Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Scott McAdams comes out strong against Joe Miller's hypocrisy.

September 28, 2010
Contact: Heather Handyside

Joe Miller Games the System to Get Special Hunting/Fishing License

Reports by the Anchorage Daily News indicate that Alaska Republican U.S. Senate nominee Joe Miller, while drawing a $70,000 yearly salary, accepted indigent hunting/fishing licenses intended for low-income Alaskans.

“It seems Joe Miller has again been caught trying to game the system, this time with hunting/fishing licenses,” said U.S. Senate candidate Scott McAdams. “Trying to get something for nothing is what people do in Washington D.C., not in Alaska.”

At the time, indigent hunting licenses were available to Alaskans who had resided in the state for a period of at least a year and received welfare or had an annual family gross income of under $8,200 for the previous year.

The ADN story indicates that receipt of the license overlaps with Joe Miller’s claim to be earning an estimated $70,000 a year as a lawyer. At the time, July – August 1995, Joe Miller was still accepting farm subsidies from the United States Department of Agriculture for land he owned in Kansas.

“I hope it doesn’t take a week for Joe to tell the truth about this,” said McAdams. “Alaskans will expect a quicker response than when Joe admitted to receiving farm subsidies. These actions stand in dark contrast to who the Senate candidate claims to be and describes someone who Alaskans will certainly have difficulty trusting.”--

Heather Handyside, Spokesperson
Scott McAdams for U.S. Senate
PO Box 200569
Anchorage, AK 99520

This is exactly what the Democrats in Alaska, and across the nation need to keep doing, And that is to call the Teabaggers and Republicans out on their blatant lies and hold them accountable. 

The voters need to see this happening again, and again so that they know WHO stands for integrity and honesty, and WHO stands for deception and obfuscation.

Go Scott!


  1. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Lots of hypocrites on both sides. But especially with the baggers.

    I hope that there is more out there. I want either Lisa or Scott to win. Anyone supported by the baggers must lose.

  2. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Yes, the Democrats and the media need to 24/7 hammer the message that the Tea Partiers are FULL OF IT. It's organized con artistry, period.

  3. Aussie Blue Sky5:36 AM

    Scott McAdams is

    the only moderate in the race and

    the only sure way to keep Joe Miller from representing Alaska.


  4. Anonymous6:08 AM

    That picture of Miller slinging his coat over his shoulder makes him look very elitist.

  5. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I can't wait to see the TV ad about this. Well maybe just for the internet and Rachel M..

    A certain screechy voice saying "Say It Ain't so Joe" could be the introduction to this commercial.

    Say it Ain't So Joe"

    Why is McAdam's campaign using this wording to describe how Joe Miller- Yale Law Graduate from the lower 48 and newly arrived carpetbagger- got the indigent permit?

    while drawing a $70,000 yearly salary, accepted indigent hunting/fishing licenses intended for low-income Alaskans.

    Makes it seem like he found it laying on the sidewalk, or that someone else got it for him???

    How about the Palin family, any recent indigent hunting permits??

    Does SarahPac count as income?

  6. Anonymous4:39 PM

    AWESOME JOB SCOTT! Now start firing off ads showing Miller saying how he wants to (abolish)privatize Medicare & Social Security which means what, let big insurance & wallstreet steal your money? Then have real people saying "Get Your Hands off My Social Security & Medicare"!

    See how well that goes over with his ratings but most importantly use it to educate Alaskans about what they stand to lose by supporting him.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.