Thursday, October 14, 2010

Former Fairbanks Mayor confirms Joe Miller's unethical behaviors.

Joe Miller receives congratulatory hug from Bernadette Wilson as Christian singer Adele Morgan looks on.
 From Alaska Dispatch:

Jim Whitaker, former mayor of the Fairbanks North Star Borough, alleges that U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller used borough computers in 2008 in a failed attempt to become head of the Alaska Republican Party.

Whitaker's accusation came Wednesday, two days after Miller refused to answer questions from the Alaska media about whether he had ever used borough offices or equipment for partisan activity. The allegation was first reported by Alaska Dispatch on Sunday through an anonymous source.

At Monday's press conference, Miller vowed to stay silent on anything having to do with his background or private life until at least after the election. Miller's reluctance to talk about the allegations during his time at the borough upset Whitaker, prompting him to speak up.

"It did make me angry," said Whitaker, who was mayor of the Fairbanks North Star Borough from 2003 to 2009. "That event (politicking on borough time) happened on my watch, and I am obligated to tell the truth."

According to Whitaker, Miller -- a part-time attorney for the borough from June 2002 to September 2009 -- used other employees' computers to send "proxy votes to get himself elected as the chairman of the Republican Party."

Miller's campaign did not return a call or an e-mail Wednesday seeking a response to Whitaker's accusation.

Obviously Miller knew that this information was coming out and has decided to run away and hide from the media in the hopes that Alaska voters will not hear about it until AFTER the election. It is up to the bloggers and independent media sources to make sure that this information, and the other information soon to surface, DOES make it onto the radar screens of the Alaska voters.

Miller benefits from having these stories receive minimal coverage.  His hope is that the Alaska media that did such a poor job of vetting Sarah Palin has not learned their lesson and will give him the same free pass that they gave her.

So if you are a voter in Alaska (or even just know one),  please make sure that this story, and the others to come, about Joe Miller and his unethical behaviors get as wide of a distribution as possible.  Alaska is not perfect, but we can do far better than having this unethical Sarah Palin drone representing us in Washington.


  1. Anonymous6:40 AM

    DAMN! I was thinking just using his own work computer on work time for partisan politics was what got him fired. Using other people's computers to send fake votes for himself? That's a totally other level.

  2. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Sure seems like theft to me. No wonder they said he was not eligible to be rehired. Mr. Miller has a serious lack of integrity.

  3. Ratfish6:52 AM

    Wait until the Miller e-mails on the Fairbanks are released. Let's see how many were to or from Sarah Palin, using her state equipment.

    That's why she has Tom Van Flein helping Miller fighting full disclosure.

  4. I find it amusing that Mr Miller tried to whitewash his actions barely 24 hours in advance to this information coming out about his improprieties.

    I wonder though if it isn't a case of too little too late to thwart his hopeful election to the Senate.

    Unless you people in Alaska can find some more damaging actions on his part or you get out the vote for Scott McAdams AND promote write ins for Murkowski (see even I in the lower 48 can spell it) to split the vote on the republican base then it looks like Joe the Grifter will most likely get elected.

    Yes he is slipping slightly in the polls but he still has a handy lead over both opponents.

  5. Anonymous7:01 AM

    I'm not in Alaska, yet everyday I go on the "" website to read the newspaper headlines from the Anchorage and Fairbanks papers. Today's paper features a huge picture of McAdams front and center, beneath a less-than-complimentary article on Miller. It would seem McAdams has some support from that part of Alaska, and I just hope people in other parts of the state begin to take notice. He seems like a very good candidate.

  6. BTW is Joe the Grifter a Polygamist or did his wife become strangely more attractive and more errrm "hands on" than she was while standing next to him at the press conference yesterday?

    Might be an interesting avenue to explore. There cant be all that many no tell motels in Fairbanks can there?

  7. GrainneKathleen7:09 AM

    he is despicable. i can't believe his numbers are as high as they are.

  8. Anonymous7:49 AM

    He's a republican. Its "okay" to be a philanderer. Or do I have that wrong and one is EXPECTED to have relationships outside of wedlock?

  9. Anonymous7:57 AM

    That is serious stuff. The worst freakin' thing a politician can do: voter fraud. I hope this guy resigns his candidacy.

  10. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Ratfish said...

    "Wait until the Miller e-mails on the Fairbanks are released. Let's see how many were to or from Sarah Palin, using her state equipment.

    That's why she has Tom Van Flein helping Miller fighting full disclosure."


    This makes my heart go pitter patter. Is it conjecture on your part, or inside information?

  11. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Wow he really is Palin with a beard huh. We knew he was worthless, hopefully more people know that now as well.

  12. Is there any information on why he left the military before his commitment was up? I consider that a big one. We the taxpayers gave him a first class, all expenses paid college education in exchange for a commitment he didn't fulfill. When I say "all expenses", that even includes a monthly allowance.

  13. dancingthroughlife8:14 AM

    I'm not familiar with how much/what can be obtained with a FOIA request (or how long it takes) but wouldn't Sarah Palin's emails from this time period be subject to FOIA, even if his aren't? I don't see how they'd be able to hide 'this'. I'm guessing, based on how hard he's been fighting this, that whatever he's trying to hide would be damning enough to warrant a recall, if he IS elected.

  14. I encountered reports that at C4P Palin fans have boasted they are doing what Acorn did delighted one person puts in 40 votes for Bristol.

    The ethical violations of the support base does not phase the "fans" and their hypocrisy has no bounds. Reports are that anyone who speaks to violations of ethics is discarded from the group.

    If emails from employees computers misused by Millre is verified this demonstrtes that Miller hadd no regard for even his coworkers. If it is true then Miller has demonstrated he misrepresents him self and will stoop to misrepresent otherss also. Another case and lesson that those who lie about self habitually will also lie about others.

    So, is this the inappropriate and viscious personal information Joe referred to to justify no media twisting it he has not gotten support?

    Is my preception close to accurate that at this time there are so many unscoupulous candidates willing to do anything (cheat, lie steal)carefully chosen to seel themselves and citizens out for money and power?

    If this is verified IMO apologies for comments made about Mrs. Millerat the press conference are due. If this is verified it is understandable why she did not appear to look well if this was news to her.

  15. BAustin8:20 AM

    If I was the frumpy wife with eight kids and a douchebag husband...I would NOT be happy with the adoring look little miss thing is giving Joe the beard in this picture.

    I smell another scandal brewing for ol' Joe. Bwaahhahaha.

  16. I sure hope the people of Alaska read Rolling Stone.

  17. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Is Joe the father of Trig?

  18. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Never have I seen more 'love' between two people as I see in that pick of Joe and Bernie...

  19. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Bernadette Wilson is one heckuva sexy Republican groupie. She does get around! Has she ever been engaged in any partisan activities with Murkowski?

  20. Feminist Pig9:04 AM

    What is it with Bernadette Wilson? She knows she is pretty and cute, and she really needs to be hands off on these guys because whether or not she is boffing them, it looks pretty darned suspicious. We need to send her to Bristol Bay and write a doXXXumentary: Bernadette does Bristol Bay. Does she not know that her son will eventually see this on her? Why aren't her parents warning her to knock it off?

    Why isn't there a check list for candidates one week before the primary or they can't run? All of this information on Joe should have been out a long, long time ago, before ballots were even printed. Information such as his finances and work history and things of this nature. It should be out on every one! Of course you don't think to make it a rule until someone pulls a Joe Miller.

  21. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Cute little "Bernadette" there, looks to be about FOURTEEN...lets hope this photo does not become the equivalent of the Monica Lewinski, at the time innocent seeming shot, with Bill Clinton...and that this crud manages to scandalize himself and this young kid.

    She sure looks smitten with him. I could never get past that bum in the alley type beard.

  22. Anonymous9:16 AM

    All of the faux politicians are becoming an extreme embarrassment- this guy, O'Donnell and others. Of course, the absolute most embarrassing is Sarah Palin (along with her wife, Todd and ridiculous daughter, Bristol). All of my relatives live in other countries (England, Scotland, Canada, Sweden) and every single one of them think that the people in this country are nuts. It really is disturbing.

  23. Ratfish9:29 AM

    Apparently some people have given Joe "Toto" Miller a new dog. He will be holding a news conference soon. A draft of his speech has leaked.

    "My Fellow Alaskans:

    I come before you tonight as a candidate for the U.S. Senate and as a man whose honesty and integrity have been questioned.

    The usual political thing to do when charges are made against you is to either ignore them or to deny them without giving details.

    I believe we've had enough of that in the United States, particularly with the present Administration in Washington, D.C. To me the office of a United States Senator is a great office and I feel that the people have got to have confidence in the integrity of the men who run for that office and who might obtain it.

    I have a theory, too, that the best and only answer to a smear or to an honest misunderstanding of the facts is to tell the truth. And that's why I'm here tonight. I want to tell you my side of the case.

    I am sure that you have read the charge and you've heard that I, Joe Miller, illegally used Fairbanks computer equipment for partisan political purposes.

    Now, was that wrong? And let me say that it was wrong—I'm saying, incidentally, that it was wrong and not just illegal. Because it isn't a question of whether it was legal or illegal, that isn't enough. The question is, was it morally wrong? ...........

    One other thing I probably should tell you because if we don't they'll probably be saying this about me too, we did get something-a gift-after the primary. A family down in Wasilla- the Palins- heard Kathleen on the radio mention the fact that our two youngest kids would like to have a dog. And, believe it or not, the day before we left on this campaign trip we got a message from FedEx saying they had a package for us. We went down to get it. You know what it was.

    It was a little cocker spaniel dog in a crate that they'd sent all the way from Wasilla. Black and white spotted. And our little girl named it Checkers. And you know, the kids, like all kids, love the dog and I just want to say this right now, that regardless of what they say about it, we're gonna keep it."

  24. Anonymous9:41 AM

    You missed the best part of the article...
    In March 2008 -- during the Alaska GOP convention -- Miller was vocal about his support for ousting state party chairman Randy Ruedrich. "We're doing this so we can tell the public, ‘Look, we're behind the public and its motivation to clean up government,' Miller was quoted saying at the convention, according to "That's what this is all about, and to make sure the public understands that the Republican Party is a party of ethics and not corruption."

  25. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I hope the arm we can't see is around his wife, because Bernadette Wilson (Mayor Sullivan's former "party planner")is now working for the Miller campaign, and her body language in this photograph certainly telegraphs a message that isn't very professional - well, not that of a political professional at any rate.

    Guess she likes to follow power and sees an opportunity to ingratiate herself with Joe.

    If I were Mrs. Miller, I'd keep a closer eye on Joe. He seems to really like the attention.

    All too often, the hyper-religious are the first to indulge in the very behaviors they condemn. Hiring a woman who was widely rumored as being Sullivan's mistress is not advisable. But then, like many GOP and Tea Party candidates, perhaps he feels the rules don't apply to him.

    Just saying - the appearance of impropriety is rather strong when added to all the information coming out about his lack of professional ethics on the job.

  26. Anonymous9:45 AM

    What Ratfish said.
    The numbers really don't mean chit right now.

    I am so happy to be watching, reading about the Miners rescue, the calm cooperation & faith of all involved.
    I am thinking about who will be cast in the movie, me thinks that Capt.Urzua (#33) should be played by Javier Bardem,(Penelope Cruz's husband)or George Clooney. Pres.Pinera could be played by Jimmy Smitts, (Super) Mario could go to Bruce Willis,two-timer miner, Robt. Downey Jr., Baby-mama should be played by Joy Baeur from The View,or maybe Wanda Sykes...
    Our local morons can take a back seat in my brain, until those email are really released, tho I wonder if shmo is stupid enough to still be 'planning' parties.

  27. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Sending fake votes? I mean really! This is entry level fascism stuff. Not to mention, this is likely illegal. He should be disbarred for this. Has anyone filed a complaint with the Alaska Bar Association? Its time someone start to put together official testimony and affidavits against this man. Lastly, since Palin has said that a person SHOULD be judged by their affiliations to others, lets ask the question WHY would this illegal behavior be acceptable? And if he is a law breaker, then she is damn guilty herself. I want to know what other kinds of illegal, unethical crap Miller has pulled.

  28. Anonymous9:58 AM

    To my American friends,

    Good day eh. Writing from Canada. Two years ago, I was glad to see you had come to your senses.

    In the interim, with these Tea Party lunatics, you've made some of us sad again. But that's for you to decide at the end of the day.

    My beef is with some wannabe who continues to enter my country and spout some really worthless shite!

    Now, I know that's it's morons here who are inviting her but it's you guys who gave her the stage to think that she can count to ten without using her fingers.

    Yes, HER!

    She was in town and I really don't want her back. It's my understanding that if her endorsed candidates don't do well, the bloom may come off the rose, so to speak.

    We still have faith that common sense can prevail down there.

    But as to being good neighbours, we'll keep our trash on our side of the border.

    Can you please do the same? :)


    Your Canadian Friend

  29. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Looks like little Miss Bernadette Wilson has the hots for Conservative men. She's the go to girl or she makes herself indispensable.

    She's Alaska's conservative hottie, a groupie to gross conservative hypocrites.

    Such a waste of talent.

  30. Anonymous10:17 AM

    adn has it, huffpo has it: bye bye joey boy

  31. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Has a citizen of Alaska filed an ethics complaint with the Alaskan Bar about his conduct. If not, get 'er done! It would make a great headline! By the way, Alaskan law saws his computer crimes are a Class C Felony.

  32. Anonymous10:29 AM

    When the perky party planner is 40-ish and still pretty but refining herself and these old farts will be older and louder farts of 60-70 years old, these pictures will make her nauseous.

  33. London Bridges11:03 AM

    So why is Joe growing the beard? Maybe so his former military colleagues won't see his picture and recognize him and spill the beans on why he left the military? Just wondering!

  34. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:05 AM

    Anon @ 9:58 am--

    Dear Canadian Friend,

    Personally, I'd like to put her on a boat and ship her off to the Bikini Atoll. She probably has no clue what happened there, but would think the name is just too-too cute. She'd have the big island to herself, and I hear there's some good eatin' coconuts there. Just rad, if you get my drift.

    The other option is to strap her to a satellite and send her into orbit. This would do the entire planet good, I think, but may eventually have (more of a) negative effect on the ozone layer.

    Unfortunately, I think we're ALL stuck with her yapping insanity until someone, somewhere speaks out.

    Yours truly,
    Yet Another Concerned American

  35. Virginia Voter11:07 AM

    It's time for the Democratic party to go on the offensive in Alaska. You have a snake in the grass and an oil company whore running against the only viable candidate. This race is very winnable. When I get paid on Friday, I am making some donations.

    I suggest you all do the same...consider Harry Reid, Jack Conway in KY, another race where Dems actually have a chance at taking a Republican seat.

    Senate votes and filibusters affect ALL OF US, and you need to make your voice heard. Vote, donate, or volunteer. OFA and the DNC has a tool where you can just go online and make calls to local voters from home. Doesn't cost anything and you don't have to leave your house!

    BTW Bernadette Wilson= Alaska's Rielle Hunter

  36. honestyinGov11:14 AM

    Gryphen... What do you know of Snookie P's Favorite Witch Dr being in town..? There was an event last night and he will be there all weekend. What do your contacts say?

    Rather than hold Press Conferences and answer Questions.. Maybe Joe Miller will have a ' ceremony ' by Muthee do a prayer for Joe and ' lay hands ' on him. Based on those photos.. It looks like he would prefer that The Party Planner to ' lay hands ' on him though.

  37. Anonymous2:59 PM

    The Bernadette twinkie gets around.
    Wasn't that Rachel with the un-pronouncable last name that hit on Tiger a party planner, too? And his wife wasn't even a frump! Doesn't the 'dette' have a husband?

    Sharon TN

  38. Anonymous3:02 PM

    That party planner sure gets around. You'd think she'd be embarrassed. You can bet she's hoping that Slick Joe Miller will take her to Washington with him as a staffer, while the longsuffering Mrs. Miller remains in Anchorage raising the Millers' eight kids. Can anyone say, "Newt Gingrich"?

  39. Anonymous3:33 PM

    If Joe Miller wins, there should be an immediate hand count. He's already demonstrated that he's willing to engage in vote fraud. And since he's so confident so as to look for living quarters, he must believe that the fix is in. His lack of respect of the electoral process is worse than if he was caught drowning puppies.

  40. Anonymous4:15 PM

    The wife should check out the party planner.

  41. Anonymous5:14 PM

    The wife should check out the party planner.

  42. pursang7:53 PM

    Ticktickticktick..that's Joey's election chances counting down to zero. Best make your moves on Wilson while you can Beard-Boy because after you lose she'll be off trying to rub up some other conservative politician leaving you to take a cold shower.

  43. Anonymous9:58 PM

    I thought: "how precious"....

  44. If the draft of the rebuttal speech is what Joe delivers, does anyone realize he plagiarized it from Nixon? Up to and including the dog's name. Seems like a real spit in the eye to the public.


    I am not a crook???

  45. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Release! the emails!


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