but I don't think the world should revolve around a few cells either. Living breathing babies are secondary to the Palin followers. These poor love starved teens that get knocked up are secondary after they give birth. If schools can't educate our children it is getting turned over to religious organizations and the media. The media seems to be caving into the religious nuts where children are involved.

    I saw an interview with Joy Behar and Margaret Cho. OH MY! Cho said the obligatory "she's nice" when asked about Bristol. She couldn't even be comedic about the subject, she had to just be a team member. She could stand up for Lady Gaga and speak about don't ask, don't tell. Cho is serious about being in the competion, although you'd think she is aware it is rigged. They all seem to be alright with Sarah Palin and the ratings increase. Sad.

    5:47 AM,
    No one thinks they care. It is obvious they are self serving and greed rules for them. Not all children have parents and not all parents with children are worthy. It is the parents that do care and are involved with their children that must speak out and do something to wake up the best in our populous. It is time for religions to stop getting a tax break. At least they need to be under more scrutiny. The Pope is not accused of molesting young boys but he has been named in a law suit for obstrution or something.
    It has been going on forever that religions have too much unchecked power and they often use it to defile the most innocent. Because they can hide behind "God" and tax exemptions helps the criminal. The local Catholic Church kicked out some long time hard working nuns because they have to pay for the priests that molest. It is an old sick system. Those nuns did help the poor and lived modestly. They got the boot while the molestors go to bigger and better monestaries to hang out and play with more boys.

  28. laprofesora7:17 AM

    Please Karma,hurry up.

  29. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Think about what message this is sending not to just other teenaged girls but Willow and Track. They are seeing their sister make hundreds of thousands of dollars for having engaged in bad behavior.

    Track and Willow are probably thinking, "Where are my hundreds of thousands of dollars? What do I have to do to get them?" I'm sure there is a lot of sibling resentment there.

    Amy in Texas

  30. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Follow up note: Were Willow and Track anywhere to be seen in the Bristol Dance Party/homecoming photos? Or were they sulking somewhere.

  31. Anonymous7:31 AM

    These were my thoughts from the first time I heard about Bristol becoming a spokesperson for Candies. She glamourizes the situation. This is so out of touch from reality, but the bottom line is $$$$$. Most young girls do not have the resources Bristol does and will never make a dime by having their babies. She is simply a fraud like the rest of the clan. If someone really wanted to make an impression, then they should have a "real" teen mother telling about her real struggles. Not some floozie in fancy clothes and rich mother!

  32. Anonymous7:51 AM

    been saying it all along -- Bristol Palin as spokeswhore actually makes teen girls want to follow in her footsteps: A cover on People Mag, glamour shots in other mags, appearances on fun TV shows

    I am more convinced than ever that that is EXACTLY what the fundies want.

    They would like nothing more than to create human puppy mills for white Christian teens to be enslaved breeders for their private adoption for huge profit scam.

    Shame on ALL media outlets for going along with this.

    Shame on those that call themselves Christians and profit from this.

    - kellygrrrl

  33. Anonymous8:11 AM

    "She had the baby," Kesterson said. "That's our primary concern. Everything else is secondary."

    Yep, that pretty much sums up all these anti-choicers are all about in my estimation.

    Whether or not a child grows up scrimping and scraping for their next meal or running away from the next beating or sexual assault from an abuser is neither here nor there for them. Sorry Ms. Keterson, but not every young lady who gets pregnant will have the undeserved advantages of Ms. BristHole Palin.

  34. Lynne9:01 AM

    I have always found it interesting that Track doesn't get involved in this family circus and keeps out of the spotlight. I have no doubt that his family is a great embarrassment to him.

  35. Anonymous9:36 AM

    To 3:29: You say "there is no need for public assistance." Do you really think charities can absorb all the suffering there is?

    Do you realize that by relegating all the problems to charities you are coming across as saying "let someone else pay for these problems."

    You imply that as long as your tax money isn't involved, you are okay with it.

    Are you willing to donate the same percentage of your income that would have been used through taxes to support those charities or are you saying you just don't want to be bothered, let someone else do it? It seems as if you just want to "wash you hands" of the problems.

    You seem not to have any concern for anyone else's problems. I pray that you yourself never are in a situation where you need assistance because you may find that no one cares because they've all adopted your mindset. Good luck with that.

    I will bet you do not give very much to charities now, and that if your taxes were cut you would not give more. You sound as if you are just out for yourself with no compassion and concern for anyone else. If we all give a little through our taxes, we can help many.

    At least you are not Christian, so you don't have to worry about the spiritual repercussions of your views. I am not Christian, but I care enough about others to be comfortable and willing to have my tax money to help the most people possible. It is not my place to judge their worthiness to receive help. How is it yours?

  36. sally9:39 AM

    "Thats why private charities exist."

    There are decent charities but many pay their own high salaries and expenses and leave little for the ones that need. We don't even know the half of all the corruption and manipulations in the world of charity. We do know there are many who have been working on the unwed mothers and that the problem is NOT IMPROVING. I don't see the the existence of private charities as they are now is of any good. That is not to say there are not good ones that do help. In general private charities are not an answer and need to be much better watched and revealed. Many are scams.

  37. Anonymous10:01 AM

    That people, organizations and corporations get behind Bristol is indicative of how shallow and desperate the extreme Right is for poster spokesmodels.

    Had the Republican Party had a stronger candidate than John McCain, and all things remained the same - Sarah never would have made it beyond a first term as a Governor of a small-y populated State. She would have been impeached, censured or a truly demonstrated lame-duck and then become just some nuisome mosquito on social issues after that.

    Bristol is as much as an idiot as her mother. She's going to be talking about her self-sacrificing servants heart soon enough, and the mom and daughter bitch shop continues to roll in the dough.

    Incredible. These women are an insult to Whiskey Tango, they are intellectual and social illiterates and they are mainstream celebrities?

    They had babies. Lots of them. That is their claim to fame. And if any other woman or family did this (and [gasp] they do!) the Palin's would be name-calling and hating them for being old granny mommies or unmarried, uneducated loser mommies without a title.

  38. Anonymous10:02 AM

    2:15 - you just described half the Fox News crew and Rush Limbaugh as spokesmodels for conservative Americans.

  39. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Why is it that Tripp is NEVER looking at Bristol?

  40. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Lynne @ 9:01 AM

    Track has been busy photographing the neighbor and fishing for the other family reality show gig this summer. I doubt his 'doesn't get involved' schtick is altruistic. He looks more like a chicken with a serious drug problem. He may be like a young teen that is embarrassed by his silly mother, but that is not all there is to it. For sure he can't say what it is b/c he might have to reveal why they hide how he 'quit' the military. Quit in the sense that his brothers are on their 2nd or so tour of duty. Why not Track? Track is just a mystery and a weirdo with anti-social behaviors. He gets very special favors due to his mother's status with the neo-cons. They aren't saying if he has been dishonorably discharged or if he is still in the Army. He allows them to use him as a military prop for Sarah. He no doubt has medical care through the military and Native American health care. If it is like so many others who , he is taken care of by exorbitant amounts of medications. Track was not a combat vet and life in the green zone of Iraq is not that bad. If he has strong beliefs as to why he serves his country he needs to be his own man and speak up. Otherwise he is a tool and not one of the soldiers we need to praise or be proud of. As with the family friend, Spc. Jeremy Morlock, not all soldiers are the same. There are rogues, pedophiles and serial killers in the service. Hiding the perverts, like Dr. Laura's son, does not help the problem or reflect well on our brave soldiers. We need to know what their problems are if they are to get help and be treated as honored men. How often do you hear the Palin's concern for PTSD, the homeless Vet problem, Veterans with drug abuse issues, the high suicide rate? Track Palin lives off of his families riches and he may not want to blow a good deal. It is easier for him to keep his mouth shut. If he is the myth they want us to believe they will tell his story and lift him out of the darkness.

  41. Anonymous10:31 AM

    We the people need to be part of caring for the unfortunate. Including uneducated teens that get pregnant and the masses of babies they bring into this world. Charity starts at home but many people don't have a home. Charity can only do so much and they also need to be free of charlatans and the corrupt.

  42. Anonymous10:58 AM

    i remember Sadie's blog saying not too long ago that teen pregnancy in the Valley has skyrocketed since and partly bc of Bristle Plain. I would think that if she really cared about stopping teen pregnancy and preaching abstinence, she'd do something about it at home, whether or not she was paid.

    Of course, that goes against the Palin genes. They only preach morality when they get paid to. What they do on their own time tells a completely different story.

  43. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I'm pro-life but not so much in the political Palin way. I would also like to see soldiers not die and suffer that go to bogus wars for oil or whatnots. I also want the living to have a decent humane quality of life. When BP's facebook writer writes about the Lifehouse organization in Lousiville they use "pro-life" as a political point. They would be more convincing if they wrote like Bristol writes and not some hired hack.

    Lifehouse sounds like a nice place. It is proper for Bristol's FB writer to thank them for her. They are very grateful to all that donated money. Did Bristol donate her name and time? What a shame to take a cash cut from their good cause. A true activist does not put money first. You see them in the trenches working hard without self concerns and over inflated pay offs.

  44. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Yikes!!! Anonymous 3:29 I beg to differ. The tension between "charities" and govt. help has existed forever! The real story here is most "charities" are churches with an agenda a great many of us deem unacceptable in our lives. Govt. help comes from a "pool of the greater good." Keep your church off my and my daughters' bodies. Keep your "help" to yourselves.

    And, own up to your troll status.

  45. Anonymous11:51 AM

    5:47 AM ............... You are so right. Black hearts don't give a fuck about anything but their evil self centered ways. They do not respect democracy. In their callous world it is all about a theocratic takeover. And they do not only want to only control all female bodies and strip them of any rights. They want to dominate everyone and everything. Hungry people struggling to find food and have a place to rest are much easier to keep under control for people like the Palin backers. They could never do what they want in a well educated democratic society.

  46. Anonymous12:11 PM

    ** I would think that if she really cared about stopping teen pregnancy and preaching abstinence, she'd do something about it at home, whether or not she was paid. **

    How true, how true, how true. That is exactly why the whole "activist" claim is a fraud. DWTS in no way should be promoting Bristol with false advertising. They at least need to add an explanation as to what they mean when they say she is an activist.
    She looks real dumb when she can't even do her own writing and thank the people who pay her more than most unwed teens will earn in a year for one talk they can't even allow to be heard by the public.

    Candies Foundation didn't start "helping" teens because they care about humanity or teens. They had to do something to counter why they use sex to grab the money from teens that want to look sexy with the Candies look. They want girls all juiced up and getting the boys juiced up with their fashion. What happens after that is the parents and societies problem. Their Foundation doesn't give a crap and it doesn't impact the problems that they create.

    If anyone has ever known Bristol to volunteer or do any grassroots work on behalf of who she claims to care about, let us know NOW. She is a greedy capitalist working the system and that is why her mother is so proud.

  47. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I'm sorry, as a "former" teen mother (meaning I am no longer a teenager), I think the message Bristol sends is the wrong one. dsmyre - you compare a teenage mentality with a drug mentality. Teenage sex is not an addiction like drugs are. Teenage sex is nothing more than hormonal urges that teens need to learn to control, whereas drug addiction can be avoided all together by never touching the stuff. A drug addict has to pay for his/her treatment, and trust me, it is a hard road to go down. Teen pregnancy and parenting is not something you can pay for to go away, and then learn to avoid "triggers".

    A teenager can be told by a recovered drug addict what happened, and what they had to go through, and learn a lesson, but most likely will ignore it. Same with telling them "don't have sex". If they see a girl who is dancing on tv with celebrities only because she got famous for being a teen mom telling them not to have sex and not to get pregnant, well, they are going to ignore her.

    Being a teen mother, I have spoken to teen classes, and I have done it for free. Most teen parents do NOT come from two parent households whose income is 200% above poverty line. That is pure BS.
    I can tell you, that every teen mother I've met - they come from single-parent households (just like I did). They came from low-wage earning families (just like I did). Most thought that a baby would give them a new start. A fresh chance at a real family life, a house, and decent finances. Every single one of them is on welfare and working low-wage jobs.
    I can honestly admit to being one of the few that has broken the cycle of welfare, for the most part. I am still on foodstamps and denali kid care. I have a great career, but I don't have the time to go to college. I was lucky. I used my history to my advantage and found a great job in the rehab field. I have one ex-husband who is a great guy (and one who isn't, but that's a different story). I have a family, that while isn't a financial help, does offer some mental support. I can honestly say that I haven't had a night without kids in 20 months. I can say I haven't had an evening out in over a year.
    I can't afford personal nannies for my 4 kids. I can't afford maids to clean up after them. But, I can afford to spend time with them, and set a good example for them so that they won't make the same mistakes I did. That's all I can ask for.

  48. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Whoever controls Bristol's facebook is not going to allow discussions or free speech without heavy censorship. Their authoritarian ways are already shining through.

    Why don't they ask people to directly donate to Bristol? It stinks when Lighthouse must pay so much to one who is using them for practice. It is clearly for politics as she and the facebook say "pro-life." Not a literal pro-life but the political position. If she gives political speeches that donors agree with, they can also donate to her and her facebook people.

    The rich are the ones who can afford to go to these charity events and give their money. Rich donors will want to donate to help Bristol out if they are asked, they could at least be given a choice. The money that is donated to Lighthouse needs to pay for their administrative costs, salaries and all expenses with the hope there is enough to make a difference for the girls they help. Running a charity is not cheap. Lighthouse is in a bad way if they are paying for her political speech and what a slap for those poor teens.

    I know if I was knocked up and unmarried I would want a place to live and be taken care of until I could go back home or to another charity that would help me get on my feet. It is important for people with money to send money to these charities. In my way of thinking it is not important to give money to paid political speakers no matter how much the the publicity says they are famous for being an unwed mother, famous as an activist (where's the proof?), a famous political daughter, famous as a forgiven sinner, famous as a shaky dancer and on and on famous for not any good reasons. Any decent charity will give their donors a choice. Let them donate to Bristol's facebook team and Bristol separate from the poor girls that really need food and housing. Don't wrap up all donations in with the money that should go to the needy. Keep Bristol donations apart from the administrative costs and the money to the needy.

  49. SME1311:10 PM

    I think Alaska needs its own spokesperson for teen pregnancy and NOT Bristol. Perhaps if the rest of the world could see that even in Alaska we don't think she's a role model the rest of them would wake up.

    We need to also poll the high schools and get first hand reactions to what the kids think of her. Then plaster it all over youtube facebook and psa announcements.

  50. SME1311:13 PM

    If anyone wants to write or call April Kesterson

    Tulare-Kings Right to Life
    PO Box 3531
    Visalia CA 93278
    Mrs. April Kesterson, Executive Director

  51. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Bristol Palin and her heroic campaign for teen pregnancy - providing more soldiers for the cause!

    Someday, white male evangelicals will be running the country and our lives. Can't wait (to shoot myself).

  52. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Akchic@12:42, I would definitely want YOU to be the one giving these talks to underage girls, certainly not the likes of Bristol Palin.

    You point out exactly in your post what life is like for most teen mothers -- food stamps, government assistance, and not being able to afford college -- not magazine $preads and guest $pots on television $hows.

    I think I might respect this skanky, zero-personality mini-Sarah a little more if she had taken some of her initial ill-gotten gains and taken her simple ass to college.

    I still can't get over the fact that she's getting paid more than most school teachers to lecture on how haaaarrrrd her life is. Please. Tripp was the next best thing to a lotto ticket for this barely verbal sea donkey.

  53. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Well, she had two babies - but she aborted two others. I hope the people with firsthand knowledge about that understand how big of a pay day they can earn from the tabloids if they provide details. At some point, it will come out, because Sarah is starting to become much more stingy with her pay off money and some of these folks were NOT forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement before they started to receive hush money. Before long, information will start to come out.

  54. Nikki2:20 PM

    In a way, I can see how it would be good to have someone end up in a situation and then talk to others about not making the same mistake. Like the example of a druggie talking to students about drugs. I sat through many assemblies like that in secondary school. Or ones where drunk drivers hit and killed someone and would discuss the evils of making that mistake. However, unlike Bristol, none of these people were on People magazine or popping up on reality shows and being paid tens of thousands of dollars for appearences. They were not celebrities. They were everyday commoners who made the wrong decision and right after they spoke, they went right back to being an everyday commoner. No luxuries.

    Every single time I hear people praise Bristol, I immediately think back to when Jamie Lyn Spears announced she was pregnant.

  55. Anonymous3:34 PM

    ooooh can I get in on gorging at the cash cow?

    Movie title: The Bristol Palin Story:
    First she spread her legs, now she spreads the ab$tinence message.

    BTW, it's a dramedy.

  56. Anonymous4:07 PM

    he is so obviously his daddy's boy; so sad that Levi has no regular access to him. Just enforces the impression of the loveless, ego-driven materialistic soullessness of the Palin entourage...(why, yes, it does disturb me...)

  57. Anonymous4:35 PM

    What was this Mark Ballas show about? Was it entertainment? Was it for members only or was it open to the public?

    That Bristol doesn't miss a beat when it comes to politics. Why is she (through her handlers) making a statement about conservative talk show host Dan Fagan? She can't go out for entertainment and support Ballas without protection from a photographer that just started to work at a paper whose staff has sometimes appeared on a conservative talk show?
    Ballas was promoting his show and that Bristol would be there, he wanted people to come. He didn't mention if only some people were welcomed. He must be a BIG disappointment to Sarah that he allowed someone like that in the same room with her daughter. Maybe he just doesn't get this lame-stream media problem and what Bristol is up against.
    I would have like to have seen the photos of her handlers protecting her since that was the truth about how she was there to support Ballas. How many pictures of her mouth gaping open do we need to see? If she is surrounded by handlers that is her reality and better than another exclamation of how positive and supportive she is learning to act. Good for her to not carry on the sulking Palin kid tradition like Willow and Track but no photos of her looking happy because of some staff at a paper?

    Why Track Palin joined the Army.
    Freedom from the Press

    "We tried to get some footage of Palin herself, but her handler wouldn't let us near her. We were told she doesn't care much for Alaska Dispatch. I'm not sure what the issue is -- I have been an intern for the Dispatch only three weeks now -- but her handler said something about her not liking that the Dispatch staff sometimes appear on conservative talk show host Dan Fagan's radio show on KFQD."

  58. What a creep she is5:22 PM

    Bristol takes money that was donated to help pregnant unwed young girls? How does that help anyone?

  59. Anonymous5:53 PM

    "Me and my gorgeous partner Bristol," Ballas tweeted, posting a picture of the pair outside the bar.
    But the cozy couple wasn’t alone. They toured the town with camera crews in tow, filming a segment for the next episode of their ABC show.

    Mark is all business. He only wanted the ABC camera crew to film them.

  60. Anonymous6:36 PM

    The addicts who are in recovery and reach out to help others have usually had success working a 12 step program. They have worked through the steps and are ready to work the step where they give back and help others. There is no quickie fix-it involved.

    Bristol is not dealing with any of her past or the old lifestyle. She may not smoke weed, drink or do the drugs common to her high school days now. She is possibly "healed" through medications for whatever a doctor has determined is her condition. Depression and so on. The press keeps talking about Lindsay Lohan and why she keeps using and going to programs. Lindsay has the same type of "healing" shortcut program. Find a doctor or doctors that will fill your prescriptions.

    Bristol has no clue what poverty stricken girls with babies go through. That is not to say she hasn't visited homes and smoozed at those charity places. She is the last person that should be an example to teens about abstinence. She did get around in school and in her condo days with Ben Barber he had to ask her if she was pregnant. Not exactly what you ask an abstinent friend. We are to believe she wasn't doing romantic Levi during their second engagement? Bristol is not abstinent and she has no business making money by passing herself off as if she is. That is destructive to those she is suckering and wrong in every way. Barber and Johnston deserve the worst for not speaking truth to power and doing something to help the young people that Bristol hurts. All the Bristol and Sarah enablers hate children and love to live the lie or they would stand up and do what is right.

  61. aj weishar7:46 PM

    We need to look at the positive side of Bill Albert's research. For decades, Republicans have been saying poor minorities made up almost all of teen pregnancies. That was a lead in to "They do it on purpose to qualify for more welfare. Minority teens are the ones bankrupting the welfare agencies." Now we find that most pregnant teens come from well off families. Demographics have changed, meaning there should be plenty of money for poor pregnant teens.

  62. Anonymous9:37 PM

    With regard to the comparison to former junkies giving talks on recovery and abstinence, the difference is that every recovering narcotic abuser I've ever heard of does it for FREE. Sometimes it's court-mandated, and sometimes it's a heart-felt effort to change other peoples' lives.

    Bristol, on the other hand, just like her mother, only speaks for money. She is no activist and provides a terrible example for young women.

    The statistics cited need looking into. I'm very skeptical. I do think the poor, black teenager meme is over-stated, but whether most teen moms are from two-parent homes is debatable. Need to hit the Google to see if there is more info.


  63. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Agree with dsmyre.

  64. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Sure, I'd be willing to pay her $15, shut the fuck up.

  65. Beldar J Kohnhedde11:55 AM

    The very bestest part about being an unwed teen mom - besides the prematurely chunky arms - is that that beautiful albeit colicky baby will always be there to provide them unconditional love and comfort and be a caring, helpful, understanding and obedient best friend forever. You know, like they were to their own moms...


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