Thursday, October 07, 2010

If every picture tells a story, what does this picture from TLC's "Sarah Palin's Alaska" tell you?

(Picture courtesy of This Dish is Veg)

Now try not to read too much into the fact that Todd and Track both look like they are trying to get as far away from the family train wreck as humanly possible.  Probably does not mean anything.

There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING about this picture which seems natural.


  1. Facebook Lurker4:09 AM

    I hope this picture proves to everyone that Bristol was not more visibly pregnant back in the early summer when this was taken. She has definitely packed on the pounds in the last 4-5 months.

    This picture is disturbing on so many levels, but shows dysfunction beyond a shadow of a doubt. Compare this to the picture of the Palin kids taken at the Alaska state fair back in summer of 08...a huge difference. Looks like fame and fortune doesn't = happy family.

  2. ManxMamma4:15 AM

    A very sad, creepy picture.

  3. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Speaking of unnatural, it looks like this was taken in her Fox studio, rather than outside. Interesting choice to plug an "outdoors" show.

  4. An electric car for Tripp? Really?

  5. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Ha...not a happy bunch!

  6. From Elaine on Seinfeld, & I quote " FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE ".

  7. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Also, too, it looks like a studio shot because Piper seems to be wearing just socks on her feet -- no shoes.

  8. angela4:35 AM

    The men they don't mind the perks that Mama Moneybags brings in--they just want to do some major outside things on wheels or that involve NOT being in the haunted Palin house. Tripp wants to get his license and get the hell out of there--maybe a visit to his father? Where the hell is Levi anyway? Piper is dreaming of a time when she'll get friends and stop being her mother's shield at functions. Bristol hopes she remembered her birth control pill-this time. (Nah, just kidding) Willow is thinking--WHATEVER. And when will she get let off lockdown?

    And Sarah--of course, is standing a bit more out front than everyone else, has got Trig--her baby prop out to remind people that she really might be his mother.

    What does it say in totality?
    Sarah's grown assed adult children Bristol and Track need to move out of her house. Send Piper to boarding school so she can have a quasi life. Let Willow be Willow, she's a criminal and must not be fettered. And maybe if Sarah just let Todd hang out on the slope again his sexual frustration would lessen and his crazy angry hillbilly persona would dissipate. Then maybe he would stop calling his wife of twenty something years--Sarah Palin.

  9. GrainneKathleen4:40 AM

    it's not even a well-taken photo - look at the lake in the back. the camera wasn't held straight. ohhh, maybe it was held a little down towards the right - oh the artistry.
    sarah looks crazy as usual.
    and tripp looks a little young to drive.

  10. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Pictures for tv shows, docus, anything media related are never natural. How could this one be with so many objects - Tripp's car, fishing rod, dirtbike.

    Photographers decide on positioning and what's in the picture. Thats how its been in all the Palin family pics. and this is for the show, which is a whole different ballgame. They desired to show the landscape so they had to spread the family out. Track never smiles in any photos in general so that's not weird as its his face (think of the friends ep with Chandler trying to smile in he and Monica's picture lol), most men I know only grin slightly if at all in photos of themselves. Todd's not really a smiler, unless it's for a campaign rally or something then its a HUGE laughing smile. That's just his face. and whats with Willow always looking off to the side. weird.

    My opinion: this photographer sucks. Piper's position looks way awkward. The picture looks slanted. TOdd is way too far forward. Nothing makes sense artistically. Go research dvd covers and promos shots for tv shows, and ones with emphasized backgrounds. it would look funny if the family were close together and all the outdoorsy stuff were to the sides. I'd be interested to see the other group shots. We've seen the other promos and they're cute and interesting. Not many politicians would feel comfortable standing in water by a fishing boat looking at ease. Thats why people see Sarah as one of them. She participates in down and dirty activities.

    Snapshots in time tell nothing, they depict one moment of emotion, one minute of life sotospeak. or I just have RENT soundtrack in my mind

  11. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Why is the family a trainwreck? We have no basis that each member are unhappy with their lives. Unhappy with bored, pathetic bloggers dissecting their every move, yes, that would make Mother TEresa grimace and say fuck you. But there's much contrary evidence that suggests everyone is under their own control and are happily living life.

  12. Molly4:59 AM

    Were the men (including Tripp) told not to smile?

    Such a happy bunch.

  13. You're right, of course. I wondered if this individuals-posing-as-a-"family" photo had been shot with a wide-angle lens in order to squeeze everyone in. They must not have responded to the shutterbug's pleas to "move in closer."

    Tripp is seated in an way-expensive toy auto that is MUCH too old for him. The girls have their arms crossed, body language for, "Keep away!"

    And those ominous clouds! If a time couldn't have been scheduled for sunnier weather, perhaps $P & Co., LLC, might not have objected to Photoshop in a lighter, brighter background?

    The photo reminded me of "The Addams Family" (a loving, functional family in its way), or the creepy moments in the Harry Potter films in which the atmosphere was menacing, yet most of the main, "good" characters were supporting one another? We'll never see THAT from the We're-Only-In-It-For-The-Money Palins!

    P.S. Frank Zappa of blessed memory, wherever you are, please forgive me for taking your phrase in vain. Frank and Gail's family life, as unusual as it seemed to most people at the time, mow appears to have more in common with the Cleavers than the Palins. The Zappa kids' upbringing, like everyone's, wasn't perfect, but it DID involve loving parents, a strongly anti-drug dad, and a stay-at-home-mom who has put her shrewd head for business to use, to this day.

  14. Anonymous5:11 AM

    that they spend money like it's water? My kids don't have those 'toys'. My kids don't need them even if I had the bucks to buy them. They have a loving mom and dad to play with them.

    And yes, that family seems very disjointed and aloof. Not very close at all.

  15. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Particularly the entire lack of trees at the shoreline - which I believe is in violation of most federal, state and munical Shoreland Protection Zone ordinances.

    This has always puzzled me. When you look at all the Goggle Earth pictures of the Lake Lucille shoreline on either side of the Palin home. . .you see trees. Trees that are required to remain within the shoreland setback to protect the environment.

    Not so with the Palins. Their lawn chemicals wash happily unimpeded right into the water, I suspect.

    No wonder the Lake is dead.

    How were they ever able to get round these laws? Perhaps Alaskan laws were non-existent or weak at the time of construction - but it is odd that all other properties appear in compliance.


  16. Anonymous5:21 AM

    BTW, in any other state in the nation, if someone cuts down trees illegally in the Shoreland Protection Zone - not to mention the entire swath of them - they are sued and forced to replant every single one of them.

    Mature trees.

    Expensive, that. And embarrassing to be caught.


  17. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Wow. Where to begin. First of all, what misguided photojournalist would shoot at this time of day/night with such unflattering light? And there is a fishing dock sticking out of little Tripp's head! Way to pose your subjects. And could the shooter stand further away? Gives the impression that the Palins have something he doesn't want to catch.

    But the pop-psychologist in me is brought out by so much more.

    Gryphen, your observation of Track and Trodd is spot on. Not only are they spaced away from the family trainwreck, but are on opposite sides. Trodd is also leaning on his pole slightly. Every inch counts. All the family members are dressed in very dark, somber colors almost blending into the dark background, except for Sarah's happy pink -- she pops! Piper, the human shield, is granted a little bit of color, but not enough to compete with Mom.

    Bristol and Willow are literally and figuratively behind Mom and smiling the same vapid smile. Sad-looking Tripp is isolated and surrounded by tangible wealth. Piper is leaning on what appears to be an expensive bike. Or is it a mini motorcycle? Too dark to tell. Ride, Piper, Ride!

    And there is Trig who has assumed the position. Have we ever seen him anywhere but on someone's hip? At least he is wearing a sweater and shoes.

    My impression is that the photographer just let Sarah call all the shots and here is the result. I have been following your blog, Gryphen, for two years on a daily basis and this photo is just what I would expect from her.

  18. London Bridges5:34 AM

    It is what it is and what it is supposed to be is this:

  19. Anonymous5:36 AM

    It looks to me that Tripp has been photoshopped in - so perhaps the rest has been designed rather than photographed. Could explain why the lads appear to be somewhat to each side of the picture.

  20. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:43 AM

    It looks like a weird version of the painting American Gothic. This is the documentary photo style used by several reality shows--one that comes to mind is Renovation Realities on the DIY network when presenting the background blurbs about the week's "stars." The objective is to look "cool" and "detached."

    The most disturbing thing to me is the hint of expensive "toys" in this first publicity photo. I'd imagine there will be a lot of conspicuous consumption highlighted on the show (just like the Gosselins, huh?) But the Palinbots won't get the subtle irony that Palin Place is NOT "just like" the homes SP's hapless followers live in--yet they'll keep the moolah a-comin' for their Queen. Perhaps now the 'Bots feel that, while they struggle to survive, it's perfectly fine to send their cash sacrifices to the Chosen Couple. Because, after all, they somehow "deserve" it.

  21. Anonymous5:45 AM

    It looks like Dr. CBJ took the photo 'cause Sarah told her to.

  22. Anonymous6:00 AM

    not a studio shot. that yard post thing behind Track is there, along with the dock. I kind of like the picture, aside from the poor artistic photog choices. Who shot this? They suck

  23. Anonymous6:00 AM

    The most compelling thing about this photo is the dead lake behind them.

  24. Anonymous6:03 AM

    This picture indicates to me that where Palins gather there is a storm brewing:) IMO the background and weather is a poor choice for the sky is menacing. Was the intention to prove how rugged and tough this pioneering

    Todd and Track: My impression is they either are not there in the flesh or they have a new career as mannequins for a sporting goods store. They do not look natural nor engaged with the rest of the group. Satire aside they appear as guards and a poor effort to impress people the men are the hunters who provide and protect the women and children. Are they supposed to look fierce or tough? They look angry, kind of dead and removed to me amongst this Sportin' Gun Packin' Rough and Tough family we have been told are struggling to get by in this economy. (Lie)

    At least someone had the smarts to not include a snow machine with all the other props including the absurd obnoxious display of a jeep that is not age appropriate for toddlers.

    Given the troll's outrage about the "dissecting" I want to say it is due to the Palin's habitual lying, staging false impressions, self aggrandizing exaggerations, lying, when caught they lie again.

    I would find it odd if any family posed with their hobby and sporting equipment and did a reality show to con people of the lies and myths they sell then spin it that it is all for the state, a documentary of the state when it is a me me me me, ssee me doing this, tha, see Todd hunt meat, see us catch Halibut, lie about a Halibut business.

    Great. This does not delete reality of neglecting childrens needs, teaching to con people for money, tell any lie for money and major lies of being poor, a life of roughing it nor white out the cabins owned in the woods which is the true get away place.

    If people can't even tell the truth about their emplyment nor man up to a secessionist group, say and do things then lie they did not, falsely accuse people painting them as one sick and twisted family. I have some family like this and it's fucked up, sick no matter who it is. AKA dysfunctional to the max.

  25. Anonymous6:06 AM

    4:43 am "Not many politicians would feel comfortable standing in water by a fishing boat looking at ease. Thats why people see Sarah as one of them. She participates in down and dirty activities."

    Oh, garbage. Puke. Comments like that enrage me. That's all the idiots like you need: an image. You're happy so see your own idiot self in her? Please, all of you, go back to your village.

  26. Anonymous6:06 AM

    It was taken inside. Enlarge it and check out the "grass."

  27. Anonymous6:07 AM

    that they spend money like it's water? My kids don't have those 'toys'. My kids don't need them even if I had the bucks to buy them. They have a loving mom and dad to play with them.


    EVeryone in Alaska has toys like that. Teens and adults alike dirtbike and fourwheel on the weekends. Not a rich thing, nor a spoiled thing. I have jetskiis, a host of skiing equipment, a moped, own a timeshare and condo and two cars and I'm no where near rich. Im also 24 and live in FL.

  28. Anonymous6:14 AM

    This picture tells me that Sarah's sessions for Pox News are taped with a fake background. Compare the distant, rather small mountains in this photo with the close, towering crags that are always "behind her" when she's in her home studio.

  29. The most interesting thing is that both babies have been removed from Bristol; both are in range of only mom and dad. One has been purposefully placed in an unsafe toy. [you'll have to guess which one]

  30. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Photographer: "Ok, Todd you stand there. Tripp goes in the truck. Bristol and Willow, go stand in your mother's shadow. Menards to the left of Sarah, Willow and Bristol. No, my left."

    "OK, Sarah, you hold your prop. Say "mooseburgers", everybody!"

  31. Anonymous6:18 AM

    I know plenty of wealthy dysfunctional families where the parent or parents holding the moneystrings is either abusive or insane or alcoholic, etc., and in many of those cases the children and/or spouse become the epitome of the co-dependent enabler.

    it's a horrible life and lends itself to severe depression and self-hate.

    I do feel for those kids

    - kellygrrrl

  32. Anonymous6:19 AM

    if they take that crew out commercial fishing, i hope they have a license, because sister sarah doesn't. ooops

  33. Anonymous6:20 AM

    notice who is the center of attention in the picture. Palin. everyone else are satellite objects around her. Another manifestation of living with a narcissist.

  34. Anonymous6:21 AM

    I am not surprised to see that the Palin's conspicuous consumption doesn't seem to alienate their supporters because it isn't any different from congregants of TV evangelists sending in money so the preacher can wear Prada suits and drive BMW's or Caddies. The flock cannot connect the dots.

    Like another commenter, I think Sarah must have called the shots on the layout, but perhaps the photographer or editor chose the color scheme to call forth the mood the family generates.

    Gosh, I'd hate to have my family represented in this way. First, because we love each other, we like to stand close to each other. We can't help but smile when we are together. Why not the Palins?

    Creepy is indeed the best descriptive. At least the Addams family seemed compatible with one another in all formats: cartoon, television show and the movies. The Palins just don't have that loving or tolerant vibe at all.

  35. Anonymous6:23 AM

    5:36 you are right.
    I downloaded the picture and focused on Scarah's hands. They are deformed.
    I taught art for 30 years and the hands look like some of my less talented students renderings of hands. They are weird. They have been altered by some human in photoshop. Why would they do that?? Makes for some interesting speculation about Trig and why they had to photoshop the pose with him.

  36. Aussie Blue Sky6:24 AM

    I've seen the pic much larger and you can tell that Mrs Palin (while holding Trig) still has a Blackberry IN EACH HAND!

  37. Anonymous6:26 AM

    That is a backdrop! It is the same one Sarah uses for Fox news. Otherwise the clouds in AK are always in the same position. It also explains why the lighting sucks. They need to bring more in from the front.


  38. phoebes in santa fe6:28 AM

    The comments this column and picture have engendered are much more enjoyable than the picture itself.

    We have some good armchair psychologists here! I would like to know the "backstory" of this picture, though, who set it up, where it was taken, etc.

  39. Restore Sanity Tip:
    If you do not want to be under public scrutiny then keep your personal life and that of your children private. Do not chose to have your own tv reality show, participate in a reslity show competition, call magazines to photograph you in your home, do not run for any public office, do not call radio talk show hosts divulging your personal business, do not go on Oprah to announce to the nation your sexual choices, do not trot your kids out like ponies in a circus or prize dogs in a nationally televised event and STFU
    dropping your kids names and using their private and personal travesties to promote yourself then bitch, secretly attack people then lie and lie.

    I am moe and more convinced the Palins are delusional, not right mentally deluded they are exept form logic, rational cause and effect deserving of special treatment then anyone in the world. There are no rules nor common sense for them.

  40. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Oh, garbage. Puke. Comments like that enrage me. That's all the idiots like you need: AN IMAGE. You're happy so see your own idiot self in her? Please, all of you, go back to your village.


    I love your use of diction, especially since we're having this conversation about a blogpost consisting of AN IMAGE. One picture, one snapshot in time. One pose used to depict whatever Discovery desired for it.

  41. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Does Trig look the appropriate size for his alleged age in this photo?

    How tall is Sarah? 5'3"?

  42. Anonymous6:48 AM

    What was the photographer trying to tell us? That is a most bleak and detached group. Poor Tripp, he looks like a Palin male in that shot. Misery. I'm not over the VF shot where Miss Fancygowns with cakes galore ignores the dirty child in the high chair. What are they trying to say with their art?

    There is more bad delivery in the music video cameo. Bristol fails in her video duel with Levi, she is as flat and insipid in the video as she is in her other pursuits.

    WATCH: Bristol Palin Appears in Music Video Just Days After Ex Levi's Video Debut

    Just days after Levi Johnston's provocative music video appearance hit the web, ET has an inside look into his ex fiance Bristol Palin's hard rock cameo.

    "I think my role is like a mother nature role," Bristol, daughter to former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, told ET. "I wore a mink coat. ... My eyebrows were all iced and my eyelashes were all iced."

  43. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Only thing I see in this picture is the new truck that Tripp car jacked.

    Willow must be training him.

  44. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Tripp is not even two years old and they stick him in an ATV for a family get together photo for the media? All they care about is the male ego and who has the biggest and the most toys. That is why they get those checks from that fund. That photo is sick in so many ways.

  45. Anonymous7:01 AM

    EVeryone in Alaska has toys like that. Teens and adults alike dirtbike and fourwheel on the weekends. Not a rich thing, nor a spoiled thing. I have jetskiis, a host of skiing equipment, a moped, own a timeshare and condo and two cars and I'm no where near rich. Im also 24 and live in FL.
    No where near rich from what perspective? -- from the person who has huge medical bills, poor insurance, not enough food for kids, not enough gas to get to work, no basic transportation, or without a job and not knowing where to turn to find enough money to pay the rent or looking at having to resort to a homeless shelter -- believe me, you are rich. I am reasonably sure that there are many in Alaska and elsewhere in the United States without "toys like that."

  46. Anonymous7:02 AM

    This is one of the promotional pictures for Sarah's reality TV show, which shows you just how unreal that show is going to be. That is not the portrait of a happy family group. Todd stands apart, defined by his fishing rod, and he validates Gryphen's "splitsville" rumors from last year. He is not part of the happy family. Neither is Track. Why isn't Bristol holding Tripp? The fact that he is in a very expensive toy, something that most families can't afford, shows how Bristol is being rewarded for her role as unwed teen mother. But, she is not hugging that child close to her; there must be times when she wish she had taken a different path. Piper's arms are crossed. Even if she is smiling, she is still defiant. A psychologist would have a field day analyzing that photo. Come to think of it, it is worth a chapter in the coming books about Sarah.

  47. Anonymous7:03 AM

    This picture tells me that the Palin family "is not me". Nor does it depict the typical average "real American" family.

    I don't think that there are very many unemployed Americans that can relate to this unemployed dysfunctional multimillionaire Alaskan family living in a two home complex on lakeshore, with many toys, (dirtbikes, 4 wheelers and motorized toddlers cars).

  48. I don't know how much is the photographer and how much the choice of the individuals, so it is hard to draw too many conclusions. The isolation of the two men is hard to miss. Todd has that toy car between him and the family, and he is leaning slightly away. Track gives the impression of "not being there" which I have noticed in other pictures. Piper has her back to most the family. The only sense of connection I get is between Bristol and Willow. I agree it looks like Trig was photoshopped or something. Sarah has her back to the rest of the family. Poor little Tripp looks sad. It is a disjointed, unconnected group of individuals except for the two girls. Looking at the picture makes me feel sad.

  49. Looking at the picture of Sarah again, I wonder. Was she photoshopped into the picture?

  50. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Really Anon@ 4:45 http:
    "Unhappy with bored, pathetic bloggers dissecting their every move,"

    at which point they decide to appear in ANOTHER reality show and put themselves up as fodder for more blog comments?

    You are as loopy as they are.

  51. Anonymous7:18 AM

    I will concur with every comment voiced thus on assessments people! This is one bizarre picture!

  52. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Again, poor Trig gets no jacket when the rest of the family seems to need one. I believe it's image 3. Also, they've been very careful about having his hair over his ears lately.

  53. Anonymous7:37 AM

    A fishing pole - on a dead lake?
    An almost 2 year old in a motorized car?
    A 10 year old with a mini motorcycle?
    Safety concerns are not high on the list of the adults.

    The various materialistic things in the picture show that there is absolutely no interaction between the family members.

    I'm surprised someone wasn't holding a gun

  54. Buffalo, NY7:38 AM

    I wonder how many palinbots now have this picture as their computer wallpaper?

    Also, I thought military enlistments were for a minimum 4 years -how did Track get out in less than 18 months?

  55. It's a very natural picture of them on their home planet, so it could seem strange to earthlings.

  56. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Look! Hillbilly trash that's hit the lotto!

  57. Anonymous7:46 AM

    I think this wasn't meant to be a sentimental family photo. This is a photo meant to show the Palin idea of strength. No touchy-feely. A clan of tough nuts, united but each able to stand alone. The menfolk are posed to look like the Protectors of the wimmin, but make no mistake, those wimmin will cut your heart out and make you eat it if you get past the menfolk. Just look at 'em -- you know each and every one of them has a weapon hidden in their jockstraps - especially Sarah.

  58. Sue Woodward from Winona MN7:46 AM

    That grass looks fake. Yes that pic looks like it was taken in a studio

  59. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Re: photo: "Nothing but nothing which seems natural".

    Very much like this blog--people camping out and obsessing ad nauseam over a woman they profess to be ignorant and insubstantial.

    Oh, "facebook lurker" you're good. You can take psychological inventories about entire families based on a pub shot staged by a Discovery Channel photographer.

    And Manx Mamma: of course it would be creepy. It's anything YOU want it to be--sinister, perverse, ...homicidal.

    It's called "projection."

    Give Siggy another cigar.

    Anonymous@ 4:30" And yet another aspirant dimestore Madam Cleo wannabe.

    But I'm even better: I don't even need a photo to sense the mindset of desperate individuals obsessed by Palin: the women are lilliputian Lady Macbeth's and the men are across between Norval Bliss and Barney Fife

  60. emrysa8:01 AM

    that is one creepy picture. looks like something out of a stephen king book. seriously, does THAT look like a close and happy family? I give props to the photographer, tho, I think they captured the real essense of that family. I think the illusion of happy perfect family has worn so thin that most people can't see it anymore.

    sometimes it amazes me how these things get past sarah's handlers. like that picture on the cover of parade where track looks like someone you will read about in the news in 2 years... you know what I'm saying.

  61. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I feel bad for Track. He got lost years ago, maybe because of the paternity lies and I do credit him with refusing to be part of this circus except the occasional photo.

    She would parade him on any stage if he would go, I bet.

    Could be that his leaving the army is not something they want attention to? Another reason to keep him away from the spotlight.

    Sad he is not going to college far away from them.

  62. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Really Anon@ 4:45 http:
    "Unhappy with bored, pathetic bloggers dissecting their every move,"

    We are bored? What are YOU doing here? lolololol

  63. Anonymous8:19 AM

    @7:49 - Never seen a metaphor you couldn't mix? Or a literary allusion you couldn't ruin through an ad hominem attack?

  64. emrysa8:22 AM

    hey ram @ 7:49:

    you can write till your hands fall off, the picture speaks volumes.

    it's completely natural for humans to analyze what they see. but you want to come here and criticize people for analyzing such a striking picture? wtf? you know you see exactly what people on here are saying about the picture. but, paycheck first, good soldier!

  65. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Why does Mr. Sarah Palin has his hands on his waist? Is he a man, woman or a Little Tea Pot?

  66. Posers, the lot of them

  67. A Ford F150 for children, note the recommended age range (oh, and price):

  68. Anonymous8:41 AM

    She is the only person that brings her family into everything she does, photos, TV shows etc. And then cries"leave my kids alone". Seriously, I know more about her kids than I do the President of the United State's kids. Reluctantly, of course.

  69. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Hmmmm....seems like Facebook Lurker struck a sore point with somebody. I wonder what scary things FBL knows?

  70. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Looks like a dysfunction "Green Acres".

  71. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Re: Bristol's appearance in a music video:

    "I think my role is like a mother nature role," Bristol, daughter to former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, told ET.

    More like "Mother Hubbard", don't ya think?

  72. I have to agree with some other poster, dud and dud2 look like they have been photoshopped in. Something is very off in this picture.

  73. Anonymous9:36 AM

    It would be perfectly natural looking if their weapons had not just been snatched away.

    Remember the photo of Winston Churchill? The one where the photographer plucked the cigar away. It's the genuine Churchill looking right into the camera, an unforgettable photo.

    This photo IS forgettable because the entire family (except Tripp) is fake to the core.

    It's also clearly photo-shopped. The body proportions are distorted. Some figures too big, some too small with heads that are incorrectly positioned above torsos.

  74. Anonymous9:43 AM

    4:45 AM Anonymous says: "We have no basis that each member are unhappy with their lives."

    An unwed pregnant teen that's peddled engagement pics to a tabloid then ditched the guy within weeks is a good indicator that at least one Palin is unhappy with their life.

    Sarah Palin QUIT her job. Think she was happy with her life then?

  75. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Anon 5:36 - Looks to me like Toad and the kid are standing guard....protecting the queen of pee and her entorage. Tripp is definately surrounded by opulance. He is the Bristol's paycheck.

  76. honestyinGov9:59 AM

    Little Piper with the arms crossed... Yeah... she is REAL happy. Most young kids love to have their picture taken. From the mouth of Babes... and she doesn't even have to ' speak ' in this case. How embarrassing.

    Palin Style version of that famous picture of the older Midwest farmer holding the pitchfork and his wife at his side.

  77. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Todd's doing the minimum needed to get the $20 million.

  78. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Anon 6:07 - Food & heating is higher in Alaska than in the lower 48. If
    "Everyone in Alaska has toys like that," I bet they feed their families on Walmart food: proccessed, easy & cheap, & are maxed out on their credit cards. Motorized toys cost $$, unless someone has an above average income & no dependants, basic living expenses will eat up most incomes,
    leaving little $$ to use for 'keeping up with the Jones's.' I suppose if
    you're willing to live in a furnished room & walk everywhere you might be
    able to afford some of that stuff.

    It's hard to say what Sarah's motives are for grouping that troubled bunch of offspring together (gosh, I wish Tripp wasn't part of them). They're mismatched in that photo - some in casual clothes, Palin in a dressy pink suit & Piper sleeveless looking chilly.

    Sharon TN

  79. Buffalo, NY11:19 AM

    I'm not an expert, but it certainly looks like the sun is setting in the left side of the picture (backdrop), so this has to be totally a studio shot. No way their faces would be illuminated if it were truly outdoors and the sun were at that angle.

    Agree with others, pieces are definitely photo-shopped in too.

    Fake, just like everything else regarding these grifters.

  80. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Hmmm, but where are the shadows in the picture???

    Looks like a poorly photo-shopped picture, especially the way the cloud reflections are presented.


  81. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Also, too, I forgot to add in my reply re: lack of shadows - look at the shoreline with the trees "reversed" so they appear as shadows on the lake itself, yet the shoreline on that side of the picture shows no trees along the ridge line.

    Just sayin'...

  82. Anonymous12:01 PM

    When I first saw this, I thought, now there's afamily whom you don't want to mess with. It's almost like they're trying to say, Fuck off bitches. You will never destroy us

  83. Anonymous1:08 PM

    If you look at the pictures from the book tour, tri-g has not grown in the last year.

  84. Anonymous1:24 PM

    It's a perfectly natural snapshot of a perfect family that is say FU to the photographer.

  85. Anonymous1:33 PM

    @12:01 - You make them sound like something on Playstation

  86. Anonymous1:43 PM

    There is something wrong with this photo. First there are no trees anywhere near the lake. Two the grass appears to grow right up to the water line. I don't live in Alaska but every lake I have seen has a shore even if it a small one. Wouldn't you want a little sandy spot near the lake? Even if it is a dead lake and nobody swims in it? Did Toad always go around not wearing his wedding ring on? Or is he just not wearing it in this photo? I can't tell if the lying witch has her ring on. The boys are very unhappy in this picture. Did they put Tripp in the car because people were noticing that the two boys appear to be the same size? I would hate to live in this very dysfunctional family. I feel really bad for Track.

  87. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Is that a scene from Apocalypse Now?

  88. Anonymous2:02 PM


    look at their stuff.


    Is this what $13 mil brings a person?

  89. Anonymous2:25 PM

    The discordant arrangement of the people and what looks like artificial grass certainly kills the mood of the background.

    Can we assume Sarah posed the pic, because no professional would have posed such a visually disassociated family photo. Sarah is in the middle but the positioning of people and objects does not draw the eye to her or to anyone for that matter. And the separation of the men off to the side a yard or more from the women really does tell a story.

    As a metaphor for a discordant dis-unified, non supportive family - it works

  90. AKRNC2:35 PM

    My reaction was the same as yours when I saw this early yesterday. Every picture does tell a story and this one screams there is trouble in this family if it is supposed to be a family portrait. Todd and Track are as far away from the rest of the family as they can be and of course, there's $arah, pretending to be the loving mother and actually holding her child. What I'd like to know is how long was she holding him before and after the pic was taken. The video in L.A. where she has someone else holding her son and her Blackberry is attached to her hand exemplifies what is important to her. The behavior of the oldest three is nothing commendable although many teens get into trouble as teens and turn out OK due to continued love and support from their parents. When they don't have it to begin with, which I believe is the case here, they are probably much more likely to end up with dysfunctional families themselves.

    I honestly can't wait for this woman to just go away and it's heartening to see that the majority of the country feels the same way.

  91. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Looks like a family of Vampires.

    Perhaps that is why there are no shadows.


  92. Anonymous3:37 PM

    They are just a bunch of bullies. For years, Todd and Sarah have bullied Alaskans in order to get their way and get what they want. The kids are just following the example set by their parents.

    When are people going to start standing up to them?

  93. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Every person in this picture has been photo shopped. Just take a really good look at it. And Sarah is no more holding Trig than I am.

  94. Anonymous4:24 PM

    a two-year-old in an electric car he is too young to operate, near a lake with no fence - sounds like a recipe for disaster. funny how the palin's would put up a fence to keep out their nosy neighbor, but not one to protect their young children from possibly drowning in the lake.

  95. I agree with a couple of others here-- I'm not Photoshop-literate, nor a photographer, nor even particularly visual-minded, but there is something wrong with the grass. This wasn't posed -- it was composed.

  96. Anonymous6:19 PM

    WAsn't there a Vanity Fair picture of the Sopranos that looked kind of like this?

  97. aj weishar9:06 PM

    That picture looks like a K Mart backdrop with people Photoshopped into it. Are there any art or natural history museums in Wasilla? I'm seeing sad and painful. Number one son is almost in the lake.

  98. Anonymous9:24 PM

    10 seconds after the picture was taken Sarah hollers out someone get this kid from me! Bristol come get your kid!

  99. Anonymous9:27 PM

    What is wrong with these people? They look like the Paris Hiltons of The North ... dysfunctional and without a point.

  100. Anonymous9:30 PM

    I think the Blackberry addiction is used so she controls interaction. Curiously, she is one of the only celebrities I've seen do this. Very controlling and possibly a sign of serious mental issues.

  101. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Anon at 3:49

    You are sooo right about Sarah not holding Trig. I went back and looked, and her left arm is in a strange position.

    I wonder if Trig won't let her hold him anymore? We haven't seen her holding him lately, have we?

  102. Anonymous10:46 AM

    My first impression when clicking on the photo is noticing that the 2 males are outside the group, "guarding" them. Especially with Todd's body language, which speaks volumes. Track's position opposite Todd indicates loyalty to the family, because he's not standing in the back sulking, he's positioned balanced at the other end of Todd.

    My second impression was surprise at how dark everyone's outfits were, except for Sarah. Since this was a set, they could have worn anything they wanted. Very odd.

    The last thought I had was how much the family has changed in such a short period of time. Here's a pic from just 5 years ago. The family is posed for a group shot, but the intimacy and relaxed nature is unmistakable. (Other than sulking Track, that is). Also, there is more color. Clearly that was a happier time.

  103. Anonymous4:57 PM

    if that is supposed to be Trigger on SP's hip - then who was the tiny baby that Todd was holding when Mark and Bristol visited the compound? That baby was a lot smaller than the Trig in this picture and smaller than Tripp. Check out the video and see for yourselves!


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