Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Rachel Maddow films her show in Alaska and I get to sit in the audience. Please do not pinch me, because if this is a dream, I don't want to wake up!

Here is the show's opening.  The bar is called the "Taproot" on Spenard road.

Directly behind Rachel on the left you can see Jeanne Devon (Mudflats), Linda Kellen Biegel is also there (Celtic Diva). I am directly behind Rachel's head and you will see me intermittently.  Shannyn Moore of course was interviewed by Maddow, and that video is embedded below.

Much of the show focuses on Rachel's difficulty getting an interview with Joe Miller, and of course how awkwardly it went when she finally did get it, but she also interviewed both Lisa Murkowski and Scott McAdams. Here is the segment that contains those interviews, and here is an additional piece where Rachel visits McAdams campaign headquarters.

In this segment Rachel interviews one of the great Alaskans who crafted our constitution, Vic Fisher, and Shannyn Moore.

I love that Vic Fisher reminds the viewers that the constitution is a "framework for the future" and was never meant, either the Alaskan or American version, to be "static and forgotten forever."  Quick somebody show this to Joe Miller, THEN he might know what in the hell he is talking about! Or better yet make him talk to Vic, like Rachel pointed out, he is still right here to explain to people if they don't get it!

Here Rachel arrives in Alaska and meets Tank Jones. (Yes I talked to Tank last night, but he asked me not to blog about it, so I won't.)  In this segment Maddow has a very informative conversation with Miller supporters, and learns how uneducated they are about the issues that they claim to be so upset about.

And finally here is the "interview on the run" that Rachel was finally able to get with Miller.  Go ahead and try to make sense of his answers to Rachel's questions about gay rights, I double dog dare you.

What a rude vaguely bearded prick! Personally I am embarrassed that Rachel had to see that side of Alaska.  Miller and his followers represent the very worst of us, and it is with great shame that I watch how he treated somebody who I respect a great deal on national television.

As I mentioned in the comments section earlier, I DID get a chance to meet and talk to Rachel briefly at the Dena'ina Center right before she interviewed Miller.

I believe this picture was taken right at the moment that she told me that she has been reading my blog. Yeah, I was pretty stunned as well!

I don't believe I have the words to describe how cool yesterday was for me.  Essentially it rocked!

I thought the highlight of my week, hell my month, would be attending the "Rally to Restore Sanity" in Washington, now I am not so sure.  Jon and Stephen are going to really have to pull out teh stops in order to beat my amazing day watching the filming of the "Rachel Maddow Show" and meeting her face to face.


  1. KiheiKat5:56 AM

    I watched Rachel's show twice today & loved it even more the second time. I'm so glad you got to talk with her - what an incredible person she is - MY HERO!

    I looked for you - in vain, but felt happy knowing you were there being thrilled to death too. :)

  2. MC30315:56 AM

    Gryphen, I'd probably bust if Rachel talked to me, too! I love love love her so I'm with you on the fan(girl) thing. :) So glad you got to meet her and squee that she reads IM!

    Looking forward to meeting up with you somehow in DC. Are you going to post where you're going to be hanging?

  3. Totally Awesome! I am soooo very happy for you that you got to meet her.

    See you at the Rally! (well at least we'll be in the same general loation)

  4. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Well, I'm jealous, Gryphen. I totally have a crush on her, and I'm a 60 year old very straight woman!

  5. Anonymous6:03 AM

    THAT's the guy behind Levi? Mr. I-don't-know-proper-English-used-to-be-a-pimp Tank Jones? Yeah he's screwed, even before his pimp related him to Jesus

  6. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Were you the guy who periodically stuck his head out from behind Rachel and was busily chomping gum?

  7. abo gato6:16 AM

    How exciting for you! Rachel is amazing. So smart and so well prepared every show. I have loved her since her Air America days and was so glad to see her get the recognition she deserves with her show on MSNBC. I want her to be on the air forever.

  8. Anonymous6:20 AM

    I'm almost done watching the whole segment on the MSNBC site and my heart keeps pounding every time a Miller supporter or Miller is on.

    Scumbags, absolutely the ugliest Alaskans we have represented in that movement.

    Google Eric Holder and the second amendment and you'll see all you have to know? About what? What is your position against Holder? What record, he is not an elected official. The Black Panters? OMG. Idiots. Assholes too.

    Hey freak lady telling Rachel all about the New Black Panthers, you really think your anger is any less intimidating than the Black Panthers?

    You think Drop Zone, Bill Fulton or Rand Paul's coordinator Tim Proffitt are any less of a threat to the safety and individual rights of peaceably assembled citizens?

    If you yell loud enough and are angry enough and aren't at all able to articulate your objection to an individual or policy, it makes you and what you stand for a joke. But it isn't funny when your persistence on getting government out of our lives still means defining our sexuality and reproductive rights.

    You couldn't possibly get anymore intrusive. And you guys just don't get it. You are stepping on your ability to quote scripture in public, because lord help you when one day, 3/4 of the population decide we all should be Aqua Buddhists.

  9. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Lucky lucky you! Rachel is the #1 person I'd like to have a cup of coffee with.

  10. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Awesome! Just simply, awesome!

    I'd be so embarrassed if I were as ill-informed as Miller's voting base. And, I would be embarrassed if my candidate were as compromised, rude & sneaky as is Miller.

    What a week you are having, & I am so jealous! rofl


  11. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Joe Miller, schizoid, shell-shocked Joe. If you weren't such a lying, conniving, Sarah Palin aligned dirtbag I'd have pity on your mental problems.

    In his bizarre interview with Rachel, he says he's not going to "intrude upon an individual's decision - as to what he or she does." Wow, he could have had me there. . .displaying his diversity appreciation. BUT, "the fact of the matter is, it's a State issue."

    How is it an individual decision when he says it is a State's issue?

    Diverse country? Recognize different approaches to different values. Okay, let's recognize that there are gay people and pro-choice people. We need 3/4 of the people to decide for us our values and lifestyle?

    I am voting early and voting against Joe Miller and FOR Alaska and the continuing effort to progress this country to the Greatness it purports to offer in individual freedoms.

  12. GrainneKathleen6:46 AM

    what a great show rachel put on - but i always think she puts on a great show. this was particularly fantastic, although i wouldn't have minded more time with mcadams.
    so great to hear the you got to meet her jesse - i seethe with jealousy, though; i hope maine gives her a reason to come up here someday, maybe she can help us with dissemination of correct information so we can get rid of at least one of our 2 gop senators. and i'm not at all surprised that she reads your blog (hi rachel!!!) she is deeply amused by sarah palin (hi sarah!!!) and horrified as well, and you are a great source of info about her and about lgbt issues in alsaka, as well as a pretty darn entertaining guy, which rachel always appreciates.
    i know you can't answer it, but what's with tank pickig rachel up at the airport? maybe he just amuses her as well.

  13. High five's to you Gryphen and everyone else who wanted Rachel to report on this senate race. Kudos to you also for perseverence of the truth and the whole truth whatever it may be. Yes, what a week for you!

    Where are people meeting? I am looking forward to participating at the rally and am glad I have time to go.

  14. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Very very cool Gryphen.
    Rachel, since you read this blog, please start exposing Sarah Palin, for all she isn't, including Tri-g's birth mother. Thank you. I've emailed you at least thrice but never here back from you or your staff. You are wonderful but would be immortal if you exposed Sarah.

  15. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Loved, loved, loved the show! I would love to sit down and have a beer with Rachel!

    Murkie came across as so dainty and lady like.. couldn't believe it was the same person. I believe Rachel could have spent another month in Alaska discussing Murkie's 'accomplishments'.

    All show Joe, passed on another opportunity of free press for his campaign. If Greta was there, he would be attached at her hip during her entire visit. Is Joe afraid of strong, non-submissive women? How do you think he will treat his female constituents who don't stroke his ego and don't tow the line? Ignore them... run away from them... dismiss their concerns...hang up on them... avoid their phone calls and emails? He's soooo busy being busy and instead of coming across as 'Mr Important' he comes across as 'Mr Pompous'. rude..rude..rude.. I guess he's been promised greener pastures and doesn't feel the need to earn the votes to acquire the Senate seat. Hope Joe kept his receipt for those drapes that will never, ever hang in Scott's Senate office. Something tells me that Joe would expect the tax payer to pick up his redecorating costs after all it's not in the Constitution that HE should pay for them....

  16. So, who is Tank gonna sponge when Levi's cash is all gone? You can't say! Dang!

    Rachel is awesome! Thanks for going--- I love how much fun you had!

  17. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Gryph! I just found out I am going to be able to attend Stewart's Rally. Are the Ak Bloggers meeting up somewhere? I would love to meet you guys/gals in person! Exciting week! Exciting weekend!


  18. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Can someone just please give Rachel her Peabody right now? She is the smartest, best-informed and most articulate newsperson in business now. Bar none. She even had to remind Lisa Murkowski that she had been "primaried" back in 2002. (At least Rachel's made-up terms make sense, unlike a certain quittah from Wasilla.) I am so glad you got to hang with Rachel. I envy you, but you deserve all the accolades. You are very brave.

  19. I'm sure Rachel was equally honored to meet you. I know I would be.

  20. Anonymous7:14 AM

    I've got a question for you Alaskans. Please know, I am a Rachel fan, so this is why I am curious since I watched the show last night. What was it that Palin offered that she even got elected in the first place?

  21. Anonymous7:20 AM

    How do we get the 'fraidy cats to vote for McAdams? There isn't much time left, and lots of Murkowsi people probably early voted.

  22. Anonymous7:22 AM

    What an coward! This guy is a are the Alaskan people smoking?

  23. Anonymous7:29 AM

    I am soooooo jealous.

  24. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Palin to Rally for Miller on Thursday in Alaska

  25. sallyngarland,tx7:31 AM

    I'm 61 but I just have to say HA! HA! to Palin. Bet they won't have OReilly smacking your picture up on his show since you have Rachel on your side. And it is nice to see Palin,Miller,etc can't hide out because MSNBC Maddow can, and will, go to Alaska.

    Keep blogging too, All of the bloggers are important. In TX, some of the races can't be covered like they want by the newspapers because of staff cuts. Bloggers, like BurntOrangeReport(plug--good blog) try to do alot but TX is big and it is hard.

    So glad you got to talk to Maddow, Gryph !

    I have to add. Tea Party Express came to the Dallas-Ft Worth area(DFW) Mon. Population is 4,800,000+. Only 200(your eyes aren't lying-200) showed up.

  26. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Haha, was that you waving in the first second, Gryphen? Then you become visible for a second. :-) What a great experience that must have been. I hope the weekend proves as good!

    - AnneOnn

  27. Anonymous7:39 AM

    You lucky dog.

    I actually forced a conservative repub friend of mine to watch TRMS one night. He's the thoughtful, informed kind with whom you agree to disagree (remember way back when in the good ol' days of civility?) When it was over, he thanked me (sarcastically) and then said "Now I have ANOTHER ***damned addiction to deal with ..."

    You go, Ms Rachel, go!!!!!!

  28. angela7:56 AM

    Geez, am I jealous.
    Of course I would have just babbled and drooled if I'd met Rachel. Now there's a woman smarter than most people in any room.

    Glad you had a good time Gryphen--you deserve it!

  29. SME1317:57 AM

    The show was great and I am so glad you got to meet her. Rachel is pure class.

    The tea party idiots once again proved their ignorance. The one saying she didn't know the facts but she knew Holder is anti gun. The one suggesting Rachel should google Holder and guns and the real kicker - the ignorant ass bitch that said the new black panther party was stealing the election. I think she confused the 2 new black panthers with the Koch brothers.

    Of course Joe managed to look even more like a weasel than usual.

    I am so glad Shannyn explained that Alaskans still see Palin as the QUITTER she is and that McAadams had a chance to say Palin is not impacting this election.

    Best of all I loved all the cheering from the crowd for in support of Scott.

  30. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Wouldn't it be great if Rachel Maddow could broadcast from the Miller rally tomorrow... Palin, Miller, Burke...

  31. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I loved the show. First person I notice, beside Rachel was Jeanne Devon. Right away it felt like ''home''.
    Definitely not Sarah Palins Alaska.
    Joe's bots did nothing to convince me they had any intelligence.
    Joe is a complete moron. Could he have been any ruder to Rachel ?
    The show was great. The audience in the bar was everything I imagined the thinking part of Alaska to be. I hope that this will shine a positive light on your state.

    This should help improve your image that Sour tarnished.
    Oh, BTW, I was not impressed with Lisa.

    Vote McAdams !


  32. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I'm so pleased for you!

    And I'm seriously jealous of the readers who are going to meet you at the rally in DC.

  33. I am very happy for you Gryphen. I enjoyed watching the segments of the show on line. I could have done without Tank Jones though. What state does he live in because I did not recognize the one he described? Those Joe Miller supporters Rachel interviewed comprise a large part of the population here in Soldotna. I'm surrounded by them. A few days ago one told me I should watch Glennn Beck and I told him I prefered my politics filtered through a Phd in political science rather than a GED, so I watch Rachel Maddow.

  34. If only there were more Rachel Maddows on the public airwaves and in public view. She is so prepared, so wel-read, so thoughtful she puts other public figures to shame. She is living witness to the high value of a well educated, intelligent person.

  35. Buffalo, NYNY8:13 AM

    She really is quite tall, isn't she?

    And if she's 6 foot or so, how big is Tank? ? He dwarfed her - made her look like a Kentucky Derby jockey!

  36. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Joe Miller is the biggest incompetent asshole I've ever had the displeasure of seeing in real life. Rude, stupid, incompetent, arrogant, all come to mind.

    I'd better head over to wikipedia and make an entry!

  37. Rachel simply rocks, and yes, you were very fortunate to be able to be in the room that night. The funniest part of the so-called interview with Jackass Joe was when he said to Rachel, I'm going to be straight with you. I paraphrase here but it was during the gay conversion discussion before the escalator. What a douche.

  38. Cool, so cool. Thanks for the post Gryphen (how did you calm down enought to type?); haven't read all the comments because Anonymous at 6:01 is obviously my twin: Hey girl! I too am a 60-year-old straight woman with a crush on Rachel.

    Gryphen: it's okay. I know you didn't want her to see that side of Alaskans (some Alaskans) but it was important for her and she is important enough on the national stage to bring to light some of Miller's behaviors. Besides, she took it in stride - look at that knowing smile on her face! And she got to meet some REALLY COOL Alaskans (you, AKM, Celtic Diva, Shannyn, et al.). And ... if there is a real Mama Grizzly, she is it and boy would I love to be one of her bear cubs! Namaste.

    You be careful, have fun, and post a lot from the rally this weekend. Wish I could be there; hubby and I have thought about going.

  39. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Dang it... I was hoping Rachel would ask Joe about his Military Disability, but with Joe's 'running' act and his confusing answers to the 1st question, it didn't leave any time for questions on another topic. Joe is now the poster boy for 'Run and Hide'! Maybe his future holds for him a Nike's endorsement ... bwahahahahaha..

  40. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Off topic,

    but here are few of Bristol's friends in her trailer at DWTS.

    I think its legit because one of them is listed as friends on Bristol's facebook page!/photo.php?fbid=10150307939890322&set=a.10150279470475322.492952.706355321#!/profile.php?id=100001290349668

  41. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Did Rachel ask for your autograph?

    Still wish you would have held up sign saying..."Is Bristol Pregnant?"

    You be a lucky guy... we all wish we could have been there.

  42. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Rachel Maddow could be much more useful if she didn't spend so much time on the gay issue.

  43. Anonymous9:03 AM

    God, she's so beautiful. It was awful seeing a dog like Miller disrespect her. News that she reads you brought tears to my eyes. How awesome for you!

  44. Virginia Voter9:10 AM

    Looks like you'll miss the big rally with Sarah and her coven:

  45. Anne In DC9:31 AM

    I saw the whole show myself, and I have to admit that I dissolved into laughter when I saw that coward, Joe Miller, actually run from Rachel Maddow. He managed to make an even bigger fool of himself, and that definitely takes some doing. His follower who was talking about the Black Panthers sounded really stupid, and it doesn't surprise me that she represents the kind of low-information voter he appeals to.

    Is there any doubt in anyone's mind that he should never hold an elective office anywhere? I hope his antics removed any such doubt.

  46. trishSWFL9:50 AM

    I am beyond jealous that you got to attend the show and meet Rachel...but happy for you too.

    I watched twice last night, and will no doubt watch again online today--just can't get enough of Rachel.

    I hope the weekend rally will be great for the ones lucky enough to go--it's just not in my current budget, but my heart and soul will be there with you, as I watch from home.

  47. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Big THANK YOU to YOU and all the other Alaskans who have done so much hard work. Are you surprised that people are paying attention?

    Maybe November will bring another surprise highlight for you to blog about (Miller spouting and pouting because he...)

    Rachael gets what is going on in American politics better than most journalists- And having Vic Fisher talk about the constitution was a great way to call Miller an IDIOT.

    Rachael may be thinking about why both Joe and the Miller supporters she talked to are so unknowingly obtuse and misinformed.
    It has to do with homeschooling and the religion. They are told what to think and say. They can't think for themselves, and know no history. There are reasons that Miller can't have a give and take discussion with Maddow like McAdams and Murkowski can. Most of his supporters would do just as poorly as those on the Maddow clips did.

    They have difficulty functioning in any type of setting where others
    that look or think differently are.
    If they actually have to talk it gets worse.

    The concept that this political climate is more of what has been seen before is partially right.
    But there are more and more second and third generation 'believers', and these churches have gotten larger and larger.

    Not in living memory have the billionaire moguls been able to buy the entire political system as they can since the Supreme Court Citizens united decision. The idiots are all for hire- and now there is unlimited money to pay them. Those with money know which 'leaders' can bring thousands of 'followers' to say and believe whatever stupidity is the flavor of the day.

    Have fun in D.C.

  48. Gryphen,
    Congratulations on your great day!
    It goes to prove that even awesome things (politically) can happen for democrats up there in Alaska :)

  49. Anonymous12:28 PM

    So glad you could be there, Gryphen! Hey, I'm a 64 year old wife, mother and grandmother that has a crush on Rachel, also, too. It seems a lot of us do. She's so smart and informed, I don't see how anyone could keep from liking her. Oh, I forgot, the Rethugs don't like smart and informed.

  50. Anonymous12:57 PM

    OK Gryphen, I have to say congrats on such a great experience!
    I also have to say that even as a 52 y/o straight male, I also too have a crush on Rachel.

  51. I watch Rachel's show every morning on her web site. I decided last year to stop subscribing to cable TV since so much of it was crap and there were only a few shows I was really interested in watching anyway. Most of them I can either watch the next day at their web site or on Hulu. Rachel's show is the only one that I wish I could see the second it is on. But I gotta say, watching it in the morning while I get ready for work can wake me up better than coffee.

    I liked hearing that she reads your blog Gryphen. I am also enjoying that you're gaining more recognition through your work here. You deserve it. You bust your ass with the research you do and the dedication that you put into your blog. Here is hoping that you become part of the GOPs hated "Lamestream Media" yourself!

  52. Anonymous2:39 PM

    I'm sorry but I'm super confused. Maddow was at the Taproot. Public tickets were not available and you couldn't just show up.
    What is at the Denaina Center?
    Could you give us a short briefing on activities with Rachel or anything else of interest in the next day or two?
    Are these public events or private?
    How does one find out about them?

  53. emrysa5:46 PM

    awesome gryphen! I am living vicariously through you this week with your cool adventures - looking forward to your dc report! have fun and safe travels!

  54. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Regardless of what you think of Lisa, she and McAdams acted like adults. They respected the fact that Maddow's show would spend the time and money to come to Alaska and talk to them.
    But not Joe, he could only just barely be bothered.

    And that is how he will treat Alaskans if he is elected.
    "I'm sorry you child is dying lady but I have a tight schedule. Gotta run."

  55. " Rachel Maddow could be much more useful if she didn't spend so much time on the gay issue." Anon. at 8:53.

    The gay issue, as you call it, is precisely the same as every other civil rights issue, so folks had best pay close attention to how everyone is treated legally, socially, culturally. Either every person has a place in our society, or no one does. People can't be singled out for inclusion or exclusion in any civil rights and privileges that should belong to all.

  56. Congrats - how cool that she's read your blog! While I am horribly jealous of your great adventure, I am so glad that one of us from the intertubes got to be there. Great post, and again, congrats on a job well done and a close encounter of the maddow kind, friend.

  57. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Enjoyed reading/following your page.Please keep it coming. Cheers!


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