Wednesday, September 08, 2010

The poor sports in the GOP are not just unable to deal with losing to Democrats, they are also unable to deal with losing to each other!

Here is the AP article where Murkowski states that she "is not a quitter!"

She said that if this was "all about Lisa, certainly the easy thing for me to do would be to figure out what my next opportunity would be with my family and just settle in to a nice job."

"But what I'm looking at is my state and the future of my state for my kids. So, I have not made that determination that I'm going to give up. I'm not a quitter, never have been. And I'm still in this game," Murkowski said.

Joe Miller just moistened his teabag over this news.


  1. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Looks like Lisa's reloading.

    Go Lisa, soundly kick Sarah's ass! I mean Joe.

  2. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Let her split the tickt. Go Lisa!

  3. Pat in MA5:47 AM

    Circular firing squad.

  4. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Sarah and Joe are no Republicans. . .at least that establishment is tried and true in their trickery, tactics and pursuit of the highest profit - I mean votes. When money and power is the bottom line, you generally know what you are dealing with.

    I don't know what Sarah and Joe are, mavericks with no direction, consistency or loyalty. I just know they are frightening.

  5. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Sounds like Lisa's comments were directed at Miss Wasilly.

  6. majii6:50 AM

    I think Murkowski is embarrassed to have lost to a scumbag like Miller and is upset that Palin is snickering behind the scenes about how she dealt a blow to the Murkowsi Family. I believe Murkowski's appeal to the Libertarian Party is mainly motivated by revenge. This move will split the republican ticket and may lead to a win for Scott, leaving both Miller and Murkowsi on the sidelines watching as Scott is sworn into the Senate. I think I'm enjoying this just a little bit too much, but OTOH, it is just desserts for a party that tried to harness the tea partiers for their own benefit. I just love that it is coming back to bite them in the butt.

  7. Anonymous7:02 AM

    It's a win-win. either way, she takes the votes from Miller, denying him the win. If she wins, AK has it's Sr. Senator, still. Should she lose, AK makes history with it's second Democrate senator.

    It's all good, so long as that nutbag miller stays in AK, bagging tea for his hot water this winter.

  8. Anonymous7:16 AM

    The best thing Lisa M. can do to make things good for her kids and ours is to tell everyone what she knows about Sarah Palin (and encourage others to do the same).

    Stop the circus here and now and redeem the great state of Alaska.

  9. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I just hope Lisa Murkowski hates Sarah Palin more than she hates a Democrat winning her seat. And you know, THAT would be the poetic justice, the KARMA that will bite Palin in the ass--that she inspires so much HATE that other Republicans do whatever it takes to make sure a Palin-backed candidate loses, even if it means a Democratic win. Can I hope for this?

  10. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Run, baby, run.


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