Wednesday, October 27, 2010

If the Tea Party wins, America loses! Keith Olbermann's special, and very timely, comment.

If you are planning to vote, you need to watch this.

If you are NOT planning to vote, you need to watch this TWICE!


  1. Anonymous7:27 PM

    He not only nailed it...he CRUCIFIED it.

  2. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Keith ROCKS!

    Sarah Palin Takes Twitter Gibberish To Whole New Level

    What is "d}.}" ? Why did she delete this?

  3. Nothing surprises me about the tea party anymore, but I was very surprised by one thing in this video. I had no idea there were black tea party candidates! No idea! I tell ya, there are some serious suckers of every race, religion, nationality, etc. smh (Left it to the last minute, but I'm definitely going to early vote tomorrow :))

  4. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Holy crap! KO KO's Apathetic Voter! Onward! To the Polls!

  5. Anonymous8:15 PM


    I imagine the black tea party candidates are given special attention to deflect perceived bias.

    Makes perfect sense to me.

  6. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Makes you go WTF when down near the end Audrina's mom comments her daughter got kicked off of DWTS because it was, "Political". I think Kurt was going until a little birdie whispered on Twitter to the contestant that he should out Bristol's contract if they shove him out before her.

    Now lookie, Audrina did get kicked off but she also too gets a reality show with Tony to guest star.

    Deals everywhere. The look on Jennifer's face last night said a lot. Her mouth was going to say so much more if she was the one eliminated though....regardless of the gag clause.

  7. Anonymous8:57 PM

    I just tried to watch the Olbermann and could not finish. I am so afraid for the safety of your country and of ours since we are your closest northern neighbor. How can people believe these thuggish fear-mongers and liars/ Why is the press doing such a lousy job of exposing them for what they are? One has to read the British and European press and blogs like this to get the facts without the spin of false equivalency as I just watched on a CNN discussion of the "stomper" Where is the spirit of the people who marched for Civil Rights and against the Viet Nam war and inspired the world by their actions? It seems to me that SP and her cohorts could spit on the image of Christ and the senseless masses would cheer her on.I hope I am wrong but it is seeming more and more that your country is being taken away from you by the rich and not enough people are understanding what is actually happening.And, as an outsider, I cannot believe the animosity towards your president and have reluctantly concluded that it can only be fueled by racism found in people in all parts of the political spectrum. We may disagree with our prime minister but we respect the dignity of his office and treat him with the respect we would accord anyone else.It seems to me that I remember reading that during the Bush years it was considered treason to disrespect the president in time of war. What ever happened to that belief?

  8. Anonymous8:58 PM

    His "special comment" was a thing of beauty. Reasonable and thinking people already know what he speaks. It is the folks who don't watch him and only tune in to Fox that need to see this. Sadly, none of them will.

  9. trishSWFL9:31 PM

    I am voting, but watched it a second time anyway, just because it was well worth the second watch! :)

    Keith really hit it out of the park tonite!

  10. Anonymous10:35 PM

    "Crazy Joe Miller" Alaska. Now how is that going to look.

  11. Those of us who live elsewhere...sometimes I think that some/many Americans live in some alternate reality...wonder at the obsession of many Americans with 'private enterprise' which to me, in my country, often means profit and that doesn't go to the wellbeing of the community. Here in Australia we have had over 11 years of government by a party closer in ideology to the Rebublican rather than the Democratic so we have moved toward an American style of 'private enterprise".
    If one looks at 'happiness' in countries, Denmark is apparently the happiest country! They have the highest taxation and the best social services of any country. In other words, they have a lot of socialist programs. Why are Americans so antagonistic to social programs? These can only happen with a reasonable level of taxation.
    I also don't understand how teaparty people think they can reduce the deficit if so many services are killed and so many people are not paying taxes and the wars still need financing.
    I am forced to come to the conclusion that out of your 3+mill people a large % are idiots!!! Having just se (Australian for idiots) about why they support Miller and those others who support's a mad, mad, mad world!!!
    And after seeing that 'special comment' I am please for someone sane!!!!!
    cheers, Mags

  12. A recent article by Maureen Dowd appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald and the comments were riotous!! There are many Americans living here and they were saooo angry at the Australian comments denigrating Sarah Palin...this tells me we are being infiltrated by those fecking idiots!!

  13. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Rather than providing lists of write-in candidates to voters at the polls, they should set up TVs with this video playing!

  14. Anonymous12:06 AM

    The image of screeching monkeys flinging shit at each other in Congress readily comes to mind. What a sham. Nothing like incapacitating a country out of blind rage to show the world that you know what you are doing.

    That's it 'baggers: fuck up good and proper, and maybe, if you're lucky, you'll be cannibalized by the Black Widow herself, like the rest of the Republican scum.

  15. Anonymous2:34 AM

    @1135: I think that's an excellent idea.


  16. Anonymous2:59 AM

    Quite possibly, Keith's best ever Special Comment.

  17. ManxMamma4:09 AM

    Olbermann at his very finest!

  18. Anne In DC5:54 AM

    This was one of Keith Olbermann's best commentaries. He not only cited the Tea Party reactionaries I already knew, but also a number of them who were not even names to me before. He also made it clear what we Americans are in for if any of these lunatics come to power, and also just how critical these mid-term elections are.

    The fact that there are any racial minorities in the Tea Party just proves that lunacy comes in all colors. Stupidity knows no racial bounds. This message should wake up any American who is still undecided, apathetic, or who still believes that these Teabaggers (their name) have anything of merit to offer Americans. They don't even feel as if they need to cooperate in order to get things done in Washington, and that is one of many indications that they would be horrible at governing anything.

  19. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Already voted over here.

  20. FEDUP!!!11:31 AM

    Well, I voted. I also made sure I posted Keith's segment on my Facebook page, and I even emailed it to my friends (especially those that are teabaggers...:P )

    Everyone: fw it to your friends (don't mention 'teabaggers' in your title - just say something like 'please watch the enclosed video')In the text, I wrote: "If you will be voting before or by this next Tuesday, November 2, 2010, please watch the following segment. I know, it is 20 minutes long, but well worth it!" ...

  21. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I watch to Obermann last night and the only thing I could think of was he was preaching to the choir. I agreed to what he was saying, but I can'nt see many of his veiwers being Republicans. Let's face it, Obermann's viewers are mostly on the left and won't be voting for many Republican.

  22. aj weishar8:54 PM

    You can address all of the crazy
    plans these candidates have for the country. My fear goes beyond that, international relations. What happens if one of these people is sent to negotiate with a foreign country. Palin might trade Delaware to China for some cute Pandas. Meg and Carly will outsource the Hispanics to India.


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