Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Thank you Sarah Palin for condemning the burning of the Qurans! There I said it!

Is everybody alright?  Did my headline cause anybody to lose consciousness or get dizzy?  Sorry it was just the right thing to do and needed to be said in my opinion.

(Look it even bothered Sarah to hear me say something positive!)

From Palin's Facebook:

Book burning is antithetical to American ideals. People have a constitutional right to burn a Koran if they want to, but doing so is insensitive and an unnecessary provocation – much like building a mosque at Ground Zero.

I would hope that Pastor Terry Jones and his supporters will consider the ramifications of their planned book-burning event. It will feed the fire of caustic rhetoric and appear as nothing more than mean-spirited religious intolerance. Don’t feed that fire. If your ultimate point is to prove that the Christian teachings of mercy, justice, freedom, and equality provide the foundation on which our country stands, then your tactic to prove this point is totally counter-productive.

Our nation was founded in part by those fleeing religious persecution. Freedom of religion is integral to our charters of liberty. We don’t need to agree with each other on theological matters, but tolerating each other without unnecessarily provoking strife is how we ensure a civil society. In this as in all things, we should remember the Golden Rule. Isn’t that what the Ground Zero mosque debate has been about?

- Sarah Palin

Hear, hear! I am very happy that Rebecca Mansour wrote that post and put Sarah's name to it.  There has been almost dead silence from the Right on this issue and I believe that it is admirable that Sarah "Becky" Palin said something to her followers so that they know what to think about it.

Of course she also compared it to the building of the Islamic Cultural Center in New York, and that was unnecessarily nasty, and not even remotely similar to the burning of Islam's most holy book, so that definitely takes away  from any good feelings I might have had after reading this post.  Of course that is just like Palin and her people to deliver a positive message on the tip of an arrow.  A poison arrow at that.

Still it was the right thing to say and I am glad that Palin's puppeteers had her make RAM write it for her.

See THAT was a pretty positive post about Palin right? Right?


  1. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Even a blind squirrel sometimes finds a nut., too...thanks Rebecca/Sarah.

  2. majii3:11 PM

    It still does not absolve her of the blame for stirring the $*!t up in the first place. All of this anti-Islam fallout is a direct result of the loudmouths like Palin who oppose the Park 51 Project.

  3. Anonymous3:20 PM

    When I heard that the Reverend Jones had been calling every radio station, TV station, newspaper and anybody else, you have to think that his stunt is about publicity along with the hate.

    The reason that Glenn and Sarah have a 9/11 rally is because they cannot bear the idea of this guy sucking all of the air out of the room. Count on Beck to say something even more crazy than Jones, because Jones has been stealing the limelight.

    RAM wrote something very nice for which Sarah will be given the credit. It may end up being her talking point on Fox and at the rally. Can't have a guy in Florida with a congregation of 50 getting all of the attention.

  4. Anonymous3:23 PM

    "Book burning is antithetical to American ideals." But book banning was OK when she was Mayor of Wasilla? And if that didn't work, launch the librarian.

    Mr. Gross got so many things right in the Vanity Fair article. We all know that Sarah doesn't write her posts. And the connection to the book burning and "The Ground Zero Mosque" is already in the right wing talking points.

    But Sarah and RAM, you two are so psycho that you can't keep your stories straight.

    This enterprise is running out of steam.

  5. GrainneKathleen3:24 PM

    yeah, no way sarah wrote that, but i can't help but always look for an ulterior motive. she and beck have been teaming up a lot lately, trying to look like civil rights icons and valiant christians and americans. i think this is pr work, either that or sarah hadn't heard her name in the news in a positive fashion for a while, so she had herself spruced up and hosed down a bit. of course refudiation of the burning of the quran is the right thing to do - a kindergartner could tell you that. but it is good to hear it from somone in the gop and teabagger realms of mordor, even if it was poisonous at the same time, as you noted gryphen. why can't sarah ever just do something nice with no big fat strings attached, dontcha' know?

  6. Gryphen,
    Sarah plagarized the tweet from crystalwolfLady that was sent to her about 20 min before. She did not retweet it, she took it as her own.So I guess the new term would be Platweeting. Just thought you'd like to knwo that even when she does something right, she is a thief.

  7. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Palin played a huge role in the whole New York/Mosque controversy. The fact that RAM wrote this for her (in her typical nasty way) must mean that she knows some sh*t could go down and she is distancing herself from it. Palin is all about Palin.
    She probably heard that the General (forgot his name) said that burning the Koran could jeopardize the safety of our service men and women overseas.

    I see it as Palin throwing the GOP under the bus. After she got the reaction she already wanted, now they can take the fall. Classic.

  8. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Sarah wrote the message and stands behind it.

  9. CGinWI3:35 PM

    Whatever the motivations (and I'm as willing as any to put the worst construction on them), at least the talking point that has been given to her followers is that burning Korans is not a thing to support.

  10. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I agree with Rebecca's post. However, I can't forget that Sarah tried to have books banned from Wasilla's library. Different subject matter, different point of view.

  11. Enjay in E MT3:43 PM

    Lets hope a few more GOP decide to get on the bus against this FL Pastor.

    I'll give one "Atta-Boy" to the Palin team for speaking up, even tho they should have done it several days ago. Checking the political windvane there former Gov.?

    Still believe if the Pastor does do this.... we should light a few bibles up because this is NOT the Christianity I was raised with.

  12. Anonymous3:44 PM

    It would have been almost stateman-like if not for the slap at the people who want to build the Islamic cultural center two blocks from Ground Zero.

    But honestly, I am grateful that she is to this day openly nasty and snarky in all matters. That is what will keep us safe from her becoming a national leader of more than just irrational and ill-informed fanatics. Imagine what harm could befall our country if she learned to practice the art of the gracious veneer.

  13. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Burning a few printed religious texts that exist in the thousands. is not the same as preventing real live religious people, and entire church full of them, from worshiping as and where they choose, within the bounds of the laws of this country.

    It is not the same as punishing the innocent for the acts of others.

    Her statement while it is OK, would not be necessary if bigoted hate mongers and racists and shove-my-religious beliefs-down-your- throats people like Palin had not been screaming their hate and intolerance from the rooftops for years.
    And then not speaking out against the excesses of their Tea Bagging followers when their followers act out the intolerance that people like Palin have taught them is OK.

    Plus 1 point for Plain minus a couple of million for Plain.

  14. Yep, that's a good one. Thanks, Becky.

    Now let's all pray, hope, chant, meditate, wish really hard with our eyes closed that nothing bad happens.

  15. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Sarah Palin's facebook post reeks of her christianist-centered world view. No thanks from me for her pious little piece of hate.

    But, fortunately, Palin put it all in print on the internet, so we can slam it back at her as soon as bibles are the next bonfire.

  16. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Palin's latest Facebook post equating the Koran-burning with the Muslim Center-building absolutely plumbs the depths of bigoted ignorance, cynical manipulation, and political expediency. How?

    -Bigoted ignorance: The Muslim Center is being built to bring diverse people together in a spirit of peace. The Koran-burnings is a hateful message of intolerance, divisiveness, and eagerness for war/conflict. By equating Terry Jones' bigoted motives with the Muslim Center builders' motives, she exposes her own bigotry and ignorance about the Muslim Center builders.

    -Cynical manipulation: Since Palin has already made her position known that she's against the Center, her lumping the Koran-burners together with the Muslim Center builders is a cynical manipulation to bolster support for and defend her ORIGINAL stance against the Center. In fact, in susceptible people, there will be an actual transference of unpleasant feelings against the Koran-burners to the Center builders. THIS IS HOW DEMAGOGUES MANIPULATE THE POPULACE --- through negative (mainly) emotional linkages.

    -Political expediency: Since Gen. Petraeus and other military commanders have come out against the Koran-burning as an inflammatory tool exploited by Al-Qaeda, as well as jeopardizing the troops safety on the battlefield, Palin had to come out with a statement which was at least in superficial tone in agreement. Beyond that superficial agreement, however, Palin's only inflamed the debate further by conflating the peaceful Muslim Center with the despicable, hateful group led by Terry Jones.

    Palin is a viper. You don't even need to do much of an analysis to see her hateful, destructive agenda with this FB post.

    I strongly recommend reading the following link by the founder of the Muslim Center who wrote this Op-Ed in the NYT today. You will readily see and FEEL the difference between his truly moral, inspirational writing and Palin's bigoted, manipulative, and ultimately immoral writing.

  17. Anonymous3:58 PM

    great pic of the Palin inner being, btw.

  18. Dear Gryphen,

    The expression is "Hear, hear!" not Here, here!" I believe this expression of agreement originated in the British Parliament.

  19. And yes, I agree also.

  20. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Sarah, you started the fire honey. Now pretending that you had nothing to do with it is a coward's way to try and wipe your hands of the whole affair. Equating book burning with building a cultural center in an abandoned building a block from a strip joint in a community that overwhelmingly approved of it shows what a freak you are!

    Palin nor RAM wrote this...its the new official talking point of the GOP.

  21. Anonymous4:01 PM

    The man who is going to burn those Quarans was kicked out of his church in Germany for spiritually abusing people. Hmmm...Jim Jones anyone???

    (I heard it on Thom Hartman today)

    The MSM is giving him entirely too much attention. Just like they do for Sarah.

    Note to is not the same as building a community center, blocks away from GZ.

  22. London Bridges4:02 PM

    The Koran burning threat would be a non issue if the mainstream media had not given this wacknut job all that publicity. Heck, there are about 50 people in this guy's church. Yet they gave him a million $$$ worth of publicity. Why? To fuel the ground zero/Is Obama a Muslim debate. The MSM is also trying to trying to bait Obama on this issue.

  23. I've been waiting for Pat Robertson to call for a prayer or denounce....
    maybe Boehner or McCain........crickets crickets crickets!

  24. laprofesora4:10 PM

    So we can assume they've bound and gagged her? About time.

  25. laprofesora4:11 PM

    PS Will the 'bots heads explode? However will they explain the voice of reason coming from their Queen???

  26. Anonymous4:11 PM

    She SHOULD be saying a lot more than this. She feeds these crazy people their hate. She is just trying to cover her own ass should the unthinkable happen because of her fear mongering. Don't give this twit or her ghostwriter any credit.

  27. Virginia Voter4:19 PM

    CR46 is right! I follow crystalwolf on Twitter and she sent this to SarahPalinUSA verbatim 20 min before Sarah , I mean Becky, sent this out.

  28. Aussie Blue Sky4:30 PM

    Bekki is merely trying to get a headline for her boss. Her use of a word like 'antithetical' shows the message isn't aimed at Palin's ignorant horde.

  29. tamarabelle4:30 PM

    Ha! Off-topic, but Gryphen, did you see that the Associated Press is reporting that it was not Glen Beck's intention to have his shindig in Anchorage on 9/11? Get this: it was a coincidence, just like the date of his DC show! "Event promoter Christopher Cox says the 9/11 date is a coincidence. Cox originally eyed Sept. 4, but didn't want to compete with the Alaska State Fair."

    Call me crazy but I'm thinking the way Glen's events just happen to fall on historically significant days through no effort on his part is CLEAR EVIDENCE of God's holy involvement . . . you know, like geese flying and stuff like that.

  30. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I might have said thank you if 1) she hadn't been the one who stirred up all the hate in the first place and 2) she'd kept out that nasty dig at the NY mosque. So burning bibles is morally equivalent to building churches?

    Someone PLEASE make this nasty woman go away.

  31. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Too little, too late. Her sincerity is suspect, and she's going to have a hell of time ever convincing me she really could care less about ANYTHING except Palin, Inc.

  32. Anonymous4:48 PM

    It's not a mosque, and it's not at ground zero.

    She failed.

    Oh! and check out her fans who are pissed at her 1/2 assed lame attempt at taking a stand.

  33. Anonymous4:52 PM


    One cannot compare the burning of Qurans by Christians - an outright intolerant act - to a group of Muslims planning to build a mosque near where thousands of people including Muslims were murdered by a bunch of religious extremists. .

    The choice to build a peaceful place of worship by a group of people who happen to be Muslims and in no way connected to the terrorists is in no way comparable to the cultural and religious insensitivity to burning the sacred texts of another group.

    Only the latter is "insensitive and an unnecessary provocation."

  34. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Tweety covered this on Hardball tonight. Didn't think she wrote either the FB entry or the tweet. Didn't think she had the word "antithetical" in her vocabulary.

    Seems they had asked for her opinion and all they got was "no comment." Then a few hours later, once the hue & cry started about where's the Right on all this, suddenly there's a voice from the wilderness.

    The first part of the FB entry with the snarky reference definitely shows Sarah's influence. The rest uses too many of them 50-cent words, like maybe someone who actually passed English 101 & 102.

    The Boner and the majority of Republican leaders are being quiet on this issue, allegedly because they "don't want to give Pastor Jones more attention." Yeah, right, sure....

  35. Anonymous5:00 PM

    She has to condemn burning qurans. She's pretending she's not a bigoted, hate-mongering racist prior to announcing her presidential candidacy. She will wait until AFTER she's elected to encourage people to burn them!

    Seriously, if you ARE NOT a white protestant conservative, be very afraid of the words "president palin!"

  36. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Keith Olbermann just showed a clip of John Boehner earlier today equating the Koran-burning and the NYC Muslim Center. KO then said that the Palin camp had "No comment" but then later came out with her FB post which is essentially the same stance as Boehner's. She's toeing the line -- and, as usual, it wasn't original with her. She's just a ventriloquist's dummy (really dumb, I might add).

    KO had two religious leaders from Memphis, TN --- Christian and Muslim --- who have had a wonderful interfaith alliance relationship in that city. Very much recommended if you can catch it on replay of KO. Amazing difference between these true religious representatives and their rhetoric as compared to Palin, Terry Jones, and Beck with their hubris and bigotry.

  37. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Sarah Palin doesn't do anything if it doesn't benefit her personally. She condemned it because she felt she couldn't get away with ignoring any more and didn't want to say that she either agrees with the burning or doesn't care either way.

  38. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Yes, anon @ 3:31- she does stand behind that post, including the dig about burning sacred books being just like building a community center where people of many faiths can gather near the site of a tragedy- where people of many nations and faiths died together. That's just in case we forget she doesn't much like Muslims.

  39. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Fixed your headline: "Thank you Sarah Palin fb ghost-writer for condeming the burning of Qurans!"

  40. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Palin, Beck and the Faux crowd spend weeks drumming up anti-Muslim hate then when General Petraeus comes out and says "...burning the Qu'ran would endanger the troops...", RAM posts a disclaimer. What they're saying is "don't blame me, I'm coming out against it". Too little, too late.

  41. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Is there any way of getting the dynamic duo on some kind of happy meds. Maybe RAM realized if they kept up the hate speeches they'd start killing one another or maybe Palin wants to save the days attention for herself & Beck.

  42. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Sarah did not start the Mosque controversy. Drama was created the moment it was approached as a topic for discussion. a lot of nyers feel it is a stab in the hear

  43. Anonymous5:18 PM

    @ Anonymous 3:31 PM

    There is no indication that Sarah Palin wrote either the tweet or the facebook page re: burning.

    There is considerable evidence to the contrary, however, because Sarah Palin is on tape displaying a very different level of expression of the english language.

    To sell the "Palin writes her facebook" line, you're going to have to trot Palin out to some press conferences, town halls, debates, interviews (non-FOXNEWS), and panel discussions. Let Palin demonstrate her comprehension of ideas and policy.

    Give it a try. Supply the historic (and hilarious) moments that will expose Palin for the puppet that she is.

    (I'll concede that some of the momma grizzly nonsense was at least Palin inspired.)

  44. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Anon 3:31pm wrote "Sarah wrote the message and stands behind it."

    Not so. Sarah plagiarized the message and is using it for self-promotion. I agree with another commenter that this is just a diversion from her most recent hate rhetoric. It'll be a talking point at her 9/11 scam rally. (See, I'm all tolerant and such.") She wants to add new conflict to 9/11 (crazy pastor vs sarah) to get even more publicity for herself.

    Damn manipulator. I should have know better. There's ALWAYS self-interest behind anything she does. The tiny bit of camaraderie I felt is gone again.

  45. Anonymous5:26 PM

    I believe it took her days to come up with a position.

    She gets no pass because she equates the two (mosque vs book burning).

    She is dumb.

  46. Anonymous5:32 PM

    H, boy. The Palinbots are NOT happy. I'd say, after scanning comments that are 4-5 minutes old, about a quarter to thirty percent of them are PRO book burning. And they're NASTY...ranging from run-of-the-mill Islamaphobes to "It's Obama's fault" (Which...WHAT?) to....someone suggesting the Koran not even be sold in the US. Hey, BTW, TPers and Sea of Peers...THAT's fascism you effing MORANS...

  47. MC30315:35 PM

    Oh for fucks sake - nothing you say will convince me that $P knows the word 'antithetical' - nothing! If what's written is even remotely coherent, I know QuittyPantz had nothing to do with it.

    That said, glad she managed to yap her mouth in right direction this time.

    Back to your regularly scheduled snarking.

  48. Nellcote5:40 PM

    "antithical" I can't imagine that word coming out of LaPalin's mouth ever.

    Anyone up in AK know where the money for the Beck-Palinpalooza is going? Are they just exploiting 9/11 for personal financial gain?

  49. Anonymous5:43 PM

    I do wonder how everyone would react at the Quran burning if someone threw a bible into the fire. The pastor has already said the congregation would be armed because they have been getting death threats. Would Sarah and others say that it was a persons right to burn the bible and still defend them. Will the congregation even allow any other religious groups to be nearby without making a huge scene. C'mon my wiccan sisters... go cast a circle near the burning, see how long it is before the pastor and his congregation freak out at your presence.

  50. Anonymous5:48 PM

    A week ago she would not have said this. She was waiting to see how this was going down. Of course she agree's with the burning. She is out to make money and that's it plain and simple.

  51. Anonymous5:51 PM



  52. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Plus, I don't care who the fireman is, holding the hose dousing the flames, I'm just grateful for the water.


  53. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Haley Barbour and Mitt Romney condemned the burning of the Koran a few hours before Sarah did. Sarah wrote "book burning." It's the Koran! As awful as it is to burn books, if someone tore a Bible, spit on a Bible or threw it on the floor, it would not have been treated as any book. The word that would stand out would be Bible.And the insult would be even greater because it is considered a religious, holy book. Jones is not rounding up sex magazine to burn as a statement against porn. He is doing the same thing as treating a Bible with disrespect. Koran burning is a much stronger expression that book burning.

    That has no equal regarding building the mosque. Building a religious building is not a form of disrespect. There is already a mosque with 4 blocks of Ground Zero. The proximity of the mosque is not an insult; there are strip clubs nearby. There are tacky stores, and Muslims pass by that site every day. Keith Olbermann had wonderful segment about a church and mosque standing sid by side in Tennessee. Can't we all just get along?

  54. I completely disagree with you Gryphen.

    Palin just HAD to compare it to building a "mosque at ground zero"!!

    Which we all know is NOT at ground zero AND is much like a YMCA with only one room devoted to prayer.

    That's like comparing St. Patrick's Cathedral to the YMCA.

    I am NOT impressed.

    The building Islamic cultural center is NOT "putting American AND allied troops lives at risk, jeopardizing the mission in Afghanistan OR decimating US foreign policy, as General Petraus pointed out burning the Quran would do.

    Palin complaining about it AND comparing it to the burning of thousands of Qurans IS stirring up hate toward American's of Muslim faith AND to a great degree everything that General Petraus pointed out.

    In fact and indeed that comparison is JUST as insulting as the threat to burn the Quran in the first place!

    She would have been better off to say NOTHING.

  55. JenniferinVirginia6:01 PM

    Wrong Wrong WRONG!!!! If she was going to compare Koran-burning with the building of an Islamic center in Manhattan then she should have kept her trap shut.
    How can she possibly equate these two things as the same kind of religious intolerance?
    The building of the cultural center is the very expression of religious freedom. Koran-burning is the exact opposite - these "Christians" are only expressing hatred and intolerance.
    Whose sacred text would Jesus burn? The fact that these people are Palin's base tells you why she felt the need to condemn the Manhattan Mosque at the same time she condemns the Koran-burning.
    Gryphen, I can't believe you are giving this hate-monger any credit for this ignorant statement!

  56. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Now how is she going to walk this comment back with the religious right? They ain't gonna like it.

  57. Anonymous6:31 PM

    And should Pastor Terry NOT burn the book, $arah, vis-a-vis the palinbots, will take credit for it.

    Personally, I think she senses that he'll back off, and it is a slick political move on her part to take credit for him doing it.

  58. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Palin probably wrote this (I mean commissioned RAM to write this) because she was between a rock and a hard place, with the word coming down from General Petraeus about how this inflammatory event in Florida could conceivably put our troops in greater danger. What could Palin do? Defend the Koran-burners or support the troops! This had to be a tough choice for her.

  59. Oh Pa leeze! Sarah stirs up the crowd for the past few weeks about ground zero and has no tolerance and all of sudden everyone is going to give her a pat on the back. The woman is doing this because she is probably getting heat from someone or maybe a lot of someone's. If Sarah does anything it is only to benefit Sarah. She spends weeks invoking hate, racism and violence and then does a back track for whatever reason! She could do a 1000 things right for the sake of doing something right (for Sarah) and she would still have a motive! I know Sarah's religious up bringing like I know the back of my hand and she thinks just like the Fl. church! I'll give her a pat on the back when she drops out of site because THAT would be the right thing to do!

  60. Anonymous6:47 PM

    We all know that was not written by Sister Sarah...but, thanks anyway. There are words in there that she wouldn't even know the meaning of and I'm sure wouldn't look them up.

    I agree with the writer at 3:11.

  61. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I too give her much respect and credit for doing something other Republicans are afraid to say, because of how it might be interpeted by the voters. This time she put herself out front and center for the right reason. Even after being asked twice, Boehner wouldn't anwser the question of whether he supported the burning of the Koran or not. He is such a waste!

  62. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Anonymous at 5:18 said...

    "Sarah did not start the Mosque controversy. Drama was created the moment it was approached as a topic for discussion. a lot of nyers feel it is a stab in the hear[sic]

    You weren't in NYC on 9/11. Guess how I can tell?

    You're not from NYC.

    and you haven't got the slightest clue about NYers.

    Also, Sarah Palin's opinions and dramas are not worthy of further comment.

  63. Oh, Gryphen - I don't think this fb note is in any way worthy of thanks but I've got to give you credit for trying to find something good in it.

    I see something wrong with almost every sentence, even ignoring the despicable comparison to Park 51.

    Consider this one sentence:
    "It will feed the fire of caustic rhetoric and appear as nothing more than mean-spirited religious intolerance."

    Koran-burning IS mean-spirited religious intolerance. What else was she implying?

    And what of this sentence?:
    "If your ultimate point is to prove that the Christian teachings of mercy, justice, freedom, and equality provide the foundation on which our country stands, then your tactic to prove this point is totally counter-productive."

    Ugh! She's putting words into Terry Jones' mouth. His planned action is purely Jesus against Mohammed and his personal insanity. She couldn't resist putting in a plug for revisionist history that insists our Constitution is based on the Judeo-Christian scriptures and justifies so-called Christian laws against homosexuality and abortion. She's blurring the church/state lines and the fact that the stated qualities do not depend on Christianity.

    We know Sarah doesn't live the Golden Rule so including that comes off as hugely hypocritical. And we know she, like Jones, believes Islam is evil. How would she explain the Wasilla Conservative Patriot group's motto about "destroying evil"?

    Grrrr! I'm not feeling tolerant.

  64. the craps about the hit the fan and sarah is trying to wash her nasty, dirty hands. too late sarah, your hands are full of your crap instead of a sharpe for a change ... and, there is a huge difference between this and ground zero - sarah is just too obtuse to see it! what else is new?

  65. One more Palin photo ever!

  66. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Is "antiethical" something like "unethical"? Or is it just a way to say something with out saying anything at all?

    Did anyone listen to Thom Hartman interview Rev. Jones on his show? If not, check out the German news paper (Der Spiegel- think I that is the right name) ran a story on Rev. Jones being fired by his church near Cologne Germany. Check it out:,1518,716409,00.html

  67. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I find it incredible that Palin is able to insert herself into every issue and controversy without ever actually appearing in the media. Not only is she a joke, but our media and press are the biggest joke for perpetuating this craziness by covering her. She is nothing but smoke and mirrors. Why does our media give her what she craves?

  68. Anonymous7:22 PM

    The Beck & Palin Rallies

    Join Alaskans on September ll, 2010 for twin rallies to stop spreading hate & fear.

    At the Park strip under the Flag Pole from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
    and At 8:00 p.m. at the Denaina Center both in Anchorage, Alaska.
    Join Alaskans who do not share their philosophy of hate and fear. Hate and Fear have no room in the GreatLand.

  69. Anonymous7:24 PM

    I awoke this morning with an increased awareness of the total disconect between reality and the reality as portrayed by the news media. Made my head hurt....still does. The spin has reached such a velocity that it is beyond belief. I listen to the President of the united States when his speeches are actually broadcast to the public. They are in English. Then I listen to the news...CBS, NBC, MSNBC...I can't take Fox....but news as presented doesn't even sound like what I heard. The continual presentation of this alternative reality is insane!

    It suggests that 'they' are totally freaking out. Too much is changing, "they" are loosing ground.

  70. Anonymous7:34 PM

    I don't give Sarah ANY credit because I see right through her lame game.

    She only jumped into the Quoran-burning debate after others had done so, and ONLY THEN as a jumping off point for ANOTHER pot shot at the not-at-Ground-Zero not-mosque.

    Truly, she is such a transparent sleaze.

  71. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Ha! Did Hillary's comments on the book burning goad Palin into jumping in too?

    What word did Hill use? Aberrational? So SP=RAM jumps in there with "antithetical?"

    Seriously, it is just too easy to connect the dots.

  72. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Anon @ 3:57p, Brilliant analysis. That's what I meant to say, albeit, in a more clumsy manner. Your comment should be copied and pasted everywhere.

    Thank you!

  73. Anonymous7:49 PM

    5:18, you are misinformed. when the project was first started NO ONE was bothered. it wasn't until nasty little bigots like palin started using it to gin up populist rage that it became a controversy.

  74. Anonymous8:12 PM

    That photo of her is horrid...she is ugly inside and out and the longer she is on whatever trail she is riding - the uglier she gets physically.

  75. There is no one as unauthentic as Palin.

    First she hides behind FOX, and at every coached interview, she has papers in front of her to read her answers from, and even at THAT feels she must write in her hand as well.

    Then she has Rebecca Mansour write her Fakebook blather and most of her tweets.

    NOW, even Mansour can't come up with anything original as she would make it appear that, Palin is only parroting what John Boehner said earlier today on ABC when speaking with George Stephanopoulos .

    I learned this watching Keith Olberman.

    The tan Man spoke about "the three o'clock mark" and Mansour Faked it at around five ...eastern time I presume.

    As the leader of the minority party in the House of Representatives, Boehner's statements are much more than careless, they are dangerous.

    As it is evident, that lesser republicans, like Palin/Mansour, choose to follow him like the Pied Piper, rather than make the effort to contemplate their own thoughts.

    Maybe Mansour had to take a drop in pay and will not puy forth the effort any longer?

    Boehner, on his own, has CREATED a very dangerous republican talking point.

  76. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Gah! The inner soul of $arah, exposed in that picture!

    On some people, a similar expression could say: Aggressive combatant!

    But $arah's face had just enough of an evil edge to make it something sinister instead of bold and strong.

    Good choice, Gryphen!

  77. Anonymous8:19 PM

    7:24, that's why I can't even bear to watch news anymore. Not even PBS. The CPB has been infiltrated by conservatives and it shows when PBS goes out of its way to be "fair." As if the truth has two sides.

  78. Anonymous8:32 PM

    I am opposed to the burning of the Quarans.
    I do, however, find it ironic that every government leader that condemns this action supports the right of radicals to burn the very symbol of the country--The Stars and Stripes.

  79. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Why is it that the "stab in the heart" crowd can't specify the exact distance from hallowed ground that is acceptable for a new Islamic community center? Palin's facebook stupidly re-iterates "building a mosque at Ground Zero" without, yet again, saying how many feet (meters, yards, blocks, miles) is ok.

    People can not read your empty little mind, Sarah Palin. State the distance you demand, then defend your position...

    or just sit down and shut up.

  80. marguarita mixx8:33 PM

    She had to get her 2 cents in on this one. Couldn't waste it.

  81. Anonymous9:19 PM

    I have a question. Which rally came first, the crazy guy who wants to burn the Korans in Florida or the other crazy guy who explains crap at the blackboard?

    If the crazy Florida guy announced his stunt first, then Beck & Palin are just competing for attention on a day when neither of them should get any coverage at all. Instead, the coverage belongs to the families who deserve our heartfelt prayers and our attention. They asked for a national day to recognize the event as a day of service. They do not want to see the day exploited, certainly not for profit, and certainly not for cheap publicity when there are only 50 followers in that church in Florida.

  82. Anonymous9:53 PM

    The pastor is a real wacko...,1518,716409,00.html

    He was expelled from Germany. Wish we could expel him back.

  83. Did she misunderstand and think they were going to burn Koreans?

    I find it so amusing the woman who wanted to ban books from the Wasilla library is objecting to some talibangelicals burning a Qur'an. Maybe Glenn Beck put her up to it.

  84. Anonymous10:11 PM

    @ 8:32

    You make a valid point, but this loon is going to endanger countless lives and the video of it will live on forever. I doubt the burning of the flag would create an international outcry as Pastor Jones' intention will. As many have said today, just because you can do it does not mean that it is right or that you should. You seem to fit the profile of a "concern troll" so thanks for your concern and carry on. Hope you enjoy the outcome of the Pastor's follies. :(

  85. Unfortunately, she provided the qualifier..."much like building a mosque at Ground Zero." Never without the blindsided jab.

  86. Well i would tell all readers that if you take the pages of Going rouge and crinkle them up and crinkle them again you can wipe yer ass with that.
    And would it be cheaper to burn a Scarah book or a Quran? I remember that the bibles in the hotels had paper that crinkled just right.

  87. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Nevadans will not chose Angle over Reid. They want to make the contest look close to draw the Democrats out to vote. It's working, Harry will not lose, cause people like me who would stay home aren't going to let radicals take over our state. We are kinda Libertarian here, and Nevadans see through the bullshit. Our economy depends on tourism, and we like everybody, always have, always will.

  88. TruthRocks11:58 PM

    Irononically, these remarks precisely describe some of Sarah "Re-load" Palin's favorite propaganda weapons in her arsenal of inflammatory rhetoric. To wit:
    > "insensitive and an unnecessary provocation"
    > "feed the fire of caustic rhetoric"
    > "mean-spirited religious intolerance"

    Describes SP perfectly! She openly incites and encourages racial and domestic dissension. She is openly intolerant and critical of any religious or scientific belief not her own.

    Sorry, SP deserves only BLAME in this hateful scenario.

    Definitely NOT written by SRP - except for comparing Kuran burning with the building of an Islamic center in Manhattan.

  89. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Sorry, but I ain't buying it. Her FakeBook post is pure CYA. To compare burning the Koran with building a community center/house of worship is total crap. She's afraid she'll look bad if she doesn't say something, now that the parade has passed her by.

    Too late. She looks bad no matter what.

  90. Anonymous3:02 AM

    To Anonymous 8:32

    By 'governmental leaders' I assume you include the US Supreme Court, and that dastardly Ronald Reagan who appointed two 'pro-flag burning' justices, Scalia and Kennedy.


  91. London Bridges3:07 AM

    Sorry, Gryphen: Sarah's statement was another one of her hate filled incendiary statements. Here is the headline that resulted on Raw Story"
    Palin: Koran-burning event 'much like building a mosque at Ground Zero'

    So after Sarah speaks will everyone hold hands and dance around the mulberry bush?

  92. Anonymous3:55 AM

    She waited just long enough to see which way the wind was blowing and then jumped on the band wagon LATE.
    Even when she does the right thing she is a coward.

  93. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Sure, the this country was "founded in part" by people seeking freedom from religious persecution---for themselves! The Puritans were very happy to persecute everyone else. They burned Quakers at the stake, for heaven's sake!

    Color me reactionary if I don't find in solace in "Sarah's" invoking of history when she chooses the most intolerant religious group to hold up as a beacon for us to follow.

    As usual, the wind blows and Sarah follows. The woman is a shameless opportunist with no fixed set of values except what is going to be most advantageous for her to embrace at the moment.

    Uninformed drama queens like her helped to create the problem in Florida. While we appreciate the back-peddling, it would be nice to not have the problems created in the first place. Stop being a troll, Sarah.

    I have to disagree that it's the MSM giving all the publicity to the burning. They're only following what's viral on the internet.

  94. London Bridges4:54 AM

    This guy wants to burn the Quran, like a protestor would burn a flag, let's say an American flag. Are the 2 equivocal events?

    The flag is a symbol.

    Is the Quran only a symbol, or is it something more?

    I don't have the answer, but I think this is what should be discussed.

    I also hope that zero taxpayer $$$ is used in protecting this guy, and that once the fatwah is issued, he is on his own.

    Maybe if Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rice tell us exactly what really happened on September 11, 2001, all this can be peacefully prevented and resolved. Phat chance.

  95. Wow. I just read some of the FB comments. Here's a representative example:

    I hope they do, they can take their koran go go back to their own country. Instead, they're trying to push our one true God out of America to bring in their own false God. I love you Sarah, but, u wont get no votes with that language!!

    Wow again. Does Sarah not realize that many of her supporters are dogmatic, undereducated, and, um, completely insane?

    On the plus side, however, maybe SP really "wont get no votes."

  96. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Bold idea. If the media wouldn't put a camera every two seconds on this asshat, who wants to burn the Koran, there probably wouldn't be as much danger to our troops.

  97. Anonymous5:08 AM

    I agree with London Bridges completely. The media are at fault for giving this yahoo a camera and microphone so his stupidity could be seen in every country every two minutes. Where is balloon boy when you need him to distract the media?

  98. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Doesn't the twitter quitter queen know the difference between building up(The Mosque) and destruction?

    You see, she and Glenn Beck used the generic God at their rally last week.
    But the Mosque question really points out that their generic 'God" of palin and Beck is the 'christian' God.
    For them, no other religions exists.
    How un American is that?
    A nation of immigrants, which is how we started, boiled down to a nation of white 'christians'.

  99. No, Sarah, the mosque debate was not about the golden rule. It was about the first amendment. You worshippers of the constitution, you can't even see a constitutional issue when it slaps you in the face?

    Oh, I am surprised.

  100. gryphen---I keep trying to comment with no success. My comments are not obscene nor (I hope) terminally stupid---so what am I doing wrong?

  101. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Palin's facebook writer Becky is just doing a CYA. Palin, Beck and Limbaugh started this crap and now they're getting afraid of what their fans might do.

    Palin deserves no thanks.



  102. majii6:45 AM

    For an accurate timeline of events that led to all of the anti-Islam rhetoric and Jones' planned burning of the Koran on Saturday, Media Matters has it. The Park 51 outrage was created by Pamela Geller. Palin, Gingrich, Fuchs Noose, Beck, and the others got on Geller's bandwagon. Yeah, the Geller who owns the Atlas Shrugged web site. MM notes that all of the hearings and permits had been granted BEFORE Geller decided to "protest." Park 51 would have continued to fly under the radar if Geller hadn't decided to make an issue of it.

    I live in red, red GA in the same city where Erick Erickson of RedState and CNN lives. He's on the city council here until November. There is a mosque in my neighborhood, less than a mile from where I live. The mosque has been here for at least 7 years. When the Muslims are worshiping at their mosque, no one even realizes they're there. They have caused NO problems in the community. There are other mosques in the city, and none of the Muslims have caused ANY problems. These facts should tell anyone that the Park 51 protesting being done by Erickson and the others was created to distract potential voters from the fact that the republicans have no new ideas should they become the majority party in Congress in January.

    The party is currently rewriting recent history and has released a video in democratic congressional districts claiming that the democrats are responsible for TARP when Boehner was on the House floor back in the fall of 2008 crying and saying that "everyone needed to put aside partisan differences and vote FOR it." TARP was a republican plan to save the economy signed into law by a republican president. I'm thoroughly fed up with the republicans. This lying has GOT to stop, and the way we stop it is to show up at the polls in November and vote.

  103. emrysa7:10 AM

    majii @ 3:11 pm sez:

    "All of this anti-Islam fallout is a direct result of the loudmouths like Palin who oppose the Park 51 Project."

    that is exactly right. first sarah & others stir up the shit, then they come back and act like they have nothing to do with it.

    I call bullshit.

  104. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I had good feelings towards Sarah when I read her tweet. But they dissolved into a sickening feeling upon reading her facebook post. To compare the Koran burning with the construction of a community center and Mosque in lower Manhattan is horrible and shows the intellectual level of a snake. It is VERY Sarah. Well, in keeping with Sarah's insensitivity zoning rules, she should move out of Alaska so as not to offend the sensitivities of the majority of Alaskans. She is a stab in the heart.

  105. Anonymous10:09 AM

    You know, the only reason she came out against the Quran burning is because it might take away some of the attention that $P and Glenda Beckster's love fest might generate!

  106. Randall11:24 AM

    She waited until she saw which way the wind was blowing...

    and THEN she twisted it around into a false equivalency with "the ground zero" cultural center.

    She's an opportunist cunt and gets no thanks from me.

    And... "antithetical"?
    Please, the "refudiate" broad knows what "antithetical" means? My ass.

  107. Anonymous11:34 AM

    I was actually surprised when I heard about it myself.

    I will give credit where credit is due, she is right in this instance.

    Unless, of course, someone else either wrote that for her, or prompted her to do so. For now, I will be optimistic.

  108. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Thank you majii @ 6:45. Perfectly stated. This community center was nothing more than a local land use issue that had probably been on the agenda for months. One idiot who doesn't keep up with these things heard about it after the fact and decided to try to make political hay and a name for herself and the other idiots followed suit (I'm looking at you Stupid Sarah.)

    It blows my mind that the MSM always leaves out the fact that there have been plans for this center for quite some time -- this wasn't something these folks just dreamed up three weeks ago.

  109. Anonymous1:07 PM

    C'mon! She's not deleting the feedback comments, is she? Thereby still providing a megaphone to the ignorant which was the point in the first place. She absolves herself of blame whilst fanning the flames of hatred!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.