Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Here is the rebuttal video from DWTS to "Boo-gate."

Now take a look at which direction the faces in the audience BEHIND the judges turn JUST as the booing starts. When the scores are first shown there is cheering and clapping.  Then they turn their faces and start booing.

They are no longer looking at the judges and the score cards, they are looking at something over to their right.  And we all know what was off to their right don't we?

Epic fail ABC!

The guy from "Sarah Palin is a Phony," who was IN the audience that day calls BS on this as well.


  1. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Gryphen...I absolutely agree they were booing at her. What I cannot understand is this cover-up, and why no one else has noticed Bruno's remark "Fox is waiting", which he said as Bergeron seemed about to chastise Bruno in the first segment of last night's show. It's possible ABC edited this comment out for the West coast showing of the show, but here on the East coast it was clear as day...Bruno was insinuating they had to appease Fox News, and when Carrie Ann hid her face in her hands and Len looked at him like he had spilled state secrets when Bruno said that, Bergeron dropped "BooGate" until the next segment. Trust me, Bruno can't stand Sarah plain, so it should be interesting to see if he treats Bristol with "kid" gloves in future episodes. Honestly, his "Fox is waiting" comment, and the WAY he said it, is something to be seen. But since no one else has commented on this on the websites this morning, I'd wonder if I ACTUALLY heard it or just imagined it. Guess what? My mother, watching the show in her room at the same time, said "Did you just hear what Bruno said??" when it happened....Apparently, I'm not crazy! Whew!

  2. Anonymous5:22 AM

    That was the weirdest clip I've ever seen. To be honest, when I watched the show Monday, I was shocked at Team Jennifer's scores because I felt they were AMAZING and the judges seemed to really like it. So I had no problem believing the boos were for the judges. I still don't think the audience would boo even Sarah. That kind of act just exudes classlessness and rudeness. In LA, Sarah is just another person walking down the street. Like NYC, no one's more important than anyone else. People will forget this tomorrow as that is how human nature is.

  3. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Where were the boos coming from? Because they weren't booing directly behind the judges. I'm starting to think it was a boo track for effect. We know just post scores, Tom walked over and switched seats with th elady by Sarah. People are obviously going to look that direction, he's the host. He started talking just after Carrie said "theyre booing us"

  4. Chenagrrl5:44 AM

    Uh, we are supposed to believe this? Ms. Sarah is shown in a indifferent outfit, and everyone knows soundtracks can be altered. This is the MO of the Liar Breitbart. Anything can be proven with editing.

  5. Anonymous5:47 AM

    A couple of points:

    hmmmm...I wonder why ABC didn't show the video from the camera pointed at Sarah? Clearly we would have seen the audience booing at her (hence the exasperated head shake she gives when the camera finally turns on)

    also - check out Carrie's reaction once she figures out that the booing in NOT for them but for SP - she says something to the effect of "they got us" ! Also, check out Bruno's half choke when she is introduced.

    The cover-up is disgusting. How much more respect would ABC have if they supported the truth - or at the very least, not try to misrepresent.

    Maybe there were a couple of audience members who didn't realize that the booing was for SP and got caught up with criticizing the scores, but clearly the vast majority were booing SP, as evidenced by the timing, and where they are looking.

  6. TummyPad5:53 AM

    The show is a f-ing sham. Watch the judging of Brandy's performance compared to Bristol's. Bristol's dancing was a joke - off cue, off rhythm and unenthused!

    I think the tape is edited as there are people posting on Huffpo and blogs saying they were there, in the audience and that the boos were for Palin-what a bunch of liars on that show.

  7. Anonymous6:00 AM

    "Fox is waiting" blew up the whole plan to cover up Palin's being boo-ed.

    Sarah Palin is far, far too stupid to even realize that while she's busy commanding her minions, the truth tellers are legion. And Hollywood is way more vindictive than Palin can ever be.

  8. Anonymous6:05 AM

    ABC's "proof" is lame.

    Lame stream media, Sarah, get it?

    ABC can't dig Sarah Palin out of the hole she dug for herself.

    People will boo, hiss, snarl, confront, laugh at Sarah Palin as much as they want because they "love their freedom". They are the REAL Americans.

  9. Anonymous6:07 AM

    wow! seriously ABC? why the hell would they go to such lengths to disprove the obvious and draw even more attention to the whole situation?

    Media Fail! LAME!

    - kellygrrrl

  10. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Goodbye, ABC. I will never watch you again. What a joke DWTS is.

  11. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Gryphen, sorry to post an OT comment, but have you been checking into these organizations that sponsor Palin's speeches? I ask because the Vanity Affair noted that some of these organizations appeared to come out of nowhere with the sole purpose of raising money for Palin to talk. Well, here's another possible scam - the "Liberty & Freedom Foundation" that sponsored her speech last night:

    I went to their website, and they appear to be brand new. Several of their web pages had "Coming Soon" notations on them, along with verbiage on other pages that talked about what they "will" be doing.

    And like the other organizations mentioned in the Vanity Fair article, this one's purpose is to "educate."

    This woman is a flatout con artist, and the only reason the media hasn't acknowledged this is because she's working in conjunction with an organized group of other con artists - namely established GOP strategists who have all gotten rich from these sorts of money scams over the years.

    Until the MSM starts digging into the legitimacy of these front groups, America will continue to get taken for a very expensive ride by these hucksters.

  12. Anonymous6:15 AM

    correction to my last post, the Palin speech that this questionable "Liberty and Freedom Foundation" is sponsoring will be on Oct 6:

  13. Anonymous6:22 AM

    I don't watch this drivel but since it's in the news I have watched the clips. Have there been any other instances of booing on this show? In the clip shown the dancers' scores were given a huge round of applause. If the boos were for the scores, the booing would have been immediate along with the cheering. I call BS on ABC spin.

    Weak try Palin groupies. The boos were for TeeVee Reality Personality Palin. Get over it.


  14. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Why would the crowd go from cheering after all three scores to suddenly booing? That doesn't make any sense. Why is ABC even addressing this? The boos were clearly for Sarah.


  15. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:39 AM

    The Neocon corporate shills are really having a major headache with the fact that everything today is preserved on video on any number of websites, clearly showing the truth as it happened. Yet they try to double-back, spin and re-edit to rewrite history--but immediately! No wonder they'd love to regulate content on the Internet. Makes it so much easier to control the masses.

    Problem is, 80% of the American public ain't buyin' their lame attempts at spin. The other 20%...well...they can continue to live in Tiger Beat Land, where their heroine is the bestest, most accomplished hockey mom in the world, and just like them, also too.

  16. Anonymous6:48 AM

    I feel bad for the pro dancers and celebrities that are being dragged into this. That is if they are not in on the fix. They seem to believe they are actually in a competition. They seem to take the rehearsals and dance serious and want to win because they are working hard.

    I will totally lose respect for them if they are in on the fix. I never knew who The Situation was, never saw his show. I actually checked it out after he was on DWTS. It was awful but I could respect him for his work on DWTS. I expect his other reality show to be staged. I like that he was serious about the dance competition. What a let down if he is in on that fix as well. He does have great abs.

    ABC is doing a horrible thing to all the contestants, I hope they aren't powerless and can stand up for their reputations. No was should ABC get by with this. So what they have good ratings if it is all a fix.

    I thought that Ballas dude was incredible and now I'm thinking he is a real low life to be in on this hoax.

  17. What is odd is Jennifer Grays immediate denial- almost before the words had exited the announcer's lips, and her eyes looking down as she said no to the booing being directed to SP. It was clear she had been coached. The second part, is a half a second before the announcer says lets look at the video tape- Gray says almost the same thing.

    That was a very awkward and bizarre moment. Didn't realize that Gray would be so desperate.

  18. Anonymous6:53 AM

    It is obvious that ABC is spinning this as booing the judges because they do not want to alienate Palin & her supporters. They will also try and keep Bristol 'dancing' as long as possible. It's all about the ratings, folks. Pure & simple.

    Really hope Bruno has the balls to buck the official line on boo-gate, though.

  19. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Hey Anon, I can get this on topic:

    "Well, here's another possible scam - the "Liberty & Freedom Foundation" that sponsored her speech last night:"

    Earlier on maybe HuffPo I posted the question of whether SarahPAC was paying travel & lodging for SP and entourage for their LA VaCay. Which would be really wrong. She should not be using PAC money for her and family personal use (notice I said shouldn't. Technically I do not believe it is illegal).

    If she did have a speech that was paying her the big bucks, the 'client' may have covered the travel costs. We've seen that before.

    This is well worth digging in to.


  20. I have a friend who is adamant the booing was for the scores and not for Palin herself. She completely believes ABC is telling the truth. It's been aggravating to talk about.

    I didn't watch the show, but did watch this clip. Why show only the judges? Why not show Sarah herself? In this clip it's too easy to manipulate the soundtrack. I want to see other angles.

  21. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I don't watch this program. Is booing scores standard audience behavior? Because the little backstage chat during the actual booing seemed to indicate surprise at the "boos" and genuine curiosity as to the reason the audience would boo.

    If booing scores were fairly common on the show, I don't think the show's backstage personality would have been so baffled as to why folks were booing. She would have made some comment like "I guess the audience didn't like those scores!" Instead, she appears genuinely taken aback that the audience is booing.

  22. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I can understand booing Sarah. If I was in the audience I would want the scores to be about performance and dance. Bristol is being scored because of her mother's public relation performance. One of the entertainment analysts said Bristol should work it however she can, meaning if she doesn't have the work ethics at rehearsal to be a dance competitor she needs to do the public relations with her mother and get votes that way. She had a new Facebook that already has 5000 friends. Her mother is an automatic call in vote win. The judges really don't have to bend over backwards for her because she already has a sure win with the call in votes.

    If I was in the audience I would have booed Sarah because she represents someone who is padding the votes for who she wants to win. Can you imagine going to another sports competition and voting for someones mother and not how an athlete preforms?

  23. Anonymous7:11 AM

    What we need now is a buch of dedicated Angelinos to go outside ABC and Boo loudly, stating unequivicably that they are BOOING SCREECHY PALIN and Barstool also too.
    Then there will be no question.
    In fact, I am going to sugest this at the Rally to Estone Sanity, that we have a minue of BOOING specifically at Sarah PAlin.

  24. Anonymous7:13 AM

    When Sarah said the judges were awesome (boy, those Palin women have such a broad vocabulary, Sarah said it twice in that nervous blurb and Bristol echoed it when asked how she liked having her mom in the audience) Bruno was making a neck cutting motion to someone in the audience. He was not hiding his disdain for the living Antithesis of American Individual Freedoms.

  25. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Why didn't ABC just ignore the whole episode? Their attempts to rebut the booing just made it a bigger deal.

    Sounds to me like someone put the screws to ABC. Palin and her handlers? FOX? Maybe even higher-ups at ABC who wanted to milk the controversy for ratings?

    It will blow up in their faces, though, as everything does when Drama Queen Sarah Palin is involved. Unfortunately, now the viewers of DWTS are even more suspicious that ABC is rigging the competition in favor of their ratings cow, Bristol Palin and her media-whore mother.

  26. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Anon @ 5:22 - classless for the audience to boo Sarah? She promotes such classless behavior in her classless "speeches" to thousands of people across the country. She is the ambassador of bad behavior.

    If she won't broaden her exposure to the public out of the carefully constructed environment of the Fox News
    Network and Tea Party venues, we, other American's have to take every opportunity to throw reality in her face - there is only so much relief posting anonymously on a blog can offer. Even though we know she scours the words on Gryphen's page everyday.

    She stepped out of her Real America bubble and she deserved to be shown that she isn't as beloved and respected as she believes herself to be.

  27. Anonymous7:19 AM

    What is the hold that this woman has on the media? I know that DWTS is not Masterpiece Theater, but I also know of intelligent people who find it entertaining. It's not JUST "the heartland" (Sarah's version of it) watching. SO, why the "deference"? And no, it's not b/c she's "hot", 'bots. Because, honestly, she looks like a man in drag half the time.

  28. Anonymous7:20 AM

    The cover-up IS disgusting. ABC wants us to watch their programs and they will treat us this low to get some suckers to buy the advertisers product? SICK! I hope the suckers that they nab with these techniques wake up. It is not about a political position it is about how much abuse the viewers will tolerate. I don't care if they love Sarah, want to protect her from booing and they can call names. It is sickening if they take any abuse from ABC. Of course, this can be settled. There are unedited tapes and there are participants and witnesses.

    If ABC settles 'boo-gate' with this one little rebuttal we will know they are scum and have no respect for their viewers. The sponsors involved are going along with this so they can make money. They are no better.

    A strong self respecting public will insist on a fair rebuttal. Let both sides, witnesses and participants have their say. ABC, don't just produce another phony rebuttal video. What crap.

  29. Anonymous7:23 AM

    The classy way to get through what was apparently a startling situation to both Palin and ABC would have been to ignore it completely. At most to shrug it off, "oh, I don't know, who knows what they were booing at, could have been her, she's a politician, you'll get that, whatever." BUT because this is Palin they have to walk it back because as we know she makes a HUGE deal out of ANYTHING that anyone else on earth would ignore (Worst Governor Ever sign) and we can't have her DWTS-watching supporters upset, can we?

    I think it was a hundred times more embarrassing that ABC wasted air time saying "look at this giant deal we have made out of this, see we have PROOF (allegedly) that 3 or 4 people did NOT boo Sarah Palin." If she were a normal person, she would be mortified and just wish everyone would stop talking about it. But this is her...

  30. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Well said, 7:18.

    @5:22, I suppose it was "classy" for Sarah to keep quiet when psychos at her rallies yelled "kill him", etc., in reference to Obama. Even McCain had the sense to be amazed and repulsed by the vitriol at the rallies once Palin came on the scene.

  31. Anonymous7:35 AM

    The expression on "Bristle"'s face in the screen capture says it all: "I deserve to be admired for the nothing that I am."

    Fucking rats, all of them.

  32. Anonymous7:40 AM

    If ABC wanted to prove they are right they would not show this dumb "rebuttal" video that is obviously a set up. They are only giving ammunition to Fox and PEEBOTS, they are not trying to settle anything and they do not care for ALL their viewers or reality.

    Jennifer Grey was making a spectacular come back and she is an incredible dancer. Amazing. If she allows herself to be used as a whore what a shame. Leni Riefenstahl was an amazing and beautiful artist but that does not make it right to deceive the public.

    ABC will drop the "rebuttal" with this video and that will be that now that they gave Fox and their chosen viewers what they need.

  33. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Brisket isn't on the show because of her stardom- she's there because of her notoriety as a (slutty) daughter of a hypocritical bible-thumping politician.

    The grifter wasn't afforded a grandstanding interview simply because she is the mother of one of the contestants, so she can't complain about being booed.

  34. Anonymous7:57 AM

    How much power does this ridiculous woman have? Apparently entire show is a farce. Sarah was obviously booed but looks like she and Fox didn't like that. So now they demand that the entire country agree that she wasn't booed? Good luck with that.

    I agree that booing anyone is classless and undignified but I'd boo Sarah Palin any time, any where with plenty of reason.

  35. Anonymous8:09 AM

    The boos had to be for Sarah. I saw a few people in the audience craning neck to look way over where Bergeron and Sarah were sitting as the booing occurred.

    Did anyone notice at last night's show, a small insert of Bristol and Mark sitting down, they looked at the camera, Mark makes a "pistol" with his hand and shoots it at camera, then Bristol follows suit, doing the hand pistol thing and shooting. Not very smart coming from the daughter of a mother who likes to put gun sights on maps where the political competition is.

    I agree with some who have said Bristol does is not shy. She seems to be very shallow and follows the crowd. She doesn't seem to have an identity, she parrots everything or says everything others say.

  36. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Bruno's comment was not referencing Fox News but the Fox program So You Think You Can Dance. The implication was, if you don't like my judging, I'll go be a judge on SYTYCD.

  37. London Bridges8:22 AM

    I hope Dancing With The stars recorded the irate phone call from Sarah which demanded the public apolgy and cover up?

    What would it be worth?

  38. It does truly appear from viewing this clip that the boos came after the scores were stated and audience applauded.

    In past shows, the audience immediately reacts to scores that they are unhappy with as the scores are being shown/read.

    Personally I will watch this show after Bristol is voted off... I feel the same about her as when Tom Delay was on last season.

    The judges need to step up to the plate............

  39. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Spin, spin, spin, Sarah Louise Palin.

    The boos will get louder, the applause will get scarcer, the speaking fees will dwindle.

    And big daddy, ABC, wouldn't be there to soothe your tender ego.

    You are toast.

  40. Buffalo, NY8:31 AM

    This all reminds m of the movie "The Running MAN" with Richard Dawson and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

  41. Anonymous8:41 AM

    This looks even worse for Sarah (and Bristol) because it extends the "Palin Hour" to yet another night. Guaranteed Sarah was pissed off enough to demand an on-air rebuttal and once again, she pulls the spotlight off her daughter and on to herself.

    A good mother would never have done the on-air interview with the host in the first place. A good mother would have said, "this is my daughter's chance to shine. Acknowledge me if you have to, but I'll just sit in my chair and wave."

    Instead, not only Bristol, but everyone else has been upstaged for two nights by Miss Wasilla. That can't sit well for the real fans of the show. And considering that the other "stars," the dancers, and the judges are in this for the publicity and exposure, that can't sit well with them either.

    The bottom line, though, is that at this point, the dead weight has been removed (Hoff and Bolton) and as bad as Bristol was, it's acceptable that she hasn't been kicked off yet. By all rights, she should be the next to go. We'll see what happens.

  42. Anonymous8:42 AM

    You might as well get used to it, Sarah. There will be a lot of booing in your future.

  43. Anonymous8:54 AM


    She wore her favorite black leather jacket in the on-air, from the audience interview.

    did she change into that black thing in mere seconds? Wasn't she interviewed immediately following the booing thing? There must be video of her changing jackets since there was no extra time.


  44. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Want a laugh, turn on the closed caption while watching the you tube clip....

  45. Anonymous9:13 AM

    More on the "Liberty & Freedom Foundation" - doublethink article at National Review titles the upcoming speech as "Voter Outreach Programs The Beneficiary of Palin's Miami Visit."

    And then goes on to quote this likely scam outfit's director as saying "Most of it will go toward covering the costs” of the event, said Victor Cocchia, executive director of the Liberty & Freedom Foundation, which is hosting the event."

    While the media is distracted covering Bristol Palin's reality tv show antics, this grifter is cleaning up! You almost have to admire her con artistry, it's so blatant and yet completely ignored.

  46. ANON at 7:11 AM said:

    "What we need now is a buch of dedicated Angelinos to go outside ABC and Boo loudly, stating unequivicably that they are BOOING SCREECHY PALIN and Barstool also too.
    Then there will be no question.
    In fact, I am going to sugest this at the Rally to Estone Sanity, that we have a minue of BOOING specifically at Sarah PAlin."

    I am SOOO in! I live in L.A. and would be willing to do this if we can get a crowd. Who's with me?!

  47. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Am I crazy or is the loudest voice a woman shouting "YOU LIE".

  48. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:10 AM

    Okay, I'm now beating this dead horse with a stick, but during my lunch break I watched this epic fail rebuttal again. After the host runs in front of the judges towards SP (at least I'm suspecting that's him) and the boos start as the audience looks in the direction he ran, you can clearly hear someone yelling "LIE...LIE!" Even though it's being spun on some sites that it's an audience member yelling "9...9!" referring to the scores, it sounded odd to me. If you close your eyes and listen, you'll hear it. I think the first one was even prefaced by a "You." And the lag between presenting the scores and the audience booing is a LONG time for TV. Veddy innnteresting.

    You can see how mortified Jennifer Grey, her partner and the MC were to even be participating in this bogus, set-up, rebuttal insanity. I feel for you guys!

  49. That was a very awkward and bizarre moment. Didn't realize that Gray would be so desperate.

    Teutonic13, that is what is so horrible and inexplicable about the SP phenomenon.. WHY does Jennifer Grey need to cover up for Palin? Why couldn't she just be neutral at worst.. "oh, I don't know what they were booing about."??

    What is this weird deal where everyone seems to OWE Sarah something?? WTF?

  50. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I think Jennifer G. was so exhausted
    due to the steller performance she
    & her partner had just delivered she
    hardly knew what she was saying.
    Extremely unlikely the other dancers
    are part of any little 'make-Bristol-
    look-good' schemes. Every single
    dancer including Michael Bolton, I saw Monday night on DWTS far out danced Bristol,& if the fix is in
    for her, the dancers aren't in it.
    Probable scenerio is that the judges
    got the word that Bristol gets a pass
    even if she bellyflops on the floor -
    & if that happens, she gets the sympathy votes from the judges & stays
    aboard anyway. Otherwise, she'd have been bumped instead of MB. Sad,
    because Michael was really committed.

    Sharon TN

  51. Anonymous10:49 AM

    "What we need now is a buch of dedicated Angelinos to go outside ABC and Boo loudly, stating unequivicably that they are BOOING SCREECHY PALIN and Barstool also too.
    Then there will be no question.
    In fact, I am going to sugest this at the Rally to Estone Sanity, that we have a minue of BOOING specifically at Sarah PAlin."

    I am SOOO in! I live in L.A. and would be willing to do this if we can get a crowd. Who's with me?!


    I'll join you. I'm a stone's throw from the studio. But how do we communicate? Mel

  52. Once again, Sarah drags her kid on stage to grab attention, then proceeds to upstage the kid and completely steal the spotlight.

    "It's all about Sarah! Look at me-e-e!"

  53. Anonymous11:55 AM

    i saw a clip of bergeron on kimmel's show - When Kimmel asked Bergeron if he was "sure" that they were booing Grey’s score, he replied with a laugh: “Mostly.”
    i think that says it all right there.

  54. emrysa12:56 PM

    anon @ 8:41 am sez:

    "A good mother would never have done the on-air interview with the host in the first place. "

    damn straight. that just goes to show - it's all about sarah.

    I would have booed her ass so loudly that I would have been removed. sure it's not classy but it's appropriate.

  55. Anonymous1:11 PM

    9:49 AM

    In the old days you might find people who picket a studio, not so much today. It is old fashion to organize against sponsors or programing. No letter campaigns if you are a leftist. Rightist use e-mail and their army to get rid of what they don't approve.

  56. Anonymous1:38 PM

    It must be a GREAT rebuttal tape. That is all it took to convince Andrew Sullivan. He now says ABC has now corrected the record.
    Has Sullivan ever been in a television audience or gone to LA?

    Andrew Sullivan: [Update: ABC has now corrected the record. The booing was not about Sarah Palin but a reaction to an announcement of scores. The Dish apologizes for jumping to conclusions.)

    "As anyone who has been in the audience of a television show such as this knows, you cheer when the production assistants tell you too, you "aww" in disappointment when they tell you to, you clap politely when they indicate to do so. It's even all explained up front before the cameras go on, right after the audience fills the room to upbeat music that's intended to prep the audience."

  57. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Lil troll at 5:22 guys all write alike....just silliness and you are so easy to spot, too. By the way,whenever Sarah ventures out of her bubble and her controlled audience, she will get booed, if for no other reason than she and ABC tried to make cover up the fact that she was booed. What's the big deal anyway? She can't take booing? or the fact that the REAL world doesn't like her? Is that why all of her audience looks the same? In the real world, Sarah Palin sucks big time....she better get used to it.

  58. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Why didn't ABC just simply ask those who booed, who they were booing? Simple question, simple to do...maybe they were afraid of the truth.

  59. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Funny that they assume that their audience is so stupid that they will believe the PR spin when the tape clearly shows the scores being cheered.

    Well Palin knows, deep in her grifter, lying heart she knows.

  60. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Is any of this important? Does anyone, including the TV shows, really care?

    I'm just waiting for Sarah to be on The Apprentice. Pit Sarah against other smart entrepenuer/business professional types and be scolded by Donald Trump.
    Now that's something I'd watch. I'd be riveted. And I'm not interested in the show otherwise. It's the same producer as Sarah's TLC show. Make it happen, Mark! I'm excited! Do it!

    Sarah! Sarah! Sarah! The Apprentice!

  61. DWTS does use reaction to the judges and scores. It is an immediate reaction, I don't know if it is literal booing or a groan or disappointment, disapproval sound. I've not known a delayed reaction in the script but I am no expert. They would have old tapes of shows where they show the delayed reaction if that is what they do at times.

    Maybe Andrew Sullivan will explain how this so called rebuttal tape convinced him that the boos were for the judges. The MC and Jennifer Gray's first reaction does not indicate that boos were ever delayed that long before. I don't know what happened to Gray as to why she made the rebuttal tape. I thought before, when she was with the judges, she was in pain and extreme exhaustion. She would be easy for authority to manipulate in that condition. If she and others could talk with audience members that were there and those that booed she might have another perspective. She was influenced by who is running the show, she didn't get both sides.

    Bergeron saying "mostly" is because he knows he is a tool. He wants a way out if this thing if it gets pushed any further and ABC has to deal with the truth one day.

    The rebuttal was instant and a done deal to satisfy Palin and Fox. It does benefit Bristol and people do want to help her succeed as a hard worker and separate from her mother. It does horrible harm to the professionals, dancers and celebrities as it is making them part of a scheme or a TV show that is a hoax. To what degree they are in on the hoax only they know. They may just suspect something and keep their mouth shut in order to remain in the game. Their competition is WWW wrestling where I am. That is entertainment and everyone is fine that it is a staged act. They can call DWTS entertainment of the same genre, but it looks like the talented celebrities are bilking the public and they are con artists, too. Not as honest as the wrestlers sports emtertainment. DWTS celebs are desparate and pathetic and will do anything to try and revamp their faded careers? Florence Henderson and all of them are ruined except to those that want to believe the lies. It is not like she will live forever and be able to restore her reputation. If her fans are only Fox News viewers she may not care about integrity, they will like her anyway.

  62. Rebuttalgate3:16 PM

    Rebuttalgate is confusing. Jennifer, her partner and MC look like they were at the Sept 27th show. Sarah in white must be the Sept 28th show. She wore black on the live Sept 27th show, if it was live. Were Sept 27 and 28 both taped on the same day? The judges did look like it was the Sept 27th show. If all that was taped on the same day, what date and time was that? I thought it was a live show on both nights (the flash backs are designated as taped).

    I don't get it at all. Did Sarah change clothes because she was only there for one night but they wanted it to appear she was there for 2 different nights? Which costume did Tucker see Sarah in? Black? White? Both? What was the date and time?

  63. Anonymous3:33 PM

    AOL has an article about it that provides a link to the Sarah is a Phony, website! So props to that.|main|dl8|sec3_lnk1|174075

    They also have a link to the Atlantic Wire who doesn't buy ABC's story and says that after rewatching the clip it appears that people are "giving Sarah the business."

    I think if someone can find more audience members that would be even better.

    What a shameful coverup, just disgraceful.

  64. [Update]: ABC has now corrected the record. The booing was not about Sarah Palin but a reaction to an announcement of scores. The Dish apologizes for jumping to conclusions.

    I would ask again: Are you really sure you WANT for Sarah Palin to have been booed? Do you really think that happening, even if it really did, could possibly reflect anything but negatively on those who are against Sarah Palin?

  65. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Do we know if this tape is even authentic or if it was made by DWTS to create their rebuttal? It seemed SO FAKE to me when they said Here's a camera angle we didn't see so let's watch the tape...I thought maybe they taped a fake segment for cover up, or did a bad editting job because it wasn't believable and totally gagged me that they even bothered addressing it.

  66. Anonymous5:04 PM

    My hope is that if Sister Sarah runs for President (god forbid!) that they go after her like they have Ms. O'Donnell.

    Sarah has much more that she has tried to cover up for the past years since being mayor in Wasilla.

    For one, I'd like her college education be investigated. Did she really attend and earn a degree from Idaho?

    It's like her working for KTUU (Channel 2 TV) in Anchorage as a sports announcer. She did a horrible job while there (although I'm not sure they'd admit it today) and wasn't employed very long. (But, prior tapes could be requested from them.)

    This cover up w/DWTS takes the cake. ABC waas worried about FOX? Most interesting. They must have agreed to 'let' Sarah be on their show/network with certain specifications? Wonder if DWTS had to pay Sarah for showing up in support of her daughter? (Wouldn't you hate having a mother like Sarah?)

    Like I said before, I hope Sarah is boooed off every platform she steps on from here on out. Most fitting thing that could happen to her!

  67. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Oh, they were booing her alright and she knew it and demanded that it be "fixed"- hence the rebuttal. I'm sure she raised holy hell over that after the show was over. One of her classic tantrums I'm sure. What a bitch.

  68. Anonymous5:16 PM

    I felt Bruno was correct in giving the singer (cannot remember his name) a score of three. The dance routine was horrible and he even stopped dancing in one spot. The fact the singer called Bruno out today (after he was voted off last night) didn't sit well w/me either. The singer appeared to be a primadonna to me as he easily complained during the practices about varied things.

    He might be a recognized singer, but he was not in any way, shape or form, a dancer. He had no rhythm which surprised me because he is suppose to be musically inclined. Poor baby!

  69. Anonymous5:28 PM

    4:16 PM - It's not the boo boo, it's the cover up. Yeah, we want to go there. Why cover up if there is nothing to cover up?

  70. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Wonder why ABC didn't trot out some audience members to say what the booing was about.

    Clearly, the second the boos were noted by the DWTS bimbo (big, big breasts), ABC knew it had a problem. A couple of exit interviews could have solved their problem... BUT ABC didn't dare ask an audience member because, URK, they might tell the truth.

    ABC lied. ABC lied for Sarah Louise Palin. ABC doesn't even care that the lie is transparently false. ABC fears Palin more than they respect their viewers.

    Palin will scurry back to the safety of FOXNEWS because even Palin is smart enough to realize that only Fox can maintain the alternate universe requisite to the Palin ego.

  71. Anonymous6:20 PM

    4:16 PM Gary,

    It is hard to imagine a Presidential family hooking their daughter up to be on a show like World Wide Wrestling or Dancing with the Stars. Can you work on a better analogy, thanks.

  72. Anonymous7:47 PM

    I firmly believe that you get respect if you show respect. SP is a lying witch and deserves no respect. She is doing everything in her power to ruin this country. She should also have know that in a blue state like California we don't like it when people fan the flames of hatred and bigotry. Second they should have edited the audio before showing that video. At around the .48 mark you can clearly hear. Why would someone be shouting you lie at the judges, not once but twice? I could understand if it was "you suck", "you cheat" or something along those lines but not "you lie".

  73. OK now you guys are starting to sound like a bunch of nine eleven truthers. Deny the obvious because it conflicts with your belief that everyone hates Sarah Palin as bitterly as you do. Be honest with yourself. Would YOU have booed her if you were in the audience? I would hope not, for your sake.

    If even a trig-truther hard core Palin hater like Andrew Sullivan can admit he was wrong about the booing, I would think ya'all could as well.

  74. Anonymous8:24 PM

    After reading the comments, I went back and watched the video again, and yes... around 48 seconds, a woman did yell out 'you lie! You lie!'

    The booing was for Sarah Palin. Maybe a few people thought it was for the scores and started booing the judges but almost most of the them were specifically for Palin.

    The people at ABC, the judges, the spokespersons and any dancer who defends the lie is pathetic.

  75. Anonymous11:43 AM

    How many rebuttable videos did ABC put out? There was a white jacket one and a black jacket one or two? Whatever your opinion this is not an air tight case for ABC. Many more questions to be answered. This may help their ratings but this is not good for their reputation in the long run.

  76. pregnant diet?2:42 PM

    This might resolve the pregnancy questions.

    She may be dancing her way toward a hot new body, but Palin still satisfies her fast food cravings. The Dancing with the Stars contestant took a friend for lunch at McDonalds Wednesday afternoon in LA, where she devoured a delicious, though questionably nutritious, salad from the fast food eatery. Despite her increasing celebrity and new Hollywood lifestyle, it looks like Palin still longs for the comforts of her simple life in Alaska, where McDonalds was most likely a cornerstone of her (Metro Anchorage) rural life.

    Bristol video
    Bristol video: The Trippmobile drops her off, no comment on The Nachos Controversy.

    There is no Nachos Gate... Bristol Palin wаѕ thеrе tο eat. DWTS Star Bristol Palin hаѕ bееn caught red handed inside аn immature bar stuffing hеr mouth wіth extremely tаѕtу Nachos.
    Isn't that April Morlock behind the coke bottle?

    Keep up the hard work, Pistol!

    (VIDEO)This footage from the USGS, via National Geographic, shows an astonishing aerial perspective of the walruses, crowded together on the beach

  77. Anonymous2:01 AM

    The video has now been removed!

    I was going to watch it again & listen for the "you lie", but it has now been removed.


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