Friday, September 03, 2010

Vanity Fair writer provides more information concerning article about Sarah Palin on CNN, and claims that "Worst stuff isn't even in there!" Why the hell not?

(H/T to Palin's Q&A)

I think it is very interesting that Mr. Gross started off being sympathetic toward Palin, and how that changed as he learned more about her. That is a very familiar story that I have heard over and over again.

CNN was certainly not the only program that the author appeared on. The Huffington Post has the following concerning Mr. Gross's appearance on Morning Joe yesterday:

"The worst stuff isn't even in there," Michael Joseph Gross said on "Morning Joe" Thursday. "I couldn't believe these stories either when I first heard them, and I started this story with a prejudice in her favor. I have a lot in common with this woman. I'm a small-town person, I'm a Christian, I think that a lot of her criticisms of the media actually have something to them. And I think she got a bum ride, but everybody close to her tells the same story."

Okay is there any way to get our hands on what was NOT included in Vantiy Fair?  Speaking just for myself I would love to get a chance to look through the author's notes. With a huge bowl of popcorn in my lap of course.

I guess as an Alaskan blogger I need to address the split that seems to have erupted between those of us who are promoting this Vanity Fair piece and those who are not.  Personally I only know bits and pieces of what took place between my fellow bloggers and Mr. Gross, and of course if I knew everything I would probably not be at liberty to share that information, so I cannot provide a definitive answer to that question.

However, once again speaking only for myself, I certainly could have allowed my feelings to be hurt by how I was portrayed in the piece and refused to post it or promote it further, but in my opinion it went a long way toward reinforcing much of what I, and many others, have been saying about Sarah Palin for the last two years, so I did not feel that allowing my ego to get in the way of providing my readers the information contained in the article was appropriate.

Ultimately this is about revealing the truth about a person who has used her brand to cause enormous damage to our country, and if my toes get stepped on in the process that is a small price to pay in my opinion.


  1. Anonymous2:37 AM

    You did not cave in as others have.

  2. Anonymous2:38 AM

    I hope Gross feels compelled to write the worst stuff. Voters need to be fully informed about Palin's enormous lack of character. Right here in Anchorage, Palin and Beck will likely use 9/11 emotions to strengthen a joint announcement that they're running for Pres/VP. This painful news could rival the awful memories of 9/11.

    No...this scheme is not too far fetched, even for them. They have boundless egos and believe they are the chosen ones.

    I wonder if Sarah bothered to tell her kids this time.

  3. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Thanks Gyrphen,

    Too bad more people do not approach $P with that attitude. Yes, despite what she may have done to anyone in Alaska personally, it is what she is doing to the country that matters most. For the sake of us all, more people need to step up and take her out of the picture.

  4. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:02 AM

    Gryph, fret not. You've been more of a journalist these past couple of nasty years then most of the "real" media. And to my real delight (and despite HuffPo originally burying the story with over 7000 comments) it's getting WIDE play. Last night's Norman Goldman show was priceless. He kept quoting from the article and said he'd keep doing so right up to Election Day to remind Dems of the coming NeoCon disaster should they not get off their butts and vote.

    You did more than your part, no matter how the writer chose to portray you or any of the other AK bloggers, and for that we're all grateful. We know the real story and it seems that the rest of the world will too. And the North "Scar" will publicly implode, I guarantee it.

    Just stay safe, please, and duck any incoming canned hams!

  5. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Well said, Gryphen.

  6. Anonymous3:07 AM

    I would also like to know why the hell not! Why is Sarah being protected? If damaging information surfaced about anyone else, such as Pres. Obama, do you think the media would choose not to report it? Yeah, right.

  7. Anonymous3:19 AM

    Bravo for taking the high road, G --

    She's goin' down -- little by little. Between her own mental breakdown and information slowly being reported by the MSM, she's finally about to go down. Hard!

  8. Anonymous3:19 AM

    It's time to start demanding the media stop giving Sarah a free pass and report the truth. Because she seems to be planning to run for president, the American people have the right to know who she is and whether or not she is capable of running the country.

    Can you imagine someone with a temper like Sarah's dealing with foreign leaders? Or someone as hate-filled and prejudice as Sarah dealing with immigration issues? It's frightening! And that's not even the worst??

    I hope someone with deep pockets offers Mr. Gross some serious change to tell "the worst stuff." Everything about Sarah needs to be exposed before it's too late. And time is running out!

  9. Anonymous3:21 AM

    Gyphen... you took the right approach by not getting upset with VF article.

    Yes, bottom line is to expose Sarah and end her charade.

    Is anyone trying to investigate housegate?

  10. Anonymous3:27 AM

    Well, with fame of any kind comes heated commentary. If other bloggers can't take it then they are just as thin-skinned as Palin. The truth needs to come out about Palin. Cowering in a corner and whining about portrayals is pointless. This fear of Palin factor needs to come to an end. The only way that happens is that some folks will have to take some hits. Maybe people need to examine themselves and ask why they are blogging in the first place. If it is for self-aggrandizement then I suspect they'll be insulted easily. But, Mr. Gross IS a professional journalist no matter how loud Ms. Moore complains.

  11. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Thank you, Gryphen for all the work you have done and continue to do to expose Sarah the Fraud.

  12. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Nice comment on the VF article, Gryphen. Fight as one, take down the WGE.


  13. Anonymous3:42 AM

    What am I doing wrong????? I can't seem to post on this site

  14. Heidi13:50 AM

    Gryph - You took the high road, as some others obviously didn't. We saw how you approached it, and admire you for having done so.

  15. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Thanks for posting this video and for being mature enough to see the big picture.

    The goal of a responsible media outlet is not to destroy a politician personally, but to give voters the complete picture of who he/she is so they can be informed when they go into the polls.

    Her personal life is fair game because she uses it to get votes. Partial list:

    1) Pretending to be pregnant so social conservatives won't judge her parenting skills.

    2)Pretending to go through the dilemma of whether to abort in order to get the pro-life vote.

    3) Pretending Track went into the military for purely patriotic reasons (instead of avoiding jail), in order to get votes.

    4) Pretending she and Todd are a loving couple, in order to get the family values vote.

    5) Pretending education is important when it's unlikely she graduated from college or Bristol graduated from high school. This is probably more for ego/image purposes than votes.

    6) Pretending to be the victim of an elitist conspiracy when she actually ruins people around her at every turn.

    Her record as governor speaks for itself and was enough for me not to vote for her.

  16. Good for you, Gryphen. Thank you for ignoring your negative ego.

  17. BAustin4:45 AM

    I think it's a teaser for either a follow up article or a book by Gross.

    I would love to see a deep dive into all the various PACS (in luding those from ghe article) and how Sarah is really getting paid. I think it will be her undoing.

  18. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Hopefully Mr.Gross will have a Part II article on Palin in the next issue of VF.

    Gryphen, your closing paragraph exactly spotlights the critical issue on this whole $P debacle - the damage that she is doing to this nation.

    Time for people who KNOW, to put national priority before personal egos and timidity.

  19. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Words are inadequate to express my deepest disappointment in Shannyn over this. I have read that she called Mr. Gross a "douchebag". If she did say that, it offends and saddens me. That puts Shannyn on the same level as Sarah's "impotent and limp" comment. I thought better of Shannyn. With her mastery of words, she does not need to lower herself to name calling. She needs to blog a big apology to him if she did say it...and if she didn't she needs to make that clear too. By saying nothing, she validates it.
    Those of you who had been working to expose the Palins for the horrible dangerous people they are, don't need to be fighting with each other.
    I read on another site that Shanynn and Jeanne are backpedaling because they are working on some this is a monetary issue. So much for principles...when it comes to money, even the most righteous appear to cave in.

  20. Anonymous5:06 AM

    I hope that wussy Alaskans will join together to 'refudiate' everything this crazy woman claims to be. Cowboy up Alaska!

  21. Anonymous5:08 AM

    "Ultimately this is about revealing the truth about a person who has used her brand to cause enormous damage to our country, and if my toes get stepped on in the process that is a small price to pay in my opinion. "

    Big props to you for that Gryphen. It takes a grown-up to recognize this is bigger than you, bigger than Alaska. If Michael Gross learned things that Alaska bloggers already knew but never disclosed, then I think that makes Alaska bloggers part of the problem. It ain't about who gets the credit. It has probably been hard for you to stick to your position about this without the support of who you thought were your supporters, hang tough, the truth will prevail and now don't be afraid to dish somemore of what you know. Call Michael Gross and see what he's got that didn't make the article.

  22. Belly Pad5:13 AM

    I think Mr. Gross did his best to be fair in the article. It is a solid piece.
    You should be proud you were mentioned Gryphen, nevermind that the example from your blog that Mr. Gross chose to include was one of the snarkier, (tasteless? but FUNNY), comments on your blog.
    Your blog post on the differences in "Trig's" ears should be highlighted in your post above. Please include it. IMHO, that shocker is your very solid contribution to LEGITIMATE questions for Palin.

    On the inter-blog conflict, it is very silly. Let's focus on helping each other because with Palin's ascent to power will come Fascism and none of us want that.

  23. GrainneKatheen5:52 AM

    good for you gryph. this information needs to get out there and egos have to be shed in order to do so. i hope his article gets even more play and that the msm starts thinking about the way theu play into palin. here's hoping!
    ot, but i would love to hear more about this stage dancing that you've done. what a blog post that would be!think about it.

  24. laprofesora6:04 AM

    Do you think (and hope and pray) that the "worst stuff" could be in Joe's book? Maybe MG didn't print it because Joe's already investigated it and put it in his book. (fingers crossed)

  25. Anonymous6:04 AM

    That's why we love you Gryphen!

    One question I would love to ask: How in the world did Sarah Palin get "a bum ride?"

    She had the world Outside breathlessly at her feet...until she opened her mouth to Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric, exposing her ignorance, immaturity, incompetence, and general inapproprateness for the position.

    How is it anyone's "fault" that people, mostly bloggers, did some digging and found out that Palin's incredible positive polling numbers were bought and paid for with a tax on industry, passed on to the people in the very best tradition of a South American Socialist dictator?

    That she didn't really say no to that road to nowhere until everyone else did.

    That the pipeline was really still a pipe dream.

    That Wasilla's mayoral job was really handled by a city manager, who was forced on Palin, incidently, by city fathers who could see she was over her head. That she left that city with a huge debt.

    And that, generally, she was nothing like the "common sense conservative" she prattles on about.

    Who forced her to parade her pregnant daughter with the hostage son-in-law-to-be as her accessory? Who forced her to pass around her newborn like a joint at a Grateful Dead concert, or keep Piper handy in case she needed a shield for the rough crowds?

    That's just the tip of the iceberg!

    I agree that no other politician has been hammered about this stuff, but that's because NO OTHER HAS SO SHAMELESSLY EXPLOITED THEIR FAMILY or distorted their record.

    That MSM she points her crazy accusing finger at has given her a FREE ride. Even elevating a woman who should be way past her sell-by date.

    Are we to excuse Palin because she is a woman? No. THAT would be sexist.

    I am sick of hearing the "bum ride" LIE.

  26. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Gross will have a book. This article was merely the aperitif.

  27. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Mr. Gross included one of your "snarkier" comments, but hey, it added spice and publicity for your site... a good thing. And you showed some Zen, by not getting riled up about it. There is power and strength in restraint. This VF article and interviews with Mr. Gross makes a nice prelude to the two books we are waiting for. If Palin announces a run, Romney will have an easy time winning the primary?

  28. Anonymous6:22 AM

  29. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Sounds like Sarah's violent temper would make even McCain cower.

    Remember that picture of her on the campaign trail, the one where she is wearing that freaky scary frown? It's the one with Cindy McCain behind her (in yellow, I think).

    That was one scary face. I can absolutely see how frightening it is to live with her. I almost feel sorry for the repugnant Todd. Then again, after 20 years, the man must be shell-shocked. Seriously, it is extremely damaging to have to live with someone who is violent and out-of-control.

    No wonder the kids turned out the way they did. It's normal for a family to have a challenging kid, but to have THREE kids who are well past merely "challenging?" Come on, vandalizing school buses, trashing houses to the tune of 30 grand, and the promiscuity?

    Have you ever known a mother of a special needs child with such a platform who wouldn't take advantage of the opportunity to advocate? Just bragging about "choosing life" is NOT advocating for special needs children.

    There is serious dysfunction in that family and it's right there in the open. How can her fans not see it? Not even their lives can be that crazy.

  30. Anonymous6:30 AM

  31. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Bravo Gryphen

    This is not about celebrity this is about taking back our country from evil forces & anyone who is willing to speak out will hopefully encourage others speak out as well.

  32. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Gryphen, The quote used was the most crude yet pointed sarcastic comments you made to depict Palin. She gets a free pass for ranting about the President's "cajones" preschool "wee weed up" etc. Next time wear a push up bra Gryph:)

    You have demonstrated character, courage and perseverence for the greater good of people as individuals and as citizens of a country.

    Palin has a pervasive pattern of claiming one thing while she is actively doing the opposite. Palin and Toadd exhibit paranoia not wanting anything heard or recorded for it would blow up the lies they spin and threaten people to control they don't speak. Palin has been projecting this onto others in an escalated fashion.

    I looked up "yellow journalism" and she is the Queen of yellow journalism via FB, twitter and even makes up words.

    I suspect upon further investigation of the PACs set up and taken down arranged to create a means to feature Palin we shall learn more how Palin's popularity was carefully orchestrated, manipulted and controlled in another con job of the public.

    Palin and Beck are exploitive personalities, opportunists who lie about their true intention.
    I like to believe there is a special place in hell for these people so they experience the harm, suffering, terror they caused other people in their lifetime.

  33. Anonymous6:40 AM

    speaking only for myself, I wouldn't print "the worst stuff" unless I had absolute proof positive.

    also, too, such as ... the article might just be a teaser for a book.

  34. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Thanks for posting the Vanity Fair article and for all your hard work.

    I actually thought the comment that Gross quoted from your site was hilarious. I'm sure you'll get many new followers because of it - it shows someone with a great sense of humor.

  35. I'm sure I am not the only one who has said time and time again, that unless the MSM gets serious about demanding clarification of her wild claims, and vet here completely and stop playing her silly games, her intrusion into the body politic will only continue and get worse.
    Hopefully, with this Vanity Fair article, the MSM will be nudged toward the job at hand, and rid our country of the scourge known as North Star (Jesus, what arrogance).

  36. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Heads up...look for a Sarah sighting in LA this weekend with one of her kids who has not attended school since is started on August 17.

  37. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Anons 6:03 & 6:24, perefectly stated comments.

    Anon 6:36 - yes, let's delve deeper into these shell PACs most likely funded via Koch Bros., and Murdoch to swiftboat the mainsteam appeal of President Obama and give traction to an AstroTurf grassroots movement.

    How in the world that with a 300 million population we let the richest 1% and 3 million Fox News Viewing wingnuts take control of half the MSM message and intimidate Hope & Change?

    Two million books bought up by SarhPAC and Christian groups does not make Sarah a conservative force, it makes her a marketed brand, a product that hits the mark-down bin at any other rational venue.

    North Star? More like Brown Star, Google that on one of your three blackberries Sarah.

  38. DebinWI7:06 AM

    OT: Isn't slightly strange that Van Flein is Miller's campaign lawyer, too?

  39. Anonymous7:15 AM

    An important point made by the article was that different people, who didn't know each other, and lived in different locations all reported the same diva-like behavior in Sarah. And, it wasn't just a matter of wanting a private jet and bendable straws, the article described someone with a serous mental illness (or someone whose actions are fueled by substance abuse). No one should want anyone with that kind of behavior anywhere near the red telephone or nuclear codes.

    During the 2008 primary season, Hillary framed a question about the 3 AM phone call. Based on Gross's article, I don't want anyone like Sarah answering the phone at 3 AM, 3 PM, or anytime.

    Her choice of emotionally charged language, limp, impotent and gutless, would absolutely make enemies of world leaders. If she and Todd want to fight, please, let them go at it. Now, they can afford more canned goods and another metal refrigerator. But, that kind of behavior on the world stage would be dangerous for all of us.

    I can't imagine why people who really do have the goods on Sarah don't just reveal it and neuter her. Once John Edwards's love child was revealed, he was toast. If people really do have the goods on Sarah, they should be beating a path to the National Enquirer, Vanity Fair, or any other publication. It really is time for Sarah to shut up and sit down.

  40. Anonymous7:17 AM

    From an Alaska Native that distrusted Sarah Palin from day one, I thank you. Quyana.

    You are one mighty Chuhuahua that has most often treed that narcissist since the beginning of this surreal wild ride.

  41. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Way to go, Gryphen!

  42. There are people like SP everywhere, but most only terrorize their families and coworkers rather than reaching the national stage. I know a couple who have single-handedly run non-profits and university departments into the ground. People below them are frightened and abused. People at their level are confused and intimidated. And people above them are usually kept in the dark so it's allowed to continue. Thank god there are people with enough guts and sense to out someone like SP whose personality disorders make her truly believe she should be president though she had no real reason to even aspire to be a small town mayor.

  43. emrysa7:35 AM

    gryphen my guess is that the people who told him the worst stuff asked that it not be used. it might be one of those things where if the worst stuff was revealed, it would be obvious who said it.

    I thought this guy did a pretty good job with the article. it's seems very childish to be pissy about it (possible turf war?). I mean if one woman is now concerned that her family won't talk to her, then what does that say about her family? it's her family that is the problem (and maybe that's her wake up call) and not the truth.

    all of us who read your blog have known for quite some time that palin is insane. this article is just verification of that position. she's fucking psycho insane. and she will never be president, I still doubt that she is going to run. she'll come out and say that she wants to, but since the media has lied about her for 2 years there's no way she can get the true picture of herself out there to the voters. she knows she can't win. look at her numbers. but in true palin form she won't take responsibility for it, she'll blame someone else - in this case, the msm.

  44. emrysa7:47 AM

    people are mentioning the 9/11 thing with beck. something just clicked.

    months ago when they announced that sarah would be writing a new book, I thought to myself (and even wrote it somewhere, possibly here) that there is no way sarah was going to get the numbers on her book tour that she got before. buying an "autobiography" is one thing, and buying a book of quotes is another. I predicted that in order to get the crowds this time around, they would turn sarah's book tour into a traveling revival of sorts. well I bet this is it. this 9/11 thing is to make an announcement that they're taking their "restoring honor" rally on the road, and part of it will be sarah's book tour. okay let's see if that's what happens. I'm not nostradamas, but there's a chance I could be right.

  45. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Re VF article--Thanks, Gryphen for letting ego concerns take a back seat in favor of the larger and deeper reality--truth.

  46. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Gyp, thanks for taking the high road. I think Mr. Gross just wants to become the "go to guy" on Palin. So he needed to be snarky about all the bloggers. When I read the article my first thought was that Mr. Gross was very jealous of bloggers.

    Take the snark as a compliment that you guys have been doing a great job.

    I found the stuff he wrote on AKM and Shannyn very strange. What a bizarre mis-characterization of those two.

  47. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I like your attitude, Gryphen. When I read Shannyn's email to Michael Gross, couldn't help but wonder what was behind it. Her attack of MG almost amounts to helping Palin distract from the main points of the article. Surprising to me.

  48. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Well it looks like all the Palins are in LA for the weekend visiting Bristol

  49. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I don't know about anyone else, but that bald headed guy really gets on my nerves. He really enjoys hearing his own voice.he rattles on an on before getting to the question he wants to ask. Do they have him there as an air space filler? By the time he gets to any question I just want to slap him silly!

    It is truly sad that the MSM sugar coats this woman whose only solution to anything is some 'common sense bull' which says absolutely nothing regarding solving problems.

    I am sick of her and her family. If "common sense solutions" is all she has to say for the next two years, everyone will be putting their fingers in their ears!

    The people in Alaska OWE the people in the lower 48 the TRUTH about this flim flam woman and they owe it to us NOW!

  50. Lynne8:51 AM

    Don't worry about the comments in Vanity Fair, Gryphen. It just makes more people aware of your blog, and I'd be willing to bet you'll have more readers because of it.

  51. Anonymous8:54 AM

    emrysa, you always do have good insight!

  52. Anonymous9:01 AM

    I admire you for what you are saying and feel that the others are only worried about themselves. Isn't that a bit "Sarah like." I am very very disappointed and won't be visiting their blogs. They should forget their own egos and grow up. This isn't about them, it is about a much bigger issue!

  53. lisabeth9:11 AM

    Gryphen, thanks so much. I really admire how you are responding to this. Honestly, I don't think the article was that unflattering to Shannyn so I don't understand why she is so upset. She should be VERY HAPPY that the truth about Sarah is finally getting out there. I don't get it?

    I really was impressed with Gross when I saw the interviews he gave. He came across as very sincere and I believe he tried to write a truthful article. It doesn't help our cause when people whine about little things he said that aren't important.

    I wish more reporters were like Mr. Gross. Does anyone know where we can write him? Can you imagine the notes he must be getting from the Palinbots? I am sure someone gave him a hint ahead of time, or I hope so....

  54. lisabeth9:24 AM

    I have never been as worried about our country as I am right now. I feel that there is this serious culture war going on and that the side of Sarah Palin is hell bent on taking over the country.
    And why anyone in the middle class would follow these people is just beyond me. Why don't they see that these people support only the very very rich and corporations. Just look at Joe Miller! He and those like him want to get rid of social security, medicare, medicaid, the department of education! I feel they look down on the millions that are dependent on these programs and I have been very very fearful lately.

    I never thought I would be disabled and dependent on medicare and social security. I am so scared these people are going to get into power. Why aren't the Democrats doing a better job at educating average Joes about what the Republicans are planning for our country if they gain control again?

    I really am frightened. And I look at Sarah and can't believe she gets away with telling lie after lie after lie. She is a very dangerous person and I thank God Mr. Gross did this article and I am hoping that there will be many more.

    Gryphen, Thanks again for taking one for the team..I didn't think he made you look that bad anyhow - he did point out that the blogs are the ones doing the good reporting. I hope all the AK bloggers drop their egos and keep going..

    We all should be very worried about this upcoming election. Sarah or no Sarah, there are other similar people trying to win. Joe Miller is insane. I can't believe Alaskans are that foolish to vote for him. I just really don't understand that Gryphen. Can you explain to us the mentality? Where would Alaska be without the federal funding they have gotten? There are a lot of people suffering there now-it will only get worse with attitudes like Miller(Palin). Also do you know what this event on the 11th is about? Would Sarah be that sick as to announce her candidacy on a day of national mourning? That is really in bad taste....

    Thanks for listening. Sorry so long. Please don't stop and talk to your friends and tell them to let it go!!!

  55. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Pats on the back to you, Gryphen. I am impressed that you didn't let ego get in the way.

  56. ManxMamma10:56 AM

    Just wanted to add my voice to the others saying well done and thank you Gryphen. I appreciate your hard work.

  57. Enjay in E MT11:55 AM

    Of course the fanatic bots are taking special note that Trig was not at that one event (Piper was pushing a stroller of another DS young boy) and therefore makes the whole 10,000 words a lie.

    If we, critical thinking adults, worked the same way.... absolutely NOTHING the former half gov. said would be believable because she out & out LIES all the time.

    Of course, she could redeem herself with her next book: How I grifted & scammed the GOP"

  58. Anonymous12:00 PM

    the day is coming soon when Sarah is going to have to dance in her panties on DWTS to get any TV time!

  59. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I'm not getting the Shannyn email. The email refers to things that aren't in the article, and it doesn't seem to me that Shannyn makes stuff up. There's was nothing in the article that could betray a trust, as Shannyn argues.

    She's not my taste even before resorting to gratuitous name-calling, but that's different than making stuff up.

    Seems to me there is something more that most of us don't know about what went on. I'm at least entertaining that possibility and waiting to see if we learn something more. Anyone know?

  60. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Alaksa, have your WGE signs everywhere when Beck shows up for his hate rally.

  61. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I'm surprised at the reaction of Shannyn on this issue. Did she think she had the same information about Palin that appeared in the article and her ego allowed her to think she had priority to it?

    We just want the accurate word out there about Palin - especially in the lower 48. Shannyn's communication to the author of VF (if it is accurate) actually supported Palin to a degree as to the authenticity of the article. I found it to be pretty darned accurate based on what I know about Sister Sarah. I've read, listened to radio talk shows (both sides) and TV newscasts, for the past two years. We have been privy to so many of Palin's horrid ways just by living in Alaska and paying attention. So much has been proven via government issues, her administration, Legislature's action, three main blogs (thank you, Gryph, Jeanne and Shannyn!), unethical issues done during her short times in office - both in Wasilla and Anchorage/Juneau. Thank you to the lady that brought these matters to our attention. (I can't remember her name!)

    It was excellent seeing this article obtain the national coverage it has. Wasn't Palin's take on it humorous? She basically called the author a 'limp dick'! So classy and professional!

  62. Anonymous12:49 PM

    You took the classy road, Gryphen!

    Why wasn't the "worst stuff" about Palin not in the VF article? I suspect a follow up article or book is in the works. Palin is desperate to milk as much money as she can from her ignorant fans before the big hammer comes down on her.

  63. CGinWI2:15 PM

    Thank you for keeping the goal in sight and responding accordingly.

  64. Anonymous2:37 PM

    The thing that stands out most about his interview with the CNN hosts is when Mr. Gross speaks about negative things that Paylin does, the CNN hosts try to ‘laugh’ [lighten the impact of Mr. Gross's assessment] and act as though they don’t want to stay at the same hotel or eat where Gross does as he may ‘notice their tipping habits’ ONLY because they are 'afraid to appear to be in agreement'. That behavior really pisses me off in that they are so chickenshit about accepting Gross’s hard-earned, factual reporting [i.e., truths about Scarah] that they believe by ‘making light of his facts’, they don’t have to answer the FACT that his reporting was ‘honest and factual’ [despite his sources not wanting to be named for fear of reprisal] so the hosts appear to be the ‘good guys’ by not angering Paylin in case she may ‘one day’ decide to speak to them.

    This is what our MSM has come down to; if they somehow use laughter or other means to ‘subvert the levity of a situation’, they are, in essence, NOT being detrimental [or HONEST] about the Paylin. Why are they so damned afraid to let the interview report stand on its own merits? Why have all our so-called ‘journalists’ resorted to these measures? How could it really matter to them if Paylin likes them or not? She really doesn’t like anyone, so what’s wrong with a few more individuals for her to despise or hate?

    Paylin does NOT talk to our media, and even if she ran for POTUS, she PLANS to NEVER speak to any known media because she has gotten away with that behavior since the 2008 election. No one has had the guts to call her on it ever, but WE need to call out our MSM every time they pull this crap.

    [CNN has been doing this for years; during the 2008 election, Jack Cafferty was the only host working for CNN who called out colleague Wolfe Blitzer on Blitzer trying to make excuses for Paylin being completely ignorant about history/current events and unqualified for VP]. I see this behavior more and more with all the so-called ‘news outlets’. I AM CALLING THE MSM ON IT EACH AND EVERY TIME I SEE ANY OF THEM DOING IT. This has to stop now!

  65. Anonymous2:41 PM

    The thing that stands out most about Mr. Gross's interview with the CNN hosts is when Mr. Gross speaks about negative things that Paylin does, the CNN hosts try to ‘laugh’ and act as though they don’t want to stay at the same hotel or eat where Gross does as he may ‘notice their tipping habits’ ONLY because they are 'afraid to appear to be in agreement' with any Paylin negativity. That behavior really pisses me off in that they are so chickenshit about accepting Gross’s hard-earned, factual reporting that they believe by ‘making light of his facts’, they don’t have to answer that his reporting was ‘honest and factual’ [despite his sources not wanting to be named for fear of reprisal] so the hosts appear to be the ‘good guys’ by not angering Paylin in case she may ‘one day’ decide to speak to them.

    This is what our MSM has come down to; if they somehow use laughter or other means to ‘subvert the levity of a situation’, they are, in essence, NOT being detrimental [or HONEST] about Paylin. Why are they so damned afraid to let the interview stand on its own merits? Why have all our so-called ‘journalists’ resorted to these measures? How could it really matter to them if Paylin likes them or not? She really doesn’t like anyone, so what’s wrong with a few more individuals for her to despise or hate?

    Paylin does NOT talk to our media, and even if she ran for POTUS, she PLANS to NEVER speak to any known media because she has gotten away with that behavior since the 2008 election. No one has had the guts to call her on it ever, but WE need to call out our MSM every time they pull this crap. LisainVA

  66. Anonymous3:09 PM

    People, submit once and wait for moderation. Your post will not show up immediately. Thanks for your service.

  67. Anonymous3:13 PM

    So, the Palins were actually using somebody else's kid as a prop.

    Well, that changes everything!

    I hope Gross adds that update to his article.

  68. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Just wanted to tell you that how proud I am of you :) thanks for all your posts and your continued efforts on finding the truth about ms. quitter pants

  69. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Gotta tell you. What you're doing is as important as what a soldier does. Palin is, has been, & will be a danger to this country & that means us individuals, the land we lived on & the government we live under for as long as she lives unless she is totally discredited. Gryphen, your mission is critical. Thanks. Without her charisma, those pulling her strings will lose their propaganda machine. Again, thanks.

  70. Anonymous6:22 AM

    I want to add my voice to the others, thanking you for taking the high road, Gryphen.

    I thought the caption quoted in the article was a bit risque, but an ACCURATE and funny take on how Mean Girl S'error manages her public image.

    I don't know what Shannon is on about. The passages describing her are human and sympathetic.

    I have a mixed opinion about the extensive use of Mike's "anonymous sources". One, is that you and Colleen have balls of steel.

    The other is that Quitty, a paranoid personality even on a "good" day, must be racking her brains trying to figure out who "betrayed" her; i.e. spoke honestly about SP's shortcomings.

    I think we all agree that she can be very charming and engaging when it suits her, but wow, that is one drop of sweet in an ocean of bitter.


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