Thursday, October 28, 2010

Do you still need more motivation to get out and vote? Perhaps this video from will be the wake up call that you need.

By the way just in case you worry that I might miss the opportunity to vote while I am off gallivanting around Washington D.C., don't be!

Number one, I don't gallivant!  And number two, I voted last week.

You see I take my responsibility to cast my vote very seriously. 

So do the Religious Right, the Republicans, and the Teabaggers.

The only question left to ask, is do YOU?


  1. From Wonkette: Sarah Palin Takes Twitter Gibberish To Whole New Level:

    "@ExaminerOpEdsgggg d}.}"

    Great comment:
    "So, now, Sarah Palin is just falling on her cell phone and pushing send. And this still leaves her as one of the intellectual heavy weights of the Teabagger movement."

    I'm thinking it's the Baileys talking.

  2. WakeUpAmerica3:45 AM

    OT for this thread, but I was stunned that Tank Jones was involved with the Rachel Maddow appearance. It seems incongruous with things you have written about him. How did that happen?

  3. BAustin4:22 AM

    Early voting is the best invention ever! Get out an vote people!

  4. Anonymous4:29 AM

    I LOVE their personalized videos!! This one is almost as good as the Glen Beck one. I encourage everyone to sign in through Facebook. It is worth it!


  5. A President Palin and her Tea Party Posse would continue to Go Rogue on Our FEDERAL American Freedoms

    No Freedom of the Press

    No Freedom of Speech unless it’s Tea Party Speech

    No Freedom of Expression

    NO Civil Rights

    No Women’s Rights

    No Equal Rights or Protections under the FEDERAL Laws, unless you a Tea Party member!

    Put it on a loop and play it nationally 24-5 until the election!

    Stand up for your RIGHTS with YOUR VOTE!

    VOTE DEMOCRAT for Your Democracy and Your Freedom

    PS: I Loved the whole Maddow Show in AK! It showcased a side of AK that has been lost in the lower 48 - As all you folks showed all os us - That there ain't Sarah Palin's AK anymore ........ :)

    PSS: Have a wonderful time in DC. I have a family ER and will be staying put - but, will be there spirit and will be working the phones from home to get out our VOTE!

  6. Anonymous4:42 AM

    I only tried to watch because of Olivia Wilde. You know, vids like that are just the other side spreading fear and panic. Oh, it's couched differently--it *is* Olivia Wilde :D--but it's all just fear-mongering and rumor mongering. "Holy Crap! The sky is falling and it's YOUR fault!" I see no high ground here.

    I did get a good chuckle out of it, however. After refusing to give them my facebook, they insisted on my name, which I also refused to give them. I typed in "Jack Meoff." It made later portions quite funny. :D

  7. London Bridges4:58 AM

    You might think this is mere entertainment news, but thinking about it, this story could be the crux of this country's run amok political process. Is this the picture of our proposed government leaders' hypocrisy?
    Anything wrong with this picture?
    What do you think?

  8. With rights come responsibility. We have been given the right to vote, therefore it is our responsibility to be informed, fact-check and GET TO THE POLLS!!

  9. Anonymous6:15 AM

    I always liked "13".

  10. I already voted, that's what we do in Oregon.

  11. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Speaking of - received my free 'Shut off Fox News' bumper sticker in the mail yesterday. Put it on the van today, and I'm counting down the days that it will be damaged or I get the 1 finger salute... because you know,free speech is only for the TP crowd in America. But hey, I'll just order another bumper sticker.

  12. Anonymous7:23 AM

    kind cute, but silly at the same time. Who is the actress, she looks familiar?

  13. GrainneKathleen8:30 AM

    ahh, i see you are getting your olivis munn fix, gryph... i wonder if she might be at a certain rally...
    clever ad.

  14. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Karl Rove said in an interview yesterday that he doesn't think Palin is a viable candidate for 2012. He said her reality show will hurt her, because she will not be seen as presidential, and that she may not have enough work ethic to endure a long campaign season.

    Of course these comments will hurt Sarah's feelings and she will have to tweet something snarky and spiteful about Rove's comments. And eventually, Rove will have enough of Queen Sarah and destroy her.

    I wish he'd do it soon!

  15. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Hey Overit - looks liek that page was scrubbed - what was it?

  16. Anne In DC6:29 AM

    I have all the motivation and more that I need to vote, even without this video. All I have to do is to listen to the nutjobs with their daily verbal dose of insanity and wackiness, especially the latest gem about no cooperation in governing if they should win.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.