Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sean Hannity asked Sarah Palin about doing another interview with Katie Couric Her response, "I swear to you I will not waste my time with her!".

Can you believe that Sarah Palin, the woman who avoids REAL journalists, like they are lepers, want to "clean up journalism?"

That would be like somebody who has completely out of control children offering parenting advice, like....well like Sarah Palin!

She is clearly off her meds by the way.  I watched more of the interview on Fox New (Because I had not suffered enough after sitting through an hour of DWTS, don'tcha know), and she was completely out of control and talking about Alaska being the country's "Fort Knox", and using her reality show to reach the Americans who do not watch Fox News, and how our freedoms in this country were given to us by God, and other equally bizarre rantings that made me wonder if she might be having a very difficulty time holding onto reality.


  1. Anonymous2:20 AM

    Sarah Palin is an absurdly ridiculous woman who manages to find new lows with each successive appearance. Please Todd, get a court order and have your wife evaluated by a professional. She has gone well past her sell-by date and is starting to have a foulness about her that not even Lysol can solve.

    At this point, only the most delusional of fans will be standing by her. With more unhinged moments like this, I see people peeling off her like crazy over the next few months.

    I can guarantee that Katie Couric is laughing her fanny off every time Palin whines YET AGAIN about that interview from freaking 2008!!! Jesus, are we really on the eve of 2011 and STILL hearing about it?

  2. Anonymous2:24 AM

    'Dancing with the Stars' 2010: Jennifer Grey gets perfect score from judges in finale

    Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv/2010/11/22/2010-11-22_dancing_with_the_stars_2010_jennifer_grey_gets_perfect_score_from_judges_in_fina.html#ixzz166UhSHQ7

  3. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Mercede is definitely down.

    I am always able to get onto her site, even when others comment that they are not able; however, tonight, I cannot get to it. I've tried both Chrome and IE.

    Any info on this? Is she okay?

  4. Anonymous2:26 AM

    Grey and Hough scored two perfect scores for the night, with a 30 out of 30 in both dances. Of her redemption dance, the paso doble, Len Goodman delivered a poignant one-person standing ovation, Bruno Tonioli exclaimed "I wish I had an 11!", and Carrie Ann Inaba hugged Grey tightly as she proclaimed, "This is the meaning of redemption!"

  5. Anonymous2:34 AM

    It's like saying: "I'M IN CONTROL NOW!!!!"

    Hope Couric has body guards!

  6. GrainneKathleen2:36 AM

    why does sarah think that having a communications degree that we have never seen proof for, which it allegedly took her the "5 college try" as gryph quipped, and which she never turned into a career in the real world qualifies her to "clean up the sorry state of journalism" or some other bs like that? wy am i asking why sarah palin would say something totally irrational and hypocritical?

  7. MC30312:38 AM

    Uh yeah. She needs some med tweaking for sure. Manic much, Sarah? Yeesh.

    And that word salad right before she proclaims her degree in journalism? Girl, you just done negated that "degree" with one sentence!

    Ah, I love her so. She's one of a kind, isn't she?

    Whatever shall I do when she's no longer my main source of amusement?

  8. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Just listened to her screech on about 2012 and First Dude. If the American people are stupid enough to put her and her family in the WhiteHouse, it will the end of America. Sometimes you get what you deserve. China and India would be lined up to pick over the pieces of what will be left

  9. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Uh, Sarah, you delusional piece of chicken poop.... Katie Couric HELD BACK when she interviewed you. You got off SO easy. So sorry that YOU showed your stupidity in those interviews but I guess it was all big, bad Katie's fault. For someone who acts like she's tough stuff, you are a complete coward. Typical dumb bully.


  10. Anonymous3:16 AM

    Ruh-roh, "Alaska is America's Fort Knox?"

    Does she know we already have a Fort Knox, and it, too, is in America?

    OR -- is this her way for signaling she supports Pebble Mine? Gawd, I hope she doesn't though it would make perfect sense because it has the potential to continue her destruction of Alaska.

  11. Anonymous3:19 AM

    OT...Gryphen do you know why Sadie's site is down? What is going on with that?

  12. Anonymous3:19 AM

    She is one angry woman hater.

  13. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Sarah definitely feels the wals closing in on her from all sides.
    The gig is up very soon Sarah.
    And we would not waste our time watching you UNLESS you let Couric interview you.
    You are DELUSIONAL Sarah. It's ok. They're coming to take you away son!!!

  14. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Sarah started the trend of only speaking to reporters on your side.

    Joe Miller, Sharon Angle, Rand Paul and others have adopted it.

    MSM needs to figure out how to counter this.. maybe give these candidates ZERO press coverage on their stations.

    Sarah never did a press conference.. many will follow this trend too.

    Fully expect "no debates" will be next trend she puts in place.

  15. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Well she is nuts. Katie Couric asked you softball questions that instead of hitting out of the park, hit Scarah in the head and no one took her to the doctor. Now she is walking around in a daze for two years thinking she could have been a contender.
    To paraphase a quote I read at Palingates, Katie was the bubbly, giggling anchor and Scarah makes her out to be a blood-thirsty pin ya in the corner jounalist. Scarah you got reamed by Bambi. I wish I had written that but it was by JCO

  16. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Well, there's no question journalism is in a sad state in this country, but Sarah Palin wouldn't know good journalism if it ran up and bit her.

    Can I just LOL as Sarah "Barracuda Mama Grizzly" too chicken to talk to anyone who might not kiss her a$$?

    She's such a chickenshit.

  17. Anonymous4:22 AM

    More like Fort Nuts!

  18. Anonymous4:25 AM

    If you ask me, this gives Couric a freedom no other journalist shares. Since she KNOWS she doesn't have to kowtow to Palin anymore in order to get an interview, she can speak freely, an perhaps even show unedited footage from the infamous 2008 interview. I can't wait!

  19. Anonymous4:37 AM

    On Morning Joe, Mika could barely say the words, sarah palin. They were eye-rolling at the remark about how the First Dude is leaning toward a run.

    And then Mika sighed heavily and said, "we were just talking about LBJ and JFK......sigh"

  20. Anonymous4:55 AM

    My guess is that she is trying out the "gospel edition" of her campaign speech and/or pushing back against the Joe Miller Fail.

    Of course she is going to run on the "God wants me to be POTUS" platform - she has simply not proven herself to be a good choice by any human yardstick.

  21. Anonymous4:55 AM

    An interesting quote from an article in The Daily Beast about Palin Paranoia:

    To the matter of her appearance: There is no question that her seasoned beauty and vivacity are ingredients in the Palin cocktail.

    This must, surely, bother the likes of Frank Rich and Barbara Bush. To the former, it likely evokes Eva Peron, another beautiful populist, and the evocation can only be distasteful, what with the faintly Third World whiff of it all.

    Don't Cry for Me, Alaska.


  22. Anonymous5:21 AM

    "Does she know we already have a Fort Knox, and it, too, is in America?"

    LOL, 3:16!

    But no, I don't think she knows.

  23. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Well, pissy-sistah-scarah!!! I am also pretty sure that Katie Couric would also never again waste any of her time with and/or talking to you. That would be a great waste of everyone's time. (Again - LOL)

    Thanks, Gryph for all you do, and put up with for us -- like your time watching DWTS, §P's Alaska, Faux Snooze, etc., so we don't have to!!

    Appreciate that -- Have a good one.


  24. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Katie has this to be thankful for when her family gathers around the dinner table for Thanksgiving. Wonder what the Palins will be thankful for at their annual Thanksgiving dinner at Taco Bell?? Thankful for the fools who contribute to SarahPac that is paying for their meal?

  25. Anonymous5:32 AM

    This is how thin skinned this dumb shit is. I don't like Cheerios, but do I go on FOX and other media and keep on repeating it? So what you will not talk to Couric anymore, do you think she cares? You are so damn dumb just like your dumb ass kids on Facebook.

  26. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Let us talk about the jounalism degree in communication. I guess they did not teach Sarah to give credit when credit was due. As I recall she lifted Newt's speech as her own when she was govenor. You would be kicked out of college for that one Sarah, maybe you ought to go back and learn this time.

  27. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Something is wrong with Sarah. I think she is starting to flip. Too much crasp going on in her life. GOP starting to turn on her and her kids are not controllable and it looks bad for her. Sarah is loosing it.

  28. Anonymous5:38 AM

    @writeousbitch, great quote. "seasoned beauty and vivacity". LOL. I wonder if Sarah knows that seasoned = old. Anyway, yes, her beauty is seasoned by Botox, various fillers, peels, etc. A veritable potpourri of cosmetic interventions!

    Not sure I'd call her vivacious, though. More like vicious.

  29. Anonymous5:40 AM

    5:23, silly, the Palins don't do TBell for Thanksgiving dinner! Oh no, they have a fine tradition of bringing in Quiznos! They're classy like that.

  30. Anonymous5:46 AM

    How funny, if you watch Brisket's second dance without sound, there is nothing there, but tugging and standing in a cage. How did she get high scores for that?

  31. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Please, Eva Peron. There is absolutely no way Sarah Palin could approach the power that that lady possessed, for good or ill. Just look at the tapes of Evita on Ave 9th of July in Buenos Aires where MASSIVE rallies were held. Whatever one thinks of Eva Peron, because she was definitely a fascist, she did tons of charity and helped the working people of her country - who revere her to this day in Argentina. I just can't see Sarah's base ever showing that level of devotion or passion. It's an ignorant comparison, whatever the motivation for it.

  32. Anonymous5:48 AM

    That's okay Palin. You don't have to talk to Ms. Kuric again.

    You told us ALL that we need to know about you, when she first interviewed you, by your answer to the WHAT question, in such a priceless fashion: "WHAT do you read?"

    In fact, you don't even need to be interviewed by anyone else ever again - because in Ms. Kuric's simple question, you revealed everything intelligent that you had to say - with your blank look, then blustery response.

  33. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Dad is Thanksgiving dinner ready?
    Where's mom?
    What do you mean she is standing at the end of the driveway yelling at each car passing by that she won't talk talk to Katie Couric anymore?

    This is Thanksgiving!

  34. Sarah actually projects what is true about her and her so called journalism onto all of the media. Then she rants, raves demanding they stop what in reality she does. Mentally ill people incapable of seeing their own flaws and defects lay them on others then seek to control the same things and make some one stop what the toxic, mentally ill person is guilty of.
    Another example is Sarah projecting the media "lies and makes stuff up" when she habitually lies and changes her stories as her daughter Bristol also does.

    It might be a good thing for people to draw Sarah out to tell and reveal more of what in her twisted mind her reality show and DWTS is supposed to achieve. What she said is scary and does sound unhinged from reality.

  35. Anonymous6:17 AM

    The first dude is considering a run?? For what???

    Sarah has become a cartoon character of herself.

    When will this awful "in your face" family go bye-bye.
    It's truly getting annoying and latest reviews of her show say it's boring boring boring Sarah Sarah Sarah. Yep she sure proved the liberals wrong ROFL!

    Make sure also to check out ManSour's tweets. So professional! And so classy! And that is Sarahs closest High level advisor! ROFL. If you think Sarah is nuts!

  36. I saw a clip of that verbal diarrhea. If the only thing that she learned at college(s) about journalism is "where, what, when, why", then she didn't learn any more than I did in 5th grade. I won't believe she has a college diploma until I see it.

  37. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Uh, you guys, what she's saying about "cleaning up" journalism is kinda scary. Does that mean that if she becomes president she's going to take action against the press? You betcha.

  38. 'Can you believe that Sarah Palin, the woman who avoids REAL journalists, like they are lepers, want to "clean up journalism?"'

    It's akin to Republicans who hate government and want it drowned in a bathtub being elected to high office and put in charge of government, no?

    How many colleges were attended to obtain that vaunted 'communications degree' again?


  39. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Folks, $arah Palin is too old to be compared to Eva Peron--way too old.

  40. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I'm shocked, shocked I tell ya!! Actually, I think it is more likely nose candy that she is using. Her mania is much more than Red Bull or bipolar induced. I agree that she is losing her grip on reality and becoming more paranoid and delusional. fascinating to watch the unraveling.

  41. Anonymous6:53 AM

    She has no shame, or self awareness either, apparently.

  42. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Fort Knox is the Fort Knox of American, moron.

  43. BAustin7:32 AM

    angry angry angry....I still think Katies interview was pretty softball.

    Palin is on a roll this week - letting all of us know that she is an expert on journalism, the economy, and dancing. The super-sized ego will do her in.


  44. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Gryphen..I received this. We HATERS bla bla bla. Check it out..

    "Dear Newsmax Reader,

    Sarah Palin’s new book “America By Heart”, is available now! And as she is making headlines, the liberal bloggers are once again attacking her.

    You can find out for yourself what she has to say about the country and the people she met during the 2008 presidential campaign. Be among the first to get a copy. Newsmax has the book and we are ready to ship it to you today. Go Here Now.

    This is a great opportunity for you to get the book everyone is already talking about!

    Gov. Palin is a powerful tea party force and a leading contender for the Republican 2012 presidential nomination.

    Love her or hate her, Sarah Palin’s book is once again a must-read. Whether it’s for you or as a Christmas gift — take advantage of our FREE offer today. — Go Here Now.


    Sarah Palin's New Best-seller!
    Her ‘America by Heart’ Is Available Now!
    Get Your FREE Copy Today!
    Dear Reader:

    Sarah Palin's first Going Rogue: An American Life, smashed book publishing records for sales.

    Now Gov. Palin, a leading Republican presidential possibility for 2012, tells how she views our great nation in America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag.

    Newsmax has an incredible free offer for you. Get this book worth almost $26 with a one-year subscription to Newsmax magazine!

    In the fall of 2009, with the publication of her No. 1 national best-selling memoir, Sarah Palin had the privilege of meeting thousands of everyday Americans on her extraordinary 35-city book tour. Inspired by these encounters, America by Heart celebrates the enduring strengths and virtues that have made this country great.

    Framed by her strong belief in the importance of family, faith, and patriotism, the book ranges widely over American history, culture, and current affairs, and reflects on the key values — both national and spiritual — that have been such a profound part of Gov. Palin's life and continue to inform her vision of America's future.

    Written in her own refreshingly candid voice, America by Heart includes selections from classic and contemporary readings that have moved her — from the nation's founding documents to great speeches, sermons, letters, literature and poetry, biography, and even some of her favorite songs and movies.

    Here, too, are portraits of some of the extraordinary men and women she admires and who embody her deep love of country, her strong rootedness in faith, and her profound love and appreciation of family.

    She also draws from personal experience to amplify these timely (and timeless) themes — themes that are sure to inspire her numerous fans and readers all across the country.

    Sarah Palin is one of the most influential political figures of our time. Her book is a must-read for those who want to gain insight into the thinking of the Hockey Mom from Alaska who has helped lead the tea party movement in shaking up American politics and Washington as we know it.

    Newsmax Magazine's Incredible Offer

    Newsmax magazine wants you to have Sarah Palin's new book America by Heart — a value of almost $26 and we'll send it to you FREE with your paid subscription to Newsmax magazine.

  45. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Dear Newsmax Reader,

    Sarah Palin’s new book “America By Heart”, is available now! And as she is making headlines, the liberal bloggers are once again attacking her.

    You can find out for yourself what she has to say about the country and the people she met during the 2008 presidential campaign. Be among the first to get a copy. Newsmax has the book and we are ready to ship it to you today. Go Here Now.

    This is a great opportunity for you to get the book everyone is already talking about!

    Gov. Palin is a powerful tea party force and a leading contender for the Republican 2012 presidential nomination.

    Love her or hate her, Sarah Palin’s book is once again a must-read. Whether it’s for you or as a Christmas gift — take advantage of our FREE offer today. — Go Here Now.


    Sarah Palin's New Best-seller!
    Her ‘America by Heart’ Is Available Now!
    Get Your FREE Copy Today!
    Dear Reader:

    Sarah Palin's first Going Rogue: An American Life, smashed book publishing records for sales.

    Now Gov. Palin, a leading Republican presidential possibility for 2012, tells how she views our great nation in America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag.

    Newsmax has an incredible free offer for you. Get this book worth almost $26 with a one-year subscription to Newsmax magazine!

    In the fall of 2009, with the publication of her No. 1 national best-selling memoir, Sarah Palin had the privilege of meeting thousands of everyday Americans on her extraordinary 35-city book tour. Inspired by these encounters, America by Heart celebrates the enduring strengths and virtues that have made this country great.

    Framed by her strong belief in the importance of family, faith, and patriotism, the book ranges widely over American history, culture, and current affairs, and reflects on the key values — both national and spiritual — that have been such a profound part of Gov. Palin's life and continue to inform her vision of America's future.

    Written in her own refreshingly candid voice, America by Heart includes selections from classic and contemporary readings that have moved her — from the nation's founding documents to great speeches, sermons, letters, literature and poetry, biography, and even some of her favorite songs and movies.

    Here, too, are portraits of some of the extraordinary men and women she admires and who embody her deep love of country, her strong rootedness in faith, and her profound love and appreciation of family.

    She also draws from personal experience to amplify these timely (and timeless) themes — themes that are sure to inspire her numerous fans and readers all across the country.

    Sarah Palin is one of the most influential political figures of our time. Her book is a must-read for those who want to gain insight into the thinking of the Hockey Mom from Alaska who has helped lead the tea party movement in shaking up American politics and Washington as we know it.

    Newsmax Magazine's Incredible Offer

    Newsmax magazine wants you to have Sarah Palin's new book America by Heart — a value of almost $26 and we'll send it to you FREE with your paid subscription to Newsmax magazine.

  46. Anonymous8:20 AM

    And with that, she's lost the election with the independents (or anyone who does not watch FOX)...they'll not waste their time with you either.

    Dumbest fucking person walking the planet. Seriously.

  47. emrysa8:43 AM

    gryphen, I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but now I understand the reason she hates katie couric is because THAT'S the job that sarah wanted. that's why sarah went to journalism school, she wanted to be on national tv and interview famous people. but instead, she got stuck in alaska for most of her adult life and she resents it. even though she's rich and all over tv today, she can't get over years of resentment.

    that, on top of the fact that she looked like an idiot in that interview.

  48. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Is it progress when I have abstained from clicking on teh crazy Sarah video's you embed?

    Perhaps my PDS is lessening with her epic fails in ratings and examples of her iconic representations of a mother's love for her under-qualified overachieving off-spring.

  49. aj weishar8:12 PM

    She stopped using ATM's because she didn't like the questions they asked.

  50. Gasman9:03 PM

    Palin is not even bright enough to realize that outside of her comfy home at FauxNews replete with their ass kissing sycophants, she is NEVER going to have a friendlier, softer, more banal interview than those she had with Katie Couric.

    For god's sake, all Couric did is ask her what she read! Only someone WHO DOESN'T READ would take that as a threat.

    If Palin is serious about her quest to be POTUS, then at some point she is going to have to venture beyond FauxNews. When that happens, there are reporters that are ready, willing, and able to knock her on her ass. If she can't think of the names of two or three newspapers, how in the hell is she going to answer A REAL QUESTION?

  51. Jody Whalen4:39 PM

    Listening to Sarah Palin rattle on and on is so painful because has nothing intelligent to say about anything. And by the way, when she opens her mouth she sounds like she's from Canada.....I need to see a birth certificate and when she produces one, I'm not going to believe it's the real thing.


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