Saturday, October 02, 2010

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee finally wakes up to the fact that they have a great candidate in Scott McAdams.

From UAF Sun Star:

As of Thursday afternoon, Sept. 30, Democrat Scott McAdams was the only Alaskan senatorial candidate in possession of a war chest built entirely upon the generosity of Alaskan voters. That fact changed Thursday night when McAdams received a check from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC).

According to a Sept. 30 article by the Alaska Dispatch, both of McAdams’ opponents had received funding from sources outside of the state of Alaska. GOP primary victor Joe Miller received close to $600,000 from the California-based Tea Party Express, while incumbent write-in candidate Lisa Murkowski received over $177,000 from various energy-based Political Action Committees (PAC), primarily from the coal industry.

Friday morning, McAdams made a statement saying, “The DSCC has invested in our campaign.” How much? “Their first check was for $42,000,” he said, implying that more is yet to come.

Well it is about damn time! 

Of all of the potential races out there I cannot imagine why the DSCC is NOT throwing handfuls of money at this candidate. He is smart, capable, and extremely likable, and he is up against two candidates who are the very example of what is wrong with the modern Republican party.

In my opinion this $42,000 is an embarrassingly tiny amount and I certainly hope that the DSCC loosens those purse strings and gives McAdams the kind of money he needs to have a real shot against two campaigns with hundreds of thousands of dollars at their disposal.

I don't know about other Alaskans but I cannot go anywhere on the internet these days without running into a Joe Miller Google ad. THAT is the kind of saturation that McAdams needs as well.


  1. I would be glad to vote for Mr. McAdams(if he were in Ga.) he seems to be a stand up guy. I guess I like him because he seems to be simple, down to earth, not pompous or arrogant and aloof. His presence comes off to me like Pres. Obama when he address the citizens, its not formal and put on.

  2. Chenagrrl7:34 AM

    I agree. Compare pix of smarmy Joe with his one-finger coat hold (dated) and Scot in his fishing gear. You want real? McAdams is it.

    And it's about time someone who really works in Alaska represents the state.

  3. Not to be a wet blanket, but McAdams has gotten a lot of contributions through ActBlue. So the statement that he has "a war chest built entirely upon the generosity of Alaskan voters" is not accurate. But it is built on individual, small donations (as opposed to K Street lobbying firms in DC). What that says to me is that people all over the country recognize what a disaster Joe Miller would be for our country. It's about time that the DSCC woke up and got in the game.

  4. Skeptik8:24 AM

    Let us hope he peaks at action time and that skeletons keep jumping out of Miller's closet.

    One question: Lisa will be pretty much in brown nose mode to the Republican party until she retires-- this is pretty obvious. Will Scott, as a freshman senator, be doing the same with the Democratic party, should he win?

  5. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I wish I could vote in Alaska - Scott seems like a really great guy and I will be watching this race closely. I come from the great state of Illinois - our legacy is Paul Simon (wow - this shows my age)however, he was quite like Scott McAdams, educated but very down to earth - all Scott would need it a bowtie! LOL

  6. Maybe you can't vote for him, but you can contribute to his campaign.

  7. Glad to see the DSCC finally pitch in a little. But "little" it is. In 2006, the Fairbanks Democrats gave Diane Benson more $$$ than the DSCC is now giving Scott.

    And frsbdg is correct on both the multi-state support Scott is getting from all those little groups at Act Blue, who believe in Scott; and that donations there sometimes represent people who, though giving less than $100 on the average, realize how truly important support for our candidate is.

  8. Anonymous11:30 AM

    I think more people need to keep calling and emailing the dscc and suggesting they dig a bit deeper to help Scott out.

  9. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Maybe the DSCC think he doesn't stand a chance and that is why they are only backing him with a token amount of money.

  10. Ratfish12:35 PM

    While Joe "Toto" Miller is going down as we learn about him and his idea of "entitlements" (all for him, none for anyone else), there is momentum building behind Scott.

    Moderate and progressive Alaskans of all political stripes don't let friends vote for Republican "Party of No" candidates.

    United we stand- and will win in November.

    ps If anyone has teabagger friends who are boasting, just ask them where to get a $5 indigent license like Toto's. It seems to quiet them fast.

  11. Rick Hill2:14 PM

    Saw a Joe Miller link on this very blog actually...

  12. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Someone on the Mudflats referred to Miller as "5 dollar Joe." I think that's a good name for him and it's about the amount he is worth. McAdams' ad is catchy and interesting.


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