Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Joe Miller's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week continues.

The Alaska Dispatch (The bane of Joe Miller's existence) has all that you need to know about Miller's personnel file.  I would cut and paste it here, but they did such a good job that I will simply post the link, and encourage you to head on over there for the 411 on this guy's unethical and bizarre behaviors while working with the North Star Borough in Fairbanks.

However I will post what might possibly be the most damning portion, just because I find it so incredibly juicy:

Miller's scheme was revealed by his own attempts to cover his tracks. When he erased each computer's cache he also erased important passwords and IDs that the other attorneys needed to access legal research websites. Miller's co-workers knew something was wrong when they couldn't log on after lunch.

In the short span of time the employees were trying to get to the bottom of what had happened, Miller lied no less than four times:

--He told them he'd had to use another computer because he couldn't access the website he needed to get to on his.
--He claimed he had to clear the cache or the website might block his access.
--He initially denied being on more than one computer
--And he claimed he was visiting a professor's website at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Just imagine if you were looking to hire somebody, and read THAT on their resume.  Would you give them the job?

Wickersham's Conscience also has a very interesting take on the revelations.

For those who have not had a chance to read the documents for yourself the ADN makes them very accessible to the public.

Not only is Miller having the week from hell, but those associated with him are having their own problems.

Commanders at Fort Richardson, Alaska are investigating two soldiers who were involved in a highly publicized altercation with a reporter at an event for Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller, a base spokesman said.

I imagine that as the rest of the week unfolds the bad news for Joe Miller will keep right on coming. I just hope I can keep up with it all as I am winging my way to D.C.!

Obviously Miller has become so overwhelmed by the constant flood of bad press that he has broken down and called on the Grizzled Mama herself to help him out of the jam:

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and other big names in the GOP will appear with U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller of Alaska at a free public event Thursday at the Dena'ina Center in Anchorage.

A Miller campaign worker confirmed to Alaska Dispatch the event starts at 7 p.m., with doors opening at 6 p.m. The event will include appearances via video from 2008 Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, and South Carolina's Sen. Jim DeMint, the campaign worker said.

The Twitter Quitter, the bat-shit crazy lady from Minnesota, AND the guy who wants to look into the bedrooms of school teacher's are now rushing to show their support to help Joe Miller? 

Damn, exactly WHICH Alaskan voters does Miller believe this terrible trio will convince to vote for him?  I thought the wingnuts and lunatics were ALREADY in his corner!


  1. Virginia Voter9:15 AM

    I guess this event will be "private"?

    Will Drop Zone Bill be there?

    Miller is probably the biggest douche running this election cycle...he has topped crazy Carl Paladino, Christine O'Donnell, and the Nazi Fetishitst Iott in overall douchebaggery.

  2. sallyngarland,tx9:29 AM

    I wonder why they didn't invite Louie Gohmert Tx of "Terror Babies" fame. He'd fit right in. He used to be a judge(?). What is it with these judges? And, it is so hard to believe these people are real. Is it incurable Faux News syndrome?

  3. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Fundamentalist Bible-thumpers don't care if you tell lies as long as you are doing God's work: God, apparently, is a firm believer in "the ends justify the means".

    Of course, for Republican sleaze bags like DeMint "the ends" are tax cuts for the rich.

  4. trishSWFL9:31 AM

    "a free public event Thursday at the Dena'ina Center in Anchorage."

    PUBLIC event? Does that mean reportes and bloggers are 'welcome' too?

    LOL...I must remember to pick up more popcorn...

  5. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Where is the vetting of Murkowski? The woman was horrible in the recent debate! Even Rachel Maddow had good quetions for her while in Anchorage and skinny Lisa avoided them w/non answers. Lisa has learned to sound like all the rest of the Republicans - say one things and votes another!

    I so hope this constant negative about Miller doesn't allow Murkowski to sneak in there w/the votes.

    Don't worry, I've already voted for McAdams - absentee ballot.

  6. nswfm9:36 AM

    If that line up of freaks at the "free" event doesn't make the sane Alaskans run away, I don't know what will. I hope they run to vote McAdams and not Lisa.

  7. Whoa, this is a very bad political move by Palin, Huckabee and Bachman. Their public support speaks volumes they condone coverups and dragging people into the cesspool with them.

    I did not think it was possible for me to think less of Palin but her telling Joe to hide and run, don't speak to anyone takes the cake. Murkowski got it right, what do West Point cadettes and graduates think of him?

    How dare the public expect a person who is selling their self as utmost honorable and ethical is not. We can expect a shrieking speech from Palin about the lying media, how they ginned something up..Joe's the victim! Joe will go along with it digging himself deeper. I hope the earth caves in around all of them beneath people they played, used, engaged. I hope everyone on their ship sinks also.

  8. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I think you're right. Bringing in the Insane Clown Posse will not help him outside of his already committed supporters. If Miller is elected, given what is factually known about his ethics, this will totally put the lie to the Tea Bag 'integrity in Washington, crap they claim drives them to find and support these nutcases. A proven liar and cheat is not an improvement on what is already in DC.

  9. Anonymous9:44 AM

    If Alaskans vote Miller into the Senate, it won't just effect Alaskans. It will effect everyone from the other 49 states as well, because he will be voting on bills that effect the whole country. And I don't want this slimeball making decisions which will effect my life! I'm not an Alaskan, but I'm asking you to vote NO to Joe Miller. There are enough idiots in the Senate already. Don't add another!

  10. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Is the "public event" open open? Half closed? Open to the chosen? Open to anyone who simply nods and doesn't ask questions? Open to those who have birth dates on February 29th in non leap years? Open to militia who bring their weapons? Open to religious fanatics?

    His medical leave situation seems just as damning as his illegal use of computers. It is called "insubordination" in HR terms, Joe. It is also called being 'absent without leave' or AWOL for those of your militia guys familiar with military terms. Pretty serious stuff, Joe.

    His lack of judgment, insubordination, lack of ethics, lies, and thinking he is above all those pesky workplace rules is astounding, especially for someone wanting to be a U.S. Senator.

    How does Sarah get around the fact that she reported similar misdeeds on the part of Ruedrich to oust him and then proclaimed she was cleaning up politics, but now endorses someone with a proven record and ethics and legal breaches. The duplicity doesn't amaze. The fact that no one calls her on it is the problem.

  11. Anonymous9:46 AM

    The big event won't get new voters (hope it turns off fence-sitters). However, if Miller wins because of split votes between Murkowski and McAdams, then Palin will take the credit. aargh.

    Everyone, please vote for Berkowitz/Benson so they can be our firewall if this should happen.

  12. honestyinGov9:48 AM

    Uhh.. Free 'PUBLIC'Event..?
    Does that include Reporters who MIGHT ask Questions??

    Julia O'Malley... Maybe you should call ahead beforehand.. just to make sure.Check the invitation.Or brings LOTS of friends and they might not have enough handcuffs for everyone.Gryphen... don't you think Joe's Wife should be a little jealous/concerned of all the time He spends with the Cute Party Planner?

  13. Anonymous9:57 AM

    "Bringing in the Entire Insane Clown Posse" That is hilarious!
    It will surely be the greatest show on earth.

    Some people won't care or make a rational conclusion Joe's big lies indicate nothing he says ought to be believed. He lied about self, lied to others, lied about others. No one is immune. he lied about his career..oops..Palin has also. Together they can build a great wall, Todd will put it up. We'll all need more popcorn for Rachels's follow up!

  14. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I jusst thought about the woman who believes the black pantehrs are doing voter intimidation. She ought to be more concerned her chosen candidate committed voter fraud.

  15. Anonymous9:59 AM

    According to Sarah, every single serviceman and woman is fighting for our 1st Amendment right. That includes Joe, no matter the terms on which he left the Army prematurely.

    So Joe and these two Ft. Rich soldiers were using their training and oath to defend the rights of American citizens and free press as outlined in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to silence and black out said rights.

    This Tea Party / GOP platform makes more and more sense everyday.

  16. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Are you guys in Alaska. Going to elect JM to the United States Senate ?

    I will not be vacationing in Alaska. If that the type of people in Alaska.

  17. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Sarah Palin is bringing a delicate little Hollywood starlet to Dena'ina?

    How will this be filed in the next SarahPAC disclosure? Consulting?

    WTF is the relevance here anyway? Oh yeah, Sarah and Joe are about as authentic Alaskan as Northern Exposure was.

  18. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Anon @ 9:31 - and the "means" justify the mean.

  19. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Good grief, is someone in my office had ever touched my computer and deleted my history and cache, I'd have had them canned on the spot, needed or not. That's the cyber equivalent of riffling through a purse and stealing cash! All the hours those folks had to spend to get that information back into their computers = stolen money. Why didn't they do something about this asshole when they had the chance. And why didn't that dingbat Lisa find this stuff out sooner and spread it like the manure it is BEFORE the primary. Lazy Lisa screwed up yet again.

  20. SME13110:04 AM

    I'm still thinking we should send all these crazies off to their own secluded island and let them have their own little world.

    I am wondering what "threat" Joe was claiming to have had when he was claiming to be under so much stress at the time he was tampering with the poll on FNSB computer. Most likely one his paranoia created all on its own.

    It seems the quiiter has managed to endorse yet another lunatic.

    She calls him "another dedicated patriot running for Congress this year." Salon, on the other hand, labels him one of "the 10 most terrifying would-be congressmen."

  21. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Anon @ 9:36 AM

    Where is the vetting of Murkowski?

    She's been vetted twice, in two statewide elections.

    I have to agree with her on this one, Scott is not yet ready to lead and Miller is not fit to lead.

    But I'll be glad to help Scott make his way in the years to come.

  22. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I am concerned about this election because Joe Miller wants to be a part of the government that MAKES the laws that we all have to live by.

    Having said that....and looking at all the HEAVIES that are rushing to defend him.....I firmly BELIEVE that Joe Millers' refusal to open his employment records indicates that he is trying to protect someone else.

    To go on the computer to vote in his own poll...simply does not compute.

    Joe accessed those computers for a much more sinister reason.....sounds much like Water Gate. Sounds like he is trying to protect some other former politician.

    Just look at the dates that these acts occurred on and WHO was in any political office at that time in Alaska.

    Revealing all this information will not sway those Alaskans who feel that they must vote Republican....but know this.....your vote for this man effects EVERYONE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!

  23. Anonymous10:09 AM

    The CNN Polls say the Dems are behind by 10 percent in the house races across the board.

    Our country is turning out educated young people who can see behind the corporate b.s., are diverse, and up to speed on environmental issues. My 16 yr. old grandson blogs with friends his age across the country, who laugh about Palin & the Tea Party. In 2012 he will be able to vote.

    I hope the young voting bloc turn-out to make a difference in this year's elections.

    Progressives need a good plan to get more of the young people out to vote. Although, I do feel that we are setting a good example by being involved.

  24. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Snow possible for the next two days, or rain - expect icy roads. Snow expected November 2 and 3.

    Try and early vote this week, or today.

  25. London Bridges10:14 AM

    Sarah says: "You can trust Joe Miller because he is just like me!"

  26. I am tickled pink that Sarah and Todd are stumping for the loser Miller!

    OT: This is weird. I have a vintage 1930 night gown that looks almost identical to Palin's underwear top in this photo with Trig and Joe. Do you think she knew that Joe would be presenting her with pink underwear and she dressed appropriate?

    East Valley Tribune
    "Unconstitutional, Un-American Attack on U.S. Citizen Children" Why is Trig Palin hanging out with this dude?

  27. Going by how many Alaskans were shown on Rachel Maddow's show as believing what they were TOLD to, without even thinking to look for any FACTS to back up that belief, I doubt if anything that comes out about how terrible this Joe Miller really is, will alter how they vote.

    What should bring shame to anyone who actually says, "I don't have any actual facts and I don't know much about it, but I do know for sure that what it says on my protest sign, here, is TRUE!"---is no longer a human reaction, as it should be.

    I feel at times like this entire midterm election circus, is an episode from a badly produced science fiction story about "pod people" who have been possessed...their will stripped from them.

  28. Anonymous10:33 AM

    WGE = 36', glow in the dark letters.

  29. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Link ups via video compliments of FoxNews you think?

  30. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Hahaha. Someone should get up real close to him (someone brave!) and try to ask him questions. Do you think they'd have the balls to try a curb-stomp again. Be ready with the cameras.

  31. Anonymous10:59 AM

    May a monumental shit storm befall them all on Thursday. Melly

  32. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Someone made a great point on one of your earlier posts.

    It has shown in the documents that Miller used 3 computers. In fact, he used 4. The 4th, he found the screen was locked. How would he have known that?? He would only have known that because he attempted to use it too.

    I see the Judge has ruled on the issue of distribution of 'write-in names'. The judge has blocked distribution of lists, verbal info, etc.

    I've read somewhere that Merkowski's (sp!!) campaign has been distributing kid like tattoos. May have been distributed at AFN too. Watchers at the voting stations should be observing to see if these are worn openly displayed as it should be immediately reported as that too is illegal.

  33. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Just finished reading the docs. Anyone else notice that Miller requested a hell of a lot of leave time? I also can't believe he stooped to doing something so spiteful as deleting his entire record of emails. He must have known those were considered legal records pertaining to the Burrough's different cases, and yet he junked all of them. How much money will THAT cost the Alaska government at some point?

  34. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Just what poor old skuzzy Joe needs, up to his neck in his own shit and now the shit shoveling brigade is comming to his rescue to shovel more shit! Shape up skuzzy and tell the truth, remember confession is good for the soul. ;O)

  35. Anonymous11:22 AM

    OT but I got a baby bump with just a hint of the outie belly button for ya Gryphen! So happy for you that you met Rachel.


  36. Anonymous11:30 AM

    pink said...10:22 AM

    ( Do you think she knew that Joe would be presenting her with pink underwear and she dressed appropriate?)

    Look at the photo, does the skreech really think her heart is between her boobs or is she just trying to call attention to them again?

  37. Anonymous11:32 AM

    9:44,Yeah, that whole leave fiasco was odd. Joe tried to paint himself as the poor employee who did everything possible to file the right forms just so he could take a vacation with his kids, but the mean ol' Borough just wouldn't let him go.

    My take is that he filed for personal leave, scheduled a medical procedure to ensure he would get to take his leave (to get out of some work he didn't want to do?? Didn't one of the emails call his procedure "bogus" after they found out Miller, not the doctor, had cancelled). Then, after the discovery that the medical procedure did not take place and his leave would merely be "personal" leave, the Borough cancelled his personal leave because the work load would not sustain it. Miller pitched a fit and quit.

    Happens all the time in the real world. Most people just suck it up.

  38. honeybabe11:35 AM

    evidently no one from alaska wants to speak up for joe miller. that says a lot. remember our rally to restore sanity in wasilla!

  39. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Joe Miller can win the same way that Bristol Palin is winning each week on Dancing with the Stars. That is what our political process has come to.
    Please stay away from theRed Bull
    ...or is it the Bailey's ???

  40. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Even with all the bad news about Miller and his background the pundits are calling for a Miller victory in Alaska. Hopefully the Alaskans will turn out the vote for someone other than Miller.

  41. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Seriously, can AIP-favorite Joe Miller even pass the security clearance necessary to become a US Senator? After all these problems in his personnel file, I doubt it.

  42. Anonymous11:58 AM

    o/t: more election high jinks: 'Imagine Coming Out Of Surgery And The Nurse Caring For You Was HIGH!'

    I was living in Reagan Country when the local hospitals were vetted for the First Family. All the local hospitals were a nightmare. The one Reagan would have been taken to had a head nurse that was loaded about 24/7. At another I also personally knew the staff and many had severe addiction problems. We had to help one pharmacist off the floor, he didn't smoke marijuana but was addicted to hard drugs and dipped into the stash now and then. Hospitals do not do much about the professionals they employ. Many surgeons operate under the influence. Marijuana is the least of their problems.

  43. GrainneKathleen12:01 PM

    how did miller think that he could get away with all this info not being made public. a former co-worker must have tipped the adn off about his history - how was this not obviously inevitable. what did he think, that the grizzled mama and van flein would protect him from the mean, bad public scrutiny that he feels entitled somehow to avoid?
    i say keep it rolling - et all the skeletons out this week and give the undecideds something to chew on. what are the most recent polls saying. this close to election day, i think we won't know the polls till all votes are in. it usually happens that way anyway.
    i personally can't wait to vote (in maine though!).

  44. Anonymous12:05 PM

    The Joe Miller fans who were showcased on the RMS last night, need to take a moment, take a deep breathe, and try really, really hard to think about how they are presenting themselves.

    That they come across as ignorant, cruel, loudmouths incapable of thinking for themselves is obvious to the rest of us, but these folks need to step back from their shouting and ranting support of Joe or Sarah, and consider if this is really how they want their families to remember them. The image isn't something to be proud of or cherished.

    Being ignorant can be forgiven because with time and effort, you can inform yourself of the facts and learn how to analyze.

    Being willfully ignorant is like being a two-year throwing a huge tantrum, saying "I don't care what you say or what reality is, I am going to scream and cry until I get my way."

    Infantile behavior in adults cannot be forgiven, excused, or tolerated unless they have a developmental impairment. It has to be laughed at and monitored, marginalized or controlled.

    These folks may simply be unaware of how foolish they are, and how they are being manipulated by people who really don't care about them beyond using them to get where they want to be and to get what they want: money and power; but, they need to grow up and think for themselves instead of mindlessly repeating slogans provided to them by those who want to use them.

    I would feel sorry for these folks if they were children, but they aren't and I don't.

  45. Facebook Lurker12:08 PM

    O/T, not to get too far off, but the pic DootDid posted is money!

    I didn't realize this until I read the said :

    t is so evident that DWTS wants Bristol to be part of the tour so tickets sales will be up. Is she entertaining? NO! Does she like dancing? NO! Does she like money? YES! Will Tea Party people buy tickets to the tour? YES!
    - Kat, FL, USA, 27/10/2010 16:59

    Do the DWTS top contestants go on tour???For how long?? This is fabulous y'all...I for one am glad Bristol's still on, the belly watch is too much fun. The bots have no idea what they're doing to Bristol. DWTS is all just a rigged fake "reality" show anyway.

    Apparently Audrina's got her own reality show (Marc Burdett producing) that she has to start filming

  46. Anonymous12:10 PM

    OT a bit - but I found Tank's comment last night about there not being a large anti-gay contingent in Anchorage to be untruthful or ignorant because of the mega church that has such control of the city council and Mayor Sullivan.

    Was Tank not there or has he not been aware of the protests by this church? Goodness, how could he ignore that miserable congregation?

  47. So where is the poop on Joe's military disability? Please someone get their hands on it!!!

  48. Anonymous12:41 PM

    My feeling is that those supporters of the bat-sheet candidates, when confronted with little points of contention, such as....oh....say.... THE TRUTH, have a difficult decision. Admit being wrong or.... defend the clown to the bitter end. Save face, even one now have the proverbial Red Nose of clowndome exposed for all to see.

  49. Anonymous12:53 PM

    O/T: followup news on Rand Paul (now former) volunteer who stepped on MoveOn activist's head:

    (sorry, I usually do not shout, but could not help it this time).

    Gryphen, thank you for wonderful footage with Rachel (from yet one more straight, over-a-certain-age woman in love with her and her mind); for appearing in said footage; for digging in the excrement and other assorted piles of rubbish, to present us the facts and links to JoeyM and Unohu; for attending Sanity Rally in DC this weekend.

    Have a fantastic time. I will be following the activity as closely as I can, and thinking fondly of you all...


  50. I'm no fan, but I have a hard time believing Mike Huckabee is going to get involved in this. The list of endorsers sounds more like Joe's wishful thinking than reality. Palin, DeMint, Bachmann, yes, but these are the truly demented. Huckabee is just an old time political huckster, not a total nut case.

  51. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Miller cheated in a straw poll.
    What other kind of voting will he be willing to cheat at.
    Particularly since he is associated with a party that has a history of cheating in elections going back to Nixon and including cheating a liar, failure and future war crimes perpetrator into the WH?

    When all else is said an done the question still remains what else has he, what else would he, what else will he lie about and cheat in order to gain what he wants and to avoid responsibility for his wrongful acts.

  52. Anonymous2:11 PM

    The military academies used to have a policy of "We will not lie, steal, cheat or tolerate among us anyone who will".
    Whatever happened to that?

  53. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Teabaggers imploding all over the country this week. The real question is will it make any difference in the minds of the voters.

    guess we're about to find out


  54. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Anon 9:59am
    "This Tea Party / GOP platform makes more and more sense everyday."

    Right out of the pages of history.

    The Bush Empire has roots in Nazism.
    The Republicans already said they would use Shock and Awe in this country.
    The Republicans already said they would use Taliban tactics in this country.

    These are not patriotic people, they do not love or respect this nation, and its Constitution and laws.
    They do not respect the rights of the citizens given in the Constitution.

    DeLay sent thugs to intimidate and stop the recount in Florida and they succeeded.

    And the list goes on and on.

    Yes, there is pattern.

  55. This must be the first time that rats have rushed to board a sinking ship.

  56. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Please make sure a bear scampers off with Demint or he gets lost in the woods and is never found again! We don't want that ignorant, condescending, mental midget assphat back here in SC and I'm sure the Nation doesn't want him either.

  57. Anonymous4:06 PM did miller think that he could get away with all this info not being made public....

    It works for the Palins, why can't they help their dear friend combat vet Joe?

    ....So where is the poop on Joe's military disability?.....

    If it can be found, they can find out about Track Palin also, too!

  58. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Sarah! You said we can't reward "Bad Behavior." Did you lie again?

  59. Anonymous4:43 PM

    .......Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and other big names in the GOP will appear with U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller of Alaska at a

    "free public event" Thursday at the Dena'ina Center in Anchorage.

    I wonder if that FREE PUBLIC EVENT will become suddenly private like the one where they handcuffed Hopfinger... ROFL... those wingnuts change definitions faster than they change underwear and bed partners....

  60. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Where is the poop on Joe's...

    That is filed same cabinet- different folder as

    W facts- did he or didn't he snort coca..
    W how he got into TANG..
    W AWOL from TANG trainin..
    W busted for dru..

    McCaint and Keating Five scandal-what really happened

    Prescott Bush and the Business Plot aka Plot against FDR...

  61. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Posted this on another JM related thread.

    Interesting timing of his "bizarre/out of character" behavior. That was going on for probably a good part of Feb 2008 and March 2008, as per the released documents.

    Now, what else could legal beagle Joey be involved in at that time? Ahh, the miracle baby of April 2008.

    No wonder why he was going nutso - he was involved in something that looks like a swindle involving his own firm personal while performing fraud at his gov't job.


    PMom (GA)

  62. Anonymous6:48 PM

    It may snow tomorrow. When Anchorage has its 1st snow of the season, there are 200 cars in either ditches or fender benders. It could slow things down for the Miller Rally.

  63. aj weishar9:40 PM

    Miller's discharge papers contain a reason for discharge, unqualified resignation. Miller was in his fourth year of service and should have been looking at a promotion to Captain. If his superiors determined he was not qualified, they would separate him.

    Interesting to note, Miller used the VA hospital, another one of those socialist organizations he aims to close.

  64. Anonymous1:05 AM

    I doubt Drop Zone will be there. Palin will bring her own gestapo!

  65. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Will Bristol be there to dance for the crowd?

  66. hauksdottir3:18 AM

    There are some good clear photos of Bristol here:

    She does seem to have a waist above the bump. There are all kinds of Spanx, but I'm not sure if any of them would yield a waistline. Perhaps another product or corset is also involved?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.