Friday, September 17, 2010

Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert announce dueling rallies in Washington D.C.

First Jon Stewart's announcement.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Rally to Restore Sanity
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Here is where you can learn more about Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity."

Now Stephen's announcement.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
March to Keep Fear Alive
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionFox News

And here is where you can go to learn more about Colbert's rally "March to Keep Fear Alive."

My fervent hope is that these two combined rallies attract so MANY participants that it makes the Glenn Beck/Sarah Palin rally look like a crappy small town high school rally to support their chronically in last place football team.

Just think of how much more vibrant and energetic these rallies will be compared to the Beck-a-palooza.  I imagine there will be fewer walkers and oxygen tanks in the crowd as well.

Hey if you can go, go.  Show up and send a message to the Fox News crowd that the people who watch Comedy Central, and read this blog (And probably a couple of other blogs as well I guess) can throw a rally in Washington too!  And not only that but THEIR participants can get to the rally any way they want to.


  1. Anonymous5:51 AM

    We are sooooooooo going. My husband is booking a room now in DC. Marine Corp marathon the next day.

  2. I am sooooooo going!!!!!! I love Jon Stewart and Colbert; plus I want this event to be over the top HUGE and want to be a part of it. Plus as a bonus - it's on my 55th birthday - what a way to celebrate.

    Not sure if I'm going to try to get a room to spend the night or just take the train (it would only take a couple hours).

    I'll be sure to post photos afterwards.

  3. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Gonna try like hell to go to this and take my 21 year old son too!
    Would love to see a few hundred thousand people show up (real numbers!)

    We live in MN and will need to drive but it will be so well worth it!

  4. Anonymous7:16 AM

    My husband and I will be there! It takes our star comedians to have the media power to take on FOX et al. How fitting. Plus, this is perfectly timed to bring out the youth vote before the midterm elections. GO FUNNY GUYS.

  5. Anonymous7:31 AM

    And join the "One Nation March" October 2. See the link to the Ed Schultz website here:

  6. Anonymous7:49 AM

    My family will be there. Fantastic idea. It'll be great to be around normal, fun, intelligent people. The costumes and signs will probably be hilarious. A Washington Post "poll"
    shows that 43 percent of respondents intend to attend both rallies. What a hoot!

    Thanks Jon and Stephen.

  7. I agree this is a great thing. Maybe a chance to break the status quo of unproductive, unrepresentative government. Government needs to list to the 80% in the middle.

  8. Great to see the comments of those going - maybe we'll run into each other - perhaps we need a big sign or something identifying us as Immoral Minority blog readers lol

    Also lets all post and help spread the word about the One Nation March on Oct. 2 (mentioned in a previous comment) - that is worth going too also.

    From New Jersey for the One Nation march there is a group organizing buses for free to help folks who need transportation

    In other states there may be organizations doing the same.

  9. Anonymous8:12 AM

    When Jon held up the signs for the rally, they brought me such joy. I have been so downhearted by the hate-filled message. The level of discourse can be elevated, the hate can be ratcheted down, and a little more sanity can rule. The spider sign made me laugh out loud. The 'Got Competence' sign was perfect!

    Jon and Stephen have this way of getting to the heart of the matter through satire that just makes me happy. The perfect antidote to the last year being completely controlled and manipulated by a small group of mouth breathers.

  10. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Have a great time, Lady Rose. I also am in the 50+ crowd but love Stewart and Colbert.

  11. Anonymous9:17 AM

    I am so there.

    Does anyone have any old Blackberries to lend to me? I need at least three to flesh out my Sarah Palin on a cross costume.

  12. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Special Guests TBA or just a surprise, I can't imagine how many politicians (not so fun) and celebrities (fun) will show up!

    I went to Bill Clinton's Inaugural event on the Mall and was blown away by all the celebrities that came to perform.

    Attending these events means (as opposed to a GOP sponsored one) we aren't reliant on just Country or Christian Music and their musicians as the token celebrity in attendance. Thank God. . .

  13. lwtjb9:31 AM

    Please quit stereotyping older persons, particularly older persons using medical devices. I am there and closer to 70 than to 55. I am personally terrified of the rhetoric coming from the teabagging crowd and horrified they seem to be gaining clout. Everybody I know who is my age and older feels that way. There are crazy "I got mines" out there but I don't know any of them. If those folks have their way, my life will be infinitely more difficult. If I survive at all.

  14. I'm so jealous of those who are able to be there. What a fun event! Just please make sure you can get home in time to vote on Tues., Nov. 2, if you don't have early voting or mail a write-in ballot.

  15. Anonymous10:06 AM

    This could be a break in the insanity of the Becksters. Only I just knew you would have to use this to fill space on your blog. You must visit HP every morning to see what you can plagiarize from them.

  16. I've been following the grass-roots campaign encouraging this rally through It was actually a Redditor who came up with the idea.

    To further encourage Colbert, there has been a massive fund raising effort through Donors (more here-- ) Since Tuesday, supporters of "Restoring Truthiness" have donated nearly $250K to teachers throughout the country.

    I just wish I could go too!

  17. MC303110:33 AM

    I live an hour from DC and wouldn't miss this for all the money in the world. It's gonna be kickass!

  18. Anonymous11:13 AM

    10:06, your comments are dull. please step up the hate or you will bore us. gryphen's got another post of comments from your pals that will show you how it's done.

  19. Virginia Voter12:21 PM

    I am so totally there...with kids in tow. BTW, 9:17 you can get "dummy" blackberries from any AT&T cell wireless stores, they have tons of them that they use for displays, look and feel like the real thing.

    My sign: Tea Parties:
    R 4
    Little Girls With Imaginary Friends
    Real Women Drink Coffee

    I'll have a pic of Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, and Christine O'Donnell sitting around a little table blabbing to each other

    It's on bitchez!

  20. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Not to be a downer but remember that the Kahn bros et al bus people in from around Va & Md and from out of state.

    Regardless, who ever shows up I bet will be happier and have a better time and laugh more.
    And it will be more "colorful" than anything Beck or the Repos can put on.

    Lets see some burkas, and turbans, and saris and sombreros along with the cowboy hats and baseball caps.

  21. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Two of us from NC will be at BOTH events (10-01-10 and 10-30-10.

    We'll need some sign ideas, Gryph, can you offer some suggestions?

  22. The revolution will be televised.

  23. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I've got three friends from out of state coming. My house is filling up fast. I have two sofas left and plenty of floor space. So if anyone needs a place to stay let me know.


  24. linda5:36 PM

    husband and i will be at the 10/30 event -- i'm 58 and he's 66, so not youngsters, but we are liberals to the core! i'm trying to round up more people to go with us -- fill up our car anyway. we'll be driving from cleveland. it should be all kinds of fun! yahoo!

  25. Anonymous6:02 PM

    There are so many people on HP who are making their travel arrangements as we speak. Cool.
    M from MD

  26. emrysa9:44 PM

    gryphen I'm really glad you posted this.

    it sounds silly to say but these dudes are serious comfort in these troubled times. I am so psyched they are doing this... I can see more great comedy on the horizon. looking forward to this!


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