Thursday, October 07, 2010

Joe Miller is not the ONLY Sarah Palin endorsee who is creating distance between them and the "Grizzled Mama."

From the LA Times:

U.S. Senate candidate Carly Fiorina was boosted by Palin's endorsement in the Republican primary. But now that the general election is underway, Fiorina is opting to keep her distance. [Updated 4:00 p.m.] A spokesman for Republican gubernatorial nominee Meg Whitman confirmed that Whitman would also skip the Oct. 16 rally with Palin.

"“It is a national [Republican National Committee] fundraiser and we are unable to attend because we have another campaign event scheduled,” said Whitman spokesman Tucker Bounds.
Fiorina’s spokeswoman said the Republican Senate candidate has other events scheduled on the day of Palin’s appearance in Orange County.

At a tooling plant in Huntington Beach Wednesday, Fiorina said she was “happy” to have Palin’s endorsement and noted “there are all sorts of people who have endorsed me that I don’t appear with.” (She cited moderate Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine as one example).

“Look, Sarah Palin is here for important reasons of her own, and meanwhile I have 27 days left to talk to the people of California about the issues that matter in this race and so that’s what I’m going to go do,” Fiorina said speaking to reporters Wednesday. “I’m happy to accept the endorsement of many, many folks who have been supportive of my campaign—whether they are people like Sarah Palin or Democrats or Independents.”

This was what was predicted by a number of political pundits, as well as myself.  Palin may be good at attracting the rabid right wing voter, but NO serious candidate can have  her anywhere near them in the general election.

And that by the way should serve as a wake up call to Palin about her OWN political aspirations.  But I guarantee you that it will not stop her from throwing her hat in the ring, UNLESS some ginormous scandal forces her away from the media spotlight. (And yes of course I am working on that thing.)

I am still not sure whether or not the Miller campaign purposefully leaked that e-mail from Todd, but I do know that Joe's last interview with Fox News was NOT in Palin's Wasilla studio, but at the local KTUU studio instead.  So THAT, combined with his abject refusal to endorse Sarah and Todd's obvious irritation with that, gives a fairly good indication that Sarah Palin may soon become familiar with the undercarriage of the bus her own darn self.

Have I told all of you just how much I LOVE karma sometimes?


  1. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Sarah has to keep faking that she will run... or the "easy money" will dry up.

    Can't wait to see the Bristol music video released... barf

  2. Anonymous3:13 AM

    And the plot thickens! Main agenda now may be to hit Miller as hard as possible. ADN is coming up with a lot, or lack thereof as in all the govt aid he & kids (Denali) may have received. So beside the extreme policies like getting rid of the 17th amendment, and lack of financial disclosure, we also need to hit him on his military service since he's using it as a major reason we should vote for him. He graduated from West Point BUT he QUIT before honoring his 5 year active duty obligation. He was in Desert Storm but only for a matter of months cuz it was a short war. He got a bronze star for service but it may have been a unit citation. He did NOT have a V for valor on the bronze star. Those require heroic acts & obviously --. Since he refuses to release his military records or DD214 we can only guess why he QUIT early. Me, I think it's a Section 8 or mental . Maybe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD. Miraculoously, tho he fixed the "problem" in time for Yale Law School. He quit the military commitment at 2 1/2 - 3 yrs thru & failed to honor his obligation to his country, his men & taxpayers. On tape he said he has a disability. What is it? Is he also collecting disability insurance? If he really has mental problems, as his many frequent & unexplained job changes might indicate, then he should not be Alaska's senator. Could be why he won't release military or financial papers. Me, I think he's a fraud & a fake sucking everything he can from the system. Until his records come out, it is wise to assume the worst to protect our state. To those who say I shouldn't criticize him since he served -- he QUIT & oh yeah, I was in Vietnam in 1969. Anyway, whether he has a mental problem or advanced stage 4 character flaw, Alaska MUST do better. Since I haven't managed the google account yet --don't ask -- Ill sign off as AlaskaSundog. I'm not reluctant to state the possibilities. Maybe he'll cough up some disclosures. Im thinking McAdams now if he can get enough support & Miller sinks under his own BS. Gryphen -- any info you can dig up , go for it.

  3. Anonymous3:37 AM

    Gryphen, I always have trouble getting thru. I need a tutorial. Anyway, it's time to hit Miller on his military record. Yes, just cuz he served doesn't mean much if he QUIT 2 1/2 to 3 yrs into a 5 yr West Point commitment. He QUIT before honoring his obligation to his country, his men & taxpayers. I was in Vietnam in 69 so yeah, I'll call him out. Desert Storm meant his war lasted about 2 -3 months (short war). His bronze star for service NOT VALOR. Why did he QUIT ? That's critical. Either he got out on a Section 8 mental or he faked it. He says on tape he has a disability. What is it? Is he collecting disability insurance ? Why won't he release his financials & DD214? NO ONE WHO LOVES ALASKA SHOULD VOTE OR JOE MILLER cuz HE EITHER HAS MENTAL PROBLEMS OR HE'S A FRAUD. Assume the worst since he refuses to enlighten voters. Gryph, if you can acquire any info -- now's the time. If Miller is decimated it'll be a race between Merky & McAdams -- altho I prefer McAdams cuz he's not corporation owned, we could live with Murkowski. OK, I'll try again. This is AlaskaSundog.

  4. angela3:45 AM

    Sarah's money and limited adoration by dolts sure is going to her head.

    She doesn't care that she will be humiliated at each next step, onward and sideways. She believes her own delusional hype and lets face it--the money is seriously good. The fun we'll have is watching the thin skinned lunatic go crazy when her handlers try to shut her up. SHE WON'T BE HANDLED. Comedy all around will ensue from this, of course.

    Sarah's like the trashy hot date you take to a party to show off to all your drunk friends. They take her number hoping she'll "share" some contact with them. But the next day you don't take her to the family picnic with the decent people because the embarrassment would be epic.

  5. Rick Hill3:45 AM

    So now Todd is all Chris Crocker "Don't be so mean to Sarah!!"

  6. 10catsin MD3:59 AM

    Do you think that when SP falls under the buss and no one wants to hear from her that faux news will bill her for the studio in her house. They can also just rip it out!

    Not too soon for me. Let's see bankruptcy in 2012!

  7. Anonymous4:32 AM

    "And that by the way should serve as a wake up call to Palin about her OWN political aspirations."

    Oh, she knows. Just don't tell her "marks" (i.e., REAL Americans)! She's still got a few more months to rob them blind.

  8. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Well the RNC is paying her legal bills so they are making her work her
    I guess Huck/Mitt are tired of Sarah swooping in at the last minute and taking all the glory! They are biting back so like Sarah do no work,just endorse and let the minnions work for me.

  9. Ratfish6:09 AM

    Meg Whitman spokesman Tucker Bounds?

    Where have I heard that name before?Oh yeah he was the McCain-Palin campaign spokesperson who tried to defend her experience and ability to be commander-in-chief a week after McCain picked her, and had an interview with CNN that the campaign criticized as "unfair."

    Yep- Tucker Bounds knows Sarah Palin. That's why Whitman is keeping her distance.

  10. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Carly Fiorina attempting to paint herself as moderate for the CA general, after playing the Teabaggin' MamaGriz for the primary is repulsive.

    Carly should be know to all CA voters as exactly what she is: a selfish greedy outsourcing job-killing arrogant elitist.

    no way in hell would Meg show up anywhere with Palin. eMeg is fully vested in the arms of the NeoCons, Dick Cheney and the Chamber of Commerce hold those strings.

    - kellygrrrl

  11. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I agree with Anon 2:22 that both Toad and Sarah know full well she doesn't have a chance in hell of winning the nomination, and I really don't think either one of them wants to open themselves up to the cavity search that would be an attempted run for POTUS -- but they def need to keep that carrot dangling lest the hypnotic spell be broken over the P'bots

    - kellygrrrl

  12. Anonymous6:18 AM

    I just found a copy of Sarah's earnest little "I think I can" handwritten letter to the voters of Wasilla in running for Mayor. Nothing has changed from her narrative and six-figure speeches since 1996.

    One run-on sentence got my attention however, in the face of Miller's wife working as his Secretary on the federal dole. . .

    This is Sarah writing and logic after all, so imagine all the [sic's] that is too time consuming to plug in myself:

    "I will put my foot down when dealing with a mayor incomments and unethical conflict-of-interest on city council. Councilman John Hartrick's wife, Suzanne, is the mayor's secretary. This proclude councilman Hartrick from voting on any personnel issue because his wife's job (illegible word in parenthesis) is involved in personnel matters. This conflict takes away a voice of representation of the people!"

    First of all, everything is all wrong in the letter since we know who and what kind of "leader" Sarah Palin is. But her hypocrisy still manages to astound me.

    We still haven't seen any tweets criticizing Joe for any of his ethical and moral lapses in duping the system for personal gain - not the least of it one of them being his wife's conflict-of-interest employment and benefits upon termination. Especially since he has twice refused to endorse her as Presidential material.

    LOL. Maybe old Joe isn't such a whack-job after all, he's just a whore willing to accept a whack-job family's endorsement and cachet.

  13. Anonymous6:21 AM

    On tape he said he has a disability, but I thought he plied it on by saying an "extreme disability" or "extremely disabled."

    WTF. What does that mean? Why didn't Phil Munger ask him to explain since there isn't an obvious physical signs?

    If it was PTSD, would he, as a US Senator, deny recognizing such a condition and benefits to Veterans?

    He opened the door, he sights his military background, we need answers!

  14. Anonymous6:34 AM

    OT: I work in a hospital. Staff is routinely called to not go to work due to low patient census. The economy is partly responsible. Also the Palin lies, Fox propaganda, Republican lies about the Health Care reform is costing people like myself jobs or major reduction in income. Patients lash out at care providers about Obamacare enraged people are going to get it all for "free". So, we get aggressed against over lies told to create hate and fear.

    One thing politicians, particularly Republicans can do to stem job loss and boost the economy and jobs is to stop lying about health care and reform measures. The consequence is personnel like myself is fear on a daily basis there will be layoffs,the reality of using up vacation/sick days to sit at home or loss of income. MD's are small business owners too providing medical services. I am angry the misinformation, lies, fear mongering about health care including identifying persons in my profession as seeking to murder people may win someone like Palin a reality show but the suffering of people needing treatments, elective surgery, harm to businesses, families, etc. is something a power and money hungry predator won't ever care about or stop her lies.

    For the record in my mixed race demographic we see the majority of noninsured and indigent are white people. Racists don't want to know that seeking to condemn persons of a different color.

  15. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Will the two books coming out by major authors provide the necessary information to upend her candidacy.

  16. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Will Meg and Whitman get a nasty gram from Todd reminding them of the dead horse head found in Millers bed this AM?

  17. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Not sure if any of you follow TBogg, but he can be high-sterical (and totally inappropriate) at times. He has a funny, foul-mouthed take on the Joe Miller/Todd Palin brouhaha that I thought some of you may enjoy.
    *Warning--if you have sensibilities that are at all delicate, this is not the guy for you:

  18. emrysa8:36 AM

    somehow I think ol' joe's support for sarah would be more forthcoming if murkowski hadn't launched a write-in campaign.

  19. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Anon @ 6:34, thanks for sharing.

  20. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Sarah Palin is toxic enough for even Joe Miller to notice. He successfully manipulated her by milking her hatred of Murkowski. Joe got a bonus when Sarah said it might be the Murkowski camp that "hacked" the e-mail (on Hannity-FOX).

    Joe has done much better than McCain at extracting usefulness from Palin. I look forward to Joe's future suckering the Palins.

  21. Anonymous2:15 PM

    To all the people I endorsed.

    I tell you now, you can only serve one master and I want you to think about it before you answer.

    - Sarah Palin

  22. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Gryph, hope you're working hard on "that thing" cuz the sooner that crazy bitch is gone the better! Hell, you'll even have some of these crazy teabaggers thanking you. Even they know how lethal she is!


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