Saturday, September 11, 2010

I think I have finally figured out WHY Sarah Palin won't just simply go away.

How critical thinking progressives see Sarah Palin.

How Pro-life, Evangelical, Teabaggers see Sarah Palin.

Now do you get it? 


  1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:36 AM

    At first I thought it was Barbarella-era Jane Fonda on the cross, but then the Real Murikan Patriots' heads would truly explode. Sarah only WISHES she looked that good!

    But, great post and point well taken. SP is the perfect empty-vessel puppet on which to project the Fundies', um, "family values" fantasies.

  2. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Absolutely hysterical. Only thing I'd change is the Bump-it she wears on the cross would be a LOT higher.

  3. Anonymous4:32 AM

    I think that one the reasons she is so completely able to take her perceived "enemies" by surprise is that they think they are dealing with a rational person.

    Suddenly she morphs into a crazy, mean harpy (great picture! I bet that is the face that greets Toad on most mornings) and they are just appalled.

    I listened to Mr. Gross's defense of his article in Vanity Fair. His thoughtful explanation of the phrase "sad and moldering" convinces me that he spoke to many, many people who BELIEVED in SP at one time, and hoped she would bring a positive change to Alaska.

    Except they are so hateful to Obama, I almost find myself feeling sorry for those in the "Lower 48" who still have the same hopes that Alaskan's did once, wretched people. At some point it will become clear to even them that money and power are Sarah's gods.

  4. Anonymous5:21 AM

    They also should have photoshopped her pregnant, perhaps somehow conveying how Mama Grizzly she is, progressing family values since us non-American enough American's are so not all about family.

  5. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Just remember -

    Always look on the bright side of life!

  6. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Is that how she and Beck are going to be revealed on stage at the Dena'ina Center today?

    Everyone will fall to their knees and be screeching in tongues and throwing money at their feet.

  7. Anonymous6:55 AM

    That has to be Rachel Welch's body from 1Mil BC.

    I totally agree Mr. G. If Palin were a size 16, 60 yr old grandma, we wouldn't have known who is.

    Are you going to the Beckerfest today?


  8. Anonymous7:17 AM

    There are few things missing from that picture. Tig should be hanging from her hip, attached by the sash. He is one of the images that define Sarah's Right to Life Stand. Instead of his betrayers haggling over Christ's cloak, Sarah is the one who should hold the 30 coins (or dollar bills). Where Christ preached peace andnlove thy neighbor, Sarah should carry a knife to stab people in the back. Her eyes should have just a glint of color, one green because Sarah is so jealous of Barack Obama. The other eye could be yellow, as the Devil Eye.

  9. Anonymous8:15 AM

    So funny, my hubby just saw this and called her "Joan of Snark". Hahaha.

    Funny hubby. Stupid Sarah.

  10. Sarah is so self righteous, she would climb on that cross and nail herself to it.

  11. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Hubby's on a roll today, in addition to the "Joan of Snark" Palin is also the "Aurora Whorialis". I just call her the nasty bitch.

  12. Anonymous3:03 PM

    How about Sarah on her knees (cushioned by Trig beneath) praying to herself?

  13. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Thanks for not putting her in a Xena outfit, like Vanity Fair did. Xena was a strong, courageous woman who fought the gods, not worship them, and was socially progressive (and a bit gay for her pretty side-kick.)

  14. emrysa3:13 PM

    well it totally figures.

    palin's image is a myth, but they believe it. just like that other myth that they believe. appropriate picture.

    myth = myth

  15. sewnup3:36 PM

    And from another viewpoint, a few weeks ago the sermon at our church was on the antiChrist, and in listening to the scripture passages describing the antiChrist and what would happen when he/she shows up, guess who repeatedly came to mind?....I mentioned such later to the minister and he said "Yes?" with a faint smile.

    Some "Christians" need to open their eyes and read their supposedly sacred book, but for all our beating the drum they stay deaf and dumb.

    Thieves were crucified, too. That would be entirely appropriate. She and her ilk have already stolen more from us, individually and collectively, than any 1000 of the rest of us could steal.

    I wish more people would call her out for what she is, antiChrist or not. The irreparable damage she and her cronies are doing is reaching a tilt point.

  16. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Man, oh, man. That first pic has captured who Sarah Palin really is... when the mask is off. That is one, ugly, mean woman.

  17. Anonymous4:00 PM

    11:32, you and your hubby are a hoot!

  18. Anonymous4:01 PM

    11:15, honey, $arah's way ahead of you... she nailed herself up on that cross a looooooong time ago.

  19. Anonymous6:45 AM

    That's why I call her St. Sarah the Martyr.
    That is her public persona.
    In reality she is Attila the Hun at war with civilization.

  20. Beldar K'ohnhed1:45 PM

    I still think she's pretty in a wonky eyed, pre-menopausal, shrieky, confusing sort of way......


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