Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Teabaggers save Bristol again! The far more talented Brandy sent packing.

From E Online:

As everyone knows, momentum on Dancing With the Stars is more than judges' adulation—the voters at home have major pull, as evidenced by Bristol Palin's ascendance into the semifinals, despite consecutive last-place finishes.

But with nothing ahead but the finale, did her fans do enough last night to vault her over Jennifer Grey, Brandy or Kyle Massey for a spot in the top three.

You betcha they did!

Bristol the Pistol will be joining Kyle and Jennifer in next week's final, meaning Brandy and Maks Chmerkovskiy got the boot Tuesday, despite their second-place finish last night that included a perfect Argentine tango.

And according to Tom Bergeron, a series-high number of votes were cast to make it happen.

Not one person didn't look stunned, including Bristol and her partner Mark Ballas.

If this were any other person besides a child of Sarah Palin, and backed by her crazed followers, this would have been impossible to pull off. (For any of those still in denial about how aggressively the Palin-bots cheated to get the Grizzled Mama's untalented cub into the finals, you need to head on over to Jezebel.  She will straighten you out.)

Sarah Palin is sending a message to the other Republicans thinking of running for the GOP nomination, and that is that she will do WHATEVER it takes to win.  If they take up the gauntlet and go after her as hard as she will go after them they can easily destroy her.

Her life, and her family mythology, are nothing but a fragile house of cards.  All it takes is one stiff breeze, and it will come tumbling down just like that crappy fence that Todd put up this summer.

I for one am trying to get my wind machines in order.  Stay tuned Palin-bots I think we have some surprises coming your way.

P.S. For those who sent me the Facebook flame war, be patient I will have it up very early in the morning.  And I have already sent it around to other interested parties.


  1. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Why does everyone blame Sarah for Bristol's success on DWTS? Theres no way its solely due to Sarah Palin's fans alone. You live in denial if you think other people cannot possibly find BRistol charming. BEcause I hear about it everyday on the street. One cannot help the number of voting supporters one has. Do all you who are complaining vote?

  2. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Palin tweets a "P" for sticking out her tongue. Then deletes the tweet. Next tweet starts with "Proud".

    Sarah Palin's handlers are just not quick enough to keep their little Golden Child locked down.

  3. Anonymous7:05 PM

    We have arrived at an age in America where mediocrity is celebrated with daily MSM coverage, paid interviews, photo-spreads and speeches. At one point it couldn't pull off the second highest office in the land or a Senate seat, but it may win a mirrored ball.

    American Exceptionalism, where the Palin's are the cream of the crop.

  4. Anonymous7:06 PM

    No matter how wrong the now infamous fb war is, it was equally wrong for the boys to bank off it. Even other haters agree. See Chancie Hansons public facebook. Neither is classy, both will be forgotten.

    Gryphen, you do realize that while Sarah may fall, her family will never be destroyed. They are a true family. And you are nothing but a gossip whore. At least we now know from the tmz debacle that Bristol is just overweight

  5. Anonymous7:06 PM

    The nerve of that family. The fucking nerve to say with a straight and arrogant face that Bristol belongs on any stage. . .

  6. Anonymous7:07 PM

    So according to tea bagger brain cells, you don't have to watch, just vote for her. After all she wore a tea bag teeshirts last week!

    I can hear it know... Preggo Pistol won without a display of skill...

    Good gawd, what a mess.

  7. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Let the idiots vote all they want for this insipid, spoiled, barely educated pig who is known for nothing more than rutting without a condom.

    When Dancing with the "Stars" is over, Barack Obama will still be President of the United States.

    The Palins? Well, they will still be low-class garbage desperate for their next media fix.

    I look forward to one of those snarky "I Love the ..." shows on VH-1 taking on DWTS and Stupid's ignorant TLC puke-fest in the next few years once all these people are relegated to the pop culture dustbin.

  8. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Belly Watch! Blow this house of cards down. Two years of over promising and under delivering is enough, Group Hunters.

  9. I for one am livid and I didn't think Bristol was shocked at all. She knows how powerful the palinbots are. She knew "the fake Christians" and teathugs would come through for her and she knew putting a hit out on Max yesterday would do him in. People better take notice. This little "dance show" is only the beginning of what could happen in 2012 because of ignorant people!

  10. Dear $arah, Your pregnant cow may end up winning DWTS but the difference between a fixed show, and winning the office of POTUS is: Your trolls can only vote ONCE in an election.
    Maybe you ought to just take your filthy mouthed kids and pay for the tour of the WH. It's the ONLY way that you are getting in there.

  11. Anonymous7:13 PM

    DWTS has jumped the shark. Yet another thing that the Palin brand has destroyed.

  12. Anonymous7:15 PM

    You'd better be quick - the facebook flame war is posted on HuffPo already, complete with screen shots.

  13. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Thank you, Gryphen. We need all hands on deck now. This has gone way too far. I know, I know, it's only a stupid dance show.

    I am just so tired of these people, completely tapped out. We have to get them out of the headlines for once - hopefully for a long, long time.

    (After you all blow these lies wide open, that is. It may take a while for the dust to settle...)

    I am almost positive that girl is preggers and it needs to be exposed.

    We all thought we'd have to expose Sarah's fake pregnancy to show what she's capable of, but maybe all it will take is Bristol's real one combined with the outrageous lying they have been doing on television all month.

  14. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Bristol = BIG AS A HOUSE!

  15. laprofesora7:19 PM

    Sooooo, if Brystil wins a meaningless TV dance competition, then that means her crazy mother is meant to be president??? It's official: mental illness is contagious.

  16. Anonymous7:20 PM

    First of all, the face in that picture, is priceless. And the sideview of her stomach? Yeah, someone at E! really, really hates her. It's so obvious that she's so way too fat. Also, to the claims that she looked "surprised" -- uh, wtf show were they watching? No Palin ever looked so smugly superior. You can see her catch herself. Gryphen was right; she knew what she was doing when she said that crap about Maksim not liking her, and it worked, she got her way. She beat Brandy.

    And I know it's nasty to call her a bitch and I try to stay away from critiquing Sarah's family, but between this, her smug face, the thing she said to the teacher and the Facebook rant, you know what, I'm done. Bristol, you're a fat piece of trash, and so's your sister...AND WHY DON'T YOU AND YOUR TRASH FAMILY GO SOMEWHERE TO LEARN HOW TO USE AN EFFING APOSTROPHE, ALREADY. Twenty years old and doesn't even know the difference between your and you're but you can bet your ass she complains about people who don't know how to speak English when she can't even effing write correctly in her own native language.

    PS: You know the Obama girls probably know the difference between your and you're already. But they actually get to go to school.

  17. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Sarah Palin has been using her many websites to get people to vote for her daughter. Does that seem fair? Only in Palinland.

    So the bots were using phony email addresses to vote? Interesting. I was unable to use my email to vote and was cut-off after voting five time by phone.

    Sorry Brandy. You really rocked it, girl.

    Guess what Brisket: you have to keep on dancing...or pretending to dance. This is called "be careful what you wish for." :)

  18. laprofesora7:22 PM

    "Gryphen, you do realize that while Sarah may fall, her family will never be destroyed. They are a true family."

    Did you ever consider doing stand-up? Really, you're hysterical!!! I mean, you have a gift!

  19. I'm calling Tonya Harding right now. And Dexter, too. They'll know how to handle this mess.

  20. Luckily, in a real election all the votes by cell phone, text message, and websites are not counted.

    Teabaggers, dream on, dream on...

  21. Anonymous7:27 PM

    What I don't understand is why neither Sarah nor Bristol realize that Bristol has made herself into a laughing stock. First she goes on TV giving us way too much information about her sex life and calling her child a "mistake." Now the pregnant buffalo is thumping around on a stage in a clumsy, comic imitation of her svelte, coordinated betters while people make jokes about her having more chins than a Chinese phone book.

    Ah, but we're all just jealous haters. Thankfully, neither of my slim, beautiful, intelligent daughters has ever been pregnant. And they can dance.

  22. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Anon 7:06: "Gryphen, you do realize that while Sarah may fall, her family will never be destroyed. They are a true family. And you are nothing but a gossip whore. At least we now know from the tmz debacle that Bristol is just overweight:"

    Huh? Really?

    I wont touch the Bristol weight issue, but the Palin family that will never be destroyed because they are a "true family"...what does that mean?

    What makes this family any different then any other family in the world? What makes a "true family" vs the rest of the ordinary regular families?

  23. ...of course they couldn't have three women left.

  24. Anonymous7:29 PM

    It's really kind of funny that the Palinbots spend so much of their time and energy on a stupid reality show. We all knew it was rigged from the git go. Shallow people deserve a shallow win.

    And Anon @ 7:02. Look up the word charming. If you think the Palin kid is charming, then you must have very low standards.


  25. Gryphen,
    Where's YOUR post on Willow?
    It's all over the news except here on Immoral Minority!

    Willow Palin Facebook Posts: Homophobic Slurs, Curse Words & More (SCREENSHOT)

  26. Anonymous7:32 PM

    good grief, she looks HUGE in that pix.

    The FB paylin brat mouth-off is in PDF on TMZ.
    Its quite something.
    These paylin brats have *hair triggers* just like their parents.
    All they know how to do is React. No action, just and only...reaction.
    A true sign of 'secrets' and abuse.

    Theyre all socially incompetent.

  27. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs Todd Palin their daughter Bristol and her dancing partner Marc.

    What goes around comes around. And sometimes karma is a bitch.

    May God forgive you all.

  28. Anonymous7:33 PM

    just read the palin girls facebook comments on TMZ - You know Free Speech is only for the palins and the teabaggers...The girls are just just like their Mom, using Facebook to call others names....anyone who disagrees with them will be destroyed!!! Such Sweet Girls

    B Palin sucks at dancing and every site raising money for Palin are asking people to vote for BP.....

  29. The least of America needs a family to look up to; they've always expressed a desire to have a plain spoken, uneducated person that they can relate to in the White House. GWB was a pretender with his Yale education and his blue blood background, but gosh darnit, these Palins proudly wave the flag of low ambition and stupidity and the disenfranchised in our Great Nation eat it up.

    Sadly, they always fail to realize that someone more intelligent than them must lead the country.

    These are the people that gladly pay an extra dollar on their cellphone bill to vote up Bristol the Pistol on the dancing show. When that cellphone bill shows up in the mail with the extra texting charge they will either pay it and eat mac and cheese for a week or not make the lot payments on the double wide.

    Lower class America, meet your heroes, they make millions while you suffer and you don't seem to care.

  30. Anonymous7:36 PM

    now from the tmz debacle that Bristol is just overweight


  31. Anonymous7:37 PM

    One more time - did anyone else have trouble voting last night? When I called for Jennifer at five minutes past the hour, the recording said my time zone was closed. WTF?

  32. Anonymous7:39 PM


  33. Anonymous7:39 PM

    @7:02 - Bristol, the huge goth death moth, is charming? Oh, you hang out with homophobic thugs? And it should be "every day" (2 words). "Everyday" is the adjective form.

  34. 1. Hideous picture.

    2. Does she really think she's a better dancer than these other people who've been sent home? She's gotta know, so she'll have to live with that for the rest of her life. Just a little something else she can resent her mother for later in life...;-)

  35. Anonymous7:45 PM

    So now the Palins and all of the little bots have karma ....

    and the rest still have BELLY WATCH!

    Enquiring minds want to know: Will Marc have to take medical leave for his injuries? Will BP's water break on stage???? What will she name this one ...Dance? So many questions so few answers.

    Wake up Wassilla!

  36. emrysa7:45 PM

    gryphen, that facebook flame was PURE. GOLD. yeah that's a good christian family, right? going to someone else's facebook page to give them shit for their opinions. they don't know how to behave. pure trash.

    to 7:02 pm - bullshit. I'm not buying your bridge. you hear it every day on the street? rofl listen... rill americans do not reward mediocrity. rill americans reward those who have worked hard and excel. people who are voting for bristol are rewarding mediocrity and laziness. there is absolutely no doubt that bristol is the laziest of the contestants - who else GAINS WEIGHT on a dancing show? you're not trying hard if you're gaining weight - yet people vote for this. THIS is indicative of why america is falling so hard - people rewarding mediocrity instead of excellence.

  37. I am heartbroken. I think Brandy is the best - I could have handled it if she had come in second to Jennifer, but not to lose to Bristol, gag.

  38. I'm sure the Secret Service already knows that $arah is not the mother of TRI-G. I'm sure it was easy to get samples from each of them in 2008.

  39. I think people like the $arah Heath Palin family are the reason I am never a Christian and never will be.

  40. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Went to the Jezebel site and it had a photo of Bristol, OMG, I never realized just how much weight she has put on.

  41. I hope Candie's has a clause to sue the crap out of Bristol Palin.

  42. Gryphen: I wouldn't worry about her winning. I don't think she will,if she does it will be a hollow victory.
    She should have gone after that bear suit debacle.
    Anon 7.02 IT goes to show that you know nothing about dancing,I feel sorry for the regular fans who watch this show all the time. They are the ones that have been cheated. As for Bristol been charming Go read that facebook page
    that got attacked because he said he didn't like Sarah in Alaska.
    Willow and Bristol have dirty mouths.Nothing charming about any of them.

  43. Anonymous7:53 PM


    YOU are delusional if you think the Palinbots have nothing to do with BP still being on DWTS. What makes HER so damn special? She is the worst dancer to ever make it to the final three on DWTS. You have to be blind to think she is "charming." Being "charming" is no excuse for better dancers being kicked off, because of her. And this isn't a "CHARMING" contest, it's supposed to be a DANCING contest. The show's not called "Charming with the Stars." Maybe Kyle Massey and Jennifer Grey, should forget about dancing, and try to be more "charming." (rolls eyes) BP should have gone home weeks ago. And who cares what "people on the street" (do you know how many people are in this country?) tell you. Most of them are probably old and white, too.

  44. Anonymous7:53 PM

    The porno airport surveillance machines... has Bristol been flying commercial lately?

    The story is she drove to LA to be on DWTS.

    Have there been any commercial flights the past few months? If commercial maybe hand feeling instead of the machine that takes a picture that can be a permanent record and might leak?

    Maybe it is all private jet for the hardwork'in single teen mom.

    Or is there a way they bypass normal security?

    Just askin'.

    Provide some info here if you have it.

  45. hauksdottir7:57 PM

    Bristol signal the judges who was to be booted next. She is probably smirking at the thought of a mirrored ball for her bedroom ceiling. A thousand Bristols glittering back at her....

    If you read the facebook posts, BOTH Bristol and Willow were swearing and name-calling and making brutal mean-girl remarks.

    It reminded me of a cage-full of chimps bellowing and throwing shit at each other. However, when chimps learn language, they also learn grammar and spelling.

    Imagine if McCain had won. He'd be dead by now (Sarah is vicious) and her children would have turned the White House into a drug den, fucking* like rabbits on the antique beds, holding drunken parties, and swearing at visitors and guards and foreign leaders... and especially the staff.

    *I'm using this word in the proper Old Norse sense of animals copulating.

  46. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Since the votes were rigged for B. Palin at the direction of people working at Sarah's PACs, the FCC and FEC should look into ABC allowing PACs to influence how much airtime a person is allowed on "public" shows. There are strict rules for political advetising.

    Palin got a lot of free airtime from having her daughter on DWTS-- all due to political operatives' organizations and websites. Maybe the FCC will say ABC owes other PAC recipients reciprocal public exposure? Public interest lawsuits to the FCC are made of such stuff.

  47. Anonymous8:10 PM


    Relax. DWTS is just a t.v. show. The Palinbots can vote as many times as they want. You can only vote once in an election. Despite $arah Palin's media blitz, she still cost the republicans control of the senate with her lousy endorsements (Colorado, Nevada, Delaware. And she FAILED right in her own backyard (Joe Miller). That says a lot more. Her so-called "clout" is even dimished in Alaska. Those are the ones that matter. Of course Palin, and her bots are so shallow and superficial, they don't get it. It's those real elections where people can only vote once, that count. Her own state gave her the finger!

  48. Anonymous8:10 PM

    I wonder if DWTS is checking into the votes?

    The DWTS franchise will be in trouble for next year if Bristol wins. If they don't do something the P'bots will make it so she does win.

    Many normal viewers will never view it again thinking DWTS was in with Sarah in setting up Bristol to win. (DWTS you get what you deserve here).

    Next year DWTS will have to have another Palin, or P'bot Xtian approved substitute competitor to maintain viewership and ratings. And when the 'chosen one' leaves- so will the viewers.

    DWTS needs to decide what to do about the votes. If they do nothing Bristol wins. At this point I hope she does. Sarah will brag and spill the beans about how it was organized.

    The P'botnet is exposed to look at and study- just like a bad pest infestation. Using the botnet so Bristol can win on DWTS is really stupid.

  49. Anonymous8:11 PM

    @7:32 - Why don't you go read Willow and Bristol's hateful, racist, and homophobic Facebook remarks and then see exactly who God should be forgiving? (And her partner's name is spelled: "Mark." You're welcome.)

  50. Anonymous8:11 PM

    So next week is the whiner going to say that Kyle of Jennifer hates her and is out to get her? What a lying,whiny,self-center witch with a foul mouth.

  51. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Anonymous 7:02pm, you must not be from Alaska. Bristol is only infamous because of her "Worst Governor Ever" poor excuse for a mother. It is quite apparent that she has no dancing talent so it must be that her vote numbers are being padded by her mothers supporters.

    Rest assured that this has all been calculated beforehand by Sarah and her handlers to show the power that Sarah has if she decides to go up against the GOP in a run for President.

    BTW, I am a 50 year Alaskan and I don't know what street you are on, but up here we, Repubs/Dems, do not have kind words for her and her dysfunctional family

  52. Wow. Bristol's chest just tripled in size .... just like when she was on tv in 2008!

  53. Anonymous8:22 PM

    What is up with Bristol's butt on the Ellen show and what is sticking out of her back on DWTS?


  54. Anon 7:02:
    Oh please, troll. Bristol doesn't dance well. She hoofs her way around the stage, and she flails her arms. IF it wasn't for the teabggers voting 50 times or more, she would have been gone weeks ago.
    In months of practice and dancing, she has turned into a real HEFFER, while everyone else loses weight.
    I suspect that the only people that you talk wth are other baggers.

  55. mommom8:23 PM

    Have you seen that a man became enraged about Briskett being on DWTS and shot his tv and had a 15 hour standoff with police?


  56. Anonymous8:25 PM

    The Washington Post has a pic of Dancerina that supersedes all other "puzzling weight gain" pictures...DWTS has been played but good by professional grifters...how is it ABC doesn't know what is happening with the palinbots, palinistas, and teabaggers rigging the voting - they have bragged about it enough...are DWTS and ABC afraid of Snowflake Snooki and her minions also,too?

  57. Anonymous8:28 PM


    No, may God forgive the Palins.

  58. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Someone suggested that Bristol's new baby be named "Dance." I offer another, given the family's previous names: "Trance." It fits what the Palinbots must be in if they think that the Palins are a "regular family." RIP DWTS.

  59. Eunice8:42 PM

    I figured it out. Bristol is prepping for her next reality show -- THE BIGGEST LOSER!

  60. Anonymous8:44 PM

    "This is my seventh season and I've always had athletes or actresses," Mark explains. "I've had Melissa Joan Heart, Shannen Doherty, and I think this is the first time on a season that we've had someone who isn't on a TV show, isn't in a movie, isn't making records or doing anything like that. We just called Bristol up in Alaska, and now she's in the semifinals. This is the first time the true testament of this show has been told."

    WTF? The true testament of "Dancing With The Stars" has nothing to do with dancing with TV, movie or recording stars?

  61. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Go Rouge, MAKS, GO ROGUE!

  62. Anonymous9:03 PM

    What a proud moment it will be for Bristol when she wins that disco ball trophy because the Palinbots cheated the system. There's no doubt in my mind that she knows what's going on. She's lurking facebook looking for critics of that "reality" show to cuss out. It would be naive to think she doesn't spend just as much time looking for her worshipers.

    I'd like to see DWTS do a recount and throw out votes from invalid e-mail addresses. But they're probably afraid of Sarah too.

  63. The Golden Child's claim that she was an office manager blew up last night with the revelation she was really a lowly receptionist. A liar is a liar is a liar. Gryphen - maybe you can work this into the bad girls post for tomorrow.

    I'm really looking forward to seeing the big, bad wind machines whip up a storm.

    Oh...and Sarah and the peebots are deluded idiots for trying to make DWST something more than a dance contest. I wonder how they'll spin it when Bristol loses next week.

  64. Molly9:14 PM

    OK, so maybe it's NOT HER FAULT that she keeps getting voted in.

    But it's her "I so deserve this because I work harder than anyone else and I'm improving so much and the judges are being mean" ATTITUDE that is driving me mad.

    Brandy was t o n s better than Ms Bristle, and I dunno, maybe the girl could express some embarrassment at being voted in repeatedly despite her poor scores, or her obviously inflated undeserved too-high scores, which have been rampant throughout this entire competition.

    And to top it all off, I get to read her and her little snot-nosed and foul-mouthed sister snotting off to people on facebook, wherein AGAIN Bristle insists that she is a hard worker, thus justifying in her own naive(?) mind that she somehow deserves to be taken seriously as a dancer.

    The whole boatload of them (Palins) are snotty and condescending and HYPERdefensive about any criticism of either their mother or themselves. OH, and once again, Bristol includes one more insult to Levi in her ranting. She is SUCH a loser!!

    GO LEVI...far far away form this b*tch. I am SO SORRY Levi that you ever got involved with this freakishly mean and nasty family. They are all insane.

  65. Sarah Palin epitomizes the worst of the USA.

  66. Anonymous9:23 PM

    If Bristol has twins, she should call them Tango & Cash.

  67. Anonymous9:28 PM

    You actually have to blame the judges here. If half the scoring is the public voting, and the other half is the judges, then it's their fault. Brisket is a lousy dancer, and shouldn't get anything above a 6 for her performance. But every single person who was a fan of Brandy's should throw their support behind Jennifer Grey. That's what I plan to do.

    And remember folks, you get 5 votes per phone number, so use your landline and cell phones. And you also get 5 votes per e-mail address, so use all of those, too.

    Nothing would make me happier than to take a big, steaming dump right in Palin's cornflakes.

  68. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Bristol is dull and overweight. Mark is shriveling and more pathetic each dance.

  69. Anonymous9:56 PM


    I saw the end of the show where Brandy and Maks were voted off. Before they said who would leave Bristol had a face that was smug. She may have known she would stay because she knows the power of the Tea Party robo calls. Or she knew she would win because of the fix.

    Brandy on the other had appeared to be 100% genuine and anticipating what would happen next.

  70. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Over at Jezebel the comment about the ***** Bat signal..LOL

  71. Anonymous11:57 PM

    7:02, you are just wrong. NO OTHER contestant has their mother's flying monkeys organizing thousands of crazed fans WHO DON'T EVEN WATCH THE SHOW rushing the the phones or the net as soon as the tweet goes out telling them its time. And they don't just vote once, no they vote up to 300 TIMES.

    Normal fans of the show don't do that. They've NEVER done that.

    There is NO WAY there are enough normal votes to propel Bristol to ANY success. I also doubt that you hear anything. I don't hear ONE WORD about BP and I live in Red Amurika.

    The only way Palins ever win is by playing dirty.

  72. Anonymous12:01 AM

    7:06, you are just CRAZY. Remember our Constitution and FREE SPEECH and all? That kid had every right to state his opinion on his own FB page.

    What is it, only Palins can speak negatively about others? Oh, yeah, when they do it, they go for the full trash, so of course they perceive someone else's mere opinion as doing the same.

    The Palins are TRASH, TRASH, TRASH. From that sleazy, lying, grifting Sarah, to her de-balled lame bully husband, and her drunken, hateful kids.

  73. Anonymous12:02 AM

    @9:56 PM

    I noticed that smug look in the rolling shots on the, think it was eoline poll page.

  74. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Mark Ballas should be finished. He's a little troll who's been the perfect foil for Bristol's lying, smug crap.

    And Bristol isn't just some "ordinary" girl. She's been the First Daughter of Wasilla and the First Daughter of Alaska. She's been a minor celebrity for years.

  75. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Humility, empathy, and graciousness are words that will never be used to describe Sarah, Bristol or Willow.

    From early indications, they may never be used to describe Piper as well, though her familial role models are so sorely lacking in social and spiritual values that who would expect her to behave differently?

    Even the most well-meaning and conscientious of parents will sometimes have a child who could be categorized as as "bad seed." However, to have so many indicates that Sarah and Todd have not fulfilled even the most basic parental duties. It's as if they've let the kids raise themselves or entrusted them to people who let them grow up like little weeds, all thorny and tangled.

    No child deserves that kind of upbringing. Sarah and Todd have truly undermined their children's chances of happiness and contentment. They may always be contentious, defensive, self-absorbed people just like their mother.

  76. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Gryph, it seems that Sarah Palin groupies lurk on your blog every single day, all day long, because they always post first! lol.

    What loser trash this Palin family is.

    And I feel bad for Brandy, who did a much better job. And it's not like Brandy is a dancer, she's not. Just because you can sing doesn't mean you can dance. It's like saying, oh Bristol is from Alaska so she should be able to work commercial fishing. Cause she's in the business ya know. Why don't we stick her on one of those "deadliest catch" boats and see how she does?? Should be no problem, right Pistol?

    The nerve of this little swollen-faced createn to suggest that she's ENTITLED to win because she's not from LA or Hollywood. NOW WE KNOW why she didn't practice and klodded around the dance floor the beginning weeks, because she figured she's just lowering the bar and she'll be better in the last week, and in her little pea brain that means she wins.


  77. dancingthroughlife2:46 AM

    Anon 9:28, now that Brandy's gone, I'm voting for Kyle. I think it would be a bigger slap in the face to Bristol if he won, and (in my opinion) he's more entertaining than Jennifer Grey. He, like Bristol, has no previous dance experience, and a magazine report I read yesterday said he has lost 8 inches from his waist since the start of the show (unlike some people we know!). You can tell he takes it seriously and wants to win it, but I think he's also having a blast with the whole experience. If the bots are voting for who they see as most improved, IMO, they're voting for the wrong person- I see Kyle as most improved, by far.

  78. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Bristol WON'T win, because it's the judges opinion that decides the winner. There's no way they'll let that happen. However, I'm sorry they didn't intervene sooner; last night Bruno reminded the tv audience how important it is to vote, like we're not voting. It is crazy that the bots are voting without even watching the show.

    My money is on Maks to blow the lid off this thing.

    I'm sorry for Brandy, as she did not deserve this at all, and the regular watchers, of which I am one (my guilty pleasure), who were denied an honest show.

  79. London Bridges3:55 AM

    We are all assuming that Bristol is winning because of all the multiple bot votes. Anyone consider that the vote totals may be fixed?

    How about a recount. Where is joe miller when we "knead" him?

    Maybe Bristol will have her "appendix" removed this week and Sarah will fill in for her, Sarah's plan all along!

  80. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Anon 7:02. Charming? have you HEARD these children speak? I've known sailors with better mouths!

    Please. Bristol is a grifter, and she is now aided by her mama's goupies who have multiple accounts. I say, giver her the damm ball next week, and forget the rest of the series. There's not competition. It's hard work for some, and grifting for another.

  81. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Palins are not a true family. I'm calling bullshit on that one.

  82. Anonymous4:07 AM

    With the Palins around standards are always lowered.The Palins have made us the laughing stock of the world! Let us take our country back from the Palins...or God help us!

  83. Anonymous4:11 AM

    Wow, trolls are trolling, yo! Their great big ol' "goth death moth" must be defended against any and all criticism! You have to wonder about these people's IQ, and utter lack of any sense of irony. Teen abstinence activist? With Situation advocating condoms? Really? You can't make this stuff up. Too funny!

  84. It's not just peebots voting for Bristol -- Vote for the Worst is pushing her as well, and they are claiming victory today. Their call to arms: "Don't abstain - vote for Bristol!" http://www.votefortheworst.com/

  85. Anonymous4:32 AM

    I'm not a fan/viewer of DWTS; however, I fired off this e-mail to ABC:

    This show is a farce. Poetic justice will be that Bristol Palin's performance will cause the show to go off the air permanently.

    And these corporate executives ponder the demise of network TV. One doesn't need an MBA to figure out why. A Bastion of the Clueless (ABC)

  86. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Maybe Bristol isn't getting bigger, maybe Mark is getting smaller. After all, he is doing ALL the work for 2 people.

  87. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Anonymous at 7:02---If people find Bristol charming, they have been fooled. See the charming Facebook comments she made. Bristol isn't a kid anymore. She is a mother with a child. It's amazing that the Palin kids are dumb enough to put such things in writing when their mother is potentially running for political office. It shows you how very out of control they are.

    P.S. They is no way that girl is abstinent and God fearing. It's made up bullshit to make money.

  88. Rick HIll4:50 AM

    Personally, if it were me, I would boycott the final competitions. If they are going to just hand it to her I would not even go up against them.

  89. @ Eunice. Bristol's already the biggest loser, personality-wise. I felt really bad for Brandy who was obviously holding back tears when she was asked how she felt. I also commend Maks for his answer which included gratitude for living in the USA. True grace under fire !

  90. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Do ABC or the producers of DWTS have a legal obligation to make sure the show is fair? I keep thinking about the incident that inspired the movie "Quiz Show."

  91. Anonymous5:57 AM

    This is why DWTS matters: They are providing Palin with free political advertising. ABC is participating in Palin's reworking of her brand and actually paying B. Palin A LOT of money for it! The unwed, teenage mother image is bad for Palin's brand if she wants to run for the White House. Having Bristol on DWTS helps tidy up that issue. They are working HARD on DWTS to present Bristol as a hardworking, every girl who made just one mistake in her whole life. ABC is essentially giving Palin free campaign marketing. That should be illegal.

  92. Anonymous6:05 AM

    I have no problem with the boys "banking off" the Palins. Tell me the truth, if they could, wouldn't the Palin's "bank off" those boys?

  93. Anonymous6:06 AM


    They are a true family?

    I think you need to go back to school and learn what real people are like. ....Willow???

  94. Anonymous6:06 AM

    I just want to know how the inner-tube from my tractor tire ended up around this cow's mid-section ?

  95. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Yeah, someone at E! really, really hates her.

    But, they couldn't take that picture if Bristol was thin and good looking.

    Face it, she is a COW!!! And, no Willow, your sister isn't hot.

  96. Anonymous6:20 AM

    5:57 Yes, you nailed it. THAT is the so-what of an otherwise amusing (if pathetic) display of this paragon of virtue (*cough*), shining example of youthful athleticism (*snort*) and testimonial to hard work (*guffaw*). Brisket is a loose end in the Sarah Palin mythology, has to be tidied up, repackaged, replaced with the acceptable, relatable new version. BUT the two forays into TV pop culture - DWTS and TLC's reality shows - however, mean that the pap dogs have been loosed. There's money to be made on the dirt, and THOSE hyenas don't care about anything but scooping the competition. Too bad, Palins, you've got skin in the game now!

  97. Anonymous8:48 AM

    laprofesora said...
    "Gryphen, you do realize that while Sarah may fall, her family will never be destroyed. They are a true family."
    7:22 PM

    So was The Barker family (AKA the "Bloody Barkers") which included the brothers Herman, Lloyd, Arthur or "Doc," and Fred , the sons of Ma Barker.

    More recently the Bush crime family, a quick google will give their dirty history in detail.

  98. Anonymous8:54 AM

    [Anonymous said...7:02 PM
    BEcause I hear about it everyday on the street. One cannot help the number of voting supporters one has.

    If you could take your head out of your ass long enough to go to this link,

    Bristol in 'DWTS' Semi-Finals - UPDATED: Governor Palin Talks About Bristol


    then get someone (an average 5th grader will do) to read and explain it to you.

    Once again Season 11 of DWTS is not about competition or Bristol Palin, but keeping Sarah Palin
    in the limelight through manipulating the votes for Bristol the Pisser! And YOU TAXPAYING Palin cultists who donate to "sarapac" are paying for the political website that helped rig the voting!

    Keep in mind as you celebrate Bristol's beating out "the black girl" that you or one of your loved ones may be the next victim to fall under the Palin bus!

    I imagine that Bristol's phony "consulting business" gets a hefty fee for the expenses of soliciting votes on sleazy Sarah's POLITICAL site.

    Bloated Bristol has whined and complained about everything else on DWTS, anyone wonder why she has not made any reference to her "consulting business" or why no one has asked her about it or what she "consults" on and with whom? How about asking what her qualifications are for consulting about anything besides getting knocked up and whining your way to the top?

    Do you think any Palin cares if they win fairly or not? Hell no, the most important thing to the Palins is winning at any cost, especially if their teabagger cultists are paying for it.

    I remember another loser whose Daddy bought him several businesses but everything he touched turned to shit and his rich daddy bought him out of trouble time after time with the help of powerful friends. Daddy finally bought this idiot monster the P-residency in the White House with the help of Diebold and the 9 Supreme Clowns!

    If you think it couldn't happen again you are wrong. You betcha!

  99. Anonymous9:13 AM

    There's some seriously funny quipsters
    on this site. Still laughing over
    anon 4:33 am - Bristol getting bigger,
    Mark getting smaller, & anon 6:06 -
    tractor inner tube around Bristol's middle. Bristol again, is clutching
    her cell phone & wearing Piper's
    jacket in that cheese factory shot.
    And who'se that spray-tanned gypsy woman walking with her toting the bag of calories?

    Sharon TN

  100. Does anyone have a pic of Bristol wearing that Tea Party t-shirt at a rehearsal? Yah know the one she just threw into her suitcase and paid no attention to.

    It would also be nice to snag a copy of the agreement the DWTS participants signed to not speak ill about Bristol.

    Amazing that there is always a gotcha in there some wheres!

  101. FEDUP!!!9:52 AM

    Patti @ 7:09 pm: "...the difference between a fixed show, and winning the office of POTUS is: Your trolls can only vote ONCE in an election. ..."

    Yes, we all can only vote ONCE then - BUT!!!: *THEY* are potentially more organized, and thus might/will for sure vote for her, while *WE* might just sit on our arse (as usual...) and just b*tch about it afterwards!
    WE WILL HAVE TO GET OUT THE VOTES IN 2012, or we will have WWIII on our hands with Quitty-pants having her wrinkled fingers on the nukes trigger!

  102. FEDUP!!!10:25 AM

    I just went on her FBpage, and she claims that yesterday morning, she and Mark were the only ones in the dance studio... Seems to me, like the others knew in advance what would be the result (that Bri$tol would stay), and they decided to do a subtle boycott...

  103. Vote for the Worst dot com?
    Screaming Hilarious.
    Best News I've had All Day.
    BP gets her dance lessons from Kate Gosselin.
    Now we get to see her belly grow somemore - that face didn't get that fat when she was preggers with Tripp at six months, so I'm betting this one's a girl.

    Now that she said she's only slept with one guy her whole life that means Mark Ballas can't claim he's the father of the baby - now, Bristol, that was just plain mean of you - can't you see the guy is totally enamored of you and was going to ask you to marry him when you caught the mirrored ball? In front of everyone? On live teevee just like you've always wanted since you were a little girl?

    Oh, I forgot, you're just your mama's broodmare. Bristol the Quivverful.

  104. Anonymous12:49 PM


  105. Anonymous4:57 PM

    You stated that people in Wasilla "in the know" would definitely talk once Palin declared she was running. Well she stated it today so it's time.

    I find it very odd that Sadie released her post today. I dont believe her sorry. Maybe she just didn't know?
    I say this because you and another blog are positive Sarah did not give birth to Trig. The other blog has had several people tell them Bristol was definitely pregnant before. I don't know.

    Please people who know more about this and other issues! It's time!!!!!

  106. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Such anger over a tv show. What are you people really afraid of?

  107. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I thought that DWTS was about "stars" or "celebrities" participating in a dance competition. How did Bristol Palin get elevated to be a "celebrity." What has she done ON HER OWN to merit that status? From what I understand, she is a high school dropout (although I guess she did earn her GD). She also is an unwed mother who now appears to be the poster child for abstinence. And now, she appears to be promoting "safe sex" with condoms in a PSA with the "Situation." How nuts is that? What has our county "devolved" into?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.