Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sarah Palin takes time out of her busy schedule of embarrassing Alaskans to attempt to rescue Joe the Teabagger's floundering campaign. Oh yeah, like THAT will help!

The Queen of Mean is really abusing those Balackberries of hers in response to the bad press that her butt-boy has been receiving lately.

She posted this about 6 hours ago.

Who's the real Joe Miller? Media obviously ignores GOP nominee's winning record, message & plan for AK to favor their Leftwinger chosen one
about 6 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

And then almost simultaneously decided to let her followers know that both she, and the lady who starred in the television show that completely misrepresented our state BEFORE Palin took it to a whole new level, will be coming to Anchorage to try and breathe new life into Miller's badly wounded campaign.

Who's the real Joe Miller?Janine Turner & I provide Northern Exposure tomorrow night @ Anchorage rally 2 expose truth & "refudiate" the bull
about 6 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

By the way what is this about the "media obviously ignores GOP nominee's winning record?"

Do you mean the record of him losing his 2004 campaign for the Legislature? 

Or do you mean the record of his failed attempt to block the Troopergate investigation?

Or might you mean Miller's failed attempt to oust Rudy Reuderich while misusing North Star Borough computers?

Just what is this "winning record" that the media is so obviously missing?

And as for the idea that anybody needs to "refudiate" the bull, well lady the only "bull" that has been thrown around when it comes to the Miller campaign, are the huge truckloads of shit beneath which he has tried to hide his criminal and unethical past.

Let's face it Sarah.  Your political boy toy might possibly be an even bigger disaster than you were.  I know that you cannot admit a mistake but at this point even you must know that this endorsement might destroy the very last scrap of credibility that you had left.

I guess Joe Miller is not the ONLY one having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.


  1. Anonymous2:25 PM

    The continual use of the non-word, refudiate, as if she's the new Shakespeare, has to stop.
    Sarah, dear...reminding people of your stupidity over and over will boomerang on you when you inevitably want to be seen as "smart" (good luck with THAT, dear).

  2. Ratfish2:33 PM

    I thought Palin was against using public computers for partisan purposes, at least when CBC Chair Randy Ruedrich was doing it.

    I guess she was against it before she was for it.

  3. Anonymous2:33 PM


    Can someone in Alaska check to see if Joe Miller did legal work for the city of Fairbanks that let him know that the "cabin" property would be valuable later?

    Seems like he went out of his way to hide the transaction. We just have to figure out why.

  4. Anonymous2:41 PM

    How much is he paying her to speak for him?

  5. Anonymous2:41 PM

    joe miller admitted that he lied. it's really hard to defend the guy when he admitted all that bull.

  6. AHaHaHaHa, this is the only gig Turner can get. That is funny she use to have a career...before she went and got herself KNOCKED UP out of wedlock and the guy dumped her.

    This is all Turner has left, exploiting her daughter no less. they both failed. Hope they sign tonight.

    Do not know what is worse the lyrics or the voices.

  7. $P's most recent Tweet, posted shortly after the ones you cited: "@ExaminerOpEdsgggg d}.}"

    Now that's arguably the most coherent Tweet she's ever Twittered!

  8. Anonymous3:02 PM

    FYI: Scott McAdam on The Ed Show tonight:

    Reminder: President Obama is on The Daily Show tonight.

  9. SME1313:04 PM

    I was just reading some of the letters to the editor at ADN. My God Miller supporters refuse to listen to any facts - even when Joe admits he lied they don't hear it. One guy is still claiming the school required him to hire his goons and the arrest was legit. Holy shit don't any of them read? Or listen?

    Those that fall for palin and Millers bullshit must have been medical guinea pigs at some point in time and had all their functioning brain cells killed off.

  10. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Hey Palin, it's too late for your "boy-toy!" He's already put the gun in his own mouth and pulled the trigger. No need for you to be around, unless you'd like to help clean up the aftermath, you rancid little bitch.

  11. laprofesora3:26 PM

    I cannot believe she's going to continue to support him. And people say she's "smart" and "politically savvy"? More like self-destructive.

  12. Anonymous3:27 PM

    OMG - Mary Hart on Entertainment Tonight has an interview with Palin airing on Thursday. They just aired a clip. "Should I call you Governor or call you Sarah?"
    Someone - get me a barf bag please!!

    In the clip, they were standing at the water edge of the dead lake and Hart & Palin pointed out the swans swimming. They didn't show the swans as who knows if they are deformed being the lake is dead and toxic!!!

  13. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I thought she was furious at Joe for not endorsing her after she "put her ass on the line" for him before. And at that point, she had plausible deniability about all his BS. Now there is proof.

    On the other hand, she IS Sarah Palin, so if she says he's a great candidate and has a winning record, it must be true. Liberal smears, aka facts, don't matter.

  14. Such a tender heart you have!! You allowed yourself to "beleive" she has a scrap of credibility left. Good Karma!

  15. Hmmm, she has something in her front pocket but is there a bump as well? Everyone else is light on their fett, graceful. Bristol is clogging along.

  16. Alaska Dave4:00 PM

    How many of you will be holding up a pair of pink panties, whiles Sarah dishes out her word salad? ;)

  17. Look, janine turner is SMOKIN' hot. too bad she grew up in TX, and played a part on a weird show about AK 15+ years ago.

    Did I mention she is SMOKIN' hot....dayum!

  18. Please tell this Oregonian that Joe Miller doesn't have a chance in hell of winning this election now!

    Could Miller still win this thing? I can imagine Repubs being willing to overlook the computer access issue at his former employer (they shouldn't overlook it but Repubs like a bit of fraud in their candidates). But all of the info that has been released about Miller in the past week is pretty damning.

    Can Alaskan Repubs forgive Miller for all of this?

  19. Sara has a pathological way of continuously throwing out a mistake- that she has been busted for- at continuous rate until she over saturates her audience into believing that "she really meant to do that" (remember the total non-stop writing on her hand thing?)-

    It's totally highschool- and utterly sophomoric.

    But it works in her mind- so eventually she will try to convince her audience that the earth is really flat.

  20. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Who's pulling the strings for Sarah on this one and funding her talk? This is funny, since all the other candidates she endorced refused to be associated with her or referenced by her, once their campaigns got under way, so hopefully she's the kiss of death for Miller. Loved the Maddow show last night, really showed Miller for the arrogant prick he is.

    If any non Miller fans plan to go you better wear your combat gear, the Rand Paul stompers might show up!

  21. Anonymous4:38 PM

    sjk, I guess you think Janine's plastic surgery is "smokin' hot" 'cause that's what she's got goin' on these days.

  22. Roger4:45 PM

    Joe Miller's "PLAN FOR ALASKA???"

    That would be his INSANELY STUPID idea of shunning the federal support money, which will mean a loss to every single Alaska citizen?

    I really hope the "grassroots" movement does not just lay back down in a coma, if they get their people elected, but instead demand INSTANT solutions to all their problems, like they have expected Obama and the Democrats to cough up in a mere 21 months.

    AND: this needs to be said, over and over, obviously:

    A big part of being "patriotic" is to support your PRESIDENT...even more than usual, when armed conflict is going on.

    How that basic premise is being so completely ignored, at this point, is a big mystery.

  23. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I had to look Janine Turner up...didn't know who she was. The has been has a new, inspirational, Christian Yoga DVD with yoga expert/partner Mary Cunningham. 60 minutes of Yoga with bible scriptures recited by Janine. Hoo Boy....

  24. angela4:54 PM

    I'm with Anon 2:25 about the Palin repeatedly showing her ignorance by butchering the English language. I have never know a person I dislike more, totally embarrassing me with her idiocy. As a woman, I want to scream. She's done more damage to women's rights than Phyllis Schlafly on meth with a mission statement.

    Sarah needs to get lost in the wilds of Alaska with her crazy ass bunch of Klan wagon riders. I'd hope that they'd all get mauled by bears, but I love nature and the bears never did anything to deserve having to snack on that putrid bunch of jackals.

  25. Winning record?

    Has he filed any lawsuits that he's won?

    He certainly won on that property he cheated the guy out of his generator and personal property.

    Has we won a lot of money? I'm thinking more government handouts rather than the lottery. He's won a lot of subsidies?

    You have to look at this statement from Palin's perspective and set of values.

  26. Anonymous5:13 PM

    You forgot one other failure - inability to lock down a complete/no holds barred cover-up of the miracle baby.

    One has to wonder about the timingof poor Joey's "bizarre/out of character/etc" "over a few months" behavior being right around the time of the miracle baby's staged arrival.

    Coincidence? I believe not. He was worried to death about getting caught up in something he knew (ok - never mind about the "knew" given his stupidity over the computers) to be likely a swindle of the AK populace (at the very least).

    PMom (GA)

  27. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Gryph you should post this video. It's really good.

    Republican Woman....stay away from me...

  28. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Smokin' hot? Really?

  29. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Well, by 'winning record' she must mean that he won the primary? I'm not sure that counts as a "record", more like one event. Plus he's obviously a loser based on his personnel file and his pretend interview with Rachel Maddow


    Hey Sarah, how's that new grandchild comin' along? Boy or girl? Got names lined up? Can't wait to hear!!

  30. Anonymous5:41 PM

    So sad to hear Janine Turner has joined the dark side.

  31. Anonymous5:45 PM

    As Yogi Berra said, "It ain't over til its over". I dont think we should be crowing about Joe Miller losing since the polls show him winning this race.
    Hopefully the polls will be wrong but I'm praying until the final results come in.
    SP wouldn't be putting herself on the line like this if she didn't think he has a good chance of winning.

  32. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I just can't get enough of that pix of S'error. It shows how truly stupid she is.

    Let's hope her end is coming soon. Oh,yeah, Joe too.

  33. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Roger I loved your post. Let me tell you that I have decided that if the maggot gets elected I WILL PERSONALLY WRITE AND CALL HIM EACH AND EVERY DAY to be sure he does EXACTLY what he claimed. Oh yeah, it will become my part-time job. I will hound him like the dog he is, I will HOLD HIM ACCOUNTABLE and for once in his scamming life i will make him EARN his money. I have had it with the Millerbots and the way they are ignoring his lies and just plain horrible behavior. I live in Alaska and am so embarrassed that Palin still has a hold on people like the "Children of the Corn.' It makes my stomach turn. oh and for this one I will sign my name: Marguarita

  34. emrysa6:12 PM

    so looking forward to tuesday.

    not only will there be the election winners and losers, but the behind-the-scenes winners and losers as well. like palin.

    angle is now saying reid will steal the election. so that's how it works today, when you get the final word that you are going to lose, just start making claims that the other guy is stealing it. prep the crowd.

    miller - damn what can be said about miller at this point? jeezus if he had brains he never would have run for office with all of that baggage.

  35. WakeUpAmerica6:17 PM

    Thank god, she's back in Alaska and out of my state. Thank you, Joe Miller. You're finally good for something.

  36. Anonymous6:19 PM

    You don't want to miss Mary Hart in Wasilla with the Queen! Entertainment Tonight.

  37. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Yes, Sarah, tell us about the newest grandchild! Will it be "Abby" for the "abstenence" that you daughter has been toting?

    Gee, and I thought "abstenence" meant NOT HAVING SEX ....Oh, my goodness is this an IMACULATE CONCEPTION? Your newest grandchild will be the second comming? Is that what the witch doctor told you? Too bad YOU aren't the sacred mother....bummer. Sorry.

  38. nswfm6:33 PM

    What happened to the fake boob's fake boobs in the black bra? I always knew she was fake since the moment McInsane introduced her.

    I think Abby is a great name for grand kid number---what is it now---3 or 4?

  39. You know .. so much to say, so little time .. and I am supposed to be watching my blood pressure .. Janine Turner: where to begin? I loved Northern Exposure. I remember the first night it was on: I was home ironing, watching tv, and my hubby came home from the office and I said, "I just watched a tv show that has a vocabulary: words with more than 2 syllables, I was so excited! I became such a fan that I bought a sweatshirt in Atlanta, wore it proudly, loved the show and Janine Turner til the show turned weird, too many dream sequences, and just odd unbelievable story lines. Turner is a failed actress of a failed (once popular) tv show (maybe she was at the root of it? who knows?) and now she is linking with Palin and Miller. Girl, you are sinking below low.

    Miller has more baggage and dirt than even I thought possible in one candidate/person. The only person I feel who has more is his mentor: Sarah Heath Palin, and she needs to be fully exposed as soon as possible for the sake of this country!

  40. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Show us the "wining record" Sarah.

    Naw, better yet, take a long walk on a short pier.


  41. Anonymous6:54 PM

    You have to wonder what kind of dirt Joe has on Sarah for her to continue to support him with such vigor.

    I don't believe Joe would be averse to a little bit of blackmailing, do you?

  42. Anonymous7:13 PM

    "rally 2 expose truth & "refudiate" the bull"

    er, no, Sarah, the truth rally will be in Washington, DC.

  43. The North Star sure knows how to pick 'em! Can you imagine being in the room with Miller, Palin, O'Donnell, and Bachman? Throw in a little Angle and smidgen of DeMint and that my friends is a party!

  44. Anonymous7:47 PM

    $p puts her ass on the line to endorse candidates who do not live in the state. Sooo trying to cover all the bases at the last minute in case one of them wins she can take credit. Her phony admiration of Raygun is an example of her ignorance. Wrong state of where he attended college. Still waiting to hear her speak out against the assault on Ky. woman at bagger Rand Paul rally.

  45. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Roger is on the mark, and his comment should be read again by all
    Alaskan citizens.


  46. Anonymous8:04 PM

    So is her speaking fee the reason for her push for $$$ for Miller in recent days?

  47. Anonymous8:22 PM

    To add to her bad day, her damn P-bots keep voting for Bristle over and over again! How can she, in her special screechy way, tell them that her abstinence-promoting daughter is pregnant out of wedlock AGAIN, but really, it's all about life and family values, and she needs to go home, without actually saying any of that. Her bot are a pretty stupid bunch, so I'm not sure it's possible. Since "forgetting" dance steps was clearly not enough to get her voted off, I predict a medical emergency for Tripp in 3,2,1...

    Brilliant re: the name Abby for the newest child! I'm sure the Palins will love it - they really go for those names that have stupid or horrible slang meanings.

  48. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Hmmm... $carah is going to bat for Joey yet again, when he won't once say that he'd endorse her for prez? I wonder what he has on her...

  49. Anonymous9:16 PM

    I sent Janine an e-mail explaining to her what a mistake she was making. Not that she'll take heed, but I did also warn her to watch her back as she'll be traveling with a professional backstabber.

    Got the e-mail from her website.

    Can't figure what she sees in Palin or Miller. She talks on her site about being on the Bill O'Reilly show debating that wicked wench Ann Coulter. The debate was about single mothers and their children. Janine didn't like Coulter's take on the subject. But those religious fanatics are pretty harsh on unwed mothers.....unless it's one of their own kids. And Miller and Palin fit right in with the Ann Coulters of the world.


  50. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Is it just me? Or does it seem strange to anyone else to see a "Support SarahPAC commercial prominently displayed on this website?


  51. If I may translate, when SP referred to Joe Miller's "winning record," she did not mean a record of winning, but a record that would/should win the election, and the media are spoiling Joe Miller's "record" (i.e., record according to Joe Miller) with inconvenient facts and questions.

    Given the present state of affairs, if I were on the program, I would cancel my appearance based on other commitments, which I would make as soon as possible.

  52. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Had some business dealings w/Turner quite a few years ago when she was on 'Northern Exposure' (filmed in Roslyn, Wa) and talked to her on the phone a couple times. All I remember is thinking "Wow, what a bimbo!" LOL

  53. hauksdottir2:32 AM

    Someone, perhaps Malik, told her that she *must* support Miller, even if he snubbed her. Sarah is not the engineer of this train, even if it seems made up of baggage cars.

  54. Anonymous2:46 AM

    She's not just doubling-down on stupid, she's all in...

  55. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Janine Turner is a kook. She took a bus tour this past Summer "teaching children about the constitution" (cause now conservatives are so concerned with it - not so much while GWB was Pres.). Turner's also involved with an effort to produce a movie about - wait for it - Ronald Reagan. She'd play Nancy.

    She and the producers were/are (?) going around to fundraisers asking ordinary people for donations of 1 million dollars. I'm not kidding, I know someone who was at one of the fundraisers a couple of months ago. They want to privately finance the movie and have all conservative actors in it. I doubt it will ever be made but it could be completely hilarious.

  56. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Nicely done post.

  57. London Bridges4:40 AM

    I really think Sarah wants Joe to win, so she can be handed his seat after his demise, either literally or figuratively. (Sarah may have experience in both.) What is the Alaska state law on this?

    Also, too, Sarah may be afraid of being crushed by Lisa if Lisa wins!

  58. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Look, Janine Turner has always been an embarrassment to Texas. She's aligned herself with some very extreme, very strange interests over the years. She's considered white trash that "married up" and got better connections for her little acting career, better stylists, better decorators, and now apparently better plastic surgeons. You should hear the skeletons rattling around in HER closet! Just saying. No surprise she's willing to get on a stage with Sarah and Joe. It's her return to her roots.

  59. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Janine Turner and Angie Harmon are two of the founders of TeamSarah. My husband is banned from watching any shows these two dimwits are on. ;-)


  60. Aunt Snow5:52 AM

    Janine Turner.....Wait, what, now we're supposed to care what Hollywood actresses and celebrities think?

  61. Anonymous6:48 AM

    3:04, that is the modus operandi for conservatives: Argue, argue, argue your point (even if it's a lie - doesn't matter).

  62. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Palin tweets to put it out there that others lie, make up "bull" then she portrays herself and will portray Miller as superiorly moral,. Palin will lie more that she disapproves of such tactics. then Palin will proceed to spew lies she made up about the other candidates. Palin will put forth lies about herself, Miller while denouncing the idea of immoral lying. It is a pattern pathalogical liars employ because it works for them, it maintains false impressions.

    Palin's tweet already set up the media as the liars, they are lying to get their favored one elected.
    It is smoke and mirrors.
    Palin controls her message she is against something while she is actively doing the same, projecting with lies it is someone else.

  63. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Ok, so Northern Expose is one of my favorite shows of all time. But when I heard that Maggie (AKA Jeneanne Turner) was a Bible Thumpin', Tea Baggin Fundie I will never be able to enjoy that show in the same way again.


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