Thursday, October 07, 2010

Sister Sarah wants this year's Republican candidates to focus on.....wait for it....abortion. UPDATED!

As we all know the abortion issue is Palin's bread and butter.  Without the religious right anointing her Queen of the pro-lifers Sarah would probably have ended up selling bumpits and bejeweled glasses on Wasilla's local version of the QVC.

So since Palin is STILL riding this ragged pony for as many miles as she can get out of it before it dies between her legs (No pun intended), that is why I keep mentioning Bristol's rather bizarre weight gain on DWTS.  Because if you want to stop Sarah Palin from holding onto influence, or getting even more, you find the most glaring examples of hypocrisy and reveal them to the public.  And believe me there is a lot more to what is going on with number one daughter than meets the eye.

(UPDATE: I cannot believe I almost forgot this little tidbit.  I bumped into an entertainment journalist yesterday who told me that the participants on DWTS had to sign, as part of their contracts, an agreement NOT to talk about Bristol.  He said they can discuss anybody else, but are not allowed to talk to the press about Palin.  Now ask yourself, all of you doubters, why would that arrangement be important to Sarah and Bristol?)

And speaking of number one daughters and the power of the Sarah Palin mythos, have you all read about Meghan McCain's frustration at the Grizzled Mama's ability to dominate even HER book tour?

Everyone knows there is a media obsession with Sarah Palin, but I don’t know if everyone has quite realized that the obsession has become a fetishization. The further I got into my book tour last month, the more paranoia set in as I started questioning the idea that the only thing that made me interesting to some people was my association with Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin, not my father John McCain. And for that fact, it seems that the only thing that gets any kind of major media attention when it comes to women in politics is either Sarah Palin or her numerous impersonators. These are the people that are creating and dominating the political narrative for women in this country. In the Nashville airport in the midst of my book tour, I picked up the recent “Mama Grizzlies” cover of Newsweek which asks this very question. Why are only women like Sarah Palin getting nominated for elected office and receiving all of the media attention? This is the question that has been plaguing me since the release of my book.

Perhaps it will soothe McCain's chafed feelings if she reads this article by Politicususa, which points out the results of a recent Pew Research Poll and suggests that smart Democrats might be well served to use the polarization of Palin to help them "Palinize" their opponents.

Who or what could possibly be a bigger killer of candidates than supporting the Wall Street bailout? The answer is Sarah Palin, as 42% of those surveyed were less likely to vote for a candidate endorsed by Palin. Only 15% were more likely to support a Palin endorsed candidate, and for 37% Palin’s endorsement made no difference either way. To put this into context Palin was a bigger negative for candidates than having the support of Barack Obama (33%) or the Tea Party (32%). An endorsement from Palin definitely helps a candidate in the GOP primary, but is a huge liability in the general election.

This is more evidence that Democrats around the country need to be campaigning against Palin, not the candidate that she has endorsed. In districts and states where Palin has weighed in, the race needs to Palinized. The election should be about what it means to put a slate of candidates who share Sarah Palin’s beliefs in office. If Democrats take advantage of this, she will continue to be the gift that keeps on giving, but her biggest present will come in 2012 if the GOP is foolish enough to nominate her.

Not only will Palin be trounced by Obama, but whatever seats the GOP gains in 2010, they will lose in 2012 under Palin’s leadership. The GOP is the Exxon Valdez, and Palin is piloting the ship right into an epic disaster.

If I might just borrow a patented phrase from the Grizzled Mama herself, "DO YOU LOVE YOUR FREEDOM?"  Then just imagine the sweet smell of freedom from having to deal with Palin endorsed candidates or hearing about her dysfunctional family anymore?  Because that is the kind of freedom that I, and many others, are working toward.


  1. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Abortion. Wow, you'd think after 30 years people would stop being snowed into believing that abortion laws will be changed. Republicans were in control for several years and how many pieces of legislation were introduced outlawing abortion in all cases? I'll wait for an answer.

    On another note, I just wish these people would be called out on just what they think this country would be like if abortion were to be outlawed under all circumstances. I doubt it would be all sunshine and roses. I'm sure the same folks who rail against abortion are the exact same ones who look down their noses at a poor woman with a litter of kids using food stamps at the grocery store or having to use Medicaid to see a doctor. These people don't want to have their tax dollars (and you know they are the only ones who pay taxes. Snort!) to 'take care' of the kids that are already born, and yet they want to create a situation where more children will come into the system? Nah, I don't buy it.

    Once again, for people who demand small government, they sure seem to want to expand it when it comes to women making decisions about their reproduction. And why not? Anti-abortion laws worked out so well for Romanians under Nicolae Ceausescu right? I know I can't wait for Palinesque rule whereby I will be quizzed as to why I haven't conceived yet or if I got pregnant and miscarried, demands to know what happened to the baby.

    Spare me.

  2. Anonymous7:41 AM

    You betcha....her daughter the breeder is getting ready to pop-out another poster child, she needs the coverage.

    I onder if she will claim that this one is hers too?

  3. Anonymous7:47 AM

    To your update, there's definitely footage and twitter comments from the cast about Bristol. It's all positive, but she's a charming, good girl. If this is true, I have a feeling there's a blanket clause that no one is allowed to slam anyone else, as it should be. Hollywood made showcase immorality, but the people there are good, honest people working hard.

  4. Anonymous7:50 AM

    We want government out of our lives....until we want government to tell us what to do with our own bodies.

    Fucking hypocrites!

  5. Sue Woodward from Winona MN7:53 AM

    If Sarah Palin truly cared about the unborn being aborted she would have given this speech pro-bono aka without a fee

  6. Anonymous7:55 AM

    So the real stars of DWTS can't talk about the non-dancing DWTS star (Bristol)? What special treatments does Bristol get from the judges? Seems as if they don't criticize her like they do the others. Did they sign papers to treat her with kid gloves?

    Time for the tub of lard to go.

  7. Alaskans who travel to the lower 48 know about the Palin fetish, we don't get asked about igloos any more, we get asked "do you know Sarah Palin?" Ick.

  8. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Yes, let's remind everyone that a vote for the R's will get us the bedroom police. Ain't that a great use of tax dollars?

    Seriously, you are correct that if they had really wanted to do something they would have acted when they had control of the Congress and the White House. But they didn't.

    Rachel did this story last night too. The anti-choice issue is a good one to remind the voters just what the R's really stand for.

  9. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Palin could use a teleprompter, the audience is paying to see the top of her wig as she reads her speech

  10. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Someone should tell her to stop letting Piper fix her hair.

  11. Ratfish8:15 AM

    When Sarah Palin actually had a chance to discuss the abortion issue during her own campaign, did she?

    No she ran away from it as fast as she could. Here's what the Anchorage Daily News reported at the time:

    In a cell phone conversation later in the day, she said the Knowles camp is looking to be divisive by raising the abortion issue. Her stance is clear, she said. “I’m going to respect the sensitivity and the privacy aspects of this issue and as governor, I will abide by the laws that have been interpreted by the Supreme Court.”

    I asked, if the opportunity arose as governor for her to ban abortion, would she?

    Her response: “Theoretical, hypothetical questions that have to do with a subject like this, that are being led by a campaign in order to divide, it’s unfortunate. That’s my final comment on it.”
    So I guess the reason she is raising it now as an issue must be to be divisive.

  12. Anonymous8:15 AM

    If you know America is not going to support a Palin presidency and you know Alaska knows it to, why continue to destroy her and her family. You obviously seem to think she's doing a fine job of that herself. Why continue to play the evil un-doer. It's not becoming on you or your followers and is making DEMS look bad, except no one of substance reads this.

  13. Anonymous8:26 AM

    This whole "can't talk about Bristol" thing sheds a whole new light on the rumors that she was complaining about interviews. I guess she is just like her momma, nobody can talk to her or about her unless she tells them what they can say.

  14. Anonymous8:26 AM

    "We want government out of our lives....until we want government to tell us what to do with our own bodies."

    We want government out of our lives....until we want government to tell YOU what to do with YOUR own bodies.

  15. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Just wondering if you have seen how Palin threw her own daughter under the bus, here:

  16. To Anonymous 7:47, to clarify the agreement was not to speak CRITICALLY of Bristol, and my understanding is that it pertained ONLY to Bristol.

  17. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Abortion is too good as a boondoggle to get voters into the booth to ever get "settled." Politicians love it for that reason. The last thing in the world they want is Roe vs. Wade overturned.

  18. angela8:43 AM

    Back in 1968 after two marriages my aunt decided she never wanted to marry again and definitely did not want children. She also didn't want to worry about getting pregnant. She would have been dismissed from her job and single motherhood was out of the question.

    She decided to get her tubes tied. Guess what twenty-seven year old associate professor of art had to get her FATHER'S signed permission to just get this done? For a safe legal abortion she would have had to leave the country.

    Every time I hear Sarah Palin screeching about what a woman should or should not do with her own body I want to scream. Or just point out her own "miscarriages".

  19. Enjay in E MT8:50 AM

    Can you picture it 13 yr old girls to age 50 women receiving a text notifying them they've been selected for random weekly pregnancy test. If positive, you now have the government dictating every moment until delivery.

    Why do they want to "regulate morality" ? Isn't that what Sharia laws do?

  20. Anonymous8:57 AM

    I guess we need to pay attention to what they are NOT saying about her. Has the "nice" and "sweet" talk about Bristol died down?

    Are they saying how hard she works? I don't think I have heard any of the other stars say that about her.

  21. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Troll @ 8:15, Don't you mean pathetic anonymous bloggers without a Title? You are so brave, to come here to anonymously insult us shallow unAmericans with your Palin-entitled exceptional sense of superiority.


  22. Anonymous9:12 AM

    8:15 anon:

    Lots and lots of people "of substance" read this blog. And lots and lots more will come and read as PAlin brings on her own downfall. This is Amurika and this is freedom of the press.
    And besides, this is fun!!!
    Also knew word for you to look up and use in a sentence:
    I'll help you:
    I read Gryphen's blogs and other Palin watchdog blogs for the Schadenfreude rush it brings to me.

  23. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Anti-masterbation pledges.
    This is how smaller government works in GOP / TeaBag Administration.

    Regulated Abstinence only health curriculum.
    Mandatory clitoridectomy for newborn girls.
    Federal and State mandated hyman inspection.
    Laws punishing ordained ministers marrying non-opposite-sex couples.
    The US Federal and State Department's of Life enforcement divisions.
    Scrutiny and criminalization of misscarriages and still-birth. Going before a judge to get approval for a D&C procedure. Rape no longer a criminal act when a child is concieved.

  24. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Leave Trigg alone!

  25. Anonymous9:19 AM

    This is o/t, but I keep seeing people write about all the nip/tuck Sarah's had. Even the littlest lift is an ordeal and involves months of post-surgery pain. PEople who get breast reductions have random spasms years later as nerves become live again randomly. The headaches that come from face lifts are unbearable. Plastic surgery patients often become addicted to their painkillers. This is why I don't think she's done anything drastic. If someone were to copy her election makeup/hair, she'd look the same as back then. There are pics of her looking different and fresher, but there are other current pis of her looking like she did years ago. Hair coloring plays a big role.

  26. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Yes, Sarah sucked up all your attention for your dirty, sexy book tour, Meghan, but I am appalled by your whining. Your dad unleashed the beast on the country. If you want it over, your father's staff has the inside knowledge and information to make her go away quietly, but permanently. Until then, shut up or grow up, Meghan! How dare you whine when you and yours created the most divisive person this country has experienced. You, my dear, are a spoiled, entitled brat!

  27. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Hey American Women, do you love your Freedom!?

  28. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Gryphen I don't know about that, that it only means Bristol. When paps questioned everyone about Bolton, they dodged that bullet quicker than syphllis, some of them changed the subject. I think it's best not to take one journalist's words as gospel, in politics as well.

  29. Anonymous9:25 AM

    to anon 8:26, it sheds light on all the lies about her in the weeks leading up to the premiere. Lies Mark and she herself refuted. Of course tabloids are going to start little rumors: this stars a diva, this star hates rehearsing, this star is the new Kate G. It only makes the show more interesting for the no diehard fans and happens with all tv shows. Remember when everyone thought Eva Longoria was pregnant?

  30. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Many women who have had abortions become the loudest and most adamant opponents of abortion. Sarah seems to fit this to a T. She is fighting demons and guilt from her past. She is very similar to the most homophobic Republicans spouting off about gay marriage but caught a week later toe tapping under bathroom stalls.

  31. Anonymous9:29 AM

    After watching the "What's the Matter with Kansas?" documentary, whenever I hear the word ABORTION I think of the scene with the grizzled old farmer...

    He's asked about abortion and gay marriage by the interviewer...he thinks for a second, spits on his boots, and says, "Abortion and gay marriage--who GIVES a shit?"

    --which was the first SANE comment by any person in Kansas, in the piece. Its how people with REAL problems (such as how the Republican hordes ruined the lives of farmers in that state, yet they've all become ardent supporters, tricked into thinking that party is acting in their best interests, instead of so obviously against them)---should react to the silly notions of how such matters as enforcing the morality of some, on others, bears any weight.

    This sad situation is unfortunately typical of the American mindset: in the middle of a sentence about something meaningful, they will interrupt themselves saying, "Ooh, look, something SHINEY over there!"

  32. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Seriously, shoot me and then shoot me again. Are you f-ing kidding me? I have a little throw up in my mouth!
    Here is Bristol's latest quote: "We're doing the sexy dance next week, and I have to get into character," she says. "Dressing sexy will help me get into character more. Next week, I'll be dressing sexy. This is it."

  33. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Hmm, have you seen this?

    Click on the picture to play, and look at her getting out of the plane when she's wearing the blue jacket?

  34. Anonymous9:56 AM

    7:47 Anonymous says "Hollywood made showcase immorality, but the people there are good, honest people working hard."

    Is this saracasm or are you from another planet? I'll grant you there are honest people in Hollywood but the percentage is only lower in Las Vegas.

  35. Anonymous9:59 AM

    8:15 Anonymous says "...except no one of substance reads this."

    You're embarassing yourself with this "logic", you know.

  36. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Anon 9:19

    If an addict has pain from plasti c surgery do they feel it????

    That girl feels no pain.

  37. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I notice Bristol's wearing all black. Probably for the slimming effect. What's up with that? That is a creepy picture. The three girls look most together with every other person, including Tripp (sp?) in their own private hell.

  38. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Re: No one on DWTS being able to talk about Bristol...

    I think it was on The View this AM (or was it Ellen?) where they interviewed Margaret Cho and her partner. At the very end, her partner said something about someone on the show having so much power and influencing who was kicked off the show. Wonder who he was talking about????

  39. Anonymous10:05 AM

    The problem with the GOP/Tea Party's stand on abortion is that they are only concerned with life 9 months prior to birth. Don't expect any child services, maternity leave for the mother, health care, aid for education so that the kid can be a contributing member of society.

    If they want government out of their lives, the place the start would be the bedroom (or back seat of the car, or wherever).

    If they are so pro-life, it is hard to understand their desire to wage war. They would be against the death penalty.

  40. Anonymous10:06 AM

    "...stop Sarah Palin from holding onto influence, or getting even more..."

    YES! Stay focussed on the goal. The quicker Sarah Palin's influence is diffused, the safer the country will be.

    Bristol's life, loves and progeny may HELP with the goal, but not enough to achieve success.

  41. She just won't shut up...too funny! Michael Regan needs a big hook.

  42. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I would like to play amateur psychologist and look at the Palin Family Portrait from Gryphen's last post. The fact that Sarah holds Trig is her right-to-life credential. Trig is her story, the only one that she tells for $100,000.

    Why isn't Bristol holding Tripp? He is her meal ticket, and he identifies Bristol as the Candies Spokesperson. Bristol is identified as unwed teen mother. Bristol's story is also party of Sarah's story. But, my guess is that Bristol is like any other unwed teen mother, saddled with responsibilities and unable to go out partying with friends and leading the single life. She's stuck, and it's because of Sarah. So, Tripp, here's your nice new expensive toy, paid for with money Mommy made using your birth as her talking point. But, if Bristol has let it slip more than once that Tripp was a mistake. There may have been multiple partners, because she told Levi she was sorry that he turned out to be Tripp's father. For Sarah to use abortion as her main speaking point opens up family wounds. She should be very careful.

    So, the question still remains, and it's even bigger now that Mama Grizzly is saying "no abortions." Is Bristol still pregnant or did she do something right before going on DWTS that Mama has been lecturing against? Just wondering.

  43. Anonymous10:13 AM

    There's an article on HuffPost mentioning that she hasn't lost any weight in contrast to other contestants. Checked the comments and no one mentions the rumored pregnancy. Time to change that...?

  44. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Oops, here's the link

  45. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Anon@8:15 AM, you read it or you would not be here commenting. Without substance, just like your cult leader.

  46. Gryph, I don't want IM to become a place to debate abortion. It's a no-win topic that people will fight endlessly over. Trolls love it.

    There's a saying about 3 things you should never discuss in polite company: Sex. Politics. Religion. And abortion is a combination of all three.

    Dancing With the Stars viewers are allowed to vote for dancers to keep them on the show. The Palinbots are openly encouraging cheating with multiple vote strategies and are, in fact, working much harder than Bristol herself.

    More Bristol secrecy -- All DWTS dancers and judges Twitter info is here:

    ...EXCEPT Bristol! Her Twitter info is not listed anywhere.

  47. Yep, she's pregnant. Watch the video at the 0:25 mark. That belly is obvious.

  48. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Sarah Palin wants to satisfy her sociopathic need for positive narcissistic supply. She's trying to appear in control of the anti-abortion faction so that she can peddle her "influence" to the highest bidder.

    Palin cares diddly about the unborn.

  49. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Does this mean Cho can't make Bristol jokes in her routines?

  50. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Yes, it was Margaret and Louis on the View. They danced and then Sherry remarked that Margaret was skinny and asked if it was due to the dancing and Margaret said yes, her weight loss was due to dancing. Then Louis made the remark that it was too bad that ONE person had so much influence on who got voted off.


    no words...

  52. Anonymous11:08 AM

    anon 9:19...I have had a few procedures and I have no idea what you are talking about.

    I am anon here so, forehead lift, fat injections, eyelids a peel and botox and restalyne.

    NO pain, headaches, took days to weeks for recovery....good try but she has had a lot of work.

  53. Anonymous11:10 AM

    It is amazing to me the control Palin seems to have...DWTS 'stars' had to sign saying they wouldn't talk about Bristol...what about freedom of speech? It only pertains to Sarah, that is for sure. And, where are the advertisements from the Tea Party group against our Lisa? Saw where her legal team sent out letters to the radio and TV stations throughout Alaska telling them they would go after them if they aired them. Another press control? Makes me sick! And, I'm not for Miller...just don't like what I'm seeing AT ALL.

  54. Gryphen - Hmmm. I believe I hear a suggestion that Bristol's weight gain may be related to post-abortion stress/distress. If there's anyone with knowledge of a Palin abortion and if Rachel's serious about fighting the anti-abortion movement, she'd interview them on her show. That kind of national attention would likely provide protection for them.

    It also seems like a good time to plead for someone to please investigate the SOA Dept. of Benefits email to Sarah requesting Trig's birth certificate. This is a concrete, potential smoking gun that should be fairly easy to investigate.

    Birth certificates are currently NOT required to add natural (biological) children as dependents to SOA employee health insurance plans.

    Two possibilities:
    *The policy was the same in April 2008: BC's weren't required -- proof that Trig is not Sarah's biological child.

    *The policy was different in April 2008: BC's were required -- Sarah may have violated the requirements and later changed the policy as a cover-up. Ethics violation?

    The current health insurance application forms for dependents were revised Feb. '09 -- ben031 and ben032 were the only insurance forms revised at that time. All we need is a copy of the old forms and attached instructions to know what was changed and if BC's were or weren't required when Trig was added to Sarah's policy.

    It may be quicker and easier to find someone with a copy of the form rather than file an information request with the SOA.

    *a current or former state legislator
    *a current or former state employee (not union members)
    *Craigs list request

    I know I'm obsessed about the email and BC. If my logic is off, I wish someone would let me know and help me let it go.

  55. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Abortion laws will only change if the court overturns Roe. Otherwise all laws are unconstitutional.

    So, the ONLY thing a Gooper can do is try to get anti-choice judges on the court. And that would ONLY apply to Senators.

  56. Facebook Lurker11:28 AM

    Well, I guess Bristol is Sarah's pro-life surrogate, apparently she was travelling to North Dakota yesterday, check out Mark Ballas' journal:

    He claims Bristol will study dance moves they recorded on her iPhone on the plane. Mark apparently works his ass off...must take alot of muscle to lug Bristol around the dance floor!

  57. emrysa12:08 PM

    megan mccain is a whiny snotty trustfunder, and each time she opens her mouth she only proves it.

    she complains because the media only wanted to ask about palin? well if she was really an observant sort she would see that speaks volumes about her book.

  58. Anne In DC12:19 PM

    People who call themselves "pro-life" like Palin are simply anti-abortion. They don't think any farther than the 9 months it takes for a child to develop in its mother's womb. At that point, life is sacred. Then, after the child's birth, they couldn't care less about its education, how well-fed it is, or whether it has adequate health care. There are some "pro-life" people who even oppose having their taxes pay for rape test kits. When the prospect of a rape or incest victim being forced to give birth to her assailant's child, or the possibility that a child born under such circumstances could be ill-treated, doesn't move them, then it's clear that they are anything but "pro-life." They think about all this in the abstract until something like this happens to affect them and theirs.

    The Palinbots seem inclined to give Palin a medal for being anti-abortion, without considering the fact that she is a horrible mother. They seem to have taken leave of their critical thinking and common sense skills in choosing to give her a pass on her dishonesty and her poor parenting skills. It also doesn't seem to occur to them that this so-called mama grizzly is against programs and policies that are important to the quality of life, like health care reform.

  59. Roe v Wade is only safe if the religious right never has a say on who's appointed to the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, they're chipping away at women's freedoms at the state level and they almost derailed health insurance reform.

    The new VA attorney general recently issued some kind of administrative order that's going to put small health facilities that perform abortions out of business. Good luck getting an abortion in VA unless you've got money to go out of state.

    Utah criminalized miscarriages this year: "miscarriages caused by "intentional or knowing acts" could get a woman locked away for the rest of her life for murder."

    And these are just 2 examples. And Sarah and other women are leading the way.

  60. The sovereign land of the Native Indian reservations that now sell smokes...gambling...casinos...will most likely go into the abortion clinic business. You can't win Sarah!

  61. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Abortion should be illegal. Even if the child will turn out as mentally deformed as Sarah Palin.

  62. Anonymous1:16 PM

    My mother could not get an abortion because Roe V. Wade had not happened. And she told me my whole life how much she wanted to abort me.

    Thanks pro-lifers. Anti-abortion does NOT produce loving mothers.

  63. dancingthroughlife1:35 PM


    My mom does medical benefits for a national company (locations in St. Louis, OH, PA and VA), so I asked her what their policy was. For her company, a BC is not needed to add a child onto a policy-whether the birth of a biological child or in the case of an adoption. The worker fills out forms to add the child onto the policy, and then when they get the Social Security card for the baby/child, they bring that in. Obviously, each company could/will be different, especially when you're talking private sector vs. state government, but that's one example.

    Slightly off topic, has anyone looked at the PFD records (if there is a way to do that)? Did they apply for a check for Trig?

  64. Anonymous2:16 PM

    "Why are only women like Sarah Palin getting nominated for elected office and receiving all of the media attention?"

    Republicans need women voters so they go looking for women Republicans who want to run.
    But the GOP is limited to women who will follow the White Male Dominant platform, which is largely anti woman.

  65. Interesting about the endorsements.

    It might be a good SNL skit to show Sarah offering an endorsement to a candidate who backs up, hands up, and says, "Thanks -- but that's OK, don't put yourself to any trouble, Sarah. You have ... so much to do! Don't spend all morning on a Facebook post about me. I'll probably be OK without it, so you should go help somebody else."

  66. dancingthroughlife - Thanks for asking your mom and for responding. It does seem like the norm is to not require BC's.

    The AK forms currently don't specify the need for birth certificates for adoption or guardianship either but require a copy of legal adoption records or court order for guardianship.

    If only we could verify whether or not BC's were required in AK in 2008.

    This is one area where someone could provide info without being in any possible danger. With all the state employees who would have a copy of the form, it would be impossible to tell who helped.

  67. Anonymous4:23 PM

    The message back to the Swag-Hag should be short, sweet, to the point and precise.. "F*** YOU".

    We could get the Jon Stewart's Gospel Ensemble to come up and deliver the message personally, but that may over doing it a bit.. But they are available..

  68. AKRNC2:17 AM


    I think it's definitely a possibility that could give us an answer as to whether or not Trigg was adopted and your idea should be pursued. I didn't have to send a BC for any of my children and during one of my pregnancies I was working for the state. I remember inquiring about my daughter being added to the family policy and was told it wasn't necessary due to my prenatal and delivery billing.

    I know there are a lot of people from Alaska that read this blog. Isn't there someone here who was working for the state in 2008 who can inform us of procedure for adding a newborn to your health insurance? If so, please come forward with the info.

  69. Thanks, AKRNC! (fingers crossed)


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