Friday, October 08, 2010

Joe Miller says that he heard Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell say he was open to shutting down the government. McConnell spokesman: "WTF?"

In an interview with the National Review, Miller gave the following quote:

“There was a comment made at breakfast this morning about shutting down the government, and he (McConnell) reacted in a positive way,” Miller says. “I’m not going to quote him, but I think that he recognizes that that’s on the table.”

Later McConnell's spokesman made this clarification:

McConnell spokesman Don Stewart says that McConnell "has not called for shutting down the government. What he has noted is that Republicans are united in their view that the government spends too much, taxes too much and has too much debt--and that Republicans are equally united in doing all we can to restore fiscal sanity to Washington. Sen. McConnell believes we have made a good first step by forcing the majority to accept reduced spending in next year's appropriations bills, but we have much more work to do in order reverse the trend of massive growth in government we have seen under Democratic Control in Congress. We can get there without shutting down the government, but it will require Democrats to join our effort."

So the question is, did Miller lie about McConnell's support for Miller's obvious wet dream, or does Joe Miller not understand that some things are not to be repeated out where the "Lamestream" media might report them to an unwary public?

What do you think?


  1. GrainneKathleen12:41 PM

    i think it was choice "b". miller is starting to sound downright naive. this quality might attract some folks to him, but i think the majority of americans don't want to see a government shutdown - what the hell does that mean anyway?!? and they say the democrats have extreme views that are bad for the country! keep advocating that joe!

  2. SME13112:42 PM

    I think it's a little of both. He lied and he doesn't get it.

    Oh and there's a nice little comparison of Miller in 2004 vs 2010 in the Juneau Empire today.

    It basically just says he will say whatever he thinks will get him elected.

  3. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Obama signs an important bill today...but do you think we will hear a peep of Palin in praise? Crickets...

  4. Irishgirl12:48 PM

    I vote for Miller did not understand!

  5. Nice photo! Is he holding his head at that angle so that his knuckles can drag on the ground?

  6. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I wondered when I read this story how long it took the McConnell camp to call Joe the Dumber and tell him to STFD and STFU.

  7. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Of course McConnell said something of that nature. It's been the Republican's playbook since President Obama was elected. While maybe not actually "shutting down" government, they have certainly done all they can to stop the wheels from revolving. For example having one senator hold up filling appointed cabinent positions. Or voting "no" on every single thing.

    Miller has been taking lesson's on how to talk out of both sides of his mouth, he just failed this particular class.

  8. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I love it, they are all starting to eat their own now. Get the popcorn!

  9. I think his tongue is flapping so fast his brain can't catch up. He has serious foot-in-mouth disease. He's digging a pit so deep he'll never see daylight again. Bu-bye Joe.

  10. I have no doubt that he may well have heard such a thing coming from the shriveled up old fart in the Senate but he might not be attending any more meetings for strategy planning. Especially with his proclivity to repeat everything he hears and inability to assure he sends emails to the proper recipient.

    OT but what is up with announcing no Social Security cost of living raises this close to a heated election. When we get a blessing from the repubes running their mouths it gets countered by our own side.

  11. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Joe Miller is more interested in his own personal fame and glory (he is Paylin in pants) then following protocol. He was supposed to keep his mouth shut.

  12. We already know they want to shut down the government. This is Joe Miller trying to make himself look like an insider.

  13. Joe the Debtor? Miller Owes Tens of Thousands in Credit Card Debt


    Records show Miller owes property tax, fees

  14. Hmmmm. Maybe Joe "Big Mouth" Miller WOULD be a good thing in the Senate, kind of like a mole, reporting all the juicy side bits we don't ever get in the news.

  15. Anonymous1:39 PM


    Perfect example of the amateur status of teabaggers. Being angry and white are not requirements for being an effective political player.

    What's really sad is the fact that these morons don't understand that if we get rid of some incumbents - you also lose quite a bit of seniority in some cases.

    And you end up with a bunch of powerless angry freshmen. Haha.

    It's a game. There's a pecking order. Amateurs and losers try to "change the system" from the outside. The only chance of success for that is revolution. For all the guff I've heard from these asswipes, they are a bunch of cowards. Fuck - they can't even survive a simple interview, don't want to debate, etc., etc.

    Why won't they allow unrestricted access to be interviewed? Lamestream media will ask 'gotcha' questions? Hmmm...Life is full of 'gotcha' moments. How you handle those moments are generally considered important metrics. Especially in positions of leadership. Sadly, it seems Joey wasn't even asked a 'gotcha' question. He just talks out of his ass indiscriminately. That's a good quality in a politico. Haha. Lamestream media will misrepresent my (well-honed) message. Mmmk. There are plenty of non-partisan orgs that are watchdogs for political shenanigans. And really, if your message is truly bulletproof, it should be deeply meditated and agile enough to hold up against even the most malicious of attempts at editing. Otherwise, maybe the message is, umm, perhaps just weak (and probably hammy, also, too?)

    These cornholes are just armchair politicians. Yes, it's easy to spout off and yell at the teevee box. It's quite another thing to turn PRO. Even if they get swept in this time, I'll put money that they end up being single-termers.


    On another note. AKans, please, please, please don't let this charlatan into office. But, if you do, please dig up a big enough corpse to throw him out quick. I highly doubt that it would take much digging :)

  16. Anonymous1:56 PM

    What is with Joe Miller. He came out of nowhere and now acts as if he is a respected leader already in the Senate. And is in the know as to what McConnell is doing or thinking. I can't believe any one would let him "in" on anything.
    What arrogance, he is truly Paylin's boy.
    He should get himself back to Alaska and actually work at running for the Senate. If the Alaskan people can't see through this hypocrite then maybe they deserve him but the rest of us do not.

  17. Anonymous1:57 PM

    This ill person is running for a job so that he can eliminate his job.

    Usually the wacko's wait until they get the job.

    Rather than run to eliminate your job jerk-0, why not withdraw your application and make a lot of people happy.

    I hope you realize that Sarah's plan is to get you elected and then OFF you so Parnell can then appoint her, so she'll have a title while she is running for the W-H-_-_E house!

    Joe you do understand this don't you?

  18. I don't know it all still sounds like Goober running down the street yelling "Citizens Arrest" to give Barney an illegal U Turn Ticket.

    This fuckwit gets one of his first shots at playing with the big boys in the sandbox and shits in it.

    Well at I am quite sure that Joe has had an earful today from NcConnell and the other nay sayers by phone since they damn sure wont chew him out via email.

  19. Anonymous2:46 PM

    I think Jon Stewart will be (deservedly) patting himself on the back for McConnell's use of the term "restore fiscal sanity".

  20. Anonymous2:51 PM

    The repugs did a government shut down back when Clinton was in office. Everyone knew it was the republicans but Don Young had the nerve to say Clinton did it and just blamed it on them. No doubt they will do the same this time.

  21. What Joe, and other Rs who've said similar things, forget is that it's the Republicans who are mainly responsible for the national debt. During the 8 years of Bush IIs admin, the 1st 6 of which the Rs had the majority in the House and Senate, the National Debt doubled, from $5 trillion to $10 trillion. Reagan and Bush I added more than Carter and Clinton did, too. Rs are NOT fiscal conservatives.

  22. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Sarah, Joe is taking over your role as inane commenter. That's YOUR role. Better start training your dog.

  23. Anonymous8:16 PM

    So Alaskans, if ol' Joe is elected and then something big enough is dug up to kick him out of office, what then? Parnell gets to appoint a new Senator? Maybe somebody who needs an easy way in the back door because she could never, ever win again even in AK? That isn't a happy thought. Hope everybody in AK is registered and has determined poll watchers.

  24. lwtjb9:45 PM

    This guy acts like he is already in office and participating in next year's victorious planning. What is he doing in DC anyway? He should at least make a pretence of having something to do with Alaska.

  25. Anonymous10:03 PM

    I think since the Frank and Lisa nepotism thing, Alaska went to a specialelection to avoid just that....thank goodness for that.

  26. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Trig has an intellectual disability, his family is retarded.


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