Friday, September 03, 2010

Posted without comment.

Okay talk amongst yourselves.


  1. icstraights5:05 PM

    He looks SCARED!!!

  2. Anonymous5:06 PM

    well,, i still say she will quit.
    and no,, i don't think she is anywhere near a 'hottie', and i'm a horndog!

    bill in belize

  3. So that's what modestly dressed looks like.

  4. hohum5:09 PM

    Not sure if I should add carrots to my salad tonight. Usually I just like to add tomatoes.

  5. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Lol! I'll be nice about his holding up her thigh but if that outfit is her idea of conservative, I'd like to see one of her "librul" outfits. Is that real or photoshopped? Either way....bwahahahaha!

  6. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Um, she's bigger than he is?

  7. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I see she has cankles just like her mother. I thought she was going to have a modest costume? Do you think she will demand to keep the outfits and underwear?

  8. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Let's not say a single thing: thus is not our area of interest. Amy1

  9. Ripley in CT5:15 PM

    I'm thinking there won't be any lifts. Just sayin'.

  10. Anonymous5:17 PM

    At least they put them both in black so Bristols lack of a figure doesn't show. I know, it is a nasty comment on Bristol, but it's true.

  11. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Bristol is hot for a little shy girl from the sticks. She's the girl in all those country songs that every boy pines for.

  12. How tiny is that man? How tiny is that man's head? There had to be some photoshopping going on here, something is really odd about the proportions.

  13. InvisibleDragon5:21 PM

    Hm... Say something nice.... Her fake spray-on tan looks fairly even.

    My condolences to the guy stuck with her.

  14. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Aw, they're going to be fun to watch. he's already said she's a sweetheart and hes certainly a goofball. But I will say that she is naturally bigger than he is and they're pretty much the same height sans shoes. But I still think he's the perfect pro to bring out her dancing foo

  15. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Her head looks huge compared to his and him. It's like he's ten feet behind her. They don't looked well matched - and I don't think that's an attractive pose of her thigh. Her face and smile look pretty, though.

  16. Who's Ricky Hollywood now, Sarah?

  17. FEDUP!!!5:30 PM

    He sure got his hands full...

    VERY conservative dress, Bri$tol! Congrats on your 'convictions'!

  18. Anonymous5:31 PM

    wow, she's got a large head.

  19. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Hey look it's Bristol Hollywood!

  20. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Doesn't even look like her at all! She looks much older.

  21. SME1315:36 PM

    I didn't even recognize her, they must have lightened her hair and did a little photoshopping. I hope Scarah has a stroke when she sees the outfit. And when she realizes her former frumpy daughter looks better than she does.

    I think Palin forces her kids to wear frumpy clothes. This is the first time I have ever see bristol look like a real teenager. It sure beats that crap she usually wears.

  22. Anonymous5:39 PM


    oh what the hell go ahead & add the carrots

  23. Anonymous5:46 PM

    I'm with 5:23, we have to get a nice show-biz celeb name for Miz Briz, Bristy-Hollywood?

    I hope that she wears that modest dress for her appearance on Leno tonight.

    As for DWTS, they did not book Briz for her acting, dancing or charm, but because she generates publicity. $125,000. for signing is cheaper than any advertising would cost. As long as Briz produces Buzz, she'll be back, no matter how fat her legs are.

  24. Anonymous5:46 PM

    So much for abstinence!

    It looks like Bristol aint comin' back to Wasilla as a born again Virgin... I guess you can say the puddy cat is out of the bag... by the way where is her baby?

  25. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:47 PM

    Yikes. Whose idea was this, anyway??

  26. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Sarah is that what Good Ole Christian girls in modest costumes look like?

  27. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Her thighs oh LORD!!!!! yuk!!!!!!!

  28. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Who knows how much this picture was photoshopped? I wonder who put this couple together, and why. They look ill-matched. At least she is smiling, and not looking glum and moody.

  29. Anonymous5:53 PM

    modestly dressed? haha In Alaska world perhaps. BUT WHY ????did she not have sex and child out of wedlock?????

  30. sewnup5:53 PM

    What? Nothing from the proud Christian mama about Bristol's modest apparel?

    I read that Bristol had never seen the show prior to her contract. What parent condones such an approach to life? That woman is not a parent at all; she's just "that woman" and barely that.

    Whether they know the words or not, they have "duplicitous" and "hypocrisy" down pat. The Christian part? Well....guess we'll let God take care of that one.

  31. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I see she has cankles just like her mother. I thought she was going to have a modest costume? Do you think she will demand to keep the outfits and underwear?

    5:12 PM

    WHAT UNDERWEAR? Bristol aint in Kansas anymore!

  32. My God, I hope he doesn't have to lift her! oye!

  33. Anonymous5:56 PM

    They have Amazonian women in Alaska?

  34. scroll down to the photo of the two couples in the article about dwts and Bristol. Notice 'the Hills'? the female is wearing the shoes that Bristol is wearing in the latest picture. I'm betting that this particular photo has been photoshopped and the body is the female of the Hills couple.

  35. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I read somewhere that she was pretty upset and Diva-like on the set, but DWS had to show her the contract she signed. Which included dressing in those outfits. Anyway, perhaps, Hollywood will broaden her mind, so she can think on her own, and not be joined to her parent's thinking. I am sorta embarassed about her proportions compared to her partner. Her sheltered background may be considered a challenge for some of the city guys - they may find her intriguing...

  36. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Well...even though I dislike her fame-whoring ways, and even though I think she has the personality and brains of a doorknob, she looks very pretty there.
    I do agree that she looks "large" in an unnatural way, though. (or is her partner just that small?)

    And I think her costume is gorgeous from what I can see. Compared to what the other women often wear, it might be conservative by comparison LOL...and even if not, it does look lovely. (but I surely doubt she had any issue with wearing it, she wants the exposure iykwim LOL)
    that said, I hope she lasts just long enough for some dirt to come out about her and her despicable mother...

  37. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Bristol is just getting with Levi for the Kathy Griffin thing.

  38. Anonymous6:15 PM

    For pity's sake, why did the producers pair her with a man half her size? Does anyone imagine they don't know how to pair dancers for the best look? Could it be they don't want her to look good?

    On her own, with the costume and stage makeup, she looks fine.

  39. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Oops .. getting EVEN with Levi for the Kathy Griffin thing.

  40. First of all, according to contract, she wears what they give her. Period.

    I don't care much for her personality, but I am not knocking her for wearing that, because she had to wear that, or get sued.

    Somebody should have gone over that contract with her word for word before she signed it. I guess her attorney was busy doing not-so-much for Miller.

    And, she can do nothing about the photo ops, the publicity, anything to do with that show. If she refuses, she gets sued.

    Why don't we all back off the trash talk, and focus in on Miller. The man is deranged, and we don't need that in the US Senate!

  41. Anonymous6:30 PM

    In that dress and makeup..Bristol looks much prettier than Sarah. *not kidding*

  42. Anonymous6:32 PM

    The BS about her wanting to wear "conservative" outfits was just hype to generate publicity and give her an excuse for wearing skimpy clothes: "They made me do it! It's in the contract!"

    Yeah, but no one made you sign the contract, you little lying so-and-so.

  43. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Sorry but, she's had a few babies and it really shows.

  44. emrysa6:35 PM

    wow that sure is a conservative outfit, lol!

    poor bristol wants to be one of those "tiny hollywood starlets."

  45. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Bristol Hollywood!

    They are not matched physically. This poor teacher must've drawn the short straw?

    Since SHE MADE AN ISSUE OF BEING CONSERVATIVE, I have to say that the dress is neither conservative nor becoming. She stores fat on her back and there are dancers who weigh less than her thigh which looks like a stuffed sausage.

    She does look like she is having fun-- for this I hope she shows a new side and laughs a lot (and isn't laughed at) and that she and the other contestants have fun together. I hope she does well, but I expect that she will get sent off the show within the first three rounds. SP won't let her get kicked off "too soon" but she's made her money.

  46. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Bristol looks great. Yes, I know she has made some terrible mistakes and acted out in outrageous manners.

    I am trying to picture myself at age 15, living in that madhouse in Wasilla with a sociopath mother.

    Then, at age 17 or 18, being embarrassed and "outed" with her pregnancy, for all the world to see - just so SP could "prove" Trig was not Bristol's.

    Now at age 19, still a teen.
    Yes, she has been snarky, unfair and deceitful re Levi. But - what else could she have learned at home?

    I am not ready to write her off yet - if I had grown up with the crazy lady, I may not have done much better at age 19.

  47. Anonymous6:55 PM

    So was baby number 3 imaginary, disposed of or popped out?

  48. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Hmm... I agree with a poster above: WHAT UNDIES?!? *IF* she wears any, they are skimpy thongs, I<HO!

  49. Anonymous6:57 PM

    These folks know how to party after the show so Bristol will be right at home.

    IMO this young lady bit off more than she realizes, but she is an adult who signed her own contract. I'm pretty sure these contracts do not have much wiggle room, so Van Flea will not be able to screw ABC.

    Besides, this is free publicity for WGE. And, Mama Griz can chase after Maks when she comes for a visit!

    Oh noes - visions of winky winky all the time - yikes!


  50. Anonymous6:59 PM

    yeah, that's not to conservative..

  51. Well--There's always the chance that Bristol will break the immortal TOTAL score of eight, by Master P. If you haven't seen it, go to YouTube, and search on Munster P. Master P CLEARLY is the least talented/biggest idiot every to appear on that program.

    The previous posters expressing concern about airbrushing and photo shopping (is that the right verb?) raise an excellent point. Oft times, what a person looks like in the flesh v. what they look like in a publicity photo is purely coincidental.

    But--just looking at that photo of Bristol, I'd be a little concerned. Now, I'm a distance runner, and not a dancer--but she's not showing much muscle tone at all.

  52. I know this is my fault for posting the picture and letting everybody make comments, but I am going to ask that from now on we NOT call Bristol fat.

    I have deleted tons of comments that simply made that observation. I let a few through so I think we have that topic covered. Yes Bristol is a little heavy and yes that certainly says something about rumors that popped up in the last few months.


  53. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Shoot - I'm always late to the party. Ripley beat me to my comment.

  54. Anonymous7:28 PM

    That legggggg..... looks like it may break him!

  55. Gryphen's posts and post headings keep getting funnier and funnier.

    Bristle has already achieved the highest possible score: a double 10/ hypocrisy and cluelessness.

    On the bright's gonna be fun to see what Sarah will do to compete with her daughter.

  56. Anonymous7:34 PM

    She will crush him.

    No, literally.

  57. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Ah, the model for abstinence.

    Don't expect this young girl to be heading back to Alaska anytime soon.

    She is clearly loving the spotlight and is bound to become addicted to the adoration as her mother has.

  58. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Gryphen, I want to say thank you for asking that people not call her fat. She is not a tiny little thing, but she is NOT fat. Her mother has the same thick legs and people call her TINY all the time when they talk about having met her. Bristol has a beautiful face, a beautiful smile WHEN SHE ACTUALLY SMILES of course - and when I look at this picture I see a mismatched pair of dancers but NOT a fat girl. These words that are said about her will live with her forever. I think we can make our points about the Palin familiy without personally destroying the very, very impressionable ego (that is not the word I wanted to use but I can NOT come up with it right now for some reason!) of a young woman. Her CHOICES, her WORDS, her CHARACTER, and her DANCING - those are things that we can discuss IMO without crossing any lines because that is what she puts out there to be discussed. I think she has a beautiful figure and that it is unfair to paint her as fat because she doesn't fit into that little size 2 that we tend to criticize other celebs for striving to be.

  59. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Bristol is heavy for HER...but she's not fat. She does IMO look like she is either newly pg or postpartum.

  60. Anonymous7:47 PM

    I hope he puts her leg down or another baby might fall out.

  61. Anonymous7:48 PM

    I am glad she's paired with someone who will not knock her up. I don't know if I could take a baby named Los Feliz or Silverlake.

  62. Anonymous7:53 PM

    A question about the shoes the dancers wear: How often does Bristol wear heels? Doesn't she run around in tennies like most teens?

    A young friend of mine has danced her entire life & is currently a Broadway gypsy. I spent more than a few years in Capezios myself, so I know what the footwear requirements are.

    Bristol has already made statements about never having danced before. If she's not even used to wearing heels for a substantial amount of time, she's going to be in major trouble. I'm seeing a twisted ankle or broken metatarsal real soon.

  63. Anonymous7:56 PM

  64. Anonymous8:00 PM

    I feel sorry for her. Her mom is crazy nuts and she is uneducated and completely clueless. I stand by my initial assessment of the whole bunch - pathetic.

  65. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Bristol looks a lot better than I thought she would. Good for her.

    Also, too, Bristol looking like a young lady makes Sarah look like an old lady.

  66. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Bristol is on Leno tonight (Friday). Here's a link to a portion of it from NBC site. They called it Bristol on Levi.|home|featured|recent

    Said her Mom's hunting - yearightsure - BS. Probably hunting for her HO shoes or something like that as it's not animals!

  67. Anonymous8:23 PM

    She is on Leno at the moment and just said that her mom is hunting caribou at the moment.

  68. Anonymous8:31 PM

    just watched her on Leno...she was chomping gum like a cow, and she was wearing this skin tight dress that made her look like she was trying to prove something - and at the very end I could TOTALLY see that there was a heavy duty girdle under there. NO WAY would a 19yo need to wear something like that even after having a child two years ago...and she STILL didn't look slim.

  69. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Bristol better not get tooooo much attention from the Hollywood gents, or Mama will get very jealous. Sarah obviously thinks quite highly of herself and no doubt believes she is a femme fatale. We constantly hear of the narcistic mothers who can't deal with daughters who receive any attention or adulation that outshines that given to the mother.

  70. Anjaak8:36 PM

    I've said this earlier today on another post...

    I am glad to see a new plus sized role model for girls. As far as a teenaged-unwed-mother role model...I could do without that. (plus sized is anything over size 2, I believe)

    I just hope the Wasilla girls are getting their dancing shoes out, not throwing away their birth control.

  71. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Apparently every season of dancing with the stars uses 6 gallons of spray tan....

  72. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Jay Leno asked Bristol if she went to her own prom. No, she said, she couldn't because, giggle, she was pregnant. Gryphen, when is prom time in Alaska? My memory is that Tripp was born in December. Proms are not usually held in October or November, especially when Bristol had been busy campaigning with her mom. A Thanksgiving Prom? Or a different baby, one who would have been born in the spring????

    Another question, Gryphen, do you know the dermatologist where Bristol claimed to be the Office Manager? If you do, don't identify him/her, but please give us an idea of how many people there would be in that office to manage, how many doctors, nurses, book keeper, anyone else????? It's hard to imagine Bristol having such an important job and also being able to take so much time off from work.

  73. @Anjaak:

    Considering how most American women are bigger than a size 2 ("plus sized is anything over size 2, I believe"), it would be better for young girls to look up to their mother as a plus sized, female role model than some fauxlebrity like Bristol.

  74. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Church Girl? LOL... she look naked under the piece of knitted scarf.. I guess this is the new modest look...

  75. Anonymous9:20 PM

    that is the strangest photo. look at the guy's legs. his pants are so long. and she looks bigger than him, substantially. it's just strange and weird.

  76. FEDUP!!!9:44 PM

    OK, I just saw the snarky clip from Leno. She looks almost like at the convention again - HUGE top, and pretty round belly, in a dress that does not flatter her at all, because it is way too tight for her.

    Definitely getting into the Bri$tol Hollywood role, making her quips about Levi and looking at the audience for applause...

  77. wakeUpAmerica9:47 PM

    It looks like her head was photoshopped onto someone else's body.

  78. LisanTX10:03 PM

    Compare this picture to the one Gryphen posted in an earlier blog:

    The "before" shot during an early practice shows the real Bristol and the "after" shot in this blog post, does not show the real Bristol. Compare heights, head sizes, spray tan, etc.

  79. Anonymous10:08 PM

    The Prom statement is VERY interesting. I hope someone can research prom dates and match them up to PG dates. ;)

  80. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Im with you.

  81. Anonymous10:19 PM

    In our school district, prom is held in spring.

  82. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Wonder what the comments will be from the Wasillabilly clan in that after Bristol said a comment I believe about being unco-ordinated, Jay made a joke about that's how you get pregnant.

  83. Anonymous10:35 PM

    All this cute lil naivete while getting her mothers 'tweet' out there.

    Maybe toad has taken her BBerry since he seems to be talking about male genitalia, often lately.

    I didnt see her name on the print listings for this leno show, tho the other guests were all mentioned.

  84. OT - Example of the intelligence of a Palin fan:

    People for Palin has a post ripping Michael Gross over the VF article with an update from a "Non-anonymous Wasilla resident" who met Gross. And the Non-anon source's name is...(drum roll)...Wasilla 1.

  85. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Anyone notice the big diff in all these promo shots?

    Im thinking this is the 'diva' thing...this is her head, only.

  86. Anonymous11:49 PM

    I just saw the Jay Leno Show. Bristol Palin was on and she stated that Sarah was out hunting for caribou. Today is Friday, Sept 3. I suspect that Bristol said that to counter the Vanity Fair article that says Palin doesn't really hunt or fish. Anyone out there have an inkling where SHE may be. I kind of doubt it's out hunting. Maybe Joe McGinnis has an idea. AlaskaSundog

  87. Anonymous12:04 AM

    When's his hernia surgery scheduled?

    Has someone told him about the efficacy of a truss?

  88. Baddddddd photoshopping!

  89. Having trouble posting. Trying again.

  90. Anonymous1:35 AM

    OK, she isn't "dainty" - but she looks great. Mom is going to be jealous!

  91. Anonymous1:41 AM

    The girl is HUGE compared to her dancing partner.

    Also, I thought the show was Dancing with the STARS?? Fucking Levi Johnston and having a kid makes you a star these day?

  92. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:29 AM

    I fully agree--Bristol is NOT fat, she is very athletic looking (and I have heavy, muscular thighs as well). The choice of outfit may be okay, but the POSE is VERY unflattering, especially with what appears to be a partner of the same height. All you see is "thigh" in the pic. She would have looked much better with both feet on the ground in a ballroom stance, rather than a pseudo-Apache dance thing. What was the stylist thinking?

  93. London Bridges2:37 AM

    They had to dress Brissie in extremely high heels because she was unable to stand on her toes for the picture. The heels gave her the illusion of muscle tone.

    The Leno show statement about not being able to attend her prom is very telling. If the only time she was pregnant was with official Tripp, then she would have been 4 months post partum or if her prom was pre Tripp 2 months preggo. In that case she was way less preggo than at the Repugnant convention. Maybe, the $100.000 for the fake dancing will be the smoking gun we've all been waiting for!!

  94. Anonymous3:20 AM

    On Jay, Bristol said she didn't go to the prom because she was preggers?????

    any takers....

    was she preggers with Trig????

    Dates of delivery don't match up with being preggers for prom for Tripp....

    Photos of Mercedes dressed for prom but Bristol not...c'mon Mercedes spill....


  95. Anonymous3:34 AM

    I know the jury is still out as to which daughter was with Sarah in the Kathleen Gustafson video, the one who said "she represents the UNITED STATES" , referring to her mother.I know it was Bristol, and in my mind all I see when I look at this photo is that same ignorant little snot who thinks her mother is working for all of us. Stupid, stupid child.

  96. Facebook Lurker4:05 AM

    Ok, you've all said it better than I could, but I would add that Mark Ballas is a shorter guy, AND the camera always ands ten pounds, right?

    Seriously, folks most A list celebrities are a size 2 or 4 at most, in person they are TINY. Bristol is probably a size 6 or 8 which is huge by Hollywood standards, not plus size though. They did have many plus size contestants...Kelly Osbourne, Marissa Jaret Winokaur, Neicey Nash just to name a few (sorry if I misspelled).

    Anon 9:09, interesting that you bring up about Bristol saying on Leno she didn't go prom because she was pregnant. If you go with the official story, Tripp was born on Dec 28th 2008, when Bristol was supposed to be in her senior year. Remember, she "graduated" in 09 and posed for People Mag with the little money maker? So for senior prom, she would not have been pregnant, right?

    Now, she would have been newly pregnant with Tripp in late March/April of 08, and from what I understand, proms up there are usually held in late April, early May, right? We have heard many accounts that Bristol told Sarah she was pregnant right about that time. However, keep in mind that she would have only been a junior in high school!And, she wouldn't have looked preggers enough not to go to a junior prom, especially in Wasilla where every other girl is pregnant or just given birth. We saw many pictures of Bristol from the summer of '08, not showing any obvious baby bump. Does Wasilla even have a junior prom?

    Very interesting indeed, and I think this may have been a slip up on Bristol's part.

  97. Anonymous4:07 AM

    Yes, the I-was-pregnant-so-no-prom comment does not seem to jibe with a 12/27/08 birth date for Tripp, which indicates an early April conception date. And proms are usually in spring.

    Colony High School's 2008 prom was on 4/12/2008 (per Kristan Cole's web site :-D)

    I also saw a Mat-Su Valley prom photo on that was posted on 4/27/08. The caption read, "Prom was last weekend...." That would make it April 18 or 19, 2008. Isn't Trig's alleged birth date 4/18/08 ?!

    I don't know whether that prom photo was from Wasilla High, but the poster's bio said she attended a high school in Mat-Su Valley.

    Now, how likely would it be that Bristol already knew she was pregnant by mid-April? If she did know, considering her pregnancy would not be evident at that time, would that stop her from going to her prom?

    Supposedly Bristol and Levi didn't tell $P&Dud about the pregnancy until 2 weeks after Trig's birth, right? So unless their prom was mid-May or later, she couldn't have been "grounded" for being pregnant.

    Anyway, confirmation of the date of Wasilla High's 2008 prom might possibly expose this inconsistency in a way that gains traction and generates more investigation.

    Locals--info, please!

  98. Anonymous4:25 AM

    You can clearly tell from this photo what a good example she is intent on being for Tripp.

  99. I think it is great that Bristol has gotten out of the woods of Wasilla. A good healthy dose of reality should wake this kid up and maybe save her from Sarah. Bristol is really gonna earn her money this time around!

  100. Anonymous5:17 AM

    I feel so sorry for Mark. He must be making a joke out of this experience just to be able to face her each day. It must be like pushing a 12 wheeler around the dance floor.

  101. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Is that a postpartum Bristol with Jay? The photo is looks like a bad photo-shop job.

  102. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Mommy why is that girl rubbing her thigh against that boy?

    Well that girl is from Wasilla Alaska and like all good Christian girls from Wasilla, I guess she is just saying "Howdeee" to that new boy she just met!

  103. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Photoshop is her BFF!!!!!

    She will make a fool of herself, just like her momma.
    As long as her nose follows the smell of dirty money, she will continue to lose.

    Go on wiff'yo bad self there, Miss Bristol.

  104. Can we call her "big boned, not toned" Bristol?

    What is she on that makes her have no self-awareness? Like poor Sarah, she is a victim of her upbringing. Children are innocent until they become adults.

  105. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Hear! Hear! 6:40 and 7:39

  106. Anonymous7:11 AM

    I seem to remember that during her mother's run for VP some guy wrote about "spending the night in Bristol" and I doubt it was the one in the UK.

  107. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Personally, I think she lied about the prom because it would be less socially acceptable to say that she was an unwed high school dropout teenage mother going to the prom. It doesn't do her any good to remind people that she stopped attending high school a year and a half before graduation. She does an excellent job of upholding the family tradition of quitting. Also, how did Track "quit" the military so early?

  108. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Either that is a seriously bad Photoshop job or Bristol is ginormous compared to her dance partner. And no, I don't mean fat. Her proportions are way larger. Bigger head, body, everything. It's a very bizarre photo. If he tried to lift her she'd crush him.

    But, I, too, am glad that she's gotten out of Wasilla for a while. Hopefully being surrounded by more worldly liberal-minded people she'll learn a thing or two about the real world and maybe will be able to break away from her controlling she-devil mother.

  109. Anonymous1:26 PM

    " If he tried to lift her she'd crush him@9:22 AM:


  110. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I really, really didnt like that movie 'Free Willy'...yknow about the little boy and the big whale.:)

  111. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I don't understand the rules on here regarding weight. It's ok to comment on her figure as long as it's said that she has a "beautiful" figure or has toned legs, and yet an opposing opinion that she's fat is not permissible? Why is that? If there are rules then enforce them across the board with no comments about physical appearance.

    Look, I'm as fair as they come. I've always defended unwarranted attacks on the Palins on here and other blogs, and protected underage children. But there's nothing wrong with criticism of someone who has now clearly chosen to be a celebrity. And Bristol is no longer a high school student, she's almost 20 and an adult. That makes a huge difference.

    A lot has certainly happened since those early days when Bristol was thrust into the limelight We've heard of her harassment of Mercede and her attempts to take down her blog, we've watched as Bristol made Levi say he lied about Sarah, while she dangled the baby-visiting schedule. We've read all the articles about Bristol claiming to want to be a stay at home mom with a simple life out of the spotlight, then incredulously seek it herself, like a moth to a flame, while she trashed Levi in the press for getting his own gigs. And last but not least, we've see the Homer video.

    As I said, things have changed, and the veil is lifting, and personally my own eyes are opening. This family are liars, and they are selfish people. That is what I am seeing.

    As far as weight, it's the plain truth that the candid pics I've see shows Bristol overweight and out of shape, including the practice photo posted on here. Her legs are a feature which will be acceptable in photos, because all overweight people (as richard simmons famously says) have great gams, which will show as they slim down a bit. Besides, a 20 year old, no matter what he/she weighs will have toned areas of their body for gods sake, they're 20!

    DWTS wisely chose a pose that hid her stomach, and draped her heavy upper body and mid section with black cloth.

  112. Buffalo, NY9:10 AM

    That photo is SO blatantly photo-shopped, it isn't even funny. The only way it could look more ridiculous is if they photo-shopped Henry Kissinger's head on that person's body in place of Bristol's head.

  113. She's got pretty chunky legs and thighs. Mine look like that, but then again, I weight 180 lbs.

    I still question her qualifications. She is neither a star, nor a celebrity. She is the daughter of a politician who got pregnant out of wedlock and as such, as done some magazine and TV interviews. That does not a celebrity make.

    This show is really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

    Then again, I stopped watching it when they robbed John O'Hurley of his deserved 1st place at the end of season one. It was fixed. I don't watch rigged reality TV and this is the worst. It's only gone down hill from season one if what I've read is true. I expect this season will be the last. The only name I recognize is Florence Henderson and she's what? 90?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.