Monday, September 27, 2010

It looks like Mama Grizzly WILL be in the audience at DWTS tonight. Update!

There you have it folks!

The woman who wants to be the leader of the free world, her daughter "little miss personality", and perhaps the cutest toddler on the planet (No snark in that last observation.)

You can read more over at X17online.

I cannot help but wonder if Levi has had Tripp even one day of his court ordered two days a week of visitation time?

Update: You know how they say a picture is worth a thousand words

Now I am just this side of absolutely certain that Bristol was pregnant earlier this summer, but I kind of believed that she must have taken a bottle of Wite-out to the problem before flying off to LA.  Doesn't DWTS have their contestants take a physical?

Update2:  I just had my daughter check out those two pictures and her opinion is that Bristol is NOT pregnant, just overweight.  I am not sure what to think, so I will leave it up to all of you, especially the women who have had children, to enlighten the rest of us.


  1. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Well I do feel bad about Levi maybe not seeing his son but you have to give Bristol credit for one thing - actually having her child with her. When is the last time you've seen Trig with Sarah?

  2. it's the economy stoopids8:21 AM

    IMPORTANT! This really matters! Doing the big time, she is on a roll !!!! Get the message out. Can't beat the organization!

    Video: Eagle River Ak
    "One of the real-world effects of the rise of the Tea Party movement, as we've been reporting here awhile, is that it has effectively revived the militia/Pariot movement of the 1990s."

  3. Anonymous8:25 AM

    notice the two babies are the same size.

  4. Sarah Palin's credibility is zero.

    Bristol should be in college.

    And where is Track? He should be in college, too.

    And where is Willow? Will she be the first Sarah Palin child to actually graduate high school?

  5. womanwithsardinecan8:28 AM

    Is that Aunt Katie carrying Trig? I guess Sarah can't let loose of those blackberries long enough to carry him.

  6. Anonymous8:30 AM

    As soon as Bristol notices the cameraman she quickly grabs Tripp to carry him (to cover her baby bump?) She also keeps pulling her sweatshirt over her can't be because she is cold cuz $arah is wearing her short shorts. Sorry. Sarah...those are NOT the legs of a runner.

  7. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Notice how $arah has nothing to do with Trig; someone else entirely carries him and $P doesn't look at him once...Notice how $arah stands,waiting at a light with Bristol, but doesn't interact with her daughter--instead, reads her smart phone....

  8. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Why is Bristol often so covered up? The rest of her posse is in shorts/sundresses and she's wearing a sweatshirt. If she's that self-conscious about her body, why is she showing it off on DWTS?

  9. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Trying to look all celeb-like in Hollywood. Keep in it classy Palin ladies. Both are "famous" for popping out questionable babies. Now isn't that what women are all about?

  10. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Hope the crowd boos her dumb ass. And that Bristol falls. Ha of both of the tards!

  11. Anonymous8:41 AM

    That is a big 19 month-old.... not sure where the size genes came from.

  12. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Screech can't even carry Trig for one second can she, piper's out of school again and the cottage cheese legs are on full display

  13. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Bristol Palin’s Dancing With the Stars debut has been one of the most awaited performances in this season of Dancing With the Stars.
    Love the accuracy in reporting and that picture of Bristol !!

    666 = 19 "Bristol Palin’s Dancing With the Stars score was 19 out of 30"

  14. Anonymous8:45 AM

    what the hell is piper wearing? a top as a dress?

  15. Is that Ivy Fry carrying Trig, or is iit the imposter that was at one of the speeches w/down child. Why isn't Piper in school? Sarah is white trash!

  16. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Piper does not have any pants on! WTF?

  17. Anonymous8:47 AM

    8:30 AM

    California is HOT!

  18. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Those are some seriously sexy shorts there Sarah. And oversize T-shirt. And blingy cap. I missed the gum smacking, anyone see that?

  19. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Bristol, way to turn on the charm.

    Where were Piper's pants?

  20. Anonymous8:50 AM

    I see they were showing off their door plowing farmer arms off by carrying both toddlers, no strollers for these real hard workin main street Wasillabillies in L.A. - lest they forget who they are or where they are from.

    How can you NOT love the Palin women?

  21. Anonymous8:54 AM

    dsmyre @ 8:25

    If Willow thinks her mom represents the United States, I don't think she'll be passing her history or government classes enough to warrant a diploma.

    I still can't believe Sarah, Todd, Track and Bristol each graduated High School. But if Mr. Heath was a teacher, and Chuck, Jr. also too, it lowers the bar and is indicative that if you subscribe to Christian propaganda - it trumps facts and your baptism record gets you to your commencement in the Valley.

  22. Anonymous8:56 AM

    dsmyre @ 8:25 - If Willow thinks that her mother actually "represents the whole United States," I don't think she fares well enough in American History or Government class to warrant a diploma.

  23. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Isn't it ironic, Bristol complained about Levi being a media whore. Ever since she said that, I've seen more crap about her and her DTWS crap. And when did unwed mothers become stars?? The girls has zero personality. Her mother is a snake oil saleswoman. I am sick to death of this horrible excuse of a so called family.

  24. Mother and daughter with babies the same age. Ugh.

  25. Gryphen -
    It was 103-degrees here in L.A. yesterday. It is supposed to be 100 today, and 90 tomorrow. It was HOT. Why in the world is Bristol wearing a sweatshirt over another shirt?! Something weird is going on.

  26. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Why don't you ask Mercede if Levi is getting to see Tripp twice a week like the court ordered? Surely she would know.

  27. Anonymous9:05 AM

    So who are the anonymous ladies? The two children's nannies?

    Someone needs to tell Sarah that jogging shorts are not correct attire for city streets unless you are actually, you know, jogging.

    ANd what is it with this woman never carrying a purse? That's why she always has her Blackberry clutched in her claws, because she doesn't have a purse to put it in. At the beginning of the video we see her carrying two diaper bags, but at the end they're gone, presumably handed off to the nannies along with Bristol's two babies.

  28. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Some observations from the pics....

    #1. Gawd, what a retard Saint Sarah is! Is that blackberry permanently attached to her hand? Stick it in your purse. Don't think you will need GPS to walk the block.. probably don't know what GPS is anyway. You remind me of when pagers first came out and folks thought that they were soooo cool and important to have one hooked on their belt or their pants' pocket. It's not a status symbol nor is it your lifeline.

    #2. Photo #18 and #19 says it all as far as BS Bristol's condition.

    #3. Is Piper trying out to be the next Candies Abstinence Spokesperson with that 'conservative' short dress or whatever it is that she has on?

    #4. No Bully from Wasilla?

    #5. What such a happy family they are.

  29. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Why is Bristol wearing black and a jacket in the heat? At one point she clutched the jacket as if to cover her breast. Glad to see Piper was dressed for the weather. Hot as Hades and I'm where it is "cooler." It's good her mother is there to help out the nanny/cheering squad and get those ratings for ABC! Which Trig was that? He doesn't look the same. Kids his age love dance! I think it is great that whoever that is can be in the audience for Brist.

  30. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I have to wonder why she is wearing that getup when mamma is not going to dance. and Piper looks like she forgot pants.

    If I were in LA going to my daughter's rehearsal I would wear some nice casual outfit but I would remember that I want to be president and would not dress like THAT!!

  31. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I've been hoping Bristol would be given "Like a Vigin" for her routine with Ballas. Maybe her next dance number. How can she not win with Sarah in the audience?

    I was beat incomplete
    I'd been had, I was sad and blue
    But you made me feel
    Yeah, you made me feel
    Shiny and new

    Like a virgin
    Touched for the very first time
    Like a virgin
    When your heart beats
    Next to mine

  32. Anonymous9:16 AM

    HaHa. Bristol grabs her kid from the nanny when she sees she is being filmed. Covers up her fat middle.
    Why do Tri-G and Tripp look to be the same exact age now??
    Sarah looks all scrunched up in the neck in the last shot walking with Bristol , also she walks like a clodhopper. No wonder she never won a a beauty pageant. Very ungraceful walker.
    I love love love how no one on the streets or in their cars gives the group any positive attention. Classic LA!!!
    Sarah : Why don't you carry your precious Tri-G?? The sure thing that backfired on ya, huh?? Now whatcha gonna do, never touch him??
    Is Bristle trying to sweat off her weight by dressing like that in 90degree weather? She probably shouldv'e given some atttention to her body and stamina before signing up for the DWTS gig.
    The whole group is pathetic.
    Oh, and why isn't Pipper in school????????

  33. Anonymous9:17 AM

    I have a hard time believing Levi wants time with tripp esp since theyve both been in LA - check out the latest rumors of 'Boys next door'

    Levi seems to be all about Levi.remember what Ben (former best friend) said. has he even settled his most recent court case?

  34. Anonymous9:25 AM

    If you go to the link, Trig is in the photos, just not with Sarah. She needs her hands free for her blackberry.

  35. Anonymous9:25 AM

    1. Piper is wearing a shirt and khaki shorts

    2. hoodies are very big in SoCal. if you watch the papparazzi footage of all the DWTS stars, they all wear them at least once. it's a disguise/comfort thing ive been told

    3. as in past papparazzi footage, Bristol automatically clams up in front of their cameras.

    4. at the end of that video, it shows B and S (haha BS) walking around the hotel right after they left the rest of the group at the car. Bristol has said she lives close to the rehearsal studio. maybe the hotel is near it as well.

  36. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Annony at 9:15 - you got it right.

    Momma and Poppa Heath failed in teaching their daughter about decorum.

    A nice sundress or linen skirt and blouse would have been perfect for attending the show and moving around L.A. knowing that pictures will be taken.

    Palin always seems defiant when questioned about choices like this- as if she choose on purpose - but what I see is cluelessness and then complete denial of her own choices.

  37. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Remember Downs kids are smaller than others. Trig and Tripp would be the same size as they are around 8 mos apart. In pics from around Tripps birth, Trigg wasn't that big and Tripp wasnt that much smaller

  38. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I love the fact that NO ONE is paying any attention to them!!
    Sarah is disgusting. She never even looks at that poor kid. Shame on her.

  39. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Remember, its LA. all HUGE stars live there. Even Sarah Palin isn't going to turn heads. I don't think the paps even recognize Sarah

  40. Anonymous9:30 AM

    OMG, no wonder someone had to dress this family during the political campaign. They give new meaning to the phrase "Beverly HillBillies". There are lots of other pictures too, on X17online, of Bristol going into the dance studio. Most of them she is wearing 3 or 4 tops and XXL sweatshirts.

  41. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Thats Trig, the one and only baby we've seen. The one at Todd's cousin's wedding, the one at the Omak wedding, the one at the dancebristoldance tribute in Wasilla, the one on the book tour, the one at thanksgiving 09 pictures

  42. Anon at 8:45 - that is a picture of Mercede, not Bristol! When will reporters stop mixing those 2 up?!

  43. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Trying to look all celeb-like in Hollywood.

    They look like tourists to me, tourists trying to look all celeb. Tourist do put away the blackberries long enough to take in the world around them. What is with Bristol who is dressed as if she misses Wasilla?

    Where were Piper's pants? Piper is taking dance back home, Mark Ballas is a role model. She is wearing short shorts.

  44. Facebook Lurker9:34 AM

    Hey y'all...the taller woman with ash blonde hair is Ivy Frye, seems she either lives in LA with Bristol, or she is there ALOT, as I've seen many pictures of her with Willow, Bristol, and Tripp, since Bristol has been in LA.

    The other older lady, (it's not AUnt Katie)shorter with gray hair is Bristol's nanny, don't know her name, but she is also from Alaska, she is the same woman that TMZ shot Bristol with outside of the Wasilla Target earlier in the summer. I do believe Willow is also on this trip, but not certain. Seems like Piper has been home since the start of the school year, however Willow was travelling with Sarah at the end of August to speeches in Florida, Hershey, PA and the Beckapalooza, not to mention a trip to LA Labor Day weekend.

    Looks like mama Palin and her spinster group of hired help will be bringing out all the props tonight.

    9:16...I also thought it was awesome how no one cared about Sarah...she should have sported her blacked out visor, looks like she brought her Jersey Shore headgear instead.

  45. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I'll be honest. i have a hard time putting down my blackberry because Im a twitter checker and my email is crucial to my job. It is possible to enjoy life and be connected to the world via handheld

    I saw recently that Jessica Steele was ranting about how Michael Gross had essentially stalked her when he was in Wasilla, yet she said he didn't interview her or anything. Now how dumb is that. A hairdresser is someone who knows their clients inside and out. Makes me question Gross' motives and accuracy.

  46. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Wow, white trash at its finest. Who is the old hag wearing the cut off jeans??? Come on ladies dress your age. Yeah, Sarah, if you are actually running on an indoor track where no one can see you, those shorts are fine, but you are 47pluse years old and you are a public figure and you are with your family downtown LA, dress your age please----you are not 19. I don't care how hot is was in LA, lightweight fabric and appropriate casual attire is easy for downtown LA--With your millions, scara, you should get a stylist. Yeah, why are the two boys the same size?? Stub a toe, Bristol!

  47. Anonymous9:37 AM

    That's Ivy Frye and the nanny (same woman at the baseball game). at the end of the video, the group splits and SArah and Bristol walk around the hotel block

  48. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Okay, I am an idiot. I didn't want to watch the link because she makes me ill. Is this the first time we've seen Sarah in Trig's presence in like a huge amount of time?

    Piper's outfit is horrendous and doesn't Sarah know those shorts went out of style years ago?

  49. Anon @ 9:25:

    Yes, hoodies are big in L.A..... IN FEBRUARY!!!!!!! It was 100 degrees here yesterday. NOBODY wears a hoodie in that heat!

    (Admittedly, sometimes I keep one in my car to throw in if it gets cold inside somewhere from too much AC, but I would never wear one outside in 100-degree heat!)

  50. Anonymous9:39 AM

    wow Sarah's really short

  51. restore BS honor9:54 AM

    It is LA and the paps usually do have people scoped out and know where to go. Sarah knows that and she dressed for them. If they post her looking like that it is their fault, not hers. She is just a Mom like the rest of us. Supporting her Wasilla Mama Grizzly daughter. Better than the other Wasillan news from another Wasilla Mama Grizzly.

  52. mommom9:55 AM

    Mrs PAYlin walks like a truck driver in her so fashionable shorts.But she forgot to pack some for Piper?

  53. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:57 AM

    Actually, I can hear the little voices in Saint Sarah of the Incognito's head as she stomps along: "Chrissie O'Donnell is cuter than you! Chrissie O'Donnell is cuter than you! Chrissie..."

  54. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Before you buy into the "Bristol is pregnant again" rumor, remember that when she was pregnant with Tripp, she only gained weight in her face and belly. These pics show weight gain everywhere, as many people experience when lifestyles change. I think about all the stars who battle the bulge

  55. Anonymous10:09 AM

    What a tacky looking bunch. Their clothes look like something I would wear when I'm cleaning my house. The woman carrying Trig has on a pair of shorts that used to be jeans and she cut them off herself.

  56. I see Sarah has her blackberry surgically attached to her hand now.

  57. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Can you imagine Jackie Kennedy, Barbara Bush or Michelle Obama ever being caught looking like that? (Remember Jackie saying, "If you bungle raising your children, I don't think anything else you do matters very much"?!)
    My guess is that Bristol has aborted her most recent pregnancy but was far enough along when she did it that she has pregnancy weight still to drop.

  58. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Southern California is having a triple digit heat wave and Bristol is wearing a sweatshirt. Interesting.

  59. Anonymous10:12 AM

    The girl is a freaking moron. Seriously. Even if we didn't know that already from her publicly proclaimed sexual history, does she not realize she's on a competitive reality show? People will vote on whether they like her? The longer she stays the more money she gets?

    I mean, would it kill her to wave and laugh and tell Tripp, "wave at the camera, honey!" My grandson certainly knew that one by the time he was 19 months, and the gods alone know how old Tripp REALLY is. Geeze. I'm betting she had sex with everyone in high school because it was the only way people would spend time with her.


  60. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Wasilla hicks hit L.A. You would think that a person worth several million would at least wear an attactive pair of shorts rather then athletic shorts. Does she think that makes her a runner?

    As for BP, looks like she is trying to hide her pregnancy. Will tonight be her last night?

    And then there is Piper copying Mama from the short-shorts to the shades and Fidel Castro hat...isn't that just too cute! (GAG!) And she is wearing some group-ups top, see how the straps are tied in back?

    WHy are these woman carring these toddlers? Don't they know how to walk? Or what about strollers?

  61. Anonymous10:22 AM

    i was in the village of beverly hills this weekend where the temperatures reached 103.
    sweatsuit outfit?

  62. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Tri-G and Tripp the same size? SOmebody forget to specify age and size when the rented the current Trig.

  63. Anonymous10:29 AM

    i was in the village of beverly hills this weekend where the temperatures reached 103.
    sweatsuit outfit?

  64. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Piper is wearing (really short)khaki shorts.

  65. WalterNeff10:33 AM

    Army Spc. Jeremy Morlock, 22, from Wasilla, Alaska, is charged with premeditated murder in the deaths of three Afghan civilians, assaulting a fellow soldier and "wrongfully photographing and possessing visual images of human casualties."

    Lovely town you got up there.

  66. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I'm not really feeling any sympathy for Levi. After a while, a man needs to fight for his child. The word being 'man'.

  67. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Long pants and a sweatshirt in 100 degree heat. And look at the waddle of her ass as she walks away from the camera. She's gaining weight even with the dancing! Something's up.

  68. Anonymous10:47 AM

    All of them, dressed to go to McDonald's, eh? Or to try to hook up with a trucker on the loading dock?

    Twitler doesn't carry a purse because she never pays for anything...

  69. Anonymous10:48 AM

    The video has disappeared. Anyway to access it?

  70. Anonymous10:48 AM

    For starters I have to say that Sarah is inappropriately dressed and walks like a butch. They don't seem to know where they're going. And did you notice that the people who pass them on the street, either don't know who they are, or don't care? Bummer, Sarah!

  71. The way Bristol grabbed Tripp and later clutched her jacket...we know that she knows that we're on 'belly watch'.

    One of the differences in male and female anatomy: female's elbow hits near the waist; male's elbow hits several inches above the waist. Sarah usually holds her elbows out but it really looks likes like she has a short upper arm. That and her plodding gait contribute to her manliness.

  72. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Piper should she not be in school today? And why is she carrying that heavy load?

  73. Anonymous10:54 AM

    FYI. if you have Firefox 3.0 or later, use control and your mouse wheel to enlarge or minimize images and text!

    Great easy way to zoom in on photos for details.

    Don't think this works for IE.

  74. Anonymous10:54 AM

    How come Bristol and the Wasilla Grifter looks like they are unhappy? If my daughter was on DWTS I would have things to talk about.

    My other question why does Bristol grab her baby when the camera is on her?

    Last question why does the quitter request that purses are checked? There are seen walkimg down the street and nobody is approaching them. Must bother Sarah that nobody is approaching them.

  75. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I'll wager that having Sister Sarah on the DWTS premises is going to be nothing more than a pain in the ass to them.

    Can hardly wait to hear the leaks when the show is off the air.

  76. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Wow, pictures 18 & 19 from that set tell us a lot. Bristol has gained 20 pounds easy since the flower dress pic in May. What a gut. If that's not a baby, girl's been suckin down too many chalupas.
    How can you gain weight dancing 6 hours a day?!

  77. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Photo #19 of 43 sure looks like a baby bump.

  78. Anon at 9:16,

    I agree SP walks like a clodhopper,and with her head all hunched over. Her shorts are pathetically unfashionable,too.

    What is UP with Bristol always being photographed holding closed that sweater--fear of it blowing in the wind and the paparazzi getting a view of the tummy region?

    Gee I guess this qualifies as an "educational field trip" for little Piper. Hope she writes up a report for the class when she goes back to school.

  79. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Look at this pic, is Bristol pregnant,again????

  80. Anonymous11:01 AM

    whats with the bump????

  81. I know we all want to know whether or not Bristol is pregnant again - but realistically we may never ever know, it could just be weight gain. Even if she is - there are a number of options that she could take and we would never ever know (nor should we - she has a right to her privacy) - she is an adult now and can make decisions on her own without her mother's permission for any and all medical procedures or other options to happen. I highly doubt that Bristol (and Palin herself) would ever let the bloggers be "right" about this kind of issue - if she is pregnant it will be covered up or made to disappear.

    As frustrating as it is, chasing breadcrumbs about Bristol's "weight" may be fruitless and distracts from the larger issues that need to come to light and uncover the lies that we can with concrete facts.

  82. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Seeing Piper romp around in such a short top and even shorter shorts makes me hope that Sarah has had "the talk" with Piper. Even though Piper is only nine years old, she is dressing much older and will be attracting the wrong sort of attention for her age. If Sarah won't discuss sex with Piper, I hope Bristol will. There is no way I would let our daughter dress like that knowing photographers will be everywhere, and that I or my husband wouldn't be with her every moment. What an awful mother Sarah is!

  83. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Sarah sure looks like the trailer trash grandma. True to type - looks, acts, thinks like one. So classy.

  84. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Wow - those running shorts sure show that Sarah has stubby legs. Who knew?

    Hey - Sarah, if you still want to capitalize on what's left of your looks, lose those shorts. They make you look shorter and dumpy. Just saying is looks are you main talent, you should pay more attention to the image you are projecting. Guess we know why your looks aren't working to save your favorable ratings any more. With outfits like this, baby, those poll numbers are going down even more with the guys who used to pant for you.

  85. London Bridges11:13 AM

    Tonight's song?

    There is a house on Lake Lucille. They call Palin Compound. It's been the ruin of many poor girl, and god I know I'm one.

  86. Anonymous11:13 AM

    dysmre 8:59 am

    That's what they want you to believe--that they both (mother and daughter) have babies approximately the same age! (This contributes to the myth of Sarah's youth and sex appeal.) In reality, there is a little over a year between those babies (toddlers now) if they are both Bristol's. Just sayin.

  87. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I almost feel sorry for Bristol. Her expression seems to convey pain or extreme discomfort. I wonder if being on DWTS was really her idea - yeah, I know, probably not, but I hope she finds some life's work that is not riding Mom's coattails - because those coattails are kind of ratty.

  88. Anonymous11:15 AM

    When does school starts in Alaska? Piper has no school today????

  89. Those Hillbillies are missing a Jethro.

  90. Anonymous11:21 AM

    restore BS honor: "She is just a Mom like the rest of us. Supporting her Wasilla Mama Grizzly daughter. Better than the other Wasillan news from another Wasilla Mama Grizzly."

    Bwaahahahaha! Hi, Willow.

    (and who ya talkin' about--could there possibly be another Wasilla Mama Grizzly? )

    9:54 AM

  91. Hiding behind Tripp, clutching her jacket closed...we know that Bristol knows that we're on 'belly watch'.

  92. I guess she IS ready to be president...LMFAOPIMP!!!

  93. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Where is the video?

  94. Anonymous11:24 AM

    LadyRose, I understand what you are saying about obsessions about Bristol's weight or baby bump, but it is pertinent when Bristol is getting paid to give speeches and make appearances for abstinence.

    It is also pertinent to the question of Saint Sarah's mothering skills. She keeps presenting herself as a perfect mother with a perfect family. If that's so, the fact that Bristol has been pregnant out of wedlock at least once and may be again is relevant. Those Xhristian values Sarah rams down everyone else's throat would go down better if she'd invested herself in raising her own children better.

    One only has to look to Willow and Piper to see that Sarah has not learned anything from Bristol's mistakes. Sarah should be spending more time counseling and helping her younger daughters grow into graceful, educated young women.

    Sarah's ability to raise her children well directly speaks to her ability to be a leader because she has built her reputation on her looks and her family. It is fair to consider how good a mother she is or is not.

    Bristol's bump just irritates people when you consider Sarah's stance on birth control and pregnancy, family values and the rest. It really becomes an issue when you realize Bristol is making money hand over fist as a role model against premarital sex.

  95. Facebook Lurker11:31 AM

    Wow, I didn't look through the still pictures the first time I commented, just watched the video. I thought Bristol was just fat, but whoa, that belly pooch is way worse than mine, and I'm 43!

    Either she has been cursed with the fat gene or a thyroid problem, or there is something other than crunch wrap supremes in that round belly. Bristol should have gotten some lipo instead of a boob reduction. Is he were dancing 6 hours a day, some of the pooch would be smaller by now, and it seriously looks bigger. Who dances for 6 hours a day and gains weight?

  96. FJ Dandy11:41 AM

    Yep, they sure are ****stars****(in their minds).
    Poor, poor Quittypants, I guess she doesn't have her tanning bed with her. She really needs to get those clothes back from the RNC. No time for Trig, not when the twit has to twitter! Bottlebrush looks her usual sulky self, all dressed in dark colors, for some reason.


  97. Anonymous11:41 AM

    It's crazy HOT here in Southern California. Why is Bristol covered up?

  98. FJ Dandy11:48 AM

    Yep, they sure are ****stars****(in their minds).
    Poor, poor Quittypants, I guess she doesn't have her tanning bed with her. She really needs to get those clothes back from the RNC. No time for Trig, not when the twit has to twitter! Bottlebrush looks her usual sulky self, all dressed in dark colors, for some reason.


  99. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Anybody with one ounce of class in LA/SoCal doesn't dress like this.You would wear a nice pair of cotton/linen shorts and a light top. My Gawd, these people are the definition of TRASH. It is hot as hell right now, but even we know how to dress in SoCal. Miss Quitty Pants never has a clue of what is right. Hey Bristol, nobody is wearing a hoodie in 100 degree heat! And women carry their Blackberrys in their purse not so elf absorbed to be looking at it 24/7. Bristol, when is your due date or are you not PG anymore?

  100. Anonymous11:49 AM

    You know, I'm almost to the point of believing that Sarah is Trig's birth mother, that she had him at 7 1/2 mos (mid MArch) and was depressed until he was released from the hospital. In the interviews online, of her speaking in that slow, sad voice, you can almost hear her actually sobbing inside at the thought a child may not make it.

    Her entire demeanor was different during the pregnancy

  101. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Sarah's stance on birth control


    On Barbara Walters, Sarah responded that she is NOT against birth control

  102. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Re: pics 18 & 19
    I certainly hope the DWTS contract included a liability clause releasing them from any responsibility in case Miss P accidentally flops on her belly and is caused to have one of those "fundie abortions"...

  103. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Who wears black when it is hot as hell? Is that from her Alaskan science education?

  104. Anonymous11:59 AM

    why does the quitter request that purses are checked?


    what are you talking about? Sarah didnt even require a purse check/body scan at her book signings. She's extremely easygoing. I spoke with her for about 20 min in upstate NY

  105. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Why can't that woman carry her kid?

  106. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Yalls comments about Pipers attire remind me of my 4th/5th grade years. I used to wear leggings, a pink cropped top, and slightly heeled boots because that's what Veronica (from archie comics) would wear. Haha too funny. I also remember this time my parents and I went to home depot and I padded my bra to look like I had DDs. Oh 5th graders

  107. Anonymous12:05 PM

    "Those kids are always losing their underwear"

    Papa Heath on the Palin brood. He was right!

  108. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I haven't put much faith in all the talk about Bristol being pregnant, and have passed it off as just rumors. But, when I see Bristol wearing a sweatshirt and long pants in L.A. when they're having a heat wave with temperatures of 70-110degrees, I'm starting to become a believer. Even the babies are dressed for hotter tempatures. Maybe Bristol is taking advice from her mother on how hide a pregnancy?

  109. Anonymous12:09 PM

    They all look so happy, don't they?

  110. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Looks like Tripp has been trained to look directly into the camera lens. He's doing that in every shot. Unlike his mother.

  111. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Wow friendly bunch huh? : ) They act like criminals - refusing to look up and say hi...or are they just too stuck up these days?

  112. Anonymous12:14 PM

    That does not at all look like the same Trig to me. Do you think he had plastic surgery?
    Tripp looked like he enjoyed being with Mark Ballas. They did put him in white, very weather appropriate. It is good to see that they don't have Piper with a tan from a tanning bed.

  113. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Sarah walks like a trucker! Her femininity just went out the window...YAY!
    Oh, and there's something great about seeing the paparazzi bother them to the point they can't do "normal" things like shop in Beverly Hills. What a hoot.

  114. Anonymous12:29 PM

    @SarahPalinUSA Walkin' in L.A. #Hollywood #Elitist #Celebutard #Trainwreck


    - kellygrrrl

  115. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Why isn't Piper in school? It looks to me as if the world's worst mother is responsible for the inappropriate academic preparation of one more kid. And what is this kid learning about the value of work; she sees her mother and sister getting money for virtually nothing.

    Vote that untalented non-dancer off the show. It was her partner who did all the work on the last show. I would not have voted "Hof" off last week.

  116. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Where exactly in LA are they? When I go there I do feel like being covered up head to toe. Not that I would wear so much black like that. Even in nice parts there are plenty of creepy men. I'd never have a child Piper's age looking like that or in a situation where if she sat down germs could make it up her pants. That is nauseating. I hope they won't need to use a restroom. I am happy as a lark to be bare foot but not in LA would I want to be in sandals. The streets are so filthy, I wouldn't want to risk a child stubbing their toe in a place like that. You would not want to know what people do on the streets and in bathrooms. Any place is a pleasure palace for some. Sarah and Bristol are both irresponsible and uneducated parents.

  117. Anonymous12:36 PM

    hope Sarah's enjoying the 113 degrees in L.A. today -- hottest day EVER recorded in downtown L.A.
    Global Warming? naaaaaah

    - kellygrrrl

  118. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Sarah is wearing her trademark "incognito" outfit - sunglasses and ball cap. Of course no one recognizes her!

  119. London Bridges12:45 PM

    Isn't Sarah promoting Bristol as America's most famous unwed mother?

    Step back: What if Bristol & Levi both really wanted to marry?

    Sarah would put a atop to it as Bristol's ability to make money as America's most famous unwed mother would dry up.


    Will sara create a scene tonight?

  120. Anonymous12:51 PM

    As I was reading the comments I noticed alot of people were wondering why Bristol would grab her child and hold him once she spotted the camera's.

    I can think of two reasons:
    One, she wanted to look like a dutiful mother and be photographed carrying her own child, or, she was protective of him and seeing cameras preferred her arms to the 'nanny'.

    Either, or, is it really that important?

  121. Anonymous12:52 PM

    What strikes me is how masculine Sarah Palin is. The way she moves, her posture and mannerisisms is just strange.

  122. Anonymous12:56 PM

    WalterNeff: Army Spc. Jeremy Morlock, 22, from Wasilla, Alaska, is charged with premeditated murder in the deaths of three Afghan civilians, assaulting a fellow soldier and "wrongfully photographing and possessing visual images of human casualties."

    Sarah needs this DWTS distraction. The timing is just coincidence. Academy Award performances tonight for the show will contrast with what we can see today with the snowbillies.
    Sarah Palin's Alaska is Morlock free. Besides there is pretty much a big media black out on the biggest story yet on the Afghan War. Who wants to think about PTSD or the way the military pumps up the soldiers they care about with drugs. The war must go on even if it is a miss for the economy. Not every bodies economy.

  123. WHICH TRIG?1:01 PM

    --Thats Trig, the one and only baby we've seen. The one at Todd's cousin's wedding, the one at the Omak wedding, the one at the dancebristoldance tribute in Wasilla, the one on the book tour, the one at thanksgiving 09 pictures--

    Where are the links to Todd's cousin's wedding, the one at the Omak wedding, the one at the dancebristoldance tribute in Wasilla, the one at thanksgiving 09 pictures? There was more than one on the book tour.


  124. Anonymous1:04 PM

    How in the world the right can tout SP as a super mom is something I do not understand. Two kids that have been in trouble with the law, one pregnant out of wedlock (which doesn't bother me, except for all the money she's making telling little sister not to do what big sister's done), one who rarely (if ever) attends school, and one she totally ignores unless it suits her political persona.

    No where in that video did she even look at Trig much less speak to him, hold him, kiss him. Actually, it looked like she was trying to get as far away from him as possible.

    As for Bristol, people keep saying she is shy...I just think she's a stuck up hard is to just give a little hello, a wave, and a smile?

    And now for the snark...somebody needs to teach both these Palins how to brush/comb their hair. Talk about rat's nest.

  125. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Scarah walks just like George W Bush. She has his "swagger"...not a great attribute for a woman or anyone, for that matter.
    And her thighs, yikes...cover those fat, jiggly thighs up. Looks like Piper has the same unfortunate legs that her disgusting mother has.
    Oh well, parading like that only enhances their hillbilly reputation for all to see.

  126. Is she pregnant?

  127. the proud to be a valley trash family goes holywood1:15 PM

    What is going on with Sarah's mouth? She looks like just another LA drug addict when she does that move. Is it the Jolly Ranchers? I hope Bristol sticks with what Mark has taught her, the BIG O MOUTH. As a group they do come off as hicks. Sarah's body language could not be worse, someone said truck driver. I get why they think she is a drag queen when she is dressed up.

    I am going with Bristol took care of the Barber baby and she is not pg now. There is an eating disorder problem also. That last Levi engagement was too weird but I don't think we'll get the real story. After losing a baby they wanted her to keep busy building Mama Grizzly credentials, with the two prison guards constantly watching. DWTS is the perfect vehicle to launch the new Mama Grizzly and take her mind off of her grief. What went down with Levi was a success for the Palins. He ain't talking or writing. I don't think Sadie can say much more either. Did Lanesia ever rectify that last mess? Did she feed some bull crap to the media and it turned on her?

    Bristol's public persona is completely different when she is with sour Sarah. Ballas really lifts her up and keeps her in performance mode. They will both give a performance of a life time for DWTS ratings. Tripp is curious, I hope they don't squash him. I feel so sad for Sherry and Sadie. The Trig toddler is looking good, I hope they have a performance where she can look like she knows he is around. He wants some action and the poor kid must be sick of that heat. Were they going to take him to a pool?

    I'm guessing the premeditated wardrobe choices are to appear as good old gals from Alaska just being natural. Sarah may think that is "cool" like in groovy. She shows no interest in looking Presidential. The blackberry thing is a serious addiction, be glad they aren't driving. Where is Bristol's truck now?

  128. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I keep reading "she walks like a Trucker" or "walks like a Bad Ass" and "doesn't look Presidential to me"

    Don't you guys realise:

    She's just like them! No way is she gonna dress "elitist" - it'd blow her whole cover.
    (she'd LOVE TO...but can't)

  129. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Bristol Palin does not dance 4, 5, 6 hours a day. Bristol Palin stands still while the professional dancer works out.

    Bristol Palin knows that she is on DWTS because it increases the show's revenue. She is stupid, but not stupid enough to think either her personality or ability is a factor.

  130. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Several things are freaking me out here: Trig isn't even cared for by Sarah, he is flapping his hands which is an autism sign, Piper is carrying Tripp, Bristol is covering her belly, and Sarah and Bristol look freakin' miserable together. SOmething is so sad and wrong with this whole scene.

  131. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Grandma $pay me is dressed her mental age. My eight year grand child would not wear something like that. It really is not becoming for a granny. As usual no emotion for her own children. Stare at blackberry to see if the neocons approve, and what to say next.

  132. Anonymous1:31 PM

    There's some pics which show the tops of Trig's ears.

  133. AKRNC1:35 PM

    There was a comment by a member of the media that would hang outside the DWTS studio about Bristol. Apparently, she is the ONLY one of the cast that ignores them, refuses to wave or smile, won't answer a simple question. Their thoughts were along the lines of "she's the least known of all the cast members, is the last one in the cast that belongs on there, and yet she thinks she is better than everyone else. Where does she get this crap??" The answer: her idiot of a mother. She really does think she's more important than everyone else yet for what?? Getting knocked up because she was too stupid to use birth control!

    Gryphen, you heard her on Leno talking about how she's spent her "entire life" in the spotlight. What the hell is she talking about? Is the mayor of Wasilla a celebrity? It doesn't look as if the Governor has a problem going anywhere in Alaska considering how Palin lived prior to the 2008 election. There they are today out on the street without bodygards in some of the dumpiest outfits I've seen. Those are the clothes people wear to clean their house in.

    I have to wonder what the hell Bristol is covering up with the sweatshirt and long pants while everyone else has shorts and t-shirts on. Is she that hung up on her body image?

    I couldn't help but notice that Palin carried her blackberry while her nanny or whoever it was carried Trig. Does she ever carry him or even pretend to care anymore? I think it's so sad that she has ruined his potential to such a degree. I truly hope there is someone in the family that is making sure he gets his therapy that will help him develop. At this age, it needs to be done daily, not when it's convenient for Sarah! Where are the glasses and hearing aids?

    They truly look like hillbillies in that video. Wonder how many hours it takes to plaster on $arah's make-up and wig? Looking at her without make-up, I'd say it takes a long, long time.

    The 'bots will be in heaven tonight watching their idol. However, I don't imagine the rest of the audience is going to be impressed. She's not used to that and I think it is one of the reasons why she didn't go last week. I hope they don't do anything differently for her than they did for any other contestant's family. Please, ABC, don't insult our intelligence!

  134. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Whether Levi has visited with Tripp is all on him. He has the court order. AND Bristol was in AK. So, did he assert his rights and visit with Tripp?

    Looks like daughter is taking after mother -- always allow someone else to carry your child.

  135. AKRNC1:37 PM

    Anonymous @ 8:30, you're absolutely right with the comment about those not being runner's legs. They are far too big and it's not with muscle due to running. Just another pretense busted, $arah!

  136. Anonymous1:40 PM

    "Why do Tri-G and Tripp look to be the same exact age now??"

    they've always looked exactly the same. They looked the same in the stroller for the parade except Tripp was pushed further back in the seat. However, if you grab the picture of Tripp and move it down to TriG, they are the same size.

    They were also the same size in the birthday party shoot.

  137. Anonymous1:42 PM

    "Before you buy into the "Bristol is pregnant again" rumor, remember that when she was pregnant with Tripp, she only gained weight in her face and belly. These pics show weight gain everywhere, as many people experience when lifestyles change. I think about all the stars who battle the bulge"

    that's because Bristol was not pregnant with Tripp when the RNC/McCain said she was. Tripp was already born. The padded shape at the RNC was all faked.

  138. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Piper lugs that hefty toddler like she's had a LOT of practice. Can't wait until she's 10 and tells the snotty big sis to haul her own brat.

  139. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Piper's school days are probably behind her. Being absent so often
    she likely hasn't got any close friends. Heck, if her parents don't care, the school let's it go & the
    state of Alaska says it's OK, who are we to complain! I've never seen that child in a really pretty outfit, that
    sunsuit thing she's wearing is ugly
    & inappropriate. Sarah's got pantyhose
    on with those jogging shorts - what do you want to bet. Are we the only ones that notice how odd these people are? Both Sarah & Bristol constantly checking their blackberries. Another
    thing, why bring toddlers to a studio rehearsal, there's nothing for them to do, especially if you need to tote diaper bags. Seriously, if you were a passerby, is there anyone in that group that you'd think belonged on DWTS? I thought not.

    Sharon TN

  140. Anonymous1:53 PM

    There are pics that show Trig's ear structure to mimic Sarah's

  141. Anonymous1:53 PM

    How is granny griffey going to handle being around all those ethnic types?

  142. Anonymous1:58 PM

    You do realize that if Sarah were holding and showing affection for Trig, you would be saying "she's doing it for the attention."

    Girls Piper's age LOVE holding babies and toddlers. I was obsessed with my siblings and cousins.

  143. Anonymous1:59 PM

    So I guess Trig is wearing contact lenses. Or maybe he got lasik.

  144. Anonymous2:01 PM

    OK, Gryphen, it's time for an update. Earlier this summer, you wrote that you were sure that Bristol was pregnant. Then, she and Levi suddenly became engaged on the cover of some magazine. Then they were not engaged, and Bristol packed up and moved back home, and she disappeared for a little while. Now, there are pictures in that photostream that show Bristol with a belly. Considering that she was very trim after Tripp was born, she doesn't look trim now. So, what's the conclusion? Is she still pregnant? How could she go on DWTS if she was pregnant? Of is that Bristol just cannot lose the baby fat as easily as she might have lost something else?

  145. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Anon@12:52 PM, the description you gave of grandma$$, is why the impotent, limp, neocons like her.

  146. Virginia Voter2:24 PM

    At first I thought Bristol was just fat, but her stomach looks disproportionately larger than the rest of her chubbiness. Maybe she just has that "apple" shape? Dancing has really not gotten Bristol into shape

    Agree witnbthe other posters... this group looks miserable, certainly not like a happy family who are raking in millions of dollars griftin across the country. Dude, I'd be shopping at Gucci, Tiffany, and Lous Vuitton if I had that kind of scratch like SP. What rubes.

  147. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Anonymous at 9:25 -- I agree with Leadfoot. We wear hoodies when it's appropriate, not when it's over 100 degrees outside. We're NOT stupid.

  148. Anonymous2:37 PM

    That Palin parade was intended to attract photographers. Sarah Palin needs her daily dose of victimhood just as she needs other medications to maintain a semblance of mental stability.

    Poooor Sarah can't walk down a street trailed by nannies and progengy without the vicious press hounding her. Sarah LOVES it. Her admirers aren't supposed to figure out that a simple rental car would have evaded this relatively indifferent set of photographers.

    Sarah Palin full well expected to be photographed in those shorts. She has a distorted body image. She thinks she's HOT, oblivious to her sagging flesh as she hurtles toward her 50s.

  149. emrysa2:53 PM

    well gryphen I guess that's how she looks without a girdle.

  150. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Will sara create a scene tonight?

    My guess is she will be PROUD AND OVER THE MOON. Proud but a not in the spotlight as her daughter stars and wins another round of DWTS. They will tell us tomorrow the results? A judge might actually give her enough critic so it is not a give away that it is all a set up.

    I just heard something about the Fox News Stars that are not allowed to talk on any other network. Sarah was one of them. However, she can be a proud Grizzly Mama and star in her own reality show.

  151. Could Tripp and Trig be twins? On the latest video of Bristol, Sarah, Trig, Tripp, et al, in LA, I was noticing how huge Tripp is for a 21-month old toddler. Not only is he large in this video, but he is quite large in the few pictures or videos we have seen of him since his birth (i.e., the NBC video with Bristol – he was quietly laying across her lap; the picture with Levi). I am not comparing him in size to Trig in anyway as I understand that children with Down Syndrome grow at a slower rate than other children.

    Not to confuse the baby theories already out there, but, perhaps Bristol gave birth to TWINS back in April 2008. That would explain a few things: 1) the second baby arm in the picture of Levi reportedly holding Trig in May 2008; 2) the inaccuracies in the reporting of Tripp’s birthdate and weight by a relative; 3) two different babies posing as Trig. If Bristol did give birth to twins, Sarah claimed the child with Down Syndrome as her own and this helped her with the Vice Presidency nomination. The other twin could have been kept under wraps somewhere for a few months to turn the media and others’ attentions away from Sarah’s faux pregnancy.

    Right now I’m thinking that Tripp is not a 21-month old toddler but that he is actually a 2-1/2 year old.

  152. Anonymous3:02 PM

    My dad used to say that women who walked liked Sarah looked like they were going out to milk the cows. I always remember that every time I see a video of her walking.

    What a glum, silent bunch they are. I don't think she's PG, Gryphen. I think she probably was, and is maybe eating to assuage the guilt over the Wite-out.

    Look, America--they're just like us! I mean, don't all American families have TWO nannies?

  153. Anonymous3:03 PM

    ***** Piper lugs that hefty toddler like she's had a LOT of practice.

    She does look like an old pro at it. We know how good that is for her back and posture. Kids that obey do exactly what they know they are suppose to do and it should look like it is all because Piper loves 2.5 year old toddler siblings and wants to carry them in the sweltering heat. Nothing like getting out of school for a little fun time like that.

  154. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Bristol not looking happy? Perhaps because she's now beginning to understand the downside to celebrity. Coming soon to every supermarket checkout line will be headlines screaming her name, and not the adoring kind that she was accustomed to from the Sarah-loving blogosphere. The paparazzi will try to get the most unflattering photos possible. You know, the ones that make you look frumpy. That's what gets on the cover of the Star. It's the life you've chosen Bristol. Welcome to the big time.

  155. momcat4obama3:16 PM

    does sarah EVER put down that freakin' blackberry? i have a smart phone, too. and believe it or not, i can actually walk down a street or get my picture taken with my daughter's dance partner and NOT have my phone in my hand!!!!

  156. Anonymous3:17 PM

    When Bristol is thin, she is thin. It is a startling difference.

    That is not just teenage belly weight. Come on.

    When DWTS did a line shot, sweeping across the contestants, even with all the fringe her belly was very prominent.

    She has to be pregnant.

  157. momcat4obama3:17 PM

    oh, and one more thing - Bristol at least tried to show she was taking care of her own child by taking him from Piper when she saw the cameras. Sarah doesn't even make an effort with Trig.

  158. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Pardon me if this has been said, but.... Sarah. That hat. I'm ten years younger than you are and I'd feel like a fool wearing it. Did you borrow it from Piper or do you shop at Justice? You look silly, old girl.

  159. Anonymous3:24 PM

    The Palin women will never be known for having great legs. Nor will they be know for classy dressing, at least not in my opinion!

    As a mother of three....I still say that there is avery good chance that BP is preggers. None of the Palin women could really be called svelt including BP but she appears to be the only one with tummy issues. Photos of her in her dance costumes accentuated the belly. Then there is her bosom...most women gain weight rather equally all over, but pregnant woman see an increase in the size of their bosoms beyond normal weight gain.

    As for being on this show and being pregnant. She is a Palin and she is young. In other words not rule on earth applies to her and everyone believes every word that comes out of her mouth. But most importantly she has to make the world believe that SHE IS NOT PREGNANT!

    As for Gryph's opinion that she had been pregnant but wasn't anymore, I would like to point out that if she was far enough along to show, she was too far gone to have anything legal done about the problem.

  160. mommom3:33 PM

    What if The whole Levi-Bristol 2nd time around thing went south for a different reason than what was said?Could they have gotten back together,Bristol,then Levi realize she was Pg by Barber,then the break up with Levi agreeing not to make it public?

  161. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Looks pregnant to me. I was 19 when I was pregnant with my daughter and I didn't find out until I was four months. I finally realized it because I went from 102 to 113. She looks about five months to me. Or maybe she just recently had a white-out and has not lost the weight yet. Most of her weight looks to be on her bottom half.

  162. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I'm kind of wondering if Bristol isn't now taking the birth control Depo-Provera (the shot u get 1x every three months). It puts weight on women at an average of 5-7lbs per year but everyone varies. I put on about 20-25lbs total when I was on it for about 3-4 years.

    I think Bristol's unhappy look is because once again her Mother intrudes on her 'thing'. Bristol may have been nervous or even reluctant to go on DWTS but now seems to be enjoying herself, until we saw these pics. I would guess those kids don't hate the idea of quick easy money but really hate that she can't stay out of it or least most of it.

    It's as if she has to intrude on every aspect, just like Bristol's first interview with Greta. The disappointment on Bristol's face when Mama just 'happens to pop in' was so obvious and painful to watch.

    I find it interesting that when looking at these pics Bristol is the 'best dressed' of the bunch (family members) and that's in a casual sense. Sarah looks old, outdated and style-less compared to her daughter.


  163. Anonymous3:42 PM

    This veteran of multiple (adult) pregnancies votes: pregnant.
    1) In the midst of an epic heat wave the height of SoCal fashion involves being barely dressed, not wearing a hoodie.
    2) Very few women are "apples." (Yes, Bristol is carrying some weight in her thighs/hips, but that's quite a gut, for a girl)
    3) After one or two previous pregnancies she would have shown especially early, but the apparent slow progression could be due to a concerted effort to lose weight.

  164. Anonymous3:46 PM

    They dress like that in Beverly Hills?

    "Who's Wolf" from CNN is going to have more on the Wasilla/Afghan soldier at 8 EST. Peter Bergen was telling us why it is no big deal, this story won't be like Abu Ghraib, SIMPLE, there are no pictures. [ Military Restricts Access To Pictures Of Alleged Crimes ] The video is no big deal. From the Afghan's perspective the worst part of the war is all the killing and maiming of their citizens. Obviously, not a concern for Americans or CNN. So no big story on the serial kill for sport soldiers. The Army was treating Specialist Morlock and that is why he was over medicated and sent back to fight. Like they would never do that to Track Palin. Dr. Laura's son was in combat area like Morlock. He just couldn't hang. So far CNN is playing all this off as if it is not a common practice for the military to over medicate and keep our boys in combat. Also the hashish and local drugs of Afghanistan [ 93% of opiate supply ] are not a common practice to our soldiers over there. What a cover up. Dr. Laura's son's platoon and many others use to post photos of themselves smoking all kinds of things. They also posted pictures of beer parties and fun times when they would get drunk in the out back of Afghanistan. The military supplied the beer.

    Don't miss Sarah on O'Reilly or at DWTS. Wolf Blitzer will show a video but no pictures and that will pretty much be the end of it. No big deal anyway if you're not Afghan.

  165. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I used to live in LA and it's sweltering. It's not just hot there, the humidity makes it way worse. I talked to my girlfriend who still lives there last night and she was miserable. The only people who usually wear sweatshirts in that weather are hiding something or a criminal.

    Piper fits right in with the high-Christian morals of the Palin women. Can they not dress her appropriately? That is shameful. Put some clothes on the truant kid. Does the school ever wonder why this the human sheild in never in school? Don't they get paid only when kids attend school? Just saying.

  166. Anonymous3:51 PM

    If you look back, all the Heath women have had they yoyo-ing weight issues, including cousins. They live in an active environment where they grew up hiking, camping, "motoring", and when even a slight change is made, weight easily changes. There are the lucky few who are slim forever but most people have to put in daily effort to stay svelte. Bristol has addressed her weight in several recent interviews (video and print). Even Levi is a little more hefty (look at the KathyG episode and his LA pics)

    o/t, are there any updates on Levi's new show "Boys next door". If this slides thru, it could prove entertaining to see Levi associate with hollywood type guys. He's sooo boring and redneck. ooo popcorn

  167. Anonymous3:54 PM

    She is definitely pregnant - the shape of her belly comes from pregnancy, not being overweight. I noticed it last week on the show during the rehearsal footage. It's only going to get harder to hide....and I have a feeling that the DWTS crew knows about it - the costume last week was designed to hide it.

  168. The reality of seeking to be a celebrity and actively pursuing media as income and shopping for your own show is that there shall be people also trying to make money taking photos of you. Therefore it is a given that when you leave your house or hotel be ready to be photographed.

    Something is odd that Bristol was dressed for weather 20-30 degrees cooler. I like the way Tim Gunn put it that there is now a "slothing of America". People have not just dressed casually but sloppily.

    I'll say it again that SP would make a wise investentment to hire a stylist for more often she misses then hits the right notes. The okay suits with Candies type cheap looking shoes more appropriate for a disco in Cancun scream floozy, tease, white trash especially while screeching about God. Even an older woman can look classy, tasteful, feminine and appealing without crossing the line.

    They may have simply dashed out to Starbucks for all we know. They sure did look unhappy and angry they were spotted.

  169. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Sarah Palin stomps around like some lesbians I know. And not the femme ones either.

  170. Anonymous3:57 PM

    The paps were polite. Didn't take long for Bristle to turn into a diva bitch.

    Love the way she used her kid as a shield. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh?

  171. Anonymous4:01 PM

    3:18, That was Sarah's "mom" look (when she's not being the "sexy librarian"). The Justice hat was to show us she's got a sense of "fun."

    Then her stupid Blackberry ruins the whole damn thing. Real moms carry their KIDS.

  172. Anonymous4:07 PM

    1:58, Sarah so seldom holds her son with genuine love in her eyes that when she does, it is probably just for show. So what?

    I guess punishing Trig for what we MIGHT think is what's called for. Yeah, why love on the little tyke if people are going to have "bad thoughts." I'm sure Trig understands.

    Ugh! You Palin fans are DISGUSTING. You stoop to the LOWEST levels to defend your Quitter Queen. Yuck!

  173. Anonymous4:25 PM

    1:35, I guess what Sarah is trying to say is that she's just like "Real" Americans and "Real" Americans dress like slobs. When on vacation, "Real" Americans don't know how to put together a decent casual outfit that doesn't look like they're going out to feed the pigs.

    If I were a "Real" American, I'd be insulted.

  174. Anonymous4:28 PM

    " In other words no rule on earth applies to her and everyone believes every word that comes out of her mouth. ...&... I would like to point out that if she was far enough along to show, she was too far gone to have anything legal done about the problem. "

    no rule on earth applies to her - that means she does not need to be legal

    Gryph, I agree with your daughter.

    Also, too, like mother, like daughter on the " Wite-out "

    " I think it's about time Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan or some other bubblehead do something outrageous that will get maximum airtime. Can't let Americans obsess over this, they might demand outrageous things like "accountability". "

  175. Is there a reason Sarah needs a handler there for Trig? There was not one iota of maternalism coming from that woman for that child. I don't get it. Anyone know who was carrying him?

  176. Anonymous4:50 PM

    9:34, so Michael Gross doesn't bother to interview a hairdresser he's probably heard won't tell the truth about Sarah (she's a "fan"), and you're surprised?

    I remember the last time someone interviewed Jessica Steele. She let out that Sarah's hair is thinning only to follow up with a denial (after Sarah chewed her ass, I'm sure).

    Jessica Steele has no cred. Why bother with her?

    And I doubt Gross "stalked" her.

  177. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Add the fact that the dance costumes are made to 'hold things in' like protruding gutts. It's also possible that spanx are worn depending on the costumers.

    As for Scarah's outfit - I wear similar type shorts when I'm scrubbing the floors or doing laundry. Outside the house - not a friggin chance. And Scarah is an old broad with mega cellulite. Runner - pure bullshit.

    The papps are gonna hound them in that they didn't even have the decentcy to say hello. Those heard talking were not rude but the Palin Freak Show think themselves above everyone.

    I hope this winter the ice falls out from under the snowmachines. Splash!! Oops! Too bad - so sad - NOT

  178. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Did you notice that the paps don't give a darn about Sarah? They only care about Bristol.

    They aren't following Sarah at all. The camera actually rests on the nanny for a very long moment only because Bristol is right behind her. Sarah passed right by, but the camera didn't follow her.

    These are paps, guys! If they thought a picture would sell, they'd take it. DWTS notwithstanding. I guess Sarah's not selling well these days. I'm not surprised, 'cause I'm not buying her moose pukey either.


  179. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Tom Bergeron sat beside and talked to Scarah - One word - BARF.

  180. Anonymous5:10 PM


    For those of you who won't see it for a few hours, Jennifer and Derek were backstage getting their scores (3 8's). Then booing is heard. Jennifer says "Why are they booing?" Cut to Tom Bergeron interviewing "guest commentator" Sarah Palin.

  181. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Those are the same little boys we have known as Trig and Tripp for some time now. There are no stand-ins. Little children change quickly, Trig is just becoming more boy and less baby, though it's possible he won't be that tall. I don't believe those two are twins, either. Very visible age difference between the two. Tripp still seems like a baby.

    The tension between Sarah and Bristol is palpable, unless they were just uptight because of the paparazzi. It looks like Bristol can't stand her mother. What would the Palins do if they couldn't dive into their Blackberries, or whatever they are, every chance they get? And that poor Piper, honest to goodness.

    Pics of Bristol do look rather suspicious. She may very well be pregnant. She has never been the type to be overweight, from what I have seen. If she is, she is likely quite miserable and praying she gets booted off that show ASAP. Or there will be an ankle injury, just watch.

  182. Anonymous5:16 PM

    I have to say that folks being accepted to dance on the show have to undergo medicals physicals. There is no way they'd allow a pregnant 'celebrity' on the show...think liability!

  183. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Bristol's tshirt reads: "It's time..."

    Picture 19 says, "It's time... to deliver."

  184. Anonymous5:19 PM how CLASSEEEEE... those tarjay poly shorts... are, um really NICE... specially on those tree stump runner's legs...

    Guess she didn't think about ~ahem~ "sportswear" when she was shopping on the RNC dime... she'd a probably looked better on the streets of LA in her expensive RNC underwear....and more appropriate :) than in those tacky running shorts...

    and couldn't help but wonder what happened to her KY Derby ta-tas... temporary body padding, maybe???, um like um, the DS baby...

    and there are people out there with the ability to vote that think she is fit to be President of the United States...


  185. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Why is Sarah always sucking on her teeth? So gross.

  186. Anonymous5:28 PM

    It looks like they are in the Valley, where ABC studio's is located. If it was 106 degrees in Los Angeles then it must have been 115 degrees in the Valley. There is no wind or breeze in the Valley and it get's extremely hot. So I can't understand why in the world would Bristol wear a hoodie in that heat?

  187. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Piper has on a pair of light colored shorts.

    As far as Sarah is concerned, she didn't even hold one of the boys. Nice loving mother and grandmother Sarah is! Bleh!

  188. Mysterious boos from the audience on DWTS but no one seems to know why; oh right, we know why.
    SPOILER Alert: Do not click link or watch unless you weren't going to watch anyway and don't care about spoilers; Gawker is on East Coast Time:

  189. Anonymous6:02 PM

    1) No ring on Sarah when she goes to hug Bristol in the "at home" video.

    2) "Can't Hurry Love" this week and "Mama Told Me Not to Come" last week? How obvious are they going to have to get before she catches on?

  190. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Well, Bristol got the pity vote again. Her dance WAS NOT 7,8,7 quality. Those judges must have their marching orders. They are giving her extra points for being "fresh."

    Ugh. Reality TV fakery is so repulsive.

    And those ugly black biker shorts have nothing to do with it.

  191. Anonymous6:12 PM

    LMAO! Palin greeted by LOUD boos!..Please post video

  192. Anonymous6:15 PM

    In the video when Sarah asks how does she do it meaning the shaking of the upper body, did you notice the only thing shaking on the Quitter were her flabby arms?

  193. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I haven't had the time to read through the comments, so someone may have already posted this, but it has been 100+ in LA for nearly a week, so that hoodie makes no sense to me, especially on someone from a cold climate, who can't be used to this kind of heat. It makes her seem like she is hiding something. It could just be that she isn't comfortable with the size of her stomach right now, but every time I see her photographed in LA in a sweatshirt, it makes me go hmmm...

  194. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Gawker has the video of Palin being booed

  195. Janet in Texas6:24 PM

    Bristol is definitely overweight. She looked very frumpy and pudgy tonight. I almost puked when Scarah was interviewed and started lying her usual bullshit. She is so phony. Can't stand any of them. I watched it because I am in love with Rick Fox.

  196. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Bristol was wearing a Spanx tonight. You can clearly see it when she does a twirl.

  197. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Is Bristol even practicing? I caught more than just a few minutes of it tonight, and the scenes at home in Wasilla were cute, but the dance itself was awful. They were dressed like they were attending the prom, and Bristol was like an ironing board. She didn't dance at all, it was all Mark. And yet the judges fawned all over her. Mark keeps priming the pump too, saying how she was an office girl who never danced and now here she is. So freakin what. You think Margaret Cho ever danced before??? Isn't that the point of the show? Wow, this gig is going to be a breeze for her.

    btw did you see Sarah with the screw face when the middle judge said something even remotely critical of the dancing? This woman needs therapy.

    And speaking of Sarah, is it just me or does anyone else's gaydar go off with her? She's so butch in that video, and it's not the first time. Eh...maybe it's just the influence of her gay friends. (I'm gay so I have no problem with it but hope Sarah doesn't have any identity issues, she has enough problems already).

  198. Just saw the BP RWTS is rigged...NO DOUBT about it. she was hardly worth a 6 and judges gushed and coughed up way more than deserved.

  199. Anonymous6:33 PM

    So Cal is in the middle of a massive heat wave with an average well over 100 degrees and most cities are hotter than 105. The beaches were almost 100 today. It is 7:30 PM over here and in Beverly Hills its still 91 degrees. She is wearing black pants, black shirt and grey sweater all while holding her son. I think she is hiding something. Sarah couldn't even hold her prop thingy even when she knew there were people taking pictures. WTF. She is the worst person ever.


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