Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Is Joe MIller too thin skinned to win?

In his recent faux press conference on Monday, Joe Miller complained bitterly about "vicious campaign" strategies and "journalistic impropriety," and essentially said that because of that kind of intense scrutiny he would no longer be talking to the press about his background.

So essentially Miller gave the middle finger to anybody who wanted to know exactly WHO he was, and why the voters of Alaska should trust him with such an important job.  Good move oh vaguely bearded one.

He also bitched that he and his wife Kathleen were the "most disclosed couple in Alaska politics, at least in recent history."  I am guessing he completely forgot about that lady from Wasilla and her husband who essentially handed him this candidacy on a silver platter. (Probably one paid for by SarahPAC.)

However the point Miller seemed to be making is that what was happening to him was outside of the boundaries of what OTHER politicians have had to endure, and that it was just not goddamn fair.

At which point I have to respond with a "REALLY!"

So is Miller saying that what is happening to him is more invasive and upsetting to his family than, say being accused of having an affair like Nikki Haley?  Or having pictures surface of you wearing a Nazi soldier's uniform amid allegations that you played dress-up with your friends and acted out the exploits of an SS Panzer division?

I mean come on Miller! How is this not worse than somebody finding out your wife received unemployment benefits, or you got farm subsidies?

How much worse does Miller think it is for Carl Paladino who the press discovered sent racist and bestiality videos and pictures through his e-mail?  Or having to make a political commercial that assures your future constituents that you are not a witch, like Christine O'Donnell had to do recently?

But hey let's not just pick on the Teabaggers and Republicans, what about the Democrat running for Congress in Virginia who had pictures leaked of her sucking a dildo shaped fake nose worn by her husband?

Does Miller really believe he has anything THAT embarrassing and potentially damaging to his reputation coming out anytime soon? It is also worth noting that a number of the Teabagger candidates listed above have decided to avoid any press that is NOT Fox News. However Krystal Ball (What a great name for a Congressperson!), pictured above, has come right out and talked to her local press about these pictures.

So tell me, if this Democratic dildo sucker can face the press and say, "Yep that's me, so what?", then why is Joe Miller running and hiding in an attempt to avoid the local Alaska media?

The idea that a candidate, especially one attached to a new undefined movement in this country, like the Teabaggers, would expect NOT to receive an intense amount of scrutiny is absolutely ridiculous.  Of  COURSE the media is going to look into your past!  Of COURSE they are going to dig up embarrassing facts that you hoped would not be exposed!  Of COURSE they are going to want to ask you questions about what they find!  What kind of an idiot would not already be prepared for that?

So here is my advice to Joe Miller.  Sack up, or get the hell out!

This is Alaska you panty waist!  There are women living in Girdwood with a thicker growth of beard than you have! The late Ted Stevens used to take on the entire goddamn Senate all by himself before breakfast to bring home Federal dollars for his constituents! And you want the same job that he had?

If you are unwilling to talk to our local press and tell the Alaskan voters just who the hell you are, than the Alaska voters should be unwilling to trust you to represent them in Washington.  It is just that simple.


  1. Anonymous7:28 AM

    So who is Joe Miller? Are we ever going to learn anything more about his background. Come on Alaska Investigative reporters this guy is going to be your next Senator

  2. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Unfit for command

  3. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I am making a donation to you as soon as I get home! I love you, Gryph!

  4. Anonymous7:49 AM

    He's following in Twitler's footsteps rather well, isn't he?

  5. Anonymous7:51 AM

    OT Gryphen but important!

    Can you please write up a blog reminding all who may be attending the rally in D.C. on 10/30 to vote if there is early voting in the area BEFORE going to D.C. for the Rally.

    If people run into travel troubles, etc. and for some reason don't return home in time it could be disastrous.

    If you can VOTE EARLY, DO IT!

    Here's a site that looks at all state voting registration, rules, etc.


  6. Ratfish7:59 AM

    The coverup continues: Day 2

    What is Joe hiding? Could it be emails between him and Sarah Palin in 2008 on his borough and her state equipment talking about dumping Randy Ruedrich, Chair of the CBC? Something worse??

    Joe Miller as PRESIDENT: You think, you think we want to, want to go this route now? And the--let it hang out, so to speak?

    Tom Van Flein as DEAN: Well, it's, it isn't really that--

    Palin as HALDEMAN: It's a limited hang out.

    Tom Van Flein as DEAN: It's a limited hang out.

    Todd Palin as EHRLICHMAN: It's a modified limited hang out.

    Joe Miller as PRESIDENT: Well, it's only the questions of the thing hanging out publicly or privately.


  7. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Hey, Gryphen - I think it's "Buck up (or get out of the truck)!", not "Sack up."

  8. Anonymous8:10 AM

    As someone mentioned in another thread, if Joe Miller was going in for a job interview, and he told the interviewer what he told the mainstream media, that he wasn't going to talk about his past, to just 'trust him' and he'll get the job done; well that would be a very short interview and his resume would quickly be thrown in the circular file.

    If this guy does get elected, I can see him getting recalled within 6 months.

  9. Oh, he's not too thin skinned to win if the people of Alaska elect him. If they do, I suspect that will be the last they see of him until he needs their votes again six years hence. Come on Alaska, this man shows no real interest in representing you. He appears to be interested only in a national stage, money, and power. I sure would want to know about his previous job performance and why he left the military early before I elected him.

  10. Buffalo, NY8:15 AM

    Regarding Carl Paladino, his campaign signs are disappearing quickly. Not from vandalism, but from the people that asked him to put a sign in their yard in the first place. Many are saying if they knew then, what they know now about Paladino (e-mails, gay bashing, etc) they never would have backed him.

  11. Anonymous8:18 AM

    He's pullin' a Palin!

  12. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I have to agree w/Miller to a degree. Sorry! NOTHING to speak of has been proven on Palin...she had her Administration and McCain to cover things up for her and McCain taught her the ropes basically. Miller was WIDE OPEN to the scrutiny from the Alaska media and blogs. And, no I don't support Miller...already voted absentee for our big guy from Sitka!

  13. angela8:23 AM

    Man these baggers are bitchy whiney babies! From Silly Sarah on down to most of the nut cases she endorses. But, All for Me, and None for Thee Joe has got to be the worst.

  14. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Poor baby! All he ever wanted was tax cuts for the rich, and now he's got all these nosey parkers prying into his past! Hey, Commies, mind your own beeswax!

  15. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Joe Miller thinking we have no right to ask him questions is just disgusting. Ms Ball's actions are pretty funny and have nothing to do with our right as voters to have 'transparency' on the records of the candidates. She also has more 'balls' (sorry for the pun) than Miller to stand up to reporters questioning her.

  16. Anonymous8:38 AM

    The Democrat dildo sucker didn't bravely face the press, she issued a statement saying the release of the dildo sucking pictures was unfair and sexist and wanted to - surprise! - talk about the issues.

  17. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Great post... kick some arse Gryph! I believe all-show Joe has just wacked a hornet's nest... no one is going to sit down and shut up especially now!

    He's demonstrated again how he can't work well with others, can't he communicate appropriately, and is so easily riled. Yet he expects to be a Senator? As a poster from KOS said yesterday, he's wants to be the Senate Mime for Alaska!

    On a serious note, after watching his 'press' conference, I got some really bad vibes from him regarding he and his wife's relationship. It does not bode well for her.. imho. If that is truly the case, then he will also have issues dealing with his female constituents.

    I wish we had a Scott McAdams in SC. He's such a stand up and genuine guy. We've been thrice 'blest' with Joe 'you lie' Wilson, 'Destructive' Demint, and 'Lack Luster' Lindsey Graham.

  18. London Bridges8:54 AM

    I think the Miller strategy is to get his current supporters for vote ASAP via absentee ballot before he is exposed. Then he still wins!

    This is the problem with absentee ballots. You vote for John Doe. Two weeks later you discover the day before the election, he is just like Sarah Palin. Too late!

    Is there a provision to change your absentee ballot?

  19. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Off topic, I know, Mercede has not posted in 3 weeks, is everything ok with her? Is she bowing to pressure to keep silent?

  20. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Does Joe have any naked pictures of Sarah for sale?

    Is he hoarding them for himself only?

  21. Anonymous9:01 AM

    OK- I'll ask the obvious question:


  22. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Holy crap! Vaguely bearded one. I laughed my ass off. You are my hero of the day!!! Here's a big "Tom Hanks" laugh in your honor.

  23. Anonymous9:12 AM


    I kinda like the "sack up". Makes sense to me, given the girly man Miller.

    Alaskan's are supposed to be tough, not whiny little wimps. Grow a pair Miller, or maybe Palin can lend you hers.

  24. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Of course he's too thin skinned! He's Sarah's buddy. Sarah's exactly the same way.

  25. deebee9:40 AM

    Just another "I am not a crook" wanting to hide the records.
    Krystal Ball, I don't care which party you belong to, you definitely have my vote!

  26. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Anon 7:28 you sound pretty sure about
    the election results. Say, is your real name 'Anonymous'? The trolls
    are ever so anxious to mingle with the
    regular folks here...

    Sharon TN

  27. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Is he trailing in the polls? Please tell me most Alaska voters (I know "all" is too much to hope for!) are as disgusted by this as we are!

  28. I just wish I lived in Virginia. I'd vote for Krystal, now that's one ballsy woman!

    Regarding Paladino...aka..I hates me some gays... someone dug up the fact that his son ran a gay club that operated in a building that Carl owned plus another gay club was operated in another building Carl owned.

    Karma Baby!!

  29. Anonymous9:56 AM

    The media has a DUTY to find out the truth of any and all candidates for political office. Look what happened the last time a candidate got a pass?
    Alaska should not be the laughing stock of the country!

  30. Anonymous9:57 AM

    It's not as if people are asking him what he had for breakfast or if he likes to take showers with his wife. They want to know if he cheated the state out of a hunting license, if he pays his taxes, if his wife received federal unemployment, etc..

    I don't think he's too thin skinned to be elected in Alaska. After all, Sarah Palin is practically see though. Then again, Joe Miller is no Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin is a rare breed of psycho grifter, master manipulator.

    I feel Joe's boat sinking quickly.

  31. Anonymous10:04 AM

    [[Waving hand from back of room]]

    That nazi is running for office in my district. And our media has taken the ball and RUN!

    Iott is getting grilled like he ain't never been grilled before. . . and I am LOVIN' IT!!

    Now let's see the Alaska media do the same for Joe.

    It's all about integrity.

    Joe's employment record is as an adult, not some stupid childish party prank he did when a college kid.

  32. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Miller has skin?

  33. Perhaps, no-grow,show-joe thinks that this approach is working out okay for the paylins, though he doesn't have the "it" factor, he isn't casting quite the same spell. It takes a bit more than sharing a grift-bit & a lawyer. Having a scared witless wife beside him at the podium, has to have some supporters to surmise that is what our collective mugs could look like if they send him to D.C.
    I gleefully noticed some folks up the street took down their miller sign!
    I agree with Phil & many anons,that Joe's camp is in a death spiral, that he will take mama grisly down a notch or 20 on the way down. may he stick it out, to screw with Leasa. McAdamsis waay above the frey.
    I am praying for Kathleen & their children.

  34. PS
    H/T to Ratfish.
    "Sack up" suits the situation swell

  35. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Great post, Gryphen!

    Joe Miller is definitely trying to hide something unsavory in his background. It's up to the Alaskan press, bloggers, and concerned citizens to ferret out what he's hiding!

    If he had nothing to hide, why not just open the files on his Borough work and his military experience.

    Something stinks, and this weasel with a "vague beard" is trying to hide behind self-righteous indignation and bluster.

    An employer wouldn't hire this guy if he refused to answer questions about his background, so why should Alaskans hire him to represent them for six freaking long years!!

  36. Anonymous11:53 AM

    While I admire that the, as you put it, "dildo sucker" fessed up about it, I don't really see how leaking the photos is "sexist." The Republicans (and yes, the Democrats too) would also - in a heartbeat - leak embarrassing photos of a man. I mean, it's POLITICS! (All you kids in college, check for cameras BEFORE you do something like this - even if it IS all in fun.)

    But you're right - Joe Miller must have itty bitty cajones if he's afraid to take legitimate questions about his background. Answer the questions, Josephine, or we're all gonna' know you have something to HIDE!

  37. OMFG

    President Obama and Palin are 10th cousins

    He's also related to Rush Limbaugh and George Bush according to

    Imagine that FAMILY REUNION

    Now that's LMAO funny!!

  38. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Joe knows what he's done.

    Among things Joe is not talking about- his history as a GOVERNMENT LAWYER.

    His acting like someone who is not an insider is a joke.

    What does Joe think about public education?
    Does he want to do away with all federal funding of education- and the Department of Education too?

    His fellow church members and secret backers know this answer.

    Because you have kids and homeschool them is this question off limits?

    Does Joe want full vouchers so the public will have to pay for parents to homeschool or send their kids to parochial schools? This would destroy the public schools- is that what Joe wants?

    Or is this off limits too? Except when you talk about these plans to your supporters in secret?
    Stay tuned for more on this.

    What boks do u use in ur homskool?

    Should all Alaskan public schools (and the taxpayers) be required to buy these books for kids who are home schooled? There are federal laws that prohibit that now- do you plan to abolish them if elected?

  39. Rick Hill12:41 PM

    So, yeah, Joe came across to me as a light don't have the pictures we're talking about here, do you? The dildo sucking ones? Er, um just curious, you know....(I gotta say, if all you want to talk about is attractiveness then I can understand saying that about Ms. Ball. Never did get that from any of the stable of "pretty" GOP women....)

  40. Anonymous12:42 PM

    So how does Miller manage to walk around with two days worth of beard EVERY DAY? Is this some shaving trick, guys? Pr dpes he pnly come out in public every two or three days?

  41. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Don't be fooled by poor Joe's attempt to divert the discusion away from him and to "the issues that effect Alaska", which Joe just says whatever the Tea Party wants to hear. Joe is just practising what he learned in law school, act offended, say the law was "clearly violated", but don't site any specific ordinance which may disprove your argument, and say you won't address the issue since it so clearly "violated" the law. Poor Joe was backed into a corner when he said he would release his employment records if only they would agree to do so. When they played his bluff and agreed, what was his option? He was fired for using his employers equipment for his own political purpose and for violating the ethics standard, and was caught. He obviously doesn't want you to know that, or any other negitive things in his past that can haunt and effect the opinion of what people will think of him. He clearly is using the same political consultants that Palin is using.

  42. Anonymous1:14 PM

    for those of you wishing you lived in VA - I do, and I am voting for Krystal Ball. Glad to see she's trying to keep the issues front and center, and I hope she gets a debate on the issues before the election.

  43. Anonymous2:41 PM

    I also suspect they run because they are afraid of what new embarrassing fact they might have to address.
    So they run away and let their campaign manager deal with any new crisis or past youthful prank may have been uncovered.

    Kind of like real leaders do, run away today and think about it tomorrow.

  44. Anonymous2:42 PM

    But leave my wife and kids alone!! (ala Quitter)

    Lucky for us he didn't adopt a Downs Syndrome baby. He'd be milking it for all it was worth.

  45. Anonymous3:18 PM

    A Beka?

  46. I found an slideshow video w/ Krystal ball leaked pics here:
    warning, some pics are NSFW


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It just goes directly to their thighs.