Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Joe Miller supporters are bringing out the nasty.

From Huffington Post:

A conservative PAC is raising money to run an ad on Alaska airwaves that paints Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski as an entitled 'princess' and crybaby for deciding to stay on the ballot as a write-in candidate in November after her loss to to tea party favorite Joe Miller in last month's primary.

The ad, which Let Freedom Ring PAC is currently trying to get on the radio, coldly describes Frank Murkowski's decision to pass his Senate seat onto his daughter, Lisa, after he was elected governor in 2002.

Jesus!  So THIS is how the Joe Miller people go after a respected Republican when she refuses to walk in lockstep with their wishes.

If Miller does not come out and condemn this ad I believe it will tell the Alaska voters quite a lot about his character. Not that I personally have much respect for his character as it is.

By the way is it just me, or did any of you immediately imagine the words spoken in that ad coming directly out of Sarah Palin's mouth?


  1. Anonymous11:52 AM

    to walk in lockstep with their wishes


    umm, she lost her primary. Alaskans ahve spoken. She's America's idiot now if she continues campaigning

  2. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Not only is that really nasty but it's also juvenile. Those Republicans...such nice people, NOT.

  3. Chenagrrl12:06 PM

    Truly reinforces the idea that Joe is not running for the state but for Outside interests.

    Is this the same organization? Let Freedom Ring 2010 Ding Dong! Check its background.


  4. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Have to admit, I imagined the "Mine, Mine, Mine!" coming out of Saint Sarah's mouth...

    They must be worried about "Princess Lisa" if they're spending their time coming up with ads like this

  5. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Do not, for a moment, think that Joe Miller didn't endorse this putrid dung slung on his behalf. Miller and his campaign have no decency or respect whatsoever. How low can they go? Brace yourselves, we're not even close to the bottom yet.

    The Teabaggers are the ones bankrolling Miller's campaign. If he gets elected, they're the ones that he'll he accountable to.

    I have to go wash off the filth now.

  6. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Anon 11:52am, Alaskans will have spoken after the polls close on November 2.

  7. icstraights12:50 PM

    Joe Miller is a grifter just like Scarah!!!

    Buys and 'indigent'(can anyone spell claiming welfare?) fishing license when making GOOD money. He should go to jail for this one!

    Chk out the ADN article:


  8. icstraights1:03 PM

    BTW: Why isn't that ADN article front and center?!

    G-Man: Maybe you should post it here?

  9. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Every time I hear this guy talk I get the image of some ignorant shit-kicking hick. Goes nice with BS's finger-pointing school marm act.

  10. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Hey the Republicans know how to be nasty. Love it when they are fighting amongst themselves. As a democrat I would like to say "thank you Lisa Murkowski" We just may have two Dems in there.

  11. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Truth be told, Murkwski is such a shameless and degenerate sell-out that she barely deserves much better.

  12. WalterNeff2:01 PM

    ABC is going to air footage tonight proving the audience wasn't booing Sarah Palin. Why would they bother?

  13. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Uh, Joe? Conoco's not going to be selling any gas. Just not worth it. That kinda makes the gasline kaput. How's that federal money looking now?

  14. SME1312:15 PM

    That screeched of palin.

  15. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Well, Sarah and Joe, I guess Lisa "loooves her Freeeedom" too! She is well within her rights to do this.

  16. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Several things come to mind after viewing this.

    That seat was Frank's to "give away" in 2002, the Alaska constitution and Alaska law said so. OR Boy Lawyer Genius Miller and friends missed a golden opportunity! (Chew on that baggers).

    The history of this issue ( Alaska governors appointing US Senators to fill open seats) in Alaska may be seen here.

    Alternate history might have led to governor Palin saying "It's mine it's Mine It's Mine."

    Because she and others apparently thought this very same US Senate seat was hers in 2002.

    Um and if Ted had been either not convicted( by an apparently unfair trial), or if he had been re-elected, and been on that unfortunate plane ride- then the half governor Palin might have been battling (with Attorney General Tavis Colberg in her corner!!) to be able to make an US Senate appointment. Thoughts of Blago drift on by.

    But she quit, he quit, and now it's all turned around.

    This commercial could be remade with different video, and a few words changed. Referring to $150,000 of Spanx, Naughty monkey shoes, Todd's undies and so on.

  17. womanwithsardinecan2:23 PM

    Umm...actually most Alaskans didn't speak, which is how Miller got nominated. When people actually get up off their fat butts and vote, then we will stop having people like this characterless opportunist getting into our government. That said, Lisa is an ass. But at least she is a genuine Alaskan ass, unlike putz Miller.

  18. Anonymous2:34 PM

    "@trevtenbrink Murkowski lost the Primary election. GOP voters exercised their right to choose. Murkowski didn't like their decision, refused to acknowledge the will of the people, and is now pitting her will against theirs, since they obviously aren't smart enough to be trusted with choosing their own leaders. Sure, she has the "right" to run as a write in, but that kind of ARROGANCE is too commonplace in US politics, and needs to be extinguished."

    Well that is the style of Republicans. Are we forgetting how they have refused the will of people who elected President Obama?
    Miss Quitter Was the first one to be bitter, and has not rested, she sees herself as Queen, only her, should be in the white house? Right PaliBOTS?

  19. KiheiKat2:36 PM

    That wasn't Scarah speaking? That sounded like her. The story IS HER - whose name must not be spoken. Whoever wrote that has witnessed the Pusillanimous Palin in full tantrum.

  20. The hypocrisy is unbelievable. Just when you think they can't come up with something more absurd, they don't disappoint.

  21. Anonymous3:23 PM

    You know - I see the Murkowski supporters doing the same thing to Miller...both sides are beginning to get nasty and I am getting sick of it already. I know full well that it is probably going to get worse as voting day approaches.

    I am a supporter of McAdams and plan to vote for him, but I truly fear Murkowski being the winner more than I think of Miller in the same regard. I worry that McAdams will be pushed completely out of contention. And, I do not want Murkowski in office...she was and is a huge part of the 'party of no' and doesn't deserve being put back in that atmosphere.

  22. London Bridges5:00 PM

    could Lisa win by outing Sarah?

    Lisa, go for it!

  23. Anonymous5:07 PM

    I heard the ad and it is sickening. But Joe Miller and the Teabaggers will stoop at nothing and I have a feeling that it is just the beginning. I am a lisa supporter and will be writing a check to her .

  24. Anonymous6:03 PM

    "Pretty Ugly", Indeed!!! (Of THEM)
    How incredibly childish and unprofessional! Exactly Joe Miller's caliber...

  25. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I will do anything to defeat Miller including voting for Murkowski. This guy scares me a lot more than Murkowski.

  26. Anonymous2:11 AM

    I'm not an Alaskan so in a sense don't have the right to stick my 2 cents worth in but whoever is elected up there will be making decisions for all of us in the US.

    That's one of the worst ads I've ever heard. Ever. Sounds just like Sarah - immature, simple-minded, petty and cruel. Good luck folks. Hope you have strong and steadfast poll watchers in place.


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