Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Joe Scarborough says "It's time for the GOP to man up" and go after Sarah Palin.

From Politico:

Republicans have a problem. The most-talked-about figure in the GOP is a reality show star who cannot be elected. And yet the same leaders who fret that Sarah Palin could devastate their party in 2012 are too scared to say in public what they all complain about in private.

Enough. It’s time for the GOP to man up.

What man or mouse with a fully functioning human brain and a résumé as thin as Palin’s would flirt with a presidential run? It makes the political biography of Barack Obama look more like Winston Churchill’s, despite the fact that the 44th president breezed into the Oval Office as little more than a glorified state senator.

Still, Palin is undeterred, charging ahead maniacally while declaring her intention to run for the top office in the land if “nobody else will.” Adding audacity to this dopey dream is that Palin can’t stop herself from taking swings at Republican giants. In the past month alone, she has mocked Ronald Reagan’s credentials, dismissed George H.W. and Barbara Bush as arrogant “blue bloods” and blamed George W. Bush for wrecking the economy.

Wow. That’ll win ’em over in Iowa.

Scarborough is just the most recent example of a Republican who is waking up to the fact that even though the path that Palin is taking to the GOP nomination is WAY out in left field, it still just might prove successful.  And then the GOP would find themselves saddled with a walking, talking SNL skit instead of a candidate with the credentials and ability to stand on the stage and debate President Obama on the issues.

Though there may be a number of progressives who believe allowing Palin to win the Republican nomination would ensure an easy victory for our President, I am not in that camp.  Number one, I have learned to NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the American people.  And number two, the Republicans do not play by the rules during elections, and we could certainly count on them to pull some election day shenanigans which could result in an outcome that, up to this point, has only been the stuff of nightmares.

This is how Scarborough summed up his request of the Republican party.

If Republicans want to embrace Palin as a cultural icon whose anti-intellectualism fulfills a base political need, then have at it. I suppose it’s cheaper than therapy.

But if the party of Ronald Reagan, Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio wants to return to the White House anytime soon, it’s time that Republican leaders started standing up and speaking the truth to Palin.

Now let me once again assure everybody that from my vantage point there should be NO way that Palin will get on the GOP ticket.  Even as a running mate.

The damaging information about Palin has been disseminated too far, and too wide for her to stop the revelations that are coming.  However having said that, I still want to make sure that nobody assumes that somebody else is doing the work of stopping this lunatic.

Therefore I certainly encourage the GOP to do their part.  I am also counting on the various authors working on Palin books to do their part.  And whether you are able to see it or not, you can count on the fact that I have been doing MY part.

Perhaps those of you who have been around here for awhile will remember that when I talked about getting information out about Sarah Palin that I said it probably would not be revealed here on IM.  I said that it required a media outlet with a bigger audience.  And I have been doing everything I can to make that happen.

This has never been about me, this is about geting the truth out. And holy crap is the truth getting out.

So get your popcorn, wrap yourself up in your Snuggie, and watch the show.

I promise you it is going to be a good one.


  1. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Just read a diary over at Kos where the author related the ways in which Palin frightened them. The one comment in the whole diary that has stuck with me all morning is that Palin has made racism fashionable again. For me, this puts a finger on the pulse of why some support her.

  2. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Good Luck putting that Tea back in the Bag!

    You Cons were perfectly fine with this maniac doing your dirty work and leading the march of the crazies -- excuse me -- riiil 'murikuns.

    Those Birfers and Baggers and Birchers and Loons will be the death of the GOP in 2012, and Sarah will be at the top of the heap.

    Suck It, Thugs!

    = kellygrrrl

  3. Anonymous7:19 AM

    why oh why is Scarah on the list?!??


  4. Anonymous7:21 AM

    here is a better link with more info

  5. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Wow, that article should have even Zbigniew Brzezinski calling to congratulate him.

  6. Anonymous7:32 AM

    @7:19 - why not have Sarah on the list? She is a celebutard! Baba Wawa is so out of it, she probably thinks $P is as young as Kim Kardashian.

    I have reached $P saturation. I am not clicking on any links about her. Like others, I will only click links here on IM but not on other media. $P is a troll and I do not want my psyche repeatedly poisoned by her. I want no more hate for the holidays.

  7. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Joe actually did a decent job of pointing to the important, broader issues without getting bogged down in distracting details. Very well written and pointed commentary. And did you notice how many times and ways he referred to her as half-term or otherwise characterized her as a quitter? And the icing was defining her as a loser beauty pageant contestant in contrast to a man who had dedicated his whole life to public service AND was a real war hero. In Repub-speak, he called her out.

  8. Anonymous7:34 AM

    7:10, spot on.

    7:19, well, it is fascinating how this stunningly superficial woman manages to make the Media fawn all over her. Including BabaWawa.

  9. Anonymous7:37 AM

    I think what will rilly, Rilly, RILLY piss $arah off will be Joe highlighting how she came in THIRD in the Miss AK contest.

    As any first year psych major will tell you, this is the root of all of $arah's anger and insecurity.

  10. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I reached Palin saturation a while ago. I read the thoughful bloggers on Huffpo and come here to get the news on the daily Palin scams.

    Huffpo is really losing it. I can't even make myself click on the stories. Especially the ones where Huffpo merely reposts the tweets and FB notes without any analysis. What are they? Stenographers? So pointless. The comments aren't even good anymore. Why? Because even the Huffpo regulars are bored with her. Its obvious the only reason they bother to click on the articles is to protest the attention Huffpo gives her. I'll bet if Huffpo started ignoring Palin, NO ONE would complain that there are not enough Palin articles. Well, no one except AnnfromCA.

  11. imnofred7:50 AM

    I'm waiting for a Tweet or a Face Book response to Joe's comments. We all know that Sarah has to respond to EVERYTHING that is said about her.

  12. Let's hope she's mad enough to come back at Morning Moe with pointed questions about his own less-than- stellar background and personal quittiness. Then the two of them can have at it for awhile, giving the rest of us some relief.

  13. Anonymous8:11 AM

    It was only a matter of time... now the fun begins.

  14. Anonymous8:15 AM

    No. No, no, no, no, no. Wrong. Instead of goading the GOP into putting Sarah down, we should be lording it over them. They bought her, they own her. They decided to ride her bitchy, white trashness into a majority in the House, now they have to live up to it.

    Anyway, I don't think it takes a key political analyst to see how dumping Sarah -- or attempting to -- will backfire on them, bigtime. Who's going to be their spokesperson? Cantor? Boehner? McCain? Yeah, good luck with that.

    The thing is that the people who run the party -- who Sarah calls bluebloods -- used her and now they want to dispose of her. Ha. Meanwhile, the hoi polloi who give them votes and ensure that these trustfund babies will continue to pay low taxes on their unearned income LOVE Sarah. They love everything she says. Read the comments on Politico's article about Sarah's FB rant. They love her! Their loyalty now is to Sarah, not the GOP brand. Good luck trying to win a presidential election without these people, GOP.

    Ha ha ha ha on them.

  15. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Awaiting the thin-skinned one's tweet about how "Librul" Joe is and how he is a sexist and something else stupid.

    She's gonna pop a blood vessel with this one. 7:37 hit it on the head, don't mess with her "purty", that's all the it has left. It's certainly not her charming personality or quick wit, or intellectual anything.

    Enjoy the spotlight "Sarah Hollywood". How's it feel to follw in the footsteps of your daughter's baby daddy you lying sack of moose poo?

  16. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Always room for another on the bandwagon... it's picking up momentum. Get the picture, yet, Sarah?

  17. Anonymous8:26 AM

    OT, but why can't I find the week 3 ratings for SPA?

    Googling only gets me week 2 news.

  18. Anonymous8:27 AM

    anon@7:30, i totally agree. If we stop clicking on the stories about her, the media will stop reporting. We are the ones driving this.

  19. Anonymous8:36 AM

    @Anonymous 7:10 - Yes, read this article how then gov Palin snubbed the AA Community, and said she wasn't intending to hire any AA's for her staff.

  20. Anonymous8:41 AM

    This article has already been deleted and the tweet seems to be gone as well... Interesting - no?

    If Palin Runs Should Christians Give Ten Percent Of Their Income ...
    - 9:19am
    Nov 30, 2010 ... Thus there might potentially be 20 million or more Christians who might tithe. At even say, $10 a week, that would equate to $800 million a ...

  21. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Is Sarah Palin afraid yet about the revelations to come? I think not quite yet. But when Sarah Palin starts to feel cornered, it's going to be scary for the people around her and that may spill over to the general population.

    Stay safe, G.

  22. Anonymous8:46 AM

    GOP women- Peggy Noonan, Susan Collins, Murkowski, Barbara Bush- have all manned up. Perhaps the men are worried about being accused of being soft, impotent, and flaccid.

    In Rove's case, this fear is perfectly understandable!

  23. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Gryphen, it is thanks to you and other courageous bloggers that the MSM is even slightly informed on the true story of Sarah Palin! Thank you.

    I agree that it was always going to take the MSM bringing this stuff to the public's attention, that's just how things work in our country and the world.

    I also agree that it has always seemed a long shot that the GOP would take a chance on her, knowing what they probably know and also based on her sorry performance as a politician. I feel they have both been using one another (Palin/GOP) for their purposes, for as long as they could get away with it. That time is coming to an end.

    Scandals and skeletons and lies aside, the very fact of her having quit mid-term as Governor was going to haunt her ass in a general campaign... That one thing could cast doubt on her as a serious contender, and she couldn't possibly offer up a good enough explanation (altruism, etc, blah blah) to satisfy people's concerns.

    She may always have the closet racist fringe and the brainwashed, but that's not enough to help anyone get elected, never mind the woman, herself.

  24. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Has anyone checked out this pro-Palin website? It actually looks intelligent, so this is why, she still has followers. Brainwashed as they are...

  25. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I think a lot of American's are "over" Scarah, as evidenced by the low number of people showing up for her book signings.

    Her mystique has worn off, she's the same old same old nuthin. Good news is, she did it all to herself, she did it "her" way.

    What a deplorable human being. Go back to AK Scarah and play with the grizzlies. The world needs fewer people like you.

    Yes, I'm saying sit down and shut the F up.

  26. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Please. For the love of all mankind, for the sanity of all, PUH-LEEZE whatever it is you have on winky dinky doo, release it. Just get it out there.

  27. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Original tithing article found:

    According to the analysis by Adherents.com there are over 6 million Christians they categorize as Pentecostal, 3.8 million as Mormon, and approximately 5 million with churches possibly considered as in the Pentecostal area. Thus there are about 15 million who might be aware of, or are actively committed to, the concept of tithing. There are amongst the about 71 million Catholics and numerous non-Pentecostal Christians many who also are aware of, or are currently committed to tithing.

    Thus there might potentially be 20 million or more Christians who might tithe. At even say, $10 a week, that would equate to $800 million a month from this source alone- billions of dollars over a 5 month campaign.

  28. Anonymous9:19 AM

    You have done more than your part. Seriously, you have been the voice of the people who does not want that money hungry grifter and her trailer trash hill billy family any where near the White House. Sure she became rich and a lot of people hated seeing that, but she got rich off of people dumber than her and that's on them. Sarah paraded her ignorant kids around America for money and now they too found the easy path to riches and that is to sell out their dignity like their parents. Now we just sit back and see what Willow is going to do. Will Willow take the same easy path of Bristol and become a breeder to make her fortunes too? Yes you have done your part to reveal the true Sarah and Todd Palin and no man, woman or child could ask anything more from you except keep those damn rotten Palin kids outa my house!

    Alaska we created this evil family and it is time we pony up and take out the trash!

  29. Anonymous9:20 AM

    You are as big a tease as Palin. We have been hearing on this and other sites how it is just a matter of time before the truth comes out. If Palin is scared, she is scared all the way to the bank. Don't let this become another birther moment--"Barry's time is short. The military is ready to take over and is just waiting for the go ahead." Yeah, right. If you got it, spill it.

  30. Anonymous9:22 AM

    @ anonymous 8:26

    I've been wondering about the ratings for the third episode of SPA, too. The ratings must be in the crapper, and the media are suppressing the information at someone's request. I'm certain that those in the industry know what the ratings are.

  31. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Now America has to stop Barbara Walters from kissing Palins dumb a$$. Barbara Walters makes me sick. Maybe she should work for FOX too?

  32. FEDUP!!!9:24 AM

    "So get your popcorn, wrap yourself up in your Snuggie, and watch the show.

    I promise you it is going to be a good one. "

    Uncle Gryphen: Your word in Gods ear...

  33. Anonymous9:25 AM

    The PAC spent $64,000 buying advance copies of her books, “just as we did last year” with her first book, Going Rogue, Crawford said. “They're a great fundraising tool for us.” Palin is in the midst of a two-week cross-country book tour.

    Overall the PAC spent $581,000 between Oct. 13 and Nov. 22. A larger percentage than normal was spent on contributions to political candidates, $244,000, as Palin tried to help her 81-endosed candidates over the Nov. 2 finish line. Fifty-five of them won.

    Read more: http://swampland.blogs.time.com/2010/11/30/palin-hauls-in-nearly-500k-in-just-over-a-month/

  34. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Gryphen... IF you can't break thru with some level of media, why not try leveraging your relationship with Mudflats and/or Shannyn Moore to get your stuff on HuffPo ??

    I'm intrigued a little by your insinuation that it's too late for "her to stop the revelations that are coming."


  35. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I'm still not ready to write off a Palin run because of factors on the Democratic side that worry me.

    George Soros has said he is not donating to Obama and has urged other wealthy donors to refrain as well because the administration has not delivered on many of the progressive campaign promises.

    It takes money, folks, and I don't know how much we all have to spare right now. Without some big money donors (the banks and corps are almost all switching to the Rethugs), so just how are we going to mount an effective run against people like Palin and others (I think Romney will give it a go, Trump is playing around as is Bloomberg, Pawlenty, Jeb Bush, Newt, Huckabee and more.) The damage that can be done in the primaries alone can be costly.

  36. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Scarah is afraid of heights.......
    they cut this out of the SPA reality show.


    "Sands said Sarah didn’t go up in the tower, and in the clip, she said she’s not a big fan of heights. So Todd and Piper went up in the tower with Sands, who said the towers are typically 20-25 feet tall. If you’d like to read more about that process, might I direct you to this earlier post on Directors Cut."

  37. Anonymous9:30 AM

    People who are scared of something are constantly on "the lookout" for criticism/bad publicity, and more than public figure in my lifetime, I see this in $arah Palin. This, combined with her incredibly thin skin, is a truly disastrous combination. She knows that many (if not most) of us are "on to her" and the fact that she has a hollow, empty core. I gained tremendous respect for Steve Schmidt when he dared to speak the truth, and I now have done the same for Joe Scarborough.

    $arah Palin is a national disgrace and international embarassment.

  38. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I'm with you, anon @7:32 AM! I also refuse to click on links about her - except here, and even here, I do not click on all of them, or I get out after the first couple of seconds...

  39. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Anon at 8:15,

    I think they have been shocked by her staying power given her lack of any real political skill beyond self-promotion. She was a nothing when Kristol promoted her to conservative icon status. I think they thought they were in control and it didn't take long for them to figure out they had a tiger by the tail. McCain staffers even hinted at it during the campaign. Sadly, given the mood of the country and rise of white trash political activism (aka 'Tea Parties), it was too late.

    Bill Kristol is most responsible for the Palin mess, followed by John McCain. a reasonable Republican party would also impose some consequences on those two for their idiocy, yet Kristol still has his hateful and error-ridden column at the Weekly Standard and McCain just got reelected.

  40. Frustration Plus9:45 AM

    One thing everyone forgets about the outcome of the truth coming out about Palin, is this:

    She could dismember a live, screaming infant on national television, and her robotic fans would excuse it by saying she was "taken out of context."

    So, if it is determined that the "birth" of the baby was all a big lie, and even if Bristol gives birth soon to a black baby--NOTHING WILL CHANGE WITH THOSE PEOPLE!

    We've got the Republican party toying with terrorists getting nukes and blowing up the world, just so they can rob Obama of the glory that the nuclear treaty would bring to him.

    That fact is staring the citizens of the United States right in the kisser, yet they act as if they don't see it. They should be scared to death, and screaming at their elected representatives to DO SOMETHING, NOW.

    Instead, ALL they seem to be thinking about, is extending tax breaks to the very rich--even those who will obviously NEVER work their way into that club (and don't realize that THEY THEMSELVES will have to pay more, to make up for the "welfare" given to those millionaires who certainly don't NEED it.)

  41. I am not sure the Repugs can put the genie back in the bottle - they unleashed her and she will not go quietly back into the bottle and out of sight - most likely she will run as a tea party candidate if she can't run on the GOP ticket - her delusional followers would follow her off a cliff and donate every last dime they have to her and I can't imagine she is going to walk away when there are still pockets to pick clean. Anything and everything to keep in the spotlight and pull in the donations - look at O'Donnell, nothing is happening to her (no investigation, no jail time) for using her donations for paying rent and other personal expenses - Palin is not going to walk away from all the donations that she can use to support her hollywood lifestyle and way things are going no one is going stop her from collecting and spending it as she wishes.

    At this point I refuse to get my hopes up that she is actually going to be stopped or that anything revealed about her will do any good - I'm having major Palin fatigue and a general lack of faith in the general voting public, as well as majorly disappointed in dems lack of backbone and constantly rolling over and compromising, and totally angry and fearful of just how powerful and soulless the GOP machine is.

    I'm sure after a bit of break and a bit of Palin-free time I will be able to recaputure my usual more optimisitc outlook - but right now it's just hard to imagine anything positive will be happening any time soon to stop Palin (and those who back her and the rest of GOP loons)

  42. Anonymous10:06 AM

    OT, but she doesn't seem to be losing any steam whatsoever...


  43. FEDUP!!!10:09 AM

    Food for thought:


  44. Anonymous10:19 AM

    OT, but worth mentioning...

    Why hasn't anyone commented further on her latest book cover? Sure, the way her hand is positioned the way it is in part to show her nobody-is-more-patriotic-than-me bling bling, but isn't there also something else being suggested here?


  45. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Just read an article that said Sarah raised almost half a million dollars in one month, ending in mid-November!

    Add that to the recent four million - and though it might not match Michelle Bachmann, it is serious money.

    She is not giving up yet - well, not until she can figure out how to make that money all her own first.

  46. Anonymous10:23 AM

    They used her and allowed the tea party to grow because they were trying to take over Congress.
    Wait till they ignore these people. Wait till Fox tries to get rid of Glenn Beck.
    There will be class warfare in the GOP the likes which have never been seen.
    The GOP is heading for Civil War

  47. Anonymous10:31 AM

    To answer a post: no, the real Trig story will not change the most ardent fans, but other people will see this as more crazy and it will make a difference with those who are not following all of this.

  48. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Has the idiot from Wasilla teeted anything negative about Joe yet? She usually let's no slight pass unnoticed.


  49. Anonymous11:24 AM

    You know, sometimes I think Alaska would be better off annexing from the US. 1. people forget its there 2. its essentially an independent state anyway 3. it could accomplish so much more without beltway dumbasses putting restrictions on things they know nothing about.

    That was random but it's something i've been thinking about.

  50. Anonymous11:28 AM

    The template for the perpetual Sarah Palin feud was set last Valentine's Day. The animated series Family Guy aired an episode in which a character with Down Syndrome said her mother was the former Governor of Alaska. From her platform as a paid Fox News contributor, Palin pounced on the moment to condemn Seth McFarland. "Cruel and cold-hearted people who would do such a thing," she said on Bill O'Reilly's The Factor. She also used the occasion to demand then-Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel step down for using the word "retard." When asked, Palin said Rush Limbaugh -- who constantly uses the r-word -- is "using satire."

    Following Palin's determination of what satire is, the actress Andrea Fay Friedman who played the character with Down Syndrome -- who also fittingly has Down Syndrome -- made a statement to the press: "I guess former Governor Palin does not have a sense of humor...My parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life. My mother did not carry me around under her arm like a loaf of French bread the way former Governor Palin carries her son Trig around looking for sympathy and votes."

    So the mold of Sarah Palin's taking to the airwaves to blast someone using incorrect facts solidified.


  51. Anonymous11:33 AM

    If Bristol truly loved Levi and wanted to marry him, they would have married and begun their life when Tripp was born. If you all remember, it was bloggers and press that cost Levi his slope job, a job he probably wouldnt have kept for that long considering turnover is kind of high. Nah, if I believe Mercede on one thing, it's that at some point in the summer or at least by McCains announcement, Bristol had no interest in Levi whatsoever and even less in his family.

    Funny how they posed for those pictures with Trig, then according to Mercede, BRistol immediately forbade Levi to speak to his sister. What changed Bristol's mind? No, Im convinced Bristols a one woman show with a road-paver mother.

  52. Anonymous11:39 AM

    The one thing about a third party Tea Party run - the GOP sure's shootin' not going to allow her to split their vote and cost them the White House again (though I hope against hope they won't succeed no matter what they do).

    I have always assumed she'd go this route if the establishment sidelined her, but upon further reflection I realized who we're dealing with. They will bring her down long before any of us do.

    Gryphen's got it right, this Scarborough piece is probably a sign of things to come.

  53. Anon 10:31 - I wholeheartedly agree about the Trig story doing her in with all but her most devoted fans (and there aren't enough of them to support a 3rd party run).

    I wonder what would happen if Mary Glazier or another apostle/prophet were to get a new prophecy concerning Sarah...a prophecy that God has moved on to someone else or, at least, away from Sarah. Mary Glazier is in Wasilla or Anchorage. She may want to cover her tracks before Sarah's is exposed as a fraud.

  54. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Sarah Palin's Enemy List (so far)


  55. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Anon 9:20 AM Barry's time is short. The military is ready to take over and is just waiting for the go ahead." Yeah, right. If you got it, spill it.

    Hey Gryph, Shouldn't we reporting this one to the Secret Service?

  56. 10:19am Handjob anyone?

  57. Linda Arizona12:29 PM

    You have a good heart, Gryphen.

    Sometimes the way to expose an evil is to keep talking about it for a long time, until someone with power finally gets it.

    You may not be the one who breaks the story that clicks with the media, or even get any of the glory, but this is often the way and beside the point.

    The hard work has been done by you and those who work along side in this effort.

    It is not work in vain. It is the necessary foundation for what is coming.

    It takes a lot of lobbying to get through all of the noise. You are doing a good job.

    As the daughter of a sociopath, I know that they never give up. A Sociopath/Narcissist loses her 'voice' when her victims grow weary, disgusted, enlightened, and turn away.

    Americans will eventually turn away--maybe because they aren't related to her and are freer to do so. But, they will grow tired of her drivel.

    Good luck with exposing this national disgrace.

  58. Anon 11:33 - "If you all remember, it was bloggers and press that cost Levi his slope job..."

    Nope. It was Sarah Palin who outed Levi. She put out the info that Levi wasn't qualified for the slope job. As First Dude, Todd's main area of interest was the slope apprenticeships. The requirements were on the Governor's web page. Sarah knew very well what she was doing.

  59. Anonymous12:32 PM

    You know, I'm a little tired of this line of thought: Let her run, Obama will trounce her and it will be hilarious.

    No, it will not be hilarious. It will be a repeat, only possibly worse, of the Fall of 2008, when racism became "patriotic" . Backward assholes came out of their hiding places, proud that "someone like them" was "shakin' things up". Well, we've had two years of Palin's gaffes and general stupidity to a degree that I never would have imagined possible after the '08 election. I haven't noticed most of you laughing it up.

    Sarah Palin needs to be helped off the stage now. She is NOT hilarious. She is a dangerous lunatic.

  60. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Scarborough has a particularly pedantic, and annoying writing style!

  61. Anonymoose1:10 PM

    You have a snuggie? I'm calling the fashion police.

    Come on, throw us a clue. When will the show begin? Will it be TV, newspaper, huffpo, politico? Left wing or right wing? Is it granma grizzly herself that will be exposed or one of the cubs? Which of the many scandals will it be???

    My optimistic hope is Anderson Cooper exposes the fake Trig pregnancy! He just brought down Berman for being a birther, maybe he's warming up to asking for trig's birth certificate. Also I'm sure he is disgusted by sarah palin's alaska considering he is a real environmental and animal activist. And Willow's charming facebook escapade seeing as he's standing up against gay bullying. I am doubtful though, it is still considered too conspiracy theory to be taken seriously. I can't wait to say I told you so (or better yet, give a big middle finger;)) to all the people who think I'm nuts for thinking she faked that pregnancy!!

  62. Anonymous1:37 PM

    curiouser, please show the link to that. From what I remember, I thought the only time Sarah referenced Levi was to say he and BRistol were parenting their butts off AND going to school. I dont think shes capable of two thoughts at once.

    I said what I said earlier because I remember Gryphen posting the article actually saying "because of bloggers..."

  63. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Not sure why tithing is coming up, but I can tell you the churches that use this system do not plan on turning all of it over to Sarah Palin for her election campaign. Churches that collect tithes rely on that money to function.

    Btw, notice the small numbers for these more Evangelical Christians - out of our total national population, they are not a voting bloc that can stand on their own.

    It's all moot anyway, as this lady isn't going to get very far whether she runs as an Independent or in a GOP primary - and I agree with those who doubt they will let her in, in the first place.

    Sarah can start up a televangelical effort if she wants, but honestly I don't think she even knows Scripture enough to pull that off. She's really very much a "lite" pretender for that crowd.

    She's betwixt and between and nothing more.

  64. Anonymoose2:00 PM

    Oh, and is what's coming out something we already know about/suspect or are our minds about to be blown??!

  65. Anon 1:37 - It was the 'going to school' part that was the key. The apprenticeships required a high school diploma or GED.

  66. Anonymous2:38 PM

    "The damaging information about Palin has been disseminated too far, and too wide for her to stop the revelations that are coming."

    Probably more important is that Sarah shoots her self in the foot almost weekly. And most Americans can't take her seriously as calm intelligent leader.

  67. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Sarah has raised some money, you know she is working on ways to keep some of it through laundering. She is not giving it back.

  68. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Gryphen, I have to confess that I just now read your part of this post. I got sidetracked and distracted by reading Scarborough's article (which I liked very much), and the comments here. I liked what you had to say VERY, very much. Sometimes it's hard to have any hope that Palin will ever be exposed for what she is, especially after 2+ years of being subjected to her (Thanks, John McCain!). It does seem that the tide is turning lately. Thank you for working toward taking Sarah Palin out of American politics.

  69. Anon 1:37 - It was Dan Fagan, I believe, who first jumped on Sarah's statement and made an issue about Levi not being qualified for his job. I'm sure Gryphen covered it and the blogs could be given credit.

    I still strongly believe Sarah was primarily responsible because she put the information out there when she knew Levi wasn't qualified. She knew her rants would be covered. Her behavior during the time from Tripp's birth on, and probably before, was nothing short of odd.

    First, there was the reluctance to announce Tripp's birth, then the media rant and an interview the same day with a Canadian radio station where she listed all the important things that had happened during the year...everything EXCEPT the birth of her grandson which happened just 4 days before. That's not normal for a new grandmother. I think she was gunning for Levi and it worked -- the engagement was called off shortly thereafter.

  70. Shoot! Sarah's ratings went up. 3.5 million watches episode 4. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/blogs/live-feed/surprise-sarah-palins-ratings-rise-54830

  71. emrysa3:16 PM

    well good for scarborough for speaking up. it could be that some people are encouraging him to do so because he doesn't have an election to lose.

    as far as the raising $500 grand in a month... don't forget that was the month before the election. it would be interesting to see what the other pacs who were giving money to candidates raised in the same time period. while 500 grand sounds like a lot, it really isn't for that particular moment. the month before a national election should bring in much more than that.

  72. emrysa3:21 PM

    and I also think that joe's tv career was essentially a step towards higher office. easy way to build name recognition. now I read that he's helping to start a "centrist civility group." another step closer. we might be looking at scarborough in 2016.

  73. FEDUP!!!3:33 PM

    IMHO, the birth of TriG by now is a non-story. It will not bring her down anymore. It COULD have, if the true story had come out within, say, one year of her running in 2008, but not by now anymore.
    NOW, we need something stronger - a felony or misdemeanor, like the ethics stories that ran while she was still GINO, and that were not investigated at all or only by her hand-picked people. Maybe some serious investigations by the IRS into her and her family's shenanigans re. the house they built with material appropriated from the sport stadium, and the houses they built on land and did not pay taxes on, or some serious investigation by serious people re. her various 'gates'.

  74. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I'm not surprised week 3 of SPA increased slightly. I bet folks tuned in to see Trig.

  75. Too late to be frightened of her. She's here, she's clear and she's loaded for bear! Wish I thought that was funny.

    I take her very seriously. She's made too much headway. Joe Scarborough, the DNC, what ever, they are too late. She has a head of steam that may not run out.

    I'm beginning to think Pres Obama may indeed be a one term president. I've defended him all along but his unwillingness to denounce the Republicans as a 'tax cuts for the rich" party, which even Pat Buchanan and Joe Scarborough said they would do if they were in his shoes (11/30 Morning Joe) leads me to believe he's just not going to step up to the plate and kick ass. He's accomplished alot but nobody knows it because he does not reiterate his strengths.

    Now what?

  76. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I might support Scarboroughs comments until he brought up Reagan, Ryan, and Rubio. Anyone who thinks those 3 Stooges did/will do anything positive for this country is beyond help.

  77. Anonymous5:20 PM

    The pregnancy story might not bring her down by itself, but if irrefutable evidence from a credible source became public it would get the attention of people who haven't looked beyond her bumpited surface. It would have to be CBJ coming forward, or one of her sisters. The weird story (or even a questioning of her judgment assuming she did give birth) plus the many gates...together they would sway a bunch of people.

    I was encouraged by the number of my acqaintances who think she is crazy or downright frightening.

  78. Anonymous6:02 PM

    President Obama is standing firm on the $250,000 income tax threshold. While I agree most Americans earn far less than that, at least he isn't budging on this - unless I missed something. The GOP wants it to be $1,000,000, as most people probably know. That is totally outrageous.

    President Obama made a statement today reiterating the philosophical difference between the two parties on this very point. The Democratic Party needs to get this message out - the GOP is the PARTY OF AND FOR THE RICH. Any middle class fools who support GOP candidates are essentially voting against their own best interests. If they can afford to do this, I guess it's their business - but I know they can't, no one can during these hard times.

    While we all wish President Obama could kick ass, that is just not realistic at this point. Let's stand by him when the going gets tough, not become fatalistic and hopeless.

    Any person who doesn't vote to give the man a second term because they are disappointed he wasn't able to do more his first term will have to live with themselves if somehow the GOP pull out a win.

  79. Anonymous6:27 PM

    How deep are the drifts of grift?

    Someone could post the incriminating facts anonymously. Like here.

    These blogs are being watched and if the info is big and verified it will go big.

  80. Anonymous8:58 PM

    "George Soros has said he is not donating to Obama and has urged other wealthy donors to refrain as well because the administration has not delivered on many of the progressive campaign promises."

    Anonymous @ 9:29 A.M. the only thing that Soros said was that he would not throw good money after bad in seeing the writing on the wall for the 2010 midterm elections. He said IF President Obama does not do things differently that he MIGHT be looking at backing someone else. However there was no pronouncement that he was finished with Obama by any means. Also considering the source of this news, Vrajayla (?spelling" who proclaims to live by astrology and is a devotee of Hari Krishna, who also says that Obama is on heavy medication, laughing in war meetings, uncontrollable, etc. I'd say he belongs more on Fox with his buddy, Hannity. There's nothing in this that is even remotely true regarding President Obama's "losing it" when it is reported by Hannity, a man who lies about our President without hesitation!


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