Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sarah Palin's crazy political pals and her plans for 2012.

(This video was created by the brilliant folks at  Flat Earth TV.  Take a moment to visit their page and take their pledge.)

That video was a fun to watch but let us not forget that the message is dead serious.  The individuals that Sarah Palin is endorsing are extremely dangerous to our country and our hopes of moving forward and dealing with the very real problems that we are currently facing.

Lately there has been a change in the creativity and professionalism that is being demonstrated by new websites dedicated to Sarah Palin and in Palin's messages as they appear on Facebook and in the media.

This is very troubling to me.

Take a look at this new interactive website called Take back the 20 which is dedicated to targeting House Democrats in districts that McCain/Palin carried in 2008 that voted with Obama on the health care bill:

Join me in standing against those who stood with Obama and Pelosi in voting for this disastrous bill. The Democrats from 20 districts we carried in 2008 voted for Obamacare. Now we can vote against them.

Let’s replace them with good conservatives who will vote to repeal and replace Obamacare with patient-centered, results-driven, free market reform that provides solutions to people of all income levels without bankrupting our country.

The message is the same, but the slickness of the website reveals that there is more money being spent on making it a more forceful and compelling presentation..

The same could be said for this new website called Organize4Palin that appears to an off-shoot of the C4P site, but which is dedicated to gathering donations for "worthy" candidates and helping them to get elected.  (Candidates that clearly would owe Palin a favor or two if elected.) It is also very well put together and looks very much like the previously mentioned Take Back the 20 website. There is also this very well put together conservative news aggregate site called The Blaze that she recently promoted on her Facebook page. (Just to give yourself some idea of the vast number of pro-Sarah Palin blogs and websites out there on the blogosphere you could visit here and have your mind blown.)

And if that were not enough to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, there has also been a change in the professionalism of the writing in Sarah's Facebook rants.  In this recent attack on President Obama's healthcare bill the writing is much, much improved over the angry rants of Rebecca Mansour and speaks to the fact that Palin has brought in a more polished team to get her/their message out.  (For a some perspective on this lie riddled, yet well written, Facebook post please read Sarah Jones brilliant take down over at Politicususa.)

I guess the point I am trying to make is that whether she really hopes to win or not (And for many of my progressive friends the jury is still out on that), Sarah Palin is definitely preparing to make a run for the Presidency.  And considering the amount of money being spent, and the amount of time people are putting into polishing up her image, there are some people behind her who are dead serious about the idea of a President Palin being elected in 2012.


  1. Anonymous7:37 AM

    I only have one issue with this post of yours and that is you saying her FB post on HCR was full of lies. This is untrue. Large companies are already dropping patients and policies for children, doctors are dropping medicare, medicaid has been and will continue to implode. HCR bill did nothing but exacerbate a very real problem with health care. And the senators didnt even read it. It doesnt ensure the uninsured will be covered. How can the Govt, when its other entities are suffering, change a HUGE sector of the country? When Pelosi said "we have to pass the bill to find out whats in it", that just proves how indifferent people are to their lives, or how much blind faith they put in their leaders. That is scary when every carefully crafted word is a lie. When you need talking points and a script to go on the View, you are a deceiving person.It's the view. 4/5 women will love you no matter what.

  2. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I have always believed Sarah has some big money backers that include but go beyond Murdock. It wasn't Harper Collins that funded that incredible book tour of hers--it didn't come out of their financials.

    I think she quit because someone came to her and said, "We can guarantee you an income of $35 million a year and all you have to do is say what we want you to say, do what we want you to do." (Remember Chuck telling us she doesn't make her own decisions? Remember the "Hell yeah!" That wasn't in response for her "working to progress America"; that was in response to "Shall I quit and rake in the big bucks?"

    I also suspect some of those backers have been there since the 90s. Do you seriously believe this little bird brained idiot in the wilds of Alaska would have believed she could be president if someone wasn't whispering it in her ear?

    As for whether she'll make it--a scary percentage of the American public are ignorant and seriously lacking in reasoning ability. The rightwing corporations own the newsmedia. And then there are the Diebold voting machines. I don't understand why the Democrats don't go after the voting fraud of the last several elections. If they don't, we're doomed.

  3. Anonymous7:53 AM

    She can polish all she wants. It's still putting lipstick on a Pig,.... and saying that is a big dis-service to the Pig !

  4. emrysa8:10 AM

    "patient-centered, results-driven, free market reform"

    hey isn't this what we were told back in the 70's when they implemented hmo's?

    same. sale. shit.

  5. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I dont know 7:49, about 7-8 yrs ago, Sarah was living happily being a mother and taking to family outings. Yes, she started campaigning for L Gov, but she was happy just being mom. Her kids were by her side, smiling, laughing, she had a new baby to cuddle. I think the big ambition grew as part of the common midlife crisis sotospeak. Most people make changes after theyve nested. I've seen the private family pictures and enjoyed some anecdotes. I fully believe she could walk away from everything and just be a mom from Wasilla. I've only been engulfed in politics for about 3 years, working with Hillary and local govts and I gotta say. it's addicting. Knowing that you can change things one step at a time. Knowing you're helping to create a better future for your children...nothing like it

  6. Anonymous8:27 AM

    7:53 AM

    You beat me to it.
    Polish away......

  7. Virginia Voter8:45 AM

    He, he, the very first post from a troll, very nice. You can always tell when as article hits close to home. Those Palinbots NEVER disappoint.

    While I mostly agree with your post, recent polling suggests that no matter how much money gets behind Sarah Palin, she is still the turd that cannot be polished...and yeah, I know Mythbusters proved that shit can shine.

    Sarah's favorable ratings in just ALASKA:

    Nationally Sarah Palin's favorablity is about 21%

    This is key... Sarah has not expanded her appeal beyond the very base level of the Republican party. IF Scott McAdams were a smart candidate he would tie Miller to Sarah Palin early and often, he should go national, and use Sarah's negatives to drag Miller down. I doubt he has the "cajones". I considered sending him $$, but I doubt he would put the money to good use. I have supported Jack Conway in KY, Tom Perriello here in VA, Harry Ried, and Tarryl Clark in MN, plus my own congressman.

    Sarah's only reason to run for president is to make more money. She will quit before the first debate.

  8. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I believe that no one should underestimate the ambition of Sarah Palin nor should they disregard the greed of those corporate entities backing her. Make no mistake, she is the veneer placed on some ugly, ugly power-hungry people who know (or believe) she can be manipulated to do their bidding.

    Amazingly, I think they are underestimating the sheer self-absorption of Sarah and will discover to their horror and their little pet has turned into a major nightmare. She will not hesitate to throw anyone under her bus bound to glory.

    We ignore Palin and the machine behind her to our own peril

  9. Anonymous9:13 AM

    So SarahPac is raising money behind the name Take Back the 20. Let's remember these 20 candidates when the 4th Q SarahPac statement comes out and see how much she really donates to them. I think this is another scam to raise money for Sarah.

    "Large companies are already dropping patients and policies for children, doctors are dropping medicare, medicaid has been and will continue to implode."
    Yes, keep parroting the Republican talking points about the Health Care Law. It isn't fault of Congress and the Admin that instead of following the law, some greedy insurance companies decided to stop offering policies is it? It isn't the fault of the Congress and the Admin that instead of following the law some greedy doctors are dropping Medicare patients, is it? The problem is medical care, services and products should be not-for-profit industries like they are in the rest of the First World.

  10. Anonymous9:40 AM

    You know Gryphen posts like this one only help her and her friends. What good do they serve??? Telling all of us that she is dangerous? We know that.

    But frankly you and others like you are elevating her and it is a big mistake!!!!

    Realistically at this time the polls are against her in a huge way. Even the majority of conservatives who like her, don't want her as president and don't think shes qualified.

    If you really want to fight against Sarah EDUCATE people about her REAL record in ALaska. Cover it over and over again. You wrote about it before?? So what! Maybe new people are reading.

    This kind of post today does nothing to destroy the phony image Sarah has created. And it's fear based which is what she does.

    Focus on facts. Revisit all her gates in a nonemotional way over and over again.

    You might blow this off but ask yourself whether the liberal blogs have accomplished exposing and stopping her over the past two years??? The answer is no. She has gotten away with the Trig fantasy/lie, and numerous unethical things. Maybe you and others should think about why that is and change your approach.

    She can spend what she wants but the reality is she is a very unpopular polarizing person. I've never in my 75 years seen a person in "politics" who is so despised!! And her bots are a small group. You are helping her with posts like this.

  11. Anonymous9:41 AM

    We have to start calling the media on their total lack of responsibilty for just posting what Palin says. When I read Sarah Jones and the research and truth that she writes, then I go on the Huffington post, and they just print what sp says, I email them right away and tell them they should be ashamed of themselves. Thanks Alaska Bloggers!

  12. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I still do not understand why nobody Calls on Granny Grifter to just tell the truth about her family receiving Government run healthcare, while she wants to deny it to everybody else. I have typed til I am blue in the nails, nobody listens.

  13. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Patient-centered, results-driven, free market - those three points cancel each other out.

    A Sarah Palin endorsed reform supposedly provides solutions to people of all income levels without bankrupting our country? No, it'll just bankrupt you. And you are at the mercy of her fundy friends charity groups.

    Get ready for Prayer Warrior treatment, Jesus cookies and baby mills.

  14. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Sarah is a big fucking liar!!!

    FREE MARKET HEALTH CARE is NOT patient focused!!
    That is a huge LIE!

    Free market health care has FAILED period! Anyone who debates this fact will lose.

    If it worked, every other country would use this and they do n't

    The first poster is wrong. Without this bill, insurers still would have dropped people and raised rates!!! This bill does not go far enough but it's a start!!!

    When you respond to this Republican bullshit, you need to say clearly that free market health care is a proven failure because it is PROFIT driven and NOT Patient focused!!!!

    Truthfully profits have no place in making medical decisions.

    Sarah and all the tea party nuts are 150% on the side of corporations and the rich. Her followers are morons. She and those like her don't care at all about the average person. God her fans are so STUPID.

    And so many Americans are stupid. They are supporting liars and candidates who want to push the middle class into the lower class. They vote against their own interests!!

  15. Must read:

  16. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I agree with others - it isn't Palin who is so important any more; she is just an obnoxious cog in the money and machine behind her. She's been successfully used for the larger plan expressed here, at Floyd Orr's site, God's Own Party, and others. The country is under assault by a big-moneyed and long term (decades) machine that is close to the finish line. I can't believe that voting machine fraud has not been addressed, but since it hasn't in any large measure, I am deeply dismayed. These powers have made terrific gains without the voting machines, so with them next month and in 2012.... I, an optimist, am very pessimistic about our future. I used to think that Palin would eventually make trouble for her handlers but I think it no longers matters. They are getting what they want, Palin or no Palin. She's been useful and has boosted their cause, but she can be tossed aside and it no longer makes a lot of difference as to when. We're in trouble, folks.

  17. Anonymous10:12 AM

    @Anonymous, 7:37am.

  18. you really should listen to the possts that warn you about the way you treat palin is really helping her.
    i realize youi think by scaring people it gets them angry and you think that helps your site attract people.
    but you give palin power by addressing her with the names the bots like and by suggesting shehas some great unseen force pushing her along.
    palin WILL NEVER BE ALLOWED to run for the presidency and if she ever strays to far from what she is told to do she will be destroyed overnight by fox.

    so stop treatingher as more then she is and just tell what you know not what you think will anger people.
    i hope you read and understand what i am saying.

  19. You know I think there are more concern trolls making comments on this post than actual IM supporters.

    And I just love the warning that if I talk about how people are using the Plain brand to funnel money to campaigns in order to slowly put in place Republicans that will be supportive of GOP ideals and endorse a Palin presidential run, that somehow I am the one making her bigger than she really is.

    Look I KNOW she is an idiot, but I also know that for some reason the media and others listen to what she ways and that such a platform allows the real influences behind the scenes to move their agenda forward.

    So the argument that putting a spotlight on those kinds of manipulations is somehow helping them and Queen Esther is lost on me.

    Nice try, but either you are desperate to get me to change the subject for some reason, or you are too ignorant to realize that if I stopped talking about the gathering of campaign veterans behind Sarah Palin, that she wold not just simply dry up and blow away before 2012.

    In fact I would argue that the more scrutiny we place on what she, and others, are doing NOW the better prepared we are for the dirty tricks that we all know are headed our way this campaign season. In face we are already seeing them take place in states like Delaware, Kentucky, and, shockingly I know, Alaska.

  20. Anonymous11:46 AM

    "Free market" health care reform is an immoral disaster!

    As a physician, I worked for a state hospital for many years before it was taken over by a private "for profit" company. DISASTEROUS for the patients and medical care!

    The next time you have to go in for an angioplasty or gall bladder surgery, ask yourself if you really want the "low bid" equipment used in your procedure, or the reduced "staff to patient" ratio, just so the private owners and their investors can squeeze more money out of your illness! I've seen the results. They are not pretty.

    It's immoral in a country as wealthy as ours to make an obscene profit off of our weakest, sickest, and most vulnerable citizens!! Despite many rewarding years in medicine at the state-run hospital, I quit that job two years after taken over by the "for profit" company because it literally made me sick to see patient care compromised by the dictates of "free market."

    Palin and her corporate masters can shove their "free market" health care where the sun doesn't shine. Lying vultures, all of them.

  21. honestyinGov12:07 PM

    Looks like WGE did not learn her lesson the LAST time she came to CA. " Sheee's Baaccckkk". And she wants to sit on stage next to Gov Dean. W o w!!... that will be a contrast. Pack your Sharpie Sarah.... maybe a pink one for Piper as well.
    She can't put a fence around the Convention Ctr to keep people/protesters out either.And this is for like 4 hours... not some canned 1/2 hour screetch. People will ASK QUESTIONS.... and not pre-arranged ones either. Cameras and recording devices... should be Fun. ( Oct 15, Sacramento CA )

  22. Anonymous12:09 PM

    anon 8:21 - Sarah was never normal.
    Comments here & elewhere from people who've observed her for years have said there's always been something odd
    about her. Anon 7:49 has it exactly
    right, there is indeed big money &
    power behind her. Her 'path' was planned years ago, she did not 'come out of nowhere,' as were the headlines when she ran for vp. She's
    a controlled asset. The All-American-
    hockey-mom-patriot meme is fake.

    OT: Couldn't everybody choose a screen name so the majority of posts
    aren't authored by "Anonymous?"
    Bloggers on other sites have names.

    Sharon TN

  23. Anonymous12:20 PM

    "It's immoral in a country as wealthy as ours to make an obscene profit off of our weakest, sickest, and most vulnerable citizens!!"

    I couldn't have said it better! The medical industry should absolutely not be for profit. Why can't the people who support these insurance companies see that?? It's so frustrating to try and explain to them that insurance companies only care about their bottom line!

  24. Anonymous12:22 PM

    The termination dust is here.

    Could be a omen that Palin is descending upon us for good. Palin, Miller, Parnell, both Dan Sullivans, appointed officials, news media .... they're like a plague of bedbugs that we can't get rid of. Beyond any doubt, their influence will worsen our lives.

    I know you hate the message, but if enough of us vote for Lisa, it might stave off the infestation.

  25. California Dreamin'12:25 PM

    oooo...I wish I could go to the Sacramento event. I'm only a couple of hours away. But $275 for tickets?? OUCH!

  26. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Sorry Gryphen you are wrong. I am someone you labeled a "concern troll"
    I wrote the post at 9:40 Anonymous.

    I am NOT a troll. I have followed your blog since 1997. I despise Sarah and everything about her.

    BUT.. I know you watch Bill Mahr, right? He was interviewed on Chris Matthews and made a great point. He said Sarah only won like 7% of the votes at the VALUE VOTERS summit. They voted on who should run for President. She only got 7% of the votes - Mike Pence won. So Bill Mahr's point was that Sarah isn't even that popular among her own kind, and just maybe it is the MEDIA who is giving her the power.

    And more and more I think your posts and others who use scare tactics give Sarah a lot more power than she really has.

    Don't you notice how many people roll their eyes when they mention Sarah? People who are main stream media and high level Republicans?

    Just deal with the facts of her history and record.

    I don't appreciate being labeled a troll because I don't agree with something that you are doing.

    I don't think the other posts, except for the very first one, are from trolls, sorry.

    Try LISTENING to what people are saying. You are very much in a bubble with a biased viewpoint - sorry.... You keep giving Sarah more credit and more power then she deserves. I am NOT saying don't cover her, but why are you building her up like you are in this post? She is honestly a laughing stock to most. Keep showing her real record, her lies, and all of that...I'm not saying don't cover her - of course she is dangerous! Even if she doesn't run, she is dangerous because of her big mouth, her lies and the way the media covers her. The media gives her way way too much attention.

  27. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Also, screw you for calling people ignorant because they disagree with your approach.

    Perhaps people think you are the ignorant one, but what is with the name calling. I don't find anyone here being nasty and name calling to you, but you are like that because people tell you to be a bit careful about giving her too much power.

    Wow, you are arrogant!

  28. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Unusual to see so many trolls. I guess they're getting ramped up for the election. I'm seeing a lot more attack ads on tv too, and fox-news-paid-for opinion pieces on aol. What was all that talk about Repubs being underfunded a couple years ago? Poppycock. From the number of ads showing up in my living room, they're outspending Dems 10-1. That supreme court ruling no doubt helped with that.

    Also, there was recently a NYT article that came out which I just read today. It reveals that Rove cranked up the political machine again back in April. He's collected 32 million in swiftboat money (that the writer knows of.)

    What do we know of the Tea Party? Well we know that last year the main organizers decided to officially bond with the Republican Party, I know because I read it. And we know Sarah, early on, told the teabaggers to pick a party. She's since dropped that rhetoric, no doubt because Rove or someone told her to shut up and leave the Tea Party alone because they're useful, and they distract from the GOP machine. (Even though we know, at this point, it's all one and the same).

    As long as voters see new faces of the tea party, and not the old corrupt faces of Boehner, Gingrich and Rove,..then the GOP comes out smelling good.

    To that extent, we've sort of done Sara Palin a favor by giving her all this attention, because once again, it puts the spotlight on a pretty, smiling face for the GOP. It makes no difference if she runs or not. In fact, they no doubt prefer she not run.

    On the flip side, don't get frustrated, because you're doing the right thing to try to discredit the brownshirted operatives of the GOP, like Palin. The problem is nobody in power in the Democratic Party bothered to crush her, which is what you have to do with people like that. From day one, it was kid gloves. I remember the Biden/Palin debate. Kid gloves. Yes, it was important for Obama to stay above the fray, just as Bush did when he was president, but Bush had 2 Darth Vaders (Cheney and Rove) around to destroy their political enemies, or even their political friends if they didn't play along. The dems have refused to do that.

  29. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Could big insurance & lobbying groups be behind the teabaggers and republicans? It's obvious that they would benefit if Healthcare Reform were repealed and Medicare was "revamped" into a free market system, both central themes in these candidates' campaigns. They also want Social Security to go to the private sector, so maybe the big banking industry in on the plan too?

    With these common themes being spewed among the teabaggers, without their explanation of real statistical benefits, it's all too conincidental that they are stomping on the same things.

    According to Rachel Maddow's researchers, Social Security is a low overhead, inexpensive department that runs smoothly. So why should seniors pay advisors fees to "invest" the money that is due to them, with the risk they may lose it all and have nothing to live on, and who does that benefit?...Wallstreet?

    If we identify which groups benefit if these candidates win and change policy in their favor, we may identify whose funding these campaigns.

  30. Anonymous12:51 PM

    FWIW, organize4palin is the latest project of sheya (of c4p and palintv infamy)

  31. Anonymous12:53 PM

    oh, and c4p keeps whining about how you and other blogs have paypal accounts for donations and ads, but recently c4p started shilling for donations to sheya to offset his alleged $10,000 a month expenses for palintv.

  32. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Ignore her at your own risk.

    Sarah Palin will overtake your life.

    Me? I'm always looking over my shoulder to see if she's catching up.

  33. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn1:35 PM

    Maybe the Koch Boys, et. al., are paying the trolls better, or giving them more sophisticated scripts? I agree with you Gryph--someone's caught on to the not-making-it-look-like-a-bogus-grassroots thing anymore, and they're ramping up for the election, for sure. Notice that the trolls spell better and inject some nuance into their comments more than we've seen before. And they're all over HuffPo and other news outlets lately, too. Hmm.

    I DO worry about the easily-fixed Diebold machines though--what can be done? Can districts that use them somehow be highlighted or focused on? Any ideas?

  34. Anonymous2:10 PM

    There are trolls here.

    There probably also are some sincere comments made- that perhaps do not take into account what is behind the 'Sarah Phenomena' as observed these last 15 years.

    The early facts are obscured by willful deception and history scrubbing. They also are missing because few had any idea that they should pay attention and carefully record what was going on.

    If there is a plot to attain power through hidden agendas garnering hidden supporters- then it could be because she is a "seven mountains believer".

    Or maybe a secessionist,who perhaps thinks that might not yet be a valid 'campaign position'. Give her and her media backers a few years and we'll be back in 1859 or 1860. They are constitutional experts.

    Statements like 'ignore her she will go away', and 'attention is all she wants' are at odds with her history.

    She will not go away.

    Are there backers other than the Faux News network, Flush Limberugh, billionare Kochtopus brothers, and probably KKarl Rove too? Or is that enough already?

    "They'll go away if we keep quiet." Just like those in Texas were saying in the late 1990's.

    "Dubya Bush running a baseball team- you've got to be kidding. Running for president?? HAHA that's funny." Well maybe he's gone away now.

    Posts like this at Daily KOS:
    "Should Dems cheer for Palin to win 2012 GOP Nod?"

    are more of this type of thinking.

    When the Kossian comes up with

    "As such, while it is likely that Palin is more reactionary than either Romney or Huckabee, if Palin were to win the Republican nomination in 2012, it would be a positive for Democrats. In fact, even if she were to go on to become President, I say better her than either Romney or Huckabee.

    Allow me to explain both points further:"

    If you want to check it out.. it will make you feel even worse, or better if you think she's largely harmless.

    Shorter version- some say:
    "Either she will go away, OR she will be president- either way it's good for what ails us."

    Recall 'Death panels' in the health care 'debate'? I doubt Sarah thought that up- but she was the successful first salesman of that lie.

    Given a $100 million dollar ad budget and a two year campaign- she'll top that.

    History will probably show that the ignorant were ignoring.

  35. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Anon at 8:21 am-

    Sarah thought she was on the short list for the US Senate appointment that Frank Murkowski used to appoint Lisa Murkowski. She was not the only one.

    That was in 2002.

    And then- well- if you can't make the proper connections then think on it for a while. Hint: Joe Miller wants that seat now...Troopergate lawyer Joe Miller....

    "Most people make changes after theyve nested." Maybe the change was that her nest needed a whole lot more Naughty Monkeys and Spanks feathers to make it warm and cozy.

  36. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Karl Rove was just given the task of taking the House, the Senate and the Presidency back for the GOP. Now it makes total sense why he brown-nosed to COD. Pay back is a bitch. I have no doubt the GOP is behind Sarah. When Rove went on Faux News, he said COD did well defending herself against the witchcraft controversy, then he cleaned up her message for her by saying what positions she held that were "right." He no doubt helped clean things up for Sarah too. Wonder how RAM feels about losing her job and her position in Sarah Land. Rove met Bush Jr. and saw something in him that he knew he could use to win the Presidency. He will do the same for Sarah. Not "for" Sarah but the GOP.

  37. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Gyrphen, There are many of us who come to your site daily and even donate when possible. I clearly see the first post is a troll, but the others who are begging you to concentrate on Palin's record are NOT trolls. I'm disappointed that instead of trying to understand why your supporters disagree with you, you immediately label them concern trolls.

    The Media builds the Palin mystique already. Somebody needs to shine the light again and again on HER RECORD...from the first time the Alaska public heard of her until now. Please!

  38. Anonymous9:57 PM

    After Citizens United ruling, there is so much money now in elections, it's no wonder that people are sprucing up $P's websites and image. The whole thing is beyond scary. She hasn't changed, but the power behind her has changed, and I think that is the part of the warning we need to be cognizant of.

    Comment on identity: I don't have one of the accounts needed to provide me with a username and I choose not to sign up for Google. I suspect that's true of others as well. I usually sign my penname below my comments as follows.


  39. imnofred5:39 AM

    Even though Sarah isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, she surely must know how to read. She doesn't poll well except within the right wing of the Republican Party. Even though she has good approval ratings among
    Republicans, many would not vote for her for President.

    I wonder if she is naive enough to believe that those with the $$ that back her can simply buy her way into the White House.

  40. Anonymous9:04 PM

    I HAVE A Name Already. It is "anonymous"

    About the posting by name-identity whatever.

    I will not get a name to post by.

    Will not do that here- or anywhere else.

    Will not participate in all that privacy invading B.S. either.

    Especially on these blogs and sites concerning that woman and her swarm.

    Many good contributions (and not just tips- commentary and participating in the discussion by freely expressing opinions are just as important) have been made here and elsewhere by anonymous- who could have had a name if they wanted.

    Anonymous. If it is good enough for taking down a manipulative money grubbing cult like scientology, then it is good enough for here.

    GRYPHEN Thank You in general, and in particular for taking the time to make it work without names.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.