Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Despite doom and gloom reporting from the mainstream media concerning Obama's approval ratings, they are actually pretty good.

From Pensito Review:

According to Gallup, Pres. Obama’s approval rating is now positive 48 percent to 46 percent. That’s a reversal from Sept. 8-9, when his approval/disapproval was 44/48, and a slight uptick from Sept. 16-17, when it was 47/46.

And you wouldn’t know it from listening to the vitriol coming from the corporate media and the GOP’s tea bagger base, but Pres. Obama is polling six percentage points ahead of presidents Reagan or Clinton three weeks out from their first mid-term elections.

This should be instructive to those Democrats who are attempting to make distant between themselves and the President, or his policies.  Clearly the American people are not as put off by health care reform, financial reform, and the "cash for clunkers" program as the propagandists at Fox News would like everybody to believe.

Sarah Palin: "How's that hopey changy thing working for ya?"

Pretty damn good you imbecile.  Pretty damn good.


  1. Linda Arizona12:11 PM

    And, we progressives are doing something about the upcoming midterms--not just sitting around complaining, or hand wringing--but taking action (not that we haven't needed to do both regarding these crazies).

    Here is a link to RepubliCorp's Facebook page, and a link to our Arizona chapter.

    Yes, I was there filming this demo by RepubliCorpAZ, outside the Tea Party rally (McCain, Sheriff Arpaio, and McCain's mini-me, Jesse Kelly spoke) in Tucson.

    The eedjits didn't know what to think when the the "wealthy folk" thanked them for voting against their own best interests and asked them to sign over their Social Security checks.

    It's because of your blogging and all the voices crying from the wilderness that I and my fellow Arizonans are doing all we can to expose McCain and his cronies.

    Let's keep the momentum going.

    Go Obama!

  2. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Gryphen.. You might do an 'Update'..go to the Daily Kos and find that Poll. Obamas numbers are even better than 'Snookie Palins' numbers with fellow Alaskans. OUCH!!
    Her neighbors don't LIKE her it seems.

  3. Anonymous12:50 PM

    I love the word "imbecile". It's underused.

  4. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Yes, they are and with good reason. He's a great President who actually thinks, considers and acts for the benefit of the entire nation, not just the wealthiest amongst us.

    I am so relieved and proud to have President Obama leading this country. Vice-President Biden is doing pretty well himself. Certainly, we should all be thrilled that Biden is our VP, not Palin.

    I believe with the shift in the power structure around President Obama in the White House, we will see him being more active, stronger and more positive than ever. I don't think he was getting the input he needed during the health care debate. Hopefully, new voices discussing issues and giving counsel will make the next two years even better.

    That he could accomplish so much with so much resistance from the Party of No, is amazing!

    Thank you, Mr. President! So far, so good.

  5. Anonymous1:09 PM

    President Obama has said he's not in this to be popular, but to get things done. Obama 2012!

  6. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Anon 12:30

    To know her is to hate her :)

  7. Linda Arizona1:34 PM

    I'm so proud of President Obama, that when I hear him speak, I get a little misty eyed. He is everything I hoped for in a President. He provides high contrast against the abysmal, scary Tea Partiers.

    It's a good day whenever you post something positive about our President.

  8. ManxMamma1:58 PM

    Amen to all who have posted. I'm proud to have Obama as my president!

  9. Anonymous2:18 PM

    That phrase "How's that hopey-changey thing working for ya?" was latched onto by the bagger crowd and used with sneers and ridicule. And I hate it. I've heard it over and over and each time, I think of Mrs. Palin. Cannot write the words here that go through my mind each time I hear it.

    The announcement that there will be no COLA raise this year is going to hit President Obama. I'm on SS as my ONLY income but I knew we wouldn't be getting a raise. I'm not surprised and not really disappointed because I didn't expect it. It's not POTUS' fault but he'll be blamed. Be prepared. My response is the Party of NO is behind it. They can't Prove that to be wrong.

  10. "Pretty damn good you imbecile. Pretty damn good."

    Yes indeedy! Chortle, chortle, guffaw, guffaw!

    That NEWSMAX video is frightening! How it is possible that she beleives she has ANYTHING ove President Obama?

  11. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Slightly OT: You have to watch this, Gryphen!

    God Bless Jack Black!

  12. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Better than Saint Ronnie Reagan. He was under 40 at this point.

  13. FEDUP!!!3:33 PM

    O/T: Did you notice that she released her PAC info for the quarter?


  14. FEDUP!!!3:37 PM

    I am ever soooooooooo glad that $HE is not our VP (or, by now most likely would be our potus [sic], since McInsane would have bitten the dust by now - either of natural or 'super'natural causes...)!

  15. Quiet13:44 PM

    That "hopey-changey comment always makes me so mad. I just watched The Never Ending Story with the young boy I babysit. This is a line from the film: "People who have no hope have no power, and people with no power are easier to control." Sounds like SP's dream to control the world.

  16. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I love hearing the good news. I'm afraid a large portion of our country will have to wait until after history has shown Obama to be a great president to recognize what we already see.

    On a sad note, one of my long-time friends told me she and her hubby are now Tea Party members. When I asked why, I got the same stock answer: The government is taking over our country. Sigh. I still love her, though.

  17. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Not only are PO's approval ratings higher than Reagan's and Clinton's three weeks out from their first midterms, but his high ratings are despite the fact that he inherited the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, as well as two foreign wars. On top of these problems, he has had to try to govern with unrelenting GOP obstructionism, and some of the worst overt racism, increased number of death threats, and most appallingly uncivil behavior from his critics that I have seen in decades.

    PO has done a superb job for our country! Amazing leader!

  18. Anonymous4:50 PM


    okay gyph, the sign department over in the garage have made a sign that is 36' long. Hehehe...

    "Worse Govenor Ever"

    even got some glow in the dark paint on it...

    just waiting for a Sowah event...

  19. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I'll take Hopey Changey over Losey Quitty any ol' time. You betcha!

  20. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:05 PM

    Anon @ 12:50pm said...
    "I love the word 'imbecile'. It's underused."

    So is the word "dunderhead." I think both apply equally well to Ex-Governor Crazypants.

    BTW, the bizarre Newsmax interview made NO national news that I could find AT ALL...at a time when everything she says is repeated throughout the MSM for days (especially HuffPo). I wonder if the Powers That Be realized that Saint Sarah, in her manic rant, showed her "Rapture" cards too early and they squashed any coverage?

  21. Anonymous6:22 PM

    I LOVE my President OBAMA !!!!

    I'd TRUST him...on ANYTHING....any DAY....ANYWHERE !!!!!!

  22. Anonymous8:20 PM

    LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn, you'll be pleasantly surprised to know that even at HuffPo, comments on Sarah-related news haven't topped 2000 since the whole Todd-Joe e-mail brouhaha. Even "Sarah Palin Doubles Down on 'Death Panels'" only garnered 415 comments in 10 hours. SP stories used to generate that many comments in an hour. Considering it was 2009's "Lie of the Year", the fact that she's repeating it now leads me to believe she'll do just about anything to get people talking about her again. You know what they say: The only bad publicity is no publicity.

  23. Sue Woodward from Winona MN8:34 PM

    Lets see, during the Bush regime when the recession started my job got reduced from full time to part time. So I found a job through a temp service that was 40 hours a week. During the Obama administration (after a year of being a temp) I was hired on as a full time employee at the company I was contracted to. Since then my wages have increased by well over a dollar. I was even able to buy a better car this summer. Thank you President Obama!!!!

  24. Anonymous3:43 AM

    hahahahaa - you kill me! I saw a "change" bumper sticker last night and I almost stopped the car and put a sticky next to it saying "GREAT!"


  25. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I love my president and everything that he is trying to do!!


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