Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Is this guy ever going to go away?

From ADN:

Miller's 21-page lawsuit in Fairbanks Superior Court mostly mimics his earlier claims in federal court: that election officials improperly counted too many write-in votes for the apparent winner, Sen. Lisa Murkowski; and failed to count legitimate votes for him.

But he added two new allegations. He said that in unnamed precincts, voters may have been allowed to take ballots even if they didn't have identification or weren't personally known to election officials. As evidence, he said, ballot rolls in some precincts failed to indicate whether the election official had asked for identification.

And he said that "in several precincts," handwriting samples indicate that the same person or a small group of people wrote in names on multiple ballots. He said that would be a violation of a requirement that a voter personally pen the name of a write-in candidate.

Murkowski claimed victory last week when a hand-count of write-in ballots by the state Division of Elections showed she led Miller by more than 10,000 votes. Even subtracting the ballots challenged by Miller's representatives, Murkowski still lead by more than 2,100 votes.

Have you ever seen one of those horror movies where somebody is being dragged by their feet across the floor and they are leaving these long deep scratches with their fingernails as they scream in fear and denial?

Well that in a nutshell is Joe Miller.

Look butt-boy it's over!  You lost.

Yeah I know it sucks, because Queen Esther promised she would fix it for you, but you went up against the established Republican machine in this state and they HATE Sarah Palin's Grizzly Mama guts! 

I am not even suggesting that there was no cheating on Murkowski's part, there probably was, the GOP ALWAYS cheats up here. I am just saying that there is nothing Teabagger Joe can do about it.

But if he keeps making noise about unfair elections the Alaska Republicans might take his vaguely bearded ass out into the woods and show him what he can do with all of those moose antlers he keeps collecting.


  1. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Palin cares more about Grizzly Bears than Black People..coming from a White Republican Richard Cohen ...http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/22/AR2010112206404.html

  2. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Joe Miller is...The Walking Dead!

  3. Anonymous5:09 AM

    I despise poor losers like Gestapo Joe. He actually thinks thousands of votes are illegal?

    OT, but on Mercede Johnston's blog is a picture of Levi holding a baby--with a pink cap on and Levi wearing a pink bracelet.

    In my 69 yrs I have never seen a male baby not in blue (even though hospital bracelets were white). It is an immediate identifier for male and female infants. No one has explained this at all.

    Why not? Are Alaska hospitals really that different?

  4. Chenagrrl5:10 AM

    Theory: Joe will persist with his challenges until someone coughs up enough $25 donations to pay off that huge campaign debt Grizzly Mmam left him with.

    Loosely, it's an algorithm: When the volume of his protest begins to drag on the GOP or Mama Palin, the funds will transfer.

  5. he's just pissed (and jealous) that she out-cheated him.

  6. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Joe can make money by selling sex tapes.

    His girlfriend looked hot.

  7. Anonymous5:15 AM

    For being the least populated state, Alaska sure has some weirdos running for office. Are there NO educated, sensible people willing to run? We haven't rid ourselves of the Palin clan yet, now here comes the guy who does not know how to use a razor.

  8. The fact that SP hasn't supported his charges or even made any comment at all about this should be a big clue to Joe that he was used for HER publicity. Now that he's a loser, she won't associate with him again. She loves money too much to give him any. What's he going to do now to support all those kids ?

  9. Maybe your 'Antler Remedy' ("...show him what he can do with all of those moose antlers he keeps collecting") might be the cure for this palin-inspired nuisance/menace. Or at least, show him the 'way out'.

    I do not really like any beards very much, but the nasty-looking ½-beard this guy sports, does look very unsanitary to me. *UGH*

    Sure hope whatever may be living within that facial hair, is not, or will not be spreading itself around to all of Alaska! He does look (and also, too, acts) like one huge dissease-spreading alien!!!

  10. Anonymous6:26 AM

    "Take Obamacare in AK she says she will 'Repill' it"
    Repill???? Like paylin, fill(feel) eyedills (ideas) WTF is wrong with these people?

  11. Lynne6:28 AM

    To anonymous at 5:15 a.m. Alaska women have a very old saying...The odds are good but the goods are odd. Joe is at the extreme, scary right end of that, doncha know. My other incredibly astute observation this morning is that being jealous of Lisa's victory is right out of the Palin playbook...losers all.

  12. Anonymous6:28 AM

    "Take Obamacare in AK she says she will 'Repill' it"
    Repill???? Like paylin, fill(feel) eyedills (ideas) WTF is wrong with these people?

  13. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Anon 5:09 said,"OT, but on Mercede Johnston's blog is a picture of Levi holding a baby--with a pink cap on and Levi wearing a pink bracelet."

    I was wondering why a baby boy would have on a pink cap, too. Boys are never dressed in pink. Also, I think Levi looked younger in that photo than he did when Trip was born. What in the world is going on?

    Could that photo be the reason Mercede's site has gone black?

  14. Anonymous6:52 AM

    When taken into the woods - Can he carry a tune?? LOL

    Palin has said nothing about this and the reason why is totally obvious. She thinks the 'haters' are stunned and stupid and will forget about her years long association with and support of Miller. The baggers caring - why would facts get in the way!

    She's distancing herself - Washing her hands of him. She will only rear her head if the results turned and then she'd sing like it was her doing. What a dolt!

  15. Anne In DC6:52 AM

    Sarah Palin may not be backing this sore loser anymore, but the fact that he is still whining about losing makes him look even worse than when he was campaigning.
    Unfortunately for Palin, she endorsed this clown, and his continued presence as the sore loser he is will forever link him to her. His ascendancy is an indictment of her poor judgment.

  16. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I've read some comments in various places by TBers. I can only laugh in that some still blame ACORN.

    Facts! Schmacks!
    Usless pieces of information in their P-brains.

  17. Anonymous7:12 AM


    What blows me away, is to hear all the mouthpieces on talk shows that are reporting various stories of the death threats and other issues that supposedly the Palins are receiving. The talking heads are saying people don't have a life and it's just a dance show. They mouthpieces continue to report EVERYTHING they hear and read as FACT.

    But - Yes BUT -- When something is written about them, they deny it and say these reports are bogus, they have no idea about them and that they are only writing to sell magazines or papers.

    If they say what's written about them is bogus -- then why do they buy into it being the truth what is written of others.

    Talk show mouthpieces - MORONS!!

  18. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Ratings for Episode 2 of Alaska's Scarah Palin on Sunday:

    DROPPED 40%!!!!


  19. yukonark7:48 AM

    Time to go, Joe. I hear Joshua Livestro has a nice arrangement with SarahPAC. You and your brood could literally "go Dutch." Shave that beard and lighten that hair, though. The Aryan look is always a clean look.

  20. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Have JoeJoe's legal eagles requested copies of ALL the legal proceedings that were done during the Norm Coleman debacle in Minnesota?? If the answer is YES, then this could go on for you guys another 8-12 MONTHS !!!

    REALLY stinky...

  21. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Maybe Joe needs a gig on DWTS ... $arah, can you pull some strings?

  22. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Joe's grasping at bendy straws.

  23. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Wish there were embeddable sound effects for comments. I'd like to have a poll for the sound effect that goes with the reported 40% DROP in ratings for Sarah's Alaska show.

    I have a few good ideas.. but there will be another similar decline next time so there is plenty of time.

  24. Anonymous9:34 AM

    And also too the sounds poll could be used for Joe Miller campaign fail posts too.

  25. emrysa10:27 AM

    he's shittin his pants because he has no job and can't afford to pay for all his kids. he's going to keep clawing at this thing because he desperately needs money.

    and sarah is shittin her pants because she knows how bad this looks for her. how can she run for president when the republican senator from her home state won't support her? it looks bad and she knows it. so she will support all joe's clawing.

  26. aj weishar8:08 PM

    Maybe we should send Arnold up from California. He was good at getting rid of creatures that keep coming back.


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